.fc ail ssaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasv I Ml r , if t U WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. The system ol government control of liquor m Canada li a failure, the board of tem perance, prohibition and public morals or the Methodist Episcopal church declares In, a long atatement reviewing conditions In the dominion since the end ol prohibition in various provinces. The board explained that its con elusions were based upon a personal survey by Ernest A. Grant. Its assistant research secretary, and Upon government documents, newspaper articles and other material . It added that "only facta and Tigures of undoubted authenticity are used.". SI .MM.1RY OF 1 IMMNC.S Summarizing the conclusions resulting from the survey, the board says! Government control In " Canada has meant: "An increased consumption of liquor. "Greatly Increased, use of alcoholic liquor by" young, people and women. "A swollen liquor bill. "A great economic loss, which haa halted prosperity and acted as a burden upon the general papulation. "Increased vice and crime. Imposing upon the government expenses which have burdened the taxpayers. "A corruption hitherto unknown In Canada. "An Illicit trade as great as that under the prohibition law." "The system of government control In Canada Is a failure." the statement adds. "Under It, ail of the evils of ths Illicit traffic ,in the United States are present, plus the evils of government protected traffic, as vicious In principle end practice as was the saloon system In the United States." IN PKAIKIE HtOVixCtS Turning to conditions In the prairie provinces and British Columbia, the board declares government control has been no more effective there than in Quebec. Hon. R. W. Craig, attorney general of Manitoba, Is quoted In the report as declaring that present conditions In Manitoba are worse than under pro-hlbltlonj while Judge J. St. George Slubbs,. of' 'Winnipeg, Is .quoted as declaring that the enforcement of the prohibition' law In that province was a "colossal farce." Newspapers and police officials ol British Columbia are given as authorities for statements that commercialized vice floods Vancouver and that there is more drinking and use of narcotics among young boys and girls of that city than ever before,. AI.IIEKTA PROBLEMS The board report says that whu there are 350 retail beer places In Alberta, "the moonshine problem is as lively there as In the United States." ! Deplorable conditions in "beer gardens"! affecting, especially women, are pictured. The statement goes on to say that despite an "admirable national spirit" toward law, enforcement, corruption, has run riot 'since the government control system has been in effect. Despite prohibition at its worst in the United States half chance prohibition which has yielded billions In profit to plain people, business has been booming and development has been lapid, the statement continues.' "In Canada In recent years, development has been slow and painful, business lagged, wages comparatively low, and the dominion la being drained of skilled labor by the lure of high wages and prosperity across the border." TERRACE . The many friends of Mrs. Frank Ross of OjUs, Florida, and formerly of Terrace, were much Interested in reading her account of their experiences at the time of the Florida storm, as published In last Thursday' News. Rev. E. Baker of Seal Cove Church. Prince Rupert, conducted services