PA OB FOVh TH3 DAILY K2T70 BRINGING UP FATHER By.Geoi!eMcMat" cfCanQiac i - . s . i iii - . . ill ii niijt; t t i a v rrrrz i i mum v 1 .m - - t DQm y guarantees Mm as Jigs mm 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by Ihe Liquor Control Hoard or by he (tovernment of -British y Columbia. BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, Has taken over from Oeorge Kerr by J. Preece late with Sealy and Doodson Fresh eats arriving Twice Weekly from-the Eulkley Valley - Phone 173 SU.t:iCR SUCOESTIOMS FOR w o Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per lo;id S6.50 Per half load ... 3.50 Per sack 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 139 Sscciiu Avenue Phone 530 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MILK I From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CHCfiM We xpeciiiily irCi;niffind our Table Oeam at 15c for Half Pint. Quality unj fervije Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 Dr. Alexander Smith Clock Phon6 575 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 233, Black 735. Night. Phone's 687,, 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSH37, Man. Dir. j Lvt T II the. thkotime i tviiX jy III " H 1 ; A?HOt .V I I aM OLS' I ' w i I iii , MMIUfcNfcU- ! BO I I I KVl O Tl . r. . - I I I mi V I t EVOLUTION WILL BE ESTABLISHED Important Scientific Experiment Is Under Way In French West Africa. XEW YORK, June 30. What promise to be one of the nio.l important scientific experiments f modern time. is already under way at Ihe reservation of th Pasteur Institute of Kindia, French West Africa, it is revealed ny tiowaru j. tvngianu, weiroiii .. . . 1 n I t. T I : ti. ! .,c-r aii.i uiumnn. xun pur-1 Mary Morrison, principal of " reduce specimens of primallvel.Mi nun by hybridizing human beinp wilb Ihe various .specie of livirur anthropoid. Mr. England, the first to propose these bybridiza ion experiments, secured the use vt the large Kindia laboratories from Dr. A.-Calmette, of Paris noted French biologist. Dr. Kd- in K. .Slossen, of the Science Xervice, of Washington, D. C. i also co-operating with him in ad-AanciiiR the project. A statement issued by Mr. Kn?-laml explained (hat Dr. KJie Ivan-uff of Moscow is already on the ground. "The Itussian government has advanced 10,000 for the undertakinir" he. said. With-in, a, short time, as support 1 forlhcomiivjr, I shall leave fdr Kindia to assist in conducting the experiments. "We are confident that hybrids can be produced, and, in the event wt are successful, the question of the evolution of man will be established to thtf satisfaction of the most dogmatic anti-evolu tionists. Orans outanns.chimpar-.ees, and gorillas will be employed, and possibly gibbons. My original idea was that only hy brids front the gorilla would prove leriile; and from those alone would it bf possible to produce tht cjimplele chain of specimens front the perfect anthropoid to the perfect man. Dr. F. O. Crttik-shank. of London. lioweve. author or 'The Mongol in Our Midst,' who has made a minute unatoinicai study of the three larger anthropoids, i. convinced ihat . if ths orang be hybridized with the yellow race, the gorilla with the black race, and Ihe chimpanzee -with the while race, all three" hybrid will prove fertile and reproduce themselves. In his opinion each .pevie of anthropoid is more closely- related to iU correspondingXhumari, type than it is to either of the 'other anthropoids. In other words, Dr i.rtiifthank believes that the chimpanzee has a closer relationship to the while race than to Use sori'iia or the oraiuz. 