5 TAXI and Anbulance Service Anywhere at Anytime, Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 8th Bl WATT VI DECK, f lot XVI No. 239, fc t. acre spent In the prison nos- K WAVE AT SAN FRANCISCO "IT KIU.I JI AMI lllillltl II IMUS- KIMLVA7IXV COMMtM IMl OX hTI ItlltY Mdlll US PRANCI8CO. Oct. 12-Thrce mm i killed and three others shot and "u.'.ly wounded In an outbreak ot try iMt tttgtit. the continuance of i -me wave which bcttan Ssturdsy when two men were fstally shot. " wounded and fifteen others held and robbed. vaiter Bwsnson. a taxlcsb driver, was first victim last night. He was way-and killed and his body pitched on the Sixteenth Avenue viaduct, bandit then entered a restaurant Brsnnan Street where he shot the It and robbed htrn of 140. Then he i' directly acrosa the street to a gss Uon and shot and killed Jack "lie woundlna- two others. Immedl- ly after, he ahot aikd killed Michael fovttch, a steatnahovel operator. TOLE JEWELS FROM MUSEUM t'HANTIIXY. France, Oct. 12.Jewla ld at approximately $2,700,000 were 'm last night from the famous ftrau Due D'Aumle. maintained here National Museum. The burglars no clue Advertise la the Dally Newa i Edmonton Journal) The new King cabinet can find noth- he former premier asked that his restg. 14 na'.ion be aoeeeted as final Tbe gather- ' litg then adapted a reaohittea of regret and left it fur the committee of elected members to decide Use detail of the ! aiysl SHtmUu t a hteei th mc w prmu Drill leader b to be (feosea After""! '.selaAMl Mr0ruttm he had twen asked to "IU1 a gap " iT reral members were proposd for the polllon of temporary leader, among them being It It Stevens. R. B Bennett. Or a 3 VUnlon C W. Bell Sir Oeorge Prrlrr Simon rraacr Tolotte and O M. Cahan but withdrawals reduced the nomination to four and from Umm Outarte was chosen by ballot. Two resolutions eulogizing Mr. Mrtghen were adopted. Mr. Mrlgbrnw slatement to the eonlerrnre was simple and brief. He said It was bis convlc-Uon thst the best Interests of all concerned would be promoted by his re-tttement and that decision wss definite. " m:w Main ii KK-oitu Bom at Ouelph in USfl Mr Outbrle may be saM to hsee inherited the aea in ParUanteet. for hts father. Donald j Outhrie. reoriented South Wellington , for all ytwis. He was educated at Ouelph and Toronto, taking up tbe study of law. In 1907 he wss chosen chauman of the railway oomrotuee of the House of Commons, wss createu a K C la 1902. breame solienor general of Canada in 191? and was sworn In as a tnrmbrr of tbe Privy Council In 1919. Mr Outhrie took over the portfolio of minister of Militia and Defence In 1 1920 and on the formation of the 1 Mrtghen cabinet. A few months lster he .wu rrsppotntud to the same position 'sna retired from the office mhen the i government resigned in December. 1921. ' In religion the new leader is a Pres byterian GOOD RECEPTION OF KING CABINET BY THE CONSERVATIVE PRESS ' hunting In tbe woods, for a deer to come running to htm as ir seeking protection. He was out after deer and this wsj a buck. Just tbe sort of thing he wsnted. Evidently the deer saw him but did not aeem to mind although it as evidently afraid of something Looking sialn the hunter ssw five dogs, Indian dags, he thought, chasing ;he buck, but a second look convinced him that they were -not dogs but wolves. The leader was a huge grey fellow and behind him were four black creatures, running low and seeing nothing except the qusrry ahead on which they were gaining rapidly. Wolfsletger stood his ground until they got within good range and fired at the leader but failed to bring him down. One after the other of the black wolves he toppled over with his trusty rifle but the biggest of the pack, the grey leader, got away. In the confusion which in ol which to complain In the recep- , fQl)o...d. th. d-.r also not clear and tlon that has been accorded it by the WM aljl0 Mfe troJn the woiVes stnee four public and the press. There has been no ( of lh( t,ye wtre klUt(, ,ud tht otner under-estunstton of the ability that It WOunded. contains, even by those who most woltslelgher 1 not worrying about strongly opiKed the Liberal party dur- lo8lng th(l dpfr Ttlf bounty on the ing the recent campaign, ana everywhere the hope has been expressed that It will take full advantage of the opportunities that are opcu to it under more stable political conditions. A Conservative newspaper, the Ottawa Journal, pays tribute to the outstanding qualities of aome of Its members, to Mr. Dun-mff-s drlvln force. Mr Robb's