lay, June 29, 1926. f7' OWI I'iivviIit luilli lur Now! Un OLD PHONOGRAPH SHOULD GIVE PLACE TO THE NEW Orthophonic Victrola Model 4-3. $115 ; oil Hi aiitl M-e us Hie old way give wuj lo lhnA- o;ifi ie phonograph, iiuw it i llie (rthoi)ionir)ldaffirH-friirt Innkc way for new iierfectioi'. mnl, Im,,1 k)lljtVi ca'ilJ irnupiu vour present instrument for tln marvclou mus- iI muelerpiece. This Is our Invitation to you to come to compare and to choose. fflaeSws-.Jjd PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP !B.C. FOREST SERVICE .Toilet Goods Sale t -. iVilli f eiy pmvhuse of a 5Uc box I Junteel Gobi Cream (Powder we give you a 25i cake of Jonbel Toilet Soup, Ibolh for 50s A;""" I'sre Vial of (,ara Nome Perfume given free with every piirhace of it ?2.0(l box of Uara Nome Fare luwder, Will for $2.00 Looe Powder Vonily and one 75c box of Glterfcelle Fare 27' lube ol Ilexnll Milk, of Muguestu.Toolh Paste and a foe T.ih Bruh, both for .'. 40c 1 (to bottle of llexall "03" Hair Tonic and a 50c bottle H Lurie l.uiud Hrilliaatine, both for $1.00 2"tr boHie oi French Halm, and a.J25f tin of Gentlemen' rlm l'ow Irr, both for . r 40c 10( i iikc of Tiny Tot Toilet Soap and a 2oe tin of Tiny tol Tallinn Powder, both lor 25c Ormes Ltd. 1 The HKXAl.L STOliK The PlONKEIl DlllKKilSTS Ird Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFtGT FOOD." Smoked Dally by madian jFish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAG1 THREI . 1 Beautiful flowered and fig ured silk dresses just arrived ni Local and Personal Mrs. (iralilnian's. Remarkably low prices. iTil Phone 15. 1R. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Crystal Firelighters, ,48 for Ol.UU. UJUC 580. Transfer. Phone If Mr. J. Krikevsky and family nailed j'eterday afternoon on the Prinrc liunerl for Vancouver. , A. H. Ma.Uory relumed yesler tlay afternoon on 'the. Prince ilfai-fe2 10 JP.JL ciemenljf aftnr fia'wHiK eni reyersil days" In the ejlyMbniUxlnes Mini Hutli Stewart, principal of rjeal Cpve. school, sailed yes terday afternoon on the Prince Rupert to spend the summer vacation in the south. William Sloan, formerly of Stewart, has , token over active management of a property on Texatla Mailt near -Vancouver for the L'.fZ;$M Mines of Van couver. Mi ,Malee Murphy, Fl.-V, who ha ttxirned from the nursiug Mali of the Prince Unpen General HypituL sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince llupei-' for Vancouver. j . t. Arcempanied by her nephew. MaMer &liPbfon Hothwoll of .'ew VtfUniutrr, Mis Jhhsip Hoth well left on this inoroin;?' trai" to cjMMxi Hie Minuner holiday-vioitin? with her mother in Miis Axnes Donaldson, of 11m Ittwtli Memorial School staff, sails, tlii afternoon on the Car-flfijtfctw Vlelorta where she Vill lukj; a5rourse at Hie teachers ifinnmer school, returning; norlb later to !pend the balance of tUs summer vacation at Terrace. J. K. Milne, assistant district engineer for Hie provincial department of works, accompanied by 3Irs Jdilne ad family sailed for Ihe Quften tlharlotte Islands 90 tbf Prince diaries yesterday afternoon. Mr. Milne will re- lum on the next Meamer while .Mr. Milne and family will pend tht sutiiuier at .Mast-ell. lr. YV. C. Kierlad. 1I.A.. M:. . I'll .It.. nrofesor of nii'luHoom and (ronotnicH in Uie LniverMt.v of Newr Brunswick, I rodei'ielon, will, arrive in Ihe elty fro us th.