ties till Februarysupply bill rapidly put throughKing and Guthrie exchange greetings OTTAWA. December 1G. Canada's Sixteenth Parliament ad-il yeftterday afternoon for the Christmas holidays, and mem. r both House and Senate are now homeward bound. Little more .-o days was taken to transact business which it was expected j take five, this being due to a large extent to the co-operation - y the OiKxition members who seemed equally anxious with ! ernment supporters to rush things through and get home - for San'a taus' visit. Royal Assent was given the supply . tertlay after it had been passed'by both the House of Com- BOYS CAUSED SOME ANXIETY v.tmvi;it uum UKti UN home unx 5C nrnr.KH scout mi: lOt NTIlV I OK tllCM VEIV Ott IS While three j i ! combed to bustard-. alns northeast of Vancouver 1 . Stover, aged 14. two ; of Huliyburn Bad acroa returned to their boom : afternoon They were ' '-r when informed that nope of u i rtwurd allrt had been pe-' ia :idaned on account ot the : tbe weather They et out E ts ostensibly for a dsys hike. we atarted on Sunday." aM r : i : w chanted our minda about ( Doc Mountain and ent instoad ; Sum Ridge Ut In the after-' x ; wa atarted to return but lot our r tad alept all night under a trrt ' . W.th the tow etoud and now- 1 made Utile progress on Mon-1 and had to aleep out again in the )ld. With but two loae ot i ft on Tuesday. we beem 1 J a but managed to atrike an old 1 amp where we pawed the night. A! o gaod aleep, we atarted early ' . ay but the going waa hard." Dt the hardship, both boys are 1 indltion. SCHOOL TERM ENDSFRIDAY "'I'M Vim nt. I rr III be lliiilrl TiMiinirow I n(ll Jamiurj 3 One thousand happy youngsters will dcaks and Jay aside books tomor- not to be seen again at school T a fortnight To most of them the t will be crowded with festivities dental to Christmas and New Years 13 '' time will probably pass quickly for them, rarents. however. "": think rlinrr.ntlv 8;hools will reassemble on the morn- lr-: of January 3 for the opening of t.'.Q l ino r,rl n ....Inn JAMES DICKSON HEAD INSPECTOR ""'. William Mimn Aniimiiur lll "tloit of Muff of Mlnm hepart niriit , VICTORIA, Doc. 18.- James Dickson Pfominont member of the Board of Ex-'Winers under the Coal Mines negula- llt)' Act rt li,i-,tr,p nf mines, has k'n appointed chief Inspector ot mine uruish Columbia succeeding the late J Wilkinson It waa announced yesterday b' Hon, wminm hiimh. minister of raons and Senate. Tb llauw tu In good hunw all ; dsjr rvd, who adjournment aine. both . mlnjled in nccbinging the aea- on' fretting. There was a thrilling scene when Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. Prune Minieter, and Hon. J. A. Hobb. mlnteier of finance, eroucd the floor of the Hsuae to shake hands with Hon Much QuUrle, irsdrr et.tbe opposition, and Hon. K. D. Ilrnnetl. another ConaervaUve leader. ! , iai.i. ami doiiknv aciiitti:d toiiay WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. Albert E. rail and Edward L. Dj-heny were acquitted by the Jury thla morning after nineteen hour deliberation on chargea ot conspiracy which grew out of a Senate oil disclosure. 4 SUDDEN DEATH OF YOUNG ANYOX MAN milium Mrlonald lalriiiirr Met III Itrulli b WrtlriH-lltloli Ut Wirk DoAth removed another resident oj Anyox with dramatic auddenneas last wek, when William Mc-Donald Falconer met his death by electrocution. The accident occurred on Wednesday afternoon about 130. He was employed in the boiler milters' ahop. being assistant to the electric weldera. He came in contact wtth a high voltage and died (torn -the shock. Dircrd was born at South Shield. England, and was only 22 years of age. lie la survived by a father and mother who reside at South Shields. He had only been employed at Anyox a short time. An lnauest was held on Thursday morning by Coroner R. McOusty and the erdlet brought In by the Jury was that the deceased met hl death In the per-fcrmanoe of his duty. The funeral was held In Christ Church rrlday afternoon. Rev. J. S. Brayfleld officiating. A large number of friendi of deceased attended to pay their last respects.' TUB WBATIIKK Prince Bupert. flalnlng. moderate southeast wind: temperature. 