NNNfi NF.W PER COMPANY I sT I 11 1 la PaatllafM I, ntM or (AN AHA HMW ADMITTED PLAN WAS IN Ilia: A I It VCR Oct T. P Jones. Uie Cauaca Cement Oo r (ihruugh Vancouver today ta Victoria where he will lata He said he was membcf v.e controlling large timber Prince Oorre and admitted '- TanUatlon of a company to ! i i-ge pulp and paper plant -s: in the air 1 ! i FvmPNrp IS COMPLETED : n to akoi i: aimi i: ir t in it- tONM-IHACV I AM. ON Mill- NtHllAV M:XT A.' Elxa. Oct. SO. Almee Me-i n!lat mnA hr mother. M :a Kennedr. both accuwd of jplracy. closed their dtfrnce c her taking the witness stand ie chargrs that they plotted ifaiure tvidcnce supporting W Pherson'a story of kidnapping i.t ' as hearing, which lasted 1i?ka (l i. Iam nl. mil ;?mber 3. ERETT AFIRE IS ABANDONED t sa-llaaaa,a-s -eaa ajkMU km hlzi: m;ah wan ikan- 1 wiinriisf vBski jassh- r m snm ri w 'osy on runu Oordon. 18 mues 1 UI nra altief ak.nlAnikn 1kT - fsaau sv aiwtiu'litu 1 toUl loss utt ouulde Eureka 'er lUglng a desperate fight U suu a vu m V f the crew were forced from Uie "i iumes irom the cnlonae oi which formed part of the cargo. -cr lancn aboard the coast guard NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. V llt'w 'I't'lfiilmiK' Diiw- i i j ..i.. ...i i.. i . i ' 1 UIIU IL 111 111! i.niMi. IllhllfMI I itill fun .1 A Iiuiikcs or ih'w lilinirs fur ni Khun iituwi tuii.i.k in e Illll.-ll FT llllllll. Ill 'H.l...... .... . . . iii.inir lit 'I iii.ini it I i.i v O w vivl'IIUIIi; lv- " .1 lf 1. 1 . . I flH. II ! ..11 -iiiiciii. iiii v linn, mil in- 'r than November 10. 25(1 vkwu iut uh in case oi log dt snipe entering or leartng the port. It haa been pointed out to the department here that the marine under-wnun require one or two more light to be ralablUhed In the neighborhood of Prince Rupert Harbor before they will grant the same low Insurance rate on vesaels going to or from Prince Rupert by way of Hecate Straits a l now TMI NT ignen for those going to the ocean by way of Dtioq Entrance north of Queen! Chariot I Islands. With a direction flndlr station alao established. It Is said Prince Rupert would be available i tee- shipping without any delay 3M days in the year. ItlltT M'lHOir IN IMoKI.IIItIL OAMC a EDilO.VTON. Oct 79 -U. Ing a brilliant rally In the second half after being down eight potnla, Edmonton Orads last night defeated the Detroit Nations Is by a score of 34 to l nlcg by a total of U to ST. ftlon. regarded as the builder of Alaa-! ka's reindeer Industry, reported on hU SUBMARINE DISABLED EVIDENCE IN TRUNK OWNED BY ORMISTON M.M IMK'l MKN1 M ( l Kl:lt Still TO UK Ol' IIMUILsT IMPORTANCE IN MrPHkRsON cam: LO ANill.l. cut. saHMrlrt Attorney Kr) announced today that a trunk belonging ta Kenneth OrmUton, Ilie nMij io-defendant In I lie Almee MTlieron rwn-pirary rae. had been sent here alter It was dlwotrred In a hotel In New lurk lwfe OrnMon lived almost a month until tie disappeared on et-leniber II. The trunk contained documentary etldrnre ut Hie highest Imnnrtanre hut krtrt relud to dl Wm its nature. r REINDEER WERE a-a is'vuaa iiuaau I.DMONTON lilt tit ALL KILLED OFF f'CIIOKr TO r.oTAHIIMI INIUMKV ! on tun in iM.tsn rKottt a I AILI KK ) SEATTLE. Oct 29 W T. Lopp of 37 in the second and final game 4 j SeatUe. former chief of the Alaska of the basketball series and win- division of the VA. bureau of educa- return yesterday from a fifteen months journey to Baron Island tn the Canadian Arctic that the country there was not suitable for reindeer. The lnvesll- mAROARTi wAVFn ' rtlon w,-e made at the request ol ttDimiAU 0.'lTLUjtt.e Mudsons Bay Co. which stocked jthe Island In l2l with 500 reindeer NEW LONDON. Conn Ort. 29.