H. S Wallace Co. LA Just Arrived! Special Values in Silk & Crepe Dresses $12.00 to $25.00 Rain Hats for Ladies, $3.50 Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue I'.O. Hox - - 0851 1'hone fSreen 389 FRES-KLLED No. 1 Steer BEEF From Bulkley Valley Hound Si oak, 2"Hts. Tin- 45c Pol Itnast. per in. . . AZVzt Prime Hilts of -Hpcf. mt lb, ... 20c Fresh Killed Veal Shoulder ItoasJ, per lit. 12 izc Veal Slew, peril;, .. .. 8c Fillets nf Veal, per lit. 25c I.pg of Pork, whole, per lit. 30c Leg nf Pork. oul.. poi- Hi. 32c Home-made Sausage. Hoof and pork mixed, por Hi. ... . i 20c Pure Pork Sausajge. por lh. 25c Sealy & Doodson Sixth Street. Phone 455. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load $8.50 Half Load $3.50 Largo sacks 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon CS. f'&rlaBe, Warehousing, nd DislributiiiK. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnfl. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock or Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co; Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave Ktidit. i . PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP PATHER By George McManus GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Corsettes Come in and let us fit you with ono of those. Fxperl corselicre in o'l926 iMrt rtTU.Sinviee, Inc. 'J.;, mnrei; j I .'T. ! ' I ASSESSMENT HIGHER 1926 Completion of Work of Court. of Revision Allows Summary to be Made Total assessment valuation in I ho ctly this year -stands al lli,- 9ii. I8(l as compared with I5,-IH!.8C.2 in l!2j anlt Hip total valuation tf taxable lands, not including I lie properly of tin" railway company, is $1,232,275 as against last year. Pinal figures on Hip 15)20 as- essiiiPiit wore oltlainalilc this morning following Hie court nf evisioti having completed its Aork yesterday aflurnonn. The increase in flie total assessment Aaluafion, wlifeli in-icludes lands and improvement 'xempt from laxalinn, was due ,iu uuiiiiiiiu in ine cuy uuriiiu 1S25 particularly the lermiital! grain elevalor al a value of over one million dollars. ( Taxable Lands ' The valnalion of taxable lands, .vliioh -does indiidu tlial of rail- day company, wus reduced b" tlf Lassessur 9ln2,ii2:i from last ? .ear while the court of revision made a further reduction uf &,r toil including the valuation of 'St.OHil transferred from railway leased lands to I fie railway ctun- pany anil also allowing for the 'calna'tlnn or 2.38(l eovorint: 'ily lilts Iransfprred to privuli' owners. Tliis shows a nel total reduction of 1H5,H3 from ID1T1. The valuation of Hip railway rnnipauys lands, taxation of which - is eovered hy a flat rnl' nflireenient which expires next year, .has been reduced I his year rrom s.::5,72i to 2.2tu,:jrii, (he. riHluplioii including the S,-08(1 mentioned above and slivering l.TiiHi roet of walerfronl in lllock K (elevator site, at 70 per fool Iransfprred from the ailway company to Ihe govern- menl of Canada. Rate to be Set On the taxable valuation now rearhpd, Ihe lax. rale fou the year 1 51 20 will later he sol hv the council aftPr Hip estimates hav ftpen considered. In view of Ihe fad that the assessment is ro- dtirpd, there may lie a slight increase in ip niiH ralp if Hip city's pxpeiulitiirp