sat rday December 18, i2e THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE (cmqV) V0U8 HEELb TO WINTER' NTER'S) WATERFRONT WHIFFS frACE-USEOURCOAlANW ) WIN J Tiir iiAf r Boat building concerns are busydeer hunt ing season now closedLittlehorn' the earthquaky reverberations s -Ripe for pipe klQ rut Winter' a pretty long" w nded fellow and jove u i:)W coal pile a ford run for - money. You're in earnest to win m (an home mi are we, to i.vlp you. Iet'H ko. Phone u now. NA.NAIMO - WELLINGTON and ALIIERTA HOOTLESS COALS Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 110 and 117 "Demers" Have nil the tMnular shade' in Silk UNDERWEAR NIGHTGOWNS GARTERS HOSIERY SCARVES and HANDKERCHIEFS Phone 27 P.O. Hox 327 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Prions 57 5 DENTIST Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do its best This new Urunswii-k juick!y won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case. too. is beautiful beyond the uwual. Come in and say I want to hear the new Waterfront boat building concerns are by this time pretty well booked up with contracts for new boats and repairs to old ones. The Mclean shop, for instance, already holds contracts for the construction of four rather large vessels a sixty foot halibut boat for Chris Hovmuller, the hull framework of which is now erected; another halibut boat almost as large for John Wick, and two seine boat packers for the Gosse Packing Co. With these boats to be finished by spring and two or three further contracts pending as well as the usual repair demands, the McLean establishment will be a buy place Indeed for the next few . t- .numbs. . iff !7 I The Japanese shoos in Cow limy also have a full program of work Uned up and. from tbe look of things, there la liable u. be tome Job going togging in two or three month time because it will be impoaolble to find a ,,-iwi- to hate them done. The local halibut boat Kalen M among the veaael now In Cow Bay uaving repair work daee. Alex McDonald and Rod Morrison, aboard the former' beat. Hector, took advantage of the closing days of the Jeer teaaon this week to replenUh the ! Umtly meat Mppljr Oa Sunday Rod got hi and on Wednesday Alex, bagged , one. Their artillery activities were ! across and up the harbor. There acre a few bird brought in 0er Um wee -end. Jack Urday' party a uaual. proving one of the aucceaaful coons ware not unrewarded tor on Wednesday be and Claude journeyed sotom tbe harbor and brought down a fine banker. To complete tbe bag a first -class mallard wa brought buna. Charlie returned to Seattle yeaiertfay to complete his holiday, being due back again about the end of February I Oaeege Bryant and Roy Nicholl were out aboard Um 1 1 aria Saturday after- 1 noon attempting to bag tbe odj goose at Mrtlakalla bar. Mitrx xr.w move 3hr( Thomson has been baking, frying:, broiling and routine tbt week a ne never did before. Alex McUae wa shopping few day ago and found bin s One new cook store. Hence, all tbeae cuttnary activities on the part of Bhef who has found that he can even ban water without burning It on the new nickel-plated and white enamelled piece of hardware Shrl had h s fettle tested aput In the J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Aveniie, Corner Fifth Street DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - Till: DAINTIEST KREAKFAST POOl).' Smoked Dally hy Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Itupcrt, H.