PAOB TWfc JlMJBx news Only Good Tea is Satisfying "SALADA" TEA T17 is good, fine flavored and fresh. The Daily News PHINCB RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier," per monlh .. . $1.0n By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year $3.0n To all other countries, in advance, per year . $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone-Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Orfice before h p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received suhjeci to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY JtDITIOM Monday. February 13 Ui2(. Taxes In Canada And Other Countries. There's un orgiiiiissttiun Ikh'K eat that spends il'n time del ving into statistics mid sometimes it digs up some interesting things. Some til the members have bet'ii hearing politician during election time tell how lieavilx Caunda was taxed so they set to work itud prett soon they find out exactly, how tlie matter stands. According, to the figures quoted, and there is no reason to Leieve them untrue. Canadian people pay in taxes, nalioiial. provincial and municipal, the sum of ?0d.ll a year each. This is less- than they pay in the United Staies, Australia or Ureal Britain, three countries that are often quoted, people in United Slates juty .(i7.:Ui each, in Australia !s(iu,s, and in (treat Britain SU7.12. The difficulty with cnmparistius in -taxation is that some conn tries collect most of theirs from national taxation, other from provincial or slate taxation imd again others from municipal taxation. It matters little wjiieh way as long as they have to pay. I lie on m fair comparison is a total of all three. It does nVr:aJlfl M& to&$faelttiiolha::6lher have to pay more, hut it does give nsi satfsfarfion to know Hurt all the blue ruin talk we have heard Is purely piffle. H. H. Stevens And Smuggling Charges. Recently Hon. II. Jl. Slevns of Vancouver made some very wild -charges against the customs department of the !omiuio Coverument. He nfiiled that the "government was losing thirl niiHion dollars a yeir 'from tlie admisi'iou pf coiitralaiil. Tin-is supposed to ail came from the United Stales. The odd thing is that the iotal amount of disjoins duties paid on imjtort of l'.S ; goods is seventy-five million dollar. If any person believes Rial J'ral Uie gtwnls entering Cannd . from l'.S. are smuggled in, Jie is hideetl erelHlous. He would believe almost anything. Theire jiirobably are bad customs officers but not any more in thaf bnabch of the public service than in any other. rr '' Dividends Necessary In All industrial Concerns. People invest their mouey in ihe hopef thai they may secure dividends. That is the ninin purpose in all oorntal' inveslmtHils. H there were no prospective dividend, there would be no in vestment, it would be belter t bury the money in the ground uiaii ui icnu it antl get no return.. Some companies pay high dividends but many pay none Take the Granny Company as ait example. It ha paid no divi dends for several years. While ft is. expected that divHletnl pav niruis wnt le resunieil soon, the loss arising frjijn the lack of uMiiu'im mm sexcrai years win proiiaiuy mane tip. Investigate Possibility Of Paying Dividends. wiien tnvesinig money oite.qf the first things to do is to mvestigaie. uie possibility 0f4he- paying - tlividemlj. jiku is iroe 01 niiuing siocks; oii..iocks or the more stable in duslriul concerns. Divitlends are necessary to induce invest ut iii. 11 uiere is no proiiulnlily of gelling dividend returns. ocuer hep me money m 1 lie hank, it is safer there. 