oe spn enter nassing Miah Sandy enough say and Mrs. en to vir are whaltt on first Lehman ‘ i O- 1 Yak pend & before pitas Camo friend h them he group Doug Stev- H. 8S. Mac- st. John Mr Mr Mrs nd and und on way inne Camo Marnie way It the ome Gordon + t Mrs wouver tine rrace Te DacK yout the iens and me hie if group n cere Name e Bob Charlie Ba- Phil Den and » Blain pnis Mulroney n MacDonald, y, Leo Doiron town Hal e for George Gonick, » Visit i Cali to q 4 a a” Lou Felsen \pplewhaite Ted cot e det another and than way to ope rn rhe on ving Jack MeRae, wh for Mon Magor The john from a girl be ind «16 paper rank Bernard Divine ; will Mi Road arting to EB. A, group t more in the to the taken ing the y winter nh over hopes to Edward Set. Lance Pot- he past from the immer and oa Arthritis UMatism Vow CRIPPLING FORMITIES | Ps newly enlarged 44- r d “Rheumatism” | ree to anyone who Or jt Why "1 | i [Tugs and medi- | nly temporary relief | 2 mov ‘he causes of | E (Dialr specializ- a non = mécical | Ch has proven sue- r past 33 years, ho obligation in Us instructive book, the mean f Untolq misery, Write e Ball Clinic, ~" Springs, Missouri, Y News Want Ads of saving | Dept | r RECEIVES DEGREE—Governor-Genera! Vincent Massey receives the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at the University of MaAliviDe & iol ahinversary conferred by convocation at ine Victor Sifton (right), president and publisher of the Winnipeg Free Press, who was installed officially as chancellor of the university to Mr. Sifton Winnipeg degree wa Fourteen degrees, including one (CP PHOTO) Many Delegates Attend Annual Presbytery of Mission Society Delegates Presbyterial! were conferred Lo the Prince Rupert of the Woman's were Mrs D. Santurbane, as the famous Windsor greys— Missionary Society of the United, munity friendship: Mrs. G. Ci-| horses which draw the royal Church met in First United ccone, baby bands: Mrs. J. I.| coach on state occasions Church Wednesday and Thurs- Brown, affiliated CGIT groups; One of the modifications had day Mrs. R. W. Large. Christian the hair swept straight back Out of town delegates present-| citizenship and temperance; Mrs ’ : ee i ing reports were Mrs. A. Richard- G. Williamson, Christian stew- son, Terrace: Mrs. N. Kilpatrick, ardship; Mrs, W. Robinson, mis- red @frs Smithers; Mrs. Fannie Wright,' sion circles; Mrs. A. Thompson, Skeena Crossing: Mra. L. Schu supply, and associate members @ Sonja meeting, Mrs. T. Mul- ¢tze, Bella Coola; Mrs. E, Dudo-| Mrs. J. G. Galbraith, literature! hern’s. Monday (258) ward, Port Simpac Mrs, W. and Mrs, J. 8. Irvine, missionary i Robinson, Klemtu; Mrs. J, I. monthly and world friends @ Call Greer & Bridden Ltd. to Brown, Skidegate Mission supply and install letter box President Mrs. E. R. Foster of plates. Phone 909. (258) Prince Rupert presided over all aa | N a oly Names Of outstanding interest was ‘a talk given by Mrs. R. W. Large | recalling early missionary work nsta e on the west coast and the found- , ing of Bella Belia Hospital now knoWn as the R. W. Large Mem At Terrace orial Hospital In contrast, a description of Special to The Datiy Nev the hospital work today gtV TERRACE--Installation of of- en by Mrs. R. H. McColl, bride of | ticers in the newly-formed Holy the skipper of the Mission Boat Name Society here took place | Thomas Crosby IV and former) sunday when nine members of | nurse at Bella Bella hospital the Prince Rupert Society motor- | Rev. W. W. McPherson of Vic- ed to this village : i toria, President of British Co New president of the Terrace bia Conference of the Un'ted | society is Pierre LeRoss. formerly Church, installed the following of prince Rupert, and Robert | officers for the coming year DuMont, Terrace lawyer, is sec- | Mi E. R. Foster, presiden retary Mrs. A. M. Thomperon, first vic Father LeRay, OMI, parish | presider Mrs. L. G, Sieber. priest here, introduced the new ! econd vice-president; Mrs. D. R. pyombers of the organization Barclay, third vice-president, whiie Father Rayner of Prince Mrs. - W Duns ecretary; Rupert installed the officers Mrs. G. Fiddes, treasurer The Prince Rupert group arriv- ed here Mass and enjoyed breakfast vith the new member: 40 Join in ih Moose Cards _ im Bee Brett Prince Rupert of the organization reel mh society Another successful whist drive a vas held by the Women of the : vhs — lation ceremony Me n Saturday night with 10 took place in the afternoon MOOS OF OWLUPGay Hi With ave saieiiana a tubies tal pat Mrs. E. Severtson won first YOU CAN prize for the ladies and Mrs. E DEPEND Cormier, who also won the pool, When kidneys fail to * a ae feteeve exon acidg -. vas second and wastes, back Ted Rorvik took nryen’s fr ache, tired feeling, . . Stegavic oa Si duturbed rest often pi ve and Olle Stegavig Was el lodd'sl cond “ie stio- Be H, Dean-Freeman won the door fh er~-sleep work better pr In charge of refreshments were Get Dodd's at any Mrs. Ai