bulauce. eloquence and Mr. Euler'a (Mr Lapolnte's rood sense. It think that If Mr. Ralston can be brought In, 11 Mr Motherwell can from doing harm, ana u f. In to see Dunning can occasionally drop that Mr. rorke to not asieep at vo switch, all may not be lost, but that everyone at all event, to prepared to give the ministry a chance. England to getting tired of sex novels experts, and their say publishing taken by detective, adventure place is being and iny" lorlc, wolves amounts to 125 apiece and be-sides that each! skin Is worth quite a bit. The excitement of the hunt, too, was worth aomethlng, and the atory he to able to tell is the best hunting story ot the season. JAPANESE SENT TO ASYLUM AFTER wmrn PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT BJC . TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12. 182. STATUE OF BRITANNIA with Lion, erected on the New Count r Fire Offices, Piccadilly Circus, at a heifbt of 88 ft. TM i:TV-OXE C'AK Ol- HllllAT HIMIMl HIIIIIX in IIOlK The movement of grsla to this Uitls cslalnc .:eadlly and hrsTTltTlnsI The" prtU' V 4 srs reported for the wheat pool's 4 elevator at Prince Rupert. 4 Taenty-onc cars will arrive 4 Wednesday nlgbt or Thursday 4 4r morning and similar or larger 4 4 shipments within a week or so 4 4 m til become quite common. Four 4 4 ct (loads were drllvered yesterday 4 4 afternoon. 4 KILLED FOUR LOST LEADER HI.IH II IX TO lll.NTtK Mill I'ltOTEC-1 KIN UIIKX (lltoCII IIY II IK UOLl AT TIC'KH 1M.ET It was a curl jus thing. Ocorge Woll-sleigrr thought on Sundsy when he was t Woman Declares She Engineered Conspiracy to L ft Stigma from , Evangelist Regarding Oi miston LOS AXOELE& October 12. The lesidr story of the alleged plot to re move a rumored atlgma of tbe Carmei cottage Indiscretion from tbe life of Almee MtPberson was told in court yesterdsy by Mrs. Lorraine Setlaff. who onfesied that she engineered the conspiracy aided by Mrs. McPherson and her mother. Mrs, Minnie Kennedy. In the witness box. as key witness tor the prosecution. Mrs. Sellaft re lated the course of the plot, which she claimed eventually had produced the mysterious "Miss X" of Carmei bungalow fame. This nebulous peraouage. she iald. was Introduced Ui an affidavit, purporting to come from Chicago and signed . f by Kenneth Crmlston. at present a fu- KKillT BOX. Ht Oll Ot T1IKIC New Leader of Conservative party who was chosen by Caucus of members at Ottawa last night COOLER WEATHER IS REPORTED IN NORTH Cooler weather Is reported In the north this morning. The eight o'clock report of the Government Telegraphs says that at Dawson ths temperature was 18, which means fourteen degrees below lreering point. The details of the report follow: Terrace: Part cloudy, calm, temp. 31. Anyox: Clear, calm. 86. Stewart: Clear, talm, 30, Hazeltou, Cloudy, calm, 32. Telegraph Creek: Clear, calm, 20. Burns Lake: Cloudy, calm, 30. Smlthers: Cloudy, calm, cool, 28. Whtehorae: Clear, calm, 23. Dawson, Cloudy, calm. 18. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE KILLING RELATIVE Md. Wheat 1.42i VANCOUVER, Oct. 12. -Sultsa Puruk-, B.C. Silver 1,78 1.80 awa, on trial In the amUee court on a Dunwell 1.03 1.04 charge of murdering bis-sister In law, Independence ...... ,.0S .07 Klm Furukawas and her four year old Indian (.04 .06 son In April last, was found not guilty L. & L, .05 .10 on the grouud of lnssulty by a Jury after Marmot .08J4 .11 three minutes' deliberation. Premier 2.08 2.09 The accused wa4 committed to the Porter Idaho .06 4 .07 I insane asylum. Burt Inlet ,01 .03 gltlve from Justice and co-defendent with Mrs. McPhenou and formerly rallo operator at Angelus Temple. AnordlBg to the affidavit Ormlston was said to have sworn that "Miss X" occupied the seaside cottage with him during the days following the disappearance of Mrs. Mcherson on Msy 18. Prior to Mrs. Sellafra testimony, the prosecution Introduced a statemsnt by her as part of the alleged plot This statement she disavowed when she confessed her part In relation to the conspiracy with the Angelus Temple traders. She repudiated the statement of authorship of which Mrs. Sellsff attributed so Mrs. McPherson In a lster confession In which she named herself as the "goggled woman" of Carmrl bungs-low She also brought In a "younger sister as the mysterious "Mlsi X." QUEEN MARIE IS ON THE WAY TO VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Oct. 12. Queen Marie of Roumanla, who left Cherbourg today aboard the Leviathan for New York, will visit Vsncouver for one day. November