'I'lie jgifciion be considers has its cor ! responding human type In the more brarhycophalic peoples of Kiirope. We shall procped along these lines, as I am now in complete accord with Dr. Cruikshank's v iews. Artificial Fecundation "Dr. Ivanoff has been most successful In artificial-fecundation, ami has crossed many specie. of animals. Kindia J the natural habitat of Ihe gorilla and ; ehj-rtpanzee. It is also' suitable for !:- orang and gibbons, and Mlie climate i ueh thai white scientists can live them Without danger of wintracjing tropical (diseases. The Kindia reserva tion comprises .several ; thousand acres and Is supporled by an an-jnual appropriation of 20,000 : francs by the French government, i Free use of the laboratories and grounds has been extended lo us. Din it will require a fund of f 100, mmj to carry out Ihe work. The Jlusslan governmenl having borne utc inttial cost, several nromin ent American palrons or. science have become Interested, and I life loundatlon will doubtless be nam - o, fn- IK .(-l.l j v- 4vi vo ywuviytu uonor, ne 1 concluded. The American Association for the Advahcement of Atheism will help promote the experiments.. The Atheist say they will send competent representatives into each slate that attempt to pas an anti-evolution law and put the, cne for evolution before the pub- I lie. ! CURSING MOTHERS BLAMED FOR LOOSE mmm nn rim o tJlCCLn UT ulfALO Mi.MXl.Y June 30. .Had an - guage of ihe modern mother is . ... repon.uie ior a rreat deal oriaie otrerltfK a pncraiii uT enter .1 11 uiuiiin .rmnif;iri'. Ihe Francis Holland school for ,,i,iiiiai VWIliri ITIll 17 or IleatL, Mitrese Assoeialion here. "For years we have made allowance for lather's strong language." Miss Morrison asrtel, "Iiul now- mother is nearly as Kid. and it is" having i serious effect mi the girls' speech among hi-mse'ves. - Tilts is all a part tt Mie rTi!iel greater freeijom." SURGEON FINDS 95 LEADEN PELLETS IN WOMAN'S APPENDIX IlF.llLl.V June 30. Ninety-five leaden pellets, weighing 21 grams".' wete found in the appendix of a woman operated on by Dr. Sonne-feld. The patient is a forester's daughter, who has lived chiefly on game hof by her father. The small shot 'which she swallowed while eating Ihe' game are said to have lodged in the appendix. 'Ihey did not cause the woman Ihe slightest discomfort. The surgeon performing an operation naving nothing to do with the appendix. G.TP. DEBENTURE HOLDERS THREATEN TO BRING ACTION LONDON. June 30. The Grand I'runk Pacific debenture holders' committee have taken their coun sel's opinion that the placing of various items of interest in front Of Ihe Pacific guarantee is legally inadmisabte, and that the only way to denl effectively with the arguments submitted by the rail way is lo tak? legal proceedings. Financial ctrCIe. believe that no development is likely to occur im mediately. To go to law, one financial writer remarks, Is a course which "dividend-less" stockholders can hardly contemplate with enthusiasm. MAPLE LEAFS GlYEN CHARGE OF CATERING DOMINION DAY DANCE At a meeting or the Native Pons Dominion Day dance committee last night it was decided that the Maple Leal basketball team, assisted by their Irainer, Ilalph Smith, would have sole charge or Die catering arrangement at Ihe exhibition hall. Members of I lie team who yUl decorate the lunch eon room In the hall and assist at the tables Include Miss Margaret Oraham (captain i, Miss Myra Harvey, Miss tftfherln Harvey. Miss Helen Grant, Miss Aileeti Mepnens. .Miss Dorothy Macdon al'l and Miss May Thompson. Among passengers making Unround trip to Alaska' on the Princess Louise this week are .o. and Mrs. A. W. Jones, Lady "award and Mrs. Hermann Hobertson of Victoria, Tlwv will tie lllifV llAA antt I I.I. . .1 Ct . ...v. wuiliuuuumun Bll urday, ' 4 W anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in SPORT CHAT Willi a two-game baseball series between Prince ftupert and! Ketchikan apd th Dominion Day "up footliall'llnal to -aynoMiing o! 'children' snort am! other faw Mure., the Native Sub of n&nada . liiinnieni wr iw ceienratioii nt J Dominion Day tomorrow thai j' should .prof e.-or interl lo III. fhere will lie no excue lor anv- iMy to leave the city with suoli a complete program olTered. The commiilees have Jieen workini.- ii am ana an (hat is now neces sary for complete success j favorable trenLmeni at the hamK of the weather man. The first Ketrhikan-Prince Iluperl Utseball game at the Dominion Day celebration to morrow will take place at 1 :3W and the j&M zt rt:Jp. Tne fol-hiwins. nuperl. l"rejnesteI to report at Arropoli Hill groumls at I o' clock 'tomnrrlWr HtlerHOuit Hal- four . ajd .saKttiVn, catcher?; SehenTler an.lYlEkfi.Ty. otlclierf; V. Mcmie,, h..Faniuliar, 2b.; Moran, .; llaveland. 