,11' as- i-r slatcli Ifi, 102(1. rr.'ZTL JBoom Predicted This Year ,lt " r ally. Intends lo "apply to .i.ii' i Lands for fii-eim null Kill H-lriilriiiu ul lam!, as follow, P"" mm I'lamed pianieu at at IIm me I !ni II of Serumi SI. Ti. 4 ., i insrkea l.J.n.'f iionm-as ' ' .u;n uMilli I'M' rhailis, Ihrnre ftifrtfi iiftrlti mi rhino l'mi or urn - - T'l VI in MAS gin. it. JVUhf IIKATTV. HItT0N LAND DISTRICT, ...id of Com! fUno S. , n, i ! IIMI. suly dsys afire .it II. . .all.. Intends to amily In : Mud fur a ineiirr IX I toil it land, a Iietmlemii follow a '"Sl planted at .lie .in lit for I loll M. 'Ii. 1 ruarkfil T.J.B.' northwest .iulh 'i rhalns, tliriw-e llwii'-r norm nil riiainn name, lu I ulii l of run,. M-s IH. IVf. II H JsVIES UFATTY, HAICLTON LAND DISTRICT. Oiiirl t of Coait Rang B. ,lt i nut. "nir nay an . Bit... tiiiwi" ''IJ k i Lands nr a lo-eme .1 i-oai aim tiriroirt of lauit, at Minim: . t a port planted al inr w. of SerlWiii . Tp. A. maram u.r.i mmmeasi , . norm mi mam, tin-urr iim-iim- -on Hi an fhaln. r i '-haiti. lo pOtM of rl p ;ary lh. lets. imilA Ali;H HATTTj NZILT0N LAND DISTRICT. Bnuict of Caat Range B. on ,u i inn. uiv uirs arter l'3l. iniff1HIS 0 H)) o i Mud for a furore r.iai and iwirnlriHa f laiMl. a- folio l t: :i ll OUlllnl al 'IV :r. .4 m llAU i, li A. HUrkMl T J.H.'t XMIlhfl ii . i III Ho rliaina, timer in.'pi. ooih h rtMinv I14111 lo jiini of run i. mil. tf. H. MMt.a ih;ttv NaltLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dutrict of Coaat Ran( B. i i dial. I. l(tr lor ilajia ilaya tin afioi iiiirixt to ifl) K fir a ikmn ..r UMt' and 'al atttl jMtraMxim . .1 laml, fmlA: i a i planlnl al ItHt ir ir.-ii4i 7. Tp. f., luaikrit TJ.Ii.a imiiwmi ,Hi to rtMlKt. tbvnn-I iiiKon- nrib i-hhu iiam in pomi f Mini a ' i eih. tr. " " M Mtl' Hf.A-TTT. NUILTON LAND Dl STRICT . DwirKt f Cm It Ranf . i ' tbai. !! itai afi- i in miMl lo afpli lo IjiihI fa a ttrmrt rmt imt rotnilrunt 5 uf laud, aa foHnw -a; . i--l Manmi al llv ffHi t Ti 4. n.araiHl T.J.K. ..iiikra! . .rlH n rtoain lrnr t MH-nro ooUl Mi rtMiiia. nam. I point of o- V- llttt. ! altln PF.ATTY NaltLTON LAND DISTRICT. Onlrlct of CMit Rant S. T Hal Itiii dart atlrr I m UildlMt lo awl m ' land ft a urmr Ml and jirinihniin ' land a rlhiM ' Ko-i iuii al lb f IwllaN i. To 4 ck. ,1 T l it IIMnl fill o lMHH. Itftrr iiM-i.'H uMlh an .Ham Mill lo olltt nf ram i llh. I MM v iVr, flEATTV UIUT0R LAND DISTRICT. Ootritt (f Com! Rang B. llui aiaiat dar Hi i imriMi to a Und fnr a aflr 4V IA -al ami iwirntMim r bin, fnlfU' ... a .i pUnl'd at I ho if Wrltun 1. Tr. a. ftmknt TJ.!!.' ItorthoMI -'iiiili to rhaina. iIicimv llimi-r nnrtti r. rtiaina. Hani, lo aiint of nmt wr I llh. tt. MVt PKATTT HMILTOH LAND DISTRICT. Onifitl af Coaat Rang B. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. ofOoaat Ranga B. .N'Tli:r inn. amy day afirr ., Mfall.v, Inirnif to apply to ' dri or UniH for a llrrmi il.-1 for -oai Itd prlrnlriim ri no hi ni 'li it January Mil. l9o. TllnVltR JAMFH IIRATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga ft. Ul i ' "JT1 "'I- '" f"r "'""Vj Inirinia to apnly In i" ui. . . Mlniunr ..f ij,wlll Tor a llirnrr v i. tin-i fnr roal. and prirolrnm j..,,. '. '", or land. followa : Xi"' t lot plmlid at Ilir, i yrwr nf lil mi. n.inm . , HiaikiHl T.Jin.'n iiorlhwivt, rornor. hair' "o",h rtwll". thrnrr rat Ml i' mi ,ii'i norlli. HO rhaini. Ihriirn ""l. lo point uf roninirnrrinrnt. "rd January nth, lots, TllilM.VH JAMI-w flRATTY HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. ,0,''IJ -""rio xiTirt- of oi col Ooaat Ranga S .i .. . 