Bond. Elsie Franks. Clara Stegavtg. ' Cathie Eastman. Edith Kergin. EUeen f K f f .w tn D... 1 - Leod. Victor Miner. Donald Ryan. Dolly Derry. Ltnian Jones. Adella Thurber. Velma Walters, Audrey TreKisyne. Marlon Ryan. Lucille Brooksbank, Mickey Cavey. Helen McNaaghton. George Dybhavn. Mary Geary. Jean Oalbrealn. Margaret McLeod. Zola- Tee. Lillian Davie. Mabel Pilling. OOOO CIIORl'SES The choruses were well executed with clKsrness. grace and vivacity to the very i tltt- nnt Amsin m vil. i much by their revels In the Caye of Inky iuight and their Umbrella Dance before the assembled court. All the Booth School Wf contributed their share to the work oi putting on th concert. Mr. Wilson's efficient handling of the musical parts of the operetta made the staging of ueh a performance possible, while Miss Mercer's training of the dancers and her work at the piano 'were equally invaluable. MU Rotbwell gave unsparingly of time and enerjy to produce Just the right effects In color and costume with much success. Mr. Darlington looked after the Princess dress and made the chrysanthemum used, and Mrs. Walker. Mlas Marsh. Mias Mitchell and Miss Donaldson also helped with the training of the Fairies. Emperor and Sprite respectively. The whole was under the supervision of the principal, Mr. Hartnesa. to whom Is also , "flue credit for much of-the work on the dialogue, the atage decoration, the programs and trie business manaxement of the affair. The concert is being repeated In the Booth Memorial School at 8 p.m tonight. HOSPITAL BOARD HOLDS MEETING IH'MXESS LAST NlfiHT WAS LAUGH. LV til' KOI TIXK XATl'HE The hospital board held It regular monthly meeting last evening in tho hospital with J. H. Thompson in the chair. The report ot the house corn mlttee showed Uiat tbe city had com pletrd the work on the road to the nurses' home and that the sewer con nection with the hos- ltsl had been repaired, Till work had been, carried out Uj the city at a ;ut of over $200 which was ordered by the Board. The finance committee, in reporting on the month's business, announced a deficit of II. 499 .15 with an average daUy cost of $4.66 for the 11C3 hospital days. The board had Invited the local members of the medical profession to a conference In respect to accommodation In the hospital of companions for patients and. after learning the views of each doctor, the .matter was further discussed by the Board in private The decision reached was that such companions should not be permitted to occupy sleeping accommodation In the same room as patients but that they might sit therein overnight or occupy separate rooms at full rates If such o-', should be available. clemency and Justice, well looked after Those present at the meeting beside hv Frank Derrv. &a XnzwMnt the Couri .k. . . ..... wt.. ti - t " r ' uic CIIMII iiieii. Mur MASS tfemu 1UX1UUU, Chamberlain. The staging represented. , RJi Alderman M. M. Stephens, a D. with ptne trees and lanterns, a scene in i Johnston, C. H Elklns. O. P. Tlnkt the Emperor's garden. The forces of I night were well portrayed by Walter j Cross, the Saucer-Eyes, with his Imp at- j tendants all dressed In black and red.) who sang and danced weirdly In the Cave of Inky Night. ' TIIOM: T.tKlMl PART Other children taking part Included: Fairies Clara Wlkdal. Eileen Hainb-lin, Mathilda Van Dyk. Reta StrxndahL Ruth Nelson. Ellen Havmoller. Betty Arthur. Gladys Cook. Frances Stegavtg. Hadl Suehlra. Sofbtrg Jensen, Grace Allen. Attendants Elizabeth McLeod, jean Wilson. Ann