- miuIu. on tue sloaiiier I'rinee ficMice tomorrow to address the omen's Canadian Club hre on1 Wednesday afternoHi. He will piiceed east from here by Thurs day Morning's train. l.eo Wauch returned 4o Uie city on yesterday afternoon' train Troin Winnipeg where heal the convention of the Internotional Aspoelation r.f ri Clubs. There were representatives at tiie convention from every tiyro Club in North America and the metropolis of the prairies was in pala array for the hip ineetinc which proved as it was intended to make it "Gyro Create! Oatherinc." TJie HJJ71 convention will be held in Hen- ver, Colorado. Miss b I'raser. H.N.. trraduate of the Prince Rupert (Jeneral HOKjiital training school for nur.xe. passed through on tho Prince Charles yesterday after noon iiound for Anyox where she will lake charge of the operat ing room in the hospital. Miss I'raser, who left this city two or three years ago, ban been in California and more recently in Iunean, Vancouver Island, where she was surgical supervisor In the King's Hanwhters' Hosnllnl of which Miss Charlotte Hlack. ll.N.. foimerly of Prince Rupert, is lady superintendent. Mis- l-'raser will spend three months in Anyox, moving south to Van-roaver In the fall. j " zir IbovrilH I You Drink N I B BEEF B ftOUNO TIUP TO DENVER ......... S12S.9I OMAHA 129.SS KANSAS CITY.- 129.55 DE3 MOINE3.,.'. 1M.SS 8T.LOUIS luxa CHICAGO,.....-. 13SJO DETROIT 1J7.92 CINCINNATI .... 1SS.40 CLEVELAND,..., lbOM TORONTO,.,. .. 166M ATLANTA 19.6J MTTSBORO 172.06 WASHINQTON . 293.86 PHILADELPHIA . 197.22 KKW YORJ...i 199.70 BOSTON 20S.76 In effect to SeotanlerK 'ErUirn limit October 310326 THE EAST INVITES YOU and the Union Pacific makei your journe economical by low round-trip excursion fares to all important points In the East, Mid 1 West find South. LIBERAL aTOPOVKX PHtVIlEOEi enable you to visit the big eastern cities or America's greatest wonder-lands Zion NatlSMl Park Teltowstona National Park Rocky Mountain National Park all reached via the scenic and historic Union Pacific De Luxe trains. Superior service. Descriptive booklet on request. UNION PACIFIC VACATION ROUTE rOM INTOKMATtOM AND MSESVA- TIOHCAUaillWWM UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 1405 Fourth Ave. M Mooak Picnic Sunday. A pood lime for everybody. S'ove length wood 83.50 per load delivered. Phone N. Our-vich. Green 518. 15 C.P.R. 1 earner Princess Charlotte, Cat. Saintey, is due in jKtrt tomomtw afternoon from $in$Kny, Alaska, en route to Vancouver. Miss Eiaim'u Marsh has gone to Terracp when" sBe will spend Ik- suininef noiidayv visitin with her iarenl, Rura; Dean and Mrs. T. J. Marsh. Masters Robert Parker and Jack Cade sailed on the steamer Prince John last night .to spend the .summer vacation with Mr and Mrs. Rajaut at Skidegale. J. W. Whitehead, ?enernl man- lig -r of the H.C. Packers, is in the city in III course of a general inspection trip 4o the vari ous cannery holdings of tba company in the north. Dr. John Weir, dean of the law ecliool, University or Alberta, arrived in the city un yesterday afternoon's train at-,? proceeded lo vaueouver via Jie Ouecn Cliarlolle Islands on the Prince Jouu last uiglit. Miss Mary McRac who teaches school al Hums Lake, and Miss Margaret Palmer, who has been at Decker Lake in a similar capacity, will arrive in Ibe oily toward the end of the weok to spend the summer vacation ruit-ing with their parents bore. At Ihe regular monthly ineet-!lng or the Native Sons or Canada laM night Alex. Prudhoinme atd Stauley K. Parker were appointed delegates to attend the meeting or the Uranri Council in Vancouver on July 8, alternates boinc W. II. McCallum and Jarvis Mc-l.eod. At the conclusion of the regular meeting, a meeting: or the general committee in cliarga or tile Dominion Day. eelebrat-tlons was- held when final ifi-lnils In connection witli tho festivities on July 1 were arranged. Owing to Thursday being Dominion Day and a h uliiliiv Ihn weeky luncheon of the Rotary Club will