PAGE TWC " 'rttfl DAILY Nwa Tuesday, tar i CbW Milk and Fruit with SHREDDED x r WHEAT An Ideal noonday meal i The Daily News j -PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afteraoon. except Sunday, the Prince Riipert Dailv News, umitea. i ntra Avenue. H. F. PUI.KN, Managing Editor. - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. UAll.Y fcDITIO Election Seems Only Solution. Tuesday. June 29. 1926. The Mackenzie King iruvf rumen t has resigned and Meighau has been called unon to lorni an administration at Ottawa. The Progressives after obtaining all they wanted from the Liberal regime, have bitten the hand that fed them, for it wa their defection that brought about the cmis which provoked .Mackenzie King to Hibmit the resignation, of his government after hi requot for dissolution had been denied liy the Governor General. J u?t as the Liberals depended on the supporter the Progressive and others to retain control in the HoiKe so will the Conservatives have to do if they decide to take over the rein of government They cannot hope to hold the support of the Progressives any more than the Liberals were able to do. True; they might lake over and hold the administration for the time being if the House now prorogued without any further contentious business coming up but, in parliamentary !-esion. they could hardly expect to retain control. The situation has indeed come to an impasse. Any parly tu remain in control mnsi continue to pander to the irresponsible group ifProgfessives. The air must be cleared and, while even an election might not improve the situation, it seems about the only reroute. It is safe to predict that there will be another federal contest within a twelve-month and it is at least to be hoped that, however it may go, either one of the major parties-will have a wwking majority. It is impossible for anyone to carry on under present conditions. Much1 Grain to be Shinned' Hera. TJie announcement bCeorge McTvor, general manager of wfivurjiuui. ii&ui iri3 111 iii&jiiiuii-lu-r.ii j' VI lllicjl lljll Hon bushels of grain through (he Prince Hupert elevaUu thie year is welcome newst. That wilUmean that fify or so freight vessels will have to come here to pick up cargo. It will be the large! shipping movement iu the history bf the city. - These' ship will bring business to the port aiif, together with the staff of the elevator, will make condition!! much improved goring the winter. And, at that; it will probably be only the starling of still greater things in cummer .'ial development for this port. Prohibition May Be i ' Precedential Issue. Politicians of both the great parties in the United States, Republican and Remocral, are worried over the numerous signs Ihat the wet alid dry issue is going to'have a foremost place in the 1V28 prudential campaigii.s Alanyvof them would like tu thrust it aside, but the signs are increasing that it will be impossible to do so. Should-the 1028 campaign resolve itself largely into a wet and dry. .fight it would be embarrassing to most of the leaders. Raising of this issue will inevitably tend to throw other issues into Jhe eclipse. $ the prohibition' controversy becomes hoi, all the-important economic issue- are likely to be completely iiver-shadbwed. v- - The fact that Senator Horah of Idaho has lately conio out in support of the drys against the idea.of a referendum oil nrohi- biliou is interpreted a meaning he is a presidential alirailt ajiu4s,pjjvmg lor me uppon or tne riryu, including the Anti-Saloon. League and kindred1' organization. President CooHdgo ltlf rlj; lias, taken a Course which many believe h intended to t-olidify himself with llle drys. , -Governor Al Smith of New York just now Is looming up ns the mad most Jifc-ly to get the Democratic nomination for President in J!28. .116 is an avowed .'well Should be be named, a Jiepuiiiicaii nunuiiee who had tlltJ.,rupport of: tlie jlrjv throughout inr :uuuir wouiu oe in a strong- posiKse to witf if the contention of Jhe ilrs 1 true that the country on a lest would be overwhelmingly for prohibiion. In mjTeveut Hie mauoevres of political leaders of both parties, particularly presidential aspirants, on the liquor question from now on are going to lie watched wilh keenness. The liquor question is looming up to a degree that was unknown in 102 'i or 1020 