(TUESDAY. OCTOBEM 13, I5l Unless someone tells her about her eyes the'll netJ an extension on her arm" The woman is far-sight-exl, but( doesn't knejw1 it. How ridiculous she makes herself look, in her attempt to read the mcnul Too many women, and men too, go through this same futile performance, lie sure that your own sight is normal. Have your eyes examined! ? P,lliitk Tittjft 1 1 til I r I tit it It ima l tittl tin HI, 4 (Jewellers SsLthc store with the clocn BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO- WEAR J rfJ'JXVI'tl ;, pp.1ii iuie of English Made Cravenette Raincoats if i. n Uf (r-n Ml lit J. BENT Third Ave. Phone 651. LUMBER VYp nrr nininifncturuig rongli ntjil tlrcset'd liim-lrr KIc grain boat 'fiWir. llnlilml mid salmon boxes. Ask For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Ilpeciver, Liquidator, Trustee. Ac Phono 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PIUNCK nUI'IiflT TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 530, Green 23S, Black 735. Night Phonal 687,. 639, Green 238, Blaok 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QCO. I. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fin Trimminfrs at low ,pr(ces B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A, Third Ave. IIKAIHJl VKTKICS oh ,(, vOUM OIUJAM.UlON OITOHITE NT.UK i liM'.UCTMKNT I WA81IINOTON, Oct. 12 An official agency of th League of Nation, the I International Labor Office with head. t quarters at Geneva, U operating almoat 1st the front floor of the State Depart roent. Although the United Statu stays outside the League, recognition bat been given to the Washington Branch cf the Ictei national Labor Office, which Is ex-tmpt from taxation and which Is permitted to import duty free books and document from the Geneva headquarters. IMIIH-keth t. i..uou The office has been operating here quietly for some time and only recently came to public notice with the Issulwr. ,of a series cf public statements dealing with IU activities and with the world wide work of the Oeneva office. Lelfur MagnuMon. a former official of the American Labor Department. Is dl-i lector of the, Washington Branch, the j ' prime purpose of which is to Interpret the industrial and labor sttustlon In the I United State for the centrsl office. "The Wsthlnglon Branch collects federal and state government, publications in the field of labor and Industry and sees to It that they are rejularly dispatched to Oeners." said Mr. Magnus-sou. AIT Ell H-lloi it H tY "It prepares memoranda In response to specific Inquiries from the centrsl ot-tut Larger researches also hive been undertaken imong which lave bren a study of the housing situation In the tutted Stat: the ue of leisure time by Industrial workers, the statu of health ' asjrance and old age pensions In this r untty For association and indlvtd-;UiJ- in this country, this brsnch'glve Information concerning the work of the Oenera office." Inquiries directed by members of rcngreM. government departments and sute offMals to the Washington branch dealt with such subject as Industrial rendition tn Egypt. China. Japan and Ir-dta world unemployment and price movement: working women in Industry tn the different, major countries; establishment of the eight hour day and 48 hour week abroad. The International Labor Office, has as Its prime object the establishment of the eight-hour dsy and th a hour week among the laboring people tn all countries LA MO ACT. Nstlc Sly to Lssi Lsn In I'lmr linperl land Reronlint t'l i ' anil -iiium- si J'dmt) Mirtx.r. veeo huMi- i.itnd