f 3 EVENING WITH be a rather exaggerated idea given by the movie people or what Canada italW was like, but now that they were on the ground they could see for themselves just what . Canada did look like. Captain Bridges remarked wiUi humor that the movies referred to. had mostly come from that great country which had appropriated to itself the term of ''American." JAmerieaR;Consul W'akef ield re-' pliWCapl. nVid'ges' adffreiSls fn .his usual, humorous vein lit Ihe course of his address the consul jokingly said that he was not responsible fbrlhe tastes of the llri-tish public in movie pictures. He referred to the visit of H. M. S. Curlew which represented the 1 great prestige of the British navy and aid he had been (Stationed in South Africa and India himself, where lie had always received ihe greatest amount of courtesy and hospitality from the members of .the fighting services. Fred Stork also spoke on the .prestige of the British Navy and what it had accomplished in the fireat War. Mayor Newton, in a short Address, said how glad lie was to join in the welcome to His Majesty's ship and spoke of the good work the Canadian Legion had always done in the recdntion ot visitors of the fighting services of the Kmpire. He was inclined to think that if it had not been for the efforts of the Canadian Legion that receptions of this nature would have fallen flat sometime,. . C. II. Orme- also tuioke briefly. lA-tj Hie conclusion ot the spee che; be gathering stood to attention and sang "flod Savn the King," thus bringing to a fitting Close a deiightnu evening of (in terlainment and gopdfellowshio, The rommittee responsible for the .success of the evening included II. Shaw, S. Marshall, Joe Hutchinson, assisted by Norman YOUTH SUBJECT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm WAR VETERANS I've, cot ah tocA'fuu 1 l ww Tt-te 'here') a vOMoeRrou - . HuaN-3t. "DIOR J ekW her a. ooLL tHKr Lli finest oouu doll -00 whno it OOM" will OuieT He.5.- J have: and t cie tor r1 HAVE TO Canadian Legion Gava Smoking HOW VOU LOOK. WTH ' CAJV tT Concert For Curlew's Officer ) VOOR MOOTH CUOtiEO- Vsplehdid ?v?ftfntf's ihprtai& HiRnt was. slagcd by the members I of lie JCaMidian- Legion -In their b nan last night in honor of the officer arid then of II. M. S. Cur lew. Ah excellent program of i ill u sic, songs, recitations, cornet solos, etc., had been arranged and the spacious hall was packed to overflowing:. Charles Youngmlin, president of jf(6 Canadiatt'Leftioh, occupied the liair. In fitting and brief speeches the president and Col. J. W. 'I eholis, officer commanding of the FJral'.NBrfh' ft.'t2. neginienl; Wel- Comea the visitors. The musical program opened with community sinking, accompanied by Syd. Thompson at the piano. W. vaughan Davies acted as piano accompanist for the sons. Those taking part in the concert included Bob James, cqniio' s"6nps; Srank Morris, songs; 'rlght Da vies, recitations; T. IJlack, songs; W( llaiico, cornet solos; selections vby Dickens' Lucky Seven Hand; J. N. Kelley, songs; Hill Murray, songs; Bandmaster Wilson, cornet solo and song. Capt. 11. I). Bridges, C.V.O., D. S.O., H.N., commanding II. M.S. Curlew, received an ov.it Ion whn he aros( d address the rathering. In' a.brief Speech the commander