In United Church here on Sunday morning In the absence of Mr. Allan. Thos. Brooks Is at present In Prince Rupert taking medical treatment. Mrs. M. A. Orelg returned on Friday from a short visit to Prince Rupert. Mrs. U. Sherwood left on Friday for short holiday in Prince Rupert. Mrs. O. T. Sundal made a short business trip to Prince Rupert last "week, returning on Friday. N. Shtrwood made a short business trip to Prince Rupert at the end of the week. Mrs. Gardner of Pacific was In town between trains on Saturday, J. D, J. Jones a well-known nlrf timer here in pre-war days returned la town on Friday and intend settling nere again. Mr. Jones ha spent the pat lew years in the United State. Miss Sibary of Copper City spent the week-ena at the home of Mrs. Brooks The funeral of the late Mrs. A. Don ald, who passed away at the home of her son here on Thursday, October 7, was held on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Services were conducted at the home by Rev, Wm, Allan, In the presence of a large number of friends who gathered to pay their' last re-,garded throughout tha community. The . .. pall-bearers were: R. Cory, J, Tyler. Jas. Richmond, Geo. Dover, C. R. nilbert and A. Carr. -There were many beautiful floral tributes from svm. pathlzlng friends. Interment was made Mr. Tomllnson left last Week to Visit friends and relatives at Cedarvale. She hasspent the summer with her son Aobert who Is connected with the Hoa iltal farm. E. C. Lucas, teller of the Royal Bank fcas been transferred - to another Dolnt following his vacation. Ills position In 'he local bank has been taken by Geo. T. Cooper. 'Duke" Harris returned home th nH of last week from his claims at Alice Arm and other coast points. Considerable SDeculatlon is rife n la the future of the electric light plant pecta to one who was very highly rein town, which Is Indefinitely closed down. It seems regrettable that householders should be deprived of the light after having the expense of installing the system. Hazelton Is waking up lately In an endeavor to push on into progress, in respect of its new business blocks. Quite recently the C. V. Smith Co. havs moved Into an up-to-date store in every respect, built on substantial Hen having two floors, besides a full-sized basement, which Is fitted with a furnace. It is a store which would' do credit to many a town much larger than Hazelton. New plans are being prepared whereby the Hudson's Bay Co. are' planning building a modern two-storey block directly across the street from the present quarters. This new structure will be fitted up to the latest style in every respect, and will be a decided Improvement over the "many" stores at present. It Is also rumored that the same Company arc intending to build a new store at Klt-wanga. Both these structures will be commenced next spring. Billy Larmer has returned to town EvldenUy the north country trsp line did not sufficiently attract him to carry out the original plans. His partner, Jlmmle Hodder pushed on Into the4 northern wilds. (INK WOMA CANDIDATE TOPEKA, Kan.. Oct. 12, A woman I the only indenendent ronrtM.ti fK i state "bfflce lh 'Kansas' this year. ;8he Is Mis Carrie Carlisle of Wlnfleld. now county superintendent. Both the Republican and Democratic nominees are men. The state superlntendency Is the only elective ofnee ever previously held by a-woman. George G. Bushby, head of the Ru pert Marine Products Ltd.. sails tonight on the