2ft TAXI and Ambulance Servlc Unywhsrs ai anytime.. Rnvt Hotel. 3rd Itt. '', i, 'K ' -'- -'ll'u . and eth St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL ai.( no, iuu, nnnirn iiiirr mm n m m mi mm mm mm mm au nflMlGd nfifi, SEVERE STORM I mmA XklitkA Irrnmninl.H htf InhtnlMft (lAfii FlimlnN (a Property and Crops 'Win! per rent if a ; - .ail' i) out u lull' at Ma: loha. rwly - rfi uiiilniuaKed. IS COMING HERE in spend Brier Bui crowoes Period In British Columbia on Campaign Tour miWIMATinMC BEING MADE Inn ! ekn.H a,. I IK,i.ala In Prince Albert and Stevens By Vancouver Conservatives. I'HIMIK si. lit. ALIIEIIT, July - - ' W I, Mackeiuie Kiifg was hi imously nominated to con Prince Albert constituency at Liberal convention iliere lust - it V ANGOUVKH. July Si. Hon. H. Steven va given the uiiutii ""3 Minscrvniive nonunntio'i '" 'c lust niaht. Altll a m mm AGAIN NOMINATED KAMLOOI'S, July Jil Al 'tiveniion i,.,i iiire John 1 rune r. iiifiiilipr in ifie lusl llue of Common, was aKiiin i.i.. , .1 . .it.lt.nn "'IIUJIUICU IU COIlUSl. v,n'i' "iJliHff in the Liberal inlerest 1,1 i he furfheonilii feilrnil deo- "wait.1 17 "fc's liil of -'.I diHtli!t ix uitri- buletl to the beat. CUMBERLAND'S FORMER MAYOR IS NOMINATED Dealing w14h the fart of "The r :;.?Yai, July .!. An Hre4iW! WM Ktag'jjwpmwMlhe WIT etalh-wred by Mr. i w n l-tortn wl i . ,, , irglrMlhHts tn Ik fitnr ol the House -Ulg Injuria !, ' 'M"",n. Mr. jicijmen io. i - ami hijtv nroJ'A a maler of truth, tliere i no ' In AVinrnpeg Jconftduiioiial iue. Never in the was destroyed und'hi-torr of any rUamntary - - wrn- ktllfd. Near r AW A, July I . 111 . Ilni'. M Lyon Markrmie King, ' 'he LiheraU, will open '.'i iiikii in Western Ontaiin ; end of lliia week and w go to Manitoba. Has ; wai and Alberta upending 1 ui crowded period i: i otombia tlience ei'i to Quebec. ernuieiit. a we hate it 31ay, h- any Prime Minister daiiuaad lnmi If i" ak for diHulk whtli- a vol of eenntre wa under dIiU.'.' Mr. Menken lwlil that it i not to plead li, oaue that the lormer premier had aked for di-.(iluijoii. but "to choke and lrntu ulc I'arhamenl and prev ent il (rntii elireiiiig iIm will." 4 TWENTY-SIX DIE RESULT OF HEAT CIIICAtiii. July 21. An xtifiiM' heat wate experi- l ured lor .'to bourn throuh- out I lie Middle West slate wa broken by rain laic yesterday afternoon. A to- v FOR COMOX-ALBERNI CLMIintLAND. July -'I. I. II. MarDonald. an ex-may or ot tin city and lor many year an official of the Wellington Col lieries Hallway, yesterday after noon received the unanimous nnniinaliou of the Conservatives lo contest Conuix-Alberni opn sliluency in the forlbcoining federal election., Cutiservalives are looking forwurd lo the re villi ofi tlie I'lecuoii uere vviiu a good deal of confidence ul tliuiuth their eandidatu in IV -3 election was severely defeated by A. W. Neill, the Independent member for the ridliug during the past five years. LAWN BOWLING. VANCOUVER, July 21. Atnony Hie 'nails beaten in Uie first round yesterday or the Hritish Columbia Lawn Howling doubles championship contest were Friend V 1'aUersou and Wilson &. Linton. RENCH FRANC IS mil: CONSERVATIVES HOLD MEETING Officers of Local Association Are Elected and Delegates For Convention Appointed The annual meeting: of the I'rfnt It it pert Lileral Conncrva-IKe AtiMoelafion took place lai night in the Eniad Hall, D. i . Sluart. (ant year president, in the etiair. JIunm-Mi coniled ol election of officer for tin- current year and election oi delegate to attend the tfkeen.i nominating convention Tbureday night. I'be officer elected were a follow : Honorary' I'residenl Ht. Hon. Arthur .Meiben, Premier of Can ada. Honorary vice -president ft. II. I'iMiley of EquiinaU. I'reident (Seorfre H. Munro. Firl viee-pranhleut li. A Mann. second vlee-preidenl Jante.