PAOB TWC Softens the Leather "Nugget" gives to shoes the pliable comfort ofage preserves their original appearance gives them the shining freshness of new shoes. Slice Polish Black-Tan- Tone Red-Dark Brvn-n and Whit Neutral) for light colors. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, hi mi led. Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month f 1.0(1 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 pep inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front page..... $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ..... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion... 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone editor and Reporters Telephone - - of the uuweleonie fnet II rill nil tnlnn . . .. no lull Jlg Ann tr t to nw in ri . . 93 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 2gC Wednesday, July 21, 1920. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Knock your town and you'll get the knocks back. Fishing Is Better Than Last Season. ;.Lat season fishermen did pretty well on the Skeeua River and -also' on the trolling grounds. This year trolling has not been so good, but so far the catch of salnrou Jii ' the .Skeeha exceeds the catch of last year. This is particularly tnie of sockeye, which are the expensive fish. On the Xaas River the . spekeye catch is. also ahead of last year.' This means that there should be some money to speud when the season is over. The high price of fish is" good for-the' community. -' Mclvor Article Worthy of Attention. The article on the Prince RupeVt elevator republished ves terday from the U. F. A. is one of the best advertisements Prince Rupert has had. But more than that it is an indication of what George Mclvor, sales manager of the Wheat Pool, thinks of St Una or the interest he is now taking in this orl. Those Prince Rupert people who.did not read the article ve terday should do so now, unless they fear to get enthusiastic over me possibilities or the port. Bowser is Wise In Keeping Out. Mr. Bowser is wise in keeping'oiit of the constituencies of East Kootenay and Comox-Albcrni. Not relishing being beaten, the former premier has a firm negative for those who urge him to place his head in the lion's mouth.' 11 might be different If uiey oitereu mm a seat which was reasonably sure instead of asking mm .to take up a losing fight. Tjme for Showdown, Says Edmonton Paper. The Edmonton Bulletin, discussing freight rates, says: . "Jerry" McGeer, counsel for the government of British Columbia, wants the railway commission to let hint prosecute President - Henlty.. Vice-President Mclnnis and Director Tilley, of the C. P. R., or refusing to obey the order of the comniissiou to haul . .grain and flour westward at the. same rate per ton mile as grain and, floor are hauled eastward. ;.-"JIU,lnP permission to prosecute rests with the corn-.Tmi.ssuin, that body might do worse than grant such permission to Mr. Mclieer, pr aiijhody elseiwho nsks fur it, and in reference lt .these.qr any ythcr officials of cither of the offending railwdv Pitt itn OMiWt mi, I Lnn,i:..A i. 1' ii ' ' . sh morcin the interests of the public, it is vital that we have a shoVrdovn" on the question of whether an "order" from the commission is an order or only a request when it calls on mi- liiiwujs io uuoiisji tiiscrinimation by cutting freight rates. u me i.uiwaj commission uas power to enforce its orders ll ; ?'T,9 P1Sm of prosecuting executive officios of Ihe rail- ruJ3, i..Vii.iij .uu means'tei me prosecution A"- proceed if iMamU bom railway .executives m court. For your health's sal?eeat SHREDDED WHEAT with ripe, red strawberries PROTEST MADE BY DELEGATION Charge For NlghUoll" Collection Is Dubbed Unfair and Jlopeal Asked of City Council A delegation consisting -of J. I, S 1111 V. II. tihortridgti, James Black, Capl. J. Morrison, 'rank Derry, Hen Dalgarno, A. O. Cromp and V. L. Sandison appeared before the city council last night iinil presented a petition signed by 325 persons' prplesjiiug against Uu charge for niphlsoil collection and asking for its