PAGE SIX For Xmas Giving Perfumes, in single bottles 25c to $13.50 Perfume Sets $1.70 to $20.00 .Manicure Sets $2.00 to $22.00 French Ivory Sets $2.00 to $25.00 Trench Ivory by the single piece. Clocks, Brushes, Trays .Mirrors Combs Perfume Hot ties Manicure Articles etc. Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists We Deliver. Phone 91 TEN DAYS TILL X.MAS. BUY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH A Few (lift Suggestions Gent's All Wool Sox, per pair DOc to $1.25 Gent's Silk and Wool, per pair $1.25 Gent's Cashmere Sox, ir pair , 50c Ladies' Silk Hose $l.y0 to $1.75 Ladies' Gift Boxes $1.00 to $1.75 Gent's Gift Boxes 85c to $2.25 Gent's Scarfs $1.75 Ladies' Scarfs $1.25 to $1.25 All Mechanical Toys reduced to half price. Mussallem Grocery . 'Co. Ltd. If your head aches, or reading or work strains your eyes, or if you are the least bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult us! Glasses are intended to make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage shows thai we know how-to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland filMtll.m: OI'TOMKTHIST 27 Tears Practice 319 Third Ateuue. Opp. O.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per harr load 3.50 Per sack ., 50 Firelighters, i8 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5B0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxqulsile Slock of Fui Trimmings at low price B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V.A. Third Ave. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone ft. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and GraveL We Specialize In Plane ane" Furniture Having. INSTRUMENTS ARE EXPENSIVE TWO VIOLIN'S, VIOLA AMI CELIO lEI HY VOINO .NEW YOKK ll AKTr.TTE AIStSHEOATE ' i:j.ikni IN VALl'E NEW YORK. Dec. 16. New York youngest quartette at Its next recital at the end of the year will play two vlo-Uru. a viola and a cello, worth $175,000 made by Antonio Stradivari in the early days of the eighteenth century. Stradivari violin are reputed to have the sweetest tones of any made. Of the thousands of instruments cherished by their owners as the product of the famous Italian instrument player only about SO0 are genuine, experts say.. A'.l these are now in museums or in collections of wealthy men and change of ownership are easily traced. The four century old Instrument to be used by the quartette are owned by Felix M. Warburg. The members of the quartet are Sascha Jacobseo. Bernard Ocko. Louis Kaufman and Marie Rornet- Rosancff, the cellist. The quartette was recently organized under the patronage of Mr. Warburg and other wealthy music lovers andj gave Its first concert a month ago. NEW ALPHABET WOULD NEED LESS PAPER AND RAISE WRITING SPEED KANSAS CITY. Dec 18. A revision o: the English alphabet which. It Is claimed. mould cause a saving of 25 per cent of the white paper consumption, has been wcrlted out here by Qlhu M. Anderson, veteran Kansas teacher. represented by sound only, the silent letters in each word being eliminated. 95c DAY With Heinz 37 Varieties 8 tins Heinz Tomato Soup, small 95c 5 tins Heinz Tomato Soup, medium 95c 8 tins Heinz Pork & Beans, small ; . . . 95c 5 tins Heinz Pork &. Beans', medi um 95c 3 bottles Heinz Catup, large 95c Heinz Chili Sauce Heinz Pork & Beans, small Heinz Tomato Soup, small Heinz Spaghetti, small Heinz Vinegar, 1G oz. All 5 for 95c 1 Heinz Salad Cream 1 Heinz India Relish 1 Heinz Tomato Soup, small 1 Heinz Pork & Beans, small All 4 for 95c 1 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles I Heinz Pork & Bean, medium 1 Heinz Tomato-Soup, medium 1 Heinz Spaghetti, medium All 4 for 93c JAM SPECIALS STILL ON Plum or Prune, 4 lb. tins .. 