Holder, Mrs, F.Good and = eo" ans Mrs, H. Muncey R-15 i ertisement i not published or disp.ayed vy the Liquor Control _ vias is by the Government o! British Columbia Father poke briefly at the meal president of the outlined Prince Rupe Monday. November 3, 1952 j rt Daily ews Coronation Hair Styles Go! Back to First Elizabeth By MUR | j | i | Seven i time to attend 10:30 IL PENN LONDON (Reuters)—The Coronation Upsweep has bowed in here as the hair style for Britain’s fashion-conscious women year, Based on the styles popular | 400 years ago in the first Queen | Elizabeth’s court, the new hair- ido is fashioned to keep precari- | ously balanced tiaras atop the ioe of noblewomen during the | long crowning proceedings next | June 2 | As shown by Riche, the coif- ifeurer, it has a few inches of almost flat hair at the front jand curls at the back to set off |the ceremonial coronet which | goes behind the tiara | The hair at the nape of the |neck is about an inch long and brushed upwards to support the | high dressing Explained Riche: “The hair is dressed high to give a proud | look. Women must feel pride in | the new age next year.” SEVEN MODELS models showed varia- tions of the same theme—one Committee secretaries installed! dyeing her hair the same color ' com-~- Pes in the co ¢ ming coronation from the face. At the crown, ‘t ‘was about four inches long and dressec iv long curls, giving a halo effect. Riche aiso dipped back into the First Elizabethan age for the adornments which set off the new style Recalling the chivalry of Sir Walter Raleigh, who spread his cloak over a puddle for the Queen, Riche named one “the Raleigh style.” It miniature galieon complete with a foot- high mast and billowing sails is a The jester” style, named after the court jesterg, is an orange handkerchief, kept on the head by a blacket velvet pin shaped like a spider. * 18 Patients * . * Die in Fire HILLSBORO, Mo. @—Eighteen elderly patients died in a fire at a hospital here. Most of the patients wer@ trapped in the three-storey stone building | PEACE-TIME COMFORTS NORTH LUFFENHAM, Eng-_ land (€P) The RCAF's No. 1 Fighter Wing here was on a war- time @ the recent Exercise Ardent”-except in one respect. Box lunches of fried chicken and deep apple pie were served between flights. footi. ‘or ut Flizabethan | kitchen cupboards can be eliminated. One idea shown here features a double-hinged HARD TO GET AT CORNERS In door of plywood. The partition between cupboards is offset from the corner leaving that area completely accessible. Plywood corner cupboards like these can be built at home or easily put in by your carpenter NATIONAL PAINT MANUFACTURER with British Columbia factory desirous of establishing local Jobber or Distributor. In reply please give Bank reference, lines presently being jobbed or distributed, mumber of salesmen employed and district serviced. Box No. 540, Daily News Flight finished . . . mission accomplished . . . “D.C.O.” .. . Duty Carried Out! McNeices Win Jaycee Costume Dance Parade A variety of costumes featuring | comicals and native dress from many lands of the world Satur- day night was topped by that of a native medicine man to draw | tue prize at the ¢unier Chamber of Commerce masquerade dance. Winners Were Mr. and Mrs. Terry MeNiece. Mrs. McNiece was | dressed as a hula girl. Honorabie mention for well- conceived costumes went to Court dester Roy Berriman and Mrs. _Norman Jesmy%, dressed as a | Christmas present, complete with | instructions: “Don’t Open Until Christmas.” About 50 couples enjoyed danc- jing to the music of the Four | Dukes, who, along with all danc- | ers, were dressec in costime. j ‘ j i | | | i | i : { | | | PRINTING IS THE GATEWAY TO NEW BUSINESS | Call 234 We'll glady help you piau your’ printing and assist youin — every way. Dibh Printing Co.| a At home and abroad, men of the RCAF are equipped, trained and ready for action. They're keen, alert. They know their responsibility to Canada. They're ready and able to defend freedom — to meet and beat aggression! Join this select company of young Canadians now! Enrol and train for Air Crew * ROYAL CANADIAN AiR FORCE in the Royal Canadian Air Force. If you have what it takes, FOR COMPLETE DETAILS on the address in coupon — or you, too, can win your Wings and report to the Flight Commander—“D.C.0.” . . « “DUTY CARRIED OUT’ GO AIR CREW air crew training, rates of pay and other benefits, see the Career Counsellor at mail the coupon today! peer rrr rn | ! R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNTT, { Valiace Ble'g., 9921—1O1A er 7 Phone: 4% i Edmonton, Alberta, ! * | Please mail to me, without obligation, full particulars tegarding en- | rolment requirements and openings now available in the R.C.A.F. i | 1 NAME (please print “2 —— (Surname) (Christian Name) ! SEREET ALi i ons ‘ Oy Pe is ' EDUCATION (by grade and province)... cose cseessnneneneenennes : ‘ - Sato 2 aed ba SA -