-II. Thonrjison. Havratary treasurer V. AV. WrtgW. Ijieotive committee Y II UH, W. li. Fiber, D. C. Sluart. H. V. li. Leixne. J. V ttt. Nijm: 1 1 : TV i - , i . , : . fwwat iirrrrpr inn m biiuiiioii to U above officer. Del! to ih .noniiiutiur roieVfisttSM w'tre apiVdnted a follow il Officer and member of estStJtive, tieorge D. Tile George $mib. A. W. Healy. J O. MaAuiay, Nofcbie Otark. J O. WiRiaiBMMi, J. : McLennan. Kre3 Vtrtig, H. A. llreeri. J. C llrailyj J. John. Fred !ead-den. It. if. IletiMn. J. Iiurenson. U. II. Ortne, J. A. Kirkpatrick, V. flilehri! and C. O. Howe. It was ih e largest annua, meeting the ConM-rvatne liav" had for eeveral year, about 70 being prevent. Itrief addrcsoef, were delivered hy ome of tbo.e pn't-ent. Ihe busine lieing over by I ft o'clock. I". II. Orme i preident of the li-ecl aio."iat ion and V. AV. Wrwhl ii acting teci-etary. RISING IN YALUE Political Sltuat'pn In Republic Is Much Improved and Spec-ulators are Becoming Frightened PAH1S, July -I -The exchange rate on Hie French franr rose today, beink quoted al 10.U5 to the didlai. The (lolitirul situa tion in the country is much im-proxed and speculators are bo- oinn.g frightened. SCHOONER HOLMES OUT OF ICE PACK Arrives at Kotxebue After Hav ing Been Stuck Nine Days Near St. Lawrence Island, North of Nome NOME, July 21. Il was re ported last night that tli schooner Holmes had arrived at KoUebue, llJ0 miles northeast of hcrey afler hnving been held in the dee nine days near St. Law- li'liej' In Hehring Sea. IV. iinu Mrs. J. P. Kane, of Los Angeles, accompanied by their two daughter Agnes and Virginia, ami Mr. and Mr. Wm O'ilrien, of Washington. D.C, are round. trip passengers for Sktigway on the Prince Hupert today, ( .Mr. Kane visited in Prince nupert in it) 10 and see a iiiurked change for the belter in the tlly linco his last trip. CANADIANS Eliminated by Cubans In Davis Cup Contest. Heat Hindered Them. HAVANA, Cuba, July 21. Canada was eliminated In Davis Cup tennis yesterday when Wlllard Crocker was defeated by Rogeleo Paris, the Cuban champion, 6-4, C-2 and C-2. The Cubans won two singles and a double match, while the Canadians won two singles. The Canadians were handicapped to a great eitent by the heat of this country In contrast to their own cool atmosphere. MAIL FOR PRINCE RUPERT UNLOADED AT POWELL RIVER As 'lie result o! n tn:iinder-4tandmg in unUia.iiMy the mail ack at Powell liner from Uie teamr Prince Kuiwrt tbi trip. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE IllM'EHT. II, a, YYl-DNESI)AY, JULY 21. 1020. Liberal Government in Yntirdjf Clreulitlon, 1i?f Canada Was on Best of Terms in Old Country Mackenzie King gives answer to those alleg ing lack of good will and co-operation with Baldwin government OTTAWA. July 21. In order lo avoid a misunderstanding between the government of Ureal Britain and Canada with res pect to the constitutional issue which has arisen in CanaUa, eonner Premier King, with the permission oi rremier naiuwin and Secretary of Stale for the Dominions Ameryy last night published the correspondence with these official aTter his resignation. Mr. King points to the mutual. assurances of goodwill contained therein as an effective auswer lo those who are en deavoring "to involve the roiislitutoinal question with aljegea lack of goodwill and co-operation between the lale Liberal administration o Ciiuuda and the Baldwin (iovernment in Britain." Victoria Man, Claiming to be Priest but with Dice in His Pocket, Arrested for Murder NEW YOHK. July 21. Dressed as a priesl and giving the name or Bex. Philip A. Goodwin, a 2l-year old man wa arrested here on a warrant from Santa