Cardena lor Victoria. Fin for catarrh when melted (n a spoon or snuffed tip the hose and vapors inhaled. Head and Chest Colds Relieved In a New Way A Salve which Releases Medicated Vapors when Applied Over Throat and Chest. Inhaled as a apor and, at the same lime aosorbed throttrh the skin like a luument. V ides Vapokub reaches immediately inflamed, cracestfd air passages. This is the i modem direct treatment for all cold troubles that is proving so popular in Canada and the States where over 17 million jars are now used yearly. Splendid for eore throat, tonsilitii bronchitis, croup, head and chest colds, catarrh, asthma or hay fever. Just rub Vicks over throat and chest and inhale the medicated vapors. It muddy loosens ud a cold. VApoRua Urai 2! Million Jars Used Yearly CRIB OPENED Hotel, 13. LAST EVENING Fl KMT fJA.MKK Ol' SKASON AKE I'l.tVKD WITH l-KCMDKNT II. VV. JOHNSTON . lltlll)I(l The Prince Rupert Crlbbaee Learue winter activities were opened by the pre sident, George W. Johnstone, last night end the following fixtures were played : Orotto, 18; CH.R. Mechanic. 9. Canadian Legion. 14; Prince Rupert Loyal Orange Lodge. 16; Moose. 11. Sons of Cauada. 11; St. Andrew's, is. Dry 'Dock. 14; Cold 8tarage. 13. CJi R. Operators, 18; Knight of Col umbus, 11. j the various teams were composed of j the following players: Grotto Geo. RUdderham (cant.t. H. Smith, G. McAuley, A. McLennan, R.! riiDiicover, j. Andrews. CJ. Mechanics F. A. Rogers (capt.)M R. T. J. Rose. A. E. Dickens. T. H. Priest. 9 Bteeves. J. McLeod. Canadian Legion J. B. Morrison leapt.). J. Talt, P. ODjntiell, E. Nelson, j. Wynne, A. R. MicDonald. Prince Rupert Hotel J. Wataon (capt.i. D. Smith. B. Wert. W. Held, J. Watts, A. Buntell. Orange Lodge J. T. Teng (capt.), A. lcRae. W. Rothwell, F. Piper, j. Laur-crtson, R. Vlerlck. Moose P. Cameron leapt.), a. Rojrer, A. E. Hosklns, J. Judge. W. Jefrerson, J. Os thorn. Sons of Canada F. Rlffou leapt.), V. Menzles, L. Dell. J. Garon. W. J. Orrer, f,;Aldrldge. , . , 8t. Andrews Ben Ferguson (cape, J. Ross, J. Simpson, C. Taylor. Wi D. Chrlsttson, A. Hunter. Dry Dock R. Anderson (capt.), B. Cromp. W. Sanderson. M. Lamb, II. East man, J. Hickey. Cold Storage F. W. Orlmble (capt.), D. Kennedy. W. O. Hughes, d. J. Nor-rington, O. KeUey, W Way. OH. Operating- F. E. Wermlg (capt.), EPWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Hob only a Wonderful flavor but UMJGiiiilFir Wholesome as well H Skattebol. R. K. James, A. Mcintosh. i H. Hill. A. Abbott. Knights of Columbus C. F. J. Fortune (capt). T. M. J. Fortune. H. Le-Uourneau, A. Astoria. L. Astoria. K. Meagher. Yt SPORT CHAT The new heavyweight boxing cham i u The Cougars and Beavers teams will r ; make their debut for the season In th j Prince Rupert Billiard League tonight. ' As It was proven to be with the Lion land Tigers In the first tournament ol Ube season last week, thes team tonight also seem well matched. The players will be: Cougar Fred Pyle, captain. Percy Tinker. M. M. Mac-j Lachlan. S. D. Macdonald, Bert Morgan . . ... oi. .1 r n captain. W. J. Nelson. Ben Self. Frank juuuuge. Angue ucuonaia. ana Alex-ender Harvey, pion of the world Gena Tunney was born In Greenwich Village on May It. 1898. His proper name Is Jsmes Joseph Tunney. He. t the first New Yorker to hold the crown. Fourteen years ago he began earning his own living as an oRlce boy at IS a week. During tht war' ha, enlisted in the United Sttte. navy and It was there that