-A . rs-iU) found Km( ,h, ar ht(, diM dW message received yesterday ner-;frtm Urr,Uon ,nd the mt been noon sUted that the Perurlan submarine -.x,,,, kale1 b- R-2 was disabled Wednesday off Cape j Xtsy on the coast of Delaware bound for Peru. She Is proceeding to New London under her own power and all aboard were saved. The fifth annual convention or the American Construction Council, an or gaulraUon of all Interests in the building Industry, will be held at Cleveland, November 8-10. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.46 j; B.C. Silver 178 1.82 Daly Alaska .00 .02 Olaclrr .OS Indian .OS .05 L k L. .07 .08 Edmonton Delegates Looking Over Port Facilities and Are Pleased with What They Seeing The Edmonton delegation consisting of the Hon. R. O, Reld, provincial secretary in the Alberta Government and representing it officially. Alderman C. J. Robson. who was Just recently elected president of the Edmonton Board of Trsds. and who Is here representing the City of Edmonton, P. W. Doherty. second vice-president of the Edmonton Hoard of Trade and representing that organisation here, tnd C. R. Morrison, managing editor of the Edmonton Journal, representing the press of Edmonton, arrived here yesterday afternoon and were met by a large delegation of the Board of Trade, Mayor Newton and others. They were taken for a trip around the harbor In the launch 28 and had the point of Interest pointed out to them as well as the special leaiures ui me harbor from a commercial nn ui view. In the evening they dined with a few members of the Board of Trade In-formally at the Commodore Cafe and entertained at the Prince later were nupert Club. Today they have been going through the elevator, the Cola Storage plsnt and the shipyards and this evening they are to be the guesU of the council of the local Board of Trade at dinner at the Commodore Cafe Uter In the evening they will attend the Hospital Ball at the auditorium nd ,v ,or nome tomorrow eastbound train. morning on the M-niiT co.orr.itATio.v Hou Mi R'd " conversation with a 1 Dally News representative said he ap preciated the spirit of co-operation shown by the people of Prince Rupert and their presence here at this time was an Indication that they were ready to do their part. Alberta and British Columbia were neighbors and the busl-lies relation between them should be very close to their mutusl advantage. Speaking or the,cropa tn Alberta, Mr. Reld sail they were a good deal better than wt expected, There was not as much damp grata as was thought although there undoubtedly was a good deal. The delegates are enjoying their visit and were all pleaaed at what they had seen so far. Advertise In The Dally New UK. MtNM LI.I ROBINSON IIKAK- IKOM LlllV IRIENII O.N .Mt!s-TKKY PLl.NCr PEOPLE ARE ADVANCED IttVi: MCA LTD Ol' I1L.UK IIAIK AND ALMOND EVES, lilUNtS OKILNTAI. CAST LONDON. Oct. 29. Commuricstlaj with Mars msy be nothing new after ail. Dr. Mansfield Robinson. London attorney, who became a telepathlst yean ago declares he has a friend In Mars. Ocmaruru. a woman from whom he receives messsges and keeps him Informed of what la going on on the mystery planet. The Martlsns ue tobacco and drink tea, according to Dr. Robinson, who filed a wireless message at the central radio office addressed to Mars yesterday. The doctor also said he had received a message from rxrsarufu, presumably tn reply, while he was being interviewed re lative to possibilities of other persons getting In touch with Msrs. From knowledge which he avows he received from Msrs Itself, the people there have a wealth of black hair and almond eyes, giving them an Oriental caat of features. Not only do they smoke and drink tea but they have autos which hop and skip over the ground at great speed. Dr. Robinson declares tn regard to avlstlon thst the people of this earth are thousands of years belnd. those on Msrs who use enormous airships, electrically propelled, and that the Martians perfected wireless "long before Marconi was born." CHAMPIONSHIP RETAINED BY MONTREAL BOY VM! IOLKY IAII.S MX'ONll