I.1 ; i a 1 ilcslrn of the memhers of frouncll was apari'titly that ic roiiftldcralioii should he in Miirh person and thai they Aild he relieved of the regular Idlers license fee of 5n per fanonth. The city solicitor the opinion, however, that tempt such persons or to wive a reduced fee would be dls- hhiiilory and might Invaliilale whole bylaw. Mr. Jones cited cs in oilier cities where on i'nds of discrimination license iws liml been successfully nt- noked. AM. Casey was In faor of king consideration to the tilers of local produce. Th.i imunily around tlio city should Ebe penalized, lie felt, In order satisfy some foolish point of II was desirable, to give as and free n market as poj-lo the fanners and fislior-H eemei ridiculous to Uf it was not .possible to do Kile for one was not disposed kubmlt to any such foolish law 11 it became compulsory tn do m i ne city ever since Its n- llon hud left such an avenue lo local produce and ho did K see why it should not con- ne to do so. Ho was not ills. Pd lo accept Ihe advice of the rspllcllor. (ayor 'ewlon was also In fa- Lof showing some considera- of our complete stock of Dresses, Suits, Coats, etc., at prices that will amaze and astonish you A SALE OF SILK STOCKINQS Hi BRASSIERES LICENSE BYLAW FORE COUNCIL Fathort Engage In Contldar- i Discussion With Respect J in PefMleee. Aing consideration to a new- rafteil lirene bylaw, the cltyi aril last night engaged in ililcrahle diruion on the ft of peddler' licence.. Dlf- lly arose with respect to the Lo fee what should he rharg-pch person as were ensured lie peddling of local produce af fruit and vegetables vn in the city or district and caught locally. The unanl- I ion to the local producers tn Ihe manner sojesled. Aid. islepheus did nol see what elp the council could do than ucrept Ihe advice of the solicitor on the point iu question. The council had yet lo tie wrongly udvised by Mr. Jones and he. fell that his advice in this case should ie accepted. If the peddlers of local produce and manufactured articles could not differentiated, Aid. !asey was in favor of making Ihe license fee in all cases 10 per six months and he so moved. Merchants and Peddlers Aid. Jos. (irecr did not think it would he fair to put the retail merchant who. had established permanently iu the city in the same class as tho transient ped dler. The one constituted the i hackhjvne-tif ..Hie ,ciy, .paid taxes or rent.'ciinlriliiilell towards llicf city's utilities and was callnd up on fot.i-vfinanci.il asslslanco toi various enhsevs; ivhllr Ihe other r had no .inveslnient Yn t.ho city y and was in a position lo m'ov out at any time. In no other city in the Dominion wns tho Iran-1 sienl peddler placed on the same basis as (hi) established merchant. After some sarcastic references as lo llie "poor merchants," Aid. Casey ' argued that tho country did not depend on the merchants as it did on Ihe men who came in and developed the land and built up Ihe country. If the $50 license fee were imposed II would lend to starve the farmer on one hand by depriving him of "his market and, on the other hand, wovld deprive the working man in tho cily and his family of tho opportunity of obtaining good produce at a reasonable price. Which was the council going to stand hy Ihe merchant or the farmer? Aid. .Jo. (Ireer pointed nut that it was not the peddler ol produce, or fish thai the merchants of the cily objected to but lo peddlers of manufactured woods who hawked their wares Indiscriminately. The merchants' would he perfectly satisfied to have the peddlers of vproducc conl Inue with the $10 fee as they had done, since the inception o ihe city. Discretion of Collector Aid. Larsen thought