.,r February 15, 1926, Specials! To clear and make room for New Goods Clover Leaf . I Liivclnprs, .Note paper, r(c 25. The Lot 50c. Packages Clover UK lloiiit Letter Pad, 814x11, ruled ur. plain, tic l- good i -, 2."r; 2o Envelope,, l&c. The Lot Special, 25c ngo cit'. good value al l.2.. . . 1 i I'tipalnr-liiicil F.nveliipc (u clear id too Special, G5c 55c m. mm mm m Lo o I n c nwc V ww r -m -m m mi m n m vi "as., -w a Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. UiH'.'i, l.i Hi.- i i . . M nl- . i-k i ir I v. ii i il S on li.nl' till' 1 1 - .iml -liil't gl'l Iodine Germicidal Soap Adhesive Plaster Lint Epsom Salts Liniment -i klU'-. How mp K ui'plied. : .ili In-- max "I- in tir kit, if not, Lysol Bandages Cotton Wool Vaseline Castor Oil Tweezers Temptelon's Rheumatic Capsules. i I i I' - iml liuuli'. fur iiu if ini n inirt' it. Ormes Limited T'lc Itcvall Sinn1 pioneer Druggists - :;.. 8 a.m. ) 0 p.m. Suiidav and llidid.tv l.' to .'. and 7 In 0 ii.m. o Pay Day! u-cr (!' hard, iiiili'd.uit Work ;! pet. Ill a. 'I"i IK WUlk lllttt jll-l a i.i ih. " It'll ..: ill wlm pa- vim ' i l-.ti'gatu vJ., i'"1 ''-ill i I lung will In' rarefuM) tint every hard Mild unpleasant Clld llf It week f ini iif 'I'ttiif- T-Ser-wi-hrd. I In n iii ghl jr I llir lint work mat! ironed and llli'd. urn-king (ur Mr. Vahtiib one employer In- help. THRIF-T-SERVICE 5c Per Pound and 1c Per Piece Minimum Charge $1.00 And who ANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 m m m mm -m maiffHsiia m W mT m MAM mm Ml mh VmT II " a-" FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices . .. n - i ... or. I iJ Dse r. uinn nt nam oz to. uu. 1 7 O iuiio ci. Second Avenue and McBrlde SU, ast Two Weeks mm. wv of our Big Sale WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN DRESSES. uiiu DVU VUI pi IfcCfta io iiiurt. ' v... - EVERYTHING ON SALE We iiiiu to pkiiM' "DEMERS" P.O. Box 327 Local and Personal Phone 15. J'.lt. Coal Co. If Arthur's Jaxj. Phone 078. If LI.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Cameron's I'hone 177. Two curs Sneddon Taxi. Dance ' TrapperK! Ship your 'nldhliKHH. He pays price in Canada. - Orchestra. ' if at your service Phone 134. If Miiii?ogruiiiug cir&ulurs. etc Mine Johnslone. I'hono 387. tf fur lo highest There wa a ?(! crowd at tin- dan-e undt-r Bcandinaviao au-piri-H iti I lie Metmpole Hull Sat urday iiit'liL .Mnit' was iiy Liud-eiii grrlieslni. 1 i'-d l. Mallitrn, manager f I In- imiii'i-v Cannery, relunicil Uir-' niyiii up the CainoirUM from Yam-Oliver whw hit Iia Iipii iiTnlliia the winter. Mii Hori Itielhy of Vancouver ami Mix Helphiue Novaalia ul KhiiiIiiuuk have eii!ftrid the I'riiwp Ilupfil fieneral Hospital 'raining nrhool for iiui-m. i'h' oiiipii Auxiliary of tlx viiMican ijauiearui will bom a I ini and alt nf ImhiI ruokiiiv.at hip iidiue hi JU . I nmayn on Tui'-ilay aftcrnuun from 9 to C. Joltti I" rami of Anyos lfl on SaUirdd)- vainf'f I rain on a (rip to hie liym iu .Scotland. II" "ail fnim Halifax aboard Hie VVIiitp fitar liniT Doric on February 2;. K. H. Hon, head of Uie firm of Hi. Oman V lilla. Ltd.. i- u iMlor iierp from irloria on liiiiiicfx in connection with tho -( tinrnra. He i-ximIw to re main here about a week. in Sundus iiiornins