PAGE FOUR When you buy a watch from us There ig one main advan tage to you over getliikg,,il away from home. IT I lie vvatcli doesn't come up l.o your expectations, why, ynu always know where in CQine. lo liave il made right or exchanged. Our ertiarantec is binding. II means what it Rays. Watch priees are low here as elsewhere for equal value. John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers SPECIAL MEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Hepular values $125 nryl $1.50 for 95c ACME Importers, Third Avenue BEEF from BULKLEY VALLEY I'ol Hoasl.. per lb. 10o to 12&c 'Prime Itibs of IJeef, jwsr lb. " f 22c (Prime Itibs of IJeef. rolled, per lh 28c Hump Iloast. per lb. 20c ,VeaI Cutlets, per lb. ... 25c Fillet of Veal, per lb. . , 25c Shoulder Veal, per lb.. , 15c Picliled Pork, pec lh. . . 22c Corned IJeef. 'jier lb. . . . 10c. Seaiy 5 Doodson "Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Ssrvloe Phone G88. Open Tuesday and Thursday Jwcnings . Saturdays 9 to 12 nocn MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream ui 15c for Hair Pint. Quality and Service Valentix Dairy Phone .657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon CI. 'tLitaKe, WHfebpnstng, and tilslribulinK Team or Motor Service, oal. Hand and Oravel vfttj Speolalln In Piano and Furnltur Covlnn. THE DAILY NEWS P.i'tir.'.-., M BRINGING UP FATHER- By George McManus fl'ljf ( CiOLLi ! kh TKACT I VIHZH HE COME H-'r1 tUCHTCFt ' ;ONNs R.EA.O "TMC KOT 1 WpAHINlA J .HOfVTV Arr To in, O U26 r Iktl Finf Scuviet. Inc rL ' iijTTjjjrrTtTHT I "1 - - SMITHERS REBEKAHS ENTERTAIN At CARDS SMITIIKHS, March 13. - The regular nioiuiuy jicncKati wnisi md bridge drive was held in their Joifere itwms on Wednesday vonins and a most enjoyable evening spent hy those iu al-leudance at the sanies. When play was finished it was found thai I he top snores a' whist had Iwwi made hy Mrs. K Itlrnie aqd Mr. Pappas first, and .Mrs. K. Hales and It. Kllinlt. scr- ond. At bridge the top scorers were Mrs. u. Wall and h. fJun-derson first, and Mrs. II. fi. YVindl and II. Kelley, all of whom re received nice prizes for their ''and had re efforts. Refreshments were ser-'l' ved before the players dispersed. THE MAN IN THE MOONi aya: 1" VI'flY soon it wilt be the for .spring fever. I wonder jiow some of my lajty friends will Know, when il comes. THE way Jo .learn, to whistle is ,o make a. bole in your face ami then puh. noi.l) eream .m;ij lie all 'rilit for some, penpje to keep., away wrinkle, hut give me a little of Ihe jPiilk of human kindnexs. I I'SKD to know a . man win was Ihinner. than a modern Kirl'.-hose, flan you beat it? OXOIi upon a lime a youn? lady went to church and when Ihe parson looked ai her and lobl of the evils of a missppnt life sue fell puiUier than n pokeri chip in a missionary, boi. I OFPILN pel inln scrapes, but Ihink. what it must be to ho ,-, rear fender. I KNOW a man mean as a jrirl in balbins suit. who looks a a mail order 'I'lllIY are asking for an asy luui fnr.tbe in(saue people of Al aska. I don't know whal wouhl tiesl be done for the cray iieojile ipre. NCW match produces more bent than an old flaMie you a piece or iter tnimls it any wonder she has very litlle lefl. THIS has been