referred to the fact that tliey had all been-Jooking forward to their visit to western waters where they expected in jiieej jrteasant people and see pleasant faces. They had not been a bit disappointed. In! the Old Country there seemed to; liortt ,J. Judge and W. fiance WORLD PARLEY Twenty -Three Canadian Will Attend Gathering at Helslng-fors, Finland, In August. TOIIONTO, July 2t. Canadlan press The. boy of 'leeti age will be studied Intensively and plans for bis development and welfore w.ilh. receive discussion at the World conference of older boys (0 be held at Helslngfors, Finland, from August I to 0. under the auspices of the world council of' the Young Men's Christian Association. Twenly-thrco countries will be represented anion,- the l(5on delegates, of whom a large porporllon will be young men. Twenty-three members of tlie Canadian Y. M. C, A, will repre-cn Canada. The official ,dele-ga'Us are II . Ballantyne, general among boys all the world over, during the pail few years, will the conference. If will afford a eomprehensive .view of the- mind of youth, fl is believed, apd thus aid grea'tiy In the formation ot youth development programs. VARIED PHASES OF FISHERIES Rev. Q. O. Hacker Describes For Church Publicity Department Work of Missions of Skeena Under a Vancouver date line Ihe following is sent out by the publicity department of the United Church: The northern salmon fishing of British Columbia with Us aeroplane patrol, revival services, bootleggers and several varieties of policemen and mis sionaries is in anhual swing again. Its characteristic fen tiiresare described, from a view point, of course, by Rev. Oeorgc ii. iiaeker of Prince llupert. Ue wriiets graphically enough, deal ing with many -phases of thin great national industry. Closed Season The boom of the cannon an nounces that it is six o'clock on Friday night and that no same hour on Sunday aSyGCT. more salmon shall be caught un til the same hour on Sunday night, Thus for forty-eight Y ThatdcllciouaV I flavor of fresh 4k. 1 I mint gives a newVDl I thrill to every bite. IJ I I Wrigleyg ligood1 and good (or you. 1 . : Al II M a IT -- -II secretary, and L. A. Itucklet n;t tional secretary of boys' work. Other Canadrans going to the conference are as follows: Morris McWilIian, president of the National Council, Frank Fiddler and F.. A. I.und, of Winni peg; Walter S. Owen, Vancouver; K..I. Taylor. O. S. ..Moo.ney, II, M t,jlOl I .j- J..l. .t. i 4 i I soii, ot Montreal; II. It. Hicks and J. J. Fay, Bridgetown, N. S.; W. K. Kay, Halifax; 1'rof. Line, Mouht Allisoif University, Sackville,. N. Hi Gordon Lapp, Brighton, (inf.; Harold Vaikghan, Kitchener, Ont.; B. Swayre, Iindon, Out., ami Ilob- ert Drummond, fluy Monypenny. . H. Wood row, F.-1I. Jacobs and Oscar Pearson, of Toronto. hours th5 spawning fish wilt wend their way up the rivers, none hindering the laws of Hod's seedtime and harvest. Four years later Ihe sons and daughters or these same fish will i'ome to these rivers to deposit the eggs from which tlie noxt . ...1: ft 1 1 - 4 ion will be hatched. basement auditorium, sat wrap-pe, in attention," Aaron Sapiro, builder of Ihe Saskatchewan wheat pool, pleaded with profound ear neslness for nnHy among the Saskatchewan farmers, at a pub ue meeting