at 7:15 m l rk tin fire itepart men! re lonJel tit, an alarm from the S.imiv Hitel. Fraer Street, when-tmustle with an oil Uurni'r eaued a nii'ke orare. J hert a no taliiapt ilone. riiar of viutraiir.v ayanill I ii'iiuiih- Marra wittntravMi i I lie cit uaUce ouurt tlnn inorniii- hiii arrowed Wa jfiven wamiiiir t the iiiapixtratr. City Solicit. ir K. Jone aMared in t4te pro MN'iii 'on wh'le I.. W. Patmoie defended. W.ilnr-liin l airitank. Capl. Mr- Kay, wa- in Durt mi Saturday af ternoon from Sail Quick Mine, AlatWa. willi 30 ton of pallaliuui I'onrentrale for transhipment oxer the tatiadian National UailwM to iimiij-'lon Mueller, New Jersey. Mi Janet I.ef, UN. oT Hit) lnip iiil nurxini? slaff will utl on I In- Uiiumun Joiuorrovv evoiiinj; fur Vancouver on a holiday trip. li- will meet ber iirolher and -i-li-r-ui-law. Mr. and Mra. Jame I., l.ec. wiin are diii- hack in Vail-rniivi'r 1 hi week fnm a trip to 1 in- ild Country. Hon. A. M. MaiiKon. allorney y.'iii'rai, arrtvwJ-irmn vwioria on tin' r.uincisuti last ihkIi' and will -iii'inl I he wm'k in 1 hi' city and i:,ine, MH.iifisr varinuM .mhiimiio Linj,i'i in hi capacity ai pro- vincial arand mater. ToiiiKht tiiivv will lie a "jirtrial merlin? nfj l'yec and i smii'veaii loiljfe to r,'i'iMc Iiiqi and a hanijnet will follow. tn Wednesday. Mr. Mau-.mi will address the (iyro Cluh. AloMit twenty of I heir mo-t in liniatt' friend leathered Saturday eviMiiny at the home of Mix Anna Horvik ami Cap), l'ele Itor-ik in a surprise farewell party. Da tic 1 lit and hridpe pluyiup was enjovi'd nnd a buffet sujiper was ANNOUNCEMENTS Huh School Dance, Elks' 'Home, February 20. cmi dv 1 Wedding IJelU. ollj THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE EVEN BREAK IN LIQUOR CASES Two Convictions and Two Dis missals Registered In Prosecution of Consolidated Exporters With Hie crown having won two conviction, one on a traiKls! eU4ug charge ami ihr other on a charse 4f irrrgulari-Hi'. and the dttenre liaviiiK been KUi;i'(i.ful iiwalltftt two rliarjren uf a timilur nature, rln- proHccu-lionH n:aitiat llio '.i'iiolidalei! Kxportcrn' Corporation Ltd. caiin' lo a tdoe llii afternoon when Maxitrate MrOyniont uave hit ilcrifion in far uf Hie defend ant by di!iiiin.' Jlie fourth and last otiar?e. (lie iui convietion in wlitch a fine 01 j'.'jOO wo itnpoed. 1 to lie appealed and il i expected tiie wnd charge will aUo lie uppualcd. Notice vl appeal in Hie fir4 ra has al ready Iteen given and itie hear ing will coiiie up in Hie Ounly Court before Judge Yoiin uext monlli. I.. W. l'atmore ha been act inn a" crown prosecutor and Milloi (iontale an cunel ror the de-fenee. In coneiuding (he -aie Ih'm af- lernooii Mr. l'atiimre aid he had no further iiiyiimi'iil lo ulTi-r and lie asked thai I he oilier cuxcm be Wil lull a'.v 11. WILL PRESENT MEDAL BY RADIO TOMORROW Sir Henry Thornton to Officiate in Unusual Manner at Cere mony MllNTitKAI., l ib. il. - I'lf- tieiilatioii of a medal granted -for life-avin; wilt be made or WediiedH instil by Sir Henry Thornton. He will imt be p renew! in person but will ue the radio for the puriioe. The medal piM-s lo Mr. 1'. U. I'oly-blaukr at a wayside community known as O llrien. there a rc- civing: set has ben installetl