PAGE SIX Umbrellas Special discount prices fur this week. Sec our window display. Our prices cannot be beat in Canada. OPTOMETRIST You have Hie same opportunity tu have jour eyes tested and glasses filled as you would in any of Ihejitrgc centres by practical oplieiau Vlu has had 27 years ex-pcrieiiee, a lid in a modern up-to-date optical parlor Willi, all the latest appliances. ' We invite your inspection. MAX HEILBRONER 527-529 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE t Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. RICHARD BARTHELMESS hi "Shore Leave" A rollicking comedy with a strong tang of Hie sea. Ihrk as a "gob" in Hie .Navy with dainty Ilorollix Muekuil ns his sweetie. They skim the sea lo romance and adventure with a shipload of fighting sailors. A pholo-play that will give yon many hearty laughs and al Hie snine lime sound the depths or -your reelings. Many fine sea scene-filmed on board the I'.S.S. "Arkansas," loaned fur the occasion. Strong cast. Richard Barthelmess, Dorothy Mackaill, Ted Mc-Na-mara, Nick Long, Arthur Metcalfe, Marie Shotwell and others. COMEDY "HIGH GEAR." INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c. and 10c. For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading hull of the cily, situated on lots !) and 10, block lH, section 5. lluilding is 00 reel by 100; 10 foot eeilinig; 7 fool balcony all around building: newly plastered; No. I maple flour. Dining room and equipment and sealing capacity for 100 persons, l'iauo and Wurlitzcr military hand organ, style l2o. 200 pairs Richardson ballbearing stales. Thoroughly equipped throughout for both dancing and skating. With theatre equipment can be used as such. This properly is fur sale until sold, whether this ad. appears or not. For further information, apply In L. J. Warren, P.O. Box 14C, Prince Rupert, B.C. We are Sole Agents for Edinburgh Hospital FAMILY REMEDIES ltrcak up Unit cuil willi a bo.v of Bromide Laxative, Quinine Tablets, 25c and a bottle ot Edinburgh Hospital Cough Cure, 60c. RupertPharmacy l'reseripl.iun speriutisls Phone 94. We deliver. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST IN PROBATE. In the Court of Britlah Columbia III the Matter of llie Administration Art: and In Hi Matter of tin- Kstale of Nauru Kruno. nreaed. Intestate. TAKE SOTItE that by Order of It Humor F. MrB. Voumr. made the Srd da) i.f lebruary. A.f. !. I waa appointed Administrator or the Ksialc or Mauru HrecN). dereased. and all jsiniefi liavmir claim artnt the said estate are hereby required to Jartiisli same, properly verified to me cm or liefore the 3rd 'day of March. lttjffi. and all parties Indebted tu the estate are required to- jiay the amount of tlM-lr Indebtedness tu ine roriiiwitu. VIIIJIA.V A. WATT, orriclal Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C ; Hated the :ird day nf February. I Turnover Is Ihe Secret of our Success. We will continue our 95c Sale For Another Week lb. itulk Itulter 95c - do. Local l.vii. I Alras . . 95c i lb. Salt I'ork 95c Ih. I'l-euiium Itacou islic'd 95c 3 lb. Ontario Cheese 95c - lb. Loaf Cream Ubeese . . . 