t, OCTOBER 29. W. o rni Two Favorites by Jesse Crawford A I a a Victor Talking Machine Co. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists i r-n(l, u,m 8IIIM, - .m guto) J. lcxor 2 Records Baby Face Jan Carbcr and Hit Orchestra Barcelona ir. I tor tin t lrn fil Vmnl r ft-M Cherie, I Love You Wurlng Iennylvanlan "In a Monastery Garden" Instrumental Victor Concert Orchestra Valencia IBLall , a w w wa-ia'B w v r Phones bz ana uu 21 Where'd You Get Those Eyes ? Georftr Olsen and 111 Music SPECIAL SALE! Hundreds of Red Seal Records by famous artists at more than 1)3 off. Inquire at your dealers ! At "His Master's Voice" Dealers GKtt nm of Canada, Limited CARDS i I'll -HIU til tMtf '..HI- .! MOW l (ll-l.l. f ilv -! Inh ! .it-t! mrd iii a xarictx i -Ul. K' 'illK- lllUl Will Mialiir " ft' t'Xpre fMU'dV VOIII' i: iud gladden lh' lu-.ifl- t'l nir friends t whom tlie .V t l.00 eatdi ftud we ii They nrf ii h ! t"im " -'tiiini-itt thai Mi make your choice now as a ( oi our . hIoiihm ln-t year, kfl making llieir selec- llll l! ll VII lH late. BE WISE AND BUY EARLY W also have Personal Creeling Cards and a book, of, ! - mil may lc .-x.ini I m lit' slore or we will, on 1 - iul a Imuk for on 'X. in m' the samples al Ormes Ltd. Steamship and Train Service r.m fron, frincc bopirt m Vancouver, victoria, bmttlk. J ' THURSDAY and SUNDAY. 11.00 p.m. ANVOX-WIDNISOAV JoOO p.m." STEWART SATURDAY ULINOS S.S. PRINCE JOHN fur VANCOUVIR .la OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS fortnightly, 'ASSINOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPCHT UH II JO ..in fnr .Nr. n.nanr EDMONTON. WINNIPEO. til points Astno ill Ocean Stsamshlp Lints. 11.. r..,. V. Mo ,nr.. Korrisn CuequM. fWii irxt shipment, . city Tlekst OWc, S2S Third A., runt Residence. 244 Fifth Aventio West P. O. Box ANGER, The Tailor Kiiie linporle.il Serge and Srot.h (hr A Ajj Tweed 'Bulls made to tinier in "' I vu shop in prince Rupert as low iptvr I. ANQER. Cutter HOLY BLOSSOM WILL NOW ADMIT WIVES TO MEMBERSHIPS CHURCH TOriONTO, Oct. 29. -At the annual meeting ol the Holy Elomm cont?re- Kuon, n m decided that the wire of the members would be automatically admitted to the membmhlp ot the congregation, with full nghU ana prtllees, and that other women In rfuuu iictwaiiFe ai uie lynagogue would ajao be eligible for membenhlD. The declalon to admit women to the 20105 membership of the congregation fornu a departure from the atrlct rule ad. bered to in 'the paat, but la In keeping with the pfogreailve policy being pur- ued by tha officera and trustee of the )ntn Holy Bloaaom Synagogue. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE 20074 The Canadian National Railways bare made arrangement to operate tourlai and atandard sleeping cars through from the Pacific Coast to the anipv aide at Uontreal and Halifax In con nection with Old Country sailings during November and December. For full information regarding rate. 050 l reserrationa, pa ports, etc.. call at City Ticket Offlce. Canadian National Railway. 428 Third Avenue. Phone 280. There was another enjoyable benefit dance under Scandinavian auspice lr. the Uetropole 1U11 laat night. WllttlXKH HKI'OllT. 8. a.m. . 20110 DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm: temperature. 42: barometer. 30.53; aeti smooth; 8 pm. spoke steamer Admiral Wauon. Seattle for Ketchikan. 34c, miles from Ketchikan: 11:13 pm. passed 20007 out stoumer Prince George southbound. 20075 5:44 ajn spoke steamer City of Spo 2008 kane. Yokohama for Seattle. 1031 mile 1177 from Seattle: 6 45 ajn. spoke steamer Empres of Asia, 1636 miles from Vic toria. Inbound; 6 ajn. spoke steamer Roue. Ban Francisco for Manila, lat. 140: 33 W. long. 3023 N.: tOS ajn. 20112 spoke tug St. Faith, in Brown'a En trance at 8 us., bound for Prince Rupert. BULL HARBOR; Clear, calmfc barometer. 3023: temperature. 40; light swell: 7.1S pm. spoke tug Cape Bcott. lowing baryrs Blngamon and Black Woll, abeam Hardy Bay for Treadwell Bay; 7J0 pm. spoke steamer Oray. Rose Harbor for Victoria. 365 miles from Victoria: 8:40 pjn. spoke steamer OrlSco. towing barge Rlvendale, Blub ber Bay tor Prince Rupert. 335 miles from Prince Rupert) 130 am. spoke steamer Princes Mary abeam North Island northbound: 8 in spoke motor-ship Norco. Ketchikan for Vancouver. 