rcnintt Set . Seizor V Oven (ila. :rr num Roaster ' r. am Percolator Elt '.tK Iron Klectrlc Healers Electric Curling Iron Pocket Knives Skate Flashlight Fkblpg Rod Electrii: Percolators Electric Soldering Irons V,ity ( urpenter's Tool Chest Dillon Hand Saw Stainless Steel Cutlery Roger' Community Plate "I! Your ChrUtma Gift be the Useful Kind.' STORK'S HARDWARE LTD. Near Post Office VAcincJ Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Const Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T krlrlilkan, Urintrll. Jmiimu and skJ 11, 9. Is vtnrvutrr, VklotU and sestlle lec. 17. iMiM i:vt m:iKKt:. r llutrUtilr, jit llrlla IWIIa. Ocean I'alK Nainu. Alert lUy. Campbell i:hrr, and tancoiner tsrtj haturda). 11 a.m. Jitr for all Slmm.hlp Line. ''' I n rr tnat lt.it trma W. C ouriMllli. Omrral Agent. Comer of (lit Mrret ami 3rd Aeiltie. Prime Itiiwrl. lit. We have Mime -wonderful Mirpriscs In It better gasoline could behiade, Im-pertal Oil Ltd. 'would make It. Asx for Premier Gasoline, made In Canada by Canadian workmen. 296 St. Andrew's, Society Christmas Tree, December 37 at 2JbO pm. St. Andrew's Society Ladles Auxiliary Hogmanay Dance. December 31. Invitations msy be had from the Established 1923. r EXTRACTION OF TEETH We are equipped to administer either local or reneral anesthetics In our modern surgery, thus saving our patients a hospital fee in every case. In most cases this saving amounts to ten dollars. DitFE Kenny nPVTlCT Exchange I Hock. Phone 1M Do nt Forget Only 9 More Days to Xmas! IMtESSINt; (U)WNS St ITS "ATS AND CAPS 0 UHCOATS COI.I.AK HOXES SI MKTS TIES PYJAMAS SUSPEND! SETS SWEATERS HOXEI) HANDKIIHCIIIEI S SILK SCARVES Boys' and Men's Xmas Gifts Phone (Jreen .. Steve King .'In! Avenue. s THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE a Local and Personal TIIE ARCTIC MIKIO Withes to announce the arrival of their Holly In one pound Montreal Importers cedar boxes. And all of their : Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678 t! rOTTF.lt 'plinth. All of their cut flowers will CO. Undertakers. Phone 41. y i&r arrive Christmas. on Wednesday before Mf?c..hUV MltuxX dance. Thurs Please remember that these day. December 16. 294 flowers are from Victoria and e hate n wonderful selection of holiday goods for men, Buy Telkwa Coal and keep your not from Vancouver and that Item has been selected by every money In the dUtrlct. tf women and children tillable for our own people this yeal and not the wholesale dealers. Auctioneer by Brine. Stop I Walt) Big Sale 301 Third MORTE H. CRAIO. Ayenue Eat on Decern bcr 23. Up to date furniture. Itemized tf list Jater. ' Gift at s Montreal Prices Ol'K Villi ES CANNOT HE HEAT AND THE (JUALITY 01' OUIt COODS IS GUARANTEED. Sec our utock and you le the judge of our values. Montreal : Importers Third Avenue. J. H. Miller, Proprietor. GIVE USEFUL GIFTS! Our f' K of Hardware offer ntan Gift that combine Wi'h utility. A vinit to our store will help to olve the ..em, W hat ahall I Kivc?" Alarm Clock Razor A l ew Suggestion Buy Rupert manufactured shingle? from Seal Cove Lumber Co.. Ltd. tf Canadian Legion Christmas Tree I Thursday afternoon, December 23. All Mrs. 8. D. Johnstone returned home returned Midlers please forward names yesterday on tne Prince Rupert irom OI tnelr children and ages. 294 victoria where she had been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Joshua Klngham. Mrs. K. E. Blrnle of Bmlthers. who has txen visiting In Athcroft, Kamloopi and Pentlcton, is now In Vancouver visiting with friends before returning north. Trappers) Call and show your fur to the Old Reliable House. It will pay you as we can guarantee to give you higher price than anyone eta. We have big orders for all kind of fur, especially mink. Win. Goldbloom. Second Avenue. Phone 622. , tf Harold O. Bell, who has resigned from the staff of the King Edward High Graham Spry, National Secretary of Canadian Clubs, who addressed the Women's Canadian Club' yesterday, will go east from here on Saturday's train. Motorahip Belltngham, Capt. J. E Anderson, brought In another nine ear loads of frozen fish this morning from Ketchikan for shipment to the eastern market. Judge Robertson or Prince George, who is in the city holding county court in the absence of Judge Young. addressed the Rotary Club at its lun cheon today. Mrs. Fowler and two children of Gall- School, will aall tomorrow night onjrornla arrived in the city on the Prime the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. He'Kupett yesterday aUerJaoon to sperul will be succeeded here 'at the opening thrr months with Mrs. Fowler's par-of the spring session by Miss M. E ; enu. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Vlereck. Henderson, now of Ladysmlth and for-1 merly at Stewart. I M. De Marco, an Italian employed at I jthe dry dock. U In the hospital suJer- ! Mr. and Mrs James R. Mitchell add n from two broken ribs sustains! son will arrive tomorrow morning on when be mtoeed his footing and felt. I the steamer Prince Rupert from Aaynx down a hole at the dry dock this week. I I to spend the Christmas holidays with; I Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell's parents. Mr. ; Tbe house committee of the hospital - Mitchell will be in charge of the Anyox board reported yact evening that the 1 High School basketball team which Is tender of MeKenzie'a furniture houss 'coming to meet local teams on Friday for 6146.43 for supplying and laying ,ar.d Saturday evenings. j linoleum had been accepted, being the ! lowest. I J. O. Vlereck. who has been located I In Vancouver for the past six months.' Mr. P. O. Bryaolson and little j returned home on the Prince Rupert daughter Orace have returned to theii j yesterday. At present he Is undecided home in Seattle after spending the past as to whether he will remain in the VFek with Mrs. Brynolson's parents, i north or return south alter the Ne' ur. lnd jjrs. W. J. Alder. Hampshire Year. Vancouver is very quiet at the , Boad. Victoria Colonist. present time, according to Mr. Vlereck who la one of the real old timers of the city. I . . T AOl)NTlJ.NlENTf?