't ii.... .i.... ..... in Portland Canal Mining by I.I . . . . ....vrC8i.g Analysis or Situation Is Given Indicating Four Big minus win be Paying There Soon Tluil I'lirlliiud Caniil (hru , in fur u l.ij; milling Immhii lln ,j wii- ih lint iiiiiiiin nf ff-ial finld ri'1'f.rM'iilaliv.i- uf lh M.rlliwi-M Miiiinp Kervii-e al K.okiinn. It ihiIiIlIi,., Ilir .eirial iirtii'li' uinl IIk.ii aililx iU w u-U. nnalysi,. il lln- PifiiiitM- anil ll.L. Silvi'r mill Httvcrnl oIIhm- minuK Hull, fulliiw: i im- ri"iiur iiiMii' in lioinu wnikfii hi irimiinally iU full ar Kiiiu aflcr am-iilenlal pillar-. fiiia.nv mi' iirnni'iil mill iand kJjuU li'fl in tlii'ir fitnt niw liiinillii ian In ami ton-1 itrivn. Tim low hkiiIh availaliio unit daily lo 11m wharf, Ion on- Nlnpt, whirli i rnoional lireaVn. I'owi'r liotutt a ""wwlfulng" purpo,, and koop-l.'l-.Milc i gntilly ciilm gi-d and I nut up dlvidemU. niw mipplyiiw tin great or pari 'llu ground has lieon niwnrk-.if ISnii .pn which will all he e, win, dlamottd drill and drifU axallalilf fur tin ntw mill. In thai It nro rtirK ar fuel. In mirtl mi nvnrvlhltM. i kiMiiun II linti liiMin n 4u'..iilj.t. followa:-i:onin'iirln- al a jowl Hinii at nnrlliwrat rornrr of Srrllnn IJ. Tp. llaiiM t, and markrd TJ.II.'n norihwr 'In uJ, ' liratty, Intends 'tn apply Ini riiauis rhaiiis auiil soulh '' n. ".,''"'.r .nr Um for a lirrnre1 srrllon II, l. nn r , 10 iVM nh-. tor ... roal .... . ami, 2 prirolrnm ..: - T.J.n:- I. an no THOMAS HKATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT, niaiit nf Coast Ranaa ft. I t A. rt nirnrr. Iliriirr ooiin no rnains, uiriim nam no rhain. Ilwnrr north M rhain, ;,. at a tniat nl"nll al ilirl lliniri wrat no .l.a.na. to olnl of com-' "ifner nf Srrilon a Tn. A. liirnrrlornl. and markrd TJ.It'n norihwr!! I.oraird Janiiary tvin. JVMF.A vn iliriirr aomh Ml rhain. Ilirnrri nam, tlx-n.-e north no rhaina. I'lialn. In imiIiiI nf rum- takk: .MiiTlftK that, aim days aflrr .i.i.. i t j IIM) n Inirnils to apply lo the MlnUlrr of Land ror t llrmire to nniapent Mr roal and rlrilrum ovrr ftio arrr of land, as follows: cnmmrprlnir at po'l plantwt At t1' oorllirnl ronior of Serlion SI. TP. a. Iianrw . nrt m.irkrd TJ.H.'s nnrlheaat rornrr. Ihrnit noiilh nil rhain, thenre west no rhaiiis, llirnri norlli no rhalns. tlienr east 0 rlutllis. to point at roni-liirnrrmniil. Lnrateit January t llh. ;,. . Tllil.MAS JVMKS HKATTY. HAXILTON LAND DISTRICT. District of Coaat Ranga ft. TAKK .NOTICE Mat. s'nv dnys. aflrr dale I. T. J. DcMty. Iiilonds to apply to I In- Minister of Laml Mr a lirenro lo proNil for roal and prlrolriiin ovrr 11 to. arrrs nf land, a fnllnwsi i..j...,-...rfoir at a iHit nlanlrd at 4i of the sonlliwest rornrr of Tp. IA. lianue a, aim niamru mri)iral rornrr lnt.. Ilirnro . nli.Oo llinm.n WML HO rllilllU. num..., V." . "i 'son, , Tiiiiown -. "-": Vi-V.M .i.-...,i .ii .a n. fiii,.."" "''A P0s iil'iniil itt too, turner norm eu io.onn, r..... ''ornrr of l.nl AAA, Hanfe B.lrlialii. lo miiU or ciniiinenreiiieiit, "uli"1:1"" Ti n's northeast rome? 1 t.i.wled one mlnnle arirr twelve li. ; 1-h.ii.r n i-Nlns. thrnre wet.' no nlAlit. Iiolwern the 7IH and Hilt of Janil -a" ";n ''ii'' norih HO rhaina. thence, ary. tutrt, .,,. Lor.i.J" "" ,0 lM,,n "f roinmrnrrmi'nt, THOMAS JAMES ,,"1"' ---u tfannsrv nill. tWvA, I Wlinrss in roimim. wo nciii mnir THOMAS JAMES BEAtTY, Miller, Ltk KsttJlj-n.