40. nnnu'inir. calm. temn. lw; ICIiinv. - - - o . . inchea new anow. Bosawood. Snowing, calm. temp. n. Alysnsh Snowing, calm. temp. 13. Hazelton. Cloudy, calm. temp. 8. Telegraph Creek. Part cloudy, calm. temp, 0 Deiow. Smlthers.-Cloudy. cairn, temp. Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm. lemp. 7: Whttehorse. Cloudy, south wind, B below. Dawson.-Cloudy, south wind. temp. 30 below. ' Stewart Ktvor.-40 below. KII.I.EH HV THEE. VERNON, Dec. J 6v Joseph Hultman Tuesday when he was Was killed on struck by a falling tree In the woods near Lumby where he was working Ijl, (. . Mir ;l nc: vrv "- County Court convened yetterday In the court house with Judge Robertson of ; Prince Oesrge presiding In the absence Judge Young. The following disposi was auie of the rarloua cue which were set for hearing: The vessel belongs to the Ocean Trans port Co. and the agents are C. Oar dener Johnson Ltd. HON. WILLIAM SLOAN TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance and K Large Upstair Dining: Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere nt Anytime 4 floor, for hire. Slnnd: Exchange H 'Ming NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the 3! ATT VIDKCK, I' least. Phone 457.. ' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVI., No. 291, VOL It PRINCE RUPEI'.T, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 192C. Circulation 1520 Sales 384 Price Five Cents 'XMAS SPIRIT BREAKS PARTY UttES IREWERS PAY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO PARTY FUNDS Grit and Tory Shake Hands and Everybody Happy in Adjourning Canada's sixteenth parliament suspends adivi-uu tion COUNTY COURT HAD SESSION VAItlOLS CASES SET AMI DISPOSED Of HEIOIlE JlllCii: ItOIIEKTSO.V V. E. Williams et al r. Peter Bryne. settled. C. P. Harrison rs. D. D. Kimball, set fer January 24. Patmore ti Pulton fsr plfttntiil od WlllUms. Manson & Ocn-tales for defendant. John Thomas vs. Martin Peko. Wll-tltmt. Manson &Oonzalea for plaintiff and Patmore ti Pulton for defendant, going on. i ' Owen McFadden et al rs. Porter Idaho Mlnisg Co. Patmore it Pulton for i plaintiff and defendant In person. Jan-' uary 3i. I John Liadeetb v. Conrad Undseth' et al. Patmore Si Pulton for the plaintiff. Williams. Manaon ti Ojnzales for the defendant; settled. P. J. Mjrsn va. W. T. Atwood. Williams. Usnson & Oon&Ues for the pliln-tut. and the defendant in person: set. tied. P. D. Rlc ta James E. Taylor. WU-Hams. Uanabn & Oonules for the plain-tiff, and the defendant In person; settled. C. W. Burt ta. T. P.- Ryan. WUllamn. Mtnssn & Gonzales fir lheplalntlfT. and the defendant appearing in person: settled. H. Roberts rs. P. L. Buckley et al. Williams. Manson Ac Oonzalea for the plaintiff, and MacKenzle and Patmore it Pulton for defendant, stands. J. C. Oarlgan vs. Joe Shaetfer. Williams. Manson it Gonzales for the, plain- 'tllf. and defendant In person. January 12. .tl'l'UVl.s ! King vs. John BussanKh. with W. E. Fisher tor defendant, December 16. - I King vs. Ray McKlnley. WUUams. Man- son it Gonzales tor defendant; settled. King va. Victor rt.gers. Patmore St Pulton tor defendant. December 17. King vs. Arthur Beale. Williams, Man-son K Oonztles. January. JI1MIMKNT SV.MMONM.s Johns vs. Seaton. Williams, Manson it Oonules vs. Rud- Isr.d. Storey vs. Hougland. TAIYO MARU WILL LOAD CARGO HERE Vuiiiitiltrr Paper Report !hlp l"e on