Thursda) v December 16, 1020. 7HZ- DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVK What Can You Get at Bulger's 9 Correct Information about '! fiuxillty of what we nell. The Iwneflt of our long ex-wrience in buying our line i jrood. huir and reasonable price. good variety. Dependable or money back. Freedom to looH around v .ihout belnjr urj to buy. (a refill help and advice in tivtinjr. L rlRVPLI.PRS ILint STOPE WITH THE CLOCK JJ WAT it a itomath W! rth A millKM A:lUt bid oace fcmtnl HO Ilkcri .inu h action fa rf rot VEKI'ES (XtNTIlOL YOUR HEALnii Tot your lie.tih'e Ve Consult d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CIIIICOI'IIACTOIl Iloonu 6 & 7, Kxchange Block Phone 6'Jl N Sntvicr "Demers" Have nil the popular shade in Silk UNDERWEAR NIGHTGOWNS GARTERS HOSIERY SCARVES and HANDKERCHIEFS Phone 27 P.O. Ilox 32" (SHOW VOUR HEELS TOVVIN1 tK a ) (FACE-USE OUR COAl AND WIN Winter's ft pretty lortft-wlnded fellow nnd kIvcs a low conl pilo a hard run for its money. You're In enrnest to win a warm home bo are we, to help you. Let'a ko. Phone ua now. NANA1.MO - WEIXINOTON and AMIKUTA SOOTI.GSS COALS Albert & McCaflery Limited Phones 11(5 nnd 117 CANADA IS NOT I AN EL DORADO i III T IT mn:iis Plt()-j;( TM of cr.R.' T.MS WiV.tM KMKN'T TO TfUHlJ , Nor uhaih or wonk MVS KNll. M ItOlt r.i':it immigrations I do cure-all for un. employment, nor 1 Canada n U OandO la hleh th wrlrl.M.. an In,. mediately settle down In comfort t i . . . . . .. tmmvurj m utoor WteKiy. YCSM Of tOtl. MM DeralstMlt rnr l week out work not limited by trade union noun mutt be faced. But net-llers on the land, both men and wo. jHHsn. eaa 1 hardships and overcome jdlttculUaa because they have prospects a certain advancement. Farm laborer to the out country teem to be without any hope of letting out of the Job In which the are stuck: In Canada the worker knows that after a few years as! a wage earner it is possible to become an owner. Failure alluded to sometimes are la.Kriy due to vagueness and ignorance -n the part of the settlers. They plunge into the vastness of Canada without knowing what, and where they are going to. what type of farming they wtah to pttrme. what, climate sum jtiMin beat, and a hundred other cues none which they have not asked themselves. Canada la great country, with vary int climate and varylne soil: province djlfers from province and district from district, and each district has Its most itioeeseful type of farming; here pigs apd poultry, there fruit and vegetable or stock raising or wheat. While each district Dm Its speciality, the system of farming hi general is slowly changing tad becoming balanced' what Is known in England as "mixed,' combin ing stock and crop production. mim iitu: (ioti. m:t If the settler la to succeed he must have his goal clearly act before him; ne cave make up his mind what he 11 to do and where he wishes to live. And In order to make up his mind, he need Hi formation. How Is he to g bold of ItT In dMrlct after dis trict In Wcwurn Canada, there are now being sot up farmer' committees which got together an the faets relating to the particular district Primarily In tended for (be farmers themselves, thli information, if available, would be rxtermely valuable to the Intending settlor. And It la now being proposed to give him sere to this Information. At the tnnotl meetings at which this intorrpaopn Is compiled, representative of the Osnadlsn Ooveromrnt an present: this Information therefore bears the stamp of Oovernment appro vat. To protect himself and his country from false accusations the Canadian farmer Hi meet anxious to protect the arttlar from false lures and misconceptions, and this plan would protect him. The Farmers' Committee suit us be cause they eo-ordlnau the work of alt existing orgajuwUona. and also use the very efficient Oovernment Department! already in eiiatence. The committees pledge themselves "to welcome, help and advise in a spirit of nelghborltnees tall newcomers settling In our district, jand to stand between