I Gl PAfiB 1VC Area! wide wlieat craekr RUSSIA CEASES TRISCUIT made the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit Pressed into a wafer. Crisp Delicious The daily News PRINCE RUPERT - HRITlSil CfOLUMUIA Published Every Afternoon, excepj, Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited,: Third-Avenue, H. F. PULLBN,. Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau, of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOM 2JgJBSa!iiriay, March ja, 1920. Everyone Will Watch Compulsory Arbitration. Tle compulsory artiitrat ioi law just passed in Italy will be watched with much interest throughout ihe -world. While we all like the idea ol arbitration il i tjffnult In uinlert;iiwl how lliey prupo.e bj eiiloree the fnUiiulory !rluiM. However, Uiat reniH'ii tn be -eeu. If llai rail make ii vyrk, other countries may do the -.ame. lt is rather difficult to. iiiidcrsfaiul bow a M;iuliui can be responsible for n really -important advance in democratic government. .". Picnic Grounds ... ' At-Salt-Lakes. A picnic ground L desired at Ihe Salt Lakes where local organualiuns may hold athletic Hrts or enjoy themselves t i any maimer desirable. The Trade and ' Labor llouncil Itas offered to to-operate in semriiij; Hits. If such a prowrd can be laid out, there should be little difficulty it! Organizing a. bee and getting fifty people, to spend a day working there anfl getting it in shape. II may be it Hlllo difficult deeiiJiiig on .1 site. Doubtless the Parks Ruanl whjfch was appointed lal fall will get busy pretty soon and arrange for something to be doiic. The swimming club, it has been suggested, mWzhl be gixen charge of the lake and possibly also tlu j a pproiicbnig grounds. ' Freight'Rates ' And This Port. Prince Rupert has never asked;' for lower freight rates for grain than is given anyone ele. ;y list now there is a demand for rates that are just as low as Ihof'e tp Fort William from an equal distance.' If that rale is toi l6v then, let both be raised. rjieiHykickweirhavmhHd-hu'4ieeigahisttbe- unequal -treat inem areorueu me I'acmc cnasi., uet us oe all on the same footing and there will then be no 'more to say. Refusing Women .' Privilege Of'Beer. , The hotel-keepers of Edmonton are refusing to sell beer to women. There have been wonieii-.w.lii abiised; the privilege and the others must suffer. Of eonr." men, ijever abuse (he booze privileges. They never get drnukuil male themselves a nuisance on the streets. Men are models for but with women it indifferent. '' Our stand is that if beer is-goVjd. for.jjieii it is also good for women. Ifnen are to Jie gtvcuiyrftflegtn, women should lie given the same. It is our (ipinlijihat tbVl;olel keeper of K1-niontfui caiinol legally refuse In $H(Jleef 16. wOnieu when there is no law against H. If it is imptiMt! (ii' conduct the parlor?-decently with women there, it is.Uign That ihey rhoulil Inclosed up and not that women lfoiiW,be-ejectuded. ,', V v Indian Relics For , - B.C. Institutions. ' ' There is a movement in thes-Oiilh lftget o collection of Indian relics for the I'uiveisily o&B.C, Ofbiirse the provincial government would be expected liyrjy -f(jr jb,' The government has alreadyeiirc'd ft'ery fine collection or Indian curios in the uiuseunnt :Vt'oria; ijnd ir a collection is needed in Vancouver it shoutlK'lii?; for foiirotiver people to secure it. not the government.. 