kday, June 30, 1926, THE DAILY NEWS PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE IViJIi every liifrji;ie of a ."or box of Jonleel Lold ureant fuwder we ghe ;. mi u 2oi- cuke of JonU'cl Tnl't Soup,' olh for . : . . . 50s 7ii l'ore .'Viul oi Car.: Nome l'erfrtme given five wit ti .., .... 1 j a ' I .4 pVtvry ptir -Iiust' t I u i'.t'o uox'oi Larit Aoine. nu c riwiier, Itltb for 2.00 Loo: e Powder Vanity ami one 75c box of Clieriselte rare IWilf l.nlli fur . 51.00 lube of llexull .Milk of .Magiif.ia Tooth Paste and a ibc Tooth Hrusli. Itolh for 40c l .00 bottle of Mexall ";" .Jlair To'nic and a ,Q0c bottle if Lorie I.tmiid Hrilliatiline, both for $1.00 V 25c TiolIIe of French Halm anil u 'Joe tin of Ucnllemen's fralcmn Powder, holh for 40c A I Or rake of Tiny Tot Toihit Soap and a 2.V tin of Tiny Tot Talcum Powder, bulli for 25c Ormes Ltd. merits ,$A!.tU :r.l.l -ThMoBKii iiiu nnisTs jrd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" -Kippers- "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Canadian ian Prlnco Rupert, B.C. Fishermen s Supplies FISH. LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING UuAH, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING. GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices ipsett;Ciinhiigiiam & Co. Ltd, " Second Avenue and McBrlde St. 1BAMSH THE FLY SCREEN DOORS '. Jt. 0 ui"; x (1 ft. 0 ill.: 2 It. 8 in. x 0 ft. M in.; 2 ft. lu in. x 0 ft. 10 in.; :i ft. x 7 ft $3.75 Adjustable Window Shades In Assorted Sizos 'Screvn ls4ihfi'yrtl -off the roll. 2i. DO anil 30-iiirli. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 4.; . 255 3rd Ave. Local and Personal u . 1 Phone IS. I'.n. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. if li.C. Undertakers. Pbune 4 1 1-WUiall lonilil, High School iYMncj at 0:15, v jCryslnl. Frclighters, 48 fo SI. 00. ;fcHyde Transfer; Phon 580. ; tf Arthur's six piece orchestra at Native- Sjons' Dance on Dominion '".Maurice Corkill arrived oh Ihc Prince (Jeorge today from Ocean I'alls. Hans Jlcruit wa an arrival from f lie south on the Prince (Jeorice today. High School Girls' Drill team wl perform at dance In evening at Dominion Day Celebrations. Motfinliip UellingliamCaptain AniJfisnn, arrived in port tlit morning from Ketchikan and un loaded a cargo of fresh fish at tfie oceatl" duck. The fire: department responded to two calls durlnp Hie month of June, orle a chimney fire with 110 to, and one u 1'oof fire with small to. Mr. T. K. Morrlfon and daughters are sailing this after- noun on the Princes Chariot I for Victoria where they will join Mr. Morrison who moved south recently. Mrs. Walker of the local school leaching 1 a IT and her daughter are nailing this aflernocn on I he Ptint'PKH Charlotte for Victoria win -re Ihjjy will spend the sum-4r irilfdul4 Mr. Andrew' McDonald, 'Fifth Av. Ka.tU and Ihree son. left on thi mormifg"n train to vlit nl Mm. llai old Pointer's ranch, near Smiiher, during the" summer xctiool vacation. Mr. Darlington, domestic seienre instructor in the local public schools, (.all thin afternoon on the Princes Chariot!.; for Victoria where she will epeml Ihc summer vacation. .Mr, u. a. nryani ana sou, Wizner, left yesterday for Lake Knthlyii. Mrx. llry-ant will upend a week there and Wizner wjll re main for the Muifmcr. .Jimmy Hryant i spending the holiday at He mo. Dr. Arthur Manou of Vancou ver, who ha graduated in medi rinc from Metllll University, i i.