KUkendall. Myroa Fuller. Sprites Bert Cameron. Oscar Fulton. and Secretary H W Birch. LITTLE TB. INMITOBA SAMTAKIIM M It:RITENlENT TELLS IIOlV DEATH UtOM IT .IKE Cl'T HOHX WINMPEO. Man, Dec. 16. (By CP. The death rate from tuberculosis in Manitoba is lower than in any other Bobby Uozley. Garfield McKlnley. Bishop . pm of the world, said Dr. p. A. Thurber. Roy Franks. Dwtght Rice. Ned McLeod. Fred Skinner, Jack MRae. Chorus Clara Dundqulst, Kathryn McMillan. Mabel Iraaan. Edith filler. PhyllU Way. Nellie Lawrence. Muriel Vance. Audrey Wrath all. ley Anderson. Betty Eastman. May Jones, Tbetma Skinner. Pheme Flaley. Jean Ritchie. Hilda Stewart, medical superintendent of the Manitoba sanitarium, Ninette. In at address here. Medical science had cut deaths fromi tuberculosis in half In fifteen years. he said. There were today fear hundred persons, well, and at work In the province with no thought of Illness hovering over them, who would hare died from tuberculosis in 1923. if toe Z J.' " ' death rate had been the same a flf Kaca. w Eleanor Ed warn. Christina Mc- i , M "One of the best things about the campaign against tuberculosis is that it 1 one of the best kinds of campaigns for general health. It ha likely accomplished most In Its conquest of tuberculosis indirectly to It improvement in general health conditions." Dr. Stewart stated. "Jn all forward looking and good- living communities there had been a tremendous cutting down on the rav- - ages of tuberculosis until now it wa song numbers particularly ' worthy ' ol I , ... . . , ,, f ' no longer 'the captain of the men of mention, were the songs. "Which w Shall . . . . in but WM P"UT reduced it k.v aK,- -a v,.,.-.. ..-i Saucer-Eyes and Sprites; "A Jolly Little Japanes Sailor-man," Beulah McKin-ley; and "Whether You Like it or not." Emperor and Chorus. The Fan Dance and the dance by Annie Gilchrist and Fairies were delightfully executed and the Sprites and their leader contributed to the ranks. In Manitoba the death rate from this one disease had been re duced fifty per cent In fifteen, years and tuberculosis had dropped from first place to seventh a a destroyer of human life. VANDERHOOF Sample of timothy sent out for test lng prove that it la quite equal In quality to that produced in the Bulk ley Valley. There "will .probably b quite an Impetus In its growing In the Nechako Valley. A quiet wedding took place here last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Holt when Miss Nora Blmle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mr. Blrnle. Chllliwack, became the bride of Edward Leslie Reynolds of Chilco. Witnesses were Pat Blrnle and Miss J. Wrist Watch Jfor CfjristmnS Ml, A WHIT WATCH i a gift welcomed TXby any member of the family. Men want wrut watcUi fur mototisf tn4 sjorii, buys anil girls for school me, and women tx-ciuK ihcjr arc the muat convenirot for every occasion. The Inrrnoll WriM Witch b a new mooVI tliia year tnnneau-alupe ulvvrea metal dial tunctumt and dqimdjble. PAGE FOUR rfHfc DAILY Thin BOOTH SCHOOL XMAS CLOSING PROMTTIOX OF OPERETTA TltlXi CIS UIKYSAXTHKMIM-' A VERY PKETTY ENTERTAINMENT Last evening the pupils Ol the Booth "Memorial School presented their Christmas concert In the school auditor! uiu to a full and appreciative hause. The , entertainment took the arm of a production or the Japaness Operetta. "Princess Chrysanthemum," a" story in dialogue, song and chorus ot, the land of the Rlsine Sun and ItsfOrtunes of Its pretty Princess and JjgwJTers the Princes So-Tru