95c We have the following Hulk giioils put up in 2 lb. bags. Your choice of any of them assorted. to Ih, as you want tbein fur 95c lliee, Sauo. Tnjtioca. Whole ireen or Spill Peas. While or llrown leans or Pearl Hurley 7 tins Campbell's Toiiiulo Soui lli. Fresh (Iround '.orfe lb. li.'ie Hulk 'lea . . tins I.ilihy's Asparagus :t-:i5c pkgs. United Oats 95c KIPLING SEEN AT HIS HOME Famous Author Lives In English Sussex Manor House Among Birds and Flowers I.O.MMIX, IVIi. 15. Kvery. or nearly every morning in I he winter there appears ill the lanes of Iturwash u slurtly num. whose skin lias been I united by sun and' wind lo the rich brown of the! Sussex country folk he hives so ami I he brow above Iheiit give his expression a piercing appearance, l-'or ihe rest Ids voice is ririn and resonant, aud'his brown hair and stubby moustache are partially shot wilh grey. He wears a battered soft fell hat and a homespun suit ot plus- IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill tls- Matter of llws Adnilulalralion Act: and In tlx- Mailer of Ihe Otale of Murdoch Muniipiiiiery, ieceaed. Iiilelate. 95c I siiiilh five ilialn. thence east alileen "liln: thence imrih In linre line; thence aac i following adore line to isilnt of euro t'its 95c ti t ins li n i hard Plums . . . . 95c c I insSiugapore Sliced Pineapple ii tins t'.oni or Toiualoes ' tin (Quaker I'eas. IS'o. r l'J liars J'alinnlixe Snap . . 1 l'kgs. Princess Flakes . J hollies Pure F.xtracis .. 2 tins Christ ie's Sodas .. 0 I ins Kiikx Oscar Sardines l!l Itolls Toilet Paper U' pkgs. .telly Powders .. 95c 95c I 95c i 95c 95c ' 95c' 95c I 85ci 95c 95c 95c : bottles llein. Hat sup, large 95c Oranges and Lemons still i do.. for 95c II bricks Oniib Honey 95c tl bars While. Swan Soap ..95c 5 lb. Pure t'ocoa , . 95c On display in our window are several xarielies of pure exlructs. We are giving flee one bar J'alin-nlive Soap wilh each bollle at regular price. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 iiiencemenl. and cmiialnlnr seven nil three-quarter acrei. mure V le. b.c. nsutno . rACKno r.o. ltd. Anpllcatil. Per M. M. EnglKn. vn r'.rinl- -IS SPECIALS On Heinz Products Known the World over Hem. Ketchup, leg. illc. 3 for . $1.00 Hem. Pork and Huatis, :i for 85c Heinz I'ork and Means. 'J's. 5 for 95c llein Pork and llouiis, i's, 7 for $1.00 Heinz Spiiffbetti, i's, '-' for 45c llejiu Worcestershire Sauce for 5c llein. I'omalo Soup, medium. 0 for $1.25 llein. Tomato Soup, small. 7 for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 THE DAILY NEWS The Real Cause Of Constipation Is A Bad Liver Mr i. Jean liocheir, rriteio- or many ye Notlc of InUntlon to Land Nelaon, IVC, rear I have been troubled with mr liver, and auf-fcred terribly with constipation. I HEARD ABOUT Milburn's well. His forehead is round and; ,B(J hlTf imrr0vel inc fairly high, his pale blue eye" I atarted to take Ibcm. I cannot recommend them too highly to nny one who is troubled with their liver." Milburn'a Laxa Liver Vi are not a new and untried remedy. They kave been on the market for the jHJt SS year; put up onlv by The T. iiilbuxn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. lotirs. iieueraiiv no carries a.i,,.i.., i... n,.,4 .., i,. i, inn- .....La. . . i c, t. " -lout slick, aud Ihe averag' jj,jti ' stranger meeting him would xiiis corner of Stissex has be- '-uess Hi a I tie isaTMissex farmer. ,..,;.. ii,,.iv.-.i k-i,.i, nirilii. Thai guess would be niosl inade-'possession. Jlcre he stands upon quale, for this usually solitary gruumj tJiat -is essentially hi' figure is that or lludyard Kipling. vvn Tu lim t1. ,-Marm of tint who lives in the old manor cuu,.yi,lt. is coiiliino deep. A-house. has land under cultivation jK. ,cm,,rkc.d,' some your fctto. out is. above everything else, one .Yl,u knotf in ufr.cU or America of ihe greatest or living sltuy XmP has 4mJy to speed up and writers, and l'oet of the llrilish ,,, ,il0 ,,,M mH,,.r ,,,., jt l.nipire; and who relobraled his itt 4nireroal -4te dend. twelve sixtieth birthday on Heceiuber to ,,mn ,UJIj $uMf ,,(, of m. lils'- ,'wbeels ut evory turn -If 1 want There 25 Years petrol I ujul either pa Hie After Iwenly-rixe yeaca. res.