PAGE SIX NormmlFcol Don't Guess Know the true con divion of your feet. With Dr. SchollV Fedo-graph we can instantly make, absolutely frceof charge, without removing your hose, a photo-graphic print that shos the exact condition of your foot. aaaaaV . r . . is iiso a wonaertui aid In fitting shoes so they -will be absolutely comfortable. If you have any form of foot trouble Tii. weak or broken down arches, flat foot, corns, callouses, bunions, painful heels, weak ankles, etc. be sure and see our u- . - . Foot Comfort Expert. W.ak Foot Hecan ,how you hy you suffer and how to get quick and, fasting relief. Don't wait. Come in today and have your feet Tedo-graphed. This Service b absolutely free. Jabour Bros,, Ltd. Proserin tinns r iHMaMMMMaHaMaMMa(waaM I A few reasons why our prescription department is increasing: We use only rresli, chemically .pure drugs. No Substitution Prompt Service Moderate Prloe. livery prescription is dispensed liy a fully qualified dispenser. Lei us be your RupertPharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. Another arrival of Ladies Coats in Hie latest SjiritiK models. Special this Week: 20 Discount on Ladles' Dresses Holeproof Stockings from 81.00 to $1.75 Mrs. W.T Wilson Third Avenue I'.O. li.jx - - U8j l'hoiie OreiMi 'AM Meat : Prices VEAL Left, per lb. . . 22c Loin, per Hi 25c Shoulder; per Hi 18c BEEF Shoulder, per lb.'.. .. 15c ' Hound, 2 lbs. 45c Sirloin, tl lbs 55c Ittimp Una!, per lb. . . 20o Dolled Hili, per Hi 25c Shoulder Pork, per lb. 25o J'resh Sausage. 2 lbs. .. 35c Humour?)-!-, 2 lbs. ,. .. 25c Ayrshire Hacon, per lb. 30o Heer Dripping 3 lbs. 25c Meat Department Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Fur Trimmings al low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. JEAN JOHNSON 'I BEFORECOURT Charge an Indictable One and Is' Adjourned Until Monday The vase against Jean Johnson, colored, Si 'J Second Avenm. charged Willi hehig Hm keeper of a disorderly lioiise, was proceeded with before Magistrate 'Mc-Clyniont in the pity police court this inorniiiK. Cily Solicitor K. 1'. Joifes, prosecuting, nne.1 '(ml (he charge be treated as judielahle rather llian summary. His reason in asking for the change was dial, the penalty under the indictahl- charge called for a maximum of twelve months' iinprisonmrni instead -nf six mouths if ii were summary. He felt that an ex ample should he made so lhar this woman or any oilier would he prevented from Daunting vice in the face of law abiding citi-Kens. , Legal Expense Milton (ionales appearing in lie defence, opposed (he chaingo fn the ground of legal expense ami pointed out that the magistrate had jurisdiction in such a ca' as this. , The magistrate -complied will the resnuest of the crown ami the hearing proceeded. A laborer, Andrew Stevenson gave direct evidence of immorality having been committed nil accused's premises. He furlhei teslified (hut he had purchase! beer (here and had been ottered runt. He also alleged that he had been short changed. House was Raided Police officers save evidenc- of I he house having been raided on March 20 in consenuenco of . man named Nets Nelson aljegiuc that he had been rolihed of' 9125. The money, however, was not found. 1 The following morning al l o'clock, arcorditiig to! evidence o! Dr. H. K. Tremayne. he was , call ed to the premises to attend i man mimed llranting, supposedly accused's husliand, who va GUNARD LINE Anchor-Donaldson Line CANADIAN SERVICE MONTREAL To Liverpool Aurama Apr. 30. June 4, July i To London Calling- al I'Imim.iiIIi and Clu-rlmiirir Ainumla May I, June July s AlauMla May t. June 14. July lu Aiilnnla May l. Juni- III, July Am-a.nU May H, Juitc 16. Jul 3 To Belfast and Glasgow LelllU Apr. 3H u;Ur'J only, j May , June S ialurnla lilart)W only; May 7, June I J my z AllM-iila . May )l. June tl. July MmifV iirlr. flrafls aiul travail,.' 