and tbe resident of (he eoniinu nity will saltier while Hie pre seiilalion is tteim: made. Mrs. I'olybiauks saved Hie life of a eliild that had fallen from a uiotorlHMtt .at l.oni-- Lac ami Hie meJal is beimt presrnteij on Ik-hatf of the Itoyal Humane So ciety. PRESENTATION MADE TO REV. P. E. BAISLER FROM STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Teaehern a tut si idenls of I tie eeumu si llonl lieinc conducted in the city by SI. 1'aul'n Lutheran Church surprised Itev. I'. li. Ii4iiler on Saiurday evenlnsr al hi home, fifth Ae. WV'st. and p reeii led him with a set uf brushc. The presentation whs uimte on IHtalf of those aem Med 1 1) John lUbliavii ami .Mr. ltaiser fitlinly re.mn.ltsl. Tlie evening was penl enjoy incr music and panics and re freslnnents were served. WORK ON CANADIAN ROYER NEARLY DONE C.Q.M.M. Vessel Will Resume Service This Week Tall shaft For Prince John Due Wednesday C.O.M..M. freurhicr Cunadian Hovor. which ha teen in the local dry dock for general overhaul and installation of new winches. i beinir taken off the pontoons at the plant- lhi after noon niul will leave port about Friday to resume her paper car ryine service from Ocean Falls to California. The I'rinee John will be taken mil of Hie water Him week, iier veil. In the course uf the "ew lailsiiHii hemp due from the evening, a brooch was presented ""Uth mi Wednesday. jtn Mis- llorvik and a fountain! 5 jpen I o Capt. llorvik. They are leaving on Friday mnrniuit for l'ui'i Mlierni to which dislriet the N.M.U. Co. is iiiov iiiif from (hi fit v. WILLIAM ORAM IS SENTENCED TODAY Gots Six Days In Jail and Fine of " )..',.... meal. $100 For Theft William Oram, who was last week found KO'Uy '' Judjrc-Youiifr on charges of tliefl at fvvaiiHun Jtay, wa seutonccd this liioruiuu to nix days in Jail. Weslliulmt' Thealre. Mareli Stwhloh he lnu alceadv served, and. ami 3. I'rinee Ilui.pri 1'layei s! in uddilion, was rined ?t00 or. in Cluli piccnt fi new joyout defuull, three months' Imprison-' i 1 CHARLIE CHAPLIN IS MAKING NEW PICTURE "The Circus" Is to be Riotous Comedy Without Extreme Pathos HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 15. -Char lie Chaplin i making another picture, 'ltiis lime it is "The Cir-1 cue." The comedian lias been practising iu-ht rope walking for some time so as to pull off one of the stunts with his hi feet, but and cane at a dizzy Nfiiilil from the ground. The picture he is makiii' is said to be a rtl-ou comedy without any mile f extreme iathos. Wliile il is a circus picture, Charlie is mil Hie clown hul a wairderiup shabby jjenlcel adventurer. WIRELESS REPORtT 8 a.m. DlcHY ISLAND. Clear. Ik.Ii! north wind; haromeler n : 1 em pe rat lire. 'Ml ; sea SIOihiHi; 1:50 p.m. spoke lu Cape Srnlt n Ilecule Straits bound for Cap- lainV iie; 7:50 p.m. spoke steamer MouLAnyox for Vancou ver, an miles rrom aiivos: p.m. sjHike lug Lome. 5 miles otTi Reef Island. northlKiund. DK.! TRUE POINT. ltaro-1 meter. 211.90; lemperalure, 30. Noon DltiltY ISLAND.- Clear, calm: haromeler. U.HO; temiieratuve 1.': sea smooth. DEAD THEE loXT. Haro meler. -..( : temperature. tJ. CRIMCC RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ViTIi I i lii-ii'l' jix.