50c Peach Jam, 4 lb. -tins 63c " Apricot Jam, 4 lb. tins .. Blackberry Jam, 4 lb. tins Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tins Gooseberry Jam, 4 lb. tins Greengage Jam. 4 lb. tins 65c 65c 63c 65c 63c Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 75c Cherry Jam, 4 lb. tins Strawberry and Raspberry' Jam, 4 Raspberry Jam, 4 lb, tin 73c Smith Block Phons 576 DENTIST Worried about HER Christmas present? Let nearly two million women give you a tip! Give her a New Hoover. Now 131 better than before. J6.25 down; easy terms. Demonstration Booth OO Floor Sold only by KAIE.V HARDWARE Phone 3 CO. A M HOOVER HATS-mi If Svitfi ai a Oft This he believes, would so simplify the spelling and reading of words as to tend to mate English the accepted language of the world. The alphabet would consist of fifteen votrel. two Cipthongs. seven d Is graphs and eighteen consonants. Single consonants would be the same as in the present alphabet except the elimination of "C" and Q and the restraint of interchangeable valence u In "O or 3." Oeorge would be jpelled "JorJ" and Rose. "Rot" Anderson explained his system would not change the language, but only the In Anderson's alphabet, all words are ' mechanical production of words In print. He said he Intended to communicate with Dr. Godfrey Dewey of Harvard University, who recently urged a new system of letters. hTe following the Anyox vs. School games: are the line-up for Prince Rupert High Anyox Forwards, Theodore Ailmur and Jack Barclay, centre. Stusrt Lachlan; guards, CyrU McDonald and Edward Clay. utlUty. Ernest Barclay. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later than nocn cn the 3rd day of January. 1931, for the purchase of Licence XS793. covering two areas in Ooat Harbor. C R. 4. to cut 752.000 feet board measure of Spruce. Hemlock. Cedar and Balsam aawiogs. One (Ii year win be allowed for removal of timber. S pi 1 ; ; Dr. Alexander Further particulars of the Chief For- victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. PULP TIMBER SALE X8U0. Scaled Tenders marked, "Tender on X8440," will be received by the Honourable, the Minuter of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day cf January. 1927. for the Dur- m- , cnase oi ruip ucence abo. to cut II, tn. 7- , Thirty years will be allowed for the IU, tins C i r.moval of the tlmhr We deliver to all parts of the city and guarantee our service. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 MILK Cash iri'e of tickets is advanced to 6 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 Commencing November i. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. 11mhr Kltll.tMt An n r. V. m T.l.nsl THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. Dumber ir. ii I 1 I i 111 1IJ .1 L I I T I I UJI 25 Ull 11 IS WXllili 1U BEING HELD TODAY FOR Q.C. CITY FUND An afternoon tea ar.d sale of home cooking is being held this afternoon at (the home of Mrs. T. J. Shenton in aid jot the relief fund for Queen Charlotte City. Mrs. Oeorge Johnstone is in charge of several taffies and Mrs. Shenton is ! being assisted by Mrs. W. N. Hons. Mrs. ' D. McCullough and Mrs. J Ratchford. I As considerable interest has been created locally m the situation in which many people find themselves at Queen 'Charlotte City, it is expected that there will be a substantial addition to lha relief fund as a result of the aale. STANFORD STUDENTS WILL HAYE ARTIFICIAL 'QUAKES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 18. A ser.e ot earthquakes are to be produced artificially for research purposes by engineering student of Stanford Univer sity to determine the effects of shocks upon various type of buildings. The test which have been made possible through a donation by a San franclsco man connected with the building Industry, will be made on structures above specially designed apparatus for producing seismic shocks. STEWART S. A.'Knowles of Salt Lake City and Denver, a mining engineer of nationwide repute, and his son. D. T. Knowtea. have arrived here. The former will assume the general managership of the Big Missouri mine and the latter wUl Uke a position with the staff. The Stewart Tennis Club wtll hold a dance on Friday night when trophies won during the past season wtll be presented to Mis Muriel Crawford, 3. W. Wilson. Miss Joan Uellor. James Mm-rice. Miss Wilson and II. D. Roahfjrt ALL READY FOR ANYOX ! Tr rZEL 11 YS. RUPERT BASKETBALL Owen MeFaddcn has taken a bond on the half Interest In the Lucky Date .Group of clstm owned by Alex. Me- Prince Rupert Y. Katsuyama (cap- m s MUth to raise meney. tain). S. Ourvlch. D. Stalker. It. Stalker. ; M. Sakamoto. It. Irvine and H. MacDon aid. Two game win be played, one on Fit day night and one on Saturday. Friday night's game wtll be played In conjunction with the regular city league games. ', Saturday night there will be exhibition games between picked teams; alto