l SI. Mti l Uwl (unervlllr i-aimef) i mm l td., liimnlirr. r) i .. -- pa tluti I i.ii l i'trtv Intend I" M"I) for S lessr r it r..lliH( ow-i-tlr4 Uud: lutiwiirniir at f..t planted al tlx w.illiaM mrnsjr of Utr Tvftt Mineral ' urn r.u.mr the ea.lerti- tmular in a i. iiii! iiir-'iioii is rtMin: ttMixe, ii. tiiK-..Tl II r-tiam. in bull wnei .. ark llMO.f lllhrlrljr tU$ tho tilth I wsii'f nisik IS ctttiftv xbntr smitllweM- ' .i.i 1 r(Min, m-ire r h, tn the j i.ini a r.rfniiwnrrtiM.m. sji ntitiinr it i if. u'f "t less. I i.VEHlli.K IVMIIV OlMI'tNY. I TIL. Arrllrsm. I'M- F. l. MttlM-fT. Iwxt . plemlfr Sth Ittt. LAND ACT. NvJcs SKntloa I Apply te Li Lid. Ik . m , tiecimtior luiiriii or rriure II lit and Untie n twrth nhore of an I nn-.nl list ia South .West Cnasl of I it I nand, sboul nne mile ri frtn Muff j rue 0Tlcr thai F.. tiouu. of Lowej tn. 'i. I vlnre ot tirluth Columbia, ucru- I nt 'H. int-y Mansrer, intend lo ipplj 1 i. : if :tMt fiili.m in de.cribrd Unrfv i mtvi ' it at a lil pliotni on the j wirr O' BiMnmeo j n uw rouw e.t . k .1 11 nil IWitiil. about one mile fM ot i.,ff rnlt.r ttirnre north twenty hln. 'Retire esl twenty rhuliu. Wience tit twenty rhiinv mnre ur Irsi. to Hrh Wster Mtrk: Ihenre follnivint tilth wtter itist-k welMiy la point of eommenremen. ami ri4ilslnlnir eltlit seres, tmire or lets. nm:n July iom, tt C B0tt8FtU. tPpltesnt. MINKRAL AOT Certifies! f Improvement. ' Winn Frii'tinnil .V. t. Anyoi snd Jus- nils .Mineral claims. Huile In the Allin Mining IHvuliin nf the rtr tltrlrt. slxiiit nne mile tip ulrratn rrom the htmlh nf Vnn niver. TAkK M'Tlf.F. thai The Fntlneee Oold Minen l td.. Inr.. Free Miner rerltrirste ,. notior intend Itly rtxys from tbm nsxa raws PAGE FIVE LEAGUE AGENCY ANNIVERSARY . IN WASHINGTON UNITED CHURCH1 : tlie:(, wlinst address is liirerttess cannery, date hereor .t" apply In the Mlnlnr He- rnnler fur a Cerllrleste or Improvement, reir the piirnnw of ciiiiainint Crown irnt 'if the slxive rlslm. And further take not Ire lh.it trtlnn, tin. iter ierl!iiii . mut lie rotnmenreil beTore I lie iiie -if sueh Cerllfirile of In prove- ""pATF.n this lt day of September. ..D. H. McN. FRASER. Aftent MINIMAL ACT wtrtlflcst or Improvsmsnts. tn.uniK No. 4. I.nt !&!. Mineral Clilm Itusts In the Al"n Mitilns nivllnn nf the i annsr lil'lrlrt. nn tin Wet Arm of Tn-kun Arm, IhmiI three onsrler of s mile up Atrentn rniin tut mmuih tn waim iii.ri. TtKK NOTU'E that I, Charles K. Ollniore, Free Miner Crrtirieste n. St7l, Intitid. 'ilv il.iv fnun t.'ie date hereof, lo apply tn ihn Vinlnir rtcennlee rur s Cerllflrsle .if Imprnvenients. for the iirtme or nl-lalnlnr s :riwn Irani ur the (hove rl.tltn. Anil rtirther talett tmllre that anion, uniler aerllon tt. mtit he efimmeltred le-tun Uh - li"ue of mieli Certlflrat or 1m-nrovepienta. . . nTFI till l rtf,y of m Seplemher. A.D ""' It MeN. FnAFn. tronl.' MINERAL ACT. Osrtiricsts of Imorovsmanti Swoeptake .X". . Swoepiake No. A Fraellnt'sl and swiifstake Mn, Frae-tloual Mineral Claim, sltnale In the Atlln Minm invtolon of caviar Hllrri. WheiT h'eateil' - KaM alrto of Taku Arm. fieep Creek, neai- Ttkt: NOTH'F. Hint lleelnald Symes, harr'uier anil snllrlmr, nf 040 We pen-Sir l VatiniMver. Ilrltlh Coluinliln. set-lie a"aiceni rnr Rwerp'takea Minln Cr-rKiralKin Free Miner's Cerllfleaie Nn. lit an Inleml. al'iy MJ' rrn 'tie date nerVilr' l" annly n lh Mlntnt lleennler rnr Cerllfleaie" nf lnimvemetil, for the. r.iirioe of ihtalnlnir Crown Oranti ot myu ritiiTHKn the mitick that sc. ilnn rnnler serllnn mut lie eonunenred tM-rnre the iMiie t)f