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailings from IT I me ltuert. Alrrt lUy. fir, Tuesday, lor VANCOUVER, VICIOUU, lr vIn".UVI;k. VICTORIA. Alert Hay ,r- Hlrdy, lr loilx HIMI'SOV. ANVOX. AI.H'K AII.M, 8TKWAKT and N.u. Klver ... '"Tlea. Nunilay, a I' " . ...... I?J 2nd Avriiur. It. M. HMITII. MH Prime Kupert, ll.t many boat adrift in about a long It take to tell about It. the altuatlon wa so capably handled that nary a1 bit of damage wa done. Having on board a Dartv of trivelllnr 2nen. the little power cruiser Kltaavfltj came In from Vancouver Thursday afternoon and tied up at the Prince Rupert Boat House. Capt. Alfred 8wanson la down In Vancouver letting the bright light re fleet on him for a while. Why shouldn't ha have a little holiday at that with such capable henchmen as Alex Saint and Bob Thomas to guard til Interest ' during his absence? Alex Saint was in conference wltU the provincial police authorities this week. - It appear that. Alex 1 Imploring the aid of hi old pals In Alex Manson'a army in a battle against some troublesome crab that are armoring Charlie Starr eatne an the way fromme of the mote acauUUve member 8et'Jt to gat a feathery one and hl!0, the w,Urfront community. Oeorge Nlckerscm the fishermen's friend. Is claimed to be taking another covetous look tom-ard the mayoralty throne. If Oeorge put the alleged thought into action and resolves ta liquidate 8am Newton's mortgage, we m-culd advise htm to capitalize high. Jimmy Thoma. who went down tbe coait during the fall to engage in chum packing, now ha the Vlner tied up at Victoria where he- wUl spend a couple of month giving' als parliamentary friend some advice free gratis without charge. Laurie Lambly. popular tklpper of the P. R. B. H. 23. baa decided that Cap Swanson doeant need him on tbe payroll for a little while, and has Joined the dry dock ttaff for the winter months. NtUIMiTOV lUCK Lighthouse tender Newtngton return, rd to local headquarters on Tuesday westerly gale lat week and. though a'nornta Xlr two J,unt down toMt Ur " E wnd uk,n one., were broken and half a j Christmas cheer -to the various light- Sanmavick monooami an sicoaai V iaouae. Capt Harry OrmUum reported some sloppy weather whUe away but the only thing that gave any cause for alarm was when Deckhand Oeorge Murray tried - a high dive stunt in Ounboat Pass. He wa fished out safely, however, and hi matches weren't even wet. The Newlngton went out Thursday morning to Triple and Oreen Island light and returned to port today. Olof Ouse came In to port this week bringing some of the timber he doeent I need In his mayoralty platform at home. Jack Donnelly went to Porcher during the week to open the new City Hall formerly known a the Mu-g-Cp.' Motorthlp Lllleuorn, Capt. Dan Mc-Klnnon. arrived In port on Sunday and, fter discharging 600 tons of coal at tbe Albert tt McCaHery wharf moved down to the elevator and loaded 500 w ton of wheat screenings for Seattle, a. -rf,- t - Urery. Resident of the Cow Bay vicinity thought an earthquake wa lu' progreM when the Llilehorn'a wfnchei started it do their atuS. Windows rattled and dishes were shaken off their ahelve with the concussion. The next tlm the vessel comes, nearby householders will hope she wont have so long to stay. It' a darn nuisance to say nothing -of disturbing the baby soundest slumbers. Pacific (Cojle) Navigation Co. tug B. D. M. I due In port with two cow-load of lumber for Albert & McCaRery. CI..l'IE KCTCIH'M IIETTKU Capt. Claude Ketchum nude hla appearance again on the waterfront this week after having been confined to hi home for ten days or to with a dObe of mump. R. M. P. power tug M, T. S, Capt. Reg Oreen, made a trip to Georgetown yesterday. The vessel took out an empty scow and provision and returned with two scowloada of lumber for transshipment over the Canadian Na- i EdgHoldin$ Saws rast Eosvj-Cuttinj SiMONDS SAWS Cuarantet4 becaUMtnada iiua our naiei eg I ueNtaaaL .l I VAMCOUVSII. ST.JOHNjt.B.. 1 1 I VMCMV fr I $7,000 MEN'S WOOL IMBUED UNDERWEAR STANFIELDS Regular value $2J0 Sale Price $1.5 ME.YS BLACK COTTON HOSE Regular value 30c Sale Price 11)0 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS FANCY CHECK PLAIDS Regular value $3.00 .Sale Price MEVSRESS SHIRTS Regular value $2.00 Sale Price S."p MEN'S HEAVY WORK ROOTS Regular