1, . F irun;.'v 15 ll?n. 117 Wo I ACf Customer I H Ml . v -llfVI'ssflll Store Ulllsl' -'inly euslnini'i-. V .i ieerve your trade wi-,i in know if vu ilii l)!rl4 VOII. ,11'V a good srlccion , (Mvii 1 1 size of Ilii- i lake rent jiahiH on work. We keep our within reason. Wo i ''n oiii" kooiU nml p anviliing ool n rc- John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers ENQLISH abardine a inmate Special Reduced Price $19.50 CME Importers Third Avenue i "iir no "in ' in U in NYX Ladies' Shoes II' " llUlkPO. ;i I'ru'f riKhl. 1 ni Pi mi v .nnp .Mnrp one .ihi Th m auanna ANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS ne Laundry of Personal service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Sefvlce, Soft Fuifch, And Dry Cleaning. v wp ri-ady al any llmo 1 ' n your plume call. 1 1 t'lt'Honnl clinrpo of Laundry and Dry 1 1! J? I . il. . i air DENTIST "loerson Block, Prjnoe rtupert, B.C. Office Hours I) lo 0. X-Ray Servlos Phniu (IQO - u.ll. 1 I uiriii.j "uruays to 2 noon VALENTINE TEA ON SATURDAY SUCCESS I Ladles' Aid of Presbyterian Church Arranged Interesting Event nil' Ladies' Aid of I ho l'rodliy-li'riuii i:iiurci hail a very hur-fiMrttl lea iiihI naif or lionii cooking ami ' kwci'Im hi Hie ihnreh hall on Saturday artcr-iioot). The hall and Mall- were tastefully decoralcd wilh Si. Valentine1 favor hy the ladie in eharse. 'lea wm served by Mr. I). i. Slew irt. nMed hy ,lr. Finnic. Mr. Win. Millar. Mm McMeekih. .Mr. ..labour. Mrs. L.I W. Kerjrin and Mm. s. K. r.nmp-i hell With Mr. Hod. Hi- cnxhUM'.l Home rnnkiim whn In Mil care or' Mr. A. AViUnn -Murray. nit-"d hy Mrs. .1. i. Sleen. Mr. Mr-N'uushlon wllli Mrs. MrClyinonl ialtfnilfil to I In; candy A I" t rx li I fill program" arranged .y Mr. Thomson wa suliitdfled duriina the afternoon ami lidded much t llif enjoyment of Ihei numerous vddlors. Program Mum May (Hark, piano solo, i Mis Audrey I'arkin, violin -oln. jiemmpaniivl Iy .Mr. Frnser. The Mic .lean (iricw ami .Mary Wallers, duel. Mi ltoo It io. solo. Mikh IIHiIn Murray, dunce, ac-. "iiipaiiii'd liy Mr. Illiilon. Mi liMl rici llcriier. piano solo. Mi- lleuhih Mr Km Icy, nolo, tu-companied ly Mi Alflla Mr- Kioli'y. Mi- r.lmiliHh Mi'Iod, danof. "Thf Sailor'n llornpipf.' nr- Attack Made Upon Vote Plan by Members of Edmonton Council 'What aliout the fsluojilionnl j vnlur or IMlf wt ! ipiew .Al.l. l indlay put to Aid. Worner who hot hark, "what ahout the ii'.li'u cool of tlin new luyf" l mir tin- old i)'Hlm Kixty per i i-iil of thf idfolonile nould l li ft uiirMinfnlpd w herns I he nrw nynli'in eavi farli jloinoitl of Hie I'otuimiuny IIh 1iar mtiin-tninrd Aid. linn I. Tlinl n o- MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Tulde Creum at 15c for Half l'lnl. Ouullty nnd Service Valentin Dairy Phone 067 TERRACE WILL RAISE MONEY FOR ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT At SCHOOL I lustra ted Lecture to be -Given Tor Purpose; New Piano Proves Satisfactory', '" -. Ti:itlt:i;, i-vh. 15. Tint monthly Hireling or the Pnrcul-Tfarbcr Association vn held in Mir ii'liiml tin Thursday evening lasi wilh a fair crowd In atlend-anrr and Pres. J, M. ,l(nU in Ihe chair. Afli-r iiiiiirjif lnislqes .had been eniicJinlcir considerable jltruij,ii IMik place aw to the heredity or pno iding more athletic fipiipiin-iM for tin- iiii of I lif pupil-, aiol an to way and mean id riu -itir Hie necessary fund for Mil' purpose. To liflp in tin wnr-k ll v. J. II. Voiihk volunteered to ifiM- an illutrnlcd Jfciur' some time in tin' near future, llir pru'ifiN V ued for .Stlili'llr 'liipii)f III. Il ,ilv in