the only way out was to continue the policy of ttie past. While th'j uU fee was written in the bylaw, he fell that the license coN lector milit use his discretion in collecting the fees and no! press for payment from th farmers and fishermen. Aid. Casey Mt that the council should decide on a fee and write it into the bylaw. It would ba folly to pass a bylaw und then say that it should not ho enforced, A man named Morris, who said that he had been uniihln to get a Job from tho city and so had I started peddling then addressed the (uAincll. lie said that the retail merchants had threatened to iut him..-oul.of business' and that he had been boycotted by the wholesalers. Kvery dilllcnlfy in his way in Oh Uiad nan been noon mil pui Imnins and se objected lo tin 15 " 'A'f!?n furl Ik Look! A Great Sale of Dresses, Suits and Coats About 500 Garments in Alt Our Entire Stock Included 815.00 ,Oresses will sell at. Sale Price $8.95 -(.50 Regular Uresces will sell at, Sale Price $10.95 Values to 2t.r0 Dresses will sell at, Sole Price $13.95 SILK DRESSES Silk Dresses to $25 regular price will sell at. Sale Pirce . . $15.95 -5.SO regular iik. ureses will sell at. Sale Price $19.95 Silk Dresses, regular values to iViU wdl sell at DEMERS $25.00 A big lot and the "regular price up to 5.00. Assorted sizes. Sale . ... . . price 75c A. W. McArthur in full charge SNAP BARGAINS IN SUMMER WEIGHT LADIES UNDERWEAR Ladies' Summer Weight Vests, in all sizes. Sale Price . 35c Ladies Summer Weight Bloomers, iu all sizes. Sate Price 80c Ladies Combinations, summer weight and in all the regular sizes. Sale-price . .......... - ., 85c v LADIES' BLOOMERS Regular $2.K5 and vidties. Silk, pongee and Iiroadcloth, in all sized. Sale Price . . . . $1.65 Regular $3.00 Pongee Slips, Princess Style, in alhsizes. Sale Price , $1.90 LADIES' HIKING BREECHES j Heal Tweed Hiking Breeches, $3.50 regular price, well '.ailoreil and the sizes range from 20 to 30 waist measure. Sale Price $2.55 Sale Starts Friday 9 a.m. LADIES' SILK UNDEHTHINGS Regular prices are -cut In almost half.. Now is the time to buy. $3.00 regular Ladies' Silk Knit Step-ins and Vests; come in rolors of pink, white, yellow, mauve, etc. Sale Price, set. .$2.25 :l.00 value voile and erosshar sets, including vests and Mourners, colors of pale green, mauve, sky, peach, etc. Sale Price, set $1.E0 S0.00" regular Vest and -Step-ins in silk mull,, etc. Color. of mauve, pink, sky, white, peach, etc., all sizes. Sale Priee, set $3.95 CORSETS, BRASSIERES and CORSETELLES The Complete Stock Must Be Sold . uOpairs of fioddess and D. & A. Corsets, values to -:?-t.0.9, sorted sizes, will sell atrSale Price 85c .$2.50 regular values D. & A. Corset's, all sizes in the lot. Sale Price ...... $1 .55 A Way, June 30, 1026. THE DAILY NEWS e Stand Back! Get in Line! . ; ... j . . s Great Public Retail Sale illlak LtMc Nose, Hale Price Wlrey l,ile lline, .Salt' Price . 8ILK HOSE 20c . .39c AVIule. lieh, Mack, mil! Sky, value lo .7r. Sal Price . . 39c j(lu-y. white, flesh, navy and black, etc, VI values. Sale Price $U9 : MILO SILK HOSE Wi 25 value, all sizes; colors, Mack, while, tan, sunburn, gold, fro, taupe, pearl grey. Sale Price $1.75 SILK GLOVES Vulues (it Hrown, grey, while Mack and navy. Sale Price 98c - AnMmuis autut ULUVES kfOrey. fawn. brown, chamois. 2 value. Sale Price Sale Starts Friday 9 a.m. A MONSTER SALE OF DRESSES LOOK 1 ACT I HEED I BUY I SAVE! 69c Summer Ire.e. nil grouped into one large lot. Materials are voiles. Iiroadcloth, siti n silk, rayon, lineuelle. All the very new summer -tyl', all r-ize here. Ilegular values to $11.00. Sale 1'rice . .. $7.75 A SALE OF BATHING SUITS "T regular price romliiualiou; color in paddy, navy, .drown, dove. rnm.M Mack, cardinal, cntor. etc. All pure wool knit. Sale Price , , M. . , . $2.98 i Bathing Caps, -vnluc to $1.00. Sale Price ......