9! i 1 Htl I 25 TAXI Ambulance m&l Boston Grill 1 Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8t. MATT VIDECK, Prop. XVI NO. 05 EDITORIAL KETCHIKAN v. PRINCE RUPERT iri.iblc ili-inMin halilnit the United fl nu'l ii linie wen it .tupped any time un imiiic ii I KetehikMii -ed in 1- 11 trying I" he hulihiil -UipiiHR Iimoi-jn from Prince liiierl. i veriil ers a eiiliilMigii iKlin lcil both al KeUlu-a '"liiiigtou. MA'.. Io iTgiilutioii ciiiii'llmp 1 King of linlihut at an ui port. Tin is olfjeclod In lishermen. who (hiit liefore Prime lied Up H a poi I tlie iiikI three cent- a kmiiii1 Mii'ir fish wlii'icn- todax are paid enough to make illi IIk iiihislry pofihle. If Prince II M' were eliminated. I he c WiprUtiuil of tin- poll woiiiu c e mill Hie ociccs woulil llrop. Tho-e who vih lo ship llir niigh Ki'lchikiiu lire nMe Io fdi; loduy and tlio puwer ves ts n I he Nnrlli t.oiiinanv M' r (he nai ked fish here di- :i" 1 ami Irmisfer il lo the re- f gi talor cur- of the (l.N.lt. Hi Hud 1- iml enough. They .'Wiiii I nil 1 ic linsiuess iiikI iicmt igc e up Hie fight Id get il. Ihc walerfruid inlero.sl i hciT iiiu.s( iir whiim me Ameri- .' 11: mid repiosenl Ainerirnn f 1111 do mil 1 it i n 1 1 a fnir figld ('! the situation hut they do "lijeet o Hie lutes! Indie" of I'Miig to eliliiimde cumiH-lilimi I'' using Orienlul ineimee as an l! excuse MAY ABANDON VANOOl Villi, .March IH.. The Ifiiip'Midlon of the Pariflo ('real Kasleni Hallway from nrtti Vancouer lo Wlilleellffi! will be Is. iiliaiuluneil iT North Vancouver iiiuulelpallly InsisU on its, claim l! for luxes this year (leiieinl Mnn- ! -liner Kllnnlrick iiimounoe.s. II11 i claims llinl. Hie I'oail loses $l?.i io iiunually niainly dun lo 1111I0- mobile ami bus competition- 1 "4X . '. "or,.. "hina Gives Way to a Demand for Lifting of Blockade of Tien Tsin indents demonstrate before government offices in Pekin against giving way and 33 are slwt by guards Pl.MY March IK. Picture drought tit bear upon Chiit.i xeo Ui- blockade l Tien Tsiu. An ultimatum w .'ill mmaiidcr of the Tuku foflu mill In Chine-r ,.( ,,,-. 1 ;(!( port demanding Hint (lit; liokiil- cm I ami lh.il ill un li harbor .iml mer traffic lit' remitted b Tliur-il.i Tin, nit iiiiiH urn was accepted b the lilligfrjit mi't Kiide i- (it mi t'li'l. T. : (il'iiitatiiiu "i tin- power- rcgHnJing the restm-alion ol iiitnuiiii. ..linn I i w .-. 1 1 I't'kiti hihI lien IViu ami tin' .1 li'il In h 11 unpleasant f 1. ii' 11 ben-which ended in ron-iilc 1 able I'hlodsheif . Seventeen stUdculM wit' killed unl sixteen wounded ' Ihy ?uanJ. who fired on a thousand student whii were demon -"IralliMf before th cabinet of- fires. The demonstration wait" j in ritit against the enveru- I it on tin' waterfront! meiitV nequAet-ccwe to the ulti- tempt hong muile l , HiallUfli. l lteU'hkM tw n-i . .Four Power. Interested Ont iiUl problem into , ,. tb,IIMll,rt for (M.n ,., :il. which are being . hy Amwitall, Hrilish. 1: l which bate t in. nir- f. rt.ll(.h nMj ini waroliifix. uu' ' in i '1' ' "" wi iniiiHixl.-r- lirlil a cmi- l',rl, ';,U" ri i-.Mirr and decMleil to iIH" Hie lliieil a- M'tiiiir -ti I'.ii kii'K n.iiilril u 1 t there i i ll mem ' 1 1 the uliili- -iiIIiimhImih a four jml ions cutniiiK from intcretil. JAPAN PLANS DANCING SAN TfikHi. fHr. IH. On Hie Kroiiiul that the wesl-eru slyle oX, dauciiiK i il. iimialiiiuR let the Jup- UIH M-, a llill WHS llJCM'Ht- eil lo pHrluiineiil -Imiay prniiilnliiig llii'sc ilauecs 111 cafe, liiiieN mill oilier I 1 1 1 1 1 pla - SCHOONER ISKtl IS AGAIN ON WAY NORTH BOUND ALEUTIAN I5DS. v.M:nrvi:it. Mm-, in lie- . . ...I pairs in me enviine- 111 ine tins"-line si-lioouer Iskuni lounil neces sary alter she led Seallle for l!i,' Aleiilian Islnmls with up-pie fur I In- I o farms then Initio j lieen elTii'leil, she lodu.V icsuine'l her tri norlli. PRESENTATION MADE CONSERVATIVE LEADER KSOl I.MAI.I'. Mr IH.