Ana, California, charging him wilh murder. In hjs pockets were found a pair of dice, although be claimed to be. an ordained priest in the American Catholic Church. Y1CTOB1A, Jiily21. The man named Goodwin, who was arrested in New iork is believed tu be Philip Goodwin, ror- tnerly of tin rit, and whose parents now reside here. He left Victoria six vears ago and last year visited A'ictoria, claiming to have become identified with the movies. His parents ooiinrni the ract that he wa ordaitied more than a year ago as a priest. Prince Rupert Liberal Association MEETING METROPOLE HALL Wednesday, July 21, at 8 p.m. FOB NOMINATION OF DELEGATES TO THE S KEEN A 11ISTHICT L1BEHAL CONVENTION. Street Sales tit MORE HOMERS Shock of Seeing Finger of RV RARF RUTH' Older Woman Cut Off Causes V A UL XJJU UV111 . Sambino Made His 28th and 29th Circuit Clouts Yesterday NEW YOHK, July 21. lial-e llutli hit hi twnty-cipblh and IwenJy-niiitb home run of the eaoti yesterday. Six bit, including three :-o'r4l evn run for Oleve'and attain! Wabingtoiu American Leaque SI. I.oui 7. New York 6. O.i-.'and '., Wabinglon 2. iMror "-H. I'liiladelpliia 0-3.' Chieauo I-, Hoton 1'. National League I":-i'.L: ii 4. I'.ineinnati 15. lM''or r. Pi: I hursib 3. .iw r I'.'.in-iito 10. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF CHRISTIAN SC. MONITOR WAS HERE VI TOllIA. July 21. W'. J. Abbot. edi!or-iu-'-liief of the Cbri-Ikiii Science Monitor. Huston, i ev ial suck of Si:-: clas mail, a isiU :u Uie city today acrom due beie today wr' inadvertently Ipauieil by Mr. Abbott They left at that .point. Thee ack'came iu!h from Japer by way a-ill arrie here iw Friday' Uat. ot Prince Hupert. SEPTEMBER 14 ELECTION DATE OTTAWA, July 2 1. The general federal eieclion will take place on September li it wa officially announced lasl night by Premier Meighen. Nomination will be a week or two weeks ear- Iter. HAUBUT ARRIVALS TODAY 188,000 LBS. Three American and Seven Can. adlan Vessels Sell Catches Three American boats and seven Canadians sold a total of 188.000 pound of halibut on Hie F'ish Exchange this moraine. Of this total the Americans land ed 94,000 pound and the Can adians a like quantity. Ameri can catches sold on an average of 16c and 1'e while Canadian rancid fish brought around 15ci and Do. The arrivals were: American Yansee, 60,000, lo Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Lancing. 10,000, to Pacific Fisheries. Sharnian, 15,000. to Athn Fisheries. Canadian Ternen. 20.000, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Co. Brandt, ,500, to Hoyal Fish Helen, ",000, and Caygeou, 500, to Booth Fisheries. Nuba, 7.000, and Tramp, 22,-OOO. to Atlin Fisheries. tiibson, 17.000, to CanadUn Fish & Cold Storage Cc. NOME TO RELIEVE STARVING NATIVES NOME. July 21. - The Chamber of Commerce i making plans for supplying food to the natives of the Siberian coast shore? of Bearing; Sea . opposite here... where a stringent shortage of supplies wa recently reported. CRICKET MATCH PERTH, Scotland, July 2t. The Australian! defealed(v tit-? East of Scotland Mnff a' ..one-day cricket match by ' eighty-six runs. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hat I. with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICK FrV'P. CKNTft EIGHEN OPENS HIS CAMPAIGN IN OTTAWA ORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN EX-PREMIER AND BRITISH OFFICIALS PUBLISHED m m m onservative Leader Makes Bitter Attack Condemning Liberals i. . I r . ... n m w u m m m r m m mm m mr m r mm- m m m m m mmmmmmmm mm m mm mm and constitutional question in speech last night OTTAWA, July SI. Commencing hi roal-lo-coat elec-.mpaign. Premier Mrighen Ja-I night charged the King tnrul Willi bungling in every attempt to