the development of hi boxing prowess began. Less than ten year ago he entered the prize ring and his career r.ce than has been phenomenal. SCHEDULE FOR CRIB LEAGUE IOU rlllST HALF Ol' SEASON lssi i: IIV UIKD it Ul llMIO. MXKKTAKY Fllowlrg Is the schedule for the first half of the Prince Rupert Crlbbage League a Issued by the secretary, Fred E. Wermlg: OCTOIIKK II Grotto vs. C. N. Mechanics. , Canadian Legion vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. Orange Ledge vs. Moote. Sons of Canada vs. St. Andrews. Dry Dock vs. Cold Storage. CJ Operating vs. Knight of 18 Orotto vs. Dry Dock. Canadian Legion vs. St. Andrews. Orange Lodge vs. Knight cf Columbus. Sons of Canada vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Moose. C.N. Mechanics vs. Cold Btorage. 25--C.N. Mechanics vs. Buns of Canada. Canadian Legion Vs. Moose, range Lodge vs. Cold Storage. Dry Dock vs. St. Andrews. CJ4. Operating vs. Orotto. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Knight of Columbus. . NOVEMBER 1 Grotto ys. St. Andrew, Cauadlaii Legldn vs. Cold Btorage. i Orshge- Lodge, W.; Dry Dock, j Son bircanida'ts Prince' Rupert Hotel. C.N. Operating Vs. Moose. ON. Mechanic v. Knights of Columbus. 9 Orotto vs. Sons of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. Knight of . Columbus. Orange Lodge vs. CJ. Mechanics. Dry Dock vs. Moose. CH. Operating vs. St. Andre. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Cold Storage. IS Orotto vs. Canadian Legion. Orange Lodge vs. Sons of Canada. Dry Dock vs. OX Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. CM. Mechanics. St. Andrews vs. Moose. Knights of Columbus vs. Cold Btorage. 23 Canadian Legion vs. Orange Lodge. Sun of Canada vs. Dry Dock. C.N. Operating vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. t C.N. Mechanics vs. St. Andrews. Mooee vs. Knights of Columbus. Cold Storage vs. Orotto. 29 Orotto vs. Orange Lodge. Canadian Legion vs.. Sons of Canada. Dry Dock vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. C.N. Operating vs. O.N. Mechanics. St. Andrew's vs. Knight of Columbus. Moose va. Cold 'Storage. DtXEMIIEIt 8 Grotto vs. Knights, of Columbus. ' Canadian Legion vs. Dry Dock. Orange Lodge vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel v. Bt. Andrew. C.N. Mechanics vs. Moose, Sons of Canada vs. Cold Blorsge, AdvsrtUs.in The Dally Nswi anted For Sale For Rent TENT FOR SALE. NEW THIS YEAlt and used only one week. Price 20 Pullen, Dally New. if Household furniture for sale. Phone Black 183 after 8 o'clock. FOR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON Or old newspapers. Apply Dally New. r TO RENT FOR RENT. SMALL FURNI8HEP house. ioo Eleventh Avenue, near Cold Storage Phone Blue 238. FOR RENT PIANOS, PLAYER- pianos, phonograph and sewing machines. Walker Uuslc Store. FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at 171 Third Ave. Eart. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR RENT MODERN UP-TO-DATE flat; large airy rooms; fire place; close In. Max Ilellbroner. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOIt RENT by day, week or month. Phone lt-J 807. tt ROOM TO RENT IN PRIVATE HOME. Waterfront view. 830 Fourth Avenue East. tf MODERN HOU8E FOR RENT. FIVE rooms and bath. Munro Bros. BOARD AND ROOM. tMakiMMapatsaBBaMw. mm mm aaiia nil . 