-BX. THB DAILT NEWS PAOH FIVE icorlnin that, apart from temjior-! jury riiiclualioilo, H.O. will advance! 'ami has every prospects ofl 'iiialliii I In Premier's record. I A granite dyko lay on their I , o v, boundary ndjoiiiiiij,', Ihe Hush, yet correspondent opokane raver u" H,",, m,,,, r ... the Miim vein and according ling to aiiHiuiily riglitfillly mi, an par tially iriivi'i liy iliaimiuil drilling auil ilririine, in, in my opinion, al iiri'-u'iitliriiK'rt, an ,a xMHiiila-I inn, rcrlainly K"nil. Tk- ll.:. i liiilldiriK pxUmimIvi ni'iMiininiMral liinx, incrcu h i n r powi-r Hiipidy ami in iviry way antliiu lui-iiiHMliki and pi-oifri-n-nivfl. Big Wl&sourl Coming Mine Tii-' Hi .Mi.HHiniri, a moio n r lionrM ;t mIiITIn , lon-jwill ni- tiintain tin iiiini!; '' jnul i-uiiccrn'ltiiln fair lo Im-iikdowiiM. Tin ndilitiini, tiou : iri-Ki-nl icpuUition and divlileiuU. j inakf a Id iiiiik1 uid a Ion? litl miiiilii.'H'ii ami i ),i. iienaiHK in, 1'lin IiIkIi aradi' prolialiililinH an 'one. liic nutifM of 2 or 3 tnoullin. wli.-n l.iil Hkiiumod milk to lliif piml in urn vii.s, will approximately twain. iitinlilt I lu- tonnage mm io-intc tri'ali'd. I-Ai'ii thic figure- itiv iumivial )itllotidiiug, Minot a lol of I hi uu-diii m grade and low it mi le ore now lnuig Mhipiiod. will ilii'ii lit liandlfd tlirough tin mill lo griMif ndvnnl.'igo. Tlit Irani linn ottparily. Inn New Body of High Grade .V fair Imily uf nioivi or ;.t high jmuli1 Ii;ik lici'ii liiM'oviTi-d and tappi'il mi 1 and 2 IiyiIk. wlilrli will uiuloiilili'ill) cxlciul to .'I li'vi'l and potiildy lo i; IIiuh making a large body and a cn-al lon. in npriMlfd up to liHiullo 2IKI aldo liiali gra liunwi'll in good Ma. a, mine. Hock nliould Im tin; fi( liny in tli in dilriol ul piw'iil prico.i, '.only plcanii noli., I ili'i not xiib-Ki.wt il vlll liititlM-4l niiim, lint il hIioiiIi! liccoiiio a nonnd diviiluml prodiiciHT liar had I. &. L. and ClIaRli'j' (.nnk, ad- going at higlii-Kl -ied pimnihii. min and wf ill In n gooil nmvffnr fancy wporl; Sllvir OroRt i 'ind farlal iinaranee- nr rfty ' tlioiurh fur ton heavily capitvil-1 ne.tie and prnmiiii. Pushing Things Underground j ixed anil hut a nkflHon of ll An iar spring and the money I ndcrground. pryl1iin i! forniir nolf. lue In .he npenl in thi diHtricI h'ing inihwl. Tin majur tarl ' B.C. Silver w-ill tiiidoiilitidly ImioU all lh d- uf tin iiiine han uiidoiihlwlly 1'h IM'. silver hag ulruek a '" pru.rlipi aituB( hri. fnr Imii Irii.ped. llu rream niclwilli eiil ,(Hy uf ore-and il Jia even ! rerlainly the hoom of Hie I'orl- oiit. and now, in Hie main. Ihoyj indication of eipialing. prnliahly land Canal diitrirl wfjl xtarl Ihis HAXCLTON LARD DISTRICT. Dlatrlcl of Coaat Ranga 6. nnwr ItiMim vrolh o HmHm. l an Htaiaw. Ihrurr I no-Ill Ml rttalaM. laWRrr rl Id rhain. lo ittll of roM Rnaiwaiiai I loratml Jaaoan lllh. lit'. THUMAb S,W.t P6ATTT. MAZCLT0N LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang B, TAIL ViTI al I. i . J Ik yi.il.lcr HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga ft. hrt K.K K lhal. lhal. alxiv alaiv day day arier Itralll. lIMnl to awlt In of Mod. for a Itmwa bi MitM-rxl fur nial and ttroknn uvrr aio arrm of iapd. a rom i MN-rin II pom fvlanlnl al lb uMithmi'i mf1r