1 1 liciiut-H al lowed ralrs. Full Inrurmitlmi n-uin Ati-iii i,r rnuipany orricen. tit llasilnir si. w., Vaiu-omer, D.C. rli ne. y. 3018. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnct Ruparl Elactoral DlatrlcU MackaniK Elactoral Dlatrlct. MiTICK It twit-by riven Ilia! I Mull, mi Hiiiiiiay. ui 1 7 111 at nt Mav. IJ0. al Hie Ib.ui- of 10 u'rliH-k In (lit. rurriHxm. al Itie OMJrl lldiiw. I'riin-i- IiiiihtI, hold a lllllir of ll.c C.url uf lirtUl..n tar o tnr uf it-vOHi? ilw t f vnti r fur uw saio cii uirii niMrli l. ami of lirai-liit .Mid (Ifiiiniliiliii any am) all il)Jm-luit to tin- reli-iillun i.r any name nn tlw xa'il INI. Or In till ri-alUralliifi a. a of any applii-aiil for rrrlolratlnn: ami r r uw umrr nriir rt rrtn In tlir "I'r., vliH'ial KIM-tlnii An " liaiMl i rrtiK-A nuprri. l.:.. ihia cih tin. 11 .-tprii. ivzn. .... . .X'llMAN A. WATT. llraMrar nf .,ii., Mr Hi I'rliin HiilM-rt and Maiki-mie KWioral pldrlrtf ENTERTAINMENT l. inter Hie auspices of Hie ltolary Cluli in aid of Hie PRINCE RUPERT BOYS' BAND at the WESTHOLIYIE THEATRE Tuesday, April 13 at 8 p.m. Tickets for reserved seats will he exchanged at Urine's Drug Slore. Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phone 675 DENTIST to health and vigor. . Perhaps you have never realized the cause of your sleeplessness. But this is the outstanding symptom 01 ex-HausUni nerves: You may also have nervous headaches, iuirerinjr from a wound nn lh heck alli't'ed to huv bwii oc- ra stoned hy a nharp iiislriiment. Tlie police were also called ul that time. The police witnesses were :?er-YOant liuiley and Constables .Macdonald and l'ollerlnn. ' Case Adjourned fin Hie cvidenre for Hie crown lioing rmiipleleil, etitj?cl asked for adjuurnineul un til Monday mi tfiat, in ca.c of eohlinittal, aeeused inihl ar- rtnifre for hail with Judge Youim who i.t at preoeiil out or Ihe cily. t lie re,iuHi wa.i grunted. WOiMEirMISsT0NARY SOCIETY ENTERTAINED Pleasant Affair Yesterday by Miss S. Coole and Mrs. David Bennett The Women' .Mi)tionar5' 1iu- eiely of the First I uiled Chtiruh wan entertained yesterday after noon hy Miss. .S. :oote and Mr. I)avid Hi'imelt, at Hie home of A. It. Phillip. Ninth .U'cnuc Kast. The prograin was under the di- reelion of Hie newly-clceled prexideul, Mrs. (!. V. WilkiiiMon. riioe taking part were Mrs. W. I'. Kergin, Mrs. A. Smoke, Mrs. Jijhu McKeehnie. Mrs. (Seo. NVad- lell. and Mrs. .las. Krikevsky. At Hid conclusion of the meet- SAVE 25c 1 lh. of l-ake or Candy with I II. of Fuller's J'eu $1.00 Jams Peach, Apricot, lirccn-tage or Orange Marmalade, per tin 65c Canned Fruits Peuehes, Apricojs, pears or Plums of Crushed Pineapple, I tins $1.00 6 tins Singapore Pineapple, (sliced $1.00 3 tins Mulkin'i Itest Loganhcrrif Canned Vegetables 6 Peas. Horn or 'Tomatoes, $1.00 $1.00 3 do. Siinklsl Oranges .. $1.00 4 do.. Sunkisl Lemons .... $1.00 5 Hi. (iranulaled Sugar and one tin Oraiiige Marmalade $1.00 5 tins Lllihy's Asparagus . . $1.00 20 rolls Toilet Paper $1.00 7 (ins Kiiiig Oscar Sardines $1.00 5 lh. California Prunes for 55c or L'5 Hi. hox for $2.65 5 lh. tin Honey, or 3 roinlis $1.00 7 tins Camp. Tom. Soup . . $1.00 7 tijis Heinz Pork .V lleans $1.00 3 hollies lleinz Catsup ... $1.00 4 cartons Sunlight Soap .. $1.00 20 harIWhite Swan Snap $1.00 4 lh. Swedish Health Dread $1.00 13 pkgVJelly Powders ... $1.00 5 II.. tin Peanut Hutler ... $1.00 We aim to please our Customers B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. ' Phones 45 and 574 THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, April 10. 