PAGE FOUR Hats At-very reasonable prices. Very charming stylos. From $5.50 up. H.S. Wallace Co. LA Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton. Just Arrived! S Special Values in iik & Crepe resses $12.00 to $25.00 Rain Hats for Ladles, $3.50 Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Jinx - - 989 Plione Green 389 FRESrtK LLED No. 1 Steer BEEF From Bulkley Valley Hound Steak, 2 lbs. for 45c Put It.ia, per lb. . . ZVIc Prime Hilts of JJi'cf, per ll. 20c Fresh Killed Veal Shoulder linasts, per Ih. 12'4c Veal Slew, per Hi 8c Fillets i.f Veal, per lb. 25c Leg f Pork, whole, per ll. 30c Leg of Pork. cnt. per Ih. 32c Home-made Sausage, eef and pork mixed, per Hi. 20c Pur.- Pork Snusace, per lb. 25c Sealy & Doodson Sixth Street. Phone 455. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Pull load . Half Load . . Largo 8m-k SC.50 $3.50 . 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone fcl. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, oal Band and Gravel W Specially In Piano and Furniture Govlnn. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next GAV.V.A. Third Ave. York Americans Discussing'lhe rivalry between hockey and boxing for public favor, the Telegram says: "if hockey lurn oul lo be the success Colonel Hammond thinks il is going t0 be here boxing may, t'ecome a subordinate aclivity in ihe Oarden. II may be that imbibe biggest attractions will be handled, and then only once a month. The increasing financial demands of all Ihe fcrhtors who are worth while, ad the increas "ins unwillingness" of cbumpionsi lo do any fighting at all. have created a situation wlncji is inimical to the best inlciesU of lioxing. "It i an axiom in snort thai in all professional activities those engaged in Uiem sooner or later will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. This has hai- liene.l in boxing lime and again. The situation in the ring came now ixiints to a new thront aigainst Ihe wi. known iroose's life. if hockey can draw an aver-j age of 10.000 nt an average mie of 2 it will make mure monev through the winter than boxine:. Incidentally, with two teams in New York, one in Ilostnn and one in Pittsburg. I lie toiled Stales" will have lour representatives in i he League, an. I will match Canada in that respect." THB DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa New ID dlVE ATHCObANO DO!LAvf5i-ir I ma. Pi i-r IF" j DIDNT Hawf To WITH MACGIC TOfSltSHT id CAUL. ON THE DtL. 111 II If W. V J id I I I VTT I I f I IV 1 CT.;- mK I -.. IH 1 II Irk I II 1 1 II 1 LJPHCi MT " 1 Ti' . I I Spring Km LU7 - ii iiii- s j i ill iaaaw ctttv . i i rjrzi i i him i i tan iv ii uu i t-.MaKiiv i I K 1 f jjj!3 'b 0-1926 .t Int-l Fit-Stiwiet, Inc. nuLKriNUSLNG OUT BOXING New York May Look on Fistic Encounters as Secondary Sport in Future XKW YOMK, Feb. in. Tli.