be held on Wednesday. The program for the day is in the hands of the. educational consisting of T. 11. Johnson, Dr. W. T. Kergin atid Archdeacon O. A. Rx and tho speaker will be Rj?y. Dr. Charles J. Cameron whose subject will be "flood Fellowship." S. D. Johnstone, secretary of the club, bas returned frpm Denver, Colorado, where he attended , the International-convention. x 1). C. MclUe left on Uif?inoni. ing train on a fortnight' Jiu-ineii trjuvliicli will lake him to various p'liafu between hipre and j'rmce oconse. Uitoltr. , Jlrje aijd, , IJouglas Cliritttson. wirm orJlr. and "Mrn V. I). crirTtrsoii; left bTi' fliisj morning's train to Npend thei summer holidays at Hill Farin.L Terrace. Mitts. Mary McKnight, who leaches school at Quick, arrived on last night's drain from Ihe interior on her way to Anyox where she will 'spend the sum mer vacation at her borne. V. ft'Ncill, vice-principal of lie Horde!! street school, sail this afternoon on Uie steamer Cardena ior Vancouver to attend a summer school course at the University of Hrllish Columbia. K. O. Dawson left on thbt morning's train for Calory ac companying (Jeorge ' Mclvor, general manager of Uie wheal pool. Mr. I)awon expects lo re turn to the city in about a week's lime. Len He!! formerly. railway en gineer bCe and now wuh the C.N. It. running out of Kdincnlon was in tbn overnlgbl renewing old acquainlaces. He arrived on yesterday afternoon's trairt and left for the Kast this nornng tuiou steamer Cardena, Capl A. E. Dkkon, arrived f fain' Any ox. Alice Arm and Stewart at lo.otl this morning en route to, Vancouver and wayports for which poiuls she wilt sail at p.m. Passengers for Ue south from here include Mrs. A. Kunta and family, W, O'Neill, Mist Nora Rivetl, Miss Doris Candow, Mrs. ,. lone, Prof. H. Aubrey Pryee and Mis Aubrey Pxce. . MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Sir cuon So t Mineral CUitu. site sie ih ttw A tun Mining Division of Ca lr OimMi'L Wnrrr Incited: On Vul rsnte (r.fli (Vulriu Crrek , sdjolumr sua ouiuT.-i ni mi ctnyun .-u. I tj IriKlun .Minrrsl Clsiiu iLol 1171 1). TAkE MTICE llisl 1. tlirn Molluf Fr Niwrs OrUflcsU- No. 70 HW. .lu trnd. suit rti)f rn.m ibe dai brreor, la Sipi in toe Mining neroraer lur I lrtlfiratf f.f,inirfil fur It. rair. ut ottaiulnr atxirwiiOrsnl of tue sixrtr rlaitii. And further tske nolire Out sctiun. under sertloti ST. mutt lie nuinwuced befiHr tSw ittue of suco Crruricate ut ln:i-nVfnirnt. bslrd tuis 1st dsr of June. A.D. tS. H. MCA. t'RASLH. AreaL LAND ACT. Notice of InUntlon lo Apply to Purch Lani. In Piim Itutirrt Lsiid- llerordlnr liUtrlrt uf I'rluiT !UPrl snd M'.ujle n t'errusim Hsy. JUiKi iniet. orsuatu limi. v. c. I. TAW: MTICK. Out Fraurts Mlllrra. ut I'rliK lluprt. B. C. urrupsllnn rsnner)--man. Iniriid vt rafv fin irtn!mii to putrlune I lie rullowlnir deycrtbed isndi: UMitiuenrmr si hii miii.i si llie W. ronier of Lot 161. yueen CfurMIr UUndt illnrl. tlH-ur Miuth IS Itienre rt tu rhams: tbenrp north to Hiru Water Mark: thewe easterly almr turn water .vara miui or nminteiire-nient. and cuiilatulnir SO acre, inore oi let. FKAXaS MILI-KUD. Al'l'llcint luiM June nth. LAND ACT. Cltr tjiitd Olstrlrt Land ttecurdiua District of entire ltuts-rl ami situated n Taku Anii. ilaiut t milts suuiliwest of niuuth ef Mi.nm lover. TAkK OlrE that rrstrl nirhard Duulnp or Allm. B.C.. urrupatlun mill maimer. Intends to apply fur ermlMoii to purrhase tt foUcmlnr dexrllied lands: Cnmtnenrlur St a port planted on the antiih ahoie of Ttku Arm atr.:ut mi lie nuttiet frtmi the iiHMitb of AtMntu niver and runninr tlienre to rlialna Tst: IlienrS 10 chains sou Hi: thenee 10 rhalnt east; and thence JO chains