5 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime, ind Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8L WATT VIDECK, Prop. lOL, XVI., NO, 151 PEPPARD'S BODY FOUND? imond Chief of Police Bellevoa lat. Remains Found In Frasep River May Be his. i'ANOH VKIt, June ;'U. That unidentified body fount! m me lilh arm of the Fraser Itiver, Ith of here, in Itirhmond muni bality nny be that of Clarence iipard, the wealthy Minneapolis itrnctor who disappeared from ca) 'hotel bu.t December, is the inlon esoresseil by Chief of lie Wuddcll, of Itlchmond. I answering to Peppard's des ition is said to have been, seen fMarpoIo near the place where ,!m. was found on the night ff'ptird disappeared. Indeutlfl-r, lion of- Iho body may b a dif- llt matter, Aaid Chief, Waddell, Ink to tli badly decomposed lid It ion of 'lie remains. INFIDENCE IN PREMIER BRIAND Tenth Cabinet Presented Its ( rroyram to rarnameni f. loaay. VXH I J'tine 20.-- Premier Drl- tentfi cbblnel presented Us ram beforu parliament today 'won a veto of confidence by uijority or 102 on demand (lid I'rjjjnier that inlerpidla- J. bv( .flnnncIul.sUuntion bo trx lTiririPf icincs oi iiiiio)iion ana oaigary, IK I HA Kill4 1 1 1 (where counting of the various Lit VimiVJLll choices indicalrd through the f 1IJTTIT nAnnrnV preferential balloting system pro- 1 1 H KlinnfcKY '''"fr'1 Umy- nvuUa ,n . If ia it livuyuui i. iM ex,.P(C,i noi bi- known tin I il tonight and the same Shelrmeyer and Nellie Batos, situation exists in a number of lloged to Have Robbed Mall rural polls. - 'Sleigh, Ladd at Seward. Hie parly standing early ; , today stood: United Farmers, 12; liWAHD. J':"- .'. - Aboard I Liberal. V; Conservative 0; li vcup.eni strainer 4?ff Da-ni nana. William Sheir- jjjiipji' Him NVUie Dates, charged iwii&Sihe robbery m December. t-lSSf?t Idilhrod. 250 miles soulh- wftof here, of a mail pouch containing 3n.uo0, have arrived hereJ The pair were arrested at lttlrnor'b of the Idilnrod dis tal. Jiiili-'- rjvg was also on vessel, coming 'here to bold 1? iieirmeycr and the Hate wo- jire axt lo have divided the cy, 'lie nun neiikg wen oui- 6t Aa.-u r.llli 913,000. which leni During a trip to Mexico. v. m was traced and arrested his renii o The woman Is er a j.OOO bond. bor 2; lodepcndeut;. J; Jndcpeiy- leni i.anor. l. Twenly-lhree Initcd Farmers were elected, on the tyrst count. while but one Conservative ami one Labor candidate received suf ficient first choices lo be declared elected without further choices behii; counted. V A. MeDillivray. Conservative leader, scored a igrcat personal Victory on the first count with u majority of 2007 oer his nearest competitor. All cabinet ministers were re elected. MEIGKEN QOV.T QETS REVERSE Howe Sound -h-ludepeiidcnco tiuliaii J4--I,. & L. Marmot ...... Premier I'orler Idaho Silver Crest 37.50 , .07 bi ,, : . .00 A private wire was re- 4 4 reived in the city this 4 4 afternoon statinir thai the 4 4 new Meiglien pmcruiuent 4 4 was defeated on the first 4 4 vote in the House of Com- 4 4 inons this afternoon. 4 4 4 4 4444444444444 PROGRESSIVE MEMBER FOR RED DEER IS ILL Alfred Spoakman Confined to His Bed at Home and May Have to Stay i There Some Time. CALOAIIY, June 2l. - Alfred Ppeakmnn, federal member for lied Deer? Alberta, (Progressive ', is ill in his bed at home and will likely have to remain ihere for a week, "(iover'nments may coma and goerumenls may po, but my business is to tu't well and till -J may take some lime," said Speak man. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE P.O. Silver 2.15 Consolidated 210.00 Dunwell ,1.75 Did. Asked 1.85 .12 . .07 V4 .10 . 2.00 2.13 .07 Vj .00. . .10 .15 Miss Nora lllvell, of the Dor den Street school teaching MalT, sails, op the Cardena this after noon to "spend the summer vac.i, lion in me souiu, r -? "V, " .!" 1 s ; ' ' PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PI1INCI. Hl'PKUT, 11, C, IT'KSDAY, .11 XK 20, 1020. ..a Yetn day'i Circulation, I CSS Strett SlJes 0S " ..... vr. . ' iM" '.''jM -1" S . . I . J'y- I t nfversJv ot Toronto defeated Yule n an iiiteniahoiiul in ereodeg ale tacro.c "Jaihe at Ilalfer Field. The fmul srore of the gunie. which v s hard fought throughout, was 8 0 in favor of the Canadian. The picture shows the teams scrimmaging just before the Yale eleven scored. The ball may be observed high in the air. The Canadians upjield the tradition of the national game in fine style. NEW CABINET IS LINED UP House Reassembled this After noon With Conservatives In Government Seats OTTAWA, June 20. -When the llinise ppened this afternoon "'if Henry Drayton occupied the sea! formerly held by Premier King, who was in Mr. Meighen's seat. Sir llenry announced that Mr. Metjihen bail decided, in order