rit ‘FOUNDATIONS gep YOUR HON IN GOOD STANDING ion and give estimates on All Fired in Paint Firm Experiment —: CENFRAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Lancashire (CP) Wood Posts; Installing Comerete Pests, Walls, or Complete Conerefe Basements, reer & Bridden Ltd. 1 Sem of east ak : ng f whose entire staff 215 Ist Ave. West P.G. Box 721 of 70 empl was dismissed a cause of “collective lency,” reports a 70-per- INCLATR & KELLS | oo mmras \ND DECORATING CONTRACTORS ight I ige, managing di- Cart- said the drastic roduced results far} company, a d his expectations } — i AN cp ‘ : . : spureny t AND SPRAY WORK When notices were handed to! oinerre ye = he workmen, they were given san PAPERHANGING he opportunity of applying for| 5 : reinstatement, Ninety per cent of one Blue 693 Prince Rupert, B.C. the employees did so and sub-| their quently returned *to THE AVENAL has a floor construc slab laid over a gravel or cinder bec frame with wide siding, asphalt : front recess and on storage room wa he reorganized scheme SuWEST CONSTRUCTION 1D, |. cze were being train- hemselves, Fore- The furnace is centrally located near lispensed wiltl:| , ic ao ideal hile pay rates beyond the pre- equipment and storage closets in GENERAL CONTRACTORS vailing : < were: inbea kitehen-dinette, stove and refrigera and counter under side windows anc A combination living-dining room wardrobe closets, bathroom, additonal t - i 1381 Prinee Rupert 4 ynai bonus in The policy we introduced is ~ itely not one of slave driv plete the floor plan. MMEF CIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC atioubriaes said “Our The carport is connected to the fron walk behind the raised planting box Pioor plan mreasures 38 feet by 33 f¢ 1,138 square feet, vale the cubage totals Screens Roll Into is 100 per cent in tep we took and I proved conclusively ritish workman has t to do, he does it ONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE pean’ eae utility room off the dwelling project. Where the pro- : on the inside wall, sink ject imcludes elevatars the loan * *tte in front may be increased by as much as ar. two bedrooms, 80 per cent of the estimated cost men capoinet Prince Rupert Daily News Sint Monday, November 3, ™ | Maximum Loans For Rental ‘Housing Projects Increased Coke OTTAWA (CP)—In an effort to step up build- ing of rental housing, the Resources Department has announced increases in the maximum leans which lending institutions and the government’s housing agency may make jointly to builders. The announcement said the; —— ener government has approved in-/tnhe completion of the project. i creases in the maximum joint) he icans generally are repay-| loans whieh may be made under! ganic in 29 years but under .cer- Section 8 of the National Hous-!t3in conditions this period may ing Act by the lending houses and pe extended another 10 years Central Mortgage and Housing ‘phe interest rate is 544 per cent Corporation. yearly, calculated semi-annually. J The maximum leans for — saudi shite GRANTHAM Electric Flectrical Contractors ENJOV A HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Painting and Deeorating Generel! Contractors Building and Repairs of all kinds. P.O. Box 1670 Phone Red 894 increased to $8,500 from $6,700 for each unit. This brings the maximum, inte line with the werstructute is |e maximum on one -family acs sittin tn dwellings in rental projects. < ; The maximum is raised to $7,200 from $6,700 for each fire- proof unit in a multipte-family if a concrete the fireplace, laundry of the elevators. This latter provision previously was allowed only for garages and other commercial buildings or where the municipal services to the project: were fully. paid for at NEW CONSTRUCTION D4 REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS | 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 and coat closet com- entrance by a covered et. Overall area totals ‘ : ie f 12,859 cubic feet Pockets BEST OF BOTH BARONS, Alta. CP). — Wheat ee : ee u in anyone else in the end oij*spell prosperity for Al- y quick results try a Daily News Classified hal berte and this southern Alberts = town has both, It’s eight elev- . For New Way Easy Storage ators are building with the heav-| 7 my est grain harvest in many years,, ~ A sereen that rolls up like a. tached to the upper end of a While three producing oil