a girls' game between the girls of th High School. Advertise In the Dally News. 2& TIMBER SALE X5793. Innt. McFadden already own the other ,hlf Interest and It is his intention U Mc- launch a eamnalen of drvtltuyntnt work next year on the properties which art located In the Bitter preek section. He A new strike of high grade ere hi' been made In the RlveMde mine Ii looks like one of the best bodies ol commercial ore ever caeeuntered la the district. Hugo Stratford was able to leave the hospital last week alter hiring been a patient there for several week following an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Queen Charlotte Islands District.' : finest specimen of Its group. The fossil All tenders must comply with 8cc- lion 19 of the "Forest Act." The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars may be had from the Chief Forester. Victoria. D C. TIMBER SALE X4302 1 Sealed Tenders will be received by the ; Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C. not i later than noon on the 33rd day of De-Icember. 1929, for the purchase of Licence X4302. to cut F.B.M. of .Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Maude Island adjoining Lot 1460 and 461. Skldegate Inlet, Queen , Charlotte Islands. ' fwrt 14, aah ...til ... 1 , , moval of timber. , r unurr particular ox me uniei ror- ester. Victoria, sc.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B C. LAND ACT. j NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO i LEASE LAND j In Oona River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, BC, and situate on an island in Oona River SDDrorlmstelv ; opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2199,1 It 6, Coast District (mostly tide Hat, uuuuiiuiDK smaii isisnai. take notice that John Bergman, of Oona River, B.C., occupation fisherman. Intends to apply for a lease ot the fol lowing described lands; Cflfflmmrinv at. ivitt rJ . n t a, 4SV1 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnre It u pert F. D. Magar and Miss Eststle K Msgar, Port Simpson; F. C. BraNra. M. and Mrs. W. A. Higgle and W. R. S. Fraser, Vancouver: Oraham Spry. 0 itawa. ! Central 1 Mrs. Frank Ward. Maasett. Saoy O. Brown. Vancouver. A FINE DINOSAUR ! FROM CANADA AT LONDON MUSEUM LONDON, Dec 1.-There ha been placed on exhibition in the Natural History Museum an armoured dinosaur which arrived a long ago as 1919. Fifteen feet long, it 1 believed to be the was obtained by the late W. E. Cutler from the Belly River formation (about the age of our Upper Chalk) on the Red River In Alberta, Canada. It was extracted from the rock Jn two arge mames and two smaller ones, the whole weighing about two tons. To transport such weight from the cliff height across the Bad Lands and put them on the rail was no easy task Then came the Atlantic passage with the danger of U-boatf. and finally the erection of special gear In the workshop of the Oeo-loglesl Department to enable th huge blocks to be handled. When the plaster wrsppings had been removed the chls- feet north of northwest corner post of or Stegossurla, of Lot 2199; thence 1.000 feet southeast'. thence 200 feet westerly: thence 1.000 feet northwest; thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acres, more or less. JOHN BERGMAN. Applicant. Dated October 30. 192. George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Phone J87 213 Second Avenue" West. Prince Rupert rU began. For two reasons this was a work of much delicacy. The bones were soft and friable, so that they had to be1 hardened; and then it was soon found thst the skin of the back wa wonderfully preserved and had to be exposed with the greatest care by the preparator. L, E. Parsons. 80 great is the pressure of work In the department that this Job would not hsvt been finished even now had it not been expedited by the Introduction of a ape-clslly adapted pneumatic chisel. This reptile was one of the plated dinosaurs which Polacanthus from the Isle of Wight was one cf th first known. It had a long, low body, curiously widened in the middle, with flattened back. ii XMAS SHOPPING A PLEASURE . at Heilbroner's Gift Shop Two floor Hlockcd with as fine an assortment of Rifts as you will find In any More in the large centres. OUR BASEMENT STORE will surprise you. No matter how small a purchase you wlxli to make, we hate aonHthlng to .satisfy your demand. Our Prices are equal to any In Canada we huy all our good for nput cash. You Get The Benefit I loth uptaln and down, polite and courteous employee will Kite you etery aMancc in making your telcctlon. Shop In the morning and we will lie ahle to v,p you even lietler Mrnlce. The Diamond Spvciali.t. MARRIED WOMEN ARE BEST TEACHERS SAY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS MOROANTOWN. W Va.. Dec Married women max better Week-end Specials Evaporated Prune, new season lck. 3 lbs. for 23c New White Fiic. 2 lbs. for . . 