them and ex. ptotlation in any form." They hold I meetings once a year, at which Infor-jmatlon Is compiled about the fltlnd of farming that has proved most profit-!.hi in the district. This is obUlned diieet from those local farmers who are .rtu&llv making a succens of some special line. In addition the tabulatei information Ineludea a survey oi vne district and of the country town which Urv. that area: population, wate- supply, transport facilities." lists of doc tors, vets., schools, cnurcnes, ana so on. It also ensbles the settler to get Into direct touch with his neighbors; before starting out he can write to them and ask thelf dv Ice. HOW TO fl AIWH'T U Equipped with this information, the mr would choose a district whert balanced farming Is the rule, and work u therefore avaiUble all the year i round. For a few years he would work 'at a farm hand. He would not. una i .hi. .. irkmme as he might think, be cause his 'boss" would also be a laborer1. !f,rkin as hard. It not harder, than he often Indeed coming back to the homestead t night later than the nev Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Mrs. Wm. Palmer. Tomahawk, Aha., writes: "Utt uprtnfr I hd long siU of siekncwi and Imrame ao weak 1 riuM liftrillr stand. I could not sleep at night as the least little noise would wako me up. I tried blood tonlca and other time pill, t't they did m no eood, and I was getting worse. I wrote niy mother about iny condition, and she tent roe three boxo of Aftr th first box I was fwlln tnufh better, so I kept on until I hd ud tho three boxes, and now I foel well as ever I did when I ws a young girl." I'rlc 60c. a box at til dealers, of mailed dlrert on receipt of vrht by The T. Milium Co., Limited, Toronto, lie. 'ruj kv' sW.a w i st ai irk "vm um tjrr. avee m mi w m m a m w re faeC&y The Prince of Superheterodynes and the? rr ost powerful The famous Peanut Tube Is an exclusive feature in ail Victor-Northern Electric radio sets. Peanut Tubes add miles to radio reception. Economy, quietness and quality are unequalled. Can be installed In any radio set by the. use of No. K-M80. Price $3.00 It Is a mistake to suppose that agri cultural laborers are more welcome than other workers. The urban workerH with proper tartnlng, often makes a better settler, because he has a more open mind. The three essential qualities that are found In all men who succeed on the Isnd in any country ars Land Sense, Vision and Initiative. Then three qualities are not peculiar to any occupation, class or race. WOMEN HEAR GRAHAM SPRY S'.iTttrt.u, sfcntfctAttV or o.n.- III CM h lUXtA INTI-.lir.sTINf! AIMIIiRSM On Wednesday Sftemoon In the Boston !a11 the Women's Canadian Club was addressed by Graham Spry, National Secretary of the Association of Canndlmi Cinbs. The president, Mrs. 8. V. McMordl was In th chair and Introduced the Speaker. tfr, Sfiry wat appointed to th Cfpet. set made for home use. Fills every demand for quality, ten :1th ity, selectitlty, .distance performance and volume. Employs seven famous Peanut Tubes and two of the Powerful DX22I 'New). Either outside antenna or R-7000 Loop. Price 1245.00 without tutws. K.S4M. Try This Is the original Cone Loud Speaker. Recommended for the Improvement in reception and quality with any radio set of five tubes or over. It gives a full, rich, round quality of tone. The sound erne rites in all directions directions irom from t;i tVi the surface of the a cone which CJves all tones their natural quality. Price 135.00 The Horn Loud Speaker Is the twin brother of the famous Cone type and has the merit of greatly amplifying signal on the smaller sets without additional batteries. Tills qualification, make It very effective with any set Ofjhreeor more lubes. Price $35. The R-24 is the successor of the R-21, Canada's popular set of last year. Contains an improved regenerative circuit, the best circuit known for volume ami distance in a three tube set. Employs three of the famous Peanut Tubes resulting in extreme economy of operation. Price $55. without