- S Booth School Annual Chr(tnuu ! Concert December IS and 16. Look hi Bent's window and take a j guess how many beans are in the Jar. First prize, gentleman's diamond ring, value 67500; second prto41adlcs' wrist watch value 136.00; third" prize, gentlemen's nugget pin. value "115.00. Bents Closing Out Sale. tt On her next trip north from Vancouver to Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte Islands, the steamer Prince bharles will be a day late. Her sche duled departure from Vancouver is 4 o'clock Christmas afternoon but she will be held over there until noon the next day. On the present trip, the Charles will not get In before tomorrow, having been stormbound at the Islands. Judge Young, of Prince Rupert, and Mrs. Young are visitors In the city. They are guests at the Olenshlel Hotel. Judge Young, who Is county court Judge for the county of Atlln. has been granted leave of absence owing to the fact that he has not been in the best of health for a time. In the district over which he exercises Jurisdiction it is impossible for him to take his holidays at the usual time for court vacation, the middle of the summer That is the season when the court business is most active in the northern part of his territory. He Is therefore obliged to get his vacation In the winter months. It he Is to have one at alt. Victoria Colonist. WIRELESS REPORT K u.lil. DIOBY ISLAND Raining, moderate southeast wind: barometer, 29.78; temperature. 40; sea moderate; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Cordova. 00 miles from Scuttle, bound for Soattle; 2:50 a.m. spoko steamer Cuprum. Victoria for Yoko hama. 163 miles from Victoria at 8 p.m.: 8 am. spoke steamer Protesllaus, vokoaama for Victoria. 1842 miles from Victoria: 7:30 ajrt. spoke sterner Cttals in Rivers Inlet northbound: 8 am. (.poke steamer President Grant, Seattle for Japan, 1246 miles from Seattle. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, southwest wind; barometer. 29 92; temperature. 33. heavy swell; 8 a.m. spoke tug St. Faith weatherbound at Safety Cove: 8 a.m. j spoke tug Lome, towing barge Drum- rock, abeam Cape Caution, bound for Massett Inlet; 8 a.m. spoke tug Cape Scott of Poultney Point northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29.-75; temperature, 38. - NOON ' DIOBY ISLAND Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.78; temper- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE.- -CANARIES FOR CHRI3T-mas. Guaranteed Singers. 615.00 each. Phone Blue 469. 298 LOST. BUNCH OF KEYS IN LEATHER case. Finder please return to Dally News Office. . FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED HOUSE and bath, Fifth Avenue East. Phone Green 441. 299 ature 43; sea moderate. BP! ! HARBOR C! -Udjv aouthwes nine ff V 1 lester mtjfiw A Mild, Blended Cigarette Eiy fcVrf ef Wlnchtr CiRtrrttet contain. pnkCT hand inrrt card. Sa thuc Inarrti they art valuable in eichanfe (or packa cl Mth grada playing tarda, etc. Thor Johnson Throws Up His Hands In order to raise $7,000 in ten days out of his $22,000 stock of High Grade Men's Wear made by the world's besl makers. As this came rather unexpectedly, it gives the S. 31. Playford Sales System of Vancouver who are in charge, no time or space in this issue to quote bargain prices that will not only amaze but please the shrewd buyers of up-to-the-minute styles of Men's Wearing Apparel. ' REMEMBER, THIS IS NO ACCUMULATION OF OLD STOCK. AND ABOVE A LI NO GOODS HAVE HEEN BROUGHT IN FOR SALE PURPOSES. Sale Starts - Saturday Morning December 18, at 1) o'clock For Ten Days Only Thor Johnson Prince Rupert, H.C. The Men's Shop in the hands of S. M. Playford Sales System of Vancouver, Seattle nnd Los Angeles. , wind; barometer. 29.80; temperature. 38; heavy swell; 9:15 ajn. spoke steamer Catala in FlUhugh Sound northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29.-80: temperature, 39. MRS. COOK SAYS GAS MADE- HER NERVOUS "For years I had gas on the stom ach and was nervous. Adierixa nas done more good than anything ." j (signed) Lela Cook. ONE spoonful; AdIcrtkatremoves OAS and often bring j surprising relief to the stomacn. siopa that full, bloated feeling. Don't waste time with Bills or tablets but let Ad- lerlka give your bowels a REAL cleans ing, bringing out matter you never thought was In your system I Ormes Lsmr-vi. Drus'.- Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West 223 Sixth Street ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low ui . - ... . I. ANUtM, uuuer P. O. Box 247 $50. Prince Rupert, B. C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prlnre Rupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanson Hay and Alert Hay, tc, Tuesday, 5 p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Hay and Swanson Hay, etc., Saturday, 9 a.m. For rOKT SIMPSON. ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART and Naas Blver Canneries, Sunday, 8 p.m. 1S3 Snd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert, A U.C.