roAr OCTOBER 89, IM. tl: ike Cuff Links .s -m-func make lug r ! Ill II perHOII. jr iprji appearance. We have some new .51 a I k - hi solid gold til it h I,, 0.(l(l. One nice s white jrold et with dininuiid. v -mall Vaoilier pair at $15.00 - itd gold with plnliimiii (rungs. V-y nice gold fillistl i ni wi.uu in ?iiiiu. 9 TOHtfMGER? A Jewellers sQiTttE STOWE WITH THE CLOCK BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR l f vrJ n splriidul : e of English Made Cravenette Raincoats - J re rent Miale, e l ill MP's (mm Mi J. BENT Third Ave. Phone 651. LUMBER W ere rtaniHU'-tue:iig gti ml te--e inm t. :s?e g'Min li;it r If a ilitrl und salmon hiur. Aik For Prices Seal Cove Lumber Co. Lid. PHONE 502 George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee. Ac Phone 3S7 New Adilrer: 243 Second Avenue West piunce nupEivr Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Block of Fui Trimming at low price B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave MILK I-m i pnre nf lirkel" i ndvaiired lo 0 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 f'omnienring IS'uvcnitier 1. Valentin Dairy Phone 057. TUGBOATS y Phones 423, B39, Qreen 238, Black 735. N'0ht. Phones 687,. 639, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS. LTD. QE0. t. BU8HBY, Mian. Dir. EMPIRE TRADE FASHION FREAKS IS DISCUSSED' LONDON SHOPS Kilt AUKIII MOMi ,M) m .UlCIt'. miaix ix uoiiT or hii;m:.nt BIT (Moutrral WltncM) Alfred Moid bu returned union or in an Empire united tor rco-oomic purpone. Ponslbly because cf hla Canadian addresses and possibly because of the pretest predicament of the Canadian Conservative party, there ha "been a eenalderable tntereat In Btr Alfred'a proposals In the put two week. Certain Conservative well wishers are (outing out that the party ha wou only one national victory in the thirty-five yeara since Btr John Mso-oVualds death They art also aaylrts that the period of to party decline la identical with the period of 1U opposition to the British preferenrea. Two year ago Colonel Ponton, of Belleville, one of the moat respected of Canadian public men. urged upon Ontario Con- aervsilve the neceaalty of the eeo-' nomlt conaotldaUoji of the Brlttah Em-,plre At that tune hla proposal met 'with an apathetic reception. Canadian , Conservatism seemed firmly wedded t J : tbe Idea of narrow nationalistic pro- unionism But two national defeat ,and the spectacle of a world resolving i itself Into larger and larger economie unit have made certain of the party "supporter see matter In a new light. There 1 talk of pushing tor an Em-jptre Pre Trade Empire Protection policy It la true that .this would bit-' teriy antagonize aome ot the present supporter of the Conservative party. I whose eHKuike views are in line with Ur Hour'. It la also true that 's irr a propoaa) would meet with op- Tur XnTIO thai Roliert flearre, aMrew i Invernea ttmeff. win erirHx for a lufw i take and use ii' u salKia prr d -t wsler out or vert hI wtktrf l bmm Hat. also kJf'WIi S- Wi IMMe . lllrh Tbl SIMtb- r-t aval rain hm Tr.Mii Hmr about io rr. i mmiiIi alone the braeli rrflrn The Mtnlb- .-.t rumer !. ' V kiusmi Ut. TIM ting. Kuril rtav arter llie lirl awiearanee ni n,i. m.tiee in a lorsl new psner. The WATCH NOTICE. f't'hlOl'M III C'KLKK, ! A 1. Ml ON mki:amki:s, rfii ovultikh, .MIA'K MIIIC I H MK tVOMKX LONDON. Oct. 29- Many freak of mod- to 'em fashion appearing In London shora England. While in Toronto be warned I and other fashion centre Indicate tha, j ' Oanadians that they must toon choose change la taking place everywhere. Au-' between membership in commercially j tumu la well advanced and Christmas, ' united continent or a commercially , foods are about to appear and In many uniieo empire row he U telling Eng- ce "t netng ahown In order that lishroen that they roust make similar l thune who have friends oversea may clwlee: between membership In the j eeure needed present. rapidly evolving European custom AMM tl. IIK.tUH Toil IU CKIJH Squirrel and marmoset 1iesd are being used a "buckles" on fur-topped boudoir shoe being ahown In fashionable London shop. The heads of tbe little animal catch the ankle flaps to gether, and in the