repeal. After the delenu-lion had been heard and some liseussion had been indulged m by members of the council the matter was referred lo the fi nance committee to be dealt with next Friday night with members of the delegation in attendance. J. J. Gillis, the first speaker for the delegation, referred to the petition against the charge which had- been signed by over .100 persons, the whole field having not even then been cov ered. It was fell that the chargi was not in keeping with good judgment and, therefore, it was he in; protested against with the request that It be repealed. Public opinion against the charge he fell was becoming stronger. Opposition was not expressed against garbage charge liccause it was made generally all over the city. As the city as a whole had paid for the sewerage system il was felt thai il was unfair to nrakc a direct rharpe for nightsoil collection. preeendent was being eslab lished that might lead to further trouble. Already residents of outlying sections bad enough (axes to pay without b finer sad lied wilh the nitfhtsoil charge. Refuse Service W. H. iSliortridfre read ami presented the petition to the council. After referring to the alleged unfairness of the nightsoil charge, the petition staled that, if the charge were en forced, a sewerage system would be demanded. Speaking personally, Mr. Short ridge stated that If he were compelled to pay Uncharge, he would not take the service hut would look after the nconveniencc himself. He rlaimed thai the charge was an injustice and stated that the pe tition though not yet complete had been signed by 325 resi dents. James Black stated that the petition had only been circulated in tsections 2, if, 7, and a. Many names could have been ob tained in Section t where flic petition had not been circulate.). Aid. Casey staled that the charcre complained of had no! been conceived wilh any desire lo shove the burden on the out lying sections of the city bin rather as a measure lo assist ii keeping down the rale of taxa- lion. Further il had been fell thai the charge covered a per sonal fervice. It was a difficult matter to fly in the face ol public opinion but he did pot sic how any relief could be given this year a this council had already taken into consideration in connection with the year? estimates the money that woubj be derived from the charge. Ho did not see how the chant) could bo repealed unless sonic pther practicable ' means of raising the money could be de vised. The council had jrono In to the matter with its eyes open ami he was willing lo take bis share of responsibility. He wail nnl Vftl Sltlli.ftn.1 Il.til or to ran?e or permit them to be enforced, it is high time the H was not a proper charge and I uu I i)L'ir;ni in pvppp iiu :.. n.i j: i. . . , if iu . in ijiui uwt'ciiim. i ripuiii noi see ihm way Clear M UH- t'UIMIUISlOtl IS OII1V lmtini'fni 4i Iiia .. . I . 1 1 m annnnrl a mtintil nf M... t. ln- Uuch Ihe railways may or may not obey as they clino.e. the tax- Did Mot Know p.ijiug patrons or the railways might just as well be made wnr Aid. Lumen said tbat. as far as he was concerned, il was a question of whether the charge was fair or unfair. When the bylaw passed Ihe council lie had understood thai Section I had paid for Its own sewerage sys tern hut since he had found that the Section I sewerage syslcin bad been paid for by the (fily as a wholo which was still pay ing for Interest and malnlen ance. therefore he could nol see that it was fair for the out lying district to be chawed di 'eel for nigh.lsoil collection, when (hey had, already paid a share of the sewers Hint had been built. .Since so many pcopl were opposed to the nlhlsoll charge, the Keneral concensus tit opinion must be that il was an unfair charge. Aid. .los. Oreer felt that there were several aiiftlos to the question which must be given consideration. This be thought could best be done by referring the matter to the finance com- .van, daily NB'tfa 'Wednesday, jn: 1 mil tee 1 6 confer with the delega-' lion ami be so moved. Aid. .1. Oreer seconded Ow inoiion thai the