- A (irc-senlalion was luaile lo II. II Puolev. lAMisi'ivaliM' leader for II.C. and hi" newly married hriili by members or I lie ijuiieii. ser-vice I.odjjo al.the Sailor's t;iul hcie. A nine and case went lo Mr. Pooley iiiul an enormoui iouiuel r spring flowers win Hie mil! to Mr. I'ooley. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE ' "Hid. Asked Silver .j,. 1.00 2.10 Half Alaska t .05 lUimvell 2.12 2.20 I.. - MP ti' Marinot ....... .. .Ofiti .08 ii Premier ? 10 3, tit I Porter Idaho .01) 10 Silver tires' It 1 5 '4 Sdrf Inlet - -07 .OD'ii all PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper DEMAND "jfy " ' AMPIIIIMAN PhANK ILtNUllKIr I'HOM CATAI'I LT A navy ampliil.ian airplane in mimIhi on tin- new ralapnll jm-t jierfeeteil liv the United Sinter. Navy ready to take the air. I'm- the fir-t time in history a plane a large a the one hown ha.t heen catapulted inlii the un. Thi new device, which i a department secret, fire- the plane from (he dci k ol a tioiil liy a highly explosive gunpowder charge. Ordinary cout planes have lieen liiiiiirhe.l iriun various types of cntapull. hut never one a heavy as Ihi-.. IMMIGRANTSIN Bomb Scares at Irish Dinners -WINNIPEG TODAY Last7Nighl in London Men Thoutind Farm Settlers Arrive at Prairie City For Western Distribution W I.N.MI'l.ii. Marcli IH. This: oily in Imlay I lie ilislrilmdu centre .for one Hiunnd farm sol ders fot Western t'-miaila who urei arritinp hy special 4ii:mlian Na- IioiihI lrain. Half this tiumlier came In early this morning anil he tin la nee follow on the inuni- frralint! spes ial whieh is due at V o'eloek this et en iiw. Ooloiiuntion officinls are busy now urniugiuft! fur fuiilier special Imins to leave this city tonight to carry tlie.e M'ople to various ."inls on Hie prairie- ami in (trilisli Columbia where places Iiuto been. .blaiUod on farms. This is one of I ho huaviest imuiigrutioii niovomculs the railvtuys hate exiK'rienced for several years, but no limo is be- ing lost in geltiiiK Hie laborers to the farmers who hate booked their services for the condufr season. A diieiriialioiialilies are represented in this inornintr's ar-ritals. iucliuled among whom arc a number of Ukrauimi families destined for Northern Alberla, wliioh the liusbmuls settled lasl year. ;Thc fact that these sol- llers have been able within a year to send liuine for their families is tangible etiilenre thai they are making good in I heir new liTc.. There are also a number of ynuiiig men from Central Kuru-iean einitilries who are on their Way lo relatives alremly settled on western farms. Colonization ikgeltls oT tilts' Canadian. National Hallways from various points are in Ilia city today to conduct parlies of immi'-rauls lo sections, where laud has been secured and places prepared for lliein. Hy midnight limiyhl il is expected that prartically all of today's arrlwils will hate lefl for deslin-iiliinis furlhei' west. MONTREAL MAN IS NEW HEAD OF SAAR GOVERNING BOARD (ll;.i:VA. March IK. --. Major (eorge V. Stephens ,o f Multireel, Ji as been nppninied ehnir-matt of Hie Suar governing Prince and Premier Present Large tpslair Dining iptl with newly laid danoud" floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the leat. Phone 467. . j- - 1'HIXCK Hl'PKHT. B.C.. Tilt ItSlJAV. MAIICII IS. I'.igQ, titnts i;inuiit.n, ir sir-i saiM sjj PRICE FIVE CENTS tAPJJCENSE C0PUfNT MADE TO OTTAWA HIKE SURRENDER TO POWERS' TO RESTORE COMMUNICATION I'UMKI.N, .March IS. Hoinb scare-- were created last night (it two SI. Pa'rnk's l)ay dinners, one