- ,,,,,,. w hero Sir John lite livint ' Ibirwash. Kipling Ji:iur Uie gunleit where Jack l.mle ' "' l,a,,l "f wit klBeil. Soiiiel.iii.s I wonder agricultural i.acK-g.roun.i nun ,jia, ,ilf, Vl.r). r(m(, ,,,M.H nn people luissiug him on Ihe road hired." I lake no nnlicc of bun. Kipling.' a Blackguard ! like the weather-beaten litiits.. v.., rp fM,. ,,, .iii of Hurwasli is Kipling fine l udo. i jiuansiiin. enlted "llateniau'ft. " ,t..i il.. t-l 1 1 iitii i in. mioses noil iiir w jtangliMl depth of Kipling's old-TIMBER SALE X 7809. jvvnrld ganleu- ring the nunilKr-swaled Tender Tin be iwOed hj th.:'h'SS tinles f trrrrl. In the KUItt-tMstrict rorenter imiI later than ikan uii',,,,,. lvHt"liL -i iii!uhl eoii-lhi '" ',o,'n, 'UW- r,m da of rebruary. IS6. fur Ihe .'"'"e11 nuri'lue of Llreliee X7bu, Maude Maud. , I ratio of e1iCkOos, forming a COtl-SkldeRite Inlet. O.C.I.. lu rut l.tiu.ii'Mi , . . teel board meaure of tpruee. Ilcmluck, liliuous tdtattl id soufMt, CllHs and cedar Sawlo. 'fntiillv from ,p"m I lie u-immIk immis. 'flie i io Two ( yearn will be allowed tor ro-,la,l,,,) niovai of tiuiber. song f the' rriglitingale always Jesler. virtorla. w lite District toretler, ; draws Kifilili fn.lll Ills sllldy. l-nnre uurri. io. Mai, ( friv1ut "Tliaf in probate. third is ii lilacknuartl with a gift In tht Suprama Court of Brltlah Columbia -f IllUsic ill Ills III rout Hint lie III the Mailer of Ihe AdMilnllrall,.n Art: !"" 'Onlrol; a lloiny. Warll- ,. ,lld , . ' . . . btioMiiig bliiekguurd trf the gar- A'nd'rewMHi. ieee'aed. Intentale. ideil. He rotne here evr' llitgllt TAkh v.mitii.E that by order or III, i.. .0 I,, nlMI Il-,u.,.1..i- priKfOils lo alius all III" Honour r. Mel!. Voiiny. made the nd day of reliruary-. Is, i u,. ap--enemies Tor all lie's worth. 11-(Mjlnled Adiiiinlslralor uf Its- elale uf 1 Andrew AiKlreWMiii. deceiei, and alll reathereil proIan'! in a dlHgiiinc lArlle liavinr rlann aKaiiKt the taul . . ,,,,,.... ,. ..... n HailUOIlJ. and lie els k(1 s. iUle are hereby required lo furnUh jaine. K..I-r.y erir.Pd lo ine on or be- worked up ovr it Ilia! lie fniaOx fore the Jnd day or .Mareh. A.l. !!(., audi . .ill tMirlleii Indebted In the estate are re lends in an marl iriilulr gtif'lc. "inlred lo y Ihe amoiinl of tlftr Indebl- eduena lo me fortliwltlL ' - NOHMAS A. WATT. Ofrirlal .VduiinlMralur, I'rlnee lluiiert. fi.e tuled tin- nd day of February, ltt IN PROBATE. RADICAL PROPOSALS MADE BY REG. HAYWARD, M.P.P. OF VICTORIA TO WOMEN ON DEFECTIVES. (continued from jage one) T A k r. AOTtcr. thai nv order or lll ...i i...iu..i ..i., IMiour r. MrB. Vounr. made tlie SIM dav u,,u I'""" oiviMi .if January. AJ. 16. I wa aetiolnle'l reduced ( these subliorilinl nen- Mlimiiistratur or the emaie or Murdisui MiHitroinery. deeeaed. and all inrtlr hav- Pie were nol nernillloil lo lr inir nanii annul uie Hia euie are hereby required to fiirnl.h anie, iroiert)r teriiieu 10 inc iii or neiure ine rui nay t t'ebruary. A.P. IV0. and all artien naeuK-o 10 ine euie are n-qoiren 10 bay 'he aniuuiit of their Indeblednesa lo Ine forUiwIlli. HOItMAM A. WATT. Official Administrator. I'rlnee Hubert. BT. tuled llw Sard Ijv of January. LAND ACT Nolle of InUntlon to Appl, to Laata Land in vueen Clmrlotie laiamM IJUU lie iirdmir Pun in of I'rlnee Tuifierl. an t tluale m ii and une Imlf mile wett of llfnrij tlav. skiderale Inlei. TAk't: OTICK ttiiit II.:. ftMitii k l-ark Ilia- Ciimtwiiy, l.lmlted. of Vanroiiver. II C M-eiiiiallon Salmon i.auni-r. Intenili lo amdy for a lea.e of the following rie I arrlbed IniHl:- I Ciiniineiiriur at a rmsl planted at the i. ii..:.. i. ...i i i, or.' th eon or mimii nav mie mionren yarn- i ins ii. -in, linn nu nruiis suiii.,,, ,,, ,,., h 