or. indeed, in any presidential camjifgrt year heretofore. l ISTB1H ill 1 , i. ,i r-" aaa IHBsL ""r 1 '""ci"" 1 nr -Bk BBBkBK-BBW m BBB 'BB BBBi Bk BBV II Best Proeurable (THE ORIGINAL) PMre Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT A Thfi advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of .. . ' UriUrib Colutntxa, PROMOTIONS IN THIS DISTRICT Many Pupils Advanced' to High Softool By Recommendation. Kollowinz are the recommended promotion lo Hifh School in the Prince llunert school inspectorate as aniiounrcd by H. tl Fraser, dls Irlet school inspector. Beside lliese there were candidate from smaller centre who took the .overninenl tesls results of which will he known later. Sooth School (33) Alton lw Akerberjr. Florence Mi Blaure. Annie K. Bbddie, Ida' M lloddie. Winnifred 0. Bonn, Bar-." i. i;rate, James Currie. Pred J); Dingwall. Kathleen H. Duncan, William l. Klkin. William J Fidler, Elsie Klnley. ltalpIiJohu. son. Walter Johnson. Myra Louise Kinslor. May L. Lawrence. Irene f. Mitchell, Leslie Murdoch. Bllda Wilson-Murray. cNeva Mclnnes, Percy Mcintosh, Neil McLean, J A. Nelson, May Louise Ness, Am elia IMIIsbury. loris L. Ilobinson. Hena H. Scherk, Margaret ievert, Yvonne Terrien. Victor Ttiomaf, Helen May Walker. Jark Wrathall, r.harles K. Wright. Borden' Street School (21) Bretitla Phyllis Allen, llonald Mien. Oril Ball. Hosalie I. Dug- van, William H. PUIier. Walter J. (awlhoni. Dolflnu (Tuelpa, II. Bronson Hunt, Tonile Katsuyama, cihvard (. Kane, Kami Mlrva, Prank W. Millenl. Geo. W. Minns, Mary Constance Morgan, Oral 11. Hoss. siheila Anne Stuart, I. Sleen, Edward Smith. Winnifred K. Tucker, Tada Watte, Yoshio Watte. KlUumgallum School' (7) Dreda Kathleen Harnett, Robert M'. IVjnnld. Xora F. Hayes, FraHk J. Hipp, Alva E. Mtwrr, IIrs!e May Moore, Evelyn D. Thomas. Oranby Bay (15) Walter Asimus, Jark Barclay, Stuart Barclay. Leonard Brown, ftoe (lane, Ida (antalini. May Kathleen Eve, John (iillis, Theresa Mary Gordon. Earle Gray, Herbert F. Kernin, Donald Maa.l- ister, Jeau J. MacDonntd, John W. O'Neill, Stuart Steele. Smithers (8) Orlinda J'atriria Hartnett. Alice !. Laiiuier. Hi'.u Faerlid, Itohert Jl. Duulop, Vera Doodson, I'auluie J. Furness, llobt. F. Sniith, Marjorie A. Warner. Ocean Falla (12) ! Kathleen Barker, Theo. Ghrts-! tie. Marjorie Horsell, Altert KIUi Jin. Elizabeth Lisk. ltoy Murptiy. Enest Ollett. Hazel Ridley, Ralph Mevers, Alice Solionavilctl, Nich-i olas Sohonavitch. Helen Tinker. ' Matriculation Exams. At the High School and matric ulation examinations in Prince Hupert inspectorate the following wrote at the Hteh School centren. tSr.XL Or.XIL Granby Bay 8 Kitum?allum .... 2 cean Falls 8 Prince Hupert ... . 20 8 Smither ........ 8 Stewart Superior., i Total. 50 8 In addition to the above Ktoh SchiHd work -wa undertaken at everal rural centres. Uifc follow Tii'tr student preseutini? Ihetil- selves"? Or. fir. Or: ' IX. X. ' XI Burns Laf.e , ...2,-'5' 2 tfranedts fiake 1 1 Voulh BaDk i i Bouth Huikley .... 1 I Svvt Hazcltou . i Lawn Hill 3 . . Mackenzfe '. 3 Port (Ueinents ... 2 Kincolilh i. Telkwa i Premier i Stewart 3 Wistaria ......... 3 Total 20 0 2 Hleh Mark "It may he asked," -jaid Mr. Fraser. "whether Uip.ka nnnrti. dali'tt from outHide points usually mem wnii nucce. In reply I wouia nay that usually the candidate who i anxious to succeed does no in suite of evervtlifni? Fop instance last year a girl Qf jlS at an outside point,: Muriel IQrawford, of BTewarl,iade a to-;tal of 800 marks on matrtcula-;tirn, one of the highest In the iprovinre. and the highest In this inspectorate. SMITHERS M". E. LeBlanc of 5eatlleHJoinl owner with. A. 8. Millar and other loral men in several mining pro-pert ieg in the district, arrived la (own Thursday evening and is nero. a , . fH a. a a a iw inwa naen uram ae-; jComiwintd bya bunch of "nl twtt tans nmtored w to sintthe THE MAN IN THE MOON on Thursday e cuius for anth t tih- - .