-ay March 18, 1026, W ''-! Ms mL , ro. . ii a i 11 li H r,nr fuoiaulir lo yuu of fu4-lily 0lj ijluf. You Can Buy It In 'gib. and lib. Packages, Too! A feature of Kraft Cheese ! its convenience. You can buy jut what you require a dice, half a pound, one pound or five pounds. Many prefer the J -lb. and 1-lb. packages, Kraft Cheese tin-foil wrapped in individual cartons. Your grocer has them. Dim to proper aicing and expert Mendinf of carefully aeleclrd cheete and paiteuriration by the Kraft patented proceaa Kraft Cheat quality and flavour ara tnatcbleai. Scores of temptinf diihrt majr h made from recipe ia "Cbeeta and Way! to Serve It." a booklet ieot free on requett to th Kraft MacLartn ChetteCo. Limited. Montreal. FOR LENT Kraft Chttu it tU idtal fooj. It cento'ei JIU ttt nturithmnl f aiaet. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kip pars "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian psh !& Qold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, nOPES, TWINES, FISH NETTINQ AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL ANP RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipset J, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde SL Steamship and Train Service PRINCE PUPIRT IH .. PRINCE tuPERT fur VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and interim dial'- t eei-h f RIDAY al t a.m. SS. PRINCE RUPERT tt.r STEWART AN, OX. WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m SS. PRINCE JOHN fui ltnal.ll f.w VANCOUVER ! QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAM'S. PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERT MONDAY. WCONESDAV And SATURDAY i I'M' t..r PRINCE OECRO. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all I I I fieiti '' lulled AOENOV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Olt Tltkel Olfke, STS Third A Prlnc Rupert. (CANADIAN! Phone 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fi tETCIIiUN. NCtlL JUNEAU. SUCWM A""" J9-1 t VANCOUVER. VICTORIA SEATTLE Mwck a- "a Z-1 J 23 $i. fRlNiBS MAT RICE rer Buledale, Ssntn , Eait Bella Bella. Ocean Fall.. Namu, Alert Ba, Campbell Rlier, and Vancouver eer Saturd 11 a.m. lf""o" "" Ai.aef for all Ale.m.hlp Line.. , . W. O. ORCHARD Oeneral Agent. Oorner of elh Street and Srd Arenui, Prince Ruperl. B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREl PROTECTION FOR WRITERS . . smt m i Local and Personal ASKED AGAINST LIBELS a a v sr.-.-it. . M I V.i -V a" . , III iAi freeeni in oruain rerwn un j .XaV I ril. "W va.e- - y - III Phone 15. 1MI. Coal Go. tf be 8ued for Using Another Man's Name Unconsciously Arthur's Taxi. I'lione C78. If li.O. Undertakers. Phone' 41. Cameron's Dance Orchestra. Minner 177. tf Hlicdjfiu's Taxi and Mcsscnsui Servie,. Plume 13. t F,leelmjljyf(, for the removal oi ouperlwoiM hair, warm moles, etcy J'bone Black 05. t C-P.H. "ttpoitr Prince,. Mary in due it) port about noon tomorrow HOJiiVwund from Vancouver to Ahtka ports. .lolin lla-n wa i,'""'il in the eit police irl this morninii by Magistrate McCly-nwnt fr inUHdeaiion. Ilakclball liameM, l-'ritlay ui 1 fatuniuy. Anyns, v. Ilun it iir. (irolio . HulU llo, Kxliiiii- tioii Hail at .20. AdiumMoti 50:- John W. Allen. Mutineer foi tile l'iherie-, who ha lieen iiere for the paul Wi'ek OM trfTirial lu'ie, will return tf VaniKmer on the Prince Ut'ow totnorro tiHiriling. Xorrip Pritwle of the C.X.H. office ulaff here, who h he. on tne month' holiday trip to New Vork and other KaMm citH'c, will return to the city on I lie P7iure Mary tomorrow. .1 Mr. James K. MilHieH, wh-liaa been Aiendinir ttiree wee viitb tcr irenl-i, Mr. and Mr. :. !'