I J JcPAQE 7VVC TiWl DAILY NBW3 furity Above Ail it SALADA" TEA 98 86 T64 .Packed under spotless conditions. The Daily News PRINCE-RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limi(ed. Third Avenue. H4 P, PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 11.0(1 By mail to all parts of the British Empire ami the United " .States, in advance, per year $0.0i Tojall other countries, .in advance, per year ?7.fo Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before p.m on dcy preceding publication. Ajl advertising received .iilijei- to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. OAILT. EDITION Monday, May 31, 1926. Jutland Anniversary Is Today. This is the anniversary of the big battle of Jutland, the greatest naval engagement the world ha ever seen. 11 is just ten years ago that the grand fleet or the' dernrons emerged from shelter into the Aorlh Sea and were, met by the British with di-itrutis results tolhe liermaus. ,i - . Nothing In South ' Like Scenery Here. ' There is nothing in the south jn the way of scenery like that of this district. On the healeu.path one does hot get the liet of it'l'ut just a short distance inland andthe mountains rise sheer, glaciers appear and lfie rugged, grandeur of the scenes i unexcelled. '4-f Many places boast of their scenery bill there are few thai have such surprise as are found here. Should We Borrow e- t i)n Foreign Market? ". ' j v''t . ; Tliepiostjon-ufnvhetjier Canada .hoiiJd borrow in the fort eign. money market or flual bonds Tat home i one that i ofleu 'disciised. The argument. for floating ill home is that the peol pie retain the interest on the .moijey instead of sending it abroad; On the- other fide it is stafed lhat if locjal people are urged to lul llieirmoney into bonds, (here is mine left for Investment , in local industries or in development of liu-dnesM's to keep pae ' with thiMgrowth of popiilalfd'ii. Kxtremes'oli either side would probablyn prove injurious to the country. ; ' ' No Pilot Is ", Needed For Port. The, captain of the big tranipslearncr Monarch came in' here without a pilot last week Miiil.-hesajs thai one is not needed vyhema pejpu has once been iritlie- harhor. The course i so .plain and without bad currents1 or tides lhat iiiiyone can bring1 a ship in or take it out without difficulty. That should he worth aiol to the port and shouliLsave 'a Jofof money for the vessels thai come here. , - . ' - .'.... National Vessels r !f Beginning To Pay. f The vessels or the (lanadianViOvernrcnt Merchant . Marine! are; paying their way. OperatingfcosU were more than cleared during the first five months 6r .this year whereas fur a similar, period. last year there was a IiHs'nf over. half a milliun dollars! ir,Mienry mormon, who told the legislators about thi laL I '..I.;, i i... . ....... i r..!i. .. : . r 1 "r rin-ciru iMiwicr improvement, very soon lhef?ytjnv should liegin to nialfepaymeo !'i(ip.i the in ten-si pn .capital cost. i Tka. I.. JL. - 1 . A cwuiiiry ui ine merman' snips is yery great. Before Canada had those. vessels she. wjis often Unable tdectire tonmige to curry lien prod'uets. to world ports.- Ship Jiad to be engaged til San Francisco for this coast and the men ll'n 'lllfl ..tinl 'frill - I llll rirl .1.r....'V. .Til II. A I. nil... X'. .1 v ,v nv ui tni mini c in me UU1UMU9. .miw mere i anno always tonnage available and regul" services are given mi sfyrrai rouies. me. nest route for a regular , service should be between rnm e Hupert and the Orient with possible calls at Vladivostok, New Police Force ; Is -Taking Charge. Tomorrow the new provincial police force is taking charge of if ejly apd the officers are already4 here. They will doiibl-less receive the co-onernlion of citizen in llieir .np.t , ... ...... ...r. u. i . ....I ........ ..I... ii... ' .it i i ..... part of the police as o which laws .should be enforced or which eyaded,"lf isiunfair to those who Keep the laws. Start the day feeling Rt SHREDDED WHEAT The enery-buildh food POLICE CHANGE IYEAR OF UNION IS EFFECTIVE' UP FOR REVIEW After Tonight Upholding of.Law Unllcd Church of Canada to and Order Here Will be Provincial Police Hands In ..-After loniffhl the duly of ;-holdin? law and order in the city oT Prince Rupert will be in the hand of the provincial police v -der the recent agreement where-, by' tfie. pnlicin? of I lie city vhu transferred from the municipal to 'provincial aulliorilies. Tht cily detachment of the provincial police, lis. already announced! will consist of Sergeant lam P." M. Hannah, 'ehief coiHlnble, and ConialIs it. MurKiuIay, J. Anderson, Fred Markland, Chas Kench and J. M. Delhi, all oi whom have now rear h M the dl. With Hie passing of Ike city police 'Torce toes Chief W-. II. Yickers who, liavins? served in lhat capacity Tor fifteen years and three mouth or ever since the city was incorporated witb Ihe exception of a. very few months, holds the ln; recorti fur. 'xervic' with the municipality erjreanl Hailey tins ie"n wila Ihe force fourteen years; Ser peant Mc(.linchy, ten year, and Omstalile Alex Maedonah! vr leu years during which time spent some year on oversea service. Constables Crate and Potterton, the other members in the city police foree, are of mor recent appointment. It is upder.Moixt that arranr me,nlj have been made, to ab4orli all the sis members .of the relir- ihfr city force. The four sentot members, it is expected, will t." transferred to sutilhern pti'- while Constable Potterton has been recommended for a post ul Stewart. Constable Crate ha already declined the offer of a post at Teleprapli Creek. gosIWiEny SELLING STOCK Offering Seven per cent. Pre ftrred on Eastern Market Covering Ten Plants The (losse Parkin? Company, formed with a capital of 1.500. - nnn to take-over the business f the iossc Millcrd Company, ij adverlisln? its eveh pr .cent. preferred stock in the Hast. The statement Hi the advertisement fM that Di (onipajpy .wll qwii Snd oierate ten plains together with a lar?e number or fihiu vessels with all their necessary equipment. Us business will consist in production, and sal nr canned salmon, canned pilchards, dry salt salmon, dry salt bi'rriiifT, fish , meal and fish oil; The management remains tht same as formerly. The company has no bank loans or bonded debt and ha assets valued at close, to twd eiHIioti dollars. The earning of the company last year amounted to 9(05,223.50, more than twice that oi the previous year. SEAL COVE PUPILS ENJOYABLE PICNIC 4 Large Party Taken to Shawat- lans Lake as Quests of the City Engineer In spile of Ihe inclement weather on Saturday, Ihe senior puifll of Seal Cove school had t wonderful time at their picnU' U'liAti ll.n 'tMfn IIia tf.ii.iulu f ii i- inn rAicriL'u miui me cuy win necome perteci nil at once j - "",,r u,r ur'" " but it is expected that the law will be enforced here. If ther,l Pnffinwr' wl, wenl across laws.jirehwrougJeUiis have them alirogaledf .but if they -are'10 yt,?l1,,nn " depart menta. right, let. us enfon-e them. There should be no notion An ll.plbusiness In the Oli Itaby atk took ithc yjounj; folks with him. Miss Hiilh Stewart, principa or the school wag In charge ot the party, which numbered lit) in ail and she was ably assisted lij four ladies, Medanic. Viorick. (krne, Strand and Kilpatrick. They left the wharf at Seal Cove Mion after ten o clock and it wa five when they returned. Lunch was served by the ladies and ice cream also was provided in abundance and everyone enjoyed the party tj Ihe litniC "Does ynh take tht woman foil yoh lawflly wedded wife?" in nulrrd the Nej?ro pardon. .Ihe' little map looked al Ihe enormous wontan who nlood IhreateniiiKly at his sid "Ah take iiulhin',"'he answer- cd dully. "Ah's beln' looked. In General Council