nurlh lo point of eutiunenremeot, contalnlitr 40 aerrs. more or lea. FBWCIS RICHARD DL'riLOP, Applicant. finis. AtHn. VaT TO. Iltl. LAND ACT. ftotlca of Intasttpn ts Apply U Leaaa Lana In Cnin-e llunert Land Reniedinr in tnet of Coaot Ranre 6, and situate 9 Soi'ih Harhael Inland. TASK noTlCE that Alfred Swanon. of remee fiupert. orrunatlxn Mariner. Intends to apply for a leae of the follow-lAa- im-rttied lands: C.ivamenrlns' at s pt planted si the nurl. end or SfHilh Rachael Island; thence amijnd tlie Island al hlih water mark, and contitninr ia acre. m.ire or less. AlFRED SWANsO.N, . Applicant nid r.Hi - a LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaaa Land In Prince Itnnert Ijnd necHirdina; m-trlet of cai Ranre I. and situate on orlh lurhael tland. TAKE NOTICE thai Airred wansnn, of Prince Rupert, nerupaltoo Mariner. Intends to apply for i leae or the follow ln desrrlhed lands i mmienelnr at post planted at the annlh rnd of North Rarhael Island; thenre around the Island al hlrh wsler mark, snd ronnlning to seres, more or less. M FRED SWANSON. Appltrsnt Tlalert Ariel I f7 tS J or m Lomforir W Qconomy H coMswH coairr ca u.tuii H M If. f HI To use LUX .ft Anything that ' soft water won't harm is safe with LUX TSN'T it a blessing to know that whatever the fabric be made of or whatever colour it niay. be if it's safe in soft water it's safe with Lux. Lux launders perfectly T beautifully, and preserves the life of fabrics. for the whole family wash is a real economy Lever Brothers United, Toronto a-" L-S4J Steamship and Train - " 1 - s ' rr nr7 L. i Service Saillnrs frtitll PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MONDAY, and THURSDAY 4.00 p-ffl SATURDAY, 6.00 p.m. ror ANYOX and 8TEWART MONDAY, FRIDAY, 4.00 p-m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4 00 p-m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. ror SKIDEOATE INLET tlld .OOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally eirept Sunday it 11.10 SJU. tor PRINCE OEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG all points Easlero Canads, tinted Stales. Agency ell Ocaen Steamehlp Llnea. ( I'se Canadian KaUonat Express for Money Orders, Foreign Clieques. etc. also for jour licit shipment. City Ticket Oflica, S2S Third Aia Prince Rupert. Phone 260. llrjkNADIArJ aaiuiX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wranaall, Juneau, rntf Skagway is-. 7, 14, 16, 25, 2S July 2, 6. 6. 12 To Vancouver, Victoria, and SeatUe June 4, 12.-19. 23, 30; July 4. 7, 11, 14, 16, 21 PRINCESS BEATRICE. -Campbell Rlr. and Vancoutee etery Saturday 11 a.m. ' k See utadale. Soanaen Bay. East Bella Bella,' Ocea Sella. Nam Aleet Bey. -n ivr auuiinip km... run miereMkioe) rrea W. C. ORCHARD Oenarel Agent. Oeenee of 4Ui Street ud 3rd Atanua, Prince Rupert, B.Q. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salting from Prince hupert. oe VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swajiaoe Bay. n4 Alert Bay, TiModay. PJB. oe VANQOUVCR. VICTORIA. Alert Bey. and Swanaoa Bey. Selwreey. to ,sm. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rier Canneries. Thursday p.m. Foe PORT SfMPSON. ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday. S p.m. US 2nd aotiie. t. Bereal.y. AseeL p,..M B.Met. B.O - ' ' '-7 n r- :' Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete stock of timbers, dimensions, sbiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., iu Northern li.C. f We can supply everything In a building from the foun-dstlon to tho last piece of "finish. fSfe Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you. .Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 11 Q and 117 ' ...