-illing in the eily for n few day. He will upend the coming year at Monlreat in the (leneral lloopilal. icloria Colonist. Alex. Mcl.eman appeared be fore the council last night to xpeak with reopect to the damage action he hu - mguiust the city following, a fall he sustained last winter. when he broke hi teg. The mayor told Mr. Mcl.eman that the matter was before the finance committee and would tic ileal! with on Friday night. Ufi recommendation of th Hoard of Work, the city council last night decided to pay O. II r rancid zoc per yara for any ?and or gravel that may bo taken rrom liis lots at the corner of Fight h Avenue ami Conrad Street, Aid. Perry, chairman of iho board of works, pointed out that Hie city was not obliged to pay for any of the material until it hud ar-tually used it. C.P.H. steamer Princess Charlotte. Capl. C. C.-Sainle, is duo from Alaska at 1:30 (his after- mrtoii and will sail at 5:30 con tinuing her voyage to Vancouver. Passengers sailing from here on the vessel for the south Include Mr. and Mrs. J. Hatcher and family Tor Chicago-; Mrs. T. I:. Morrison and. daughters, Mrs, DftVlingtoiV, Mrs. W. II, Vickevs and daughter and Mrs. Walker and daughter for Victoria; Hmtif l. JCirfegson for Seallle; V Meaiuarn for Vancouver. t PAIN in SANTAL MIDY d. next steamer. Mrs. J. M. raps ROUND TJP TO DENVER OMAHA . i $128.9 ... KANSAS CITY... 1HJ DES MOIKE3 129.SS ST. LOUIS 113.60 CHICAGO. ........ 138.30 DETROIT. ........ 157.92 CINCINNATI .... 1M.40 CLEVELAND 160JM1 TORONTO 166.05 ATLANTA IW.fti PITTSBURG. ..... 172.04 WASHINGTON... WZH PHILADELPHIA. 197.22 NEW YORK ..... 1 94.70 BOSTON 205.76 'incffccLto SeoteinlezlS rRftumIinOctubcr3l.l926 THE EAST INVITES YOU nd the Union Pacific makes your journey economical by low round-trip excursion fare, to all important point. In the Eatt, Middle West and South. LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEOEi enable you to visit the bie eastern cities or America's greatest wonderlands Zlon Nsttosul Prk TcIUwstotM NatUtMl Park Racky Mouatala NatUnal Park all reached via the scenic and historic Union Pacific DeLuxetrains. Superior service. Descriptive booklet on request. UNION PACIFIC VACATION ROUTE POR INrORMATIONAHD HEStmVA- TIOHCMl.lHiiniiu UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 1405 Fourth Ave. Moose Picnic Sunday sports. Good prizes. Dancintj Tug of War for Moose Cup Mr. and Mrs. J Hatcher and family Irom Anyox are sailing on the Princess Charlotte this after noon enroule to Clncago. C. P. HiM. dfflh) Seut CoVfl Anyox, returned on the Prince George Ibis morning from Vic toria where he attended the 'Mas- MacLeod, accom- BOAT ARRIVALS. C..V.H. steamer Prince Ocorge, Capt. H. Xedden, docked at noon today from Vancouver enroule I? Skaigway, Alaska. The -steather had heen delayed for7 one and a half hours off the inoutlr of the Skeena owing to heavy fog) Over two hundred roonii 'trip tourist passengers are aboard boTjn'd for Alaska and, in 8di libn, a party of over one ,hunf ffrnrl tit.inortf U.-HI ftflltlrk fol' thtf northern irip upon arrival ofj ine train irom wie easi. iii'j, Prince Oeorge will sail for the north at i p.m. I'9inirirti dplmrkinz liprn in ¬ cluded Uobbie and Terry Orme. McCoslin, Miss '.. M. Itae, , VV. . Keller, Mr. (Jill. Dr. and Mrs. Low, Mrs. J. Sutherland (for Ketchi kan), Miss E. Myon, P. L, Pop, E. W. Mullen, M. A. Laing, Mr. Mclnnes, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs Craig, Mrs. Strang, Ilea Strang, J. Hamilton, Miss E. Johuston, Mrs. Chrysler, Dr. Strachan, Dr Wriglit, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Horn. W. 1. Kve. C. Tliompson, Miss Jean Sumner. Miss Helen Ames, W. It. Thompson, Mr. Gilpin, Miss M. Atkinson, Dr. and Mrs. Hose, Mrs. A. Jacobson, Mrs. K. Hroad, C. P. Itiel, J. II. Huck, H. Mochida, C. . Trelheway, Hilly MotTat, Hod McLean, Hans Her-; quist,,T. M. Davies, Allan Strang, Mrs. Arcand, Mrs. Colvm, 'Mrs McLeod and children. Dr. Krupp. Prof. W. C. Keirstead, M. Camp-ibeil, G. C., Haskell. Tomorrow being Dominion Day land a public holiday, there wul be no issue of the Daily Xews. C. V. Jlowley of Toronto.Vas- geperal manager of the Isislant Canadian Hank of Commerce. Iwas a recent visitor in the city ir. the course of a lour of western I branches. oiuc """' v-.v w -,jrlll nrt ,lf n II iliivprpil. Phone X. Our I: v w! .