a happy day. have not bad lo swear more I ban .half. a dozen times. WIIKXCVHH I feel like, swearing Anil my mouth shapes ready for "Damn" I think of poor litlle Mary And her, sweet and blissful lamb.. What comforl Ibal lamb-is lo.jnc Is more lhan 1 care lo It'll, For just think of following Mnrv II cer'ainly musl have been bnll. ISAAC LEAR DROWNED AT SEA FROM., OWN. FISHING BOAT THE CAPE, SPEAR. (conlinued from jage one) brother. Henjamin Lear of Yan eouyer; two sisters. Mrs. I.nura iMupfoial .of i Port il. Oruve, New foiindland, ami -Mis. l.tiCy Snow or nay lloiierls, .Newfoumllaml "ami two half-hrolhers, Jolm and OUlward I'alou ot Olace I lay, Nova Scotia. Born in Newfoundland The lale Capt. I.ear was 30; year of age and wan - born, at fltirl tie firave, Conception. Hay,! Newfoundland, lie l:f L Newfound land in 1910 and, after spending a short time in Calgary, camel Ground Sw: thif tcclharaol thro (hut th entftaj lcosTlh el th u. Iha fukinvbindinffinlhckcrf miDMSibl. Cfeftccnt Grind 1 1 lie Kiitlie V'M I 'ism he eiiirr. I ins lillitv s in Cnwot CmU" . X. Cmi Ct. fe -V ... II0MDS CANADA SAW CO, l.MITtb 3 to "Yunrniivpr. a I till' h.ihliUl fish- I'iiihi- Huier'. iited here i-onl KUIoUs- sinctf.Uieii. lie was a mfnibr of the Ijiyal lrange I.iiIk. ' The fatal I rip w as I In- iecouil of Ihe Cape Spear tins season She sold 7,oiHi pound of italiuu' n Hie Kxehauve llti nHruiu: as a result of five days' finking. The vessel is ime of the iMScr of the Canadian fieri, llflVian been liilil! inree ;-piirs auo. NEGRO IS CHARGED ON HIS ARRIVAL IN VANCOUVER FROM HERE YANCOl YKIl. Mnr. h i:i. MRS. HONORS VAL1QUETTE "For over three years, I wis troubled with very-bad Headaches,' Nervous Dyspepsia and ' Liver Troubles.. Then, I -begin Uking-"Fruit-s-tlvesT. Very soon my condition improved,' and thanks r to these wonderful fruit tablets-, I am once more entirely well". The wonders of the famous. Fruit Treatment are only, re-vealedi' when, you read, a letter like this, which', comes from Madame Valiquette, 1133 Notre Dame St. W Montresl. "Fruit-s-tlvet" is the juices of apples, orsnges, figs and prunes,,. Intensified and combined with' tonic and forma a complete fruit treatment for Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Skin Troubles. 25c snd 50c a, Imx at dealers or sent by Frult-a-tlves LisaiUd,, Ottawa, Oat PRINCE RUPERT i BEAT SIMPSON! I Locals Had the Best of It Basketball Encounter Last Evening 1. Amlrew's . . . Ilk Moose Lrue , K. of P. iC.. . k. of c. : . lul.irellows .. . Sons of Cntinih) . Sons of F.npUiiii I.. O. ti, W. V. A il in 1 lo 9 f. r, i h. i n fi : 7 K 8 in 11 in it In Ihe locals prove. I Iimi slroiu: iur Hie port Slinpson xisiiori. in Die naskethall pame l.i.l nihl at Mi- Imbibition Hall .mid I'rlnci, ttupert came olf on tin- low's nd f a .'H to 11 wore, port Simji. on hIhivvisI ome rb-ver passing uiiil eonifatnaJiou alnlity lnjl IN-m lii'mf ieam dbl more efTiwUve shoolinir. Tlw mateh wa perhaps more closely c..nipei than t lie score would, inilb-ate. At half I hue ihe srore wa II to 5 in I'riiiee lluMH's favor. I,w Hell rfered the first half and llldie Mann, th sonil. The line-tip. aiul orinft rr u follows: PorJ Siiiiiwm It Sankey. 