l'iat Drrrnibrr So Will Take u lor, u ml Grain Vancouver papers state that the Pap alien freighter. Talyo Msru. due on this coast on December 10. will load a'cargs of logs and grain for Japan, part at Vancouver and part at Prince Rupert. IS OFF TO HONOLULU Will lake il M WerkV ItiM at Aihlre of lilt I'livsltliin j Hat Horn lmll-posril Ijitrl) VICTORIA. Dec. 18. Hon. William Sloan, minister of lands, sailed last evening for Honolulu where, o the ad vice of his physician, he will take six weeks' rest. He has been Indisposed tor the past two or three weeks. WEATHER IS AMELIORATING TllElt.MOMETKU It I MIS ON IMIAIIUES AMI COI.II WAVE IS TU.WKL I.1MJ EASTWAHO WINNIPEO, Dec. 18. Weather condl Hons throughout the prairies showed treat Imurovement this morning. The mercury ranged from three to twelv below rcro as against fifteen ta thirty yesterday The cold wave Is now ht On'. i aad Que- S.S. "PRINCE RUPERT' WILL RE HOLIDAY SHIP y: ;l i.'U VHgHasHMpS9HaHBHsW When the C.N.R. steamer "Prince Rupert," Capt. Donald, leaves here "tomorrow evening for Vancouver, she will have on board over two hundred passengers, most of whom are going south to spend the Christmas season. Included in the number will be a number of school teachers from up river points as well as from Anyox, Stewart and the city. Already half a dozen teachers from the interior hare made reservations and to these will be added several from the local teaching staff as well as others from Ocean . Frlls and way points. Included in the passenger Ii3t will be Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergin, Mrs. W. H. Kergin, and Miss Margaret Kergin, who will spend the Christmas season in the south and then proceed on a away over a month, is shipping to Vancouver his Chrysler car with which he wilt take the trip to California. E. C. Gibbonstof McCaffery and Gibbons, anil E). Robert son, manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, are also to. spend Christmas in Vancouver and will sail on the "Prince Rupert" Friday night. More Sensational Evidence Given Customs Commission by Head of Liquor Concern VANCOUVER, December 16. Sensational evidence with re gard to the number and size of contributions made by the British Columbia Breweries Ltd. to campaign funds featured the evidence ubmitted at the session of the Customs Commission on Wednesday when Henry Reifel, "president of that company as well as of the B.C. Distillers, was on. the stand. To him, N. V. Rowel!, K.C., commission counsel, produced a number of checks on the B.C. Breweries with vouchers attached. The great majority of the checks which ranged in amount from $100 to $25,000 were issued in 1925 and 1926 UPROAR IN REICHSTAG IS CULMINATION OP SOCIALIST ATTACK ON MAltX CAIHNET DISOIIIIEK AMI YOCIIEKA TION IIEIII.IN, lire. Ifi. I lr ill i in lintkr lmr In the ItrkhMur. today lira Philip Krlirlilriiianii, Irailrr nf tlir SiH-lal DrimxruK atlacknl Orfrnrr MlnMrr OrMrr anil charged that a krrrrl fund eMrl In thr liudjrt tor the ma n n fart urr anil hoarding uf arm and airplane In ltMa. Tlir rhargr wa grrrlrU with crlr of "Traltur" and "HlarKnuaril." I'oIiilhiK l the diplomatic gM Irry where foreign rrpre.rntatlrx nrrr tratril, the .NatlonalM rrlrd: "Why rrtral tlior tiling to itnr ninnies?" and thru Irtt I lie chain-lirr. Srlirlilrinann, who wut Irndlng the Sortallst attack almnl to overthrow the Marx cabinet, cried! "The Alllrs know all about tlir rottru nillltarl-tic condition .In (irrmitnr. We fmlglit a well correct tliee condition oiirsrhr a hae the. Allien net for u." VANCOUVER EXC1 1 A Nfi E Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.35K B.C. Telephone '213.00 . 