. Keui, left lat tuirbt f-' tier home at Anjrox. She atayed i longer than wa wlanned owin her jMther' ill health. ;.XJL teampr Prince !eore. i'4t. Marry Xedden. vovrd down fnnn the dry dock to the J.T.P wharf )terday afternoon in readinena to replace Hie Pritte Huieert iu the eiiee with Hie aailimr for I he aoutli tomorrow morning. - Albert, little ...n ..f Mr. and ,Vrp. . J. I'lnlltptoii. Iie-ame V t near !lie llyer Apartment-Hi ii morn in v and was taken !iv i, couple f Htll'l" the police fc'a-tion. Hl father was notified and the little wanderer was returned home al I o'clock ready for h". lunch. y 4- ANNOUNCEMENTS illd I 'O.K. lHiirr, Ktrl I'ntled ale March ?7. Hrtdite- hist March t. drive Church Kasler ir Ilriedown Friday, April 0, in Auditorium. (loyal Purple tM-i.tiri'. wliisl bie antl Jan.-'. K!k' ilotue, April tt. Tetini Vpn! Club Hall. WW Home. (jD0DERHAMAt?R7 )CANAD Ahi (MS .;d I ea. m mm sxtt a a a m 9 YEARS OLD Thi atlvci'tirctncnt is not published ft" displayed W the Liiptor C'tn'rol Hoard or by Iho tlovcrntuent of Uritlh Culumbla. W -this St. I .AW ...:.v. .) r f .,. M i BD nivuuu-ui itat" aj i I IB rrt rrinpc f or tactv H I W nrtrf prnnnmirnl Aw I H rTicViec. It Write The Borden Co. B Limited. g .-s, 111 rbWsj rifaiearHusri I HifJlMssl TC7-14 PIGEON WAS LOYAL TO UNITED STATES NAVY WASIIlMiloN, Mar. IK. Xay pi:-uti do not ile-erl. An aerial nienwnper, loi at ?ea more than a year an. I a half a?o turned up recently in Hi'- loft a Oi.-o Sola. Canal one, and re- nrteat for duty. Kxaniinatio;! hned that the bir.l - win--'! lia hecn cloely clii- !. iria1l when it wa forr' 'l down y a rain Ktnrm and cai'tund ly fancier who atltunpled to lure i' rrnm tl navv alleeiciice. A jtooti ii t'he eliM'd feallo in had molt I'd and a new crop - ' W "ill. th i.iir..i.n li'.ik winu i"' i! liOinc loft. CHINESE ARE IMPORTERS OLD ILS. NEWSPAPERS SAX FRANCISCO, Mar. IK. - Circulation ft?urc! of publisher may not diM'lose if bat tli Jiiine' are wholesale lajyers ot Amere-Mll newpaers. Ill Oriental iittb""1. from till rouiiiry old newspapers by lb ion: a "inirle oiiipnient recenll couiprtM-d 1. 700 ImIcs. FvciiIu ally most of the papers relun to !le United State- wrapjied aiouird ' foods which AmericJtn firms have pu rebated. GIRLS GIVE $1,000 VICTORIA CATHEDRAL VICTOlllA. Mar. 18. A notable trill to the new cathedral build in? fun. I here has been that of t,(Mr rrom tile girls of the dio-C e tltrouyh tb' junior auxiliary. The amount will applied ! flhe bapiistery of the buiblms aii-1 will be conimemoraled Jiv beaut Kul Uiined glass window. WIRELSSS REPORT. 8 a.m. 1 1 1 i H Y J"S lN I -rtlon dy . ca 1 1 n. barometer. "UO.nti; temperature. 44; sea sinOfiJh. IC1 TUF.K J'OIXT. ltaro- ni.-ter. :i(l.U2; teimwralure, 12. lit I.I. IIAItltOH. tSpar, calm; barometer. :m. (.; temperalur, io; iiglii well: H p.m. 'ok.s ! earner I'oidova :i5tt miles fron Seattle southbound: '8 p.m. spok .-vainer For.st T. lirusby 38) miles tioin Seattle lnuind for . . i Ki tclukan : K r. n. spwe stfamer t atala b it Smntuia at p.m not ihboinid. G a.m. out schoon ers Norncu ami PAV. " Noon IHUHY ISLN1. Cloudy, calm barometer, 30.0S; lempei-nture. 