-. :. . , .. clQ ... Orme, ' arrived in the eily on Hie vich. Urecn 518. ioa ,.. ,-, ....... (Joo,j non, lo spend the sciidol sum- liner holidays. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY t.OS'tV-Child's ctoth coat with fur collar and culTs. Finder please return lo Mrs. Li.mler Co., Ltd.. iilurne.l from foil SALE. Sixteen foot canoe. a business trip to Vancouver onl the Ivince George this morning. w. I-. r.ve, po.simasier in Itati Seventh Avenue East. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Blc Ciatun Xu t Mlurral Claim, situ ate in l he Atlln Mintnr Olvtilon of Cas- siar OiMrlcU Where liratrd: On Vol-(-anli- i.rrt-k (Vutran Lr:i . adjoining ana ouiunei ! mf i-auion .u a onic (inind Lodge convention and niii Miwrai claim (Lot mil . ,,. ... ..I TAkt MITICt tbat 1, tllen Molluy, will proceed to ,nyox on the rr .uiorr's drtirirate .no. 7on. in tend, slxtj days rnm tue dale titreof, to apjily lo the Mining Uerorder fer . Certiorate or ImpruvemrnU, fur the purpose at fcbUiiiliig a crown Grant o tne alHr claim. panic! by her two children Peggy n? Tommencea and Jack, arrived in the eily on I!"! ,n ot uel1 ' u the Prince; George this morning to spend a mouth visiting witlt her parents Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Cameron, Fourth Avenue, Fast. sptj'il yesterday In the city with Mrs'.' O. II. Nelson. She is now visiting her sister, Mrs. F. S. Cleii'imls, at Sooko for a few day.- and will leave again for the north early in the week. Victoria Colonist. A. L. Gray, Dominion government radio inspector, who U making his annual inspection of radio stations throughout Ci. Miortli, is at the Digby Island wireless station today in litis connection. Mr. Gray, wtto will be in the city for about a week, will endeavor to eliminate the interference with local radio sets. Sergeant A. McNeill and Constable Wyman oT the piovinciat police returned lust night front Port Fuslngton where two China-men and a Japanese weep 'ayh fined 30 for havftigjlijuor .'unlawfully in Iheirpossession. '"A local white man was, also fined ?50 under the Indian Act for supplying liquor to Indians. Tho cases were tried by Indian Agent W. F. Collison. Jr. Jack-Naden, son of (i. n. Nadcn, depuU'aiiihisjHrjlands, 1 visitii,1f 'vpiiyi home tn'Mcforinf. Jfic :' gradual-1 ed as a doctor last year and Jspent the last twelve, months D A rr17D v,lu ",u Hellileltem Steel Co. in DljMjLlJll.r. (I,,, hospital maintained by that rrompu catao by iCoi'OOrallon in Connect ion with its works. He will be identified u.rrrlorJoy will. Ihe Vancouver General llos-sola by u aruim pUal.in the coming year. luted this 1st day or June. A.n. t8& H. MO. LAND ACT. KK.VSEH, II 1 -r.-aA: Aent. Nolle, ot Intention to Apply to Pyrch.s kana. Mrs. J. 0. McLennan pf Prince , Prtll ,,UIwrnT,,rdinr ,M,lrM It u per t. prominent .worker in the -r rrm.-e nviwrt ami uuatr at. Kerru.