Monday. May, 31, W26. Co mmu nity Silver on Monthly Payments Thin week (inly, being Community Silver Week,' we will sell you Community Kilr on the Hinlset' or so imirh down anil-so jnurli a twin Hi. Set our window nnd cp the big art. elsowhoro in this paper. (ionic in and talk il over. John Bulger Ltd. Opticians and Jewellers Don't be Rushed INTO BUYING (III I'ler'Hr WuMi.-r until y;u Uae seen ine wonder- ) Hew "SAVAGE" WASHER AND DRYER till J-tlf-. HllH. UlllxfN. II ) III - U WllClll' lllllflll H-lv i..r Hip hue in eiiihl- "(' tllll",!,, wllllOUl 'llUV-'.. !":' nllr lllllld" ill ury wa'"', use liny rinper, M'ru tubs. 1' unr j fur dcmonstrii- n Cash or Easy Terms! Hr!d oi.-'v fry Kaien Hardware Co. BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF t Vumt ,iB.T rur . . 25c lit IlK lt' r, pet Hi. . . 10C K HHts. per 111. . . 12Vfcc t'i m H i of llcef. jr til 25o V n Hr. per Hi. . . 12Vic V-u Hhd.ildor Roast, per lh. 25c V n( HIi'nK. per Hi 35c Her H n i'i'iK. per lb. 12C SjimiIk (il l- s irk .... 93.00 Sealy 8 Doodson Slx'li Street Phone AGS. We Deliver. Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 No more chopping ol kind litw Safe, simple and cuon Manufactured by HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave, TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, B39, Green 238, Black 735. Night Phone 887,. 639, Green 238, Blaok 73B. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. i CURWOOD STORY HERE TONIGHT : "The Ancient Highway" Is Tale of Lumberwoods of St. Lawrence River After adventuring all over t lit; world, Clifton llrant ri'tuniK to bin native town uIiiiik the Kt. Lawrence River to 'heal up Ivan Hurd, a milliptiairi! paper manufacturer wlin ruined Clirr fnllipr mid caused his death. Unknown ti. Cliff, the flxl.f titlU'beiTfv wiliieed by a beauflfut girAn-toinelle st. he. Later she tele-nhoties in in that Hurd U on his ay with the police In have liim arreted. Cliff takes to "the atwlent highway." which lead 'h rough roimtnlic rural districts vith magnificent neenVry. On the ay he meets a young man fighting llnee other and, to make. Minna iin.rn rvmi, Jump, in without u-k l njr ipjcstioii niu helps the i hi 111 win. The latter i 'a-purd S. Ives, brother iilniiielle. He taken Cliff to hi home, where Gtiff mcels Anloin-"' and falls In lovp with lytr. 1 Hranl IcJIs Antoinette of hi love, and liiit ardor frighten her iin.l he repulse him, though she i really in love with him. Frustrate Efforts Clirr learn thai Hurd ha lieen makiiiK iinwelrome love to the irl. Antoinette derives her in- otiie from the l.aurentian Paper iiiiiuii. a rompelilur of lliird'o und the latter hax been trying by every fair and foul mean to run Hie Laurent ian' Oniipany to the wall to mt Antoinette for him-ef. Ilranl reolet to frustrate linn and Koe into the l.unrtior Coiniiany. vf-tnif a job with the l.aureiilian outfit. Matters mielt tbejr ellinnx in the pnnic drive of htK. If the Luureiitma people can set their to the Sj. Lawrenee. Uey are avs. Wurd'tiN a liiil yuniniled no that it lide into tin' w4ft treum rarryinc the. I atimititan laa 'and enukna a "lurk. Cliff nilH down the i inn iimI tf tlie millloiiH of "iiriKhitiif Iryina frniilleally to :el l. Jbe bill her.ire the dy-'yniiHuiriiiLi4"o late. Tbouuh all huiwtn work hanl to free jam. il oeeim imiilile. until Iiran.1l determine In dynamite it a a eriirml point. Hie eharge. with Ike help of Hulden. inn iiniif, ami i nin- Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Blook, Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 1 to 6. X-Ray Ssrvlos Phone 680. Open Tuosduy and Thursday KvcnltiRs Baturdnys U to 12 noon WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "riii' Ancient Highway." The Pacemaker. International Now. Wednesday and Thursday " Too Mu;li Money." 