matter be referred to the finance committee and further, referred lo the fact that the charjfe mado the taxes of ,pehple in Section 0 " wilhOMl sewyrape facilities hljher than those who had such convenience. Private Sewars Aid. Brown fell that it was' unfortunate Unit Aid. Larson did not have the correct information at the time Ihe bylaw-was paed especially when Aid. Gaey had predicted at that lime that it would be an unpopular measure. He did no: see what could be done in the way nf repealing the bylaw as the money in be derived from il was now beinr figured upon In connection with the year's business. Aid. Hrowu further referred to the many private sewers in Ihe jjy thai had coslHh. people wbti'lluill them q grea' deal of money. It would not be fair to tax them for ninlitsoil collection as would be done f It were inefTy general taxation rather than by a private charge. Aid. Casey was opposed to the matter being left to the finance committee. It was up to tbe council he fell lo make a decision and il tniitlit.a well deal with Ihe question richt now. After nonie further discussion It was Redded that the f inane committee would deal with Hie question anil the delegation was invited to attend a meeting in the maypr office on Friday evening. THE HAN IN THE MOON ays: Some political candidates fail lo file their lists of expensed out what would happen if they had to file a list of the lies tney tell? When a ball player wishes to Jo his best, he spends a little time before the game warming up. What about some of the stenographer trying out thai same stunt? The heavens are blue but Hi not heaven' il thmilk people are 'blue. If Ihe city council would only supply the Insect powder, sonn1 of it mlhl be used lo gel rid of the shirks on the corners. lo be effective there- must some foundation to work on. You may have heard about the. man with the chip on his shout der, biU you may not have heard about Hie man with eslerday' whisker on his chin. If you want to pel that stony lare Iry asking somebody for n loan. They tell me that a parly was nil the l'xtall Iti'ver Ihe oilier day and was violently assauft ed by a mosquito. After a terrific battle the mosquito wiii quelled. .lulth. :iv "nuetleil" i no Ihe :-r&chl word, but vou auell a riot;i4'nf Jlijs parJfcnla'r skeelet " VI "l tllUlli it .IWH' I met a gir) the oilier; day whJ was neilher., a bbnd(; or bru'-nettjpj.i I ' ihihk sheVmust hap. been a half breed. The oilier day I was at coniitiK out" parly and it vai wonderful how far some of the ifirls came out. . s c are so happy. Wn have been told llial ignorance is bliss A lady went into a hardware store Ihe other day and for a can opener. Then she looked lo see If I' had that "DEMERS" Public Sale Knitted All Wool Suits regular values to $22.50; selling at $12.95 Ladies' Blouses and Waists regular values to $12.00; selling at $1.50 Grade; Father Naden, Maurice Hiorkley ami John Curne in (he Junior grade, and Marwaret Mc- Coll, MayMIe French, Fred Ste phen. .Marguerite Kilpatrick. Hnyuiond Fisher, Arthur llramley, .Margaret Morgan, Arthur Morrow. Yerno Toomire. Alex. Itix. Itieii- ard Pillsbury. Grace Tover, Geo. fbaw, Martraret Allen and Jack Xaden in the preliminary course. Severn! local business men are1 planum? a ten day outing for looal boys on Tugwell Island. Ilev. W. W. Wmht is to be In: Hiarfie of the party. . 11. Love, father of the I)ve brothers, arrived in the city yes terday from Prince Kdwurd Is-; land. One old acquaintance he nd lbutnet wtis II. M. Hig. of MeBride Street, who was hi sclmot mate in Charlottetnwn and whom lie had not seen for 42 years. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert j W. S. Harris, .New llaiellon:. In onlfr for a beauty parlotlti. bamn, J. Hardeon and It. Hob llnsrers will go lo his ro Ten Years Ago In Prlnc Rupert July 21, 1918 llesiiljs of High .Hchool exam- Y. Oirntsh, Anyot; llev. A. . It. Ashley, Slewail : Mr. ami Mrs. A. Hendersou. Ivlinoiiton : i. A (Iraham and I.. West, Seattle; Mr. and Mr. Hans Sorenson. Ketchikan: It. Booth. ;. W. Bur ton and II. Burnell, Vancouver: S. It. iKniabNon, Balmoral: I llorjr, I.oftan Inlet; Mrs. An drews and . Mrs. He Bueif. Tlell: B. D. Coulure and It. A. Ogilvle. Queen Charlntle City. Central It. (irifrilh, I. Brain and It Johnson, H.M.S. Curlew. A Telling Speech "Well. Was my speech to yout liking, I'al asked the speaker at Hie finish' of ah oration. "Suro.'