neii under the ans-. pices of Ihe l armers' Union of Canada. "My sermon to you is this :I.et nothing Miami in the way of unit Ing your farm organizations." be sliid. "I plead with you not In lose' that co-operative spirit.. In wn 'years yoti have made your-. selves tlie envy of the world) B' reason of what you have accomplished by means of your pool. I shall not rest content tint.it jou have foslered that spirit to Ihe extent Mint on evry Saskatche wan farm, in every Saskatchewan home, there shall be the true spi rit of co-operation, the co-oper ation of human life, as you Jiave co-operated in the wheat pool." At the conclusion of Mr. 8a jj o.t bh... riiU wwi. Gi aa:c, V anted For For announced bv foiir oilier aaen-;i.L 1 .. Wol'1.0 b .... . I' lirrm mill II I IJ, I . 1 , ... ctes. three jea plane are whir- . itnlls ring overhead, patrolling the aiilor of I hp na Mini Skonni I V Ul I I I t IU IV ! 1 ill.; villi uiuift r''f ill 9 m b m r w illfllf I . . ,.. ..11 ...1... . 1 illllll, usiii-i' hi an wihi uurt m nsni . for the next two days. Hare and Hounds The bootlegger has also ar rived with a heavily-laden suit- Hair hrih I'mirt.iinn MnUo-iiAn La-e or irunx iuii 01 liquor. are under 25 years of age, aftl , ' ?, eovcrnmeni outstanding among the younger contingent are Oordon Lapp, of llrighton, Ont., and Frank Fiddler, of Winnipeg. Mr. Lapp will address the conference on "The Youth of Canada." He has had a prominent part in the Ontario Older. .Boys Parliament. Mr. Fiddler, who is "still in his 'teens, has led in-the -promotion of boys' work "in Manitoba, and has "been foremost in Ihe Manitoba Boys' Parliament. He will represent the three prairie pro vinces. ' ? " , ? 'IT A questionnaire circulated ng to dispose of his wares from some unused shack or boat. He perates very heavily on Fri day night when many fisher men, who have lived for five days in a small boat are glad lc. throw off restraint and have n celebration. . These celebration end in sore heads, -broken jaws beaten wives and drownings. Tlie officers of Ihe law are much in evidence on this closeo season. Three varieties of them jre noted. mnunlio u-li.i looks for 'Stills the nrbvineial policeman, who looks for while trunks and bootleggers: aril 'fire water." It M hard to prove a sale," Jiiil soihe ot these men do good work while while others are as blind ani helpless as the famous "Three Blind Mice." A blind policeman annol find a "blind pig." Chaplains and Workmen The missionaries are also pre sent. They fare a great challenge. The bootlegger makes riminals, Ihe officers of lb- taw punish criminals, but th-rnissionary alone labors to pn- ent men from becoming crimit;- is. Thus the missionary feels 1 great challenge and also a remendous responsibility. June sees oply a very few hundred people scattered alons the Skeena Iliver cannerv area. July sees four thousand people nlerested in Die fishing sellled In the same territory. There is only one resident minister in all that territory. Volunteers from ither fields take their turrts. I'he mission boat, Thomas Cros- ny. last year spent sir weeks with, us and six ministers gave up their vacations and spent' the Ime in glvliig .services In the tannery worker. tYe will tlo 'eticr this" year.. SAPIRO DELIVERS AN ADDRESS