-. 50c Look! ellinjf produce. He ic .o uceuse Jee. pf discussion, Aid. Casey nmehiiemen! that n fee of $10 ho imposed on all peddlers in stead of - $50 was. seconded by Md. McKcchnic and p.utj to tho vole. It was lost. Alderman Casey, Aid. MacKechnio and Aid. I.arsciv voting for it while ld. Jos. (ireer, Aid. Stephen's., Aid. W. J. Creer and Aid. Perry voted against, expressing them selves in favor of retaining thi $5(1 fee as set out in the hvlaw. The putting- of the bylaw through lis first readings then proceeded. - Schedule of Charges Under the bylaw, licensn fcej are imposed ns follows per six months;" ... Pool and billiard 1 aides. -$ in for one table and $5 for each additional, ' liowlins hlleys $5 for eatsh alley. Shooting galleries. $5 for each range or target. Wholesale merolianth,$25., Hetnil merchants, $10. ,, j . .Milk vendors. $10. Diwl.llnra r.O Agents, $50.. Laundries, $5. Pawnbrokers, $125. Second hand or junk dealers, $10. Vehicles for hire, $5 for eac'i vehicle. . Livery stables, $10, Used automobiles, $10. Automobile dealers, $10. Hunkers, $100. (looming houses, $5. Heverage manufacturers, - 10. Shipbuilders, $50. Auctioneers, $10. Transient traders, $500. 83 Hrokers and insurango agents, Circus or animal shows. STEWART $100 per, day., . , I Theatres.or huiusement places, $10b. ' ' . ILxpress companies, $50. ' t'tililies companies, $50, irrusij or loan 'ajancies, $D. Fur traders', t0,' ..' ' ' exhibitions, other" thou In a theatre, $.'() per day. ; Stevedores, $25. Plumbers and contractors, $5. Oarages, $10. Trucks. $5. Oasoline trucks, $20. Harislers, doctors and healers and oilier professions, $10; part nerships 5. The 25-pieee Kincolith Rilver Hand will be here for the Dominion Day celebration tomorrow. An ambitious program has been arranged and the Jelehration will be the best ever held In Stewart's nisiory. The iativo Sons of Canada aro in ehnrge. A program of active develop- meni work has been started on the Washinglon group on the south fork or the Marmot Iliver. H. K. Luudvall Is manager of Hi property. ' Mrs. W. C. HIauton and d.iugh ler. Evelyn, have relumed from a trip .lo Seattle.- k. v j Charles O. Hush, vlce-nresi dent. and consulting engineer fo: the Independence mine, will .be lu re iri July with associate engineers o lay out a comprehensive plan of development for the property. , A. It. Casey, who made a discovery of free milling ore o.n tin Marmot Iliver last .year, ha, returned to Stewart after -speeding the winter down the coast and in the Hulkley Valley. Ilev. At W. -II. Ashley has re-sittned as chairman of the Stewart Hospital, Hoard and ll. 0. Marvin has been elected to the po.iliorr. J. U Muirhead of Ihe Hank of Montreal staff is on his holidays and- is heiiiB relieved by A. Hirch. . HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. Joseph Mayer and M. Kotland, Seattle Dr. H. A. Simmons, Anyox; A. S. firay, Victoria; D. Joinville and A. .Menzies, Stew art, K. MacKachern and L. Twe ten. city; Mrs. J. K. Strang, Sun nysi.le; J. K. Xealon, Wales Is land; Miss tCumille M. peters. Mrs. L. Miller, Miss Marian Mil ler, .M. L. Clnrk, (ieorgo McAfee and Ira A. Reid. tieorsetown Mills. Central .Miss m. Ekstrom, Mrs. T. .Morrison, Misses "Evelyn and Kathleen Morrison. Mrs. W. H. Vickers and Miss Evelyn Yickers. city. - - 0- Many local families ore taking up residence for. the summer at Ihe Salt Lake camps. Among Iho-e already there are .Mrs. nert .Morgan and family, Mrs. Howard Steen and family, Mrs, E. A. Mann and family and .Mrs. 1). H. McDonald and son. LAND RZOISTRY ACT. actions 182 and 227. ..Vi rynK MATTKM r application Ko. " ir tue laiiirititiioii or a charge. A.ND IM THK M.VTTKR of an Agree inent or iiption lo purchase, dated 'the tjlht'eeember. 