-. I.O.D.l'.. Circles in the province. TAkfc MOTIOK Itiat iranrls MIUerdT of rrlnce ftuwrt. B. V... ucrupatkm rannerj- niaii. Inun.1 la apply fur romilJiii: lo piin-nae ine kmi.iwimjt oeenpeu lanns: Oi'imiieni Inir at !! Planted at the N W. nirner of Lot 1571, ijwrn Charlotte Islands llrttrl, thrnre smith til rhains; ihiti-e eft ? rhamsj thenre nurth ,10, IIIrU Water Mark; thenre plf rly"ali.iit Ulan water .tiarK tu pi'Uit or tomtneix-e-mnit, and coiilainlnjc 80 acres, inure oi le. FRANCIS XULLEMI. Applicant. IMImI lime Hth, t. LAND ACT. Casslar Land District Land fltrict of I'Hnre Kupert tod'. LAND ACT, Itecordlna nd'kltuated in Tku Arm. nlx'.n mile, southwest of, mouth ot Atliniu Itiver. TAkK MlTICE that Francis ntchard tiunlup of Atlin, B.C. oreupatlou mill ins n j ( r, Intend to apply for permUMon lo purrliae the fullowinr derlbvd and- t'oiiiinenrtnr at a po.t planted on the mhjIi lmie of Taku Arm about 3 mile .utheM from the mouth of Atlluto lilver and rmminic thenre iO chains west; thenre to chain ulh; thence SO chains eal; and thenre 0 chains north to point of commencement, containing 40 acres, 'more or les. FIIAXCIS IIICIIARD DU.NLOr. Applicant. fate. MUn. Mar ?o. LAND ACT. Notka of Intention to Apply' to Leaaa Land In Prince Rupert Land necurdlnir bi trlct or Cnat Han re 5, and situate on Sou I h narhael Island. s - TAKE XOTtCF. that Alfred Swanm. of Prince Rupert, occupation Mariner, . Intends to apply Tor a IcaJe of the rollo' Inr dearrlhed lands: Commenrlnr at a pn"t planted at the north end of South Ftahael, lland; thenre around the Island at hlrh water mark and contalmns; to acres, more or levs, ALFrtF.D SWAM0 ADottrani. Notice ef Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land in t-rinre unpen i.biki iiecoramir tiu-trtrt of Coat Rante &, and situate rut f.'or'h' narhael Uland. TAKE OTlCF. th.il tlfred Sanon. ofi Prln-e f(iirt. CH-rupatlon Marlnor. Intend to anr-ly 'rnr a Iea- of the follow Inr derrlhed lands: rnmmenrlnr at a post planted at the south end of North Rarhael Island: thence amiinrt llanrt at hih water mark, and containing so a"e. mor w i, A IF BED SWANSON. t ' . . ' Applicant ! Dated April 7. . .. . - : -.-.v it; - m SOFT FINISH All flat pieces washed, ironed and neatly folded. Wearing apparel practically ready to wear, only requires a little retouching with hand iron., Try This Service . Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your bundle relumed within three days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opamtlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock i engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant ts eipiipped lo handle all kinds uf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3 Loggers! Loggers! Lf We have the only complete slock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in the Norllu We handle lagging Cable, Axes, Pcavies, Saws, and general Camp KqiiipmenL It will pay you to see us when out fit ling. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Steamship and Train Service Saililins rrom PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MONDAY Slid THURSDAY 4.00 P m SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. lor ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNE8DAV, 4 00 p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.C0 p.m. For SKIDEQATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally elcept Sunday at 11.30 am. ror prince qeorqx. Edmonton, winnipeq, all points Eastern Canada, I'nited Stales. Ancy all Ocaan Staamahlp Unas. I'se Canadian .National Eipress for .Money Orders. Fureixu Cheques, etc, also for your nei shipment. City Tlckat Of flea, B2S Third As., Prlnca Rupert. Phona 2C0. Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have (he most complete slock of Uullier, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint. K n PKlW9'ln building Trwri Vhe foun- lleforo buying inspect our slock. It will pay yoltO prices arc rigit. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 anT117 0 Ass t 'J o