5: I'. AleK ; 11. MalheM.ii, 2; W . ! lehusoni, I; It. Miisjravo. I'J m.,s. . whti, ; . hior, I. l , : . a . . . . rrinre unpen I- 1 1 own III, V. W. Milcbdl. 10: 1. nalrour.TS; V. Menrie.. I; I!. Smltlli W. I amine. rj. Skinner. 2; i. Mil- hell. The evening pnirain nf tames omius with tin exhibition CtiaiXJeil with olitaiHiop money by IIMf ,., M.nSeP ih"MujilP l.rfs talse pretenses. K. 1. Parker, aa, Hjs, Sclnaol .Hulks' (eatiii. wro, was ;irreteil u ITinw Miiehell was thu referee Itujiert on a warrant issnl lo- v,,,. i.,.ars won. rally. Yesterday Iih wa Iwoupht Thi-re was a s-mI erowtl Pefore a niaislrale in Hie pro-1 vincial poUsv jnourt, eltareil with the offence an J remaodwl until Mrch 16. RIFLE SCORES ; Scores at the mintalure ranjres last Bijrht vevn: . M. M. UmU lt.Iiaviitsou V. I trass II. YVilson ' 11. ilson 11. Floyd II. F.ea-tman a. w ilk i ii so-1 rifle 05 05 03 93 I 9J' 91 KK K7 ENDED YEARS OF BAD HEADACHES "FR:it-a-tiTes"Comp!etEljRelieY8s all forms of Headache, W Til of .ilxiul Hire liuiMlristl ieiiide oh (and lo witness the sanies ami the hihmifkiu Hoard will Itfiiefit lo Hie estejil of ulioill 7,V The Port Simpson leaui is re-lurniwt; home liy today. WHIST LEAGUE Knights or Pythias Beat Loyal Orange Lodge In Postponed Game Last Night The Kiuahts of Pythias the Loyal UraiiRe iAnlie in last iiidht's jwistponeil panie in the nien s section of Ihe Fraternal hist Leslie hy n score of Ci lo 3. The lenpue standing lf dale N a follows: Pis. il in in in 9 R 7 r. 5 1 SURPRISE IS SPRUNG IN BILLIARD SERIES Fred Pyle Eliminated Col. Mc- Mordle by Score of 500 to 494 Last Evening The victory or J red Pyle over d. S. P. .Mr M unite by u t;ore of 500 lo ill in Ihe semi-final last night of the cilv billiard liaiijpionship series came as a MfMiirdin then cormnenc'eil "to jiull up consiileiahly'4ilit i could not make lite r0rifjrst (hough I'yle made n slow finish. Pyle's high hreiikvvas 21 and McMordie's 32. Tho ., averages I I' V anted For .Sale For Rent OM3CW.- OOS'T TEt-V- ME DOH'T ec THT.A LLN" VOOPt MOTHER I " I HBVCR DPICCO I r UKC THT TO ) WANTIir).- One, reliable man in every lw& mere haul rfpr-red.. toijake order for Im'1 cijtttani-maili plot bee m Canada, H'iC best CoHiimi.nii. nev TalprlnK On., Ltd.. To-ronto. U WANTHO;4-Pnle, Pol, Piling all sijl Quotf pric: .te hippiM'e points; quantity furnish rwben ciuld hip. Smi oali. Neideriiieyer - Martin I.umler. Crt. portlaiKl. rfKt FOR SALE FOfl SAl?-TweUe secondhansl btlst efiinplele wild spring an , raallrfss, from 8AM to Alo five second -ban J ranesos front, 15.0ft to .H.OP. all In sikk 'rindltion. Must leareV thU wrek to timke rooih fojr'jiew slwk. A. Mar-kenile. fUirnilur. Phone 77&. FOH PltlfiUs on Uytne Jtek, pullet, faby rliWik or ha toil -ink es write l.ainhley llmM P.O. Ibn 371., .'rim IlMpert, Air SUM from Solly' XX-. Vyandtfle pe.n. All lIIynXSBa .Hell. Swd-nborp srrfat wi n tb IHe after detb iiruIH real wurhi beyond, liver 40ii ttiires. UnU 2tw-. PjAl pabl. ffl. f. Law. 4KB F.ti-ft& Avmo, Torunto. FOft SAI.B, w New and usU nisebinerj-, Joats and enirine. pltnn rftiT2Ji ami propellers Northern rfacbRnce. 