1l. and registered the uui iiiirj, iv i j m application received the Srd January. 1911. as No 7I0D, between OMIIKIK T. kANE. of. the rtrst Tart, and 00RD03 C. EMilERioS of Ibe SmuihI Part, covering the fulluwlDK uiDrljr : Lou vmi (7)r"fh 8. nine (, tea (tli . eleven ill, twelve ltd. thirteen lUr, rourlern I4. nneeu i.ti), and autero (16,. Blurk one li ana Lou nine ( . ten (Illy, eleven (IU, ana rourleeii (14. Bloelt m-venteen (7, or Distrlrl Lot nunilier ti bundred anil rorlr-oiie (4I). nanre rive (, Cuail OKtnct, Map S0. satuliri.iry proof of breach of eoven- .nl, .rut rw.wrtlrv anal MMir.n i.f ,Min!M,. ' iiii by the vendor or owner of the Und. luuim ,u u.,c . i . v . .. . -. ..... to VurrliKe. having been fiml In rbl office. lAKt Ail l lit. inai in application uu bean made to cancel the reglatrallon of the above nu-ntloued Agreement or opttou to l-urine. and wnirn u rrierea in Iteruter of Charreft Volume t. lollo 1S7. a .Nu. 7lul. and that In Bupporl of bu h application hi been produced a deciari- ik.n or iit.uniib mums k aac. oaiea me ittlh orliiber, 1S15, and a declaration oi STA.XI.EY WALTKH T.WLOH dated the juth .November. IdiS, provlur the breach of covrnanl.t and re-entry and recovery of roM',iliiii a aforesaid. IT IS MY I.v TK.NTKiN. after tlie ur4ralion 6f thirty 3) days fruit the efvire or this notice to cancel lite retrUtritlon or the option to purcluie or Aareeuient upon the register aim incretipou tne estate oi ine ptii- rnaer in live lanu aescrioea in tne aiu Agreement or Opthvit to I'lirrlia-, shall cease and deleriuloe, unless you. shall take and prosecute Ibe proper proceed in its to .esiauusn -your', cuiiti,. tr iivt i, ute Mld'lautU 'or to prevent "sJch ptoposeit action on mv part. li.tr.u at toe i.amt neyistrj wince at prince Iliineri. BX this Hrl day of June, A.I). !. II. t. UlCl.tllll. Hrmstrar of Titles. To, Gordon C. Enunerson. .Ksq. NAVIOABLt WATERS PROTECTION R 8 C. CHAPTER 116 ACT, Union till Company or Canada. .Limited, hereby gives notice that It has under section i of the 'aid Art droslted with tbe Minister of .Public Works at Ottawa and In the office of .the District Hrglsirar of the Land llegtslry histrlrt of Prlnc Huptrt in the Province of British Colum. bia. a description of the sue and plans of a pile anil timber whiirf proposed to be built Id the harbor of Prince Kurort In the said Province, on water lot four. Block "O"; the said wharf comprising a narrow- approach varvlnr In width from la" lit iy, and eAteudlng .northerly front the hlghwatrr mark a distance of an- pro.tlnuldy 308 whence It widens to aa L section 50' x 60' In area, the aiatv feat measurement being approimalely paral lei to the shore line. And lake notice that after the etplra lion of one month from in date of ih nrst publication or this notice the I'nlon Oil Company of Canada. Limited, will uniter section 7 or tne said Act apply 'to the Minister or Public Works at his of-rice.ln Ihe City of 'Ottawa, 'for approval of the said site and the said plan, and for leave to rnnsirurt the said wharf ' and approach to tlie same. , Oated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this nth day of May, m. H. J. KEMl'lR. District sales Manager. KAIRLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT n..v. wnaptsr us. The British Columhix n.hin. i- r.k Ing Company Limited, hereby gives no lice that It has uihler sectlou 7 of the said Act. deposited wllh the Minister or Public Works, at Ottawa, aud