If your head aches, or reading or work strains your eyes, or if you are the IcaM bit doubtful about the efficiency, of your eyes then consult us! Glasses are intended to make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage shows that' we know how to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland ;UU.UyATK Ol'TO.MKTHIST 27 Years Practice 31!) Third Avenue, Opp. (l.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load .......... . .$6.50 Per Jialf load ........ 3.50 Per sack ............. . .50 Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer .139 8ocond, Avenue Phone: 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. food sometimes being that of their owr. brothers and sisters. In time the In vader sallies forth, kill the Black queen and then follows a desperate struggl-between the Blacks and tbe young Reds, Cash and Carry Prices UPSTAIRS STORE, SIXTH ST. The prices quoted below arc strictly non-service no phone orders or (10. 1). YVe will nrake no exceptions to the rule. Malkin's Best Jelly Powders, all flavors, per dozen . . 75c Pacific or St. Charles Milk, 0 tins Tor SI .00 Limit 18 tins to earli. customer. Capitol. Brand Creamery Butter, prints, 3 lbs $1.10 Alberta Cooking Eggs, U doz. for 51.10 CANNED VEGETABLES Tomatoes, 2s, per tin .... 11c Tomatoes, 2V&',, per Corn, 2's. per tin . . . tin Saner Kraut, 2V4's, per 14'aC 14V2c Refugee Ueans, 2's, per tin 17!c Pumpkin, 2's, per tin .... 13c Pumpkin, 2&'s,. per 'tin 17'ic Peas, sieve So. 5,-per tin 141-kc tin 17'ac Spinach, 2'i's, per tin .-22'Ag Mushrooms, per tin 39c California Asparagus Tips, per tin 20c Libhy's Tiny While Tips, per ,tin 32c Del Monlc Picnic Asparagu- Tips, per tin 20c Nabob Strawberries, 2's, per tin 32!4o Quaker Raspberries, 2's, per tin 32Vtc Crabapples, 2 Hi's, per tin 17'ic TEAS AND COFFEES j Malkin's, Rest Tea, per lb. 69c Nabob Tea, per lb 69c Rlue Ribbon Tea, per lb. 69c Ridgeway's Old Country Tea, per lb 82o Ridgeway's Gold Label Tea, per lb 98c Malkiu'H Rest Coffee, per lb. ' 62c Nabob Coffee, per lb 62o Hill's Red Can Coffee, per lb. 72140 The above price are regular pricos, Cash and Carry ouljv in our upsluirs a lore on Sixth Street. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211 and 212 IN malkinsV I BEST 1 IN, PROBATE. THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA OF BRITISH Hallowe'en Week APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Mcintosh Reds, jumble pack PINEAPPLE SPECIAL 51.75 Mcintosh Reds. No. 1 fancy S2.2G Singapore Sliced, 7 (ins for 95c Hawaiian Sliced Libhy's, !1 tins for .... 95c Nabob, a tins for 95c Malkin's Ileal, , tins for 95c Delmonle, 3 tins for ... . 95c Libby's Crushed, tins for 95c Delmonte, gallons, crushed, liu for -95c You can have your choice of nuy' of. the above 2 lb. tins of pineapple,''sliccd or rrusheij, for 2."jc, along with one box ot Fancy Me-Inlosh lied - Apples for tit Re sure to order thoni together lo gel the bargain, B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574. ARLyNLLYclelicious coffee. Roasted and ground with scrupulous care, as an exceptional coffee deserves to be. Packed in the vacuum can, which preserves for you the rich flavor and aroma. Your grocer sells and recommends Malkin's Best Coffee. MAX ,M WOMAN TlltN ,UK UO.M A.Ml I'UtTt AT TAU1X WINNIPEO, Oct, 23. Antique eti quette and the origin of modern customs and conventions, were related In an address given before the Winnipeg Rotary Club by B. P. Martin, former deputy keeper of ihe Victoria and Al- eert museum, London. According to MrJ Martin, "laying the table" datea back 400 years to the time when tables were merely a number of boards laid down upon trestle. To lay the table meant merely aettlns iiese in place. Those were the 'days when plates of any kind were unknown, and forka