stirh rerlinratea nr 'TaWwi I'l y of Septetnlier, A.n. l(t. r Perfection in ourVhisIfy is Due to 94Years Experience (jOODERHAMAfe . Jll? CANADIAN t TRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD Tins advcrttaeiTicnt is not published or displayed by the I irjnor Uoniroi Hoard or by the Oovernment of Hrilish (Vilnmhla BID INVITED FOR REPAIRS HUM E Kt l'KItT MllPV tlll) .tKU TO .lti: I'KIti; ON KtlKVl MA It I VICTCRIA, Oct. 1J. Prince Rupert well aa other shipyards Is Invited to bid on the repair Job for the Kaikyu Miru and it u expected the work will run into M00.OO0. The ship ts beached at Blenkinsop Bay. where patching the hull la being completed. Officials of the Pacific Salvage Company stated thla week they ipect to refloat the vessel, following which she will be towed to Vancouver and drydocAed for surrey by underwriters and shipyard surveyors, both the Victoria Machinery Depot and Yarrows. Limited, will send one of their men over to Vancouver to make a bid for the contract. Damage to th rel to of such an extent that tt will take approximately three months to complete, and will provide employment tor some ISO to 309 men. Victoria firms will make strong effort to secure this contract. MUCH TOUGH AND SPROUTED GRAIN Oiil) forty per reut of ,lralrle flraln 1hrrhel at Meek Fud Fine weather -has prevailed during the past va-ek. in Alberta and in parts of Saskatchewan and threshing Is general saya the Bank of Montreal report. Dehere on Prairies ' there have been further rains. There will be much tough and sprouted grsln. but extent 'Pnd on future weather, as probably hot more than 40 per cent r .hr-.hi. threshing h.. haa been .rxi.,1 completed. ... Iu Quebec quality of grain crops as a . hl- h.. hn -i adversely by heavy twins during the harvesting oper ations. In Ontario dry weather during the past week haa enabled most farmer to complete their grain harveitlng. In Maritime Province weather condition for completing harvest have been favorable and roots will be a good yield. In British Columbia harvesting of all croivy except late apple and roots, to practlcaly completed. WATER WOTICC. Diversion and Ul. TAkK MITII I llul llnlien llmln John. win itnv inr a tirenee hi take ami lie I u. Oiiii talkms er day vX water out nf rreek weal or wharf it China IUI, iNo known la inn name), whlrh flows soiiih, east and lira flu into Trim I Hay a limit 400 feel outh itnng tlir ln-arh from the south. eal corner Lot "A." kltaoi 1 .11. The wiler will t diverted Tnitn the Mrram at l point about Son reel renin Its innniti and will li ul fur domemic anil ranne.-y itirHines upon the land desertliej as l.nl "A", kluiHi I.tt. This iiuiiie wi ixmietl mi I lie irniind on Ihe IJth day of September. Iljl. A copy of this notlre anil it nf.pliiall'in pitriusnl thereto and tn the "Wiler Aif' Willi be riled in the of. fteoyof the Water Heeonler at rriure Hu rl. tibierllvns. In tlx appllralluii may oe filed Willi Hie. said Water Itecuttler or with lhi Comiilrollcr of Water tllirhl, Parliament Iiiulilmits, Ylrinrla, It.C, within thirty days arier the first aptx-amire or this imllre In a jncsl newiriter. The il.nte ur the firM xilillrillnn of this nntics Is SeplemlMT Sil, lt. nniiKUT Cii.tinnE joiimston, Anpllranl. WATCR NOTICt Diversion and' Us TAKE MlliCK that II, u. Kyle, whoee Sildrens 14 Wransell. Alalia, and Telegraph CriM'k. It. c. win appiy rur a uretixe to lake and tio ,uuu miner's luvlnw flow nf n.i..1 mil a.P lln.L. ,lt,ll. l.lnl, n..... easterly Into ipii Crerk. the water will tie iiivorieti from the stream st a point