1 ne average smnll inve-lor allows hime.lf to be talked iu- 10 some uiKlerUiking that cau never jwy dividends or where the possibility of pavmenl is vcrjf remote. II is useless to wan, . .... ... llmka , ...lit 1 1 ni-j iKuiiiuue 10 ao (tie same tiling over and over again. They will put in money and lose it ami then put more ensjj jinUi tilher similar concents "Qnce a Micker. .alwavs a sucktu-." is almost an idiom of fretisietl finance. All Hint 'i needed is n clever salesman ami a scheme with plenlv of "talking points" hut without any shadow of real merit and the suckers bite. Am) the one great idea behind it all is the de sue to ge rich quick or to gel something for nothing. So warm, comfy and satisfying SHREDDED WHEAT with hot milk and a little cream 'PREMIE STOCK i PRICES LOW: i -r- Possible Explanation of Situation Given by Financial Post In j a Recent Issue Why does Premier Mines, Pm'-lamf' fciQal area, paytli- 3J?c a share, par value SttfvSdiuj? about 1 5 per cen t ., not JseJ I biph e r ? ! The (above ipiestion s frequently' asked. It is seal (tt,T1iA Finan cial Post almost wtsftkly Jiy suit scrihers from d liferent par! the country says that" paper. The answer has been hard ! grt hut what ,is said to be the real, explanation' wai recently ooinnmnieatcd tu The I'ost liy a B.C. mini authority, in a po Uinn to know the faets. lie says that tiiiggenlieiui interests with the support of other laive inter-j esls in h eouipauy are able to control about 51 jr en ol 4he stock. Ilicy do ot want Hie haws to sell hi? h. I'reaiier tla had a remarkable dividend rreord bavin? paid souietuuiK Mi 8-nuo.uOO in rive yearn and fo Jow tlistramtitisr H reals per sftare ipiarlcrly. 32 cents a year, invol ving a -list ritmt Jon of s-uhujimi each quarter. Hereally Ibe torn pany increased its milling eapa-cily from 150 to. 100 Ions an increased its power development by two thirds. The company ha remarkable hiprh grade ore fcodies with a tremttdou tonnag of low grade. Oar informant says that rTihe proposition was hand- Ued as. it miphl h the company "ould'be distributing now $7SU.- 000 quarterly rn.Uead of 100,00" quarterly. tiujrenheiuis own Tjarnnta smaller. They need a 1reinendou tonnage of flux foi this smeller. Instead of hrii in? the milling rauarily of tin J'remier up to tlie point where U would he capable of I real in he tremendous low ?rade ton- nape in the mine they liave bera shipping G and 7 ore from the mine at Portland Canal down lb Pacific to the Taeonta smelter. When the baulu'-'e and stnelle? tharges are paid there . is tiilltV leJTt for the mine. Our informant also says tha after a reeen' discovery that high grade body on lu: dipied into Pi-emier was made, the slock neer moveil. If it bad bem any other proposition lin stock would have doubled. Seein- IriKly. though, the real reason fn Ihe cheapness of the shares is that liiii'gi-niieiiiis neer wanie,l the stock high, fearing that f. there was a collapse at any time it would injure their standing in Itritish Columbia. b,v THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: Ol.Ii Luilicr Jturbank says he i-s everyUnly. Luther should not ot talk so much. (fOOH tennis players have i. much love that they 'are not sus. ceplible to the darls of the little knd Cupid. ' D'tTANVA is a tiresome place, I should think. judgiiiK by som of 'the speeches we read I hat ar liiade there. . A. YIl.LAUn lp a place jttmr neighbors know a lo! ubuul you then you know self. where nunc your- THHHK.are the people who do tilings and the people who la! , at public affairs. THKHK'S just one thing wron with most of us. We spew money Taster than we make it. VOUXO people should he careful bow they' Iruaj. old fools, h impossible to toll what come to. they iiij A KL'RNACK goes out afier it -lit. nip. Thai's different troui i, lot (if petiple I know. ! HOTEL ARRIVAL8 ! Prlnoe Rupert ! J), (i. Davidson ami II. K. ion. ' btiurn, Vancouver; I'. J. Mailicis Prince Hubert; lion. A. M. Mar son, Victoria; G. Adanis and A. I) ' Aridersou, 1'rince Oeortc; Mrs i'. Hall, isalvu Kast; J. Heid and .1.' Willmaii, L'sk; II. A. McLean.' Moose Jaw; H. K. Hrophy. X' roulo. Central N. A. Morjran nnd M Clac Vancouver; J. Clavcimr. 