tuhss. DX 231 Standard Hat Tufc lew) TliU new powerful standard base tube will Improe reception from any set. Used as both detector , and amplifier. It is not. over critical as to plate and filament voltage, and results' in a more reliable selectivity and uniform reception. Pi Ice $2.75 settler. He would also find that his i of National Secretary at the annual ' unfit u not a dead end. but the meeting of the association which was gateway to ownership. i held last September. Since his ap-1 polntment he has visited 30 Canadian Clubs' holding executive meetings and also addressing general meetings. Mr. Spry Is a graduate of Manitoba University and also a Rhodes Scholar, and Is well equipped to carry out the work to which he has been colled. His address was most Interesting beginning with the formation of tho Canadian Club in Hamilton about thirty-five years ago. Mr. Spray explained the alms and ideals of the club and his audience felt, after hearing his address, that the Canadian Club Is capable of being very worth while to the community. Owlnij to the inclement weather the attendance was not as large as could have been wished, but those who were there spent a very pleasant and profitable time. At the Close of th address, Mrs. A. ft, Nichols moved a Vote of thanks to Mr. Spry which was seconded by Mrs. Thor" Johnson, Tea was served, Mrs. W. Millar and The New "One-Dial Five The K-50 is one of the latest Vicfor-Northern Electric developments and It a general favorite. It employs a tuned radio frequency circuit of a new and exclusive type. One Dial control with two extra ' dials for excellence of fine adjustment. Employs three of the famous Peanut Tube and two of the New DX22I. Price $110. without tub. "TK7'ELCOMED by everyone. . .Acceptable in every home because the words Victor-Northern Electric convey to a buyer a name assurance of reliability. Two Famous Names. Everyone recognizes "Victor" as pre-eminent for musical entertainment in the home. . . . all have seen it on the Victrola. Northern-Electric is known throughout the Northern American continent for radio broadcasting i '. . for instruments connected with transmission of sound . . . and with radio since radio sets have been made. Victor-Northern Electric offers that radio user's satisfaction so essential in gift giving ... Go to any Victor-Northern Electric dealer and ask to see the radio set at the price you wish, or ask to see the Cone or the Horn Loud Speaker ... or the Famous Peanut Tube ... or the New Powerful DX221 Standard Base Tube. There is a price range from $2.75 to $245. to meet your every wish and the recipient of your gift will appreciate your choice. Victor TO INVESTIGATE FOSSIL BEDS KXI'KCTKI) IIOMINION ilOVKKNMENT U ltX IMIKKTAKK WOKK IN' WINNIPEO, Dec. 15.- In all probability the dominion government next summer will investigate the fossil beds In the Estevan district. Saskatchewan. A letter to this effect, has been received by John Kennedy, of the United Drain Growers' company, here. The letter Is written by If. Collins, director of the mines branch of the department of -Interior. Mr; Collins says that It possible he will have a geologist go over the fields with Mr. Kennedy with a view to preparing an exhibit for display at Ottawa. Apparently pre-hlstorlc animals congregated In this district, because 1 federal government official have found Mrs: D. McD. Hunter poured, when thelnarU of dinosaurs, south of Dcloralne members of th club availed themsel-fm the Wood Mountains. . .at aw. ... it th ti tl T V9 V4 W1V UlliWIsMiuv VI lUCCtlliy NaT Spray. Mrs. F. P. Kenny was the accompanist for. the afternoon. Mrs. W. Barton returned to the city yesterday afternoon after a brief bust-uess trip south. Northern Electric Victor Talking Machine Ccmpsuxjr ' : Montreal DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers- i . . . . vr . "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOB.H Smoked Dally by a Canadian pish & Cold Storage ft., Lti Prince Rupert, B.C. Advertise in "The Daily NewfH