nam I-.T .1 ON BRINGING UP FATHER fflS DISTRICT Tlls or North, i ., Wealth S - c : i A L, ncvrt v?Jm- ' ' AN' i hearme' ff ,i?v y m u tjt- - '?? - 'Seym r r w OUT on in neotn,i nfouvr ot many, jieoplc realfre-lh xPnt md richness of the irri ory of Central flrish f.olumbja Constantly nn lh Av, v - - nun covering only majp points nn the irand .Trunk division of Ihtt ua:iauan. -National Railway, an. going by boat lo.Anyox and the f)Men Cii.Hrlotte Islands, ,it will iase me thre? weeks without 'gov ing into. 4he vyast hinterland norin or lh. Canadian National Area cojij. prisetone-irir ofiUritiili Columbia," ld Hon. T. I). I'attullo, memoer, tior mi ilUtnct, in ar interview .recently puhlfshcti in Hie Vancouver Prnvinen. i-oriy-ftvo mile north of landerhnof I Fort St. James, the capital of mitjsh- Columbia in the days when it-was New dale donia, ;Jfort James is sHnaJc exactly in the geographical cen tre of Urilish Columbia, and U on the name isotherm a Cntn brook, which almost borders on the forly7ninh parallel. There . are few more picturesque' a ilea in -Urilish Columbia Ihan Fort SI. James.- "It js sratiryiilg Jo knoy Ibal Crnlra.and Northern iHritish Columbia are making continuous and steady progress.. .1 have several limes made the ?tale-menl that it the richest portion , of B.C.; but because I re-lreenl the constituency of Prince" Hupert many people think that this is a prejudiced viewpoint. However, all one needs iO fin i-J enniitoi I hit inJ nient that it is the richest portion of the. province is not ai from the trulJi. Fish and Minerals Prince Hupert is the cenlre of the largest fish husines ot the province. 'The mineral wealth of th north is well known and here t silualed the famous Pcmie. mine, ..... in nniner mere is a vast ft I ami, both of f, Ml and second gra'Jc, .especially .suitable . for jiuip ami . paper purposes by reason of the percentage of spruce. "As regards agriculture, ihere Is the largest area of hiph-elass mixed farming lands in the province. "Climatic conditions are exceptionally salubrious. If anyone will follow the public reports of temperature from day to da, he will see that the temperature of Prince, Hupert is very similar to thai of, Victoria and Vancou ver; and while it la true that the annual rainfall is heavier there tha.n here, the enjoy a great deal of fine wealher. The difference in rainfall in comparison with Vancouver is mainly due to the fact of a heavier fall in . a shorter time "Central and Northern Urilish Columbia, of which Prince Hu pen is ine gateway, occupies a strategic position for transpaci fic commerce, being 500 ihilW nearer the Orient than any of the southern ports. ; ! . F'ne People 'The country is fortunate -aUii in the class of people who .ave Kone in to open up its resources. A a matter or fact, given resources to work on, the real as set Is the people themselves. The :Sorth Is very fortunate in this regard. There are no more cour ageous, energetic and intelligent people on the face of the earth than are in CenlraJ and Northern. Hrilisli Lolumbla. There have been times when the people have fell that . they were 'as a voice crying in the. wilderness,' buH they have never faltered, and have continued to forge ahead. "The South, with its larger population, should extend a fyni pntlieljc hand In the North, ai occasion may arise. The open ing up of the North means mil lions to'lhe 'South; every boat is loaded down with freight