- possibility ' f professional noekey lifcominu the rnaior vjn- ler attraction al Madison Square anion and professional-Dnxiiiu relegated In I lie lex el of a sub-udinale aclivity next winler. is neijag discussed here. At the recent meeting of Ihe Valional Hockey League in WOMEN TAKE PART IN . COMPETITIVE SPORTS Half Million to be Spent by University of Toronto on Ath-let'c Building for Girl Students TOUOXTO. Feh. 15. The Sporting Ivhior of The (ilolie wriles: Prevalonee or women's . basket-hall, hockey, speed akating, hwIiii uiiiig, track and field alhlolir. baseball, etc., competition nf Canadian women's teams in track meets in l-'ngland. I lie United jsiuios and next summer in llol xium, are ijtuln enough lo eslah 1 1 -1 1 women s eomnelil I'lie progress ofwomeuV sporlson an organized basis, as is seen m the Onlario Hockey Association f"r I tie fair sex, I he women's basketball association and last Iml not least, the omen's Ama- lour Athlelie IVderattuii of Can ada. naliMiial governing body, are significant enough. Heeogiiiijon in another nno oven more significant itiarle was seen this week when Ihe I'niversily of Toronto announce I thai wnn.nnn will tie ..v.h.n.i..,! ion a hiiililing for women's ath letics. The new building will be .erected on Devonshire Place. The itliproprialinn or such a sum as hair a million dollars for the purpose of gymnasium, swimming pool, sports executive offices, etc.. indicates that the lllue ami While aitneh a giea( deal or tmportancu lo aporl for women, ami believe, that in building foi the future u is providing for the iiieviialde expansion of women' sport activities. BABE RUTH IS Says They Tried to Bury; Him Last Season but is Going to leusrue him NOT YET GONE Fool 'em Individual;. Average ip dale in 'inc iiMiiurd; League are as fol XttNV YOlllv, Feh. 10. Dab.- lows: Hiiltt. by . bis own mlmisnion ' ' First DWMon more nymph-like Ihau ' id bis turbuleni career, Montreal the (inrdon ii.risi' ,ook?i nvard lo a its option on a second franchise '' 'Ills yir in hTft Tamil- lor this eitv. and will hetrin snnnt,nr eR oie. hut also U to organize a second sevletle. II will be known as Ihe Ilrooklvn :iuh, but il will make its home in the Oanlen along wild Hie Xew Dial he has more years of aeiivn "They tried lo bury me any time since I9IR. SPORT CHAT K. nfJJ.; H.W.V.A. ). F.; K'. f)t . .S. 'of ;.: SI. Andrew,'si vs. Moose; L.O.L. vk,l&-V FriiIayLndio;,,WlVisr! D. of H 'vs. Moose Ladies; Orange Lndii's vs. Pythian Sisters. lien Self has the big lime fever again and is already planning 1 trip Hast towards the end of Ihe lyiining summer in Ihe course of which he will see the Dcmp- seyWills lancle which is more or less iiidefiuilely scheduled lo lake place on Labor Day and he 111 2(5 World Series. Hen" A Few Doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup May Stop That Caueh Mr. Frank D. Commu, Wert Bath nrst, N.B., wrltei: ''I had a ytrj Lad told and couth that icttled on mj lungs, and I thought that I wouW nTer gi rid of it. One daj a friend spoke to me about your 'wonderful remedy, io I tent and got a bottle of It, and after the flnl dose I took I got relief, and by the time I had finished the bottle I was tompletely relieved of all my trouble. " "Dr. Wood's" U pot ap anly by The T. Milburn Co., IimiUd, TeromU. Oftt, an ' - J CnniP. Til imc in the nasi seven viHrs nl'M ViwlrS.iii'Tnii now5- only sinasbing many eampaigning ahead of last present plan is to go lo SI rat ford, Ontario and there act him- self.ji strain cur I make Hie tsli of- Ihe journey. If pre mil plans' mature heVill alo isii Florida! and California crossing I lie! I oiled Stales in Ihe ear. In- j i-ideniiilly ho will iit-ohuhlv -eel Dad' Self win. is mw in tliei itjorn llel. BILLIARD AVERAGES V. J. NeUon iV Sgl. .IoIisoh 'V ... Col.MouMnlie V season.' Itiith said Indayt "but fir v rv. T -. M : t . j .... . . y ' i ill piiini: hi linn em. I V lltkeil ill trsm-n -Mill "ii u new lensi. oi mo liy loKinz il off the waist line. "How much longer do I expect to slick in the bis show? Sir nr seven years, anyway. I'll be going inin wuen ini inriv and hu- t . rubral el my thirly-sornnd ; 4e,iBl; , .....una,, rri.niary , ,, ...i,.:,,, ,,.. i " - It. llj!W((HP) W: RtfJfney (IIP a. Waugh (IIP I J. Howe (V) V. UlieJieJl (III' majors F. pvlc (V). I', .ieninn (HP' I J. Andrtw (V'. ... w It. J. M w Kvenls scheduled for the week i ... -i are as follows: Monday Tonight Cribhase League: Cold Storage v.s. C) A. Ojieraling; K. or il. vs. Dry Ioek; Moose vs. S. of (1; SI. Andrew's vs. L.O.I... i C.X. .Mechanical v li.W.V.A.; Hotel vs lilks. Tuesday Second Division Hi!-! Hards tirolto vx. (bdd Slur-I age. I Thursday. Second! Division HII- iianls: I'rinre llupeft lt-lianl Parlor vs. tii-eat War, Veterans. .Men's Whist: S. of K. v. vs LI). P. Tinker (Vi.. H. -Melliiuiyle i HIM C. Hab!iw 'HP... .... ...,, ..pprHHce nese j ,U,, ,,,,,, nays adds conviction lo In I words. He is and triniL- Second flX looking. He has lol all his ex-'. "iiiiT rrr r,gh,. A,2iv,upresen;rsmtj;;;i;; if., ii., T- nriufi !.- I. II 1 1 1 Ull, .... i Ill Ilnwofvli) fi , J. Xejson :.. 0 How' i HP 0 Andrews fV).... 2 Altdrew !HI'J 7 McDonald (Is 7 Sflftlticy (IIP; A Mel. cm (O) ...... 3 Dr. WVsl (Vi 7 V. Milehell (HP C U. Morgrto (O) 0 .1. Ilillinan HI) n IL Parr (CSj 7 J. Hoesley ') 0 F. AWrlilae HP) 4 J. Hnnd (fli.... 2 II. fiirliHtt (F .... 7 A. Harvey (IS).... 77 .1. May (GS,. 7 kaOti 2 402 I I .... 2 Division 7 .... I .... Ii 4KA I 152 2(1 478 tfllti 476 1180 1 170 231 409 fiK.i I MV.i 1324 I Mil 1021 t?4 2-12 20 ! 3HH 1050 too 881 870 8fi0 721 280 097 tttlfl 862 427 was 840 810 809 9'M 700 521 200 001 880 872 .1. Howv fV 7 K33 W. Hailey fF) 7 820 C. I.Youuginaii (Vt 4 473 A. Carlson (FJ.. 4 174. L Krauso g-r.) r H(fi .. ??. Ihirton. 41')....' S 707 .1. .unive ,M Avr 24f. 24 242 241 231 23 2.14 231 230 2' I 220 218 215 212 20V 10 150 150 147 1 17 144 tli 14.1 142 142 142 142 141 140 1.1 j 130 134 132 130 130 120 127 125 no 118 iik 118 1 10 in 113 Ml," in. Li t... 1 J 1 ... : . : . v - . . pv. 1V tin-mo. JtenleS ,n ,(V).:i ..4. il n UJ 02 S- Ruga kfSj ..s- ' , 84 I. Allen ,2 I!t0 .1 f.8 oweliM.,...... 'l ' ' 0, tA OR fi. Fleming 'V) 70 35 VALENTINE PARTY Miss Constance Morgan Hostess to Number of Young Friends on Saturday. Evening Valentino favors were used for decorations at a parly given on Saturday evening, when Miss Conslaneo Morgan eiilerlaineit a! the home or her parents 01: Thud Avenue.. Ouossing enn- osIh. dancing, and sineiinp wer-indulged in. solos by Miss Sheila Stewart, and piano solo liy Mi-s I'.rniy Zarelll. Miss Hornier Hoss aiuj Miss Hirdell .lack,, w-rc mui-li entoyed. Invited gnosis were: MJsse Uremia Allen. Winiiifreil Tnpker, Albert ft Hieliiiiond, i:iiaf Sleen, Mildred Lindsay. P.vojiyji l,;irge, llosnll-Duagiin. Xcitle (Turvleli, Kheila Hlowart. HirdelJ ,lack, Mlernice Hoss. F.rniy Zarelli, Tomie Kal-sajama. Ceridwefi, Morgan, Dnl-. "'a Ouoluim jiiul Oral Hoss. Union sleamer' r.iiinoaiin P.nnl I A. T-:. Dick " Ill I llfT l al II :30' last nltflii sailing shortly ihereafler for Siewart. 