In the orfice of the Uistriti Registrar of the Land Regis, try lilstrlrl of Prince Huperl. at Prlnre iiutert. B.C. a , desenpllon or lite site and tlie plans of a wharf or pier and buildings thereon proposed to be built on thai rertaiu portion or land situate about two and u. half nuka wM of AllUurd Bay, Skldraate Inlet, rrontlng on Lot 144, Queen Cbarlott District, and known tt Lot IIS. And take -notice that after the eirj ration of one month from the, dale or th- rirsi publiraoou or Uii nonce tne Brimit i.oluinbla Klshin & racklug Ctniipany Limited will under section of the said set. apply to the Minuter of Public Works, at hi, orrice In the rlty of Ottawa, for approval of the said site ami plaits, and for leave to romitrirM the said wharf or pier and bitildmirfs thereon. Hated al Prince itupert. B.C. till 3 1st day of May. lc. UlUriSIt COLUMBIA FISIUNO PACkl.NO CO. LIU. Bv Its Sollrllors: Williams. Mammu at Goiiub-s. WATER NOTICE. s:ralon and Kit. TAKE . JIOTICE that British Onluinbla Pishing ik Packing Co. LbU whose address is Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a li-j-e to lake aud use S ruble feel per sect aid of water IMl of an unnamed ktreain which riows northwesterly and drains inut South Bay, Skldigate Intel, abtiul four miles uorllicaslerly from OMith of Oeena Hlter, The water will lie diverted from the stream al a point abuiit 30 chains southeast of northwest corner or Lot III, Moresby ItUiul. and will Ite used Tor domestic and cannery purposes -upon Ihe lands stated as lease and being the foreshore In rronr of Lot m. (.iue.ni crarloi tstamts. Tns notice was posted on the- ground on the 30lh day of April. tt; A rnr of thj notice, and an application pursuant therein and to the "Waler Act" will b- ttleA In ilw office of tlie Water Ueeorder aifPrinre rtuperl, B.C. Objerlhins to llie application may be filed wlih the said Water llecnr.hr or with the Comptroller of Water lllghls, i-ariwun-itt puiiuuigs, victocia, D.t; witn In thirty rtavs after Out first nmraiu-e of tbls notice In a local newspaper. The date or the nrst " publication of this notice is June S.. . BHITISII COLUMBIt OSIIISO Ic PACkl.Ml Ci I. LTI, Applicant. Hy II, Sherwool. Aaenl. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Aiipl y" to Leas Land I Iu Land Recording iWlrlct of rrlnre-Rupert, and situate on Moresby Island. Ijueen Charlotte Grouri. on unnamed lu-let. .three tulles south or le La Heche in-leL TAKE NOTICE that The Canadian Fishing Company. Limited, of Vaneottver. oe.i cupation Salmon cannrrs.. Intends to apply fur t lease of the following describe.! lands: Commencing at a post planted it head or Inlet about mile north of unnamed Creek; thence west to chain: thence south JO ctu:ns; thence east .jo thalm, more or les. to -shore line; tbeuce northerly .following shore line to P.ir.C.. anl rootalnlng 40 acre, more oa. less. .THE C A 3 APIA riSniNO CilMPAMY. IIMITKll. ApplleaiiLi Pir William rAlfrett lliywer. nle,l tl aprfl. tats NOTICE. IX 7IIE MATTER of an applleUoifoe the Issite ot a . Provlslt.ua! Certificate or lllle .for the Esl half o Lot iwo Wl. Block rrfly-twn (,. subdivision of l.ot seven hundred ami forly-sli (74. Queen Cltarlotle inislrixl. In the Provlnc) of British Columbia (Map limy. SatUfaetory proof of iho ,lf of tlie, Certificate of Title enverlng the bnve land hnving been produced to me. It Is mv Intention ut Usoe ertee the 'efpiratfoa, "f ? nwnlh i 'from .Ihe first fwbllcwllnn .7" 'V 'Pflal CeeelflralA of Title -lo the above lend Vh the iin rfr '"I tJertlfleaie of TlTE. 4-tte.l te February, .uia. and fas numbered tSMIrtT. aA-,!M! fHn VTkHm THim. I O..- til Juw, - v" H. r. Mael ton. AegHtrar of Tllea.