of Kwtmai !. Tp. ts, Raawr '. and mark TJ.B ' Hb-al raraw. Hmw North u liuliu. lint f.i an rbatata. Uwnra auulh M rMM. tbrnn' al chain, to fiRt of ntn Itx-nnKoni l.oraiod Januan Mh. ISM. TIIQ . JAMC P BATTY. TALE noTICF thai. att da flt dalr I, T. J. UraitT IRtd to rfy to Ihr VIMlr of lmt far 1 HoMir In nnrtprrl fur roal a ad MiratXtm Mor a aw of laftd. fnli-: OaiiiwfirHia al a tn-l plann-d l.i nHta on Hi uf lit north! ntrnrr nf LM M. lunar . and UMiLrd TJ.B ' norlh-a rartarr. thmrr ouih o rhaina. thnr rt rhaln. IM" w.rili rhaina. throat? ran Mi rhain. to point of rnm- mnorinnl. I itralrd January Slh. I6. THOMAS JAMES KKATTY NAXILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlaulcl of Coaat Ranga ft. TALK VOTiri: thai. lvu dajra dau- I. T. J. Ihall. inietHl to tiiiKiu ..r I int. fur ai.ei. AIo thorn I t-iniHider-' j.uvnl to Umiwdl orrfhe unnw de hruken in Hit riMjirau anil prautienily imiier tMinn in M'xy handy for control, will inove iii,(n.viiipatliy. exi-et'iiitwr, me Premier hody. "prtitg ami iam a uie rroniier. nil- drtflwl. tro-rul and are H.'- Silver and Dunwcll. ive it I now raiding all in thin ore hody. TAkfc MiTICt, UmI. atatff dajra aflor Meanlirllieati. I won't give, an 1 5K" -iiiatir "Veirt.r,' .,J liavfi nnl In daltx had the chancfl lo tmmwfl for oal imI iwlrtilum I orf ban arm of land. a I'MMivitrioa 41 a imi ptanlrd al iu nrllnm router of ll.rfl JJ, Tp. S, nana- -. ana naraon ij.n. n Bonn. nntind and cMMinervotive, uol loo! tHt it now nppwtr ti uh, ..Uiai iitaiiiy rapiiBiixeii, ami aiuiougit. premier lian panne,! Hh prime orenenl price i high, nnnnidering! wi,n, U.o. Silver has baroly en-;l i only a mine in emhryo. still inn on il career n a great uiiikiihlillv hv nanl retMtnln of, the Premier, the nlrike of tlie ore J ,(M. am in,,,v lhal we look for Imdy. Hie mtirli lunger hoiindar-1 nny immediate decline in the ie of rite ,: the nltiw lull nitre! pr,pe nf Premier Hold -hares. Or titettintl of ilevelupiueiil. nniHen ltjie oonlrnry. we-raJher o.Tmc In HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrkt of Coaat Ranga B. TALF. ViTinr. lhal. altty dija aflrr ... for mI anil prtnrtrom tlalr I. T. J. Iiratly. Inirnd to applj Ui tiniaiwi Wtiaprri owr arrr I that, alttr ilaya aflrr I onmn-nrina al a I" all. iniriHla to applr to unrlhwoat rftnw-r .ot r Land for a ttrir , and luarkrd T.J.ll u roal ami afirr it a will la a IMTtK-r f land, a follw: .I pianfii at in ul an. nana , MMiihai' ronior. north no rhaina. Ihrno- weal no i . -i. . dta in iikMir. o4iin nil rnaim. iiNiir- al . ii piano I at lhl ra.l S rjuin. I., rnjlnl of rwiuiirrriirnt. i .wit Jnmrt ath Iflfn. of frrllon 0 Tp 4 markrd TJ.B.' northii -'iiilh Mi rhain. Ilirn.- ttwiirr north an rham. f1 'haln. to unl nf roni '"'in ilih. lets. TIIQMVn JAVr nr.TTY. NAXILTON LAND DISTRICT. , Dlatrlct of Ooaat Rang (. ",r rl':r. that, nltir iliya after ., H atlv Inlrml lo apply In v 'if Unit for a lirenre tor roal and ttrlrolriini r i. ,if land. a follimai-- al a pot planii'd al tin 'Uri nf n.