2-c Malkin'i Bet Orange Marmalade. Max Heilbroner ie. teachers than do unmarried ones to the J opinion of many of West Virginia's' htfh sefcool principal. Attacking reculiUons i many of tfce slate's boards of education forMddtnf j estptojnent of aaarrted women a tcstehm. the principal. In annual coo-fereoec here, unanimously agreed that married women usually art more stable. satisfactory and efficient teachers than i unmarried ones uavt fewer d:svactlon i and ire :. ,r sr.-. us about their work 4 lb. tin 55c Nabob Tea, 3 lb. tin, special rx-r tin SI.9S' Rold Dust Washing Powder, lartre j package 29c Solvene Washing Powder, for fine, L clothes, woollens, etc., large. tube, special Jci Wool Soap (It floats), special 7 bars for . 50c Toilet Paier Rolls, 7 for . . 25c & String Brooms. ecial, each 39c V. E.ST.O.V.S IIOM K 51 A DE FRUIT CAKE Assorted varieties, 1 lb. pkg. 15c Rich Fruit, 4 lb. slab, special $1.70 Genoa, 4 lb. slab, special $1.7!) Cherry, 3 lb. slab, special $1.39 Sultana, Vj lb. slab, special $1.39 Valencia. 3 lb. slab, special $1.39 Walnut, .'!V(t lb. slab, special $1.39 Xmas Cake, Iced, 2 lbs. each $1.35 Weston's Bonnie Shortbread, lcr lb 39r Weston's Wedding Bells, iwr lb. 39c Weston's Sultana Biscuit, er lb. 39c Ogilvle's Cornmcal, 2 lb. pkg. 19c elling sway of the hard sandstone mat- Sour Mixed Pickles, per jar 22',C Ex-Kslser William keeps a castle ready for occupancy in Germany. William shouldn't forget that there are also a. number of nice roomy jail in the Fatherland. Although Lord and Udy Wllllngdon brought over 25 houae servants with them, this will not help much towardt the solution of the servant-girl prob. las Sour Chow Pickles, jer Jar 22'4c Muscatel Raisins (for wine making), 2 lbs. for 35c 25 lb. box $3.90 Cowcn's Chocolate Velvets, jer ib. , 39c Xmas Mixed Candy, per lb. . . 35c New stock, choice quality. 3 lbs. for $1.00 Xmas Stockings 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Salome Unwrapped Apples, 4 lbs. 25c Per box $1.85 Fancy Stayman Wlnesaps, 3 lbs. 25c Per box .Ai.. $2.75 Fancy Wagner Apples, 3 lbs, 25c Per box . , $2.50 Sugar-cured Bacon, machine sliced, per lb 5C Picnic Hams, per lb 19Vic Rupert Table Supply Co Phonen 210, 211 and 212. 527, 321 Third Attnue WESTHOLME THEATRE TO.VK.HT ONLY. 7 and 9 p.ra. 66 HIGH STEPPERS" The kind of show everybody love See 'cm t LLOYD IIUCIIES, MARY ASTOR, ALEC FRANCIS. JOHX STEITLINC;, CHARLES SELLON. DOLORES DFI ll and noted cast. COMEDY "SLIPPERY FEET." AE.SOI"S FILM FABLES Admlnftiun 35c and 10c Canadian National Cjlxt Largcfl "Railway Syflcm in America Steamship and Train Service SA 1'ltlMT. Ill t will Irate l-KIME lit I'l llT f V.tMOttlK. "( TDK I A, r-fcATTI.K, and Intermediate tnl earn IHIIMV si am .. ritlM i; HI T foe nTl.tVART and AM OX. MttiMIsV " tM ajs, I'ltlMi; (lltULI. fur ViMIVIIl l Olli:v IHtKLOtH v UMi furlnlfhlly. rAi:Mitk -ikunh 1.1; ,r. pKisrr. m ti:kt jh MOMitV. HI:)M:MV and NATI'KOtY at Hit . lor rj (U OKlii:. LllMOTO.N, INMTI J. all lul Mlem t anaJs, I"" Male. AOKM'Y A 1.1. m r.S HTKtMlllr LIMA t'e aiiaIUn SalUnj l:txrM foe Money Order, lorrlxa "I"' elr.. alwi u your net! shipment. CUV Tlt'KKT OlIKi; 5tS TIIIIID Wtl. FHlMir Kt IHKT ri w aa Headquarters for Christmas Give Silk Hose No (Hft more appreciated We have thsm in many colors and pi 11 OUR NIAIiARA .MA ID-Pure Thread Silk In all leading shade, Intlud.nit ' Gunmetal, per pair, OUR WINSOME MAID A Pure Thread Silk Chltfoil Hose, at per plr OUR Bl-TEX WINSOME MAID This Is a winter hose of Puro Silk, With this hoo ' no undernose Is necessary. Two stockings in one at tier pair SI All can he boxed ncparately for gift purposes at above prh' H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Ave, and ru"