TO FARMERS; SUBJECT, CO-OPERATION SASKATOON, July 21. While an audience estimated at 2,000 in the main body and corridor of I'liird Avenue United Church, and an overflow crowd in the GYRO CLUB IS WINNER AGAIN decisive srore of 7 runs, to 3. It was a good game of ball, played Iwfore a fair crowd of spectator. For the Oraml TenniiKils Wallis was pulled mil of the box and replaced by Uor.lon. The (. T.'s made two of their runs. In the lirsl frame and one latefc The iyros got six of their run tn the fourth innings and one fti the fifth. 11. Frizzed umpires! balls nod strike and L. Astori a basis. . . o J lowing. .werftJji.e. teams : -er, p.; l-rlaell, ID.; O. MlWhell, .'!.: Ifav eland, lib.: .Morand, .; kmner. r. ; J'.. Tile, rf.; IIMl, If. tirand Terminals- II. Asioria, .; Walli and "lordon. p.; Stork. Hi.: Mjrdn. :'!.; Delcoiirl, 3b.- Walli. s.; Wall. f : Sloan, rf.; Itohei-lson, tf. TENNIS FINALS LAST EVENING Miss Mitchell and Miss Tremayne Win Ladles' Doubles and Marentette and Robertson, Men's. Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Pete Tremayne won tlie ladies' double championship of tlie city al night by defeating Mrs. S. P. McMnnlie and Mi Virginia Kiel J-o, 0-3. Marentelle and Ilolertson won lie men's double championship jy defeat ihg ! Campbell and Car- mlchaeL c;:, 6-3. ; ioni2ii;iiie.:nri.Hii tioupie andVtften's Mngie fibrtfr will ie pLayed at the Prince llupert I'ennis Chili courts. SPORT CHAT In snorting circles as well a elsewhere in Prince llupert the Jack Tar from II. M.S. Curlew are being given an enthusiastic welcome i Iff s week. The sailors were unable to win tire firsl game from Prince llupert Mon day night but it must be remem bered that they only landed that day and had nof probably got In to l.lieir land feet yel. At that they put iin a good game and gave lfie meats sbrne real com petition. Mn the gamo tonight they will probably make ji belter snowing. i good game is promised and there will probably be a largo crowd ort iand to wunnss it' - I.neal bpxlng. fanX..vU look forward with ft. good deal of pleasure to the visit in the city during Fxhiblllon Week of VI.? I nley, Vancouver's slur boxer. Plans are being laid for him to meet Jackie Newman of Hdmon Inn who gave him a gooA run for hi money recently in a fif teen round bout, only losing' by a decision. The two are to be matched here In a ten-round contetl which will be the most WANTED. rjTut- 6 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. r 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lei than 50c ?I'Iie .weejk.ontl closed M-ason is' ,i.i,-a. i. iv.H iiim " wnnls work at once; at least $15 monthly. Apply, Alice Noble. Smlthers, JG. m Defeated Grand Terminals at MiuihA oiri wanted lor out of Baseball Last Night Dy Score of 7 to 3. 11 a sen mr League baseliall game last night the Oyros defeated lli'o (ifand Terminal by Hie town. Hootf home ami salary. Phone RR2. Btnck 209. 166 163 WANT III). -- Maid for genefal housework. Apily Mrs. W. T. Kerain. f WA.NTF.I) Ihperleneeil cannery man. Phone 160. ? FOR SALE. FOn RAI.H.