from Vancouver and victoria for the northern points, Tire C.N. II. the C:i.H. and the Union S.S. Co each run 'several boats weekly to the north country. The North and Soulh nre complementary to each other, and are all one JlrH-ish Columbia. There should bo no peily rivalry, port with porl Canada is big enough, and lirit- ish Columbia is big and re sourceful enough to keep all portions of the province in i prosperous jand affluent condi ... ( MACHINE THAT KEEPS SECRETS Dansh Engineer Invents Device For Cipher Writing and Code Transmission. COPENHAGEN, June 29. A I.mish-n(fineer, 1'. . . lleyer. Ita? invi.itvl a machine for ripher wriliitj or code transmission, wliich- makes it possible to write. lirect and ijuickly, dipaiches in a i'lpliei' wliirhvpmc-licaliy speak-" ng, can be solved only by the prrun who has the key appaia in question, which apparatus automatically brings aiiout the lleyer, during the war, served in the radio department of the Danish Hoyal Hngineers, and1 notice! the inadequate: workim.- of the cryptogram syslein used .num.. to rralbe lllal IN. .lale-,1" ,.,ni,.'.k "'.?T cm"". The lleyer metliod, iiay the "Monilr" i to use two electrically connected typewriters, o that when the typist presses on a key of the one niacin Ac, the attached machine writes a letter or stgn, wliich depends upon the position of part of the electric equipment and a guiding wheel. The cryptogram which the- attached sending machine has writ ten, U telegraphed to ihe receiver, who deciphers it through Jii machine, which is arranAfd like the sending one. Hy reversing a swifch, the electric jeonjiecllon between the Iwo machine is also reversed, so that the message-' is written exactly as typed on the sender' first typewriter. The machines Lave S3 keys. and the number of codes can be multiplied indefinitely. The more general the ueof wireless transmission, with its frequent publicity, the more tie new invention will be neeei. The Copenhagen Engineering Collee, the general slaff, and lhi Indus trial Council have all ,-endered assistance and encouragement-to the inventor of thi machine. VICKERS HOUSE SOLD TO NAYLOR Mrs. Vlckers and Daughter Leave Tomorrow For Victoria, Where They Will Reside. Joseph Naylor has purchased the nn First Avenue West of YV. II. Tickers, lale chief afeity police. Mrs. Vjckers and laughter, i-.velyn, will sail tomfU1- row afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for Victoria, where they will join Mr. ic.kers. who has purchased a residence for them in Ihe Iteacon Hill district. Atrrerlise in the Dally News, Mao In Vncour O. liMilWU 111 Imtituta. lUtuta. wm I o At Your Re teller A Pimply Face Is Unsightly Miss C.C.JI. Smart, South Btttl-forJ, Saalu, write: "A while go I tu troubled with fdJ blemishrs, wpeeially pimpl, and waa really aahamed to go out with luch a ba4 looking face. I tried 2 or 3 different remediev bat they d:jint help me an, ro one day a frietid, who had been troubled thisame aa I was, advised me to ux fsiMiia;KW After I had taken two bottln there waa't a pimple of aoy kiad left pa ot fate, and I cow have a clear, eaooth and velrtty complexion. " Put up obIt br The T. Milbura Co Limited, Toronto, Out. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. , tHY ISLNI),Part cloudy, feajnj; barijmeii'r 3)1.32: tempera ture Jt; soa smooth; 7 p.m. sptc mntorslilp Olindo, "Van couver for I'eterslmrg. oil Port impson; 7 p.m. spoke steamer Cardena 12 miles from Stewart noruiDounq; u p.m. spoke chooner Itayrsaud abeam I-an-gara bounii for Dulrh Harbor. HULL HAHIlDIt. Dvereast; fresh norlhwest wind; baromelei 30.06 ienikerature 50; m chop py; 0 p.m. spoke Admiral Watson bound Ketchikan for Seattle 170 miles from Seattle; 7 n.m. a note steamer l.atonche bound Ketchi kan for Seattle 300 miles fronj Seattle; !M5 p.m. spoke tugj Lome abeam Namu southbound. I)HM) THKB POINT. Baro meter 30.1 J; temperature SC. , Noon DinilY !SIAN1. Overcast. light southeast wind; barometer 30.32; temperaluVe Q: s.i smooth; 8 a.m." pnke niolnrshin l.illehorn arrived Port Clement- northbound; 10.30 a.m. spoke Prince John abeam I lead Trc Point bound fnr Oueen Charlolte Uty: 1 1 a.m. steamer Princess 1.ouim arriving Juneau A p.m. lorthbouml. Hl'LL HAIiliOK. Clear. freVi northwest wind; haromelcr 30.- 00; temperature 58; sea choppy. DEAD THICK POINT. - - Haro- meter 30,11; temperature fiC. TERMINALS WiN FOOTBALL GAME Defeated Cold Storage by 2 to 1 In Second Match of City Championship Series In a game thai was fealurer) more with excitement than jti al ly of play, ihe (Irand Terminal ast evening defeated the Cold Storage by to 1 in the second match of the Mobley Cup of city hampionship series. There was a good deal of looseness anf holh sides missed a number oi scoring chances. Play, on Hit whole, was about even and i good sized crowd witnessed the. match. There was only one goal In the first half, Jimmy I'arquhnr hav- ng scored for tiie TerminnU. The Cold Storage equalized hrongji H. Corbelt in the eop.t naif and the winning go-1l for lie Terminals wa innde by Dick Howe towards Ihe end of the game. (. Krause was referee, A. Har vey and O. Mllehejl linesmen nnd Ihe team look Ihe field as follows : Cold Storage. A. Murray; A, Ilaig and G.-Kelsey; .1. Carlson. J. Harris and A. Macdonafd; T, 'i. 1 1 tl III M anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c Torney, II. Curbed, S. Hrskitie. P. Dojierty and C J. Norrington (irand Terminals. r. Hunifh: V Menxies and H. Menxies; li. Dill. p. (VDoi.nell and J. Sim 1 Wailers. Jt. Howe, A. Ili. ken W .Milchell and J. Farqnhar. The jSiutumiK of Hie team is a-- follows : rand Terrnnials i.oM Storage i Mooe 1 1 0 I.. 0 I t SPORT CHAT Pis. Line-ups for a postponed Intermediate League football gamt-to be played umiglil between tin-High School ind Hoyal Canadiaii Naval Heseni-s will be as fol lows: High School J. Currie; J. MacKay and H. Mortimer; P. Itond, P. liaisler and D. Stalker: M. Sakamoto. Y. KaUuynma, W. Murray, Hob Malhemi and li Katsuyama;" reserve, N. Klnstor Naval Hesenes: H. Moore; J. Ktigerabl nd (I. Shenton; J, McAulay, J., Sim, Ned Ityrne; II Macdonahf, Hob Peacock, i Dyer, K. Allistone and T. Camtn. The next regular Intermeiliati game will be tomorrow night be Iween Ihe High School and th Y-Macs. Canadian eitles expended ap- proxlnnlely one-third of a million dollars for community re creation lat year. Starting as t children's movement, public re creation in the Dominion lia ex panded, to include citizens of all ftge. Among Ihe facilities for adults reported are 05 community rrj real ion centre, 119 tenni courts and ten swimming pool Mne cities provide municipal golf: Calgary and Lethhriilge, Alberta. Vancouver. H.C., Winni peg, Man., and Hamilton, London Stratford, Toronto and Windsor. Out. Organized winter Mort were reported by eight cities, community music ami drama each by seven. Leadership for