-n. in aci'iirtljli-s Willi I he -unite-, iliat nil .ie-eil in hivl Hiiilrr Hi. TaViilinii VI anil Us-I'lilili.- silestl- i" ;cr ii- ilm- ami (ki.Iii- i.r Us er inI' VII lv. i .illi ' lalile rur tlx I'rtnre IIUMrl .Mersliieiil litJii.- an (III.- ..nil (M.tatili ai mr rriii. sluiaie iii tin I'm Vllitfal nlleeLir-- orrtre. ill IIh- i ii r I'i.ii. . lli'i"H Till. H.illr. . Hi In iih ir '-KuluVnl hi a eerv.iul il.niniul li nn iiihhi mi iiiiii- imii'i' r. t lav- I i.i I ill At I'rllire I(iiiiiI. II' . till- I .'tl; llm i'T I rill nil II'!'. W S IISI1KII I ill." I.. I I I III! I'nll' ' II -" i t -.III. lit iMvlIti-! Did You Make Candy? lis JVAPOHMtJ, We vV'iul'l like to lii-ar-ti'ivv the candy reeijies have turned iul fur si'ine ul those who cooked them. If you have not succeeded as well as you mitlit, it is possible we can tell you why. Have ynii a candy recipe lo isive to others PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. Wherever Food Is Served Kraft Cheese Is Appreciated Dainty, appetizing, nouruhint, alifyin, Kraft Cbceic antwert perfectly for every occasion: at the main disk ef the meal for the children's achooldunch for afternoon teas for evening refreshment for the after-theatre party for a little mack before bedtime for cooking purpose Perhaps you've wondered bow it is that the delicious flavor of Kraft Cheese is always the same? That's the secret of the Kraft method! Care in selection, proper curing and ageing, scientific blending Kraft patented pasteurizing process these things' are responsible for tbe Kraft quality and flavor you like so well. For your convenience Kraft Cheese is put up in i-lb. and 1 -lb cartons as well as in. the five pound wooded box always tinfoil-wrapped. Please look for the Kraft trade mark when buying Kraft Cheese. Kraft MacLaren Cheese Co. Limited, Montreal. 0 FRUB RECIPE BOOK Scores tf new and templing Jiiha tan It madt with Cheese if Joa lunt a copy ef "Cheese and It'aji lo Serve It" Sent free on req-iat If rile lojay for four copy. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Qoli Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. What a Snap! For Sale S-Pie.-e Suli.l Oak Old English Dining Room Suite Mi'Luguii (jraiid Muster Furnilurf : Imffel is sliglilly daTiuife'cil. Former prire .2 13.00; now $150.50 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings i,One dour east of Daily News Office 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER--Timber. Diiiu-usniii. Shiplap. Fir Finish, Floor-nig. Y Joint. Hiistic and Hovel Siding, Cedar ami Fir lluat Lumber. Fir and Cottonwood Veneer, Mouldings, Shingles. Motored Shinglo, Lath, Oak. Hardwoods, Sash and Doors, Wood i'ipe. s , CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As bestus Cement. Ilardwali l'lusler, Plaster of Paris, Plaster Hoard, Lime, II yd rated Lime, Fireclay. v BRICKS, Etc. Common Hrick, Fire Hrick, Pressed Itrick. Agni ulturul Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Huiiding Paper, Tar Puer; ltuliberoid Hoolings, Johns, Mativille's Aslieslos iimif-ings. Asphalt, Asphalt Hoofing Papers. Sand umf U ravel. NANAIMO-VVELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut-Co.-i! lor voiir Kitchen Range. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117.