ranged In hold a alf u lo.inr I'nokintr on Saturday, February Jj. in aid of llm .piami fund Afli-r Hie Iiii- ii.hh nifollns wa ailjoiirned, Mr. Oldo Vim llrfn iiiiaiiiivl iiiouc iirccfiii willi a ituuilier of piano iJeollon. All fX!vnmd tlinnii'i,p vry well plravfil wilh tho new'' piano. whifli ha niunlly ln-oii Juuifrlil hy llif I'liriMil-'IVarhfl' Aoi ia-lioii ror Ihf m'IiihiI. It(fr'h- TiiiMil wrf to-rxi'd at Ihc clof of Ihf ini'flina. ST. VALENTINE PROVES POPULAR AT TERRACE lopanifd hy Mi And n y Par-1 Masquerade Dance Well AtUnd Mi-.-. Marian (Jninii. piano "id". Ii. r.aliifrou prcidfd at Uto ;it . !. I mm foriiiiiiii'f ami thank-i-.i i hi' yoiinit lailifo for tbir -pl.'iiiliil fric. PROPORTION & L SYSTEM OF VOTING IN CITIES ed and Event Very Enjoyable at Strawberry Centre TKIUlACi:. KHi. IS. The 1. VhUmiMih' nia'iiHfradf danrr hld on I'riilay ntehl wmI'T Ihf att-pirf of the rfRl Wnr Vl-ron' AwKiM'-iation wo wHI ii-iiilfil Mtttl vn a ?rent ueco. Mukii' wtt furnisbfld liy Mrs. MIwoihI at llif piano. I.. II. Moveable -., .,.. n, ,.l.,i1. n.,,i ('.lino. TiMinih on IIm1 violin. Tln iuiliifi' wnrt Mr. 1'. M. Monck Ion. Mr. Chan. Ilavon and W KIMTnX. Klt. 15. -An at- iCarriumi ami Taylor. Irl wrr lark upon Utf J' H. hm o .nviantfd a fullawH: Milinjr nw tn r in Kilmoiiion' Ilfs dHM bdy Jlf. Cn- ciMr tfiion w tHBfl nilwIU a- " Kiape"" oT (ibina. -Hv rooorU wbnB Aid. Wm-nfX' Iti-) ilniVn( umIIoikhii Mr. inoN'-d and AW. Ioimla mmmhW- '.afll an "llajah of swnl. thnt a charier HHif odinml ! '. :onur iMtiy Jlii Flornnro ! -fi urml lo fliminati- (lie ylm. Vnnd'rlip. a "Worinin luiikinv ui.j.i liioi vva takfii hy I.alior for a huliund" aldfrmi'n lo Ilii rxpwten 1 Comic fnU ootujnf vMr. J. ii:;.A. nldfiiiifn ami it wa al-,ll A?ar an "Hayxffil." lowed to I mid n iMitirr nf inn lum. I'tiiit in a nrvy of 26 rfpr-i.nitaiif iMtll in t-hf laol eon tfi. thnrp wfr 31 1 Jnhnny. hallotK.rfportfd by :ity I'Jfi Cojt. I'lorHli. .onif ilfffrvin? of -mmI1 ninn lion ww "IluHprtly.' Mi Kathlfi Hiirnfll: "Spoi-nn? Mi- Opal Oi'',jN: Ml lUllirr Moore or ilifi- 151 bad Wn nmrkfil byll'iwol. Ilnwanl Wnrnr . ,.r numliorH and' HifribmMiU w'r ir' al tMi wore iwrffrllv hlnnV. jmblnichl hy tho W omrn Atuil Contrast In Vlws Aiihmip many Ukv wv-luniri'. fonlinufil until an farly hour. TERRACE NOTES I). OhiHholin. Ildmonlon. wa lbHim vinlor at the Wffk nnd. Mnll Allard of Kaluni ' t.akf Hpfiil I lie wi'pfc imhI in town. Jaw. Mum Aiuliury, wiim 'W niw"' "r ,lwn on Sunday ili4tMw up' nu?ii!vT ' in'i"""- ; by Aid l indltiy. i.fl iih have informal inn,", -aid Aid. iilili. " Imw iniinv cilif linvp adoplfd 1MI. and a to how nmny Iiiivp uronf hark to Ihf pi'i'hlloric ytajn." "And an to how many clllos havr clayed hy Hit old iytoin?" addfd Aid. loupla. Wants Delay Aid. rarnulo TxprnafKid lii Miin.riHc at KUidi nil important nmiMidmi'iit hniiK fprutlR when tlir olliff rharlfi' nini'lldiniMiti ,,,Pl,Hi wrrr down. Had llif.re m'ou u im-Klinjr lli' oxporta mi P.ll. uilcht In" rallfd. and ho men-tloiiril .1ohn ! Html- "ir r.xpi'i'tH can't li'll tn how lo work U why should v try?" HhulliMiRfd Aid. NVrnr. "Whrn Im invonlor- and liooslnr douM undoivtnnd ii. why whould wo." inry to Ihf r.AV.V.A. and dannlnp Irt Andy" Anderson, I'rinrr Hn tin I oral hank, spent llif work fad in town with friend THIUDAILY-KEWS -FAGB-FIVE very ideaxanlly spent in triune I f Illy vft in town on SalurdAy. KuesHinjr conlesls, c. Tin hoy enjoyed lo lite full Ihe hoiiuliful refreuhincnlR iered hy their (J. F. A. flreen relumed on Salurihiy uitrhl afler havintr npenl a Khort holiday In Prince Itupert. Jlud (loi'ley nf Pacific was a visitor on Sunday, having arrived from l'rince Mnperl on Saturday nitrhl. , Mrs. T. TilTin wn a passenper lo Prince Muerl on I rJday. re luniina Saturday uitrhl. (ioortre I.llilc relumed Satiir day uitrhl nfler a sliorl Tisiness I rip lo l'rince Iluperl. Major Ileum, tnanatrer cif the l.akelsv Hatchery, left on Friday iiioruiiijj for l'rince Iluperl. Mrs, Uorglilld Olson accoin- The Day of Reckoning TT IS A DAY YOU WILL NEVER SEE - the day in which your thoughtfulness and foresight will be weighed and measured. In that day your loved ones will listen in numbed silence to the solemn reading of your will. Your wishesyour hopes your dreams are unavailing. Only your WILL remains. The investments you have made the promotions you are hoping for the money you expect to save by these you say "I hope to leave my family well protected". Only Life Insurance can empower you to say "I WILL leave my loved ones protected when I go". Have you enough Life Insurance to make your wish into a will ? Grim facts are these but facts which must be faced. Owinp .In life illness of Mis-Andrews the junior grades had a pari holiday frnni School on Friday. .Miss Andrew had heen confined lo her' home for several days' hut hoped to ho on duty attain today. Tho W.A. or the htjlicnti (!hurch will meel on Thursday next n Ihe home r ;Mr.' Oeo. l.itllc..- M. Clark, Vancouver, ' was n lnisiness visitor al llm week end. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Olson re lumed lo Terrjicp m Saturday nlRhl after their innrriase In l'rince Iluperl on Friday. Mrs. Olson vs Miss Ada Jncohson, who recently arrived from Sweden and who .hit a heen Uvjnft wilh her uncle Pele Miumuissen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Olson are taking up idock which I'liased from Jlflflt V,-. perl, and unlil recently teller iidpaiiied hy her two children. Apine? Mural I lean and Mrs. T. J Murh entertained the Trail Manner, al their home here op I'riilnv evenini:. Tin lime wax and Stanley, left for l'rince Hu perl on Friday jiiorninj; to nt- Mend I he (llson-.laeolison nup tials. They returned '.home Sat urday night. Archie CarminllnH' jnf Copper ".The Loot that Never Dies' they recently A. Johnson. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert pur- February 15, 1916. Tlif employees of the Canadiai Fish & i:cdd Slorajre tlo at u uieeliim; last nijrht presided over hy T. II. Johnson, ilecided lo turn dver t I lie Patriotic Fund a sur plus of iV03.K:i resulting from a niuil rnlsetl. last year when a inafeliifie srun was ptirclinsed. The Majestic Theatre wa! paijVed .Veslerday nflernoon when nietnliers of the I02nd. ltallalion and Ihe Irish Fusiliers put on a imiker. Much of the success was due to Ihe personality oT Major C. T. llunlintrdon who The Prince John, which sailed for the outh lasj night, took onf hundred and e.ishly hoxea of halibut lo supply the trade in Seattle. Uenrjse Anderson oj" Ihe Hank or Montreal has relumed front a their residence on the acre short holiday trip, 132) Loggers! Loggers! sstBssBsasBsasssBMaaaBBBatBBBBsstaBsasBsasstjsSBMH swaaaassBBBBSBMasaBsasaBBssssBSsssaBBaMBjSBsBBBB AVo have Ute only complete slock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in -the North. We handle Logging Guide, AxeSv I'eavies, Saws, and general Gump Kquipment. U will pay yon to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Krirzell Butcher Hhop, across front the Empress Hotel re carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES .SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor P t)Mn