for the yenr is Ihe .sanirMis il was last year. " IRREGULARITIES IN SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MUSOE STOPPED' Habitual Truancy Will be Reported to ,the Police In Future for Action, School-board Decides That cases of habitual iruancy are to lie reported lo Trustee MV Meekin who is acting on behalf I of the school hoard and who will take the matter up with ihe c.iivj police, was decided hy the school hoard at its meeting last iiikIi' The principals reported that there were cases which seemed like truancy and usually they were the pupils who neederl most lo be al school. In .future all such cases will be officially in VCstignlPil nnd pressure hrnugli' lo see Hint the children have the advantages nf education. I Trustee Itocheslcr remarked 'that il was loo had there should be such gross display of irulif- ference In the wejlhcinp of the children. Principal Tlrady nf the High School mentioned thai some of the girls who were supposed lo attend the domestic science classes did nol -do so regularly. lie suggested thai Ibis subject be 'made a pari nf the curriculum on which the students are pro moted. The boys were keen to uilciid manual training classes lint some of the girls showed in-ilirfereilCP. Trustee llochesler said the matter would he laken up fnr-llier and they would see thai, attendance at these classes was made compulsory. LIGHT MONTH IN ' , POLICE CIRCLES j Only Five Cases of Drunkenness Before Police Court in January January wns a tisrhl month in Itmlire rirrle. Tlte town wh very fw f ilrunfeenns. Ilieri' llieintr only fivt' noHViclions for Hint offoitse. iKIier nuiior cases vtmiv very smal and .the anioiml Of fines was only fc88.."(l for all Infractions of the luw. The rliaraPi ImuiKht wire: Ilreaclms of I,niior Aej . . . . ! miiixicaiioii it Infra 'tiohs of Motor Vet . .n.'J Having liipior in posesifin . 1 Having pistol in possession . . I Siipplyiuu Indians with liqiinr 2 I'lmiUMi assaull 1 ft.K.M.P 1 IiidetMMil assaull 1. Vagrancy "... 2 'llictotnl numlier nf cases was 2"i. cimvirtions l. rases dls-niisseif 2, case ponding 12. kinged i I. System Too Heavily Loaded and Globes Ordered Without Authority That nothing must he ordered on lic.halt of the schoolhoaril in suture except through Hie treasury was .laid down-very clearb at the mealing of the board lasi veuiug. I lie matter mine up in ToitiiccliiMi witli electric liglils. which it was reporlinl had I men )rureil hy the janitor while the secretary was away, and . which proved loo powerful for the. Airing ol the building. A letter was received hy llin hoard fron) Hie superintendent. f utilities telling them that the! King Kilward High School elec - i irie light system was o erloadej and Hial rewiring was necessary, H Add the magic I lUUtll lO SUU, sauces, vegetables, H. eggs, salad and poultry dressings, , fish, macaroni, meats, and left- overs. It makes a world of difference. I' In 4 cube 15c 10 " -30c WL A Freo Cnnli Rnnlf- H For You Writ for th copy wt H ( : havforyou.li'tfrtM. OXO LIMITED, ! 