TAXI Boston Grill Bl ' UkJ. Ambulanr Large Upstair Dining- Hall, ""tuts1 " l with newly laid dancing . ...... ... r. i j r.,l.,lllv,. 'rv . a a. l i . ,'llr a. 1 floor for hire. siana narn noiei, jra -o. , mA Ml. HI Jifi.i -V ? T M NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, Tr uinrnv n ii -. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper J VOI XVI . NO, (it. PHINCK Ul!li:ilT, JJ.IL, HATCH DAY, AI'JtIL 10, 11)20. Vi'tterdajr'i Clrculilfoit 1417 Street SHei, 431 PRICE FIVK CENTS. Officers of Great War Present Lord and Lady Byng Car and Picture Celebration of ninth anniversary of Vimy Ridge takes form of banquet at Government House, Ottawa OTTAWA, April 10. .Mure tliuti you officer of ihe Can-;;Jiiui force who mtvimI under (leuernl lljiig in Hit; limit War gave tangible expressions of affection fur their former lender, ihe (iovernor-liciicrul of Canada ami commander of tin? Cnna-i!i jii fuive overseas in It) 10 ami 11)17, ami also In lufy yng i Mil' Vimy Midge dinner at (iovcrrimeul House lat night what hi preculed a seven Kieiigtr 75 horse tower Caimdian-inade htiionsiiie lo Lord Hyng ami an oil aiullii'g "f His Kxcel-iru v In Lnly Hytiy. Tin- presentation was made on behalf of r-rr. - Ihe officer by Sir Arthur Currie, OP 1 I IIITAlTPn (! MMrrwdeil JlyiiR cuiuiiian- P AI H I N I r K "r ' :"aillaii porp. JLrtL llUlllLill I . ,iiiiM.r WN. , of .e ip ni Aiifxi iTni"10' m,''M"iii- fuiirfioiu tM-i Li nil) Wli IJr1"'''1 '" ,i"fnmiii u..u-. n - - . Crew of Eighty Safe on Ice and Rescue Vessel on Way to Get Them ST UlMNS, Xfl.l.. April 10. A aof nicaip rrJHiel here tas u- liulish tdettiner Seal. Mil !i " Iter W"liM4lay for ' '3' muling field north of :)P 1' wa up Uy an px-I lie rr-w of f HHIt HO (. mi the fMi and a -I f en rout lo lb Reach St. Johns .. .. XfUL, 4ril l. nf lliu XMbV Hi III!- a uiirii mimi ii' i 'i.y Wtniptl i l III' r 'prdyf Tl ur arliPtl hi-r. FATE OF IRENE STILL MYSTERY Selling Vessel, Sister to Altena, Has Not Been Reported Slnco January MIVMI. ,frl in. Mil ij,4. C al lien- yeriltt.v f IIip : . ;vnn Hip nii'i i- lill I iln n (0 (hp falf f Ihr In-tii' shlrli ml'-il willi IiiiiiIhm' carwo on I imImt II wiilioi a fpw li""i f Hie V - a. in wlial vu i" ha1' Ii ii ii iiirr to Ihl toil. Sjiipp Jnmniry H when Up I i H' rttortPil nif I.nwtT ' f rnla coa.l. all lr;t - "I H" . Itjt l'M' i liriMI t I NEW ELEVATORS IN MANITOBA Proposal Alio to Enlarge Hurra rd Terminal at Vancouver This Year e WINNII'Kd. April 10. More lliau one IiiiiuIitiI xrain rleva-l will liulll in Maiiilolia llii" summer, l va learni'il heir. Aiiiiiiiiiicemenl l aUo made that Ihe t lifted (irnlii (Jruwdrs pro-pne lo enlarpe the lltiiraril Terminal I'.levaluf nl Vniicoiuer h' 1.111)11,0(10 Jiii'lii'l" cajiaClIy. It is lielfexed (hat when compleled Mil elevator will not ko out to Ihe wheat pool with Ihe rel of Hie Hywlem. Further iiegoliu-tion.H u n imVeil. FOUR KILLED AT CROSSING laiiKNi;, Ore., April 10. Mm. S. II. Kern, (to yearn of aiic, Mm. :ik'niiirtll.lfJe, 78, ltev. Olieter Smith add Mr. Sinilh were killed last njelit near Cottage (Imvo when Hid iiiiloriioblle driven by rimllli wiih struck by the Southern I'arJfio filer ".Shasta Limited." 'Plie 'pa'i'J.y wa.t en route-In a camp meo tTiit;. P'ii'iran.) lit n in lb anniversary r tin- a il hit of Vimy Itldjtc by lh' 'anadlaiis. INSURRECTION AT SALONIKA FAILS ATIIKXS. April 10. An iiiurrwiiiii al Suhmika tt iiir,cl 1 1) iirH-k I rMil hIipii Hit- oi-ur-pI wi'i-p "iiriouinlfil. Sui r.