Shlllll Iwn mllert lln the li.nm rrom II. inuiilh lull) I ieae .rm ami will be used ror nynraniie iiiimnir purpofte upon bench piarer claim, known and . ile rihed aa Irani' ,ao. I vo nun ill. Tills This notice. ii.iine ws vn luiKieii on the irtMiMKl oh, iho 13rd day nf July I0o. A copy of tin nmlre and iti applieatinn pumuaiii thereto wirt to the "Water Aft, ISM." will be tiled In Hie nrriee. or the Wsler lleennler at Teletrsph Creik. ottjerihiu t'i the apfilicatlon may lie filed Willi tfte Mid Water Iteconler ur with the Comptroller or Water nigliln, Parliament Hiill.linn, Vli-lnrla. II C wl. Ililn Ihlrtv ilnv sfter the firi iimearahre or this notice' In -the loesl liewii1er. no unie or inn rirri putiiiesilon gr inn notice It eeptftiiher 14th, toA, 11. 1). KYLE, Applicant. MtUiE MMItllts TOOK P.tltT IV IH( ANMAI. EVENT The Prince Rupert United (Method. 1st) Church celebrated its eighteenth: anniversary with special services on Bunds y and a congregational supper last night, On Sunday the pulpit was taken by1 Iter. William Allen of Terrace and there-were two excellent services. Music In ! the morning was by the children and. In the evening, by the senior choir. There were two hundred present at the supper and concert, both, of whlcli were under the auspices of the Ladle Aid, Mrs. J. Krlkevsky president. The coclai parlors were suitably decoraterl and a splendid fare was provided for the Urge turnout. After the supper, the festivities were carried into the auditorium of the church where a program of much excellence was enjoyed. Mrs. Anderson, xoompanled by Mrs. Donald Rou, and Mrs. P. W. Allen and J. 8. Wilson, ac-. companled by Mrs. Cullen, were much appreciated soloist. A vocal duet by Mrs. Allen and Mr. Wilson proved very popular and Miss M. A. Way'a piano solos were of their usual quality anil skill. Miss Marjorle Lancaster's vlollji eolos. with Mrs. H. C Praser accompanying, were much applauded and Miss Louie Fisher won the audience srltlv her clever elocutionary numbers. In the course of the evening. Rev. j William Allen, punctuating his remarks with humorous sallies, delivered a fin addreM on "The Changes in the Kirk" itallng with the development of the xcrvlcea from the olden days to the modern. He also referred to the many mprovemenU In church music. The evening entertainment was Srought to a dose with the singing .of he National Anthem, GOSSIP ABOUT WOMEN OUIIIKS : TO UIIUK On a tour of investigation among the Tillages of the Black Sea region. Jie Governor found that farm work was being done by women, while their lord and .masters sat In the village coffee house smoking and gossiping. The Oovernor gsve orders to thu mayor of each village tn this district. that every able! bodied man should be forced to work In the fields during Uw day and that BSce should be allowed to sit In th coffee houses during the . IT nours when the' women were tolling. .tlx II VIII 1.4IVO The Island of Uahant, In Brittany, claims to be the only point left in Europe wherein bobbed hair to unknown. The women all wear their hair long ana down the back. Viewed from the rear :t to dlfflcut to discern among the female element, children, mothers or grandmothers, aa they all look like young girls of a grneratlon past, whe long curls were the rule. KENKW M IFILtCt: FKlllT French militant suflraglsta are going to carry their demand for the vote to every town, village and farmhouse In riance. Under the leadership of Mmr. Marthe Bray, president of the League for Immediate Suffrage, flying partlei will tour Franc in automobile, concentrating their work on the Individuals. Heretofore feminine persuasion ho.