4 BOARD. THE INLANDER, 830 second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST. LOST. PARCEL CONTAINING FANCY work, between St. Andrew's Rooms and Ambrose Avenue. Finder please leave at Dally News Office. LOST. LADY'S OOLD WRI8T WATCil t on Third Avenue. Finder please re-turn to Dally News Omce. 231 MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY AT HOME. MEN AND women can earn II to 2 an hour In spare time writing showcards. No canvassing Or soliciting. We Instruct yoti and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhennlt Company Limited, 81 Dominion Building, Toronto, FOUND FOUND-FIVE BASEnALL BATS. Ap ply uany news omce. SCHEDULE OF FIRST HALF BILLIARD LEAGUE The following Is the schedule for first half of the Billiard Lragtia season: OCTOIIEH 12-Cougsrs Vs. Beaters. IS Bearcats vs. Tigers. 19 Lions vs. Cougsrs. 32 Beavers vs. Bearcats. 28 Tigers vs, Cougsrs. 30 Bearcats Vs. Liens. NOVEMIlWt 3 Beavers vs. Tigers. 8Cougars vs. Bearcats. D- -Lions va. neavers. 13 -Tigers vs. Bearcats. 18 Beavers vs. Cougars. ' ion i.iriu iifiivrry ha.Mi fiart.OO Touring and lloa.ltlcrl Ml 5.00 porl ltoiltor 6 HHrt.Oft Oiarli and Coupe il00.ort SHan II3S.UU Landau fllK5.no USED CARS ON HAND ; I Fonl I.taht llivirr. oMn I Fonl panri body . I.irrht boy l.lsrhl l.lsrhl liellvnry. Ford Delivery, iliirtcr equipment .... I Fonl Tmlor Siln, lartir tMityltirnr-nl .... I Olil'mobil 5-paon-jrtr Toorintr, I9J2 ... NEW CAR PRICES f 75.0.1 9l5t1.a0 I30.nO 300 P0 fnoo.oo Trnns ran h arranged 0n holli nrw and uod jar In mill Un liirchcr. KAIEN 0ARAE Dcalor in Cadllftc. McLiuohlln. Oakland, Oldsmoblle. Pontlac and Chevrolet Car Phone 52 Miinnboiil 1581. 00 hporl MomllPr OHO.OO Touring nm'.on Cnpt 751.00 Tmlor Sedan 700.00 Fordor Sedan 8U1.00 liighl Delivery ftHjf.00 Truck r.HI.OO These prices Include freight, taxes, seir starter and balloon tires. fiall or lelephono for ileinnnHlrn-linn 'or driving Iooim. S. C. PARKER, LTD., Authorized Ford Sales and Service FORD cars Trucks Tmctors TAXI Phone G7 Taxi (Call Oeorgfl, Paul or (liit) nnd Scvnn Pnntignr Sludc linker nl your dlnposnl any llmo. ROSS BnOS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Arrn from Hmnrp llnlel, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tt'KHII.W. OCTOIIIMI 12 'sh ;37 a m. 17.8 16:22 nm. 107 Low 10:24 am.' A 1 23:13 p.m. 8.0 lVi:iNKMIAV. OCTOIIl:it 1.1 "'Bh .. 5:30 ajn. 18 8 1T:1R ntn la a l-OW IMS .m. 0 TlirilMiiAV. 0( TOMi:it ti '"fh 8:0 am. 16.1 18:33 Dm. is. 1 low 0:14 ajn. fl 12:18 p in. 10.8 I'RIIIAV. (X'TOllMt l.n 8:12 a.m. 18.8 19:56 p.m. 17.9 1:28 a m, 6.8 19:40 pin. 10 6 ft. ft. ft. f STCS CAIL7 . TUKbUAY OtTOBtR , C0NTR0L0F BRINGING UP FATHER t a By George McManu, LVI? If 'riift Vftt"' 11 ' '"f.tSPV-yj UHPTilt 1 i i L.UAVr-U-'t1 I lul'.U'T Tun ) I Plat ' " LIQUOR SALE NOT SUCCESS ( ANryATV 'j J y TT V Z 11 BOOK ATALlTJ SO M('Uli(tsii:rti MIKT or INVERT!- iAOil For jmkt :tiio!mt fcrls. copAL t'lirani op us.- lpp f'1 M' In Kitsumkalum cemetery. A meetins was held bv the dlrwtnra lf the Terrace Fall Fair Association In fhe Fair Building on Friday eveninz. The financial statement showed a slight deficit, but a few promised con iributlons have not been turned In rnd It Is hoped these will almost make rp the shortage. The list of nriz winners was pasted o:i, and the prize money will be paid out at the annual meeting of the association, which will be held on Friday evehlng. Oct. 22 in O.W.V.A. Hall. HAZELTON a?1 J.- I i mrM DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED. WANTED. STENOGRAPHER, GRADE two. female, for the Department of Marine and Fisheries, Prince Rupert. Salary loco per anhum. For examination, apply to Rev. Oeo. O. Hacker. 