218.00 Dunwell 1.01 1.05 Gladstone .30 ,32 Oranby 34.00 38.00 Independence .08 H .08 i Indian .04 .03 Premier 109 2.03 Porter Idaho 10 J0V Silver Crest 03 ,05H Richmond 03 and witness admitted that they represented contributions to campaign funds. So many were the checks that, as Rowell read off the particulars, the answer "campaign funds" became monotonous. No particulars as to which party or parties the sums were contributed were . asked for or given. On one or two occa sions It was aald that the checks had been paid to "fight prohibition" or "to get signatures tor beer by the glass." Four checks totalling $43,000 payable to one man were Issued between the beginning ot January and the end ot June. Mysterious payments by Joseph Kennedy Co.. Vancouver liquor exporters, which It was suggested might have found their way Into the hands of provincial government officials, were not further probed by the commission. LIBERALS WILL MEETINMARCHf KXECCTIVi: HECIDES TO HOLD PROVINCIAL CONVENTION THEN ritK.MiK.it oliw:k STEAKS AHOl'T I'.OE. VICTORIA. Dec. 18. The next provincial convention of the Liberal party will be held In Vancouver on March 16, the executive decided last, night. Ar-rangementa are being made whereby the expenses of delegate, wlhl $V?1paol ed so that 'those train dUUace, may be placed on equal tooting with those In the city or nearby. P. W. Sterling, Vancouver, was chosen temporary provincial secretary In place of Brenton S. Brown, resigned. The mreHng dealt with many resolutions. Premier Oliver made a statement re. gardlng the Pacific Oreat Eastern Railway and said that, although negotiations had been under way with both British and American capitalists, nothing definite regarding the disposal ol hi- od 'Mit resulted. Minister of Public Works Tells of Road Program for Year and Speaks of Rupert VANCOUVER, Dec. 16. Not counting such vast and costly undertakings as the proposed Skeena highway, the Revelstokc-Golden link of the Vancouver to Banff road and other major projects, the estimated cost of the immediate road construction demands of the people of various parts of British Columbia is between ?16,000,-000 and 17,000,000, stated Hon. Dr. W. H. Sutherland, provincial minister of public works, while in Vancouver this week, on his way back to the capital after a visit to the Kootenay country- This information was obtained, he said, from the various district engineers, each ot whom had been - aked to prepare a list lth esUmatM pxnTmTPP THAHI attached, of the work In his district tor IIIJhhIiIV vhtch there was a direct and Insistent 1 Vl 1 UllLiU 1 IllIll i Discussing the request tor a road con-; ncotmg Prmce Rupert with the gjnr! ' highway system cf the province, which I now extends via Prince Oeirje to a !pclt eight miles weJt of Hazelton. Dr. ! Sutherland stated that the coat ot buUdlrg through the Skeena canyons wculd dwarf the fisurcs for the Fraser Canyon highwsy into insignificance. "Erglneers who worked on the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific teU me that that line cost $100,000 a mile In places," he aald. "What t road will cost mav be zathered from the tact motor trip to southern California. The doctor, "who expects to be hhat the railway took the best locations We Intend to put engineers In there next year to sec what can, be done In the way oftunnlng a tine through, but our present policy Is to try and extend the existing road as far as Terrace as soon as we can afford to do so. This will reduce by about 40 miles, the distance which Prince Rupert people wrill have to ship thel rears to reach the highway. MlimNU SEHVICK "At Revelstoke and Golden when we wlsned to go touring m our cars, we used to ship to the nearest trunk highway and for that purpose the C.P.R. established loading platforms and kept one or two flat cars In a convenient place so that we could dflve our automobiles right on the flat car and secuie them with a minimum ot Inconvenience. It occurs to me that the Prince Rupert people might arrange some such service on the National Railway." EMI'KUOK Of 4AJAN IS (iETTINO HOUSE TOKIO, Dec. 18. The condition of Emperor yushlhlto, who has been 111 for months, took a decided turn tor the worse this morning, all members of the Royal Family being summoned to the palace. VANCOUVER LOGGER LOSES ARM UNDER TRAIN AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, Dec. 16.