47 : sea mooth. HKAli TIIEK P(t.T Haro- tneipr, 30.09; tempemlure, ' 10. Hll.t IIAHHt 111. Clear, fri'sl. foulheast wind; barometer, ;i0. Ott; temperature, It); lipht swell. 10 a.m. put schooner 'Unlumlnu. BIRTH. 1 A daughter was born at the Prince Itupert oneral llospitalj on .March 17 to Mr. -and Frank Hoiron, Hi Seventh Kast. LfiM ()', Mar. 18. The Hill that Unl Oorell lian inlroduccd in the lloui-e of Lord i really a very pimple and tincoiif enliou afTair. and not only author, hut puliliiherrt, magazine editor, and newspaper proprieiorti chotild le interentod. in its heinc patted. M I . Av. C.N'.ll. steamer Prince John, Oupt. K. Mabbs, from Vuncouver via tlio Quern Charlolle IslamN, is expecled lo arrive in port tonight or ctwrly tomorrow morn-lug. Bubscrlbe lo lbs Dally Jfews. In reifanl to libel, the nrotec- um anked for 1 that when a writer of fiction inadverlenlly Ufi'i a real name for a fictional character, it shall he incumbent on the owner of the name to bow negligence or intention on he narl of the wriler before an action for IHjcI is maintainable. There i., of eoure. provision in tin liill for redressing the effect of what has been a mere toecitleut MK-li a the publtshing of ai: liilanalicii or an apology, the allerinsr of the name, ami o or As Hie law 1and at iireent au !hoi a;.d publishers live in eoc- Maul iM'iiI. riie other part of Lord (orellf) Hill is to entitle an author t' defend his work when pruccifd inj:" are tiflg taken ajrainvt t'hv. publisher or ttokseller on ac count of the indecent, cditiou. or hlauhetious character of list jwrk in iiuettion. At present he! may ! left entirely otilside pruceediny- HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert A. i. KlHh1and. J. K. l-iwan i V. ti. Palriek, (i. P. Weir. S. F.i MrKay. V. Miller. F. tHienowit and X. A. FIlllol. Vancouver; J. 'iraham, Toronto: (".. I.. Moitroc, Allin: A. liryden. Ocean Falls. WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH ILL WITH GAS "For year I had itas on the Hi m aril. The fitt doe of Ad-lerika lielpel. I now sleep well and all pas is pone. It also lielicd my huband.' tfigttied Mrs. It. Hnnkley. OXK spoonful Adlerika retuoxes OAS and often brill? (astonishing relief to the slomarh. Stops that full, bloated feelitiK. Hrinpt out tdd. waste matter yon never thought . was in your system. This excellent intestinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation. Ormes Limited. Druppisls mi CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. MlTli t IS IILKtHY I.IVF.S II Uwnt etiflliie ilv r f.iir.Mi ! untie l.irrtHT '- 4l. llualrd "O flit JoUud. lianpe i. iai luirn i. ij nir ''"nj. I.. R. .!IK. lw-i'Uly Mnnlrr of LaixL' WATER NOTICE. Dlrereion and Uie TALE ViTICK tliat iirta rarifli' toresl Hid Mute Ltd.. buie addre9 II IKt I'Miihrrinn Hulldmr. Viruirta. B.C.. ui I'I'lj lur a lire nr to takn aud ie-r " iuiih- irei er seoMW or water kui kieau reek, which rhi fcHitlnrly mil drain liitu SUU- Ctiurk Creek ati.'Ul nr end une liatr lutlea front iu nioutli. lite atrr will tie dlrtrd Trtun tn ilrraiu al a Ixtul iImiui "tie hall mile IHinltweoleriy friMli the satltea mnier nf Ser. ix. Tn. f. and l!l tie used fur thrtiirstk'. Minim. Iner. Slflli. Id duitiial tunKaea Uhiii tlie land deM-rtlietl a