mm mm II In "VITOllL. June the order of Mr. Julire . A. JlHiryntlMl iiunsiriiiiiK imv hvoi- 1ng of"' Ills 50,000 libel suit against General A. H. Meltae from Victoria was unanimously allow-laj by the Court of Appeal jps- duy The result is that the j! will lake place in Mr. Sloan we town" where it was vri- lly insM'uled. Chief Justice Donald f the Supreme Court thai no arguments had been (d U show why Mr. Sloan k'iftld lose Die right of having t trial at Nanalmo. The only lujnen wut Uiat Ips popularity ld prevent a fair trial al Na- tlmo, liul there had been no ts subnu' il ut prove II. IRDER CHARGE iGAINST GAINES - - lusod of Having Doaten and ' Choked Daugler to Death on June 17. sKATTLl'i, June U0. .om- iiuts charging nyirder in the let ileiee were filed yesterday frnoon oy Prosecutor Colvin linsl Wnllaee C. Gaines arcus- ti I in of healing and choking ' daughter lo death 4iii June 17 the shore of Green Lake. lnes was n laeeu uniler arrest ihenff Mutt Slarwieh. IAL MINERS STANDING PAT III! Not Acoopt Inoreased Hours Or Roductlon of Wages As Settlement. LONDON, June 2u.- The Min-jf' Kxecutive. after reviewing Urn il situation, decided today to ind by (heir previous decision resist incrcnseii hours or re- Ictlon of wnges. FIRE IN VANCOUVER SOUTH YANC0UVKU. June 30, ijro tills morning caus.'d iagn of t)fi,n00 to. tlm iilaut flbo AlbeVt Cot ton .shingles lis. ' - ATE OF EMERGENCY CONTINUES IN It evens Amendment to ustoms Report Passes by Vote of 119 to-109 parties agree that commission of three judges shell conduct investigation . info department EOlTAWA, June 30. The new government secured a ma- of Iweliw when Ihe Mouse of Common, early this morning. jled !y iii to 107 the Liberal sub-amendment to the cus- report mined by Feriiand Hinfret, Liberal of SI. James, ft real. In flic division, the Progressive plil evenly ten fus nnviidment and ten against. Willi the Liberal voted two mrnri;rs und A. W. Neill, Independent for Comox-Alberui. IK. V Uarlaad, Progressive for How Jliver. then moved a tier itmeiidmenl that proposed a judicial commission (o in- (AN-M'RAE LIBEL TRIAL at Court Unanimously Rules That Hearing Take Place Nanalmo. " JO. The ap-Sloaii nliainsl . vestkgale Ihe customs, the commission to consist of a Julgc to he selected and two judges of the Exchequer court. Both Liberals anil Conservative accepted this amendment which wan carried unanimously. The Sneaker then put the Stevens amendment to the. custom report a amended by Fun gclier, plils IheCHrJand amend-hmxL I TJlC. House, itivlded' tan J Ihe amendment wan rarrieii by 1 10 to Inn. the government majority being ten. Put simply, lb Uoue adopted the recommendation of the customs committee for an improved administration of (he customs department. II approved the censure on the KIdk government and on lion. G. II. Itoivln, former minister or customs and recommended the appointment of a judicial commission, composed of three judges, to investigate the customs, administration. The jtfitfrct proposal, a hioh was rejected, called for a full arid thorough investigation of tie customs over the whole country by three judges, one to be named by each party. The new government suffered a minor reverse in the House yes-terda afternoon when, on a division as to the Speaker's ruling declaring the II In fie t sub-amendment in order, the Speaker was upheld by a vote of 115 lo ill. Five Progressives supported the Conservatives who hail olijectcd lo the sub-amendment, which would have struck out the censure on the King government as provided in the Stevens amend- 4iiciil. but would have called for an enquiry on a large scale into (he customs administration. Prorogation Tomorrow? Humors are current today thai the Liberals plan another lest of strength but the general feeling Is thai prorogation may conii early tomorrow. As soon as the 11 o u s e prorogues, Premier Meighcn will go ahead with the I'onsirueuon or a raoiucl lo re place