-ilfwas it grand sieechr declared..i,at. "Wastllere any pari of . u more i'luin another that seemed I,. Imt.l. ..Inn ' IS. A ...I. ... ..iw.u- yii iiiit .-i jryMivr J fibred ' ' ' ' 'if-: . "Well. 'nrriv, fhatynii ask me I II lell j j.n," responded the Irishman. . "What took hold of me most; sir. was vour nerse vcranrft "the way y went over the ame thing again and airain!' J WATtH NOTIOC DIrlon and Uu. TAkr. SMTICK IWnl Slanclarcl MIim Cnr. (Miriiinii, whuse 'l(lrp ii it lender Ml. V1. Vanrnuirr. H. c. n'lll apply ror a llrcn.c in lake and line f.Uflfl mlnvr'a In rtio r day of alr onl or Third Mnrili .i.,i'rr,'r nrt irm nun iii nivrr alwul aSKCO.dtty inllPi north of Iu'an l.akn. Tlw watr will he 1iytrlHi from tlx- tn-ani at a point ahonl two rnlls up Third .North I'ork from ll mouth and will little Iwlstle thin on Ihe back'SCKf, WVXi'tS'VLj!!1 and would not buy any exceotl T," wAire wa iin n u trmmd ...... .. ' . . ..' Ion i hp dav or Jmii. iota Iliai Kind. AOW What U yOU A mpy or llil nnllr and an apptlrallon n1...i II. ..II iMirftllmit tlirrftn and tn Hia "W.t.i. kt """ niMiiii iiiuii r.mi" .ni i.. riiJ.1 i. .i.. Wair Hirirdi'r al TWryraiih Cri-fk. ilijfriinfi In llw apil)ratiun may be rilfd wilt ihr aald Wairr Id'iwilrr or ltli wan! soon tin U unlit In Im lb" f:oinirollr or Water lilaliu. rarlia- , , , ,, . , ,'inrnl liuildinr. Vlrlnrla, It. i:., wiihin Slated for the governorship .Uf.thinr daya arti-r tho flml appraranre of Manitoba. Won't that be tam;f uner manairing a section or llie "SVJ.vKn1.!' STAMlAtlD rv2i Conservative parly. 1I,E9 COIIMIHATIO?!, LAND SOT. 'Pin Notlca ef Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land ' in I'rtnr impm Land IWordinr Oniric! or rrlnrn " liiiprrl, and illuale at Marlt, B.C. TAKK NOTICE that F.umii II. Simp. i n-ii ii i . usiifiii i iiiirr, III IipikU trt iiply for ft Irate of ifit fotlow-I Ihr (iPftrnltiMl Jliidl: ronimrnriiiiT at ft pnut pUniPtl t thp ffiiilinnu liikil rtit vixl torn mw r a .1..... 1 nassed ',1,.n'',.',l"hrr5r V'000 rr"i "ii'iire wca. thai .lames ""' " It n. Mitchell 1 lu " has I,U!"" 11 jiiui tfrly HO n-flT nurthiTly 1,000 111 1 ne ri'n kit iimiie, niiiiiurinu irn m immii m tiiiMiiiriirriiirni, ana ran IMINbury. Phyllis Jenns and Ar- ",n,n' "t' itbur Manson in the Intermediate are or Iraa. tUOF.NE II. Dated ;ud S, Kit. SIMPSON. Applicant. SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -: ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK liirludiiig three distinct service for Family t a SOFT FINISH, THHIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at mud renMiiinlde prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118 and we w si do Mie rest Circus in town THE TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW 8HOWINQ Elephants, Lloiu, Tigers, Bears, Giraffes, Wolvei, Eu. SEE OUR WINDOW The Newest Thing in Toy Durable ami o h If not abused, will al for venrs. Bull Dog, Wolf,, Big. Bear, ea.-h . $1 Lions mid Tigers, each $IJJ Wampus liils, each $1.85 and $1 Klephauts and tlatnc, each Dinosaurs, each Oiraffes, each Ormes Ltd. The JtHXAI.Ii HTtHlli Avenue and 0th Street J 1i5 93.00 The PIONKF.H DIM 'fif.IsT-S Phones 82 and 2M Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complcto stock of tnitn dimensions, shjplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint veneers, etc., In Northern We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last ploce of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. II will pay you, 0"' prices are right, Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 117 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. OVEN THERMOMETERS ALARM CLOCKS, from $3.00 to M-'1 POCKET BEN WATCHES $2.00 8CI8SORS, In assorted slios 35o to Sl-N Phone 101 255 3rd Av-