1 . . . . wivox ami ,tlee Arm. The ves Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertitement taken for Ici than 50c tvr.Tr VANTK!. One reflable nini m every town, mere ha m I. p'-efei red, to 'ake orders fur lnsl e'lstom-made clothes in Cu. ada. Highest raininwiMti, Ilex Tailoring Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. W.VXTKD. Plain dtesmukmv anil sewing: reaiMe:iinu. re pairing, knitting, etc. Phone Oreen 704. 22M FUR SAI.F. FOR SALE Ji- OB - i lu'tf lulaiwl'-. MmnV, i r :i i . i run won i-iiir.r!l rrtiirn. i"r Viutoria. Five a'-ro. four HMMned biMise. barn. Near sliiren, school'. !0O fir-l jm meiil. Apply i.wnei. I'll. Il" .', Uanges. 'll.d. Modern five FOII SAI.K. eW machinery ii.m! mil For sai.k. st.ii.-i Sedan I' or ; i ;.. r-ix. f 'oil Rllperl p-...i liy. ;;. 203. Daily Xew.. olfiee FOII RF.NT. - Piirtiisbml Coal. - Wood and Furniture Moving II n ,., .. .. i' ,.r,,ir, mi), i n o,.H., .... ,., , , M Will sadl frotll here on tier Klnml I .111.. v , . . rimni"di ' hnue. ruriii'-lie.l; !,. mij lane corner; p)ridid ten , t r I garden. Cash pa vine., j 1 terms can be arraiied. Pjione iirpen 272. ii 1 FOR SAI.K. Seciio 1100. Six Idncki. ofrice on Taylor Fine view . Sell !.- cash. Wi:e(iii., Post .iV el uu -lies 1 Six I'rtiti-e ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER llox FOII SAI.K.- Lot Ii 1. ... L 11 section 0. A bat-Kuin for ,.nsb. Apply Hox 202 Diiiy XeW. FI RNITFHK fur Sale. Phon IHne 023. i HOOKH FOn HALF. Phone lllnck 617. TO hENT Filll ItKNT.dUotteru four room ed flat with Mnnartrk" fange, Clapp lllock. Weetenhaver Bros. rf FOR HUNT. Pianos, player Ulatw pjHjnographs and sewing jriairtjme. Walker's AUiiloiJtore. : FOII -HUNT.- Tuilor-shop; Vvn business rooms below. Iw living rooms almve, Westen-hnver Hros. ( FOH IlKNT - Hoiiln with or with. out board; near elevator Plione lied 157. - tf newly decorated. J. w. Mc-Kinley. ; r FOII ltP.NT.--Houae, four room. and bath. Plione Oi.'i or Hlaek 325. tr FOII, IIUXT.- Fiimisi,..,! hm.7 Muasatlem Apartmenu. phon . r tf MODHIIX FLAT for Henl - Apply Mftx Heilbroner f BOARD AND ROOM. ItOAni) The GAiifind Avonu" LOST Inlander, M 4,10 I.OST.-HlBok lumber order case Finder please reim-n )(1 (illv Xews office. return south tomorrow evening I 352 ncs. lh.Jno u'L,,,, nT DRY WOOD. Spill to any length in block, per load $0.00. . HALT 14 Kit It I N'i . A. ISAACSON, Real Coe, l'hoiie lltack 4rtl Kurd light delivery nhassis i' hi.-. 1,. . . ill piston ring and prop. Hers Northern Kxcfeau. . i :: s,. -nnd Avenue. Plume 'J.'. (f Oukland, OhHmobile anil C.hev CARS FOR SALE. 'I 1022 nldsiooblle I. 5 passen ger louring ioo on 1H20 Nash 5 passenger louring 1 85O.O0 1021 Overland Sfulan . f700.00 1010 Nno devest iassetier inuring . 70J1 reouiM A $175.00 All ears guaranteed in good mechanical condition. Ilasy terms can he arranged. KAIEN GARAGE iiora ami unevroiei ervte sta- I twin. Agent for MnLaoghlfn rolei care, Ileo. (4..M.C. and Kedr-ral 1 rucks WIII CKINH 8KWVI0R HAY AND High Low illifc'li NIOUT AUCTIONEER. VOt make one dollar Iwik Ilk two when you buy your household furniture from me. Private nates dally. I buy iiut-riifht for cash, or auctions arranged on eoiiiiniosioii. Phono-graph recorilii exchanged. (1. F. Brine. Auetiouner, 20g lar-iiud Street. FURNITURE AND RANGES KL'RJifTOIlR gnd llaagesi