3b.; Lani- tue. ir.: W. MiUrhell, cf.; Pern, if.; Oeorare Mitchell, substitute. Owing the Naval nAervewtts untible unnide to field a lull leant, the Inlermedt-ffM'thall ale League game eallew for lal night, tietween the Naval Ilescrve tind the High School, wa postponed until Saturday. A scratch game wn played lal night between nick -tin team re sulting in a 0-1 score. The line-ups lor the regular Intermediate fixture tonight between the High School ami the Y Mae will be a follows: High school Kihslor; Mackay and Mortimer: Stalker. Hond an I Parker: Currie. Y. Kalsuyama, W. Murray, K. Kalsuyama and Malheson; spares, (. Maetlonalu and (i. Yeirerk. A Maeif. Hacker; Cameron and HeidvKerr, Hoberls ahd Kel-sey; .Phillips, DJcket, ?rxichan. Ctale, llil andJHmllfO . . -"Tin i" -$ itoy airrc, " ih? Cou rtena- (Vancouver Island; boy who ha-been righting in the light-heavy division for the past two year, will enter the ranks of the heavies on July I, when he light Ole Anders. in, of Seattle, at th .-Indium in Courlenny. Anderson weighs 19(1 pounds, i twenty-eight years or age, and has fought nearly all Ihe best men in the United Slates. He Inst a 'lose decision lo Harry Wills; hold decisions over fiarl Morris, the Oklahoma giant; J til I v Miske and Krank Farmer, and has knocked out . Hill Ilrennan, Sam Maker. Jim Flynn, Clem Johnson ami Floyd Johnson. ClilTe will right at 175 pounds and is confident that his speed will offset the advanlages gained by Anderson by his superior weight and ability to hit heavier. I Ihe hoy can Like th-measure or Anderson il will be a big boost ror liim. The" scheduled light between Ocorges Carpenlier, Ihe French lighl-heavyweighl, and Fldi Huffman, or Los Angelct, at TI Juaiia, Mexico, July t j,as j,-,.,, culled off. Carpenlier sprained n hand In his fight -with Tonimv Loughran at Philadelphia re", cenlly. Negotiations are under way NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c HELP WANTED. LADIFS. h...iei. sincere jieople. adilres enplttrie fitf-mir ad- . H ..1 ; . . .. .. 1 . ience unnt-cesar'. ncanvas-sins. Profitahle, irifcriliiiR wrk. Saoiift IIS l 12ml, New York. TO RENT rtMi ur.. i . iirsen building at 171 Th.-U Avenue IJSst; sit room modern rial with bath room and workshop premise on street Jfoor. Apply Hyde Iransfer. 139 Second .Avenue MftDKIt.N rive room hduse. Dig gar Place. Third Avenue, Will rent reasonably to good leu anl. Apply III Fraetlreel. FOIl IIKXT. Two flrl elas modern flats ; MonaP?h, tirnges. water paid; one fjiinilshed Westenhaver Hrtis. 'UIINISIIKD Housekeeping Ilooms lo rent by Ihe day, week or month. Pho'pe Red C07, If uiiDM.i ror Helir. P5or he are fumishe.1. ISO and up. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue Bast. FQll HBNT. Fu wished house keeping suite, Mussallem Apartments. Phone 18. 'J FOP. nilNT. -Pour room sulle. hot water heated. Apply Smit. A Mallet. tllll'A! . . t . . !.' tor Jieni Bi 'fo.nn ner month and up. Walter's Muil Store. FOR SALE FOIt SALK. 30 foot nb?. i-6 Palmer. Cn be used for pleasure or Hshing. Fjilrj large eabln. Apply it boat untim." Cow llay float. 155 fSOrt pleaure boat lor sale rr 2:n 5. F.ay terms. Phone lied 720 rr particulars. PATENT ATTORNEYS Firr 1 1 nn ston i i a ro h a co.. ihe old established firm. Patent and trademarks in nil coun tries. Free bOoklel. . . nil i . Y'ancou- r .. . rer omce mmh nogeriT ItuITd-Ing. Phori Seymour 379C Manager, Krnesl K. Carver, registered attorney. Olher offices. Otlawa. Washlngjortand principal cities. SUMMER RESORTS. I.AKKLSK I.OlKiK. near Terrace. Msil Lakclse lilhia Hoi Springs. Llthia is one of tit: finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Ooorl fly fishing for rainbow trout in Lakelse lake and river. Motor. meel all trains giving through connection with Lodge. 