-ii.lrr of Ihe ppIipU w niKontlflonal, (I wui 4IIIHUIII'ImI Iippp. t ) GOLDEN GATE-DUE HERE ON MONDAY CpL Roberson Arrived to Pilot Norwegian Steamer Which Will Load al Queen Charlotte if! ii I.. Mi1mtiii arrived , n tii- I'iimii- i:iirle llii afler-iiiMin li"in Ihe MMiili lo ineel ami pi!,,! i in- Norwfffilaii itleamer (ii.Meii liatr wliioft i due al Ti !),!,' (land "ti Monday from Hip Mrieiil. Thp VPel, afler llrarmu; eitloin liere. will pro-1 ppp to Uueeii I'harlolle ;ily lo load a lumber eurgo for Hie Al-lanlir -'iilioaiil. ALBERTA ACTION s DANGER TO OPENING PEACE RIVER LANDS ( Cilmoiilmi lliillelin nn niiient operatinK Ho t- .M. ilt U.:. would be bound lo oppnc the rrealfon of any more .hrei l railway outlet from Peace liner lo Pacific porl. Any mielt nl -off would rob Ihe goern-meni road of trafrie, In-coming us wen no uio-(iuii'i ""-"" i in- proiinee to pay an operating ,1,-fu il iii mblitfnti to the annual ini.-ivi bill. No government, if ii wi.iibl, dan defy IliO lax-payein of l he prmjntw by giving en-cOurageiiienU or wilh-lmblin .tpponilion, to a rival Ihnl would dram away biolly ilee.led traffu u ir-,enue irom ine govern-Hienl opeiiiled line. For Ihe gowrnnu'iil lo lake over Ihe I'll. V IU would 'lie about Iho i nf all vvuvk lo kill any ir a "'liorl lino'' Horn pro.-peri pcaee II rr U Ihe coast. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid.. Asked Wheal r t.r.t'fr ll.f'.. Siler I :: 2.05 Coii.xoliilaled liiily Alaska . .in .20 . Dunwell t .'.' 2.10 . (Iladslone ... ..IH Ilaellon , .00 fi .01 U Indian .Oil .11 1,. I.. .1:1 .15 Marmot .06 li- .08 Premier .H) '. 2.25 purler Idaho .0011 .11 llufu , .18 fiilvereiest II ;I2V4 Surf Irilrl .01 l-i .09 GRAIN VESSES OUT VANCOUVER Cargoes Shipped During Week from Southern Port to Various Countries VAXCOLVHIt, April 10. - -Tin following WHurlx cleared from Hie purl orVaucouei' during the week with grain eargoca or part :fargop of tfraln: j NVatPMin Maru Tor Yokohama '2I.01UI IiiiMipIs. i Seine Miiru for ShaiiKhai 70,-7 08 IiiikIh U. ' Maru for .MoJI .1:1,33:1 IiukIipIs; fur Yokohama 175,000 hindielo. ('aiiada rm- Trellchorg, 57,100 tjuhel: f.-r Malum 57,100 hus-.hels for 1 1 -1 1 willi Ihe option or .Scandinavian porln IM,((57 bush els. Plave fr Mediterranean port xci.a.r: i,iuiit.u. f.-r Antwerp willi the op. linn ' II imlniiy i i.i'i'i J hiKhelg. Muiiii iliam i".il for Avon niouiii :!,.i:i:i imsiipix'; for I.ixer-IKI SO.tMHt hu-iliels. Mayani for Auckland 1 ,03 1 bushels; Im Sydney 1.035 liush-eN. BETTERPRICES PAID FOR FISH Heller price witp paid for halibut on pxrhange loday than lias been ruslomary Mnei- l-"jiler. lueriiau gniiit' al I5..'(l lo If and Canadian nl l.l.i'.o lo It. Smmd gradi wmt al 7c and 8c. Arrivals follow: American jJliJAttto fjPUiL lo .Pacific r uprie. , i Virginia 21,000 lo Alliu l ish- efiei. (ttatkloue 10.000 to Cold Stor age. Ira) ling 12.500 lo lloolli Fish- crle. ! Canadian Uliome S.iino lo Hi Kilh Fluhcr- fes. IllUgleader 3,000 lo Iti-yul l'il: Go. While I.ily to Itoyal Fish Co. Poinl .May 8,000 to (kitil Stor age. K. l.ipM-ll 2,000 to Cold Slor- ne. II.'Iimi o.ooii in Culil siorai:e. Smih i.:()0 to lloyal Fi.h Co. T I lo All in Fisheries AIR SERVICE GOLD FIELDS Modern Air Liners to Carry Passengers lo Red Lake and Long Lake Diggings WI.NIPI:. April 10 The in- auaurallon of a regular air vrr-viee willi modern air liners be tween Kcuorn, Ontario, and the new gold fiebN at lied and Long Lakes during the taller pari of May is I'oulemplaleit, according lo an iinuouniTiucnl made lutlay, by Canadian Pacific officials. MAN PROBABLY DIED FROM NATURAL CAUSES VAM'.Ol VF.Il. April to. Authorities now believe that John Mctculf. who was found dead in Uninville Slreel rooms last Wednesday met his ilea Hi from nul-uinl onuses and no iuipiest will be liebl. Search Is ist 111 being riiiiliuurd for the missing girl who was the last person lo see. him alive. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE i;sT HAUTFOlll. Conn.. Apr. 10. Fire Ibis morning caused loss amount log to .m'00,000 when Hie warehouse, of Ihe l'al Hart ford Tobacco Ornwers. was de stroyed with a million pounds of tobacco;, , SPRING WHEAT FOR ELEVATOR TJie following letter in regard to growing wheat lia liceii reerjveil from F. (i. Iluwsou: Kditor I)aily ,cw: .ow that Ihe Prince lliiperl elevalor lias leeu leased' lo Hie Caiiadian Co-operative Wheat Producers, Ltd., the lurgct liaudlers of wheal in Canada, I he farmers of Ihe, central interior of II.O. rhoiild have a ready market for all rommi'mal wheal Ihey ean rodnce. At Hie company that has tukeiMiver Hie elevalor deals uluioxl excliiisively in sjiring wlieal J would siigge.l that Ihe farmer who grow any wheal al all specialize on spring wlieal ami make a poinl of securing good seed. I am I'oiltidenl froiiMny knowledge of Ihe Interior eounlry. ami from the camples received from various parlies. Dial I lie 'Oil and climatic coudilioiis are veiy suitild' for Hie growing ami maturing of spring wheat. II seems to me that Hie settlers now have a !i!eidil opportunity lo iucreae Iheir reviniie ami develop llieir holdings and I hope that Ihey will co-operate wi'h those who have leeu trying to hefp Iheni and plant a fair acreage in wheat (his vear. F. (i. DA W.SOX. L PUMPING TODAY ON THE FAMOUS Effort Being Made to Beach the Ltoamer Prlop ta Drvdockina i The past few days haxiug been devoled lo yelling the sal-, vase gear in readiness, pumps' will start working today on tlic ( coasl freighter Famous, which Uj sunk near Haliuoral Cannery in, Ihe Skeena ltlX'r,and it is hoped ( to beach the vessel at Haliuoral, this evening. Iler 100 Ions of; liuplale Will then be unloaded: and an attempt will be made toj execute lenioorarv repairs so: that Ihe vessel may be, brought lo the drw dock here .or taken south. II eonuol be dfcidwl what will be done with the -"(; I until the cxlenl of I lip- dainaige lias been ascertained. Ilivers have already beeli down lo examine Ihe hull but. owing to; Hie fact that the vessel was part-j ly Mibmerged in Hip muddy hot-, loin, it was impossible lo fiudi out much. j ("apt. A Heripiisl or Victoria, Jbe owner of the famous; Capl.i Clarksuu, representative of the) underwriters, and the. salvmgc! crew an rpinaining al Ihe scene of the wreck. Floated this Afternoon According to a message re- ppived at 2 o'clock .this afternoon j by long distance telephone from llayporl. the Famous was pumped out and floated at nooi' today and placed on the beach a: Alexauder cannery, about a mile from Haliuoral. The extent of. the damage was still unknown hut il was not helievyd to be serious. The vessel was lowed from Ihe point where she sank by the snagboat Hobolink, as-siled by Ihe local gashoal Zan-nnli ami "2X," formerly Leila It. The Famous is jesting easily oi. the beach at Alevaitder. PRESENTATION MADE MRS. OLIVER ROGERS AT SURPRISE PARTY A presentation was made last Ulght to Mrs. Oliver lingers at a surprise oaily given in her honor by members of Mie Adair Carss Chapter of the Daughter of the Finpire. a while igold brooch set with sapphires being banded tier by Mi's. Cox on behalf of Ihe chapter on. the occasion of her leaving the city. sTIip evening was pleasantly spent in cards', singing and guessing contests. Winners at cards were Mrs. Howard Slcen and Mrs. F. Morris alid guessing winners were Mrs. A. Mackenzie ami Mrs. I). Orchard McLeod, ANOTHER OIL TANK