iri .r iinnsnip s ana t. oritiaiii llnd. tB-ld as t.'Htl f.li-eiire ttr lear. b BPI'ltraiit. Till ivillii vi at ld nn the trtiiina tne rTin im nr iruruary. i:r. A n 4-r ttii mtiire aud an ari'llrallott imrsuanl tlterel aud tu the "Watei Art" lll tie filed In Ue ufrire r Um Water Hertirder at rrtiice lluiiert. B.C. tMOf'-tHHi In lite appltralkin may be riled nun ine mm water iierarnpr r won Tne i'iiiitnller uf Wiler IHrhl I'arltanienl Itulldmrs. Vlri,,rl. Br., ntlltin thlrti dj after the first ipiHraii " of tnl- nniire in a H-m ne-iiapc'. the flt t the rtrsi ptililiratuin ..r thi notlre is Mart 4 lb. IMS' MnTii I'Anrn corf.ts Al MIXFS 1 Tl Applicant. By llaruld C Whvte A rent BABY'S COLDS Children's delicate digestjons are easQv disturbed by too much "dosing." Still, the litue ones cold troubles cannot be neglected. At the very first Eicn of croua sore throat, or anv other cold trouble, apply icks apoKUD cnxr the throat ana chest There is nothing to swallow you just rub it on. Colds p over night, croup u usually relktsi ia 15 minutes. VICKS VapoRui Orvt 21 MiluomJars 1szd Ycakly No Boiling No Rubbing Jast Rinse with Rinso A package of Rinso is a package of miniature soap bubbles. You simply dissolve for 25 seconds the tiny bubbles in hot water, soak the clothes a couple of hours, or overnight, rinse them well in clean water and that's all. Result-' clean, sweet-smelling clothes, hours of time saved and the hand work changed to just rinsing. Rinso dissolves the dirt, you rinse it out. You will never know how easy it is to do the washing until you've used Rinso, the greatest time and labour saver the housewife has ever known. Rinso 9 Made by the rnakers of Lux Kroehler Divanettes Oak r panics, link fabric springs, upholstered in brown leatherette, complete with ail fell 23 lb. mallresV-selliiig t Vancouver prices-'. $51.85 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings One door east or llaily News Office 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers. Dimension. Shiplap. Fir Finish, Flooring. V JoiiiL Hustic and Bevel Siding, Cedar and Kir Boat Lumber. Kir and Cottonwood Veneer, MouldingSj Shingles. Kolored Shingles, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sush and Doors, Wood l'trfe. , t CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As beslos Cement, llardwall Plaster, Plasler of Paris, Plaster Board, Lime, Hydrate' Lime, Fireelaj-. BRICKS, Etc. Common Brick. Fire Brick. Pressed Brick. Agricultural Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails Building Piiper, Tar Paper, Rubberoid Roofings. John, Manville's Asbestos Hooting. Asphalt, Asphalt I loo Hug Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Goal ror your .Kitchen Range.. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 arid 117. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phone 87 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Satltivr trvui Print: aupart. r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Sweaaaa . and Alert Ba, Tueadai. S P.SI. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Bat. e Saitea . Seterta,, 10 A.a For ANVOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlier Cannarlaa. Thuradaf pjn. for PORT S.HPSON, ANTOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sundr. S p.m. US End Aieav-a. . Baraaler. AfeaL Prtaee Rvaeet B.Q.