19 You Wonder Why You Cannot Sleep you could only sleep at IF night there would be some chance of getting back the nervous energy which is expended during the day. But you cannot sleep. In the mornings you arise feeling tired and played out By evening you are all in. Your nervous system is entirely exhausted. "In thprr nn wnv to fef nuf. of this condition?" you ask. There is. By using Dr. f!h.isp'a Nprv Food rptmlarlv you can feed the nerves back indigestion and spells of despondency. You may be unduly sensitive to light and sound. You may be irritable and inclined to worry when there is no real cause. But inability to rest and sleep is one of the surest signs that you need the help of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to get back to health. Nervous disorders do not get better of their own accord. You must supply the elements of Nature which are required to build up the depleted cells and these elements are most happily combined in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 60 cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. 'W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Can. ins delightful refreshment were nerved, and a ery etgoyatilo time was .spoiiL TERRACE NOTES lonald llruce returned to Terrace on Wednesday after spending the winter in Vancouver ami l'rinre Itupcrt. He was accompanied hy his hrolher Angus. Mrs. Keith of l'rinre Ituiwrl i si'endiug a liolidnv as' Hie sruegl of Mrs. W. 11. Mclioiiahl. I'ete Mnfc'iius-en who has spent tlie past two Weeks in Hie llael- foll lifinilfil 'ri'iuiiviitf- Irnulmuiil ftir a hadly cut nand. returned home 011 Wednesday morning. Itcv. and Mrs. .). II. Young and family left 011 Wednesday nigh', fur which place Mr Young has heeu stationed hy the United Church Hoard. Hilly Watt and Dudley l.iltlo returned on Wednesday night from I'rinee jluperl. While In Hie city Hiey Cislted their grandmother, Mrs. Little, Sr., in Hie general hospital. Mr. Little attained the iinictielli aiiulveruary of her hirth on Wednesday. Victor Kins of Prince ltiior! is hoIidayiiiK at the home of his parents, Mr. and .Mr. Win. Kin. Ilev. Mr. Allan ercompanied hy Mrs. Allan am three children ar-ried in Terrace from Purl Simpson on Wednesday night lc lake charge of Ihe work of the Inited Cliurcl) al this pojnl. .las'. Itichmond relumed on Wednesday inoriifng from Hazel-(on. The annual ineetlni: of the SI Andrew's Society is to he held in O.W.V.A. Hall on Tuesday evening. A VIal and dance will follow the husjnesfj meeting. Mrs. Iltggs.lif Prince llujicrl it meeting at the home of her hrother W. Allwood of the Lakelse Valjey, Mrs. .I. p. Kggleihaw has lake't up iKmsekeepliii' Jit her own home again after spending the past two months as the guest ui Mr. ami MrsCassel. Mrs. It; AV.4ilnyloii and child-ren of Prince Itupcrt are In tow'i for a few difyV vlslilng with Mr. Clayton, who fecehlly hought out the hakety JiuolnesH of (ieorgo Powers. 'J'liey eJpecl to estah-llsli' u hoiim Wt$a itr(ho neat fiituVe. j'V' f Chart. 'TooiiiIim- and II. l'rcck-man .have n;rit5,"l appointments lo the - fortjHlry service, for the coming seasonj'i Chester lf,illjlwho J IntereslcJ in mining on Douglas Creok, Kaluiu Lake, rjtliTrncd from Kd inohtoti hnWcJues'iiay iriorrilhy. I OFFICERS FOR CHURCH WOMEN St. Andrew's Auxiliary Hear In teresting Address by Canon Rushbrook 4 The annual' mcctiiiig. of the Women's Auxiliary of St. An ihew's ('.IiiiivIi was held In the city In Hie church hall yes terday afternoon. The feature of Hie afternoon' proceedings was an interesting address hy Canon W. I'. Ilushhrook on Hie work of the, Women's Auxiliary particularly along Hie coast. Officers for (ho year were elected as follows; Honorary President .Mrs. 1'. 