Canada's nubile nUv area wn given last. year- Jiy 808 meit ' al 277 women1 reception , directors, iwenty-i.tpe oft muim vftriem ployed ijil- Vear(H4nd Nlit$foiir cities classes for training re- creation leaders were conduclnl and had a total resist ration ot !;t. Ilond issues for recreation purposes were voted during 1925 in Vancouver and Hamilton and totalled 175.000. League athletics are flourishing under municipal nusplres. Playground ball, leads, f58 Ie.iuc beiiwr reported 'for last year by nine cities. This game is simi lar to baseball but is played wjt:i n large, soft ball. Hlghleen liar baseball" leagues are reported by ten cilles. Other leagues are as follows: HasketbalL 13; volly hall, 10; soccer, 7; hockey 7; football, 5; and cricket, 2. How ing and quoits are also popular sports, m 'loronto ten league sports were, enjoyed, hy 15,150 players during the 1925 season Uonlreal reported 127 skalintr places. ThisrJy operau'iJjVlevri! raygrOundslwiibtanAaliendanc.' fr lT,V y?arTT5h In crease of 10.050 oyer 1921. T.he, Oriental Trading Com 'puny, a Jocal Japanene concern, again appeared .n the oily pollc court. Ilils morning, before Mutr- islrale MnClymonl, on a charge of-keeplng liquor for sale.' The rase was remanded for another eight days. TO RENT t MISCSLLAMCOUS tides d c 10H HI-.NT. Larsen building ai'SlT.M.MKH C.mio at Luke Ktt.w.. 171 Tliinl Avenue Kasl; six! opens June 20. For pariicu-room mrJerH flat with balli-j lar apply Mrs. K. K. Illrnlc, room and workshop premliies! Smilhers. II.C. on street Ifoor. Apply Transfer, 139 215 Fourth, Avenue Kal. Hyde Second Avenue, j . FOH HKNT. Two first class modern flat; Monarch ranges, water paid; one furnished. Wentenhaxer Hros. t 'UIl.MSHKD Housekeeping llooms to rent oy ine nay, week or month. Phone IUd CO1. tf inur- tor tient. soiue are furnished. 120 and up.' Apply FOR JlKXT. Furnished house keeping suite, Mussallern Apartments. Phone 18. tf FOH niiNT. Four hot water heated. A Mallet. room ule. Apply fluid- PIANOS for nent at 1(1.00 oer month and tip. Walker' FOR SftLC FOH SALF:.-30 ftml aaslkia!. 5-6 Palmer. Can be used for pleaure or fishing. Hilr. large eabln. Apply al lal "Chum." Qw Hay floats. 15S 000 pleasure boat for sale for 25 Fasy terms. Phone IIM 720 for particular. PATEIfT ATTORNEYS FFrrilblSTONHAUOH A CO.. the old established firm. PatenN and trademarks in l countries. F'ree booklet. Vancouver office 08 Rogers Ilulld-Ing. Phone Seymour 379f Manager. F.rnest K. Carver, registered attorney. Other offices, Ottawa, Washington and principal eitles: SUMMER RESORTS. L. K ELSE LODOE, near Terrace. Visit llthia Hot Springs. J.ilhia is one of tip. finest mineral walers known for rheumatism, fiood fly fishing for rainbow trout in Lakplse lake and'rlver. Molofs meet atl trains giving Ihrough connection wilfj Lodge. Telephone connected to Terrace J. Hrnce Johnstone, manager BOARD AND ROOM. WILL IIOOM and Hoard one or two gentlemen in private home ten minutes walk from ef'iy. Phone Hlar k 3.18 or call 211 Fifth Avenue West. if HOARD. The Inlander. H3.1 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD, Rooms and F'urnislied Sillies. Palmer House. tl HOARD AND R()0., 135 Third Avenue. Phone Hod 330. LOST. .OST. On Saturday near wnter- rrnnl. black leather wallet containing liJJIs and receipts. Finder please leave at Daily News olllce nr phone Oreen 730. LOST. LadyV brown If alitor purse containing small sum and two keys. Finder