on dune 10 at Montreal MO.NTiiKAL May M'.t- One -.. .... f it i yar or union rums '"e imcu UliurcU if Uaiuida toitig toward UifVlaci- wliele the duties of m. eons vvcI as o a waif 15' tuyonal eioivenllon a a d.4iierat nssejnblv WninM-iioriiifs fir" hT Crnerar Cniinril. Sltrillils Win be held in tin- American Church of Montreal, an inlfion kiown for vreneiilioii. Canaitiati fCliurl in S'll,J I it .It Canada, the place -fif worship inr a sue . . . ..... B cession of the navion noiiortvi builders and dreamers. In ad dition to the former American Presbyterian Church, the faci lilies of nciKblwu-ing Emmanuel luinirreuatioiiiil Church and or paeious SI. Jaules" Melholit Church are lieinn made wady for special uses. The Itme is June 10. the first anniversary of the iUy on whidi Ihe representative of thn Churches .VMhodit, Presby terian and CoiijrrepalhMial -me: te r.iliie their union and to celebrate its consummation; to subscribe to its hai and with1 prayer and pcophwy hallow tkr deed; to receive the areiaim ot the sister Cliurches of many Drilish lands, and, as the first corporate act, partake of the Holy Communion. Face New Tasks This lime the summon i to mate survey .-r the tirst year of Bulled life an, I to itraw up form within which the immense an-1 potent organism may continue to function For these onerous lak the- election of et-Moder ator of AssemhlieiTgnd SynosJ lUinrererM'es ami Utiinn, him been effeCt'd by an intensely In terested constituency, wlueti re cently asseniitled in II electoral 'olles'- tliroitfihoiit Canada and n Ncwluuiidlaud. BATTALION ORDERS . v - lly J.ieul. Colonel .1. W. Xich0l' i)ffi-er commanding 1st Il.it- i a I iuii -orlli H.I.. IteRinieir, .102nd Hit. C.U.F.; . . v sfgriai Sertrofi nafajle ftfr :i I ruction, Tuesday evening at P.m. Heeruilx parade for drill ar-1 muskelry ttru4Mon, Wednes day eveninif at H p.m. Ilerrurts atjtesled, Wednesday: a 8 p.m. Me.Niehol Creek ranre ojien' for iiiari ice, Sunday at i) a.m. All member of the regiment must all end al least twd ran e practice at MeXichol Cree'4 dtirhicr Ihe silmmer, in order to comply with musketry regula tions ami (.Tirn Koverniiien'i vranl. Summer camp: A sum met camp will be oii.tucleil at Itodd Hill, near Victoria.; II.C. from July IK to :i. Vacancies are al lotted for this battalion of oii.i officer and lour other rank Fre jtanspoilatkui Will b"e pro. Videfl jm.l ay pr niajifird ranis win 'nr jtranieiL atne or apt Jill". pucjinis ,1111? io I tit .ue lie stiDiniHi-o SUUIIIIUI'41 to 10 ih III" orderly' loop! Wqi lifjkr itlian Sal iirdavVlJune'tf ' "W The Commanding 0 fllcer thankf and ci.rurraluTate all ranks ou paraue in:- me creUiiable appear ance and conduct Irtp to T'-rrace, thanks are peeialiy due to the band under, the direi-tion of C.S.M. Wricl i liavies. aitmtr bandmaster. Onleity officer fur Hie weel MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Money! All you need is waste fals and GILLE1TS PURE I VC FLAKE LY L full Directions With freryCot VOUR GROCER SELLS It! . ..... sit . m&nuwx'. i i t es-9 1U imam . iiiiii.i.i i.i u -'y- p sarin ft "COR 'ovcr a score of years lux has kept pace with the evolution or the feminine wardrobe. To-day when everything you wear is expensive and frequently fragile, Lux offers you Safety. Your filmy undies and negligees, your sheer silken hose, and all- those intimate, luxurious .things that cost so much all can be safely and beautifully laundered with, endintr Saturday. June 3: Lieut A. j lUx, orderly sevttcant Sg jlorrohlu. 8. J). JOHNSTON, Major anl Adjutant Attached lt yn.q Htvt BOBOLINK MOVEli " TO SKEENA RIVER Arrival from Naaa Yetterday and Roportt Fishing Good Latt Week: HosplUI Equlp- ment. 