11. UuVernet. Honorary Vice-presfdcht Mrs. i. A. Itix. ('resident Mrs. T. Ainhew. Ktrsl Vif'-president- Mrs. K. .McCoskrie. Second Vice-president Mrs. t. L. .Mcintosh. eerelary Mrs. Fivd 1'yle. Treasurer Mrs. Wallure t: Orchard. iKirras Secretary- -Mrs. (I. A Woodland. llnu'lupc Secretary MH. II .MclUiskrie. Leaflet Secretary -Mrs. Adam Mackic. Thank offering liox seorelary Mrs. II. II. Morgan. Literature Seeretary--Mrs. A. I . I'arkin. l'resi.leiit or !irl' llranch C. I'.. Mills. President of Junior llranch t'.. V. 1a ill.' President of Little Helpers .Mrs. V.. W. Tucker. Hiocesau Delegates Mrs. W J. (irrrr,. Mrs. (I. A. Woodland and Mrs. J. C. .McLennan. sleaiinT Prince Charlc arrived from the south on inn-at 3 octock this afternoon ami will leave al hi o'clock tonighi for Stewart and Anyov. sailing from here for the south at 0 o'clock Monday morning. SMITHERS I'ml Ornhniii lin punhaswl a truck from VjL Kby ami will us it with a Irnih-r in hauliits llf whfffi he cut during the wlntet on Hie llii'Non May Mountain road, toiler he wilt lake the out. fit to Now llaellon lo haul poles for S. II. Setikplel. A program of devetopmenl work on l Me Venus group of plaints al Itarrelt Lake will ! started nexl week under Hie dlreeliou of A. S, Millar of Snilthers. Mi Mary I'aweell and Mi Xan I'etlerley smmiI Hip lluster vacation at Prince Oeorce as tin giicsU of Mr. and Mr?. J. HoIh-Hs. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ilegan, wh led 'Telkwa last year fur Lady smith ,in Hie hope that Ho chatigi' might he heuefh'ial l Mr. Ilegan's heallh. ate now living al Port Alhernl. i Mr. ami Mrs. It. Scolloii, who were ranching helweeli here ami I'elkwn, have left Hie district fo: Vancouver, where they will re- Jide. Kiiroiile south, I hey ar visiting in Prince Itupcrt. A second planting of trout egs in the streams irimiiary to Lake Kathlyn is now romplct-I'd by the Dominion Fisheries. SAILINGS TO KUKOPli: MAKK H f!Sr.B VATION'S N'nW FROM ST. JOHN To Llarpool, la Oraanock AT. 16 Moutelaro To Llnarpool An. 3 MeMkMina FROM QUtBCO To Balfaat-Olaagow Mir. to, J urn' :i Mnnd'alrii To Charbours-Soulhamptan-Hambura May u, J""" . . Hiiiiios nf I'raiiiH FROM MONTR! AL To Lliarpool Apr. au. May t Mniilriiii May 7. Jum 4 Miiiilraltn May II. J urn- I) Mmilrlari To Charbourg-iouthampton- Antwarp Mi)' , Juiir 1 Mllliioilniuia May IS. Jnin Ift Mcliu To Balfaat-Olaagow Miy mi, June n Mclaicaiiia Apf'7 ta Aranta tvarjrwhir Of ). f. FOkSTER, O.n. All., C.P.K. Station, vancouvar, Taltphona Hymour 219, an. rac. nf., TiaCc Agaou. t 1 ' - Dinner Sets High-class China Dlnncrwaro at n prlco that win surprlsoyou! Deautlful designs. Shop carlyl They won't last long at the prlco offered. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Our many satisfied local customers Is our guarantee that our Optlcjan, who has hnd over twenty-seven yeii experience, can give you satisfaction. A visit to our modern Optical Parlor will convince you. Consultation free. Max Heilbroner U27-520 Third Avenue " T WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Fannie Hurst's $50,000 Liberty Magazine Prize Story Mannequin with Warner Baxter, Alice Joyce and ZgSu Pitts Heniitifiil girt ami huioilifol kwu ami Hie leo-i-. hu drama of a ovel iiiai'l - fiBhl for luxe. The i.tli haml-ollie rlouk iiiimIi'I lriio lor hue mid h-ippox suareil in the jazz pilfull of a grenl cily. What Im-.j Ihe liearls heiiealh Ihe gorgeous gi.wu niniiueiino w ree the iiide sor of lhes fir crenliirv's live- ool ! Dazzling coluiiie ami -ft ling-, huperh cn-t : Warner Baxter, Alice Joyce, Walter Pldgeon, Free man Wood, Chariot Bird, ZaSu Pitts, Dolores Coitello ami llianj oltu i-. "OUR GANG" COMEDY "EVERYMAN FOR HIMSELF." Violin Solo "Mumorcsque," by William Batagno PATHE REVIEW. 60c and 25c SHIRT Yon air koiiik i., ihc-o n v Shirt oil an it! Ihe hriKht ioloilng- u Tarteliue, llamhiulge uu l tiovclly striies. A large selection to choose from. Priced from $1.95 Acme Importers Third Avenuo Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride St.