- Fred Oreen, 28-year old logger of Vancouver. B.C.. lost his left arm and suffered serious head Injuries when he was run over by a Northern Pacific switch engine In the railway yards last night. FRED OSBORNE IS MAYOR OF CALGARY Orfrutrd Aid. Andrew Davlon !;. Majority of 4 1 f I In Yrttrrday's Contrst CALGARY, Dec. 16. Fred Osborne, pioneer business man, defeated Andrew Davison, Labor alderman, In the mayoralty contest yesterday by a margin ot 2.1 94 votes. rOllTlOCESE INSl'KHECTIONS. PARIS, Dec. 16, I lavas news agency despatches report military Insurrection in southern Portugal. Miss Caldwell, R.N. ot the staff of the local hospital Is leaving for the Houth tomorrow. Her position on the Haft will not be filled for the present. At the first of the year Miss Hunter, who will have finished her training, i.OS ANfitrts .SCIENTIST WIIA THY TO OHTAIX GOLD OXIDES LOS ANGELES. Dec. H. An exploration ot Death Valley and parts of Ne-vada to test his theary that huge 'fortunes In the form of gold oxide can be extracted from the desert wastes Is soon to be made by Dr. Herschel C. Parker, noted scientist. bold oxide has be;n made In laboratories tor a hundred yeari. he points cut. but was never thought by scientists to exist In nature. However, he became convinced that It does. He made the discovery, he says. ' during a course of exerlients at Mona Lake' "white" attempting to extract gold from gold- carrying waters by m?ans of electrolysis. Dr. Parker believes that enormous quantities ot gold oxide, which be terms aurtte." He on the arid bottoms of Death Valley and that the waste lands can be made to yield hundred of millions of dollars In gold. Dr. Parker was Professor bf Physics at Columbia University tor 20 years and at one time was atsoclated with Dr. Robert A. MllUkan, head of the Califor nia Institute ot Technology. He will bo Joined in the exploration by Harry Wolf. Chicago manufacturer, who will act as manager ot the expedition. LIBEL PAYMENT NOW EXPECTED HON. WILLIAM SLOAN CONCEDES TWENTY PER CENT IN SETTLEMENT Of 4UKIMENT C1IVEN IN HIS r.ivoit VANCOUVER. Dec. 16. Through hU solicitors. Hon. William Sloan, according to the Vancouver Province, has announced that he will forego twenty per cent ot the SoO.000 damages awarded him In the McRae libel suit. The minister's lawyers, the newspaper says, have been authorized to settle the case for him and no doubts in regard to settlement are now anticipated, there having been only a matter ot 12.000 la dispute. A compromise on thla sum Is looked for. JAP PRINCE TO RETURN HOME (O.MIMI HIOM ENOLANO TO MAX IKANCIsfO AMI THENCE ACROSS IMCIEIC TO IIEOSIDE OK IIYINO rATHEK VANCOUVER, Dec. 16. Prince Chi-chlbu, second son of the dying Japanese Emperor, will sail from England, whore i he has been studying, on. December 32 for New York It was announced at the Japanese consulate here yesterday. He will sat on - the steamer 8iberla Maru ' from San Francisco and hot from, VaxK couver as previously reported. : MANITOBAF ARE ON INCREASE Population U Now 63U.0.V1 Wlilrli l lmrrue of ZX.V3 Oirr llttl OTTAWA, Dec. 18. Manitoba's population is estimated at 639.0&8 In a bulletin Issued by the Dominion Bureau of will be taken on the staff as a graduate 'Statistics, This la an Increase of M,-