'v'The rrih'jc.vnw Itolifl'link, Cap lain .1. I Walsoii. after pen . inz five weeks elearintr Iok and snasr. from the fishlnjr round. nl the niouth of the .nn Itiver hown on lll.f1',,,,nP,, l",r yslerday; and will P now spciiu ine umtjier on im liar wnrJCUp the FLeemi Hiver. t-iplain Watsorj report that Ihe weather ha JiVen very had oi (lie .'aa IhU year. Ifhinfr he l.ei'n poor until IimI week wher. it picked up. From 75 to Hit jhoalA are fishinjr for irihtr sal mon in Ihe ,aa now and three anneries. Mill May, Xaan liar-lor and Arrandale nre canning fhii fish. Xnne nre iiirt I hi mild curinx prorew. I lie ItotiotinK hnioglit frm Purl Simpson the eipiiimenl for he openinif or Ihe I'nlled ChiircJ liospilnl al Port Ksiiiuirmi. Hi i-arr nun niiiiie OI me nursi' .i. enme li Oil; Ihe other ton Ih Mlooitgand the lloliollnk "AD ACT. ..v..v, niwuw to appi; uj LtMt Land In l.n,l llminllnt filOrlrt ,,t frlurr TAKR SOTICE thai The Cn(,n Flh. tnt :.,fnpany, Llmllnl. of vine "iv"r or JiipaliMi SalrtH.n Canm-rn. InOwla in irvnlv -Wat VeEasf.'iBW "as? rliama. more r.r Im. ahorp Tin.- ih...V. and rontalnlnr 40 irrri, nw.rii i cvunuji imm 'cIimTany. S . ... ctp, niiriiirani ii .: your auowunce wKuu me the better youil like Qia Lux over and over again. They will come furth froa the immersion in Lux su gloriously dean and bright, refreshened and rc-bcautiSd The smaller your lingerie allowance, the better youl like Lux, because Lux huoly cring lengthens the life of I all fabrics. 'ye; The uvnJaful sucens of Lux las rutur ally (ncwragttf imiuthps. For ycur pn-tcttion Lux is sold only in packages nev-tr in bulk. Lew Brothcn Limited, Toronto Steamship and Tra Service eaic ocomoc nt eniNCC auetar r ov iixi tUNOAvi i ii p.m. mj rmnct CHABUI. KAY 2, ind JUNE al 4 f.m, f:r ANT0X WCONCIOATt. 10 M. Ir iTIWAUT iATUHOAT, 10 p.m. 0.0. PRINCE CHARLE0 f.IIDItlU) f. VANCOUVIK LOTTE I1LAND0. eAINOIR TRAIN 0 LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT 11.10 Jil (nr PRINCE OE0R0E, EDMONTON, WINNIPI0. Cantit. IiuM Ruir. Afwxr til Octn OUtmihlp Ll. I'M 'UnfiKa .1iimI rprf rr Ji.w ": !i ilo tar x-mr Itnt tMt4iwnl. CUr Tkl Off lc, B20 TMf t Prlnc Rup' UNION STEAMSHIPS wv m DlMt't. 4. EwratftT. LAND AOT. Nolle of Inunlloii to Applf, to Uom . roraanoro In Uuvn CliarMl lalanila l.aiMl !( rurrtinr IHorNt i.f ITInre Roiwrl. imI liiiati-d t uillra mmi nf Alliforil liar, skulraale Inld, and rriiiiimr mi IjiI III, (Jim-mi i.iurloiui nuiriri. . TANK NOIICK that Ihe II.C. Flahliif I !' ainaf limiMiiy, Mil., or VaiM-Miivrr. B.C., (ii-cii(tiii SaliiMm CaniM-ra, liilrinli apply fur a lar ot lite fullimlnf itn arrlliml forr.ln.if: i:iiinitiriiia af pott tdaiiU-d at Hie suiilbttvrt i-iifimr of l."l III; tlirurn mip ihrriy and rairry ruling in iiw imr or lii III wni-r riiaik, ii rlnln, innrn or li-a, lu h nurilmaal ruriwr of Ik I 1(1 llni dl t rtiaini llitiir k.iiIIm--I-and rtrrly. follnniiir a line parallel In llw line nr lilah watrr mark. 31 rlialnl, inuro i,r lc: ilipnrr rati i rhalna in isilnl at ri.iiiincriii-mcnl, and rmiiamliiK II arrra. Iihhii nr tr. iiuitisii cot.i miiiv risni.tn ami I'ACKI.MI IMMIA.NV LTi. Prr II. SlirriHl, Aarlll. nalrd ilmli April, )tr.. LAND a af UUnllon la Apply to Laaaa lana1 In rriiirr, liuiirrl I ami llrrnriiinr lua inn in ninar , anct anuaie m hisilh liartiarl lland. , TALE MlTiri: ttmt Airrrd Rmanann, of rrincr liuiirrl, nrriipallun Mariner, In-trml In aimlv fur a li-aao of Ilia follow. Inr drarrllM-rl lamia: CMiiiiiriirliia: al a pt planlrd It the norlli rnd of .Hmilli narlia'l llnnil thanr niiirni mr laiand at lilr" airr mark, ml rontatninr ill arrra. inorr or lri, ALinrtl SWANSlif. , Apiillranl. Diled April 17, Hie. 1 0t LIMITS OiUim ri Pfiur Hurfi. f VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, lln , T.L'. for VANCOUVER, xrroitil. um ul lotittoit . tor PORT 0IMPSON n4 N. Rlftr C4nnrU, ThMf I Por PORT 0IWP0ON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM. 0TEWART, ""V.'i'J "e1 BULKLI Market , Third fll1: ail J. Preec ioi uiui h tty nJ Fresh arriving Tl the BulHf Phone VVMkll1 VilKI 178