'Injl'rinee-Rupert efforts with thai end' in view have been jiiadeilOT'lher ;(? now a fine collection, in the Rank of tkomnerce .IknJVng, part of it loaned and the .other pai l Ihe property of .h&rffty., heft, for the city bv the museum b...u?.d. lt-i.. to hoihppe'ffliat n -effort will be made to secure further specimen, and: to'aruir" ;' '"- . part of tin-collection now loaned. A nnmber of people have slytlred the Indian arts and custom Mild 11)0 W'irk miffht well cnnl'imio l.i.l :i i i.i be (M l i i, ,, the nmvert ( -hijibtf ijl. in wb-ti v..ung pe.-jtl.- are mUMeifeil. Fisherman's Suit WEAR "FISHERMEN TOWER'S SPECIAL" Waterproof suits in bad weather and ts- h -rdlv ;i sultjei l TOWERS i SSiM BRAND IMSMIillMIIiV stiic:iAi. Sf. 127:1 Slit I tlltSt 42 lTTtl ftt MADE IK CAUDA keep smiling. They are, made for service. Jcktt - -double ply tad roomy inner brtn piece with ltun futeiwn. PuiU--cloiCiJ tide pattern, very ruomy tad double ply. Both firnwtiti ttt mtide in yellow and Uv t very tou(h wevirif cirlice. Mde by Cnd'i foremoit witerproof clothing intnu. fcturei, in'iiici 33 to 46. On Salt ly Flihtrmm Supply mmkmlt Insist upon getting: a genuine Tower's Fith Brand TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED lORONJO VANCOUVER WINNIPEG HALIFAX MONTREAL t TO BE FACTOR WHEATEXPORT Sir Henry Thornton Explains Why Canada May Expect Era' of Great Prosperity DOMINANT WHEAT COUNTRY Need of Reasonable Freight Rates Stressed by Head of National Railways HAMILTON, Out., March t:f. In an a-Mres here al a iiaJtquct in his4ionar Sir Henry Thornton, president of Ihe Uanalliati National (lailways, voiced Ihe opinion that' Canada was on the eve. of a sfcater era of nrooerity ihan had yet been experienced by the nation. He drew attention to the- fact' that lliisia bad ceased to' be a factor in (he xKrt of wheat and that economic condition in the I'uite'ti Stales were such that that nation wool-1 shortly be dependent upon Can ada for wheat exports. 'I hertsfore (lanada was promised Hie ertvi- nhle iiosition of heinp the ttomin- ant wheal export mjr natwn-' of the worlds This not only would result in the Dominion iiecoaainu in nrtualtly the out.Muilintr rn- ary of the world but would alo attract more and more people t-i i.yrifullural pursuits. The mone tary returns ntre obviou. Freight Rates lo'sciisnins frefcrht rate Sir Henry sail: I vvih lo slate emphatically thai in pulling thes thoi?hls l-efore this patherinp I am not udvanetn? any amumenl for in-creasinj: freight rales. Any country where traffic i handle-l over lone distances hould tiaye the lowest freizhl rates po-tble and I would tie the last person to advocate an Undue increase. Rnt il seem to in that it is to the national ad van --wc to permit the railways a rate that will allow them to fulfill their duty to the nation, ami 41 the same time, provide facil ities to uieflli& iie&ai&.f ilH martus of Irafne. If we. as a na- ion, throttle th arteries of traf-i'io by any undue rediirtion ol rales, then we must iHeitally face hard, times. On tbe oilier tiarftl. if one advoeates leavinu the rales alone, uie is liable to he branded an enemy of tlevelwp-merit. To iny minrl (here is no reason why a courie