case of the mar moset. It long, allky tall has been used a trimming, and come up -each aide of the boot nd trim It around the top. C'llMKKT POCKET IV KIMONAH A complete baby squirrel pelt, tall and all. I used as a nigh collar to trim the latest klmona. which Is of Jade-green aaUn. with special little pocket for tbe carrying of a Jade-green aatln cigarette and match case. MII.IUIK lAHHIOV One of tbe newest decoration for winter dresses is taken direct from the costume of tbe drummer 1n a British regimental band, who wears a leopard or tiger akin apronVls over hla tunic. A model being shown - haa a similar apron of leopard, skin' over a plain black, pleated skirt. The collar and tbe sleeves are crimson georgette, thus emphasizing the military note. Tbe drummer fashion also was apparent on another model which had gold tissue arranged aprouwlse coming up In a point between the ahoulder blade on a background of aberry red chlffun. UUJ.OON KIKKAMKKS The paper balloon atreamers that are aoid with balloons at the entrance to Kensington Oardena. London, are the .position fram 'British free trader both Iran an riportlng and a consumer point of view. We are not now dlscua-struj tbe defect of the proposal or the OttflVrulUm to the way of Its adoption. What the present tendency afcowa. however l that there 1 an awakening sense of the advantage that would accrue from unrestricted' Intercourse between one quarter ot the world peo-pita II there are different -way ot reaching tbe greater goal, by ail mean let us hear of them. WATER ftOTICC Dltseslea an1 Uta. inspiration for a new autumn gown nleb ha aleeves banded with all the cotor ot tbe rainbow, while the rest ot the dress 1 ot severest black. rillMiK IX HEM uvr.K Orthodox line ot rectitude have been abandoned by many new model frocks tor afternoon and evening wear. The new amartneaa llea-tn aloplng line and one-aided eflecta. Uneven hem line are carelully cultivated. Some aklrts ot the ordinary knee length on the right drop 4o the ankle on the left. The waist tine also ha become Infected with I the new rogue. Borne of the new waist are a high as a Olbaon Olrl's at one aide and of the modern hip- i length depth at the other. ITK OVM.TII Among the tur novettea are close tit- ear-luch multlera made from """ J.',dV,:i;,';L-rJ!.',ri"'n!!,H,fh,eurly Thibet or similar fur. At first; s ih.ini siHitii it reel frum ill nmutlt . . , and w III Im uaml tat a.mieiur ana ranner? '. aasai one aaa lur uunnuuu tu a iuu ,.r,... . .ii ine land swnwi ij i beard. The muffler slips lust Inside . artawm I n. TM Uuuoi was P"iel n uv r..uud on lae I am di ir ep i.'inlwi. Iff, a etfy nf tin hotire and an aptilleatHoj HrMisM ttieratn and M it.." "Water Krf will I riled in tbe of-it. ..f Ibr Water neoiirdur at I'rlnee iiiuwrl. 'lUlrrti.Hi. In tnr aneilratloll nisy l fiNHf rtn llr smI Wter ner.irder of: iiti tlir t:iipirfirtei r Wsler Hlrhl. ( " riisiiieiit HiiiMiiiK. victoria. B.C. within the neck of the coat and faslena at the back of the neck like a -bib." Oray astrakhan, beige and dyed furs Also are worn. Borne hata are trimmed with the same fur. MEVK MIIUTH ItIR WOMtX Louise Faaenda. -movie actress. Dlvsrson snd Us tennis court or golf link. TAkE SOHI.E Uit Miierve Cannery .M entie Wlwrf, Vitii"Mier. B.C.. will apply i tnr Iii4iee i take awl uw &o sraltutta ; ...... ,,r .ii.r imii iiT uujtl slreaiik. I lurrinliM nd ollrltr. or 640 Weal l-erj-, ,", Ilrltlfh Coliimhla. art- , gr v ni-miver. i "stV" for Sweenatakea Minllif Cor- 1 h a ..' J-L.L M,i.rl. reriirii-ste No. I LACK lKK VOOt'E German fashion house predict ne,.. .w.. ... ,, car-: date f u rn4 puLllratum or Urn irstire , Tit out the mannish effect in wearing ,. -W ' mit. J,1,n9TNi ia real man'a ahlrt. tucked Into a aklrt tnlanl. at the waist. A regulation bow-tie complete the outfit, which ta worn as an afternoon street costume, on the that kii.'n a llutel Mream, wlrtrb fh'W'ilace drease will be all the rage at ao-nvrihraoi and drain tu iedy Jrlr ,rty MfnU inU winter. .New effect iiu,m 4ii reel northwrnt of nitnei . I !,r,,..r ..! r'Z' Mirstur i:ilm. The w.ler wUI be obtained toy laoquerlng or wax-viii iw rtiverled rrftm the stream at a ln jje lace and wearing it over frock STr.!sS! r f JiViliSing KUim. nd will . of variou. color. The color ot the un-Ik u.el fr tiKluslrial HiriO!M" nixui the . dergarment or frock I -then reproduced '. tm..". rU,loU, bl(om' rMten-ed to ,(),. it d .iti tin- ih day r Septi-m- "ahoulder of the belt. Im i ijii. A 'ipj r this iMitu-e tint an i rti.ii'tli lllen-lo ami iu llie slin I'lir-uanl .,, wimiht 'i fiTin-x ,H.AMIi hltlltT t I.OTIII.K Wslei Ai"l will lie riled 111 llie office fir in.