and So-SIE In trwe Oriental style the Princess Is abducted by Saucer-Eyes, the WSaard'Cat. and his band, and is only restored to her father, the "merciful" Emperor. What for-Whl, through the kind offices of her guardian spirit, the Fairy Moonbeam. Top-Not. the Court Chamberlain, and one of the Emperor's attendants, supplies a touch of humor throughout the play, following the lead of his august master. The children taking part in the choruses .were dressed in brightly colored kimonas with chrysanthemums in their hair. Particularly dainty were Joan Arthur in gold and white aad her four little attendants, while Annie Oll-chlrst, the Fairy Moonbeam, was a real fairy in pure white and silver, with her etheiial band similarly attired. Olive Munro and Beulah McKlnley. appropriate J y dressed, took the part of the rival princes, while the boys were not forgot ten. Billy Fuller, the Emperor. In black j wun gold dragons, tardea it in aigm fied manner over all as the arbiter BRINGING UP FATHER A2l eAlDBEPOKn- JlCQS 1STHE.MAN WEWANT TOfJ ALOHRMAM- A. PEAR" LEb-b MAM-A LEKDERAT lU -TIME'S.- HE t-EAR NO OME- 13 RULED BV NO OMC-ASJ' ME t MEANS Hn -vc x -mn . ' a. -- . II ""- 1 (jddderhamAWrts X.NAD,AN pI'RYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Itoanl or by the Government of British Columbia v runroa, the ceremonv betisg performed 'fey Rev. Robert T. McParlane. The iwppy eovple nave taken up resident at Chileo. The butter production at the Keels- ko creamery here for the month ol Wot ember was approximately one hun dred per cent greater than during uw corresponding month laat year. The price of butter fat ha gone op. Harold Hlndmareh Is making a sat isfactory recovery at the Prince George Hospital where he had an operation performed last Thursday. Mr. Harry Worttalngton and hr new baby have returned to their botne in Engen. Mrs. Joseph. Hartley, who haa 'beeit Wry ill. is Matmt satisfactory piiagrasa toward recovery. The Young People's Society here has re-elected the following officer for the ensuing year: President, Cecil Steel: vice-president. Mis Marjorie Patersob, recretary. Mis Ellen Finnle; treasurer, Miss Sadie Campbell. ALICE ARM Mis Verna Wilson and brother. Billy have left for Vancouver where they will spend the winter with their mother. Msrtln Krall ha returned to Alice Ann after having spent some time eon fined to the Anyox Hospital with , broken 'ankle. ii. Dernisthky, who is interested in claim on McOrath Mountain, arrived in town at the end of last week. J. Keith. loader at the P. L. Housiey logging camp, had three rib fractured in an accident last week and 1 In the Anyox Hospital where he I reported to be progressing favorably. A contract has been let to J. Fir and P. Petersen to continue under ground work In development of the big ore body at the Torlc mine. The larger portion of the machinery for the concentrating mill I now at the mine. Ole E.liiUtcn is applying for a beer licence for the Alice Aim. Hotel. SPORT CHAT Ottawa I known throughout Canada as the Capital of this great, Dominion but It Is also known a one of the fin-lest Utile sport town In Canada. Year H PROMISED TO B HERE "TO SPEAK TO THIS CROWO-HES LATE. NOW- P"IN D HIM A2 C50ICK A2 I i ill a . awa -m r-" a a. I m YOU CAM" I by defeating Toronto University In Toronto and the Ottawa Senator are leading in the eastern division of the National Professional Hockey League. They have only small rink and also iiave not the population which xnt of the hockey centre hate to suppoii