5t 3 Second Avenue. JUione 23. tf I'lllCH Hnprrl- itel lUneain Tllree lor. Tavlnr SI reel. Sec-linu ', all for Mf. 0.00 rai. Wi-lenhnver Hro. ff TO-RENT IlOqM for lleiil in private twimf. IJ-to-ihile fnrnishitisr: watAT-frwil. vifW.' Phone lllne ftnc 33 Foittlji Avenue linst. I FOIt flll'.N Fi-Modern our rtoin ei) flat wJlb Monarch range. Clapp aioelt. Wcslenhnt'er Ilros. II F0R.HF.NT. Pianos, . player pianos, phonograph and sew ng: macblnrs. WalkerN Music Store. r FOIt ni:.NT Tailor-shop; two business rooms below, vt.t living rooms above. Westen liaveri Urns, ti FOH 1 1 VtSr5-' i rn 1 - In d house f keeping- u i t e MussallenJ , Apart minG?r. Phone 18 if t. FOH HUNT; llnom with or willi, out board; near eleralnr, Phone ried l57. If FOH ItCVr. Four lint water healed. A. Mallet. MOli:ilN,FLAT for llent. Apply . Max Heilbroner. M ei-ut-iiii mniirise. I'VIH I UV'i im urn lirntci. -utely Kume and. at IIih sanmj ,ujp(( for rM), I line, had tin; break , of the. luck: . kvbili! McMonlio was not playing in usual focm. I'layimg it steady vnmi',. Pyle gol away lo a ood -mrl at the first and was leading lis opponent by nifty or more ;ioints up to the JOO mark, Col PIGEONS mom suite, Apply Smili Ftirnished tf ItACINO Hnrners, bred from some of the best blood in Ihe world.! Slralns, Oills, Itarker, Jlni! Ami; nlp t'.arneaux Pygmy i , . ! fi..JI Vt, I t r j-oicrs, 1 iimiiiers anil Mpiatt Ilrrcder. Slock birds .and trained birds. From r.nn to 15.00 per pair, .lack Hank. 1163 Hastings Sired. Vancouver, H.C, per tunings were 4.176 and 1.150, respectively and ilie' lime of.crofl; marker; and Oscar Young 1 lie iniirrniirteni u.iia ;i innri nnii u-hk mI-ii... , r,n. I J. Andrews was referee: O. H. IhU evenlnir hel ween fti'iinm tn ....11 ... v. v I.. , . " "w I nussell, scorer; V -E, Willis nmoyie ana george Waueh. DRY WOOD. Spill to any length in block. ter load JC.OO. . SALT IIUUUN'll. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone UUek 161 AUTOMOBILES AGENTS WANTED. j NO COT LOOK. ) 77 AO VVHACT tHC I coy- T I v ; : L Jill" ? DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In'advance. No Advrrtitement taken for let than 50c S:e the New Improved CHEVROLETS Touring. pne F.u.H. Prinr Unpen IKJH.Oi. Hoadter, prier. l.o. . Priuen Hilerl (jiiipe. price perl CiMii'li, pro lrii H'rl Ijimku Ken iKjtt.Oto Fu ll. I'rittc Hm- l,i;o4i e K.u.ll. Prine tin- lt.ISt.0b F.H. PrtnM Ilu- l.t?0.W lriw I'.O. II Prlne KuMrl II, . CiHHmemal Cnai. prie F.o.ll. Prlnr llupert f:H,oo 1-1 H tun Cli4. price F.O.II. Prince Rupert N0.(Ml Call la and gH parllculars of the Q.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plan. A fw banratn In Seennd Hand Car. KAIEN GARAGE fiealer in ult 'invral Motor. ProJu- t- Cadillac. Mrl.augk-llli. Oukluntl, OtilsiiH'tole. Pon liar niul I'hcirnlel. WHKCKINii SKJIYICF lY AMI Nli.MT. JWw Xail Piinrlures in lir. ret leak on air. official lest. PALCASKF.L does (he Iriek. New. inexpensive, hartnle. guariiHleMh Agents wrlli pitok fr unuunl-nuinH-waL I n g - prHMMllioii. "PALCO Sllia,." Atecnitdria. Onl. EXCHANGE -- 1 WILL FA'CIIANOF. AHhsHm fami Hilinoiilon ilistricl, five room J liouw. ham. granaries, fenesl. wpU and irinn: one mile to Perrvville lalion. Uire. school and !.., for I'rinrn- llHpert improved property. Call Wetiohaver llros. AUCTIONEER I Am Neutral, mgarril of tnti tics, religion or nationality. I am a public