-llon l. Tp. 4, and marki-rt T.J.II 'a aoiilliraal liir.i . north Ml rhln. llMMirr c n.iin' tlMMirr mm ih an rham, . " pl'Hi. lo Hilnt of rnili- Janiiarv 1 1 tr. I tin TIIOMta JlMr.H HTATTY. TIHIMIn JAMKt BKATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. . Dlatrlct of Ooaat Ranga B. TALK 0liri: llial. uty dy ifljr datr I. T. J. Ilrally. Iliiaiwt to apply to tin- Minllrr of Land for a nrrnm lo pruaprrl for cal and tirirolriim ovrr iin arrra of land. follo: - riuiimiHitsinr al a poat planird two mile milh of tli IMrt-lfiwral iwnrr nf Lot MM, lutiai !i. nd llwrki-rt T.J.ll.' nonlh-wnl rornrr. thrltrr nnrlh no rhain. IlKHirr ral Ml rliaina. tlo-nrr antilh " -haln. Iliriirr wl nil rhain. lo pi""' of roniiiirnrrmrnl. loraird Jannarv nth. tt. THnM JAMKn IIF.ATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga ft. TkF. WlTli:r, that, amy rtV aftrr dalr I. T. J. Ilrally. Inlrmia lo aroly l Ihr Atlnlnler nf (.and for I firrnr lo prol'ri tor i i i'"r ovrr ovrr fi fit to h arr- arn of of land, land, aa aa rouowa: - II in" ntoping. Hie Inference in plain thai pronpectK are heller than, al Ui nanie nlage. Hip Premier ever had. May Outshine Premier Tlie I I.e. Silver Company i HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang ft. VIIF K..TI.-U ,K., .in altlv data tnt. ...... ...Ml. dalr . T. J. neatly. Inietn I far MIMlrr I to anil aflrr apply lo of l-and for firrnre hi tinmian-l for roal and trtrlrm irtrr Cm arrrn nf land, a followa: Otnimirtitit ai a p! pUniod at ilm MiulhnMI nnwl, Hnrllon t?t T" tA. nawrr V and inarkrd TJ.R.'a aouiliri rurnof. thntrr moth Mi Hialna, itumre rati MO rham. tlirnrr aoutn no rlialii". thriMn l US rhain. lo Mm of rotn-nirtimiiMil. Luralrd Janiury Iti. IJS. TII'JVAS JAMF.t H RATTY. lie MlHluer of Land for a lirrnre lo pnprrl for nal and lrulrum ovrr Bin arrr or land. a rallaa Coiniornrlny at a post planlril two nillr MHilh of Ilir port liv. not nmivr of IjH nn. nanm i, and markrd TJ.tl.'a atnilh- rati rornrr. Ibriire north no rhalns Mr wrt Ml rham, Iliriirr oiith no i halo. lliriM-r rl no rhain. tn point nf r.niiinnrrtirnl. Loraird January Mh. I?. THQMKS JWIrje tlF,ATTV. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga B. TALK MiTirr that, altir days afirr dalr I. T. J. lira in liiirmi to apply In IIk MHiHIrr of Lantt. ,:tr Jivmre lo proaprr.t tor ruai ana iH-iroiruni ovrr fit" arrra of land, a follows: r.ommrnrinr at a tmut plsiH'1 at Ihr soiitlnAMl rornrr of Sorlion 4. Tp. tA, llaiinr iv. and markrd TJ.n.'a nooihwrsi rornrr. iIhmh north no rhain, thrnre mi no rium. ilMiicn utiiii no main, Ihrnra wrt no 'halna. lo (volnt (if roni lnrnrrmii. I.Arainl January lllh. I din TIHI1IVS JM-;s IIFATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT, Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga ft. TAKt .mitii:k that, alitv daya arirr dalr I. T. J. Iiratly. Inirmla tn apply to Ihr Mlnlitrr or Laml for a lirrnre lo proMMTl for roal and prlrolrum or Atn arrr nf land, as follow: Commrnrtnit at a pni phninl at the northwril mriirr of Lot fflft. flanar &, and markrd T.J. TV viutlirt rornrr. Ihrnre onrlh HQ ilinin. tliriine rt nil rhain. theiire anutli Ml rhalus, thrnre vrt no rliaina. to point or romnirnre lllrllt. I.ni'fllrd January Mh. tttA. TllllVlAS J MFS BKATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga ft. TAKE NOTir.E that, slm divs aflrr dalr I. T. J. Ilrallv. Inlrml to apply to Ilir MlnHler of Ijinds for a llrenrn to prosiwr.i for roal and irirolriiin ovrr mo arrr of landi aa fullnws: Cnimnrnrlnir at a post jlniil,xl at the sntltlnvrsl rornrr nf Hei'llnn 17. Tp. 4, llanmi R. and marked T J.ll.'s southwest rornrr. thence norlli HO rhainsj thenar east HO rhalns. ihrnre soiuh Ml rhain. thrnre wrt no rhalns. In miii of roni lllrllrrnirllt, l.oriitrd January