3S6 3u AIom SlrMt, I MatrL I I I -v I In ihe meantime the load had itppn rut dowji and it was found hal the ?oo kilowatt light seem-ed to he Ihp cause of tin' Iroulile. these had to he taken out. In the course of discussion oil the King I'd ward School lightiup il was mentioned that light weir seen liiirililiir. there tale at niglit and on one occasion the whole hiiilding Was seea to he lighted up nftcr midnight with no one there. It wns thntiglit, that the people wlio wlin using The huihl-inS.for. ii .Ttlght school had left Ihe lights on. More strict su pervision of ftiis will he insisted jou hy the hoard and an investigation will ho made as In whether Ihe additional lighting is ne-es-sary and as to whether il i necessary to lin . Hie htiihlinv row i red. ATTENDANCE AT CITY SCHOOLS WAS LARGE High Averages Kept up at all, With High School In Lead, for Percentage lljgh al tendance average's were made in all I In city schools during lhe'hirthli of January, imiriling in rhe reports of Ihe principals laid before Ihe hoard of trustees at ifie regular monthly meeting last Vi-hi. Then-ports showed Ihe following: I tooth Srhonl-i -Total attend a nee, a? 1; boy St!!,- girls'9n: average pereentngp tif atlond-ance, 5(5. C. Ilorden Slc'"- Tola! iitleml. a lice. 321: by Iflo. girls liil; average pentnlnge of allend- a ace, 95. Seal lnvo .Total attendance n:. noys r. girls ji; average percentage of iiltendanre. Drt.O King Hilvvnrd High School - Totnl attendance. 137; hoys 51. girls Hi: uveraue perfonlage of attendance. iK. GREAT WAR VETERANS BEAT P,R, FISH M Ellllard Tournament Last Night Resulted in Aggregate Score of G76 to 624.. Tlii! Ureal Wur Veterans de- Iual,!" I'l incc llupc.rl I ish ' " ,a"1 "Will" second division billiard tournament by .an aggre- gaio score or riplo.li2i.. IndiMdun) scoij's Were'aH fol- lows: ; . , ! , i i ; ; W. .1. Nelson jCA'et., ihft; JV nr. j. ,. vcsr,' tl,; 1 Gor licit. ISO. .1. Howe. 1.-.0; J. Kraiinc, H.S. ' Voiingman, I7tt; A. Carlson 1 1 :,. Iteale. 2: SDarion. ISO. 1 League sianding to date is n follow s : 'lames, Total Aer. P .ll.lt P I'.iCI 7051 fold Storage. 17 i(i 7H firoito K2it 72 I. W V . . II5!I Stl t V It l ish (,n. 7 1102 WHIST1EAGUE: fifttues last' njghi in the men' section of the Whist League re mlled as follows: . . kl 41. t ri iiiiuiew s, ; rons or t;an aia. i Knight s of pylhlns, fi; I.O.O.F. ! n.W.V.A., l;vKfligiM..nf. Col itmiius. r. ns of J-:n B JarTf In i III k fi.i League slnndintri L. PIJ M" o t :ist. Andrew'..... .fii 4: i:iks I 1 vuu.- i .AH 5;-r. f LO.O.F, .. 7-. K. of.fi. -j- !5 7 f-'ons of Canada,,., s R, U Orange I.odwe , . , . 5 8 o v v , n 0 I Sons of Eneland .. 3 10 3 Wanted For, Sale Fpr.Jlent DAILY2NEWS fllUTTU CLASSIFIED WJaUUUILIU ADS. niU. 2c per word in'advance. No Advertuement taken WANTCB VAXTKD, One reliable man in every town, merchant prefer red,, to lake irder for host custom-made clothes in" Canada. Highest commissi"!) Ilex Tailnriny Co., Ltd., Toronto. WAXTT'O. Plain drossmakins and spwing: rcnifnlelliHg, ro pairing, knitting, etc. l'luine Green "01. FOR SALE ! 1(111 SAI.K,- liulf Island. SiiihI; fruit and chicken ranch, near Victoria. The acres, four roomed house, burn. Near. slnri'S. solum!. lhin first pay. niRnl. Apply owner, P.tl. Mm li.l. (inuge, I i.e.. IOn SAt.K,- Sect inn l ive hil. ir.O. Six blocks from post office on Taylor Street, paed. Fineiev. Soil throe for cash. 