- wier iteiiirdiT l I'rlm-e Ruiri, j sports - clothe this tall are ahowlng II. . i mji'i i mil i' iw t slitniratmn .i. p" may '-.. riiert llli tlie aid t swr Kerorner or : J . " "V !a well-known publicity firm, Vsi-iri T in lend tuxiv "d.iyn rrom the date iductlon of the technique ol brush and miriHiw ot ..maliiltiir crown Orsnti of Van Dongen's -women, with their char- ! . ' Minima 1 4hi..i i. a. i . .0 v. " AMI kT1TMM TAKE NOTICE that sc-tlun ittider w. llon t mul rtininienned l'"r" re "he 'f " -eerllf iraies or ,nTvTWMtiri ll '1yof September. A.TJ. MINERAL ACT Csnlflest of Improvements. ,, Yrai'tinnal No. . Anynx snd Jus-..M .fJl' Li, i. ..mate in the Atlln ,nr . ',. -I.I,,,. 0 Inrt fur her tske nnllre that aellnn. tin. Aor k Hi lit K mnl he roiiimenred before the issue - - ""iHtFD lhl 8,P"W,,r. A"11- !, k. jJcN. riUSIK, Agent acterlatlc elongated eyelid, haunt the . flower faces that the allk designer has borrowed. STATIC IV IDI.KA HOTS The ware- for "kinetic" design, the static reproduction, of motion, made famous by a French courtier, has caught , hold of .the fc,iv polka w"-- dot. Drawn -" " , I nil Kr.i5lmrr. J. ."""""".'.k. Mwn ruMli. 7rSu" l5 -nlairlrt ttailtf i Uioufh pleated, or caught In the folds ot wmi niver. TWR take TAfct MOTH NOTICE thai The Kngmaer w n aimer's Certirirstn Mines Ltd.. Ine Ib'toV;. intend, -sixty lya frmii ihe rili. n. h. renf ,tn apply I" the Mlnligr lie- l"ir...r VJr s cert rii-ste of Improvement. It i,;:" ih. nurpoe " or niiisimnir brown here and waved there, the polka dot wl will ' dance gaily over next spring's silks. 1 ha lost the dignity ot a sphere, iar and gained the beauty of a star, say the poetlo designers. The; Committee ot the London Btoct Exchange ha warned It member they must not act bookmakers. ran vac raws " PAGEFIVE At K. t:ii CmUmHmtn at Outre: AT. HUty Camiintlun at ItM. S't. ItOt - Bt' Cem-awiaiieM rem It. SI p. Copjrriakt. 1K(, FUafield'a LlmlbnL. INCOMPETENTS ARE IN BUSINESS TODAY SAYS MANUFACTURER v .rnd-ream .had;; When r "- j rrj i.i :. tvs. Ki.MMtIU.K i:a..m:hv CO. LTH. A'Hrsnl. UV i'red 'riesllrUsv Mstlmrs. Aaent, MINERAL ACT. Otrtiricd f Improvtmsnls SweepMske MirZ"sweepjiske No I . rrsc-iiowl rrai-nmial and wiimuk inn. . l i laniHi avtiuate. In Ihe Atlin ' VliiTi r viHinn nf r.lar Oisiriet. Wllere Im ated E side of Taku Arm. tai NOTK E that herlnald Byrnes, ( bright hue, sweaters and scarf of vivid stripe and checks are among the ex. Uibtt. ri.OMl.Kfc ON' (ItltMKNTh J Flowers drawn from the canvas .of Van Dongrn, great modernist ot the! Freuch school, will bloom on the gar incuts of women next spring, declares j New York, looking ahead a winter i cornea, At the "spring opening" oi a, eat silk house these new designs re-1 vealed vr themaelvea as a brilliant re pro-, and the latter the experience. A alml. liar partnership has long existed be- MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! All you need Is waste fats and G I (.LETTS PURE vr FLAKE LT E. full Directions Wilh&erjiCan V0UR OR0CER SELLS IT ! Comfortable underwear for all the family No 8800- Combination at 18.50. Stanfield's brings the luxury of comfortable, perfect -fitting underwear within reach of all TT IS designed from living models to ht easily and naturally, con forming perfectly to the body lines ' tween the distributor and the menu-j tacturer of textiles, said Mr. Osborne. iBut though the distributor has accumulated the money the manufacturer u still not richer by the experience, lie j has been deliberately kept in the dark I by hla partner. "Buy British Goods' LONDON, Eng.. Oct. 29. -We -havejWM M appeal to the patriotism or too many highly-paid Incompetents ln",ne public, but "Sell British goods: do business, they should be tleared out" not ejppct aomeone else to sell them declared 8lr William Veno at Con- . a for you vat a stronger appeal to the ference In Manchester of muhulacturers, , commonsense and insllnct of scU-pre-"Vl'e are the best manufacturers in the I getlon of the British manufacturer. world, but the worst salesmen.' Edgar Osborne, managing director ot remem iin il" Coiimiruller of . Wsler i!lht. men'e wear. Purple golf shoes and j 1 . ' kM. , '.'