1,11I1... .,,,,. ,hpn. found their way into nor asylums LAND ACT. Appl lie to Laaa Jn Ihe Prince Hubert Ijind lleeordina lilstrlrl and situate on an uniwiiifd lle In Ihe tailrrn eutraioe to nudum 1M casaare near iniiuiaa uiaua. uiue itiih 11. V. 14. TAkt aotici: that Geora liunum Hn- by uf Prime Huiert. B.C.. ManiifattBrer. lnifiiiit iu apply for a lease or me loi lowing dearrlli bea land: Cmiimeminir at a boat alluale on a partly anbiuerired reef of twkt radlatuir from name In prarllrally a rlrcle. bartug a ramus or about i.sou feet and eon talnlnf J00 arreo. mora or lea GEOItCE (iUllIIOM BUSIIBY. n,i. iw.,,,1,.. ,th. eii IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. BRITISH lu tlie Matter ir lite Administration Act. and lu Us- Mailer uf the ( stale of Tom o'Drhni Oecfa.etl. lnliMlali noenien in tiw estale are require! ui iay ihe aiiKiiint of their linlililMtnea to in forthwith. NOHMA A. WATT. Official Admlnlatralor. Prince liuriert, B.C. uiw ins Turn ny or unuarr. ivir, IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF DRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill lie- Matter or the Administration Art. and In the Mailer of h t'.ataie of llerlierl lledurr. lH-ci.ased, Inlealalo. TAkt: MiTICK thai b.Y order of Ilia Honour F Mill Voung, rnade the 9 tut duv or January, A.b 1 0 Itt. I ' aidsilnied Adiiiluialratur uf the eatate of Herbert lifdore. deceaaed, and all parlies having claim agalnai tlie aald eal.ile are hereby required to fiirululi aaine. proirly verified In ine ihi or before the 1st day of Keliruan . In l. 'and all nartle Indi-bled to tlie . lale are required lo Jay I lie aiiMiuiil uf their llldi-iueqii 10 me rorinwiiu. OltVAM A. WATT, orriclal Admlnlatrator. ITlnce llllbert. B.C. t'ab'd llie yririt day of January. IB. NOTICE. Dollar Day at West of England Store TOMORRO A grand clean-up at a big price cut to mako room for newSprlng Arrival, ENGLISH GINGHAMS Over fori) new clean pretty pallet n lt choose from. Well worth Mc 4 Yards for $1.00 SATINETTES Ih a number of pietty orvieeiilir shades with luls tif white, llegular 3w value. 2't Yards for $1.00 TRICOLETTE VESTINGS A light weight Tricolour in p-ii Ut r shades. Your clinu c of 2 Vest Lengths for $1.00 SILK VESTS These are nil mid) made, tit a gnii ipialilv Tricoletlc. l.onic m while, f lento. ieari. orchid. Special, each $1.C0 STRIPED AND CHECKED FLANNELS A great I real. These riaimols ure ? imhe- wide and the regular price is up to :t.o. in I 4 aud 2 ard dres. leiiglhs. per jirtl Tomorrow will cost you only $2.00 40 INCH GEORGETTES AND CREPE DE CHINES A special purcliH- enables us uffpr ro -Inides good wearing heavy weight Sitk tire de Chinos and (ieorgetlos. t soull) vvtirlh Sfl.'U. Tomorrow, per Yard, $1.35 lb ring SPUN SILKS In So now and eland. I i Ihkiso fitMH. Fine even qu i 1 Yard for $1.00 FLANNELS A splendid utats-riul lor I.., ! or Uliddifii's wear. Uuuic m : shades, llegular $1.00. Special, 1'a Yards for $1.00 The-i .ll'e illl "I pill I "I II"' b ug i ill- e .ire ituvvii ill tin iiiiH'iuiig I" g'l Hi' I" "' '"'i.i I. v SILK HABUTAI A ieriHlly fnth d m . i all silk HabnUi far slip, m lining, drosis, oc. :ni m. i, hr gi.Ku. 1 Yard for $1.00 ENGLISH DIMITY A wining ipialli). -penal iv underwear, mirhtdrossc-. t' ittchos. I tegular 1iie .ii iiniilod ipilllltity. lie ijnih Special, 4 yard for $1.00 SILK STOCKINGS A fine ipiulit Silk llo- 0. W, 10. Ml I.Ul k Mil). . aloe. 9 Special per pair, $1.00 BLACK SATIN DUCHESSE fro vards mil) of nor be-1 Swiss Ihlolicsse SnIiii. SpW for fltesM. Itegnliir jiIii . Special per Yard, $1.50 WEST OF ENGLAND STORE 753 Third Avenue. illiee eliiUlren Ihe Ii: rlu prob