Hin tioiHM'r, out for the best interests of Ihe public, l-btty. sell or exchange, private al tlafly. i. F. Urine, nu. tktneor and huillff. liW Second Street. Phone 774 ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Haggagc. and Kxpress Stand:!. illlB H News Stand, phone 352. lies. Phone Oreen S5. ' BOARO HOAIU) Tho Second Avenue llOAllIl 12f. PlOlllO HeJ Third 33C. Inlander, 830 OIn ts7 FURNITURE. I'hone 177 Third Ave N'-w and Secondhand Furnls ture store. We lluy. Sell and V.x ciiaime K.w H, Secondhaiid ioods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS I'JUL.e.M llllrd Ave UllOlle CAMEfiON, TRANSFER :C, mlnules. I t(... 1 .'...., ...... Furniture "-"'ture Moving 'mi ... . . 1 " want anylbihg M-nt for. or delivered, phone 11s, P.O, Uox 090, TAXI Article! round, 4t Phone S7 Ta (Call lieurte l . Ik. . - SU- aild krvi n bakers t I"- - f- ui 11., SOe Strvici ROSS 6R0S. POOL ROOl Mesker Block Across fron. I :. 1 TRAPPERS! I NHKIt lU.fMin MINK .i" prtefs ait s.-e . . your fur 1. hny them. W. QOL0BL00M, SH-nluJ $ The Hon.-.: Next KlMpire 11 U DANCING, I J PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STOW Back to Old Stand. Wr .r, . 343 Third Avenu DANCINO OF ALL DCSCRIPTtOI at the .- Mrt. H. O. CrswU in tt". a s I rtu1 1 ftln. l fiwi l Nf Ktrll iWt. ' 1 CilfAtal I Irfh" ki ia im rM i' thr rltht Ukr ' plKNi fur IxtrHri tilt SllllCt: 1- 1 IIM- ll rt ill I'-hi nr1 I if. ta ' Tbf lei mH It Mmtm al Mtni jarOirsiil fr.ini Itw ft N. HMt ' l M) ft enr t, tHIM MhMi 11m. Uiwl Ii hMf i. f'l !-" isWr tjH nrniint ' or la Hk Uw. I" ; lu br kwa. "iiW.: IjiI . " : 1HF sTonur 111 s tu ata sera i Mtd HflilJfl U4 n.i toir ' fSf ui IiimI t. 'i . itll M lli rnl.c uf IliM nolles ttt-i n ' hrrto mill ls riKsi Water n-corrtr ai 1'' 1 oiileftlons Is the apnli'i' '' c With Ihe MM llri.rii" imnre uf Waler llishl' ' M. Vldarti. H 1 jtflee lis? first ai-P" "' 111 a weai uwii' rirat rH'tiKrallon t (' arv ITIh, tts. ., liv Anain Mi A . wTia NOTICt. Utr AND iTOS" TAK". NIITI.F ll 1st I'rmtiieta rnmpan rio. Mmr Lailini lUllS.: Vanrwiwr I' Mlrn. raliriiila. I heewe In tale and 1 ur Mwrfid. anrl u. arrr feet of HaH" hirh fWrna mttwi ' - Maul Inlrl llMllll frm nnrkiev nv "f" 1. l,-al...l l tlM ulllU" Puplti wsrta oortcs. UU D ITOSML tki nmtrr .1. - LMMIrd ul Klnrk. t ' BU. Vlll 0 ' SM f Mat ffltV " I tails I est. 1 'i vImHi i. u i . . er. tu-mt HMins ewiis 1 ow 1 14 iS IUIU' - 1 ' ! TTfr T.n. I fi -Ihf 04iii 4--Ht If 1. - MN Ihmmt ifcr "! f t -irll V .i I Kl .. Wi' f. t irlril Vlli,i ' ISk SI 'WHO irtt). !!, ' I SS tri" t. Urfl vrl "i' Ijikr II iirs.l V IIWTIIl ' ' 4? M rrr I. Iit.ImI MUinl .!'' tSkr Itrm "f ' JMrlli . S trtl W Iki le.ii ', nuf lAiKlia ..I Wall 3 . IK t m ' r 4 at-ox v X sat 1 '' aM ir1 llm' " ... f n r r. ; lermlnMt afwr aiire- " .r rapafllV nt the tr '' " ,n VL " W lb llimi-aiifl v ,, ri.H.rt ai " ' lhl .If water Will It Itlv-rlcl , at a ts.lnl ahoin tw ' " .1 ' ..ras.fliini, iiii' ,"'p ,r V, . -l. .....1 .il l 'V.i.,,1 IS" ilmirlal irttrfMiw I'P"'.' ""..."'.Jjnil' a 1 .111 m. V"rr" ". , ' " .m thf tsih Us- nt lhl" li"ll'.' "!'.. "n.Jl pnrwianl llierelc ih ' tr.r ,', Water heroriler a pr'",.,ii(ifi The ttaie i.f I he f Iff not ire 1. r!'.7 'i,,,;Bin P"nr, 1,(19 ANOKl I I T. ' ' 'J