value $7.50 Sale Price -SI.S 11 .MEN'S GREY TWEED SUITS Regular value $25.00 aVPrlce SII.JW -i- - MENS FANCY JAZZ SWEATERS .. Regular value $5.50 Sale Price Jjtt.K!) MEN'S RUBBERS Regular value $1.75 Sale Price MEN'S TWEED CAIS Regular value $2.00 Sale Price 89c .MEN'S HEAVY CANTON FLANNEL PYJAMAS Regular value $3.30 Sale Price $2.4 ME.VS ALL WOOL SOCKS Regular value 45c Sale Price 2 MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS Regular value $3.75 Sale Price $1.KI .MEN'S SUITS, BLUE SERC.E Regular value $10.00 Sale Price $21.75 MEN'S ASSORTED DRESS PANTS Regular value $5.75 Sale Price MEN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS, PURE WOOL Regular value $4.00 Sale Price 2.4n ME.VS DRESS BOOTS Regular value $3.50 Sale Price .$.". MEN'S HATS FUR FELT Regular value $4.50 Sale Price . . .' J?2.404 ME.VS OVERCOATS ENGLISH CRAVEN ETTES Regular value $30.00 Sale Price $17. HT, ME.VS MACKINAW COATS PURE WOOL Regular value $9.00 Sale Price .ME.VS HATS BROCK " BRAND Regular value $6.00 Sale Price U." MEN'S FANCY DRESS SHIRTS ' Regular value $2.50 Sale Price ......... S1.t! MEN' DRESS BRACE Regular "value $1.00. Sale Price ...... "1)f t MEN'S TWEED SUITS Regular value"$22.50 Sale Price ?!2.!H save tht VALUABLE, Poker Hands $7,000 Must be Raised Prices cut to a whisper Sale Starts Today Come in and listen MEN'S IMPORTED ENGLISH TWEED OVERCOATS Regular value $35.00 Sale Price ......... QlUJXi ME.VS KHAKI FLANNEL SHIRTS. ALL WOOL Regular value $2.25 Sale Price $1.40 .MEN'S XMAS TIES 200 ONLY Regular value $1.00 Sale Price 4l)c 'MEN'S HEAVY WORK BRACE Regular value 85c Sale Price 41)r ME.VS WINTER WEIGHT UNDERWEAR Regular value $1.75 Sale Price 08f ME.VS PURE WOOL SWEATER COATS Regular value $5.00 Sale Price $SLtH MEN'S LUMBERJACKS' Regular value $1150 Sale Price $2.1)8 THOR JOHNSON in hands of S. M. Playford Sales System known from coast to coast as the greatest bargain givers in existence today. BBBBB!iiBBMBBBMBB.lllH.Bl.llllBi flonal Railway to Calgary . John Wick, owner and skipper of the halibut boat Johanna, on which re. pair work has started following a recent gasoline explosion, 1 on a business trip to Vancouver. L Doc Cad may be able to stand chloroform but he can't take the gas )ior does Dave Stuart find John D.'t tweet 'tunics half as fragrant a Mr. Tuckett condenses down lu Cuba. B pea king seriously, however, these two hearty hunter had Just about a close it squeak last Sunday as they wouU wish to have every time they go out In chase of "mowltch." Coming up the coast that day. both got a touch of gas In Dave's cruiser and high, wind and fresh air were, they found, the things they liked nothing else but. However, thty made port all rlgh somewhat dis tressed and out of sorts and were soon put to rights with 6hef gentle care. (Jraham Spry, national secretary of Canadian Clubs, left on this morning' train ' for Edmonton enroute to his headquarters In Ottawa after having spent several day In the city. Mr. Spry found the men' Canadian Club here In a stae of Inactivity but wa pleased Jo see that the .women :had, formed a strong and active organization. He dined last night with the executive of the local club. VSSM i V 'Nuff said Ranadian National Cfhc Largeft Kailway Syfiemn Ayxtrica ' Steamship and Train Service ritlNt'E' Itl'PEKT will leave PRINCE KITEKT for VANCOUVER VIC-TOKIA. SEATTLE, and Intermediate points eaeh t'KIUAY al j. I'lU.Nt'E Kt'I'EKT for HTEWAKT Oiul ANYOX, tVEDNENDAY. 1 p.m. vs. ritlNCE CHARLES for YANCOUVEK vlu OLKtV CHAKLOTTE IS-LANUS, fortnightly. IAH.HK(1ER TKAINH LEAVE ritlNCE Itt'l'EItT Eaeh MONDAY, HEI.MXIAY and 8ATl'ltlAY at 1IJ0 a.m. for rnlNCK (1EOKI1E. EPMDNTO.N. tVlNMPEtl, all point t'nlletl AGENCY ALL OCEAN HTEAMXIIIF UXt L'se Canadian National Expresa tor Money Order, raretga Chi)e. etrM alto for jour next shipment. CITY TICKET OF1ICE, Si TIIHID AVE, TKINCK KUHEKT. ITion t