had not been thought of. As a Urge cut ct venison waa brought around, each gttest hacked off a chunk with his hunting knife and laid It, on thick slice of bread. ... Wooden platteralcame Into use dur ing the sixteenth century; pewter plates In the 17th and . porcelain and china In the 18th, Pork were introduced in tbe reign of James I. Previous to that time the ladles ind gentlemen used their fingers. The word cupboard, Mrt Martin ex plained, comes from the cup board found behind the; master's seat, along' which he ranged bis collection of gold and sliver cups and dishes. Quoting from a code of manners drawn up In the 16th century; Mr. Mar tin sail that the- guests were recotn mended to keep their finger nails clean, to refrain from picking his teeth with his hunting knife pr clean them on the table cloth. As tbe ladles ate from the j ha me platter as their genUemen com- panlons, they weri reminded not take ( the choicest cut. but to turn It to their lord. The .guests were aluo asked to breathe through tbe noe as silently as ( possible and, warned to wipe their i mouths before drinking so that no j grease would go into the wine, "which , Is most unpleasant for the next person." Finally, the -code requests that the guests do not wipe their eyes or face on the table cloth. BISHOP OF BIRMINGHAM ON RELIGIOUS FAITHS (Victoria Colonist) Dr. Dames, the Bishop of Birmingham, delivered a notable sermon in Westminster Abbey- a few weeks ago in which he discussed the degeneration of religious faith from "the slow and In-cldlous persistency! of crude Instincts," The opinion of the Bishop is that we are living In a period of vast religious confusion and decay, and he believe thU Is the result of (orcc which have been High 8:4.8 a m. 9:41 pm. Lew 2:58 am. 3:41 pm M1MAV, OCTOllLK High 10:39 m. 10:39 pm. Low 3:57 am. 4:41 pm. 31 17.4 ft 16.8 " 92 -10 8 ' 18 0 ft 173 " 1 ' 93 - WATER NOTICE. DltartoA and Ua TAkK MtTICt: that sojnrrtllle Cannery '.ompsri, l.id., tho tddre l Oorr vnue wnari, vsiirutiver, n.t,., win sppiv rur a lirrnre lo lake and uh 6u gallon Ter inlii'iie of atrr out of small stream. iix kmiMii at Mill siream. whtrn flow imrtlD'ail and drain mill Jetlay Harbor ilxut luu aid tiurtliwnai of loulheail onwr of Tom Mimnjr Claim. Tbe water ulll I diverted rmln Ihe stream SI a point about euo feet from IU muulli ii a Mtumwesieriy oirrrimn, anu win ued for lodmlrlal purMw ution tl" tand ilri Hied at ll.t sire ixirlliraM of riiiro Mlninr '.uiin. This notice waa po,ii n Uk s round on ihe th day of srptein twr. I Ufa. A copy of llii notice and ait aiipliralloii purkuanl lliereto ami to III-1 I Ik- Water llerordrr at Prime lluixirt. U.C. objeclloiu lo lite application may Im riw-d with tile said Wter llerorrter ih I with Ihe t'iomplroller of Water hlsbta. , I'ailUiueiil Hulldmra, VVtorla, B.C.. with' in thirty day sfler the first appearnm-p r mis notice m a nai newpaM-r. Tttq late or the first puhliratloti or tlua n lire Is i if totier I, IVlr.. SilMKUVII-l-K :A.r.RY CO., LTD.. Appliranl. Hv fwt lie.Hri.av Malhera, Asreiil. MINERAL ACT . Certificate of Improvsmant. brownie Mo. Mineral Claim, situate In i ho Atlin Miniiir liitlnton of Ihe Cat.lsr limlrlit, on Waun Hlver, alilnlnir and lo the mil th fif Hromnle No. 4 MX. i TAKE MITICK thai I. ttmet II. kerahaw,' Kr-e Miner- Cernririte No, MJ, Inlrnil. Uly days from the dale hereof, lo apply i lo the Mining rterorder for s CerllUrate , of liiipruv-nirrtU, fur tbe purpnte of )b- i talmnr a l.rown Oranl of I lie abotn claim.' Arul-nirilM-r take notlre Ihsl action, un-ler tertion St, mud he rommriKeit befnrr . ihe lasue of surti t:rriiriraie of Improve-' m'm. , ' IiATttl till 111 day or September. A.D, l. . II, Mr.N. F1MMR, Arent. FRIDAY, OpTOBER Jj. PAOB BIX ri!B DAILY NEWS 51 NOW YOU CAN BUY FOR THE o 3 PRICE OF L PD & Co. Tooth Paste PD & Co. Vanishing Cream PO & Co. Shaving Cream PD & Co. Almond Cream PD & Co. Tar Shampoo For a limited time only we will give you free any one of the above items providing you purchase two of them. Yon ge? $1.50 value for $1.00. Don't nnsa this! Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists We deliver. Phone, 94 Meat Department SATURDAY SPECIALS CASH AND CARRY Hound Sleak. 2 lhs. . . 35c Sausage, per lb 15c Hump HoasU per lb.. . 15c Shoulder Roal Veal, per lb .15c Leg Pork, half or whole, per lb. 30c Shoulder Pork, per lb. 25c Mussallem Grocery Co: Ltd. 417-423 5th Ave. East. Just Arrived Flannel and Baibriggan DRESSES in all the new slylcs and colors "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 C0L0RLINE1N LIFE OF ANTS STItlGOLK tOK EXISTENCE fctt.V IX COLONICS ON PKAIKIEJKIN EDMONTON' DISTRICT EDMONTON, Oct. 29. A gruesome tale of home-robbing and kidnapping, and of endless warfare between the Beds and the Blacks In the Edmonton district, was heard at the Philosophical society when the speaker was E. II. Strickland. JJc., professor of entomol ogy at the University of Alberta, and his subject, "Insect Social Life." The Reds and Blacks In question are the red and black ants which are to be seen around the city every summer. The Blacks build the ant hills and live there contentedly each ant busy at its special task, from the queen down to the -soldier," the "worker" or the "nursemaid." Their cousins, the red ants, also live In an organized society. but they lack the ability to build homes for themselves. Here the trouble begins. A Red queen decides to occupy a new home, so she gets by the "Black Watch" and entrenches herself In the Black strong bold: Bh kidnaps. some of. the.younger Blacks who bring her supplies, this Del Del r CANNED FRUITS Moule Grated Pineapple. , per tin 23c Moule Graled Pineapple, , per- tin 15c Nabob Sliced Pineapple, l's. per tin .. MVzc Circle Sliced Pineapple, 2's, per the lied ants alwaya being successful 'armies, killing aU animals in Ae tin 14Vac! ai-res, point more nnrf or or Iras, ira. Malkin's Sliced Peaches, 1 s. per tin 22Vzg Yellow Hammer Peaches, 2 Vs, per tin 29c Malkin's Apricots, l's, per tin 22'2c Yellow Hammer Apricots, 2,-'s, pec tin . 32c Florida Grapefruit, 2's, per tin : 32c Greengage Plums, 2'a's, per lin 27c lAimbard Plums, 2 Mi's, per tin - . . 22aC UlAMii: .Mom: or Llli: i region. The natives of Aft. a nee oe- 01 One hundred million years ago ant I tore them and any beast which they were living on the earth in an unsocial mode. Then all traces of them were lost and when found again. 40 million yetrs later, they were living In a highly rganlzed social state. Just what took place in that evolution la open to in teresting speculation. The ants have different ways of gathering food for the winter. In the tropics some are nomads and travel In In the Matter or tlie duiiiilslraliot) Art; and In the Milter of the Ksiate or Andrew Mr-Nauriit. tlierwle known a Andrew Johnston. Imler and by virtue at au Order dated the 8lh day of October, lSi. sud lusdi-b Honor Judse F. Mi ll. Young. Loral Judre of Ihe Supreme Court. Iese w Klvra tu Stephen IL Hokln, Offli-lal Administrator for that portion of Ihe county of I'rlm-e llupeil as nvrtned in order-ln-l'Jiunril No. HUS 2. lo swear a to Ihe drain of Andrew MrMusut. other wise known Andrew Johntlon. formerly of the Town of Smlthem, in tbe Provlnre i if Brltlrh Columbia, as or the vlti day or July. IH. one month after Ihe first pub tlrallon of this notlre. THEIIKFOKK TAKK NOTICE that, utiles pruof I ruriushcd to the IMMNct Resia-trsr of the Supreme Coi.rl at the r.ity or t'rinre Huprrt. I'rovlnre of Brill.h coluni-lila. within one month after Ihe tint pub tlratlun or this notice, thai the said AO-drew MrNiiiKlit. oltierwlte kn-iwii a An drew Johutloii. wai alive nubKequrnl to the Witt day or July Iti6. the said Stephen II. llokln will prut'erd to esr as lo Ihe ald death of the said Andrew Mr-Naurht. otherwise known aa Andrew Juhndon. WILLIAMS k OONZAI.l.S. Solicitor. Thia notlre was flrt published on Iht IMh day of llflolM-r. A !.. !. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Last Land In Prlnre ltiiert Land Recordintr IH-Irlrl. ami situate at Jedway Harbor. Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that .Somervllle Cannery Company, Ltd.. Vanenuver. P.C, occupation r'lun Parkers. Intend lo apply for a lea-of the following desrrlbwd land Commem-ina; al a port planted at Ihe oiilheaM corner of the Torn Mineral Claim, following- the easterly boundary In a northerly direction it rlialnn; llwnrc norllieanterly tl rhaln to hlrh water mark; thenre siMilhraitterly alonr the high water mam is mains: inenre wiuuiwpm erly 1 4 e bain, too re or lex, to the of i-omriiPtK'emrul, ind contamlnj It SOMF.BVILLE CAMMERY COMPAMY. I.TU.. Applleant. per F. D. Mathers, tiated September Sth. lilt anta, and cannot even eat without their aid. The slave supply must be continually replaced so the Amazon have a highly organized system of plundering and kidnapping. -t a ETIQUETTE OF FORMER DAYS w k for a century The triumphs scientific method have been combined m.ih (he tonclualoivs of Biblical criticism but bones. " aauoi we irum. iiw trap are soon nothing dry Some are vegetarlana. and the speaker d from the Churches ha been wide-told of seeing them at work in tha i spread, and within them various type tropica, stripping shrubs of thetr leaves, of reaction nourishthe products of and carrying them off to the nest. 'desperate dlvea Into thepaat. There art. The harvester anta gather secda, i aaya. magical sacramenUlUm. Seoond vihlch are systematically sorted out byjAdventlsm and spiritualism which are certain Insects and stored for future : variant of primitive beUefa whaae day use. A certain apeciee are gardenera H past ch l a symptom of religious and grow a fungus which they eat. , decay These ants cannot live without the fungus, and the fungus. In turn, is dependent upon the ant for Its life. KI PENKS ON" SUM:S The Amazon anta are entirely dependent upon, their slaves, thf IHack Advertise In the Dally News miNCE RUPERT TIDES uiitAV. oeioiu.it vj High - 8:t a in. 18.7 ft 8.27 -pm 10-J Lew 1:4$ an. 80 " 2 32 pm. U S " SATl KIlAV. OCTOllLK 5 CUPS AND SAUCE! Over 100 Different Designs and Admission - Decorations New Arrivals of Dinner Set In beautiful dcrnrutioit- tit our Immmih'iiI ular prices. Cnme ami pn k out tir inii- (iifU or , Dinner Sol and we will hold it for you. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "SANDY A gorgronM) dri --l ,iikI ni'iuiili-il il)iilo p Mt- l2. MADGE BELLAMY, HARRISON FORD and strong -al. CAMEO COMEDY. "WELCOME DANCER." PATHE REVIEW. - 50o and 25c SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distuo l ervu e for htiuily V SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at most rrutouable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 -and we wdl do Iho ted Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, HOPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES-Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McDrlde SI. Special Shipment -- Ladies' Coats on Consignment ' ' - The Very Latest Styles We. have Ihcni tor u few duys only. The hiihuire must h relurnct mk.ii This Is your opporluiiily to huy u Cout al nl'iwoxininlely HALF ils market v - iTheru nr about , Coals in the hunch. No two ulike. H'ueji nre from Id your lo ) Inisl. V-The. Cmils rprcvnl the higgest Coal Imrguin ever offeretl in Rupert. SALE STARTS FRIDAY Phone 9. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. 3rd Avenue and Fulton