S, arriving from Seattle by automobile. She will also visit Toronto, Ottswa and Winnipeg on her Canadian tour. INVENTOR ARRESTED FOR FALSE PRETENCES NO MONEYON PERSON VANCOUVER, Oct. 12. -Joseph Saun-dera, who last week announced himself as the Inventor of a railway 'device tor which he received 8300.000 for the Canadian rights, was lollged In Jail 'yesterday on a charge of obtaining lodging under false pretence.' He was arrested on a warrant Issued In February last by William Lee. which charges him with Obtaining lodging to the value of fourteen dolls ra. Saunders hsd no money on his person when arrested. He Is said to hare admitted staying two dsys. at the rooming house but declared he paid for his room. Advertise In Ths Dally News CJJculstlon 1810. Sites 693. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hill, wilb newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW 800A FOUNTAIN. The latest and bent for the least. Phone 4S7. ON. HUGH GUTHRIE LEADS CONSERVATIV ES MOSEN FOR COMING SESSION OF PARLIAMENT UNTIL CONVENTION MEETS t. Hon. Hugh Guthrie to Lead Conservatives 1 Until End of Session itional convention will be held after Parlia ment rises when permanent leader for party will be chosen i OTTAWA. October 12.- The Consrrvsilve conference yestrrdsy Appointed i Hon Hugh Guthrie -tbelr lewder lor the coating session uf Parliament and .. permanent leader to chcaen. A national contention to make telectlon of ,i.;c:. leader will be held at the end of the parliamentary seaalon. Tbe temporary Miocrfaor to Right Hon. Arthur Mclgben will be on trial ,.; ttuog aeMlon and It he make good ia likely to bold tbe position per-- He la tbe member for South Y.'elltngtoa and a resident of Ouelph, : Ar '.he last election he was returned by a targe majority over his op- W A Burnett Ubcral-ProcTeMtve In tbe Metfben "shadow cablnot INVICTED IN 'RINCE RUPERT TROUBLE AGAIN II. KIIIIINIOKH rtl !OKI. KfltUs'. tllK K AMI COMI." IUIIIKL Jl IHit IIUUAY I WESTMINSTER. Oct. 12 AttrV- i j fownfall to his wile, con- i it was over. Cecil Ruth-f'.niid ' guilty in tbe Cvunlj ff'tt to three charge of p- " '.ta heck and was remanded t .r: Us U intimated that If Ruth- H i - nitr ed true lit would be Ir.iently ' rrd to at present serving all c- Otalla.. having concluded a - .'-rn a few months ago. lie l.ir '.jf m reiurnlnr home to Krl- i a.'irr tne war he found that tits m :ld his goods, hts store and n.e and fled with another man : 4 beet, gassed overseas he was unmake a living and commenced P's of passing worthies ' Te two year term was Int ro Pi owe Hunert whrre he Was "P following a conrtctleo for prr.cucee All the time of the -be was minister of national defence and , was always looked upon as one of tbe mart scilM members of that group. I kiki:t KI.MOM1IOX 1 Mr Meigbee'a rratgaatton was con sidered tor a ample ef hours and finally Total Wheat Crop of World This Year is 2,861,000,000 Bushels and Canada's Quota Good One El KOft W ILL t OXTIME TO BIT lNM'KINO STABILITY OK PRICES: VOLL'.ME OK CAXAIIIAX PKOIHCTIOX NOT SEKIOI'SLY AITECTED MONTREAL, October 12 Forecast, and estimates for the wheat crops In twenty-seven countries tn Northern Hemisphere, producing about 85 per cent of the world's wheat-supply. Indicate a total production of 2.881 million buiheU for MC6. an Increase of 1.2 per cent over the production of those countries In 192S, cays the Royal Bank. Report. No record crops and no crop failures have been reported, and a more normal world distnbutlcn of the crop Is to be anticipated this year than in the past few years. Last year. Europe's large crops resulted tn unusually small shipments to European ports, 'while the surplus supply was absorbed by heavy shipments to tbe Orient . Since crops of European Importing: countries promise to bs smaller than last year and their carryovers are moderately ljw. and since larger supplies promise to ire s.rt3itle In exporting countries as a whole, international traae tn 1923-27 to likely to be seme hit larger .ban In 105-26, tut smaller than In the two preceding yean. Steady Improvement In European stability to a further factor whUb give, promise that Europe will continue to buy wheat in gocd volume in the face of crop reductions this year. Constant study of the course of probable future demand Is Just as Important a factor In the world wtest situation as are estimates ana forecasts concerning supply. CANADA CHOP LARGE The official estimate of Canada's current whest crop was revised upward on Since that date, howeverj adere