Ihe "shadow" cabinet now in olllce. It is expected that writs for the by-elections wilt bo I sued al the earliest possibly moment instead of calling for dissolution of parliament. When the House opened Oils afternoon it was announced that sessions would bo held on Thursday. . J. S. NVnoifwWth, 'Labor mem ber for Winnipeg, said that Iho decision of the Governor General lit not granting PremierKing's re-iues! for dissolution was an Indication dial Canada was not an autonomous country. A BIRTH. daughter was born today at Ihe Prince llupet't General Hospital to. and Mrs, Hugh Mo-Kenile 61. lilgby lafid. ABDUCTION IS NOT CREDITED Police do Not Believe Story of Almee McPherson LOS ANGI-XKS, Juno 30. A Joint investigation by the police and district attorney's ollice Jias failed to produce a siiugle clue to sulislanliate Aimee McPbctsonH story that she was abducted from Occkii Park beach on May 18 and held a prisoner for five weeks Mrs. Mcpherson insisted her story "must stand" and contends the JUrden of proof falls upon tlijoe who doubt her. SHIPPING LIVE FISH TO EASTERN MARKET1 Interest'ms Experiment May be Tried With Alaska Slackflsh CHICAGO, June -The pos sibility of transporting Alaskan blarkfish to Chicago by freezing them into solid blocks of ire, and hi-inuiiiir IIumii bark la life by .1 thawing. process i. being inv Ugalcil by. Wajlerpl. Ch'ite. associate director of the $2,o0M, OuO Karly invesligalloo lias tie'- : mined that the fish, principal Wood of northern Alaska, have unusual vitality, and are as live ly as ever when thawed nut aftei weeks in their icy prisons. Case have heen reported, Mr Chulfi said, whore ri I have b.'!! reyivrd after being swallowed whole by llskiiuo itog. In these instanres the fish were thawed out by animal heat of the stomachs, their movements causing the dogs I- rjeet them alive. KETCHIKAN BASEBALL TEAM ARRIVES TODAY Players f op Series Here Tomorrow Coming on Princess Charlotte This Afternoon. The Ketchikan baseball team, which will play a series with Prince Ituperl tomorrow, will ar rive from the north on the Princess Charlotte (his afternoon and will' return home on the Princess Alice Friday morning. Some of Ihe local players, who will en- igage in n return series at Ketchi kan on Snnday, will o north on the steamer Friday, while others will igo by tcasboal at the end Ait Ihe Week. SAIL FOR ENGLAND iN A 50-FOOT SCHOONER NEW POUT, ILL, June 30. F. Lollnop Ames. Jr., Nicholas Diddle, Jr., Joseph Holiy, Jr and Itegiiiald Hisbpp, nlj scions of WelUkrtown EnWcVAt fiiinihesv-set fail fuf Plymouth, England, in (i f0 foot chooher, . piloted by Francis M. Gardiner. t ..... . ii. . , , , .iiiii-s uniu inc snip, WHICH Is equipped with radio and carrier provisions for eight weeks. Tt.e quinlelto hopes to reach Plymouth in ample limo for tho tlowes races, MANY KILLED AND MUCH DAMAGE DONE IN SUMATRA 'QUAKE PENANO, Sumatra, June 30. More than a bundled were killed and almost all the liulldings in tho place were ileslroyed by earlh'ijuake which occurred C',nlr.a'.S5umatra on Monday, an Stn JAMES iiANTLIE, Ihe eminent siingeon, who lias just died in England. He was famous for ins sen ices among the .Chinese and took great interest in lied Cross work. FORKE RESIGNS AS PARTY HEAD OTTAWA, Jutfe 30. The even split In the Progressive ranks this morning in the division of the House of Commons was followed by the ivsiigna-Ijon of Robert' Forke as leader of Ihe party it was olllcially announced al noon wtien the resignation was placed in the hands or the parly a TAXI Boston Grill and" .: v Ambulance Large' Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing 'Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. ind Royal Hotel; 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the WATT VIDECK, Prop. least Phone. 467; PIT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper L XVI., NO. ibs. 