'elenhaer llro. i5;00 per mniilh 'r:verinr principal, inlowt nnd law buy modern liotisp, 7 rHiin and .bath, on (iratmrii Ateiuie. Walker s Musir SImih. rf FOH SALE New and used maehinery, Itoal and engine. plslon rings and propellee Northern lixahaKp. ?i:t Sewmd Avenue. Phone S3. tf Ftl, SALK. SUMlnlM?r Six Sedan or will Iradtv I'rince lliiiort properly. Apply llox SIIII. Haily Now office. i i'llll SALK. -Lh 1 1, block II. section (i. A Iwrxaiu fur ffnfth. Apply Itox 252 I tally .News office. WICKKIt Muggy for sale. Phono Ithick 3 Ifi. 37 TO RENT Klllt HFXT. Modern four room ed flat with Monarch range, Clapp Hlork. Weslenliavcr llros. ' tf F()n HKNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker's Music Store. Fpll,; liayr. Tailnr,bop; Iwo business looms hcjow lw livitiK rooms nboyn. , W.i'Sten-haver llros. tj Foil IIF,T. Ilooni with orwilh- out board; near elevator. Phone lied ir7. tf FfHl HF.XT. Fprjilshcd i bmiso. newly decoraled, .1. W. Mc- Kinlcy. tf FOH .HIJXT, House, four room and Jialh. Plioue r. 13 or Itlaek .32.'.. tf I (lit ItH.M , Furnished sulle Mpssalleni Apartment. Phon IK, tf MOni'llN FLAT for llnnl Apply Max Hoilhr'iior. i ....)... .I , BOARD.-) AND. ROOM.: HOARD,. The Inlander. h;iii JWpntf Avenue riori tsr LOST LffTc HJiir.k leatjier order case Finder please return lo Dally . ,ews ofriee. FURNITURE; . Nwan;d Secondlmnd Furnl-fur-Slore. We .Hiiy, Sell and Fx-, change. Xew and Seeoiullmixi iOomls. GEP.t PAPADOPULOS ft,3r Ttilrd Ave iuK,,(0 nc Subscribe to the Dally News. Found Ac DRY WOOD. Split to any lonirth in block, per load $6.00. . SALT II lilt Iff X I . A.- ISAACSON, Seal Cove, phone Itlaek IAI nflBJ? FOR SALE. I 1022 Olilsmohile , 5 passen ger lourinsr toort.on 1 1930 Xash & passenger touring 1850.00 1 1D2I Overland Sedan.. 1700.00 1 1919 Iteo seven passenger lourjiiK t700.no I I93S Ford Coupe, baUoon lire car like new f(16(l.0i I I92S Ford Ttiddr sedan. Mtt.on 1 ll)2t Kuril fioupe $350 of. 1 1021 Foril one Inn truck, jwnel body 78.00 1 Ford light delKery etinssls. rebuilt ins.on All ear guaranteed in good iuebaiiieal condition. Rn lfrm can be arranged. KAIEN OARAGE, Fprd and Chevrolcl Service Station. Agent for Mel-anRhlln flakland. illdsniohlle ami fihev rolei curs, Iteo. ll.M-U. ami Fetlernl Trunk. WltLTiKIXU SFHVIfii: HAY AXI NIOIIT. AUCTIONEER.. Yflt' make one dollar look like two when you buy your household furniture from me. Private sales dally. I buy oui-riffht for cash, or mictions ar-raiitfrtd on commission. Phonograph records oxehaiiRml. i F. llrine. Auclioneer, 209 Second Street. FURNITURE AND RANGES FIJIlMTUIli: nnd Itaiige bought sold nnd oxuhanged. Xevv fur niture and ranges exchanged for your old ones. Iledrnnm. living room and dining room furniture always in stock. A! ways watch my window. IIV changed dully. A. Mackenzie Fll "! TAXI Phono G7 Taxi (Call tieorge. Paul or Oust) Six- and seven -passenger Hlnde bakers al y..ur ilispnsal any tim for DOc Servlco ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Fmpres Hotel CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage,. Furniture Moving. If you want, anything enl for or delivered, phone us. t r Hot .oq PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE 303 Third Avenue Sole agent for Columbia llecnrd We repair Phonographs, lllcycles, Huggles Hacrpiel nnd Musical Instrument nf all kind LAND AOT Noilea of Inltntlan to Apply to Lt. Land III Qiieen i:iMrlntle llmn Ijiul lie eiinlnm liuirtrt of prtnre., miperl. ami iliMte wo ami one. hair allies ' went uf A"i:r.'l. "v- Skliletale !!Ji,.,ri3,ii'Mn!f ,,-"n,"l, nf Vainiiiiver. iTiipailiiii HaliiKHt Cjiiihtii. InirniH Ciiinnienrlnir al a mm niini.rt li.c. In 7"1 Jtniall Hay one tnimlreil vanH -."'",, iiw-iit rnii UMieen ..I. JIMllKj ...... lliem-e imni! thnre line; llien.