eannot be ouinl whicii will accomplish the doutde objective of servinc Ihe public an-l at the same lime as-.isllnc the railways in accom-dishlnp their logical objective. "This f Uift thoii2h1 I dellre to leave before the Canadian Man ufacturers' Association, You. as 90 orjranizaliou, are one of-lbe foremost shippers of thf road an-l in this I include the Canadian Pacific, for the Canadian Pacific is one of the buihlers of CAtiada and musl be considered in any atiempl to readjust tlie freight raes oiruclure, the same a the Canadian National system. Yon know what Ihe railway mean lo Canada and how valuable ihev are asa national development." UNITED CHURCH Officers Chosen For Year by Woman's Missionary Society at Meeting Yesterday The annual meeting of the Women's. Missionary Society of the United Church held its annual meeting yesterday when Mrs. 0. V. AVilkinsoir was elected president Ihe following is the complete list of now officers: Presidenl Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson. Vice-presidenl Mrs. W. II. Kersrin. i.nrrespondinR sec. Mrs. W. T. Ketin. Treasurer Mrs. -W. J. Kirk-pal rick. .... v lter.orhTA secs trJApie ' cone. f'H j ' H'ranger's ,sec-iMrs. J. Kriki evsky'. .v Suiiejlntendcnt. of Christian HlewnrdMilp Mr. Henrsre Wnd-dcll. A , I.iMle Idsht Hearers Afrs. V. C. (' Ketchum aniiMrs. Wiublell. Mile Hot sec. Mrs. Win. Shprmsn Sr. Delegate 0 Provincial f.onven. jtlon Miss Isabel Ilnddock I The provincial convention 0mMM. expert Ala Alabastine does not rub oS. Alabastine is sanitary and wholesome. Alabastine does not become sour. Alabastine is the only sanitary water color wall coating. Beware of festine y'oiif Walk THE difference between the co3t of Alabastine and wallpaper or paint will practically pay for the services of ' an interior decorator. Your home maj thus;be Alabactined by an expert without paying any more than you would for wallpaper or paint alone. Lovely, mellow Alabastine tints, expertly applied, will endow each room with rare charm and distinction-achieving a delightful harmony or color tones which all women of good taste desire. Write for Free Stencil Catalogue showing attractive stencil designs. Also write for booklet "Homes Healthful and Beautiful" illustrating the exquisite effects of Alabastine tints'. .' .The Alsbisune Co. Psrls, Limit 4, Puis, Onttxie. CHU RCH S HOT or COLD WAT ER Alabastine takes plaei' in VamvM n- on Aprii il and Miss HuiIiImi k i-xpecls to iro -ouiii ror tiii- oi .tsivui. ENJOYABLE SCOTCH DANCE LAST NIGHT One Hundred and Twenty-five Persons Attended Affair Held by Hill 0 Chapter-So uie 1 25 person a roosl eAjovaidi- lime al n Spoil ili laiici- which wi- hehl last nihl in l o. U K. Hall l.y Hill UO 'Iwpter in aid of the children's .vard fund. The fuel dial the irehesfra- Kaye Meir services free of eharKe made the proceeds utiicli more Kut1artlial than they would otherwise have heen. The 'oily affair kepi up till afler ? 