attended lit the Prince of Wales and Hie other lit Premier Baldwin, causing considerable confusion but no damage. While Ihe Princo of Wales was having dinnernl tlul Irish Uluh a missile, the coulents of which included iiiuisteuetl calcium enrbide mid a pieco of larred rope, was thrown into Ihc entrance lo the restaurant. No damage was done. At Ihe Hold Cecil Premier Baldwin was risiu? lo speak when a piece of firework was ! - . . flung among the puests by a man In the gallery. Consternation followed but 110 damagu was done. One woman fainted. The man who was re-innsiltle for Hie scare was arrested. THREE QUARTERS OF TON OF COINS WERE TAKEN FROM VAULT NASSAU. Hahaina Islands, Mar. IH. Hank robbers opened Hie vaults of the treasury forty yards from the police station and escaped with three quarters of a Ion of gold alld siher coins. . U.S. OFFICER HANGED. MANILA. Mar. 18. Second Lieutenant John S. Thompson nl the Uuiled Stales army was hanged this morning for the murder or Audrey Burleigh ai Manila, on April 5. 10 .T. PRICES ARE LOWER ON ACCOUNT OF THURSDAY Duly three boats brought caidifs loday and Hie prices were lower owing to there beiiiK no Iniin. The American sold for II. ho and 15 while Catiailiar fetched I3.lt). Higiit cents wei-e paid for seconds. The boats were : Sunset 25.000 lo Cold Slofugi. Middlelon 10,000 to Gobi Storage. Canadian T lleveille 8.000 to Atlin Fitdier- ies. FOUR WINDS LEAVES FOR ALASKAN WATERS BY WAY OF SEATTLE VICTORIA. Mar t8. Admiral Sir liny (atinl left in his auxili ary schooner ' hour iniN"' to cruise tiie coast waters. Heroes from here to Seattle and thence north lo Alaska. Mail Frauds Charged, Against Man Operating from New York and Vancouver in Mining Stock U'IIIVl!'l'lV XI I. 10 n.i... I, .... . .. ........... 1 v.-.-., .imii ii in, 1 oe rosiuiasiei -ueiieriil a new fraud order today uuaiusl Charles I Inverxairt or the Lightning Creek Cold ( Snivel and Ilrninat'e Conitmnv l.iinii-i mid Mines Operuling Company al New York, mid Vancouver fur ohluiiiiiig money through Ihe mails by false preleuses. Jl is asserted Unit Uuveizagt ndntilled that he had taken more Ihnu l.50t,000 rroiii tle. public while he urtunllv i.bluin. ed ifl.'tl rrom tlte'I.ighliiing Creek properties. - . . " f',. Unverzagl is now under two iudirtnieiils at' Buffuhi in con-iiei doii with obecalloiis for selling su,rttHei btillioii Wiirrauts then in ll)2.'l thriuigh Btirfulo-Cariboo a symlicnte mid is now a fugllive from justice. Inequality in Matter oi Salmon Fisheries Alleged by Patmore (Special lo Oaily News; O'lTAWA, Alanh IS Appearing 011 behalf of certain salmon rainier in Skeena district. I,. W. Patmore of Prince H11-perl has made representations here lo the. Department of Marine and Fisheries lo the efrecl that distribution ol Ju'KHiese. licenses among the several runners is unequal and that there should be an enure revision of Ih'e distribution. Mr. Pulmore submitted lhat when the policy of reducing the uuml-cr of licenses lo oilier than Indians and whiles was undertaken a few years ago, the allocations then made lu the canneries were set down as a standard that was not to be de-1 -- - ! - - parted iruin unless mere were excellent reasons for doing so. It is now alleged that certain! cannery men. who had allnca-j lions of licenses made to them at that time, have in the mean- lime discontinued operations at I a number of canneries but hate! been permitted to retain the oris inal number of liceu-es ami these have beeii transferred lo active canneries. This is the main objection amrtl is conlendeil thai, instead of trunsfeirinsr licenses froni inactive to active canneries, they lio.uld iiate twn - dis- -jlributeif ainotig--lhe'iH5titedanls. The