6C3 Sixth Avenue eWst. Prince Ru-pert, not later than October IB. WANTED. ONE RELIABLE MAN IN every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best customs-made clothes In Canada. Highest com-mlsalons. Rex Tailoring Co. Ltd, To-ronton (a)' FOR SALE. FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN LB-tate. We are authorised to sell several lots, some comer, harbor view, and on sewer. Price low and Unit from 110 00 monthly. Enquire T. MrClymont. u TOR BALE. FORTY WYANDOTTE pullet; raised on free range In dry belt from winter laying strain. Box 330. bally News ofllce. Phone Blue 1M- 340 FOR SALE FOURTEEN GOOD HORSES Apply at Skeena Lumber Co. Utk. B O., or George Rorle, Hays' Block. ' Prince Rupert. B.C. 341 ciiiRoi'ittrnr dk. it. t. i:vot.i SON ( IIIIIOI'KACTOlt t3 Third Atenue. Omce visit - I1O0 House call 12 00 For appointment Phone Office Blue 83 Residence Black 233 ANOTHER DIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. l-IH Ton I'lilily Kx. ' nriui f'.lmati. I it". nn Article, Lost and round,4t MAIL SCHEDULE OllT-OOIMl I'nr Ihr i:t Mondsys. Wednesdsyt and Sttr. Tu saroutrr - IN'-iOMIMI I mm I he IjiI Mondays. Wednradays acd r tea sunaaya Mg Tuedays Tnurtdays j(,a Saturdays 13 CP R. Oct 13 and 33 ti n T Ali)o. Allrc Arm, airasrl tm mlrr sunoay , 1 To lt. Mmj-on and Nih Rlirts Thursday u To Alaska folnlk October and 18 To ouetn Charloll October and 23 1 to Antos and Alke Arm- Wedneday (y Tu lsrt and lrrmlrr Saturdays .... a at 11 Itufn t anmutrr , Sundays Wedndy .... ;ta Fridays . Saturdays uj CJJl . October and .1 I'titM) Anynt, Alk Arm, fins' rrrtulrr Tueadar Innt It. lmpMMi and Nat Htr. Batllrdsya I rora UKm minis-October It and t rom ((urrn riiarMIr Ortobrr 7 and 31 I rnm )a and Alice Arm Thursday I) rnvfii Mrarl and Premier 8undsyi nov cou.rcTioN am. rt UrslMm A Allin Ave. . Ill lit Ave. lib . snj H tlh Ave h ration ( I I lit lib A A 7tvorx" I I 1M M A ,1l-rlimkft Ate. I.fn H II Are 4 Coarad L I II lib Ave. A lli Cat I II III Mb A tltrs cove Cirri j: IW lib Ale A Coiioa Si. i.il U lib Ave. A MrftrMe SI. I ll fro. 'flovl nidr i.m Pro. 0iv. Wbsrf . . . t.'i I" n.T.P. Whtrf .I5 i O.T.r. niton eri 1.U fnd Ave tnd Si. . . n il U Ird Ave. s rullm l. I0.lt Ird Ave. 1 Alb St. . It III Ol STEAMSHIP MOVEMBI Tor V snrouVrr Bunday . Prince Rupert Tuesday -, Cardena Thusrdsy - Prince Oeorgt Saturday- -a. Cstala Halurdsy rrlncea BeaUlr Oct 13 -m. rrlncea Mary Oct. 33. aa. Prlhcess Wsry I'roni t'anronter Sundayas. Cardena . Wednesday -a. Vt. Qeorge 10 Prlday a. Oatala . Saturday-a. Pr. nuDert 1'" Saturday--m. Princess Beatrice October 8 as. rrlnce Msry October 18 m. Prlnceas Mary Tor Port Mmponn and N Bl"" ftlday as. Calais ... from IN.rt aimpwn and Na Rlt Rnturtlsy s. Catala I'or Meart, Anyo and Allre Af- Sunday at Cardena . Frnni Meart Anjn. and AMrf M Tuesday r cardena . I or Stewnrl Bsturdsy--. Prlncl nupert I'roni NleNart Sunday. Prince Rupert lor (piern Charlotte Oct. 9 as. Prince Charles Oct. 33 a. Prince Charles from ipiern riiurlnlirs Oct. 7 as. Prince Charles Oct, 2ls. Prlnc Charles lor A mill- Wrdnesdsy as. Trlnce Oeoit 1 rum Auyot Thursday a. Prince George I'or Mewart Saturday lis. Prince nupert I'rwn Mewart Sunday aa. Prince Rupert Tor Alaka- Oct B-.as. Princess M7 Oct, 18 ss. Princess Mary t'rnih Atanita Oct, 18-as. Princess Msry Oct, 33-as. Princes Msry Advertis la tbi Dsllr