8111 n ers: J. V. Thoni and T for , C X.H ,'. WEEK; AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday HhIuikI HiiVih'iiuf" In "Shore '.Leave." Wednesday and Thursday Tlie i.iniHeit Mail." Ffiday Ha wit? Last." and Saturday in - safaty 4. 4. , I',; BARTHELMESS HERE TONIGHT IN COMEDY STORY SHORE LEAVE "Sliure Lcac." I lie aril Pari Jielnies-whicli opens at tin' Theatre IouikIiI i- a couieily novelty. tin new ltieh-p induction , houe leliKlllflU picture i baseil iipun the lti,a,lway slue hit by Hubert Osli i nc and portrays the romance nf a liarein-.scnreni yiiiiiij: Hilnr. "Ililue" Sniith. and a III I Connie Martin. ' 1 small New Kinrland seacoasi ,,wn. tkmiiie losen heart at the chance nee!in!. Iml "IHIite.' be ns: a jnl im one f I'nclc Sam tiattlesliins. iuove on with the tattle nl. Connie is unable toj forKel the youiuit sailor ami he' t starts out lo find him. Onnie. 45iie.l irrxw the "T of. Ad rHlci't: a distinct film povelty, "jshmv l.axe' pro-j vbteu a remarkable cmiMMly dim -J ficti'iuatiitn tor.lMck. It has 1 n : riiioututi one of liisf best performance, if iii. 1 lii lwt. 'I'his is saying a tU when his fuiej eitMracterixations, raiiKinir frniul the mountain buy i.f "Tiil'able; lavil" in the sliell--ocke.l sol-J aliie i( "TIim K.ikfli:t 1, t .il Ijiltiiui are considered. Here iiariiiei- liies proves thai be is a romantic comedian of s'lnVmr "Shore Leae." loo. afford-! Kplendid opfurrtiinitie for Dor-j iilliy MackaiH in the ride of I'.on-' Martin, wbieb in ttie tage ver-j jiun was ntayerf it France Starr. lis Mackaitt' ,loes .teliKlilfal work as Conni! Many of the scenes of "Shore silverfj.pave" were fibiieil un board the Tniied states Hallleship Arkan sas. The Nny (leparttnent jravej Hurt belniess its full co-operation J in tlie mauni; oT "Shore I.eave, il is iit MEODRAMA HERE IN THE LIMITED MAIL MID-WEEKAT THEATRE Story of Three Hoboes la Filled With Thrills and Tense The Melodrama, "I.iimteU .Mail" coining for Uie ni'd-weck Uientre showito; tHU ihe story af Him? hoboett and their siibe-quenl ftirlunei.. 'riiia is the utory: Tile Ltniiled Mail i roaring tiiroouh a storm in the ('ulurado tnouulains. As it sweeps down 'Aw curving roitdlxwl, a terrific Jiidsjide I'-atapiBjlH lonis of dirt ticros,. jhe iracfcu. TUnw tmnipt. KeeinB Uie of tha train Injrti in the lulls, know thai the passeiiKPis face ileatU uit fss (lie .obstruction 1- retno4. NN'ork-ing with fipnmil liatf lli Iuim- tihf Hiic!s;e,larf(tTii ihe train is iip,,n 'iieni. Jim lowlf . the train mail tilerk, iniie- :!m- I no of hoboes .iboard the tr;iin. One of the three prriM's ,, he J tub Knobon. son ,,1 W' .il'liv New York parentii, who hav ,1 iii'd hi in hecause 1 . Use MAGIC BAKING POWDER iri all your baking Tliafslhcwoy to assure success. Made in Canada. JJo Jlum E.W, CILLETT CO. LTD. TOBONTO, CAM. Monday, Fein ii., JINtfOUNCES the Worlds greatest advance in record-making Hihe NEW LIGHT BAY Electrical RECORDS A Secret, Scientific and Superior Process for recording sound with absolute fidelity Greater volume greater tone purity no surface noises another marvellous lirunswick Achievement Wendell Hall The Red-headed Music Maker now an Exclusive Brunnwkk Arlixt 3007 "SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME" "KENTUCKY'S WAY OF SAYIN' GOOD M0RNLV 2994 'That Certain Party" "Paddlin' Madelin Home' 2992 "Sleepy Time Gal "A Little Bit Bad 3013 "Miami" " Y ou Forgot to Remember' Fox Trota by Isham Jones Orchcatnu" j New Hit played by Ben Bernle'B Hotel Koosevelt Orcbwta J Al. Jobon with Carl Kenton's Orchestra. and many otkrr nw on 7J plf a ay tuncrth J. Lome MacLaren, Ltd. f an aftair with .1 flashy :tl 11 -' uress. raiting In Love Jim hruiK" Ikb with him lo ln .loine, atHl there they find that Jim's Mife has died, leaxniK a naby iMiy. wtmm tley name Itob-bic. The two men afreet- lo bruii: the yonnjrster up. Ihib srcl a job as a freiislii euaineer. and for four years enjoys bard work ami ii-iuiilive simplicity. He i falling in line witti Caroline ue, jo-etly waitress at a railroad buffet, when Ihe adenliire, Jane 'oirdon. atain rrose hi path. Jane s arrival -ls him hi I- ue over his misfortunes, so thai one nitrhl when he Is ordered lo take out the Limited Mail, be mie. 11 danger sijrual. The Mail eroshe. Into another train; cars telpseojMHl and oxer turned: hundred' of itasscnserx are in. iureil. And llob'it closest friend, lim Fowler, fa Icilled. Freniy of Orlef Itoti. takiiiK litlle llobbie with him. flee in tlie mountains in a .it'iizy of jrrlef. There, in hiding, he watches tha Limited Mail tear past un Its routine trip. Jhe 1 rain tragedy 'haunt him until lie is near marine. Then one lay he sees another of Ihe wrcal landslides which menace I lie tram sweep ocr the tracks. Ife deckles lo swiui the river lo warn the engineer. Little Jlobhie Irien 0 tollnw him and is near drowning. It's a tpiestinn of saving the kid he loves or saxius the 'passengers. Hob saves the passengers. Ihs heroism is rewnrd-jrd U) a full pardon for the train wreck lie caused, flue of 0 'ramps or lim iiohn days has meanwhile mixed lillln llobbie. nd Hob. fmrlinj: that Caroline nt ill loxes him, nuirriea ber and sails on a I'nropean hnneymoon. forgiven by his family. ENGINEER ARRIVES If. A. McLean of Moose Jaw. I'rinee Illipeifs new city rn-aineer.- arrived in the city on th. niorninm s train to assume hi iliitic with :he municipality. II is registered ai 'he Prmc, Hupec llofet Subscribe to the Daily News. llCANADlAN illlMt Steamship and Train Service s.s. raiftcc kupcrt ui raimcc aueinr r - cowt. VICTOaiA, ItATTLC Slid ililerHx.dlltr s iM N,l faiOAY t ". s.s. eaiNCt nuetuT fr stcwakt iihi antox, wionor 1 S.S. PRINCE jOHM furllllhlly for VANCOUVCR U QUtLK CMt0TTt ISUUDI. CASStNOIR TRAINS LCAVC CMINCS HUPCK1 CVCRT MONDAY, WtDNtlDAV AlHt SATURDAY (I P-JR PRIfcCC SI0MI, EDMONTON, WINNICEO, M i,nit. I..lm HU M. ' f),i, ) AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tlcttt Otfk, S2( Thtrtf A, Prist RuMri. pkMI f Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Fr tnCHIUIt, WRANCELL, JVNUC. SXACWAT ffkrwa 'k " T r TAttmUVW, TiCTORIA J SfAfTU f Awt; t2th. ZSik IJ si. rtiNcus txATtta fr Butt(tt, twnn B(, Ectl Bll Btlla, Cuh rails. hm. Aid ' Campbtli Rlttf, nd Wtncoutw rr Slwrdr 11 .m, Ancy tor til SUcmthle Llntt. full lntrtn(tln r"" W. C. ORCHARD 0nrl Anl. Ccrn' of 4th Slrl m 3rd Atnut, Print Rvprt B-C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. etiiinii rrwu rrim fiutwri. 'Of VAN0OUVER. VICTORIA, Sstn !, n Altrl B, Tll, for VANOOUVER. VICTORIA, Altrt , nd lino Bv, turf, 1'" for AN VOX. PORT SIMPSON (nd Nau Rlr Cnnrl, Thuri pm-ror l-ORT S.WPSON, AUVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, SndY, S p.m- tn4 Attnt. .4. rnl, An miki .Bn. TUGBOATS Day Phones ' 423 B39 Gr. 238 Black 738 t Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Nig' prion 687 63 Or. 23 Black T38