'to, PIUNCK HUBERT, U. C.f . DNEHDAY, JUNE 30, 1020 Yfcifrdy' Circulation, Hit Street .Js1m tit. HiCE FDR CUNTS. EIGHEN GOVERNMENT IS GIVEN MAJORITY RITAIN; SITUATION SEEMS HOPELESS 7 :, n 1 CINCINNATI IS Commons Advances BUI . 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444444 4 4 5 McBRIDE MAN DIES. WINNIPEG, Juno 30. Mark Marsh, 03, of M nt ide, B.C., was found dead in bed at the homo of ins sister here. He had been suffering from a heart ailment. Jiitxierihe lo the tVitlv NVws LEADING LEAGUE FISH ARRIVALS J N!rie5oaIa -Sold '11 7,790 Pou nds i. Reds are Four Gamts Ahead oft St. Louis- Two Homers I , For Brooklyn , NEW VOHK, June 30. Cincin-i of Halibut at Exchange Today. Five American boats and four Canadians marketed a tulal of 117,70" pounds of halibut on thei Fish Exchange this morning. Of this total Hie Americans lauded 100,000 pounds and tbp Cana-! diaiis 17,700 pounds. Dettcr prices orevailcd for American catches. Americans received around 17c and 10c and Canadians around I l.'Jc and '8c. Tlie arrivals were: American Trinity, 15,000 pounds, to Ca nadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Hazel IL, 18,000 pounds to Ro yal Fish Co. Lincoln, 18,500 pounds, and Wave 5,500 pounds, to JlooJU fisheries. , j .. Siar, 13,000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. Canadlan Minnie V., '7,200 pounds, lo'At-lin Fisheries. "? Dingo, 5,000 pounds; Wilt Lilly, 1.500 vounds, and Yule 1,-ooo pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cojd Storage Co. The Misses Oral and Herniro Ho-?. En)d and Megan Morris, -Master Illiiierl llos.s and Miss Audrey Tremayne, will leave th. city on the gasboat Oh Baby tomorrow morning to spend thr slimmer school vacation at tin LanVbly ranch. Lewis Island. Chain of Evidence Connecting Wallace Gaines with Murder of Daughter Obtained by Police Oh.X I 1 l,E. JllllO ,10. Prosecutor I'.oKin .ntmmmiil l ie! night, after Wallace C Gaines had been arrested on n first degree muruer ctiarge m connection Willi Ihe death of his daughter ojwa iwu eeu gu, mat ne nau at last obtained the missing links in the evidence which convinced him that Giiine killed his daughter. ;iurr. O'ie wic ot of these inese wtts wtts that Hint Luke Mike May, .May, a a private private' Ihvesv ihyesv , fS 1 1 PI , lliui had found IIMIIHI blood UIOOU the olher r to wboin i stains on the clolhiiig ir the father, and was tho statement or Louis SleriViijeucLof GulW.s he wenl on Ihe night of ihe killing. Slerh said; "(iaiuv- came to ,my house on the night of the nrurdct: and told me lo hurry up for (Sod's sake and give him a drink." Continuing, Sterns said: "I asked him what was the hurry, ami be replied that 'if you had been through what -I have been through, you'd Want tt ij rink In a hurry too.' " 1 (Suines further slated: "You, remember I always told you I'd be master in my own house, and thai H anyone tried to tell mo what to do I would kill 1116111." Gaines then threw his arms around Sterns and exclaimed Vj.luifs just what happened." (Value's' xvjll likely appear in court ort'Ft'idav, ' ' jn'."--.. ..' rroviains mcr FRISCO SHRINERS ARE . DUE IN CITY TODAY Party Will Arrhre By Train From Jaspaf and S'l Foi Alaska on Prince GaoiTje. A party (ft 110 Shriners of LONIM)N. June 30. A dispatch in Tiie Daily Herald, the Labor organ, from Chasso, on the Swiss- Italian border, says a report is current that Prenyer Mussolini of Italy desires his daughter. Ed-da, to marry Crowu Prince Humbert. The dispatch adds that it is stated that Mussolini went tu Florence a few days ajro, accompanied by his wife, to talk the matter over with his daughter, who js al a boarding sidiool near Florence. VANCOUVER BANKS TO BE REPAID IN FULL YANCOl VEIt. June 30. - An nouncement haSjbeen made by tlie Continental Trust & Savings Company. Des Moines, la- that the four Vancouver banks victim-tied by tlie Irian who forged .sig natures and cashed stolen tra velers' cheques to the total of 3.00. will be repaid. The offices of the Trust Com pany in Des Moines were broken into on January Id ami a num ber of the obeiiues taken. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. -Silver . (?(msollialed Dunwelt Gladstone .. luilian L. & L. Marmot ... Premier Porter Idaho Silver Crest Sut-r lulet ... V --y-'sr. Ms Bid. 2.12 IS.OO 1.00 .0514 .10; , .1 AsVe.t 2.20 1.80 .37 .00 vt ,12 .10 M Tti.1 .10 .15 3si ease in Miners' Working Hours nali is again scling,lhe pace in' I.U.MHM, Jime ju. contuiiiaiion oi ji state of emergency the Nat ional League pi.'iinint raceLasproclaitned today owing to the non-settlement of the coal having taken five straight ganicp'ri- Secretary Cook of the Miners' Federalioii announced from 'Pittsburg, the world chain- that the executive council wilt consider the-question DfMhe wilh-pions. The Iteds are now uad-'dawal of safely men from the mines, ranking the -siluatiOi? fecm tng si. Louis bv Tour ne!. j as hofTelo.- as it wa week- ago. Hahe It ii Hi noted out bin! i lie nouse oi iommons ia?i ingni passeu tnroiigrr us vseconu ' bonier pf the sea son yesterday Marriott, the lirooklyn fieSdnr, ' helped the Dodgers to defea: , I'llimdeipiiia ill mi cirvcu-inning j struggle. National League lloston 5-7, New York 0-3. Pliilaibdphia 3. Hrooslyn i. Pittsburg 3, Cincinnati 6. St. Louis - Chicago, postponed. American League Vasiii,giou I, Huston 2. New York 7, Philadelphia 5 Chicago ?. 'Jlvin.i Detroit 3, SI. Louis II.' reading the bill raiMng the working day of the miner. from seven I'wu Jiomers hi 1 eie'il hours. The debate way; marked by sharp criticism- of rrenuer isauiwin necauso ne own-.' r , - : ed two thousand shares in Hald-1 iixr small coal areas. . Laborites! continually interrupted and rt lie i singing of The lied Flag" was siiuelched hy ihe ieaUer. FEELS 'QUAKE One Boy Killed When Chimney's Fell and Windows Were Broken In Santa Barbara- LOS ANGELES, June 30. A light earthquake swept . ;tiij southern California coast rngion: on Tuesday, the annivrisary ot the disastruim slioclc Ju.Sarita rive in the city on today's train Barbara last year. One life was and will proceed direct to Stag-ost and .minor damage done. way, Alaska, on the steamer Prince George. The parly is accompanied on the trip by G. A. McNicoll, C N. B. general passenger agent, Vancouver. Local Shriners will meet the when a chimney toppled over on him, crushing him to death. Damage consisted chiefly of fatten chimneys and broken win- party at the train and will show (lows. Surrounding towns were them around the city this after noon. On the return trip Monday the visiting Shriners will stop-over the day and will be again suitably entertained by local nobles. SAYS MUSSOLINI WANTS PRINCE FOR SON-IN-LAW In Satita Barbara, Colin Orr, three year old boy,, was killed jarred by the tremor. AERIAL PATROL IS ABANDONED Definite Word Is Received By ' Department of Fisheries In Vancouver. VlCPOIlIA. June 30-The Canadian KOvemnient aerial patrol of the northern British Columbia fisheries has becn-defnitely aban doned, according Jo word 'receiv ed by the fisheries department here. Tins leaves liiv etiu not-. tbern fisheries practically un-pmtected against the inroads of all fishermen and poachers, DOMINION ST1EL COMPANYBROKE British Empire Steel Co. Decided Today to Appoint "a Receiver For IU, MONTREAL, June 30. - At a meeting tf the directors .pf. the uruisii empire: Steel Co. II was decided to appoint a receiver for tne nonunion sleel CO. VANCOUVER'S WATER MAY BE CARRIED TO CITY UNDER INLET ' i VANC.oi; VEB, j una 30. - The (ireater Vancouvur vatcir district board has awarded it' contract for diamond drillinff lu itetermine if it may b possible, at sdme, future dale, to eaTry the 'city's water supply by tunnels1 ijiider Durrani Inlel and False ;tjreek The sue-eeshful tenderer forf the drillintr rontracl, .Wtt;.y.iH,.jV,.w,0! undejbfrj:K. S.Roblnsua ainl Boyle Bros,, The post nfb; drlllln' i 1 I II sr. 1 , 1 " li IS 4 US I