354 miles from Vancouver. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 30.-17; temperature. 38. NOON DIOBT ISLAND. Clear, calm: temperature. 30.64; temperature, 46; sea smooth: Princes ilary due Prince Rupert 213 pm. BCLIi HARBOR. Clear, light north-west wind; barometer. 30.18; temperature 83 light swell DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 30.-66. temperature. 53. Oeorge Ross returned this week from a ten day trip to Vancouver and Vlo torla TOO LATF TO CLAaSIFV WOMAN WANTED TOR KITCHEN help. Apply Oood Eats Cafe. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hallowe'en Dance, auspices Women Hospital Auxiliary. Friday. October SO. Hill 30 I.O.D.E. Bazaar. October 30. Presbyterian Lladte' Aid Bazaar, No vember 10. St. Peters. Seal Cove, Bale of Wors. November 11. Moose Bazaar November It and 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar. November 18. , Anglican Church Bturaar, November 23 Baptlft Ladles' Aid Bazaar, Novem ber 25. Lutheran Women Aid Bole .of Work, December 1. United Church Bazaar. December a. Established 1923 Special Denture Service ha.lern etc. He lia.e been uniform-lj I: suet-exftful In Denture Nrrtler rn-wvUlly In ttlf-flrult cukes. 247 ! DENTIST Exohange Block Phone 109 THB DAILY NEWS Local and Personal Arthur' Taxi. Phone 678. BC. Undertaker. Phone 41, Try Foothills Stove Coal. 113.00 per ton. No soot-Phllpott. Bvltt it Co Ltd. it 8t. Andrew's Society will hold an Old Country Dance In I.ODJ!. Hall, Friday, November S. MIm I so bet Stuart sailed laat night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to San Francisco. Hill GO Hallowe'en Bazaar tomorrow to IOB.E. Hall. Fifth Avenue. Proceeds for Children's Hospital Ward. Olof Hanson returned to the city laat night from the interior. He met the Edmonton delegation and accompanied it in to town. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. C C. Salntey. arrived at 330 this afternoon from Vancouver and will sail at 4 for Alaska porta. Coastwise Bteamahlp & Barge Co.'s freighter Orlflco Is due in port during the night with coal cargo. The vessel 1 towing the barge Rlversdale. W. F. Trant. poat-omce inspector, who has been visiting the city and district on official duties, returned to Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge laat night. Capt. J. R. Francis, district algnat omcer. returned to Victoria last night after making an Inspection of the signal corps and equipment of the First Battalion, North B.C. Regiment. Union freighter. Chllkoot. Capt. Jarec Llewellyn Williams, is due today from the south. After unloading plates a', the local dry dock the Chllkoot will proceed to Stewart and Alice Ann. At the Catholic Women's League tea at the home of Mrs. F. W. Leeper. FSIUi Avenue. West, ailss Virginia Re 11 was the winner of the French doll whftb waa rafHed there yesterday afternoon. Miss Norma Kenney. who baa been visiting at Terrace with her brothers. E. T. Kenney and L. n. Kenney. was a passenger from train to boat last evening returning to her home in Victoria. Reduction in leed prices, first car load of Bulkley Valley grain lust ar- nvea. we are sua nanaiing our iam- ous Edaon coal In any quantities. Phone 58 or 558. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 25o Murdo McLeod of Anyox arrived m the city last night from the amelter town and left on this morning' train for the East en route to hi former home In Stornaway. Scotland, where e will pay an extended visit Sixteen canaries, completing a total of 37 that have been received by Horace Duhamel from England, arrived yesterday. Mr. Duhamel' aviarlec now contain a total ot 180 birds, some of which are prize-winning stock from the Old Country. Followng a rear-end collision on Tuesday on Fifth Avenue when a Font light delivery ran Into a milk truck. John Unwtn and .William Moorehotuj were aummoned Into police court thl morning and each waa fined SS for driving a motorvchlcle without having a license In possession. Yesterday Rust 11 C. Donalda of the Ronalds advertising agency and M. K. Pike general aales manager ot the Northern Electric Company were in the city travelling through from the Eaat by way of Prince Rupert to Vancouver. They were Interested In looking the city over from a business point ot view. Thomas Louden, C.OilAI. superintendent engineer, returned to Vancou ver last night after having spent a couple of days in town on dry dock buslneas. C. W. Tourtelotte, assistant to the Pacific Coast manager of ttv C.O.M.M.. who came north with Mr. Louden, will be here until Sunday night WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert. Clear, calm, temp. 43 Terrace. Clear, calm. temp. 36. Anyox. Clear, calm. temp. 41. Stewart. Clear, calm, temp. 34. Hazelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 34. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp, 33. Smithcrs. Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. "nurn Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. '29. Whttehorse. Cloudy, south wind, temp. 43, Dawson. Cloudy, calm, temp. 27. IIOTLL AKUIVALN Prlnre Rupert B, Hansen, Petersburg; J. A. Rlggs, F V. Delcourt and E. O, Langlen, Van couver: B. N. Sharp. Spokane; J. S. Kennedy and family. Smlthera; Mrs. Joseph J. Cross, Grand' Rapids, Mich.: B. Chettleburgh, Terrace; M. A. Burbank, Prluce Oeorge: J, B. Scott. Prince Rupert; C O. Robson, R. O. Retd and C. R. Morrison, Edmonton. Savor Ole Duchess, Peder Rett aud Knut Relte, Aalevend, Norway: O. H. Tycho, Smlthers; Mr. and Mr. R. E. Valpy, Haysport; Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Valpy, Uik; Ed. Ungcr and J. R. Morrison, city. J. L. Kraft, a Canadian, is the Inventor of the Chtue which bean hU name. Rigid adherence to high ideals and great perteverance tiave enabled him to build an industry that it the largest of its kind in the world. Kra FT Cheese has such a delicate and unvarying flavor and every delicious particle of it is so perfectly digestible that it enjoys a wide popularity all over the world. Trained men, raised in the Kraft organization, watch every step in the production of the cheese which is carefully aged, blended and pasteurized. They hever relax their vigilance nor fall below the high standards set for the I louse of K ra it by its founder. Thus the Krait quality is always maintained in every package of the cheese that bears the trade-mark found below. The consequence is that wherever this cheese is tasted, it is demanded, until it is now being sold all over Canada, the Ignited States, Great KRAFTMlCriEESE" PAGE THRU Montreal Prices The Montreal Importers are still offering Prince Rupert buyers every opportunity to buy goods by the best makers at Montreal prices. Now that the colder weather is here, it is time for heavier clothing See These Prices! Did You Ever! MEN'S OVERCOATS from $18.95 From 4he lui or the best makers in Can ail a. Well tailored and iu J.Iie newest fabrii s. nud all hard wearing. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's 95, guaranteed all wool combinations which ordinarily ell fur So.r0. We are selling them for $3.95 Single garments varh $2.00 We have u great assortment of .size of Penman's 95 for Boys and Children. These are guaranteed all wool. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Flannelette Blankets, 10-1 $1.75 Towels, regular price 1.00, going foe 50c Only two pairs for each customer We invite you to come and inspect the stock of goods we are of fering. See for yourself. See the quality and note the prices, before, you outfit for the winter Montreal Third Avenue. Britain, a part of the Continent and in far-away Australia. Manufacturing plants in: Montreal, Canada; Chicago and San Francisco, U.S.A.; London, England; Melbourne, Australia. There is only one way to satisfy yourself that you arc getting Krait, and that is to look for the name on the package. You can buy Kraft Cheese in fire varieties to suit any taste and they are all as good 4 as Kraft can make them Kraft Canadian, Pimiento (Spanish peppers added), Sviss (Grnyert), Limburt,er and CamanbctL Look! BOYS' OVERCOATS, $9.95 We have only fifty of these and when you see them, you will wonder how they can be made for the money. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's 71 guaranteed combinations $1.75 Single garments 90c' Penman',8 Heavy Wool Underwear, per -garment $1.45 Combinations $2.75 MENI SEE THESE! Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c Work Socks, pair 20o Braces 45c Soft Collars, each 20c Importers 7 J. B. Miller, Proprietor.