wells Brass Plated Letter Stot i { window shade is the solution to window frame or built inte con-|in the district have an output piillien. Cini 43 a long-puzzling problem, says a/cealed housings within the win- worth nearly $100,000. Pate 1” oe manufacturer dow frame ———— re At the end of summer, it’s a When the windows are closed, i — to get the screens /these screens are rolled up to CALL MA. P. , _— P oof t windows to let in more jet ; & maxim { light ! et light. Tests show that insect wh . a nd sag gan ass Plated Letter Siot screens cut down light entering jn the insects are not flying, ! uae 1” the window by at least a fifth. the sereens can be left up and ee { Rolling win screens Beekeepers set new records of production, it has been developed by the On tarlo Agricultural College, bee division, and the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture Painter Wins | $140,000 in | Sweepstakes LOS ANGELES (AP) Heuther, 43-year-old house painter, and his wife, Eileen, felt “sort of numb” when they found gut they won $140,000 in the Irish Sweepstakes, Three months ago in New York Heuther bought a $3 ticket on Richer -in the Cambridgeshire Stakes at Newmarket, England Two months ago the Heuthers , moved here, leaving the ticket Con e Have Ample Stocks of FOR ANY KIND PHONE 651 or 652 ump - Egg - Nut | Phil Kaufman, of Merrick, Long come in and the Heuthers are OF WINTER? a nd | Island | Kaufman telephoned Wednes- about $80,000 after taxes. Stoke r ARE YOU PREPARED “FOR BETTER BUYS Have Your Furnace Overhauled NOW Phone Black 884 For Free Estimate Thom Sheet Metal _ LIMITED IN BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES” can be ut ndows ximum of air the height of reens For all your Plumbing and Heating Phone Blue 846 Cor. McBride can be left open for a On warm days the inseet sea- are rolied down and LETTER SLOT & GRILL Black hammered iron fish, - ‘i e Son i Po) windo opened yroer Your Winter Needs sores set nnn » F} hese sereens slide snugly in im - - ‘ ’ For front door of homes. metal slots at the sides of the Grill aliows owner fo talk to caller window frame. An _ accidental without opening deer, i £y soot ess uces oney blow, strong enough to tear or Opening Sine, 5 1/4" 5081/2". Me ax a rigid screen, merely pulls zf VICTORIA ©—A motion cal . Roiscreen out of its slot, after i ing upon the Federal governmen nt {| whic h it is rolled up and pulled to institute a research progr am | dow n again whic h automatical- } a into effect of 2-4-D insect SPrayyn’ Piaces it in running posi- Add M R oH se a with regard to honey ‘production, | on ore oom | oe é was passed by the Canadian} Operating on the inside of the eal ‘ | Beekeepers’ Council: which is| windows, these screens are left F hy HAMMERED IRON holding its annual convention|in their housing pockets the ints our Cc / LETTER SLOT i here year-round doing away with Attragiive bleck finiih : Beekeepers believe the wide-|the chore of putting up and Cramped for space? Solve fer front door of rem ¥ spread use of the insecticide has taking down storing ard paint- the problem — finish your " age = ten 4 resulted in a reduction in honey ing. You can get a 10-year guar- attic. Cali us teday. Ore q x / , ‘i production in some areas antee on them +H we ; Members were informed that Phone 174 a . THAT ALL RESIDENCES, 4 a new hybrid queen bee will be sda cea iecke niles A LETTER SLOT BEFORE 3 available to beekeepers in Can CARRIER DELIVERED MA‘It. CAN BE PEF * ada and the United States in SAANICH 4 : sy . ‘ 1953 Master Plumber r The new queen is expected u PLUMBERS the man with Heve us install one of these ietter slots the answer Smith & Elkins LIMITED P.O. Box 274 in your heme today EBY & SONS LID. PRINCE RUPERT HOME BUILDERS Third Avenue and Cow Bay Phone Blue 156 Needs and Fifth Ave. THOUGH YOUR HOME PLANS MAY BE ONLY IN THE DREAM STAGE You Do Know.... WHEN MONEY |S NOT TOO. PLENTIFUL YOU MUST GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. bee ae te Oe . Quolity Materials and Quality Workmanship are the first steps in economical home construction. So even if you're only dreaming | we'll be glad to have you drop in and ask us to show you what can be done with . MODERN, QUALITY MATERIALS Albert & McCaffery Ltd. o® Island City PHONE 116-117 -5 BUILDERS. SUPPLIES rvone stue az WHERE SERVICE TO YOU IS A PLEASURE TO US St fee che ta eRe oy