lllh. 191(1. THOMAS JVMKq llEtTTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranga B. TAKE MlTtrK lli.it. slaty days after dale I. T. J. Ilrally, Illinois to apply lo I Im Minister of l.niils for a Itrenre In proHnt Tor roal and prirolrnm over Atft arres of land, as followsi-Coinmeurlnir al a imisi planted two Hitler southi of Ihr noMhwest corner of l.nt MAA, llauitn 8. and' marked. TJ.B.'n nurlliwesi rornrr. Ihrnre south HO. rhalns, tliruri east HO rlimhs, Ihrnre north HO rliaina, Ihrnre west Ml eliHlns, tn point of mm-iiirnremonl. Loraird January Hth. tOfA, THOMAS JAMES BEATTY. bill hKiug only pro-M-clK are very peiulaliet Ihoiigh prniiahly very profitable in tlie near futnre. Of the otherM, Marniol MelalM. repnrln are giMid; Purler Idaho, aUu. attliough Hi in latlet in noted a rRl foundation. Slook Analysis In view of the ahovo renorl sKTiTUfr"!!! j verify theni. hut Jmlslng hyifrum our uncial fW rHpnwen- ilie ur nliippiNi. all olitalneu i lutivc. Hitmewhat rtducLnnlly noiitiy ay iiei-ioiineiii iiuii uoi euiMlinei that lti lime Itiid ar- rived to clone nut the Prwnier littliliiMiR in our two iiiiHsiti-tioun aeruiititai and to invent the pnieHd in IMI. Silver Gum-IKtuy'n Hluok at 1.80 a;liartj. (lur cHMiaoti for Uii-v-aclioi) is that ntuck tieconie mure ar !tie. in -malhy with the accelerated operation uf Lite mine, and prolwhly advancing tn a Mimevvhat higher price. Should ucli a otiiitlltiun develop we would uwe nur clients lo sell torthwith. Tlie other angle which should he cnnnidereil hy Premier flold nhareholdern is thin: IT they followed our example in Veiling out their holdings of thai stuck and inventing the proceed in 11.0. Silver, Iherehy exchangijur utoek in a mine with n glorioun past fur nluck in one whose career i only hegiuniiig, would they nnl thereliy he putting Ihemnelves in position to reap a munli greater nroril? Premier field if cnpUnlized a r.nno,nno shares. At lhe,:presenl "Tarktil price or S2.75, thin re-iresenls a valuation of $13,7fiV .100. II.Q. Silver 4 eapilnlixed at I.r.nn3)jin eljares. NViljrjn current ipiolalion of 1 .85 per share its market valuation is 52,775 nnn. ON HER MIND. Huh (rending magnxlne) What a ltd We owe to science. Wifo- Yo: hul il isn't illum ing us like Mie grocer anil the on! man. Had 43 Bolls And Carbuncles At One, Time Mr. Claud Mclanson, Castlef ord, Ont wnint -u rrcnru to your remmiie I htre to say that 11.11.1. was the only medicine I could get to Tellers me of my boils and carbuncles. I had forty-three at one time, and mj uocior iota me to taxe 1 The first bottle I took gave me tuck great results that 1 took three more, and after I had used them I wan com-' pletcly relieved of my bolla and car-liunclea." Put up only by The T. lllbura Co, liouud, Toronto, Oat, 1 I I WRIGLEY GUM MAN IS MINER Developing Claims on His Own Island off Coast or AYAUiX, Santa Calalinu Is land. Mairh 1H. A Lime will .time, nay veteran mining men. Alien the "toy" mine liejnp developed hy William WVtglcy Jr., Afill surprise the- iiui-iiiaker- ,vho have r'frred lu il as "just mother nf Wrigley'it playthings." Like the .small hoy who over- iiuils a clock, so the owner of Ins isle, some thirty milen- off lie coast of Southern California,. s digging Ilia internals nut of lis domain In learn what it is nade of. Wrialey's mining efforts have nine only to me extern 01 scratching" the surface of litre