IS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING LULINO, Texas, April 10. Struck by lightning yesterday a 55,000 barrel oil storage lank on .Magnolia Farm near .hero burst into flames but efforts at oun-riuiiuf the hliue was .nicrvssful. '.There was lange; property ilam- age but no casuaiie , SCALE OF LOGS SMALL AS YET Amount This Year to End of , March March Measured Measured In In District District. ! Only 12,491,414 Feet i : The scale of o;rs for llii year o far has been nil her mall,; the Iiilal lo thp end of March be iiw t board feel. For the mouth of March (he scale was t,ll)(l,02 board reel made up as follows; Dougla Fir , I 13,30 1 lied l.pdar . 2 13, 1 OH Coast Spruce . 2.713.XG0 Interior Spruce . . . . 115,105 Hemlock ... . I.3IK.I3I Halsam tc.m larkpiue 20,303 Ilirch . .. . . . 171 - Ill :iolililioiulnnj; UJurn was caieu in ine uisrrict some poles, piles, and railway lies, poles and piles being measured by lineal reel ami ties individually as follows: Poles ,37.173 Spruce Piles 350 Hemlock Piles 3.210 Cedar Pile. 3,050 Cordwood '.'Ordsi . . 40 Shioglebolls 'cords ' 2t Pine Ties 08,101 Fence Posts cords Puipwood cord ... 05 MARSH MADE PORT WARDEN Local Official to Hold Three Positions Preparatory to Qraln Shipping OTTAWA, April 10 Captain B. C. Marsh of Prince Rupert has been appointed port warden, harbor master and shipping master for the port of Prince Rupert, according to an announcement In this week's Canada Gazette. The appointment follows the making of an agreement with the Alberta Wheat Pool to lease the Prince Rupert elevator from the government. BRITISH FLYING MEN KILLED WHEN PLANES COLLIDED NEAR HENDON U FN DON, Hnglaud, AprhVUL- Two officers and three, men of the Hoyal Flying Corps wer killed Ibis morning when twq air planes collided over UieAWnr-droine, falling 300 feel'aud bursting into flames. Molorship Ilellinghaui, Cup I. Aiidt'rsou, arrived in port from Kelchikau al 0 o'clock this morn lug vvllh one carloadi-;.!, ..res.h halibut for transshipment' Inllie Kasleru Stales over the Canadian National Hallway.. ' Waller Mcllaye. well known Caundiau oralor, lravelbr;! anJ enlprlainer, is a vftjlnr In Win city in the course Hit a lecture Inn, .if llild iliailtMfW IIA.l ruir. islered at the PrlneellUjfcft llolel. ' Twice as Much Grain Shipped Through Vancouver This Season as Daring the Previous Year Canadian National Hauls Just About Half of Total Amount Coming Out Through Westerly Route WINNIPKO, April 10. Grain i-locks at Hie port of Vancouver aie being steadily exported to Kurope and the Orient leaving Ihe amount in store al that point seldom more than four and half or five million 'bushels. Al .March :Jt, 'i7,i0,0i7 bushel- of Ihe 11)25 crop had been shipped from Vancouver, the Canadian National Muiiway.-, having delivered 2 i, 72 1, 1 2:5 bushels or l8,ruo cars of this amount. European maikels received practically 27 million bushels of this grain and Ihe Orient nearly 20 million bushels, the total export being considerably' more loan tw'cts that of Ihe previous sea son. The past neck saw llo. deliv pry of a further l.loo Canadian National cars of .grain at the western port. There was in storage in coun' valors along lines at April K, 17.532.000 bushels, of j which S,37t,Ouii lmliei i in Manitoba, 10. (25,000 bushels, in Saskatchewan, and 2.553,Ood bushels in Alberta. CANARIES MAKE 7,000 MILE TRIP TO PRINCE RUPERT Afier a journey of 7.- miles by sea and Irani, six pure bred Ilarlz Mountain roller singing canaries were delivered safely here and in first class condition by the slcanie Princess Mary yesterday afternoon. The : lillle warblers were con- siviicd from Suulhauiplon. Kualaud, ty Jai;k.Frevv or llifsJ city. I'liey Njee . '' fookeil af(ej:'.j.oiT.,.U.',?. lon" journey by .offi- cfal. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. IJirmiiitgham 1, it u in ley 7. lilackburn Hovers 7, Manchester United 0. Hury-Liverpool missing. Cardiff r:ity 0, JJollou 1. Huddersrield 2, West Ham I. Aianchesler City i, Asloti Villa 2. Sheffield United t, Newcastle United 3. Sunderland 2, Arsenal t. Tottenham t, Notts County p. West Hromwicii 3. Leeds U. 0 Division II. Hlackpool t. Stockport C. 1. I trail fiiril City 2, Middlesoboro 0. Chelsea 0. The Vdne?day 0. t'lapton 2, Swansea 0. Darlington t, Oldham 0. Derby County 2, Preston 0. Hull City t. Stock City 0. Nolls Forest I. South Shields 1. Port Yale t, Portsmouth 1. Southampton 2, Fulham 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Clydebank 2. Hangers 2. Cowdenbeath I. Airdrieoniatis 0. Dundee 2. Queen's Park t. Hibernians 3. Dundee t ailed 5. Kilmarnock t. Motherwell 2. ItaiMi Hovers u, Hamilton 2. SI. Johnstone 2, Falkirk 1. MAJOR CROWE WILL HEAD BISLEY TEAM OTTAWA, April 10. - Major C. 11. Crowe or Ouelph has been appointed commandant of the Canadian 1020 Ilislcy team which will sail from Montreal on June 12. Western members of the team will be Corp. II. W. Ilurton or Hsiiuimalt; (iuiiucr ! Megan of Victoria; Major F. It. Ilichardson of Victoria; Sergeant-Major F.. J, lieed of Fsijuimalt; Sergeant 1). Fyfie and Major It. M. Illalr of Victoria. DEATH ROLL WAS 23 NF.W OULKANS. April 10. II is now-believed that 23 -sailors lost their lives as a resiilt of the explosion of the Dutch tanker Silvano :on Thursday. ? MONTH IN EAST Will Dlsucss Railway, Lands and Other Matters With Government at Ottawa YIiTOltIA, April 10. Premier Oliver left yesterday for Otlawa via Okanagan and Hie southern Interior of Hriiish Columbia. He eipects lo bel gone a month during which jieriod lion. William SJoau will be hi charge of the office of prime minister. While in. the east Mr. Oliver will take up with the Mackenzie King government the whole rail way iuesiiou and especially the suggestion Nial lands held by the Dominion Tn H.C should be returned lo the province to be used for railway purposes. UNION OIL CO. ENTERS FIELD Building Tanks at Butedale and Will do Same at Claxton and Arrandale The Union Oil Co. is already establishing itself in this dis trict and, while steps have been taken to enter the Prince Hupert field, final arrangements with that object in view i lis understood have not yet : becn compleled. The company has'- ' ;. however, started the construction of tanks a(- llutedale where the Imperial Oil Co. recently gave Up business, movimg uul its own tanks. II is reported :ha the Union Oil Co. will next establish tanks at Claxton and Arrandale. LONGSHOREMAN WASINJURED Working on Prince John Lumber Fell on Him Fracturing His Skull, April 10. -Sur-feriiM: from a fractured skull re ceived yesterday on the steamer Prince John when a load or lumber felt on him while working as a longshoreman, r.. cunitniugs lies in the hospital iu a critical condition. ST. MIRREN WON SCOTTISH CUP 0I.AS0OW, April 10. The Scottish Football Association Cup emblematic of the soccer championship of Scotland was won loday by SI. Mirrcii when hey defeated Celtic two goals to nothing. CONSERVATIVES WILL CONTEST NORTH BRUCE OITAWA, April. TO. If Ihe government de.cbres fo precipitate an election in North Ilruce riding, the seal vvill (ie. conlesled by a CoiiservatjVP. , Jhls was made clear hi aTslaletneiil made lo the press last lilghT' by Hon. Arthur Meighem miservativo leader. '. , tM