pleas,. return In Dally .WI olllce. FOUND IOI.M. purM. containing inoney.prove prnpnrly-pny for ailverllscnienl. M. M. Hlepliens. Miss Doris flandow s booked to sail on Ihe Cardena this after-noon In Join her family who bave already left the city. NOTICE. its nnd after July t, IU26, all MAIL SCHEDULE TN;ir.ii. . WftU 0UT-ai4 rmi) t en imp m Wlirk tirrfnrtnsf rii- tliuf.aaia! TtMftl4 of 7 p.m., on Sundays and u Itubllc holidays, will MeliurgrtT mhu q,m, ctauH- for al fifty wr eenl al regular rates for labor. I;n-iT?u, 9,M si- in. To m... an, a, ., I'l der hr prevent regulation nf " i-ccai. Hie Department of lbor meeh-j"" l ,- nntcs are not allowed In worv! w' ln'w!' more than eight hour per dfcyJrrMi im,.a. Ji n that, in order to give yoti Sum eflieienl week dav MrUe m. "ft f i ... i .. . . I rni hum ii HrcpMry i make iho' aKive regulation. KAIKN fiAHAfiK. PAHKKItS liMtAOR JAS ill NT Ml NOTICE. ON and after July 11. 1920, a!i work performed after jhe hour of p.m.. on Sundays and on Public holulavs, will be charted for at fifty per cent nuny regular rate, for tabor. t'nlir the pre.fnl regulalioiis of the, Depiftmenl of LaiWr mvli-i I. IV fa ..... a. I I . a. ... . . more ihan i2hl hours per day.' th so that, in order to give you eflieienl week day erv ie, wv find it nereneary lo make tin above regulation. PARK HH'S OARAllI KAIKN OARAOi:. JAS. Ill NTKH. TAXI Phone 67 Tasl (Call Oeorge. Paul or (lnl) Sit and Seven Passenger Hlude bakers al your disposal any time ROSS 8R0S. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from F!mpres Hotel. . GOOD EATS Opposite Denton's Studio, Third Avenue. HF-I. HOME COOKED MP.AI.H irs. Pnger, proprietress. Phono I:nk 700. FURNITURE. New and Sec ondhnnd r'urnl- ture Slore. We Huy. Sell and K.s change New and Secondhand floods. nrn naDannniii nm 39 Third Ave. hone nf WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood tO.OO n load. Dry Fir Wood 10.50 n load. Cut In any length. Kindling, 17.00 a load. Fir Furnaco Wood 7.00 a load. A. ISAACSON P'hnne lllnck lrt. Sal Covo. PRINCE RUPERT-TIDES a Tuesday. June 29 "Igh 3)2rt n.m. 21.3 ft. 10:31 n.m. 10 J " Low 10:0(1 n.m. 1.9 " 22:25 p.m. 7.2 " Wednesday. Jiine 3d Hlgli - 4:18 a.m. 20.2 17:22 n.m. 10.0 low 10:52 a.m. 2.0 23:21 p.m. 7.5 Thursday. July .1 High . 5:17 a.m. IB.R ft IH:I8 p.m. Low 11:12 a.m. fl 18.7 " 4.3 cr h . i rrm a.,,,, an,, i, t t I from e,r lmfn M lw s sitiim mm su.i, e,u tr s : c i . frost Mtxh Qm Osrto. 1 ! trim SU Qim CVrMi. sos comrPM If ft It OrslMia A ki.tu iw , lit Iff A A iS f I .1 H hu 4s a r ti n I t a a tn-.a ma II Af. A I- f i M II (Ik Us. A Hi)' it I t a U 1V1.I. M Itlll 1 I ' . ti tin k a m.' " r hi " i' fr. Ami sulr-rt. om wnr O.TJ. WUit SMI i4 JiM Air A 1 Irtl A A 'St l - tl ItM lit 1 111 N Mil W t Uf ' ' tf VlMt Thirwttt a titiirtlir m. jm' 4. I' r ti, f " m. PriiK'M MWt fnm StUIKl4t i ' J rrfctij ' ''! rrmn - 1 J til Hi IT rf!R' .SW frm Ttr iim ll - , SltMfSl) t 111 ... . . ..... ..i IIKI 'M ff.m SUirU TyfU Him ' 3 Dlil rrlili : m suwift ''". , ..lufjn i- . rln--- ssp r. Martk OvMS CSl" Thllrxli" r sw 9"," e',,l," Jul? t. from Sutk Q"a Jill ; " July t C.N.H IR rrMl Dill tlr-fl'l Vaaa sTaL . at r""":.-. ,....i. it WATI SOT- ' .,llll ichiiiiuii. .' , i e- ii .Tn,:i. nm irr mm l root r " , '-.m ft i -tln li' n '"" " iut vrrlfl lom 'M m ?J ,S. m iuo fiN-i rrtsn ; i ai prists h irrf1(id ii,i i.llfitMi mi) f.if in rir.l i.-irin'- "I',n of ij W cslloa fn'h'JItf,"otO