view of Hie department, which is shins Hie mutter full consideration, is, il i understood, that canneries established since Hie adoption of the poliry of confining the issue or license-. !o whiles and Indians should not participate in Japanese licenses). Il is supposed here lhat Mr. Patmore has taken this matter Up al Ottawa un bcliair or the local Soniertllle cannery. Francis Millerd. head of that con vein, has been complaining vigorously of the I act thai, he has been unable to gel Japanese licenses so as lo be able to -compete with other canneries in the. elMlrirl holding such licenses. His plant here i one that was established since the policy of rcilociuu licenses to Orientals was started by the department FORD CONVENTION IS IN PROGRESS HEME Officials Come from Vancouver to Meet Local Dealers and the Trade ith ItHud officials for the province in the city from Van couver, a convention of ronl Molor dealers is at present it progress here with headquarter. in the Kntad Mali where meetings are eiii(.' held. Lasl night then was an inlereslintr inoviiiss . nic- turc deinonsi ration to whicn Usrs and prospective users were invited. The officials of the company visiting- the city for the occasiun include V. (i. Patrick. manager Mur British Columbia; IS. P. Weir, assistant brmicl manager, Vancouver; F. Cheuo-wilh, manager of the tractor de partment; . .Miller, inspector Of brandies, and ,S. F. McKay, The -members of the party, with Hie exception ur .Mr. Miller, who will proceed lo the interior, will return lo Vancouver tomorrow- morning. MINERS RESCUED. .l...Ci;. Idaho, Mar. 18. Clarence McMurruy and Dan Kupperberg, miners wbe were trapped on the 48(in rool level In tno .MornmgyMine were rescued carry inutiiiay inomlng after iiavint; been m the mine .36 hours. iPOLICEWORK VANCOUVER 1SD. Inspector Parsons Carrying on K!..nil..t r- . j lacjjutiafcivMia lur bYeniuai Taking Over Whole Island VICTOHIA. Mar. l8.Thu provincial police under ColoncUJ. II. MrMullin, superintendent!"'' Is ' gradually faking over the poliu-Jn-rW Vincou'eT'IslamWnutilrf jpalities, the ultimate arm beiur 10 nurr nir wimie isiauu Willi the possible exception of Victoria. Inspector Parson, formerly of Prince Ituperl, is tint elder lieutenant in charge oP this particular work and he is meeting with considerable success. Just now ucsoliatinns are under way between Ihe police depart ment and Ihe municipalities of ) North Cowichan and Ladysmith. j One of the inducements offered the municipalities to come in is : the promise that in. Ihe event J of Hie provincial police taking over the work, there would be no j deductions made from the tupio-! profits for enforcement of Ihe J liquor ad. lmncan is already policed by lite provincial force. SEPARATE FROM REST OF CANADA Prediction Made That Maritime Provinces Will Break Away During this Generation BOSTON. March 18. The generation will see separa lion of Ihe three maritime ,ifo- viiH'es from the rest of Canada. Major Oaniels Owen, hM., of An napolis, N.S., inwuber of the Can adian air service, declared loday. It is said thai next year wilt see Ihe Peginniug of an organ ized elfori whn ii will crystalire the secession sentiment so long rampant MORE MONEY VOTED NEW WESTMINSTER FOR THE ELEVATOR VANCOU Villi, Mor. 18. -r The Pniviuce yesterday -.aid wi'nl had been received at New Westminster from Ottawa, thai the federal cabinet Monday passed an onlee in council authorizing an in crease of (he bond Usue Tor the lloyiil City eletaipr frm, the- original estimate or ' 'it0(),t)00 to 0Q.MM. ' WHEAT MARKET, UP. WINNTPFG, Mar.Ott.l- Heaw export iiuyiiijr cutei,HiifailVance of four ce? nh thft wheal market thi-, morning. II V4 u ll 1 1 m 'it