lem of Ihe subnormal marriug llill-l lie eontrollnd. And if l i- ! HC eimlrollid h' all u must he pi thr HUite, ! passing laws I hat will make it possihle to cope with this put ticulur mailer." maintained Ihe Miieaker. The Mental llygeee ',oinmisioii had in miiid cerium suggest urn winch il intottikul In make to the iiovrrmnotit for birth control. W r Hunk the lioverntnout will have In consider birth control, said Mr. Hayward. Some iilliPi ct hi nine uuii read) incklod the prtddoni an! had adopled iuch-iii's fur birth cool ml. (Uiliforiuu i !nitood that tier itisiinity stalisi ic liml appreciably improved sitM'i" Ihe inloplion of eoiiipulsiir -'riliia lion before marriage ! I in- ub nurmal and tlienlal .!. TAKE MTI:t that by ider of llht.etass. lu before iiiiiHiur i .urn. iiiiina, uiaoe ine mi any or January, A.ti ltA. I wae aNsiinted Adintnlalralor ir the estate of Tom O'Brien. de.eaed. aud all irlle having rlamin anin-l the anld estale are hcrfh requned to furnuii name. protrly verified to nw nn or liefore llie flat day of t'eliruar. A n tft. and all nnrttc. an' measure couitl he ueee.;u it would lie noeessiiry lo simillir legislation in Ihe r Imring provinces mui . tlc sue1' Men HUM' Villi e. Washiugloii had Laken nn u-u ri -lo iuslitule a syalem "1 i-miumiI-' soi'y lieallh cortificnie- uciiii marrMge m Uiai l.i''v ut:i Iraoling parties hat n- a that all they needed d-. evade Hie law waa nimp ' icross Hie border to Vieto go bofwre a ni'iiiisler lirr Ml -leii In' Sllj a nih Birth Control Benoflts "The public will have i.. ;e.,li..' what a benefit is in un rue both In Ihe publie mid the palieul by the adoplnui ui' alurth control sysleiu for llie -nimirr. mals who marry," sunl Mi II uy-Ward. "The people iniisl h educated to. a mn of wtia! il would mean to I lie -la:' il w could stop the propagation f insanity in our inbtst." At, Ml l. IMHl ailCr lllllll Kllllll III , , , . tltlm ; Notice for four week we thill anp'y iionrge Itlelimoml is lilnliling , tu ine negiftirar uf Jonn siocar .....1 i...r 1, ,..i. uanh 'Victoria hi lo chfltnre the name " "u" 'oii) leMllleilce or llie Cirtnpain lo that of "John Bulger, in Wcstview on Allin Avenue jus) ' u'aied at rnnco imperii B.r . tula jnd bovond Hie junrtion wilh tmi-day of feliruarv A.P. 1t. Ilinn - .-1. 8 753 Third Avtnui The Savage Washer and Dryer Vt the I..-I (.in. b. K I' ed it- oi e-s nt I lit- pri i iig.nil winning Ihe liold Nb i till' Inm oer ail other tti k iin urn! Canadian V.illi i- Caih Price St5-00 Also sold on easy if Kaien Hardware Co. Free Shoes for the aSflk This is a Pedograph Picture mad on Dr. Scholl'a radix i'.rh. 1n tool (tom whKh ihla pkiuta la mad hat wtak archta. If ab lowtj to conlinut It will aoun devalufi Into flat (isw. Laarn tha trut coiv ditiun uf yuut (tat tu-Ja. Best Feet A Tcrfcct Foot Contcit U nov bcW conducted at thu store tc fir. J most pcrfcctpalr of rr.en'i an J . feet In this Community. 1 y t not miss this opportunity of Icarnuj the true condition of your ice. have an equal chance of winning fine pair of shoes. Anyone Can Enter No Charge No Obligation Come in today and brinR your friewjj and neighbors. Everyone is intcMeW interested in this great contest, v. u store is crowded with men and cn who want to have the honor ot www the most perfect pair of feet. Pcdo-graph Pictures Given to Every Contestant These pictures arc made on ur oto xvondcrfuUnvcntioh-thcrcdo-jrar"' -!.. -i. - ..onHi to ma-6 WlllV IUKL9 U ItiW tvv"-- these pictures. Not necessary - move hose. You may have 1 pair of feet without uspect'8 Come in and get all the detail. The Contost Begins Monday, February 1D It ends Saturday, February 27 JABOUR BROS., LTD.