- been brought to bear largely on th. politicians. There have been many "fair promises," saya time. Bray, but tltUe action. The League for Immediate Su.Tra-e hopes by Its person! appeal to th People of the country to get a measuro wanting suffrage to women, through the ntxt session of Parliament, 'which meet hie month. , . I.tiMlOV.I "MiK-SHVLOrKS" "dhe-Shylock of the Slums I the rplthet applied to women who speclallrs. ,n small loans to wives of working men In the poor districts ot England's great cities. One of these money lender haa been fined five, pounds for transaction In which the Interest charged was at the rate of 868 per cent a year. The lady was not fined for her high Interest rate, out lor operating without licence. The business could, have been legalized "merely by filling out a form snd paying a small fee. There are hundreds of "She-Shy locks" In Orest Britain. They make loans for a few shillings to poor, Ignorant women who usually meekly subml1- to exorbitant Interest charges rather than let their husbands know they are In the tolls ot money lenders. WOMAN" IU.ACKM.MIT1I Rosa Stelnklauber, blacksmith, la one of the best known artisans li) Eggen-burg, Austria. A diploma testifies that she Is uiy rucieu, " serveq ner ap- pmuiceamp ana aausriea her exsmlu era that she Is entitled to call heraelf a master blacksmith." Rosa to a cartwrlght 'aa well aa a blacksmith. She is a haudsome woman. whoH strength Is equal to that ot any man, and can shoe the most refractory horse. IMIKMHM Hilt Nl MSIMl A premium ot 750 marks for an mothers nursing their children for at least 18 weeks haa been appropriated by the Remichetd Ministry for Publls Welfare. This premium will be pntd to the persevering mother at th ex-plratlou ot th 10th week and repeated The Well-Managed THE manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good m merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to malie your home life easier, more com-fortable and more convenient. They give you in- I formation about a thousand and one things that are useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's Welfare should mafe a habit of reading the ads. Read after the 20th and 34th week. M)K SU YEARS Premier Brland has retained his cook over a period of thirty years. On each ot his twelve sojourn in various ministries. M. Brland took the faithful cook along with him. She enjoys a high re putation among the diplomats and statesmen who attend banquets given at the Qua! d'Orsay and haa become such an important person that she was recently interviewed. "Monsieur Brland may be In the right place at the Foreign affairs," she volunteered, "but I would hate to have him go to the Flnsnces." "Why," asked the Interviewer. "He never checks up my accounts, she replied. Market Prices HSU Halibut, lb 35o Salmon, red spring, lb 35c Salmon, white spring lSc Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb, 35c Smoked black cod. lb saftc Finnan haddiea, lb 30c Snlt mackerel, lb 35c Eastern salt herring, 3 for .......... 35c Salt codfish fillets, lb 30c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 35c MEATS Fowl, No. 1 lb 35c to 40c Roasting chicken, lb. t 45c to 50c Ham, sliced, first grade ......... 60c Ham. whole, first grade) 50c Uam. picnic, lb 35c Cottage rolls, lb ."...-. 40c Bacon, back, 'sliced 65c Bacon, aide 50c to 65c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb, ..i, 45o Veal, shoulder 33c Veal, lolri ....'! v-s h . 400 Veal, teg ...... 