leposils in the Mt. itlack Jack, he ijuarry and the D.M. Itenlon .eins. Some twenty of Iheee .eins have heen disclosed in the levelopineiit period of two years. How He Found Them Silver' gleams in a small -.hunk of rock which he was ihout lo hurl al a troublesome vllil goal catitflil Wrigley's eye me day while he was hiking. on Ml. Illuc.k Jack. It led to the ilis-overy of the mine which hears Mie name of the mountain. -V. pin. find shaft and laterals today show pay streak as wide as seven and a half feel runiiiiu; 'MO, and narrower veins arryiniJ tp to .H7 a Ion, evidenced hy smeller returns. Thrt -,'0HHrry,ieeoiiiI prospect .vorked and originally the source if paving materials for mainland -nads, yielded a four and a half foot vein of sulphide milling ore arrying silver. Promises Rich Mother Nature concealed the most promising of the "diggings' some 15110 feet up the perpen iietilar cliffs overlooking Pebble Bench, where mountain goals arely find fooling. On three o els, 200 feel in, veins were ound twenty-eight, to thirty-six feet across. These are in the leiilou. which shows promise, of being the richest producer yet discovered, for the veins are widening?, as work progresses. A inn-Inn flotation mill, utiliz ins suit water, in tlio coiicenlru, 'ion process." has been installed ul While's Landing at Hie foot of a recently rnmpleted four-mile oat! from the Itlack Jack mine. The island, one of a chain thai until a hundred years ago liar-noml an Indian civilixation, ,n one lime entertained a rush in a small way like the one to Califor ula in '19. Mining on a broad scale was prosecuted but no attempt was made to pursue ore hoilic lo any substantial depth. The next major attempt was undertaken hy. an I'nglish syndicate hut this ntle.mpl failed. W'rigloy purchased the Island sevcrat years ago. inchester CIGARETTES "A Mild, Blended Cigarette' j e'TTES I Ten Yeiirs Ago Ira Prince Rupert March 18, 1916. Indicating that the novelty of the occasion and of Hie war has worn off, there was a quiet farewell when Prince Rupert s contingent for the 102nd battalion sailed for Comox on tlie steamer Prince Ituperl Ihis mornin?. "Chuck" Averill, formerly on Ihe Hank of ll'SA. staff here, is wounded in u .hospital ul Salon ika, lie tells, in a letter written here, fif meeting Or. Richards o. A'ancotiver, well known to local physician.. A St." Patrick's Day concert was held last night in the Empress Theatre. Principal Ji tl. Iiratly acted as chairman and there wits an address by Acting Mayor O. II. Xelon. .Those contributing to the program included Mrs. J. II. Mct.eo.1, Miss llartodey, Mrs. Itryant, Messrs. Kdmunds and huffy, -A. Clapper-ton. C. D. Jones, Mr. Itraud. liillis Couture. Harry Fletcher and Hilly McQuire. Arcompan- sts of Ute evening were Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Armstrong, Mis-Hrand, W. Yaughan havies and II. aleiski. THE GOAT. schoolboy's essay: ".V goat is about as big as a sheep if Hie sheep is big enough. A female una! is called a buttress, ti little goal is called a goatne.: Ooals are very useful for:ealing thing- tip. A goat will eat up itjore thing than any animal thalaint goat. My fal her had a goal once. My-fallier is an awful good man. Ivveryllung lie says is so. even if it ain't so. That ia all I know about goals." WATER NOTICE. Dlsaralon and Uaa TAKE NOTICK thai .North l-anfle Forests and .Mine Ltd.. who