'Comedy l Marrlae the Jluiik?" Aeitnpv Film Tabled, Friday and Saturday Raymond ; 8fUf JLOi in llettliraiWellrlwi' t:onied;1,Vve Huff.' WeMern Si-enje. Pallle Iteview. niii back over the Iok to shore wheit lie lookn around and neon that. Hidden ha clipped and iA caught in the log near the dynamite, cliff ruoheH back and rescue Hnlden Jut a the. dyna-inili explodes. AiituineUe runn (lnut over the to him. He f uiieoimevoiirt and lileeilinir. She lakex bun into her arm and to b,er bouse. There, while he Is hnreU roiixrinux, nhe punr.H ou' her love Tor him ami ha a priest marry ibrin. Cliff re-eovii to liappmeMM MOVIE SCENES ON BOARD STEAMSHIP Scenes Look Real Thing on Cu- narder Francoala as She Crosses Ocean Tbe Cunard Sleanxhip Com- pany'M Kjant oteamer, f.ranconia, wax turned into a motion picture studio for the makiiiK of urene in Find. NatioHart 'Too Mueji .Money, whleb wimeii af the midweek. Anna (J. .NiUon, Lewis Stone and Hubert (aln ilid some of the BKil eiriliiiR orenes in the pic Hire on the main deck of the bur (earner. Stone and Cain staged a fistic haltle which bad inem- iers oi ine crew llunKui tor a few minutes that a real fijrht vva tukiiif place, and Cain topped off the excitement by pluiwinp into the Ice-rold waters of tin lbeHrM,r fron, tin. steamer's deck, As nsually happens in the miikinc of the movies, the He has firel weather man had to wive Ihe ae Wi) Tnitlxr. nlilr-iri In tit un raiiitwl. 4ul muKii-. il f,,t Um' "(Ml trMPllun awl mMlpnmii il fwlv I'm! Miiim lunHi. Kill Is- mTlVMl () 1 . iFBiii, n,w ix. IV,l. l'Ut. mmx-iIi. awl fnrm r im iU Hat tm niiuinl ( th,. nffirr ef (1. llnlrHl FMraom-. Rtsiri Musw, I'Miicr IIMewL Mi ilriHKll i.f TrB ll.illarl I "i htfh Hill Im. n'tHiHlrd ir nUiK IW1 IVlllMHMt III IH rt.iirtilliin kiUiIii thirty atn fry in Juiij IX. 1WT". Tin- hiwi l ir ii.v irmlrr mil imh-p rlly trrrpint. I). H. PIUiKX, LAND ACT. Nolle ml InUnllon to Applf io Lt Land In Und lirronllne PUlrlrt of Prlnre ftuiMTl. and mtiiam oil Jlft)y Iilaiiil. ijiu-rn Clin rim ic (Imnp. ..n nniiatnnl In-'I. tbm llillr sr.iMIl .if lr U Hirlm Inlet. TAKK NOTICE tlml Tm naiudlan Finn-in i:uniuii.T, l.liiiiml. f Vanmiivrr. or. mwiliiin salmon Cannrrv. Iiilrml In applv rur a or Dip ruiiuwinir ii'fcriii lanils: (jmimrnrinr at a inl planlrd at I'c1 nr Inlrt alsul S mlV niitlh r linnamnl i:nk: ItwiK-s rm to rlwln: llh-nrf ulh in rhmn: llinirr mm jn rhaint. more r t almrr line; UxMirc nnrlh-rh tntlnuinir hun lin ii, p.o.c., nl onialnlnr ia aire-, nmre nr hnv Tilt i:ANAni.N nIIINO roVIPANY, 1.IVIITKII. Appllrant. frr William Altiil llowrr. npl Sih April, ioi MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing May 1 CASH PRICES 7 Quart Ticket S1.00 12 Pint Tickets .... S1.00 Table Cream, Vj pint . . 15o Whipping Cream, Vj pint .25o Daily Train Scrvjco commences May 1. Phono your order to G57. Valentin Dairy tors one of the coldest days of the eoon for the plunpe. but ('am . was prepared for it and wore a suit of heavy woollens for the ficrasinn. A reproduction of one of the cteanier's imiiKnifieent suites was roust ructeil in First National's studios in the Hronx for the scenes that lake place in the interior or the ship. REGULAR FELLOW IS SIDESPLITTING COMEDY Story of European Prince Who Dislikes the Role and Wants to Take a Holiday Very much akin lo the poor little rich boy. who gazes Jrom the rear seal .of the family limousine vtith envious eyes on the ragged urchin playins ball, is llaymnnd Criffilh in his first etiiiTiiijr production for I'nra. mount, "A llejrular ..FpUttwV which tells in a screamingly funny manner .nf a F.uropean prince, who- abhors display parades, wieial affairs and the like and who just wants In be one of Hie common people. Always be Is on display. He is shown here nnd bo i shown there, always "on dross parade." Quit Job In desperation be goes to hi it : TH3 DATL7 HIW3 PAGtt FIV1 The Loot that Never Dies' r- 1- f-FP THE MAN IN THE MOON aye: W11F.N a boy goes to collegi? il is nl"clirn. trie, or Krarlisli lit.. father and serves notice thai ( 1 1. l important, but atlcr a few-is either goins to uuil the Job of