professional hockey, and still they hare I been able to bold their players again; the Inroads of American promoter who are willing to pay the price If only : 'her ran aertir championship taunt It has long been a difficult task to support a first das protesaiaoaj hockey team in a town the stae of Ottawa How long they will be able to maln-ain their honor la this realm of sport a question wbJah eoacam several .housands Al fan. At Its ' semi-annual meeting. U Usnltoba Golf aaaoctatton. tfcddtd Uu'. n future the acsmteur golf champion thlp of the province wouM be a clo id event, open only to playeri who bar been realdent of Manitoba for thirty lay, previous to Uw tournament. The ihampioBsaip will be conducted a an vent entirely separate to any other jotf eempeuuos and be d reeded by .nateb play. The Manitoba asaaotatlon -!s oSered to take la dub a tar east a Fort William and Port Arthur. ubject to the approval of the Ontario Golf association A recommendation to I ortn a senior foifter'a aasoctaUon for1 Western Canada will not be acted upon tutll the next meeting of the organl-wuourHgW -.' - : The deer season rioted yesterday wttfe La few lo&l sportsmen braving tlx ele ment US an effort to secure anotbe meIpfiTtan 'before the Cnrsslaaa tortejj t?c ,poieon of the Isardet fcettV P opened Hlei' hH,feCfcloaed -two week later than n former year and plenty of oppor unity hi been given to hunter to )ursue toe Antlerrd Menarcti " There a. of couicc. no mean of eomprlatti ah number of deer brought to the city Jus (eia la comparison with former rears, but It would appear that citi zens have not been as ucceaful po- Jbly a m some of the previous year, 'erhap , (here was lea time for bunt- ag and .perhaps less InHtnation a It take a rial hunter to follow the game wnelstfsMy. especially If not always uocesafut BALAGNO WON GAME FROMJPERCY TINKER Una I of lUlliard Tmirnsmrnt Itruught ttrrrgatr to KM to XII In latur of M, tiniren'n. The final game In the St. Andrew's Orand Terminal billiard tournament wa prayed last night. Charlie Balagno of the Terminal winning over Percy Tinker. St. Andrew', by a score of 200 10 112. This made the aggregate score tor the tournament 86 to 821 in favor of 8L Andrew'. The game Is subject. however, to . approval of tbe League, not having been officially postponed. The leartui standing to rllte, U aa follow: Oamea. Total. Average Terminal 7 7360 M' Orotto 8 7103 aS Oyro S 7098 887 St. Andrew ... 8 6904 63 Moose 8 C8S1 842 The average for the players In the league to date are a follow Games Ttl. Aver. P. Zleman (Terminal). 8 1G00 200 U Howe (Grotto) Oeo. Mcllmoyle (SUA.).. W. E. WllHscroft (SLA.I J. HUlman (Meone) C. Balagno (Terminals! Frank Aidrtdge (Oyro) . Fred Pyle SU Andrews) Ben Belt (Oyro) 7 J. Andrew (Orotto) 8 Dr. West (Orotto) 8 P. OTnnel) (Terminal) B W. J .NeUon (Oyro) ... 7 D, Howe (Terminal).. 8 O. Kraune (Oyro) 2 J Hamilton (Orotto) .. 8 S. D. Macddnald (St. A.) 7 W. H. Long (Oyro) 8 O. Waugh (Orotto) 8 J Brown (Moose) 8 M. MacLachlan (St. A.).. Dan Crown (Moose) -7 H Oorbett (Terminals) 8 1- May (Monte) .. 7 Bert Morgan (St, A.).. 6 J. Judge l Moose) 8 A. Macdonald (Oyro) Z 7 8 Daru,n 8t' Andrew.! , . . certainly hold .