--Iouble corner on Sixth Avenue. Seel ion Six, ooe block from Booth ehoo Cheap. ry eay terms. Phone Black 151. IfO roil 8AI.K. Hotel Masselt. , good' bargain. Ill health cans.; rut selllngV Arp1y William Hudson. Masnett. B.O. FOIl SAI.F.. Two viw lots on Fourth Avenue Vt. Cheap. Ileasonable terms. Phone ltei tOO or Mlaek 731. if FOIl 8AI.ll. IloAv boat and out board Kilo engine, in frt cla condition. Phone Hed too Oi Blast 721. t KOH SALK. Twenty-two foot launch. It h.p. engine, speed 14 kl. Sacrifice 12:5.00. Phone lied 720. , (f OH SAI.i: Four-roome.t UltNISIIF.!) Housekeeping flonms to rcnl by the day, week or month. Phone Ited C07. If 1IOUSF.8 for Ilenl. Some are furnished. $20 ami up. Appt-215 Fourlh Avenue Kasl. Kftn RKXT. PJano. phono graphs and sewing machines Walker' Muie Store. FOR nn.VT. Four room suite, hot water heated. Apply Rmlt-& Mallet. TWO roomed furnished shark for rent. Phone Black 700. FOUND FOUNti. Hub screw Cap for Ford car. Apply Daily New nfllee. Importanl boxing match that tin been ptilled off In (he city for many years past. A Question of Age Mr. Hlng Oh, I wish I bests recipes would be more deflnlle" Mr. Blng Whal's Ibo difficulty, my denr? Mrs. Itlng f his one tells how to use up old potatoes, but does ;iot say how old the poU-toes must be. LOST. I VOO WONT CbC AtbUCTO bct-u tr WHEN t CtT THROUGH 1. . n-rv t tM.. . Articles Lost and ound,&c uy Its. fresh l.iiS. Ua.T,nk with initial weekly. Win. Hogers.i J. II. It.. Itciw.-.-n wharf and (ienwral tlelivery. vane6uvi Little Vw Klund. Klpdcf B.C. iOSi lenR itlmnn ir-pn lift BOARD AND ROOM. BOAHO. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOOM. Board Third Aeniie. Th. iiniie. wiwi itain. gooii gar-lituii.itioii! ueii. .-eruun I WO. i'linne Black 0:M. 7 KNOI.ISH Baby Buggy for sah. In grfort condition. Phor Oreen tig. 1 TO RENT OH UKNT.I.arsen building ar 171 Third Avenue Kasl; sir room modern flat with bathroom and workshop premises on street Ifrtor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 1 39 Second . AvnnUe. FOIl IHNT.rrw7 flrAl clas modern flats; Monarch ranges, water paid; on furnished. Westenhaver Bros. optional 12.1 Phone Red 33ft. SUMMER RESORTS. for rheumatism ffe.li.r. I- nil lillM'l ll. I.' ,X Sporl Honil-ier Touring Coupe Tudor Seilan Koror Sedan flood Light Demery 50J.00 U. Ielijery 'an..v 60.00 'lommereial Cbaasi IM.Om Tmek Chnl Plr 5RI.0ni Self starter included on nil models. Term payments arranged If If ilesirtyl. S. E. PARKER, LTD. . Tietilers. 210 Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODQE Iteaulifiilly situated xmr Ferry Landing Altitudn HT, reel. Camping and Fishing Tr(ps arranged FIRST CLASS TABLK wllh produce ' Fltl'SH FROM TUB FARM. lake n Trip to the I.nke Country this jear. For reervations, write Mrs. Henkel. Francois Iike. B.C. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi fCall George, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Sliide bakers nt your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from F.mnre Hotel. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, July 21 "'a'1 10:15 a.m. m.o fi 22:36 p.m. 10.7 Low 1:32 a.m. fl.o ' t: to p.m. 8.8 " Thursday, July 22 "Mli . 11.11 a.m. i:.o f. Low LAND NIOIITST it ,,.M'r,I,"Bi. I tltV lul IDK 41. AMI l III). luUt ut iii. ,ij I ill! !