.iiiieni Duildiiir.. VMor... B.C.. wMh- , ... hM,h bered reading once that a partnership., ..rawer pur- " Vi rlV d .piH"Srin'r'-'n '. till- iwlire iii a liicsl nenisrr. ;" The pie tweed klrU. stockings ct blackberry. was made between 'a man wi;h ex. -' SAYS FAMINE GREATEST MENACE FACING CHINA ; ST. LOUIS, Oct 29, The .greatest menace in China U lamlne. says Oeorge In Rltchey..who has been a missionary i of the Disciples of Christ in that country for teveral yeara. He ia now In the i United States on a furlough and will) attend the International convention of Disciples of Christ at Memphis, Term.. ; November 11-17. I Mr. Rltchey points out that Chines ! history records 1.828 famines in a period of 1.996 years, an average of nearly i-one famine, a year. Their Immediate .causes are flood and drouth, with con- ' tributlng factors plant and animal dls-eases, the growing -ot low yielding types and -varieties of crops, Ignorance and, superstitions cf the people, banditry and the .unsettled political .conditions of, the country. HAD FOUR WIVES AND 4 THREE BORE CHILDREN I TORONTO, Oct 29. Termed by Magistrate T H. Brunton .a "modern I Bluebeard," William John Long, found 1 ... . . - .!. gUllty Of bigamy, was nemem-cu w years In Kingston Penitentiary Evidence showed that slnoe 1903 Long had' taken no less than four wives of which the court had a record. To at least three of, tbe wives .children hove been bom. TU igvn ,Mt j r(af . Aews ai Itoem-: rr of SlmnfltU't ,v "SOVASILK". Tks a U are : pric.J fnwt Ut p nd bloom- ' ers .Jrvm:$tJ0. ' 'i I StanfeWi -NOVA-. , SILK- Ung.ri, it ? $tyUt: SUp-uu rem J1.00 mp, af In ft , Chemiia rest It JO, -aaa Trin Slip.:' from.' IS JO. A tciU rg tttnttit color! to ckf r. witnout sagging, oinamg or ouiging. uiven v ordinary care in washing according to our i.s-u-rMt directions, Stanfield s will not shrink. Stan-field's will keep its size and well-tailored shape as long as you wear it. 'This winter, all the family can be comfortable in Stanfield's. Ask to see it today at your nearest dealer's. Sizes, styles and weights for all, priced from $1 to $10. STANFIELD'S LIMITED ... TRURO. N.S. Stanfield's Underwear lie mp. CvmStMiteiw 4 Sleepers lor AiiaVsw. are yrict inm 1M to II. IW' FAItNTtO A new, xflf ml. "TWIN FABRIC" ots(s t TWO FABKKS wevra Ugttkrr so that rik se ee(lm wkm ( tkt slria far rmert d weras sreel nfihls fee preceef ie. . JU4S ItmitiL nly Ay SteaJUlX Wn'te for. free booklet showing swatches and styles ot Stanfield's Unshrinkable Under-wear lor all tbe tamily. Consider The Squirrel He lays in his winter supplies while the choice is good and there is air ahtimlance. When winter arrives, as it does, his .preparedness saves hint a lot of worry and inconvenience. Man .seems to )ie the most improvident creature. So many of tis. never-think nf the winter's fuel supply mi titil tlie cold spell is on us, -yet we expert prompt deliveries with well prepared dry fuel. Lay in your winter's stock oT coal now without inconveniencing yourself. We have a good slock oT Jiard NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL and can deliver it to you at anytime to suit you. Phone us now at 116 or 117. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Elbows, Stove Pipes, Dampers Pokers Collars Lifters Coal Hods Shakers Stove Boards Ranges and Heaters LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Fhoe 88. liiruge, AVarenouslos. ttiHtributlng. Team or 'Motor Berviee. Ioal, 'ttend and Oravel Iflfs nniatliM la'PUsa " . sswhu i essssssf ,t FurltuM aSln, Stove Polish Flue Stoppers Stove Brushes Stove Shovels Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. SU Third Avenue. I'hone 101 Dr. Alexander mHh Woek 'Phone m DENTIST Si i