address Is 301 Pemlierion minding, virion, B.C.. win olv for a Itrentm to take ami use to lor feet ln.r aerond nr water nut nf Slate r.hiirk Creek, whirl) flows southeast rriv. alio era lis into kinn tuv. aooui mile west of Llua Island. Skldettate llileL Tlie waier will h diverted from tlie stream al a point about three -quarters of a mi i northwesterly from the southeast corner of See. IS, Tp. . and will be used Mr oonietlf. Mlntnr. power. Sleaiu. In dustrial puns'-rs uisiti the kind drsrrlued as parts, of. Townships i and 4, Oraliaiu siaiHi. neio- as i.imi nrrniii or leases, dv appllrant. This notlre was posted on the nround on the 97 lit day or Frbruary. ttiA, A copy of this notico and an. anplirailon pursuanl thereto and lo the "Water Act" will tie filed In- the office of the water Heeonler. at Prlnc. Itunert. B.C Obierllon to the appllratlon may bo fllrd with the said Wst.-r Iterorder or with the enmplroller of Water Rights, parliament tluildiiins, Vlriurla, H.C., within thirty nays arter tor first appearance uf thl notlre In a loral newsiaper. The dale nf ine rirsi p-iliiirmion or this uutiee Marru sin. tvia. NORTH lAt:iFIC FORESTS t AM. MIINFS LTO.. AppllcailL Py tlarolil c. wiiyle. Arent. WATER NOTICE. USE AMD STORAflE TAKE NOTICE that Los Angeles Lumber I'rodurt Comany, whose addresa la rlo. Messrs. Ladner & t:anlelon, norers Bldr.. Vanrouver, RX alto Box "C" San redro, California. U.S.A.. will apnly for i llrrnen. lo, take and .use luu ruble feet per swu.od. and lu slur 11 thousand arre feet of water out of Aln lllver. wnivii hows eouinerjy and tiranis uuu Massnl Inlet, about one half mile easier!. from Hurkley Bay. The aiorane-daiu will be lorn led at Uie outlet: of- Aln Lake, or al a. I nil n I below Ihe rld outlet to be rte-iierniiiie arter. survey i arc made The raparlty of the reservoir tn be rreated Is about "J thouiand Acre feet and It will PRICE LIST Dry Cleaning and Pressing Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed 2.00 Men's Suits, sponged and pressed $1.00- Men's Pants, cleaned and' pressed 1.00 Men s Pants, sponged and pressed 50c Men's Overcoats, cleaned and pressed, from.. 2.0ft Meat's Overcoats, sponged and'pressed 1.00 Ladles' List Ladies Suits, dark colors $2.00 Ladies' Suits, light colors 12.50 Ladies' Skirts, dark colors ?t.00 Ladies' Skirls, light colors $1.25 Ladies' Skirts, pleated and cleaned ?1.75 Ladies' Skirts, pressed only Jtl.00 Ladies' Skirts, pleated $1.00 Hoffman Vacuum Pressed Is Best DRY CLEANERS Phone 8 Wood! Wood! Now "is your chance Dry Cedar Full load;.,, $6.50 Half Load $3.50 Largo sacks 50o HydeTranster 139. Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE. BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave rimHl about 3.H00 arres of land. The water will. b diverted from the strram al a lsilnl atxiul l lie loraii'mi .of Hie storayo-dam, luinely 1 oullrt of Aln take, and will be. used for power and In-dustrlal purnes upon the land desrrlled av Lot 1434, 'Jueen CharUilte, Islands Oniric!. This notlre was posted on the around on the loth day of February. I96, A ropy of this, nollre und an appllratlon pursuant tlierelo and to tlie "W'aler Art. 101 1,' will lie filed In Ihe, of fire of the Water Heenrder at I'rlnre import; B.C.. The dale nf the tiral puhllrallon of thl nollre Is Frbruary 3, tgi. 1.0& ArtUELF.S I.UMIlF.ll PBODUCTS COMPAtY. Appllrant. By E, Heipbj. Ant.