-.a.. their own against Isrger D p -.,., ,, . , JVriftlUJioliu-TnTlm.lnthD.'V-l50 jcentres which possibly are In a better 0 Anderson Orotto) aurlLul1.00UplL(Kliolk3XO ipwMoii unanciaiiy vo uppor acn- A it.r,,. mvrnai W -'-irtL' r !r ' ikVsXL ' iiUn TllU war they won the Xma- 400 200 670 1317 1(13 1490 1299 1299 147S 1474 1463 1274 1447 357 1427 1253 1420 I4I6V 1401 81381 1191 1334 1161 980 1287 1131 136 1039 897 m So. teur Ihupy elui4.lothlii -of C auada , Advertise in Th. Datlv New. 200 200 192 1'JO 180 187 180 lt 183 183 183 183 181 179 178 17V 178 177 175 173 170 1C9 1C0 103 161 ICO SAVJIGCS-VUAT ARE S'OU COIN AT HOME7 DIMTT COT THROUGH A FEALIdS LEADER VOU ARE AN' HOW . VOU KREP . WHVAINT foss&O HERE? anted For Sale For Rent FOR SALE. 37 foot raised deck cabin 156 131 i 111 1 cruiser; practically complete tad ready for taunchlng'. essfte Inetalted. Apply Box 10. Daily New c4Se. 3T FOR SALE IHISI1 BETTER PUPS, SIX week otd. IM eaeb. Seen events ft. Phone Oreeii m Mia Damn, tan Privet. SerdBtti A venae East. 290 SNAP FOR CASH. QUARTER CUT solid oak atntng roan suite Pfton 23 day lime or Dlue 3H evenings. I OR BALE. PIANO. PRACTICALLY sew. Apply corner Pulton and Btsth Avenue over Sunrise Ororery. 59 S Wltr NOT HAVE MUSIC PIANO and phonograph for rent. Walker Munte store. u KOK HUNT FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM EQUIP- ped hotel. Ootag eaamn. Write Box 313 Daily New OSce. tf FOR RENT. WARM HOUSE WITH two bedrooms. Central. Apply SIS Fourth Avenue East FOR KENT. FURNISHED SUITE Phone 18. Muasallem Grocery. IiOAIM) BOARD, THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Itirme 137. FUKXITUKB AND HAXfi KS i 1 Ml FOR CHRISTMAS! D1NINO P.OOU suite. Chtkterrirld suites, walnut bed with coll springs: dressers, crtlf fonierr. lounges, carpet, linoleum, and llnUrum ruga Toy Of every description. A. MacKenzle; Furnl ture. Phone 773. LOST LOST. GOLD CRESCENT BROOCH set with pearl between Weatholme Theatre and Federal block. Finder please return to Dally New office. MORE GAMES PLAYED BILLIARD HANDICAP heveral l'lrt Hound Meetings IHMimmI ii and IV. II. Unit Ad taut e to Tlilnl Itmiiul Further game were played Hit night In the handicap billiard tournament, score being, a follow: I IKST KOI Ml O. Krause, 300; .P ODonnell. 232. J. Brown. 300; S. D( 4alonald. 211. W. Long. 300; O, Wuilii241. J. Hlllmaij.. wtiJf.ins, 266. Fred Prle 300; W. E. Wllllscroft. 269. J. "Andlc 3WfcV Morgan. 23. SrCO'O? 1(IHM W. Long. 300; J HUlman. 206. I'HINCK KUI'EKT TIDKS Tl I Il444v4l I uiii.w. ii:c cmiiku ii jh 1143 am. 22 4 ft. tow 5.40 i m 78 " 0 30 p.m 93 h ( i:mui: m I50,H"?I o 40 a.m iliOW 13 31 pm o am i 9 pm M W aw? m iacmi. iiii:ii.iii:h ki:movi:ii by the latest scientific method rr.KMiMAfV firtKWTM It. No need for dtofigurta hair or other Memlsae any more, limn HUra KU KHSTAUHANTS ikmiii i:th v,tr. Mr. Ungrr. Proprtetrvaa Third Avenue. Nett O W. V. A. (land llimf ('naked lel. PhOTte Ik XX) imi.ns wi-iiH. iitiiiv , "Scatter ssjna4ae with Olaa-(Ihe (llidMI llela for ( hrMriMS and make year h-tenae dad for year to coate pi:riti. niKisTMf rti KtuM tlJM. II, Vi. fl.h, tLM and up. Write tor prte Met l. It. MeTAlll By George McM DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c SITUATIONS WANTKl) woman Wants work by the hour or day. Den 11. Dally New Omeo. FOR SAI.B rOR SALE. FOUR ROOM HOUSE. fully modem. gtM veranda, 1200. Oath. IGOO. Balance IIS per MOtH. Five room house with bath. Seventh Avenue. 