V(urs ,1(l.mos ..nscioua of Prince or else take a vacation The Kinp latusbs Ihe idea off, telling b.tnv he cannot even es cape from Ihe palace grounds. Up is just about out of the Pal-'aee when be U swept in again j in Ihe midst nf a crowd of Cook's tourists. A bright Idea comes to him and be manages lo have Uie I tourists ejected from Hie Palace, I concealing himself in the mid-1 of litem to lie sure lo be thrown jout, ,lt, .the group, be has seen Mary ltritin, mid be falls in love with jber but nbe abuses him because she blames him for her not seeing Prince, flrlrfith starts to explain lo the girl but I? grabbed by several Members o( bis fluff .and drugged into the palace again. Then lliinigs do happen nnd llie pc,lure comes to an end with the most novel twist and the most highly humorous situation ever svn In a Griffith picture. the fact that the price of steak and the ability lo buy It is tlci problem with which bo mui wrestle. WK should not know Ihe wurld is as had as it Isif it wore not for the politicians; i' WAH seems lo .be a chronic condition in China. 'o wonder the. -country is backward. . . T' Tlll.HK s just one man Fd fike to f8nutbcr The .oily guy Who calls me "brolbcr." OLD' timers fn Prince are those who remember when the first sidewalk was laid nnd wbe.n'.Cenlre Sirerwns the business thoroughfare. TUE exercise that reduces the waist line is putting bojh hands Your 'Responsibility and Ours 'TONIGHT your little ones will rest in the security of a mother's love and a father's care. To the mother, life is a devoted, ineL fish service. Xo you it is a grave responsibility Upon your protection depends the happy childish prattle the smiles on little faces the trusting repose of tiny, play-tired bodies.. i What if your protection were removed ? Life Insurance, alone of all the institutions which serve mankind, gives you the assurance of protection for your wife and children the perpetuation of your love and care, even after you are gone. It will guard your home, protect your wife, educate your children and provide for your own old age. Why not talk it over with a Life Insurance representative today ? JifeJnsurance Service on the dining tahle and pushing back and doing it at Hie right !ime. THE person is In danger who wonders if It is cold enough to go on a skate. THE only man who is glad to find things dull is the knife sharpener. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert The Pacific Cartage Co.t Ltd J of which S. K. Parker is the bead lias bought out the business of the Priuce Rupert Transfer Coi and W. .1. Crawford and! J. Mt .viorrison oi mo lauex coiuvru will now devote Jheir enlirp energies to the development of their .business at Alice Arm. Mrs. Robert ' lilancn was instrumental yesterday afternoon in extinguishing a firtbat bad broken oitt mi Hays Creek bridge and which might haveVpread to serious proportions but for- her prompt H4n.- . , It has been decided to hold Bus and Taxi Meets ail Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 p.o. Box 180 . Simmon's Sleet Beds, Springs, anil Ostertnoor Mattresses in every room. 52 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water, llatlis and Showers. Steam Heated, Electric Light Corner of Third Ave and Sixth 8L PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., sales ohomo cooking every FrU1 day afternoon in the Red Crosj Hut in aid of (be prisoners of war. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh is pre-sident-of the Prisoners of War di pt rtinent of the local Red Cros Society with Mrs. Olier ltesner, Mrs. George ,1. MeCol and Mrs, K. H. Shockley as the esecutlvci. The first sale will be tiu charge of Mrs. Hesner and Mrs. (1, A. Wpodlamt and arc oil painlbw of Nurse Kdith Cavell, donated b A. W. Edge, will be raffled. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage M. tilafe, Warehouelng, lutiibollng, TetB or Motor Service, ttoai; Rand and Q ravel V lasslall l Plan j furHur Bevlns.