'icliek Ihis inornhtg, refresh-nenl havintf been served at midnight. Three out of every four dance were Scottish in nature. The musicians for the Snntlish lances wer JoUii Hremner, fames Walt. J. H. Maekay and W. Yauxhan ha vies and. for the '.anadian. Mr. Sharp. Alex Mitchell and Mis Ames Irna!don. The entertainment committee consisted of Mr-. Jt. Walker, Miss Caroline Milehell. Mls Asrne tionaldson' and MJss Ktanda Mawh while the nonnber of the refreshment comntiUee - Mere .Mrs.JfK liavev. Mrs. ?in'ith ami Mr. John Manson. Janie Simpson wa innler- nf ceremonies and Mf Walk. r and Mrs. Man-son presided al I ho door. ,. HOTEL ARBIVALS. Prince Rupert Norman Hamer. J..C. Illsham. W. (i. l owler. c. s. NVUHiiuis. NV f. Campbell, (i l Fisher and NY I. Chinniek. Ya'innivcr: Mr. ann Nfr-. n. T Cr..-,. Stewart; It. i l.nvesrriMi an. I Nf l'oimd, Seal Hp; NY. SmiUi .,. ,i l. edib-i She Couldn't Sleep Hwt Was So Bad Mm. J. D. MtClietoek, CUrlott--town, P.KI., writes:--"About year tgo 1 wu greatly trout.leJ with my Lesrt. I could not sleep at nlgM, and was so nervous I imagined that I could see everything, in the room moving, and wonld have to turn on tbe lights before I could get to sleep. Alter having read of your I took several boxes Of them, and can now get a full night's sleep without any trouble, and eel fine in every way.'" Jt, N, Tills have been on the market for the past 32 years 1 all dtsJers sell thera put up only by The T. imiuiCo,IJniitsd,TW06tl Out. Anyox; NY. S. llarn-. lia Hon. Central J. fl. Hrown, Naneouver; I'.. V-'lilasi. and S. lluinko. city. I.. P. II. steamer Princes Ileal -rice. Capl. T. Cliffe, arrneil froin i Naneouver and wayiMirls at ?I0 lln afternoon and. alter di- jeharvins local earvo. ailel on her return south. WATER NOTICE. DOsrslon tn4 Utt TAkK ViTli.K thai Vifl Parifir l..rl. mil Viiw I. id. .Mrr.. i. Jul I'emlvrliin HltlMmr. VlrlorM. h .. lll iM't fur a kfwitn- i.i Kke sod ur so UIik fel S-T aeriioil i.r aner mil id ami rrrk. wMrh IWw mtutttrrty an Irani intu Slalr i:hnrk rwE abrnii irfw .ml if hair nuir rnini n mouth. II- alw will be dl-rtrl fpinn up irram al a ihmhi alKin tr hair ulle mrtkmi'Mi'm Inwi Ihr iiiltr.! rwr if rr. f l. Tp. , aaal will ! umi r' iMVHPMlr, Vlnlns, Vitt. su-ain. In iuotrtal part ujn thr Hml iVnimi ! -tTl if Tinnip' ! . TralialP IaimI. beM a i il I imnrr. ih- Ira. b' i)illniil Tbt ihiIIii at ivMinl un ih tnm4 "B ! STIh da at lruan. ISC.. rtm- nf intu knin-t- ami an mvllralM pnrntM ilvrrt" and llw -Waier xn - win be riii in tiM Hirirp i.r in- Water . .rtlrr al I'rllKe Miiri. n bv-niuti iu in sMtneaiiua iua t fiiod -llh Um Mill Water HerimVr ..r iih ihei iioHniller nr Water Rlsl.t I'Sriiainatii au(Mft. Vlrliiru. B.C.. within ll.ni ls arier th ltrl aresranr' .r tin-iiiUtp in .1 local nrwaer. Hie ilao- f i tv riral puliHrsunn nr lhi m.iirr i Marrti iti. IS. . ohtii eArinc roiiFSTs Alp IIM!S I Tl" Appllrani B HsniM r. Wrtyte. tm i WATER NOTICE. Dltaralan an Ut TAKE SiiTICi: thai Nnrlli Canllr rnreal mil Vine till. hiw adilrr I IS I ewhrrliin nuihliitr. irn.ru. li t:., win pl for a li.-Mi.i- .. lakr ami n ubfr tvt fr enHHl i.r water mil r.r oaie i Burn r.rerK. ulilrti rin. xinttieaM rli, anrl drain int., karaii Hay. alx.nl iMle ant nf I In lanl. Skhlesali- lillet. Ne water lll hr inverted rrmn llie itrcani al a point al-mi iltrre quarter of mtir niriliTierlv rrnin the ontliettl 'wner nr Seo. ;i, Tp. 1. and will ue1 (nr-rMnreMir. Mltltnr. I'cfwer. Sleatrl. lo-414 rial fmrpea tiiain tlv land drrrlbd ,' psrlj or Ton.fili.ii t and I, Orahaiu "land. lrM s i.mI l.lrenri nr leae bv ipt'Hextil Thin riu-t a rMrtieil mi Um-tn.iiiiil mi lt ;th flay nr February, l'.. 