-e rolt.iv, In fMinre line ,mlnl of W,,n uVHM,"n' r,,nUi,"t" aeven anrt r ",rr" more or lean. KISIItNO iV I'ACKIMl CO. Aiilli'aiil. I.TIt. c ArticWt ( Loit n4 for le than 50c ROTHWELL'S TR&KSffR Coal - Wood a i d Furniture Moving Haa-Rave . Stand :LIUIe s . 36 2. Itos ii TRAPPERS I XI'IUl Ili.lHio M jirioe paid sell your In -buy them. W. COLDBL00M, Socoin) Tlie Ilone.i I WATIR NOTICE. DIrlM 4 Uh TkK wrrni o. mt t- liW a in i i m rin . - Hi., nlllllH Hit i-1 It ii pmiiMni.-l- i. ii. MMHlM-rit ami rttiiii.-4Uml v.. tie. - Thr lllri I. hr tf. . r iiOi-'.m SI- I U r -4ni- I.--I. f I. r-.iMl 41 i llt-Wrlwr Tli. Ill, ,iiiml -li ll 4mmo A . i an aptlirni fMirui Wl. i I dill I'-iif Ih SU-r S .11 lt,t'll-l I.. tm lilnl H III. Ihr i Ob Ihr ' IIH.I' I I'trlMIIM III Hi.lMll.r iii nun itf- all- 1 r on- ii-.ii- iii . Mir s iNf tlri ..n I- t"-ll'..4fj nr.. i LAND ACT I tssMl nirrti.v i Hi rt. jn.i On i. f imm. .i- i ii nfUMa i ..luimH THI I'TItt On lffr.si ' Pttttr it ,i IMS imM-r -Mil. lr1Klt- li I" Mlfli,- t'aa uihi- CnnMiiMiniir it t v MMUl Imiv amir n-, I'm UlaiHt !" mntr .,1 DrlliMi mtia iin -imii - tUlfH; ttrnt-t IKirlli in- to . i.. mli m wHjr aiomr sirti i rn iihhw i- - Wil l MM Jii-I ' Per V HUH 1mmlf GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT hOTICV or APPLICATION fO CO""1 TO TNria of in .i Mrt r i iimr n 7lll rt.J III ll'!4 iriml inii-iHi ii. Ai-i-i mil linard fur .-ii" ' Hfr t.lmm Vumis-trUftn-t nf tSHtf- ,M 1st- Mmii at Tin- Ii.- i lh Mrwi :t Alti st. - IN UH' I lit nf Cr Ilw tAlttl ihWlllwtl i AIMl IW.-O. tf . IM i Hi nir liuiAlrfil ati.i ' elrr Hilfs rl I ami l" tti thr- Priivinre ,t llm Imn fnaiuiu. in i". I'rmrr lluMrl. llm iraiHferre. ttnt al Prow tlm'' Vijr nf Jiniiary. ii hl i n ' 1 JppJ J ' LAND ACT t"' nttlca of InUMIori ta Apptf I Lna. in ilw priwr rtiie-' PKIrlrl ami IIimh " ' riirmtiiv imr f llv- n in lliiilMin nav Ps ! Inti..ii trinl. nine f' ' TAKE NOTinr Hial H i' Hunrt. II.C. Mirr t . apply fur a lrae nf i1, Tllil laiuta: - OiiniiH-ni'lnr at a P"-' the Kal alile nf I lie il llwnrr i.linn feel imtIIiv feel IwirtlwaM; llleil.e eal; Ihenre S.OOo feet IM.Inl of riiinini'ltreiiieii rnu ftiraM np iiarius Krnn n hl Airnt. i" 11 s l w.,w.- LAND ACT flollca of lntntlon lo Applf " Land. In llin Prinre inns"1 1 ..J blmrlel anil alliMIe .m V , v near Itimila lhml, l'"" ' , ., TAKK NOTICK IIMI ' ,nt llnrera nf I'rlner ntiprri . , .J InieiiiM in applr tar a l. 1 litwlnr ilearriliert land .),. ' Ciiiiiriioiirin al a nwl ' the Kat alile or Vhlie-ii J.OOO feel tinrlhweit: lh-' Ihenrn S.oiin re' . " S3l; ,00(1 feel weal In ttio f ' Jtl.SF.I'IJ STIMSCN H' " Hl. rwMNinlie 4lt NOTICE. takk NoTir.r ttmi p- Ihl Mntlre fur fun! ttr"k lo Ihe llrltini- nf 1,"'" Pmilea. Vlrlnrl.i, n.C , t'-of lhe Ciiniiiinv In Ill-It l.lnilleil." Imleil at Prinre lliine" (ty of Fehritarv. A. It. jjni.i