- ... OUMIBM HI I It J t iwilisrht f ball with the game ,,,, I1E .iiMllr. But jodjpna iiH-al nine. The iUr was Tw lrm , .i..i 3"! iiatHj. keeuing the lar(re rM ,, i. -......i... crowd of rotifers w.nriio uj. jer. IMtch lhnniBij.ui! the gflme. Tlwr hH-at boy were vi--t..rM.u. by aj ro away lhat a.fcky fed-score of tiuir t six. in .a,!, if., , u ,.kie. ter aa touur. Mr. J. It.iUertw lfl far he: 1 . Iiouve in I' erfte ..i, Friday, A BALI bWWWl man without after a couide of M visit a hat in riy ttiu- would lako with friends ff twn. he .nm.. ImwUhs aa an ojdinUst. u.riiiiipddtr.i jijt oir uaujchHr, Miss Marlerie RoMrt. uselur Til 115 am rkj, .ih r of the Droltw.d school. .iwrks atl ftoWfleMI no.r. Ml Man MiA ; nun Mr nar . n.. I It junior jrrlM. at fhe local Pint aftw they, have sat on 3 civer on Saturday nmrntair. I m.. . Thanks To That Wonderful Remedy . . - , - f I YYOMinil if me aJe a jrreeri . ... .. . . . . i . , . . . j oil' i .ura. Uliiv liarrKU "rr- r" "-fi itwr irr-iiuii jwere vixir!. in town on FrWa7:,k,w,, thiwuirh the female sex. ami aiariar. .Mr. Itarreit ni rr ports the . mps in hi district- A WOMAN in th, States r. n rr now lo..ktrlir 'zood. altliouliHfently received 10(U)Ort in a suit the Mffing w(t, baekvuard, tnt (0r lmf aitalnsl Iter mother. iniHtjii srowilf dvf, r ijntnV. tlwl8"'- Bow dl 6 ?ei such ttarm . wetlir tin -ivfl.i i,iiW'Uier-ln-law. days' Hin alontr jtd -tifrrtttima ' is uirsritt jtiieaa. jir. Hsrl ' i"" -ray, a woman can rettaNo Minimeutf oh cata-,,lI' ec throujrh a fnan. Illllai' ties!, t Uero Iwiuv iiinlll - - - nilllUn of theS,r wjrtm in Hh! 1 rs '! ianieR i eat fried Barren ar-3 lltmston ectMin-J"' B'' B"'t with ones glow The poplar ireeji for miles ace!Bn- ' stripped or fTpry vestape off SMeen leaf. I IT'S usel for a riarent trt -- i,J" and make an Old liiodel out Jlitllp J. Job ,f Vaneouxer ar. ' a ,e "5 kW- rived in Smilher . Fridav loeom-f ' menee anothr season's de-.elopJ a rn0,o", wlh a.heni inent work w ii,a ii,.nt i.v..u J,n'f has disemprcd the tml.. Still Enjoying Life at 84 I Mrs. T. IL Mffler, 1843 11ft As. Eut, Vancouver, B.C, writes! Tirs years ago mjr huUod imffered terribly with seer attacks of palpitation,, of the keart and smotbsring spUs, and two doctors stated that ha aould not posniblj live six onths. X friend recommended Ullbarn's IL and N. Pitts, with the reault that tar hnibud is still enjoying life at Uis age of'M'yeara. He- has ImproTed so wonderfnTly that he can now climb the stairs without' having thote awful paint ia ais heart." P ly Vy Tie T. UUbara Oa, Uislud, Toroato, Oat A PKWSIMIKT is a man who ue a padlork on his belt in eiie bis snsn.nder break. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Juna 29, 1918. k Mr and Mrs. YA. Slilwell nt-'ved from Butte, Montana, this 'morning. .Mr. KtllWelf will lead mi oiriiestra t fhi Malesuc Hieairs. Tliey reeijvnd a warm welrotne from many old friends und expressed great doajrht in being back once more in Prinru Hupert. Mrs. Brand. Mrs. Wearmtithi and Miss Nuttih' Brand h:iv. MJ jlurned from a visit south. ! Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge nehhanli! were among the arrival frottJ mc interior last evening. 1 Putting It Off Wait! Watch! DEMERS' I I complete stock H Public Retail starting Sale I f T Tl e m e BB r rid ay, juiy at v a.m. Dresses, Suits, Coats, Hosiery, Gloves,. Blouses, BE I Kim onas, bathing Suits, etc. A Real Bargain Riot B A. W. McArthur - - - in full charge B lonkintf over the i latiii he i i',- mn . terested in atu'. plaamng furlheh ain. uevetopninot work wttti his part-, i Hji.'I -.ri, it lljy mull Never Get It We nre offrnng you truly linet ..n.i at prfVc away below the overage. . vcr long. It will psy )ou In but imw a you iicih! if A really dej.endahle tuaran- rt bi i; lesl w-Hsl wolrb, 15 jewelled tat i:i - gobl nile.1. Ibwular ftll.00 St. - fr $11.20 p4re A' gold filled expansion ty Bwwl j- hraclel gh tHi free with each iteg f? ae"sdld"raesday. Ii.g.r ttl few mor' umbrellas tray, lot a In eittor at $S.t0 die, men . Still a few more 15.00 Mali gulu Johnr cl. complete with N .-liy IksoI of lnlrurtion .. B5o On lot of brooches. som H.-ji "V snl k slUer. some solid gold Iilie' bihI gold filled. Values to aeUIng ls SJiO. To clear al . . . 9So ftagcr rom Fine perfee I diamond en- Sale In gagemcnl nnjc in hand car- Iargc x ved eiiiox. Hegutar 155. Wawitie- Sale Price 195.00 Sale Pr.- Jewellers Her. SOFT leans John Bulger, Ltd, Third Are FINISH ' All flat pieces washed, iroppil uml r t rt Wearing apparel practirnlly ready t ijuires a little retouching wilh hand' iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus lo Pr Your bundle returned within three J: PIONEER LAUNDRY, Umid Phone 118 Advertise in "The Daily Ne