-iiilji 1 m juui. ft rlJ Utr uil . r 11l. tWIr. 11 .. Kim eri. ni , Ot IlK flMl 4 1U rrn I HI 1 HI. Mrt.i, IWflr, 1, 11 lit'. M lilln,. a4 t t iuii' v lad l.urimi ( 1 1 , at llUlrfl .i.l 1,1.11 tut) "lie 1 Ait 1., llUlliri Utp (i, Slil4riw) pi . r imt tiki rr vim ai m-m !) in it tui titbim Mi Ut ll IV run f rw. TAkt .vTn.r. tin IM l,i m. nil, 11. .; llriler 4 I Jury. . V.. :ii. e,,'. ' Mll' t 41 M ituo .,1 'ir 1 h.F. n- ii a i .Man vanis worit, any I.AKK1.SK I.OIKJK. near Terrace ! .'V? kimi u hAtis ihiMM ..... 1 v -wv UM (I V7VS I . uvuv Vtslt Springs. I ilLl. t . M laiwim in one ox im j- ml. It ll 111 I.akcle IH hia Ho "iWh" 1 , fly U Umi fm frft.i ' tuitrrhAft is tft-fltet-,. fishing for rainbow trout tn iiorrifc.u Lakelse lake and river. Motor TS nicl all trains giving lhrou8h ur..tT . eon nee l ion with Iodae. Tele- iwiti o 1 phone connrli lo Terrace I "JL V, J. Brnee Johnstone, manner ' PrHKW J2"iJlry" HiMvrl U J CHEVROLET. O.N and after July I. overt im" rate will be charged on Sun day and public holklays bihIi after 7 p.m. on weak-days, IW, A.ll III To Qm1i ( rmn i 1 nsviuasLK warms rporins H t.C. CMAFTSR HI hw mi,, iml i IS iJ ail, " Ar TWa Is necary to eotupl ..f I l-uhn. .JhS? "w u-. r- wllh the "Honrs of Overtime 'i!U,T'.Sf,T.;.1..,ht.,tel'. Act. nvertlnie will be i harsnui- AS hin. b hi uif rair 01 iime inn AM'-.I Him!-- and one r.i .r an.i 1.. m t.-mi half over -Ihe regular aluhl 'V..'mT..;'' , hour day. o; v" imu i-u ... . . . .1 Ulf o.li f r night. KAIEX o.n.nR. PAIlKWrs (iAItAOK. JAS. IIFNTI'n. itttry 1 "tinar I imiin' c ? f tiir ll4 n . '1 ! riibli- Wrk 11 hi - ft :oiia furtM'Mtii .( I ?Un ami f ,r le 1 harf r lrr tlMt 11 I'miT niiivt Aijr t Irtjr. A.l lf "Hi IAHO ACT 1 s f r- Hit; nun rr'f - Pi , Muper'.j iiu-liideit : la mat hurn I in IMri uf rHnrr hiiwit i. """ "" riiliM r.m.Mt.r 1 in: oo .on fwr t i, ttt tttt 761. 00; !: -M . .,,1 QMli(liHtrlir II t f-l ,00.00 jnatlOrnl r.tr ar fn oil nnM Wllrr Bilrt. irr :".. p.m. 20.7 fl. !-27 a.m. 4.7 fi 17.14 p.m. 8.1 fi. fKlerlT ln rhiln Utr taw mile in piiinl r ftmtUMut If irre. fiw. rr c 11. riii iitx i. itt nonce Htm ' air Ih.- . 1, CourilinMiW, iTirwf. n-. Tberii). Jut) iumi 1 In th ifUrfHi, iim ( tjnti tl. tl. r,. ?' RkH-k IT. StMiimi t. pert. B. v.. Trmi uh pi.minl I r ont qaififr ri.o in ' twr eaml innuil in-trttl im Itw t-lrjT : itir ut 't i"r iiicini fr lu b I la.uii iiMii, rilM ihiinr I he 1 ' nx 11 th .,rr I Atmt, Vrttu-r tiu,. oiiea it vrinrt nor-" IMS 1 n ptwh f' LAND ACT. -3 I t ,1 IT! Nolle of Inunllon to Applr to Im tn Prinr hiirwrt" Und r "f'H, IMM of IV.a.l n.n. .Vorlh llrhl l.lnul . TAKE Nona: thai Alf' ' I'linee Itnpn-1. nrrurll 'i yWl, ini Id irpijr rr a i ' ' IW 1 ln rt-rrirnil imai . . Ciiftiuirnrini it 1 tmf ' Allth n1 nf N...lh n.Kti ' n' 1 round Ih Inland it ht i;C no mnuinmr 10 acre ..," st.rnrTi LAND ACT, ' Nolle el Intonlion 10 Aop'f rorlihori rjinllnr MMrl'rl of Vw Si kh1lt fnUl ami fr-i.tHilf i ' llinl - fl.Vat.lil 'tiiJai.t Tilt' VitTIrr as.. U tPtra i'"IH r, lllall III" I applr 'r i lne nf Ihi rriid fiirMhiirc.' j Omimenrlnt at a pf -il .Z niillmrM rornrr nr lei I" thrtiy md riMrlv fnlln l" , hih airr mark, II i-hain f 7. in iii nnrinvpii nirnrr lhonri f t i-hain 'h"1",! -iin w.ii-riy, rniKiwinr ik i the line, of lilih wairr man. " , mora or leat ihrnr ri" T pi'int of rnmmrnrrmrnti a1"1 1 1 arre. innn or lr. ,,tl nniTin roinuiiM H"I'. rAtiinn comi'-'! Mi Prr if stier Dilod 101b April, lt.