TIMK TO tit: at Kin in iv in ii:tiii:k- VAKKIIIT iO IN KANT MONTREAL, Oct 29. Kid Roy of Montreal retained the Canadian featherweight crown hen he decisively outpointed Vic Foley of Vancouver In a twelve round bout here last night. After the eighth round the Issue wa never tn doubt Honors were even In the first five rounds but In the seventh and eighth Roy smothered h'.s opponent with a whirlwind attack and plica up a commanding lead to get the 5 TAXI Ambulance and waim Boston Grill Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, Anywhere t Anytime. with newly laid dancing floor for hire. nd. Exchange Bulldlno. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, MATT VIDECK, Prop. PRINCE kUPERT The latest and bent for the leant: Phone 457, Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper XVI No. 2J4. PRINCE RUPERT. BC FRIDAT OCTOBER 29, 1928. Circulation 1593. Sales 405 PRICE FIVE Clrs wit slulememi miners7 strike m m m mm mm v a m mmjimmamm iiiiii.f 'iif imi i jmiiiImii itti rpi it mwmm r recnon rinaing dtation is Planned Near Prince Rupert I Under Radio Telegraph Branch CTTAWA, October 3.Th question ol establishing a radio direction i . n r or near Frtnee Rupert wUi be Investlgsled by Director Ed s ards ;r telegraph branch of the department of marine who ta accom pin j nisi ""puly minister of marine, on hi fortbcomln( visit to tb Pacific v ,?r wal vlalt Prince Rupert together and the question of establishment r is which hare been ared for will then be discussed with the local Dliby Island and also with the Prlnte Rupert Board of Trade, ccabtuhment of Pnnce Rupert aa a grain shipping port 1 making It ' c. :,t au modtrn shipping conveniences be placed there, accord lr.j to! ofielals here, and the latest thing u. j wai ime ta a direction rinding radio j "WaaPHssLaCKaiCHsla 9&EHaHaiaVVC9aBlaflPVHSa& SWEDISH BoJaL TAUXVS PAETT n:ldent t.. the aDDr(mz marrlaee of Prir,. rM r ,, Pr.ncew AstrM tn iOTember 20. The happy caap'.e are seen on the lef Seated tn the centre U Princess Ingeborg, mother of Prmceai Astrld behind her is Prlnoess Margaret wife of Prince Axel, hell to the throne of Denmark; on the right is Pric ss Min.ca, eldest if tae thres oat ghters of Prince Carl and Prluceu Ingeborg. MESSAGE&EROM MARS ARRIVE Chancellor Churchill Suggests Miners Make Offer to Government Lloyd George chides Government with help lessness while finances of country are going to ruin result of strike y LONDON. October 23. The government made another opening for the .mlnera last night through Chancellor Churchill who. during an address In Essex declared It was for the mlnera to make a proposal which the government could endsrse and carry forward Irrespective of the owners' opinions. Sptaring at Carnarvon Lloyd George described the coal dispute as "the greatest crlsU alnce the war" and urged that the Government would be Justified la assuming control of the mines under the Emergency Powers Act and compel the miners and owners' to sccept the findings of the coal commission's repjrt. "We sre passing through a great crisis." said the little Welshman, and " the Government avows its com Diet SHIPPING OUT OF EDMONTON FORRUPERT TIIIKO Of AU. (iKAIN INM'KCTtl) AT ALIIKKTA CAPITAL I'Oll NOKTHKK.N POUT EDMONTON, (HI. 2. The Imposition of the penult yctein retutat- . lug fclilpmrnt ol grain lo Vunrnutrr lu not nulrrUllv arfrt ted I lie Honor grain lo that port from Edmonton Mini, its fully une-thlril of the grain Inflected here Is going lu Prime Kiiprrt, no rliet k li nolUruble In the tulume it tr;iln moving out. Steam railroads entering Chicago ex pended almost $19,000,000 last year In maintenance of suburban service. 'helplessness. Yet our trade balance Is going down until this will see the end of it and we shall be forced to finance' j ourselves with foreign credit. This cjun- try was once the banker of the world land Is now walking to the money len-! ders." 