intitule imi-urtaiil .on Willi tin' reMiH I tial it hud been compelled lo reverse1 and withdraw billt. In Uie main, Mr. Meighen dealt lie status revelations and the exceptional iic raised Lxcnils.. . ! i believe." the a-ked he audience, "in a government; .h ; - .hie fur fraud' unnumbered, responsible for lltti : Ion of millions of iiiniwj- iMHuiig-jmg to 4 be Canadhtn people, re-j Ciniilr for Ibe wrecking of Hir livelihood of thousand, of our worker by oompetrUon wltii j smuggled inhI, and rponbh I for Hi utter collap of lb De part mnl of Slate Do you think ihal urh a rovrrntHcnt should sel a certificate at character in tfie forttHMrtlhg etVlion Death of 18 Year Old Girl Having wilueed Mr. MrLeau. of the mill boarding house, chop off her finger with a cleaver while cutting meat, Mi Elsie Ciirinn iiael, aged IK, formerly of this cjiy, expired from shock while assisting in the hospital at Queen Charlotte Cily yesterday afternoon, according to word reaching the city today. The girl was employed a a waitress in the restaurant and was helping Mr. McLean to en! meat for cooking when the accident occurred. Mr. McLean wa rushed lo the hospital where the girl, who had accompanied her, expired .shortly thereafter. The unfortunate sin bad worked recently in Prince ltupert. bavin? been employed by, Mr. A. W. Lipsin, raliam Ave-' nue. tview, and other. , Her home was at Skidtvgat.e andi die was n niece of Capt. Oliverj of tiie miion boat Thomas Oros-i by, who i at present at iHindan Island uperilng the construction of a fishermen's bathhouse and library-. The funeral will take place on Thursday at Queen Charlotte City, Urv. S. S. Peal, of Skidegate, officiating. Mr. McLean is en route to a Ibiucouver hospital on the Prince John w-luch i in port today. ENTRANCE EXAM RESULTS GIVEN Helen Walker Leader at Booth School and To ml Katsuyama at Borden Street. VICTOitlA.uly 21. Results ol Ihe entrance examinations held -throughout the province In June were announced by tbe Department of Education yesterday. The following were the successful candidates at Prince Hupert: " Booth Memorial School Heleu M. Walker. 405; Doris L. Hobinson. 381 ; Leslie M. Murdoch, 377: --K.YvTonn-A Terrien 370; Waiter Hard, 338; J. fait Galland, 309. Promoted on recommendation Allen Akerberg, F. Marjorie Blance, Annie Hoddie, Ida Bod- die, Winnifred C. Bunn, Harvey fl. Crate, James Currie, Frederick Dingwell, Kathleen H. Duncan, Billy P. Elkins. William J. Fidler, Elide K. A. Finley. Ralph A. John-sou. -Walter Johnson, Myra L. Kinslor. Mary L. Lawrence, Irene T. Mitchell. Hilda W. Murray, Neva Mefnnes, Percy Mcintosh, Neil McLean. Jack A. Nelson, May I. Nes. Amelia Pillsbury, Hena H. F. Scberk, Margaret Slevert, Victor Thomas, Jack Wrathall and Charles E. Wright. Borden Street School l'o in i Katsuyama, 390; Shiela A. Stuart, 387; Edward G. Kane, 3C3. Promoted on recommendation Brejula Allen, Itonatd Allen, Ce cil Bait, Rosalie Duggau, William II. Fisher. W. Jack .Hawthorn, Doteina Guelpa. H. Bronson Hunt, Kam Mirva, Frank V. Millerd, Georse W. Minns, M. Constance E. Morgan, Oral II. Hoss, Ella Steen. Edward Smilh, Winnifred E .Tucker. Tada Watte, llosbiro Watte. UQUOR PROFITS ARE DISTRIBUTED Provincial Government Is Dis tributing Half Million Dollars Among VICTORIA, July 21. Greater Vancouver secured slighlly moie than $250,000 as its share of provincial liquor profits for llio six months ending March lusl. Altogether the government dis tribution is approximately (500,-000. Vancouver City gels 1132,- 000 and A'ictoria 37.000. VANCOUVER-EXCHANGE C.P.ll. Consolidated Dunwell Indian . Marmot silver Crest , L. S L. - Bid. .163.50 -.215.00 ... IJ3 ... .05 U .0ft ... Nil ... .05 .00 H Asked Nil Nil 1.56 .06 .10 .13 .06