'Telephone, connected to Terrace. J. Hruce Johnstone, manager. BOARD AND ROOM. WILL HOOM and Hoard two gentlemen in private home ten minutes walk from clh. Phone Mlark taH or call 211 Firth Avenue West. tf HOARD. The Inlander, 8.1fl Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD, Rooms and Furnished Suiles. Palmer House. if nw.Vllll A.M) HOOM to Tlilid Avenue. Phone fled 33(1. for a sculling race n which Jack Heresford, 0f London. nrl,t' sculling chninpion, would defend he Philadelphia K0ld cltallengj nip against Waller M, Hoover, nd olher prominent IfnllNl States scullers Honal champlonsblns in ii.u" Jelphia In August. High Low High Low Articles Lot and Found, &c LOST. l.i ST Hit SalunUy near water. front, black leather wallet containing hill ami receipts. Finder please leave at Dal News ottlee or phone Oreee 73rt. 1 MISCELLANIiOUS SI'MMKIt Camp at Lake Katblyu opens June ftt. Fpr pnrUou. lars apply Mrs. K. K. Itirnle,; limlll.... it r its asm c 0 CHEVROLET. ON and alter July I, avert im rate will ix chrgM nn Sundays ami publie hnlidur nnd after p.m. on wetMt-tkys. Tills is neeery ki eomply with Ih "Hour, ol Overtttne" Ael. Overtime wilt be elunvesl at Ihe rae of time, and one tiair over Ihe regular etpht hur day. Wrecking service Av and nfsht. KAIKN" OAItAOK. PAtlKF.It S iAlt.(lIL ls ill N'l'KU. tX ami .if-.'i t. nverttmo rate- w.; i. i inif-,.,1 Sun-'Ur dav and y lniifi and after 1 p. m ..n Week tUy. This i necessary to eoranly jvllli the "Hours of Vrt" Arl. Overtime will be charged at the rate of time ami one half mtr the reauUr elirlit hour day. Wrecking serviee 1- anil night. PARKER OARAOK. KAIF.X (iARAOIL jab. TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call (ieorge. Paul or Gul) Six and Seven Pacngrr Slude bakers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across rrom Kmpress'llolel. GOOD EATS Opposite Henson's tstudlo. Third Avenue. RKAL HUMi: OOOKF.D MYll Mm. I'Rer. proprieltens. Phone H'ack 700. FURNITURE, New and SeconJhand Furni lure Store. We Uif, Sell and Ka change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPAOOPULOS 3 Third Ave . "hone nlr WOOD. ' Dry Mixed Wood . a load. Dry Fir Wood tfl.50 n lond. . Cut lo any length. Kindling, 7.0o a load. Fir Furnace Wood 7.00 a load. A. ISAACSON Phone Hlack 4rt Real Cove. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, July 1 High 5tl7 ajii. 18.H fL I:I8 p.m. IH.7 Low 11:15 a.m. 1.3 Friday, July 2 fi:2(l 17,3 19:21 p.m. IH.7 0:23 a.m, 7.0 l?:38 p.m; R.B Saturday, July 3 7:IH a.m. Ifi.5 20:2(5 p.m. 1 8.0 i 1:30 a.m. 7.1 13:41 p.m. 6.7 V . : .... MAIL SCHEDIH OUTOldl tM Ltll MaMt, w.,i,. Be . . . I Vtftt. .Mtwdai. lUrwtsri . . . X6 rt a CJ.fc., Ml. ' IS , ft, t . rrways .. ' T. , efj .Hr 1 T AlMk Pl Tt ftsrttl Qkms CAlitu. CMki mt ti m j S-CCf. Hmttr. W' M rrsai Iimmiw. StUH W -i rWt. inh SM. t.... . 1.. . . I ' niMii,, TaMiHr em tmff m , eiu 9sSto4srs j Turn, autka euu- Ms 1. t i -fr Nana Own CMrtete. Tfi-N. t frvm tts Q csko. ox couirooM lean i Oft Mm a 4 HIM ui . a sm ut a mi' tt n II . a .a tw a "r it t a ih lb s cm tia a Uttt -u ctn or.i. rMr 1 B er. Wiw'i 3.T.r. Wf CUT J. Stattoa M th4 . I W Hi Jl m tH a rn - 'I tea kf i 'th STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS! rf , V4t?tr MsnaMr i taar4ar tttar7 - m, rti-. i mm Vist VsasHr- . Waaamiy - rrsr " rmt , i l mfy Satadi- iUl Far ataaart, Saiat a ' ""J fraai aiaaru at aoa " for ataoart aa Ariel. V'SMlay 1 rMr . er.. ft try tiawart a tSlfMtl I ' rar NarU Qaaaa CM'Wia W MsmMt . 1 from North Qnaa CMtWM """ TaiirMNr for eauth Quaaa CKarloUa- tt s 1 " ' ' ttttjr ta- Ffam taotti Quaas ChaflsU Jul) t . ' iatt t I'"" CAR. TRAINS Far Cm 1, 1!- Pill rrpl """ ta? From taal Pally tril Tne -0 It wti NOTiea. Dlfaralwl i Ut. r,p ir.htukm, , '" , "3 . u .ill am. - ' rl ami um a rO"'' , ' Hit ainnin. wh n i: inia irn i I...I .-" .... rma Hi. ' tf V klU H. al I F farl friira n " "" .. ,. e ' It'rlt rtMiiesIl-- ,.a: ;i ' f,rry ilMrrlMxi it f .1 thU tKtK '",; 1 ui ine tlih ilar ' " ,. i this JWIIre, hl jn an , Art tiH-rew. swi '"," "L ,,. fil1 in Urn offl-;' "'J,',,'. I' K i.liraiKm may ! ""J, 1 , ,witt"iwv- Watrr lilahu. , V in- 'fJ3 i.rta, li.C -o" Vn noii ' ii