1 io. i.f ifM mdire anil siiyarplirsiHin iiniianl ilieretu and In Ihr "Water .I" will I . filed in the nrne nf Ih wairr iriirrier al l'rlire ftnprri, h ''tii.Tltrm lu Ihe a.ltrallnn mat na riled Willi Ihe aalrl Water hernrdi-r nr with Ihe lanptrtiller nr .Water ritstit. I'arliaineni, HixMnit. Vtrlnrls, M.C.. wlllilii iliiriv sfler the rirt aptearane nf tin mil Ire In a Inral nwairr The dsle of 'll' first pilillrii.n i.f ou. n'.llre j )lrrh 4th. ti. ' .xoiitii I'Ar.inc roriKSTs sxn Mt.XKS I Tit . Jtppllrsnl Bv Harftld F.. Whvle ent rossi r. Nttkt of Application far Cartlficat of improntmani "Slahl" Mlnaral Claim Sllusle In the rriner Hnrt Mlnlnr Oivlilnp nf the Skrena IiitOnrt. Wherp Inraied: Near the head nr klKiillikalntn lake, lawful hnldrrt Swan lislin. Omi her nf hnldiT' tree Miner llertlflraln. TAkf! NdTlcr. that 1, swan lialln. Free winiT i.ernnraie n. SSOIi.i . intend hi iiie rnn er lly il rrrnii the d,ite yrrei.r, in apply In Ihe Minlnir llernrder fnr a lrttfirale nf liniiriiveiiienl. fur l hi purtwe nf idiialnlnr a :mn orsnt nf ii.f iiHiir riaini, aiui iiirnii r take nnSIre mi . ii.in. iinnrr Mritnn sr. nr thi "Mineral Arl." niu.l Ih- rmiiinenreit lie ii.rr inr iMuanrc nr iien Crrtlflrale nr lil.l.rilvrniriiiK. listed Ihla tJrd dav nf IVI.rui.ry, nn SWAM DAIII, owner. Hy K, T. Kenny, A rent N O T I 0 E. .. '.T"K JMTTK" "r "I'l'lleslinn f..r tl Itii,,. nj pfnytsiiiial (Vrltrieale ,r Title fur l.i.l Ihlrty-rive 115., Blrtrk tvienly.twn 4 jr . . Seellnn alt Ml. rjlr nr I'rlnie llni eil. In ihr province nf Drt llr Cnliimhla, (V.tp fji Satlfarnr.v primf nr the lo pf ihe Certlffate hr Title- rnverlns the almtp bind hsvlnr lieen prndicred n me, it my Inieiitkm In .ue, nflrr the eipira-linn nf nne nii.nlli fnnii Ihr firt i,ti,l. T" '"""'"'f' ! I'mvUlnnal Certlflrale nf I r'n r"A.it"AyJ' '"n'' m "" "'' "( V 1 1 ".urn in.- in. i in .n.vrn Iwr IJI7. and ( immhereil 94fi. n.'n.rirvu, v',r ,,r,,,r" n,""ri- II. F Vr.rOD, nertttrsr of Titles. DEMAND . "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., IX Prince Rupert. B.C. NO-MAR Walnut FURNITURE Guaranteed O-Piece Dining Room Suite- -llesntifol biob i buffet front, ami liair back: bolbntf le- Iriiuiniugs. . $323.00 4-Plece French Walnut Two-tone Bedroom Suit i'' ser, rliiTfonier. how fool bed ami chair $203.35 BARRIE S Home Furnishings One door east ol I) air? New Of'to " 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 Prospective Builders COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER -Timbers, Dimension. Hliiniup, l n rm iiirT. V Joint. Ilustjc ami Ik-vel Hilling, l' li. ami "r Hoal Lumber, Kir and Colloiiivood Vencei, M"'""1"?, Shingles, Koloretl SlmiRles, l.nlb, Oak. Ila vf"iu" Hash, and IhMirs. Wood L'ipe. . CEMENTS, Etc-I'oillanil llei.icnl, Keene's tnitui'- w beslos Uenienl, Jlanlwftll IMaslcr, IMiislfr l,,r I'liisler Houtd, Liine, lljilratetf Linic, VirtrW BRICKS, Etc. rlkuiinmti llrick. Kire Hrick, Pre-sed AKhtiillnrnl Tile. Vilrlfied Pipe, l ine hiuuf- nft MISCELLANEOUS Tat I W"' Nails, lluildiiiff Paper. Jlubberuiil UoofiiiKS. .foliits. MuuvillP'- AsltaM" " , iiiKs. Aspball. Aspholt JlnuriuK Papers. Hand " Oravel. NANAIMO-WELLINQTON .COAL Try our Nut ttoal for ytuir Kilrlii'it iUufi c ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117.