40c Pork, shoulder 30c Pork, loin ) 43c Pork, leg ,i ...... 4. -43rf Beef, pot roast uvic to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 13c Beef, steak i ....... ..t . . '. 350 to 400 Beef .roast, prim rib ....... ... 30c Lamb, chops . ...,.... . 800 Lamb, shoulder 350 Mutton, leg . . 400 Lamb, leg ..n .r. 480 Mutton, chops 400 Mutton houldr 300 the advertisements to buy wisely BL'TTEK Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland. 3 lbs 85c E.CX 3 lbs 86c Capital, 2nd grade, lb 40c Praser Valley, lb 45c; CHEESE Ontario solids 30c I Stilton, lb 35c Kraft ... 45c I Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort .' 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonzola. lb 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars,.... 45c and 85c Oruyere goc Golden Leal, lb. 45c VEGETABLES ' New beets, bunch 6c Beets, 8 lbs 25c 100 lbs 12.78 New carrots, bunch 6c B.C. Carrots, lb. 8e 100 lbs. .; A253 Rutebagas, 6 lbs 2Jo 100 lbs 2.7J Radishes, bunch 6c Nevy potatoes, 10 lbs 25c Potatoes, 100 lbs $2.00 Fancy B.C. tomatoes, per lb 10c' Tomatoes, per basket 40c Watercress, bunch 10c! Orcen peppers, 3 lbs 26c Cucumbers, each 10c and 16c Parsley, bunch 6c Mint, bunch ).. 6c Leeks. 3 bunches 16c Cauliflower. B.C., head ........ 35c-36c Corn on the cob, .dozen 40c Oreen onions, dozen , 26c Terrace cabbage, lb. . 6c B.C. head lettuce, 10c Garlic, Imported, per lb. 40c B C. Cooking onions, 8 lbs. 25c Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lbs, .. 35c Wax and green beans, 3 lbs. 35c Vegetable marrow, lb. '..... 6c Celery, ,2. bunches . .k. .'.j... 36c Hubbard squash, lb, . 7c Citron, lb. 7e Pumpkin, lb. . . . 7c Sweet , Potatoes, 3 lbs. . . 36c Fg plant, 2 lbs.' yA., 36o Pickling 'cucumbers, lb. 15c Pickling onions, 3 lbs. . 360 IKI'IT Oranges, Valencia, dozen .. 35c to 76c Lemona, Suuklst. doz. . .. . 35o an5 36c California grape fruit, 3 for , 25c Bananas. 3 lbs. for 36e Candled Jioney .,,.. ....4-..- 35c Extracted honey., lb 35c and 35o Apples, Mcintosh Reds ., 83.36 Home in order i Apples. Wealthles 2 83 Apples. Oravensteins I3.S0 Cookllng apples ................. 1.95 Canteloupes. each r 16c Peaches, case . II. 49 Italian prunes, crate Cocoanuts, each 30c and 25c Honey Dew melons, each 45c Casaba melons, lb 10c Pears, Bartlett, case 13.93 DRIED FKL1T8 Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. 36c Dates. Dromedary 26c Raisins, bulk, lb 20c Raisins, package, lb 35c Cluster raisins, lb 35c Lemon and orange peel,.,1..,....., 30c Citron peel Black cooking figs White tigs, lb. Table figs. lb. ... Currants Prunes Apples 95e . ) m . . v . 600 Mi 30c and 35c ....'.!. ,15c 35c 22 !,C 160-260 .. 250 Peaches, peeled .......... 36c Apricots, U 40c NUTS Almonds, shelled Valenclas 76c Brazils and filberts ...... 35c Walnuts, broken shelled ... 60p Walnuts, shelled halves ... 66c Almonds . . . 360 Peanuts 20c Manchurlan walnuts . 36c California walnut . . 45c No. 1 mixed nuts 360 StKlAR White, per 100 IT.10 Tellow.'per 100 .................. $8.60 FLOl'K Flour, 491. No. 1 hard wheat ..... 13.78 Pastry flour, 10" ' 86c Pastry flour, 49's ...,.....,...... 1340 IKED 100 lb. Wheat, No. 6 310 OaU 3.60 Bran ....... ........ 2.00 ,..vuf....... Shorts 3.10 Middlings ... 2.60 Barley 2.15 Poultry mash ...k. M00 Special eggmash S3 40 Oyster shell $2.10 8cratch food t380 Beef scrap tSSS Ground oil cakaj ....1... I4.T8 Baby chick teed ................. MJ4 fPlne oat chop 12.70 crushed oaU -A3.70 Fine barley chop 12.46 Whol,corn ,.w,w,j( MOO Cracked corn 88.10 Fin coram! 88.10