'FRUIT CONSPIRACY I PROSECUTIOftENDS AANCOIIVER, Oct. 21. Finis was written to the Nash fruit conspiracy prosecution yesterday when Mr. Justice Gregory In the assize court entered a stay of proceedings in regard to the remaining charges against 53 defendant already dealt with on certain counts. FISH ARRIVALS Only two Canadian boat sold at the Fish Exchange this morning. They were the Moorl H. which was paid 18.8c and 10c. for 7,000 pounds and the Yule which received 18.7c and lCc for 1.200. Two Schooners Dashed to Pieces in St. Lawrence River and Two People Lost Lives iii Big Storm QUEBEC, October 29.- The schooners Ssguenay and Garner were lost In the St. Lawrence River in the vicinity of the Island of Blc about 200 mile from here in the week end storms. Twq men were drowned, according to Information received here upon the re-establlshment of severed communication. The victims were Captain Turbls of the .Oarner, and. Laurent Jomphe. a passenger on the same vessel. It Is believed that both craft were off the Island when the storm broke. They were swept hora and dashed lo pieces. Captain Bolvln and three members of the crew of the Ssguenay were saved by the steam barge Popular Bay. ORDERS ISSUED FOR KILLING OF 2,000 BUFFALO YVAIMVKIUIIT IIEKI TO HE KEIIL'CEO BtfAlE Ol" LACK Ol' GRA2S I IM! AKE.I , WIKMPEO. Oct 29. The Free Press i Ottawa special correspondent aays that orders were if sued from Ottawa yesterday authorizing the immediate 'slaughter of two thousand bu3alo at Walnwrlght National Park. This la the second time the Canadian Government haa been compelled .through lack of a sufficiently large 'grazing area to order the slaughter of buffalo on a large scale. The killing of these animals meana that Canadians cuce ure will have a chance to buy buSalo stiifc. The Government doca not Interfere with the distribution of the meat, which In 1924 became popular as far east as Montreal. YEIFUKU MARU LEAVING TODAY "K" LINE IKLKWITEK, FINISHED LOAblNII CHAIN. CLEARS lOlt VIROi lirREK.NTATION IS MADE . NEXT BOAT ON SUNDAY . i MOVEMENT OF (IKAIN TO LOCAL ELEVATOR COXTIXIE.H STEADILY MICH IS IIEINU DRIED The "K" line freighter YeiXuku Maru. which ha completed the loading of some 250.000 bushels of wheat at the elevator for delivery to the United Kingdom or continent, will leave this afternoon via the Panama Canal for Hampton Roads, Virginia, where she will coal and receive further orders. This marnlng the entertainment committee of the Board of Trade visited the Yelfuku Maru at the elevator wharf and presented Capt. Umagashl with a pic ture of the Yelfuku Maru and Aden Maru together. The next grain boat, Totuku Maru, la due to arrive here about noon on Sunday according to the latest word received by local agents. She will go to the dry dock to bo lined before moving to the elevator wharf. Qraln continues to move to the port and a good deal of It Is being dried In the elevator. FILM COMPANY FOR PROVINCE FAMOUS PLWEKH LASKY CORPORA- TIOV -ESTABLISHES CANADIAN. IIRANCII Ol' CONCERN VICTORIA, Oct. 29 A film produc tion plant will be established In Brit ish Columbia by the Famous Flayers Lasky Corporation, it was announced by officials at the Parliament Buildings today In connection with the Incorporation or a company for fifteen million dollars under the title of the Famous Players Canadian Corporation Ltd- with headquarter at Toronto and' Vancouver. Chicago' surface and elevated line carry monthly approximately twenty-times the city's population, HOUSEHOLDERS AND ' LICENCE HOLDERS Those wishing (o get on Ihe 11)27 VnW, Lisj,:r'e minimi lu file their np- plications with tho Gity Clerk during the inonlh or Ooloher. OtTicq hours tun. .to 5 & p.ni., and from Ortoher 5?r to 30, also from 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. K. F. J0.NKS, U Citr Clerk.