wea- tner conditions' have prevailed in the prairie province., resulting In a general lowering of grades, not only of wheat, but also of coarse gTilns. Reports indicate, however, that the volume of production will not be seriously affected. A good portion of the wheat has been cut. but very Uttle has been threshed. This sltustion Is reflected In the current car leading figures, when the weekly car loadings were smaller than In 1925 for the first time this year. This decrease was almost wholly accounted fir by reduced grain shipments from the prairie provinces. THREE SMALL BOATS SELL FISH TODAY Only three mall Canadian boats sold halibut on Exchange today. The price realized was 14c and 8c and the bsats were: Ingred H, 2.0C0. to Atlln Fisheries. May. 1.500. to Royal Fish Co. Point May. 2.500, to Cold Storage. WIKELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIQBY ISLAND. Clear, calm; baro-1 meter. 30.16: temperature, 46; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29,-96; temperature. 41. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, fresh 8E. wind; barometer, 29.94; temperature. 40; sea moderate; 7:40 pm. spoke steamer Prince Charles, abeam Deud Tree Point: bound for Skldegate Inlet: 8 pjn, spoke steamer Oray, SB miles from Rose Harbor, bound for Rose Harbor; 8 pm. spoke steamer Prince John 220 miles from Vancouver southbound; 8 pm. rpoke stcamen Prince Rupert In Queen Charlotte Sound southbound; 10:45 pm. spoke steamer Venture left Hardy Bay southbound; 8 am. spoke tug St. Faith abeam Safety Cove bound for Msssett towing barge Drum rock; 8 am. spoke steamer Car-dena In Chatham Sound southbound; 8 am. spoke tug Pacific Monarch abeean Salmon River southbound. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm; temperature, 30.10 :temperature, 58; sea smooth; 12 noon spoke steamer Prince Mary In Dixon Entrance bound for Prince Rupert. DEA DTREE POINT Barometer. 29.-981' temperature, 50. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, fresh SE. wind; barometer. 29.94; temperature. 45; sea choppy; 8:45 am. spoke steamer Canadian Observer abeam' Pine Island, Nanatmo for Ocean Falls 11 am. spoke tug Llama Pass southbound. An earthquake such as that ot 1923, In which more than 100.000 persons lost their Uvea, to not likely to come again to Japan for many years, said Dr. Kernel Imamura. aelsmologlcal ' expert and professor of the Tokyo Imperial University. MUST NOT KEEP BULL AT LARGE COI KT DISMISSES APPEAL AUAIXHT PAYING .COMPENSATION IOK DAMAGE BY ANIMAL VANCOUVER, Oct. 12-Flndlng that William Schneider's bull ran at large unlawfully, the court of appeal unanimously dismissed the Deer Part rancher's appeal against the decision of Judje Forin tn the County Court of West Koot-enay. who assessed him 1478 to compensate Mrs. Mary Jacobson, who was gored by the animal When the woman attempted to lame .""tTbuir off her-premises the creature attacked her and broke her Jaw and four ribs, "We know a dog to entitled to the first bite, but to a bull entitled to the first gore?" queried Mr. Justice Me-Phllllps to the applicants counsel, who' explained that a bull was listed among domestic animal, by statute and be claimed that Schneider's bull was tame. "Some people would never, think, there was a tame bull," commented Mr. Jus tice McPhllUps, "but maybe there it." APPEALMADE JUNEAU FIRE till Aktl IOK 223 HOMELESS PEO- rLt or DortiLAH and ikead- WELL (tee lsst ntghl appealed to former Alas kans on the Pacific coast tor aid to-223 persons homeless at DJuglaa, and Treadwell as tbe result of the tire which destroyed 79 occupied and 50 unoccupied residences. A revised estimate of the loss plscej It at 8200.000. None saved their personal belongings and lumber and clothing are needed. FIRST WHEAT 50 YEARS AGO WINNIPEQ, Oct. 12. Fifty years ago a few agriculturists ot old Fort Oarry community, now Winnipeg, were engaged In preparing their first shipment of wheat from Western Canada to Ontario, following a crop failure In the eastern provinces. The shipment wasvmade on, October 12, 1876. and last night at a banquet, the pioneers of the province told of the trials and. experience, those days. of "Rubberneck" tours to" department teres have been arranged that womeu might see Paris gowns and furs a. they do the Pantheon and Notre Dame, "all In half a day. with no frills." CARPENTERS WANTED A number of farpeirlers rough -carpenters and laborers will be .required al Jry Dock for lining 'ruhi ships. y Apply to Dry Dock 0ffi' und leave name 'lid ad dres. 211 3 '1