11.200. Only I too oaah. Balance to amtg. See our IK of oMmt fwepertle far 8aC THEO. collakt ltd. Wmstaotane Tbeatro Mock. FOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT. AN LS-tate. we are authortned to sell sevenl lota, aotnc comer, rawruor view, at id on sewer. Price low and terMM from 110 00 nxjnthly. Enquire T. Mcdymont. tf INSTANTLY! TOUXL HAVE TO COME ajumpiog if you want the comfy hornet alx-rocast-aiKl-balh for Xmu. Four bloelu from Post Oatoe. Buy tt the Instalment way. O. c. Walker. CIIIKOI'ltACTIC mi. il r.. rviiiiKciv ( IIIUIII'KtClOII C31 Third Atenue. Omce tMU ItJPO Hou call . icm For appelntineflt ttione Omce Iltue S3 nniatnr Black 2S3 I)KI(.MATOI(HsV P.O. Box 87$. VlfTntm. nr fURS MADE TO ORDER AND HE modelled. Raw akUM Umnt tma dreeaed. Mall order preeafitJy alte4 ed to. Mr, P Tarr. 334 Broadwaf East. Vancoavrr. ANOTIIKIt UIC. KKDUCTION IN CIIKVltOLKT ( O.MMKItCIAI. CAR I'HKTIS KAIKN flAHAfJK Dealer In rndllar. llrUntlilln, Oakland. Pnnllar Olil.mnhlle and Chrirnlet Car. I'hone 31 now ih tm: time to buy that car you have been considering. Why walk during th unpleasant winter weather? We have several new model on hand. price are at a low level and easy term are available. , im:i carh Two Ford Self Starter Light Dellverle guaranteed. On Ford Truck Snp, One),CherKl,t . Unlit eDllverjr-Oo(Kl ' running order. Maks us an offer. S. E. I'AHKEIt LTD. ioiiii TAXI I'hone rj Tnxl (Call fJeorirc. Inul or (limn Six and Seven PnnflcnL'fr Stude-1""' : . .. . . i 19 0 ft i imKvrn at your illnpo.tal any imt l(. 236 Hum iikos. POOL KOOSI . lUMlimiUIIIQ ""'.r,,B Eg t 'ts I . L.1' ?, Luti Found,4 WATEK NOTICE TAKE Null' : artbeii add takr -I I Uim !! Ml ..; flO :..'thf 14. ao i uir Ink' it. .. il. aatt'i iuiu lOM !r.rfr U,r Wtn l ,setl ill-. posted cm i,. Of Nowiibei i ad si. ap' :aiMi u, -jt v lr tt ti-r , JPtiim e K i i iaupli 4',. i -VV-( f-n-ii W r It . Vict H ihe f 1 1 sjji . jlciral neiptrf firr i K i Ci'j r! WA I in sun t DM I K TAKI Hoi: (W,n-: I ' Vi i. in. r. M ' ' - IUS ' I ' Mi' rti. r t' :e . tl li, n: th :iV. a lit ( Ij'icJ tilr f i . r . t n . , rji ! in:..'' -arjii tlir t H IJl. tlx V Hnprr AC tm- "i ay ' It, r ,.: .. WWl !' tlr..t i lha : ' si-i TAI'l. MMI I-1V4 Ton Ulllltr Exarea lluiii. Wotw H Ton Light Delivery Obu tMM hntn ut i ..: Touring and Roadster t B1X0 "' " ppvi nwonrr muupu Coach and Ooupe 1103000 Sedan 1113300 Landau HlsSlX) I'Mll fiAMH OX MtM 1 Ford Light Delivery, pen body 1 rord Light Delivery. pnet body 1 Ford Light Delivery, aurtrr equipment 7300 IIMjOO 1230 00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan, ttarter equipment 1300.00 1 Oldamobll 8-reuMrnger Tour lng. 1933 1600 00 Term can be arranged on both new and used car to suit the purchaser. WATEK NOTICE i. it infill'; 14 BC The wi the Mreant ' weal ut Ui ii"' f.ubdlv:ioii ! il V . and will i- im tii fie la ml Th: uTMjnd on the Tvae a cup) pllcallcili ptirviKi' W'atr Act : Of the Water !! Objerina t . " filed a.'.h the - With till' ClMI.I1' Perlimnriit B withal 'hut i pearsin ' "I thi paper five u'fl lavn " hl '' ' DKI' BTMKN T By J. P LAND ACT In Oraham M i Island land if liupert. ami Maaaett lul-' ' TAKE NOTKK Company t-i ix-cupation M ' ply for a lr scribed Uncli- , Oommencii n northeast c ier f wMierly. foil mg n aald Lot to ' ' lt: thenot w easterly. fulUwn point of Echinus r easterly to the ! and C'''iUiiiiijk ' Date1 4th N MrcKrr Illork. 80 j (Across from Empress Hold) ouh nieminf VTIIlV TO l.i; l(IM""B 0- DA ne:; r RIV 3 . & 1936 l DC tN0 act. Nolle of Intention U PP" w In Pilnee Km"'" "I"1 Iflri. ami i ' flWll'.M" ll-1l"l' ttfcF M'HI' 1 '" rnin . It'l x " , . . F1ti j-'her. ' ,, . . nl th. CiiIIiim' , .,iin)i."iuii : .iIIm i 1 I'"'""" , ' I lain II.""'" 11 , , lliirl-..! '"" 11 " n.irilws-i. ii" " iiiaik iii"-'"" i mi k ' , i 4i . - In ' ' ...VEnVll . vrsf ivr ' c t ' 2 i t r is is ii ii a r r i. tm' if r) I or 1 ..ti r