Iwiight. sold and exchanged. New furniture and range exchanged for your old ones. Hedrnom. Hvlmj room and dining room furniture always In utook. Always watch my wimlow. Ii's Changed, daily, a. Maakennie TAXI Phone C7 Taxi ' (cll (ieorge, Paul or Oust) six- and M'ven-pHHflnKflr stiide-l akers at y-iir disposal anv llm for 50c Service Ross enos, pool room Meeker Block Across from I'.mpress Hotel TRAPPERSI I NKKD 10.000 MINK SKINR. He .1 prices pnid, See me before you sell vonr furs. If lis furs Ii. buy 1 hern. W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur Man. PRINTr RIIBrar 4 e t 4- e 4 Monday, February 1B. 1:28 11.111, 2I.R " 15:35 p.m. 21.7 " 0:32 a. 111. 4.2 " .Mf3 g.n " Tuosday, February 1G :l.1 'J IS, fi. Ifl:2ii p.m. sii.n I "MP a.iu. Z " i 22:33' p.,,,; 4. lA, Wednesday, February 17 "h :..!) ntuff 20.0 fl. I 17:21 p.m. 18.7 " !'" H:08 a.m. 5.3 ' 2.1:15 p.m. 5.0 j aub.icrihe Iq the Daily News. ! tr25 FornTCouiie, balloon Urel car like new 4 1 11 .'2 Fowl Tudor i.ela. I42BOO 1 Oil' l ord Coupe two or. I0?1 Ford one ton truck, pane! hody 137. on Artkiei Lot! tTA Found CAMERON TRIdi'-r. 1 - . in " Phoi 41! Baggage, Furnlturs u; !lf you wi'i! .1' or dei.M-., n PRIWCE RUPERT ML1; ryA 303 Third c ;t ole agent. f..i . Phonograph- 1 It aequo I .. rrniiit.i. . FUFiNITUR!? Xew and -. litre Hloro S nMne New Uiwida. GEO. PAPADOPLiOt CAO.OftJWIP Third Ave WTR SOTi UK KIHI- I lair 1 Mi... l-rr' 1- : , v 1 1 'l4riMt .O.-Ali, ll. ll. II ! f MW(MI0 1 . Hi III f 1 1 muJ . anal in. mil. -Id. him i Iw MtafWIr . 1 - jimi u 'IHI ... I 1 '.Dial- ivUk w l.lH-r. M ItJS T.m:i.1 M. ill M'll ' I Vmi-r 1 mi a ll U.I.. I.. R 1 .)in Iw fiWil mofi ii,. ill. It I ,4IU I I'lrlKliH-iit .,.M, III OHrl) ) . IH Ih.. tV'SIrr 11 ail. . iim r.. tin- i l.jIMM ..1 land arr fUt of lntnUi i St: Ltnd t IjihI Hw..'li-Mmirri. bimI ftii..j.. OC '1.U11. I'4W I ' Mill I'MMUm. Tvkl 10TI I Jeflr. . v Ifciti I aniK-o rm. iK-mis.... if. i, in 4-rtfcrtt UlKfe r.mmn -inn i.llh li.ti-r iw-' ir Fill feli.1 Ii . l-rovinr. At I!.- "III. lrtH !.-, i-hsln iixn.r 1. leu 1.. hirti .. , Til I'H hll. r.miiii.n. ltlhl .1 inn mm fir GOVERNMENT LtOUR horicc or seencATics o f-'f vn TDlkirfa nr ni-R .it.A'-1 I n m i ih 10 1,1 1 villi Itat nf I . Ii. . itiwil ini. mi- i- 1. Ind Hiairil I... jlr I ioiM-f Nmi.i. imMK-l .if .rrn IB kMittll Til. Ihi nirii.-. ill i II. -. la irs- 1 is ..r en.. ihr lanil iIm.'iIi ' MM) IM.-lvi in vnp urn. tinnnr. il MplnM- Hi. iri 1 In 11m p. .Iiim. ..f 1 jlM l.'-llllll. I ermre li.itrt II irSNMCM THtHt nt t'fln." ' (U) of Juttawy. 1 - III 1 v MM LSNO SCT Nolle of InUnllon to ,'r';' f Linl, In tho Prlii. 11 ninlrii'i iihI iiiisli f.irmln nni of tti In lliiiMnti list 1 . I snrlnii 1'i.lnl Hln. ' TAkK NdTllir im " rniiHrt, 11.1:.. in spi'l.v for l.'H'.i! hWIiImI IhiuI. CnniiiiKiirliis hi ' 1 tli' lilr or in. Ihn J.oiio r..i. 11 ' 1 frrl tinrtlisiAl. ii.n. r.1li IhMirr .l.mii. polm of riiiiiii.i-n. I'lir si-rni, more or l,' HAiini lis hi i'i; Wii-' '"' UNO SCT Nolle of Intsnllon lo P' Land. Ill the ITInrr tmi HlMrlf-1 suit sliuiiii' " ' near liiinil.n tiliiinl. m TAKI: NOTH'1 1 llurem ur Prlii.-.' " Inn-mi in niii ' lnwlns ili'si-riliiit '31 ' Oiiiiiiion.-liif st 1 llin l:l mde nf W" , fpot iirirlliwos- i'-BHl. Ui.-lir. :i ' I a.ono reel we i imnrcnirnt JOSF.I'II Dittd OscenUier 4ttu fi :t KC