to avoid delay in the completion '.if business, that a lenorary cab inet of seven members, without portfolio, would be sworn in lo assume responsibility as acting ministers of the several depart ments. Hon.. II. 11. Dennett, of Calgary, was the seventh member of the cabinet, The others are as al ready announced. Sir llenry Drayton announced that the new government would accept the subject matter intro dueed by Mr. Fansher lo the Ste vens' customs committee motion nlding that as soon as proroga lion takes place Mr. Meiigben would address himself to the task of forming a constituted govern men I. c3lr llenry Drayton lakes over the finance and railway depart men I: Dr. Maniopj health and soldiers riyestujifisliineivl, p6sl oilier;' Immigration1 and labor departments; Sir Ceorge Perley the department of the secretary. of state and public works; II. II Stnvuos, customs and Indian af fairs, mines, interior, agricul ture and trade and commerce Hugli (iulhrie, justice and. na-tlopul defence; W. A. lllat:k, miuiii und fisheries. Professor W. C Kcfratenri, Ph.D.', of New Brunswick, will md-driSss -jttio Women's Canadian Club .ul 3 p.m. June 30, in the Boston Hall. Prijfcssor II. Aubrey Pryce, aiul.biugliler Audrey, will, sail onUiirrCardena this nfternoon On n liolfd.iy Dip south. Conservatives Take Over Reins of Government at Ottawa Today; Progressive Support Promised OTTAWA, June 20. 1U. lion. Arthur Meighen. leader i)f; shipment as any hitch would.be the Conservatives, was sworn in iiiis morning as Premier of (detrimental tovthe port. Canada, lie thereby will vueate his s-eal in the House of Com-I V. 11. .t'dendenning, of tfie Km-inous until a by-election. It is tmderstood that his first liedten- pire Shipping "Company. Vaucou- aiil, Sir llenry Drayton, former minister of finance, will be thelver, who will have charge of the acting 'government leader in the House. Several ministers Will' freiiiters arriving for grain, will we appointed lo put the business through the House. It is un-' also be on hand in this connection Jerslood thai bir llenry Drayton, Hon. 11. II. btevens. Sir Oeorge and, failing his presence, a tlio- Perley, Hon. Dr. Mainun. Hon. Hugh uiithrie and Hon. V. A.-roughly competent man will re- Itlack. of Halifax-, have' already, inli.n wi.l in.mirv u nn- preseiu iiun io supervise uie ioaa- been sworn in to Hie cabinet. dertaken, the Progressives will bo Afler a ilwo-hour caucus this ' willing to facilitale the winding morning, the Liberals maintained up of the business of the session a "wait und see." attitude withjby granting? the necessarysupply regard lo the new government. and pulling Jhrough such legisla- "Tbe Farmer Party stands for; lion as remains to lie dealt with, a complete clean-up of the cus-jlf the Conservatives consent to loins from coast lo coast," suidilhis program, they will not lack Miiss .Utnes McPhail, the Pro-! support." - . ttiessive lady member, this morn-1 Miss McPhail added thai an ing, after a caucus of her party. ! election was not desired at this 'On the condition that a Dom- time by tjie Progressives. Local Elevator Fully Capable of Taking Care of Shipments Pool Will Direct Through It l hat the local elevator is one of the finest plants he has ever seen and is fully capable of taking care of all the grain shin- ping business it will be possible to put through il this coming season was Iho opinion expressed by Oeorge Mclvor, manager of Iho Canadian Co-oryrative Wheal Producers Limited, who, in company with V. O. Damson, made an inspection of the grain piani ana snipping rccililt yesterday in connection with the taking oyer of l!oe elevator lease tram, the, government on Aug. 1. Mr: Mclvor slnled thai nn experienced grain maii. who would nave ins neampiarters at the elevator, would be engaged by the pool to l;,ke full charge of tho grain shipping business here. llx-. cepl for one or two thoroughly experienced men oilier positions with the company would be filled with local , men so, long as they could fill the bill.vj ,V Mr.:, Mclvor, accompanied by Mrs. Mclvor, left on this morn lug's train for Calgary. Mr.'Mo Ivor will relum lo tbe.cily later m uie ran lo supervise the, load ing and despatch of the .first freighter to call at the,' 'elevator for jfrain. lie pointed oiil the Tin porlhnee of seeing tbateryffifng -went off smoothly vltJelf5l ing and despatch of vessels call ing here. Mr. Clendenhing was ouile sa tisfied with conditions as he found them on bis inspection willi Mr .Mclvor and. did -not see any reason why the grain shipping business from this port should not be a complete success. Mr. Clendenning will return south loday or tomorrow. UIKL'S FATHER IS TO. BE ARRESTED 4 SKATTLH, June 20 Sheriff Slarwicb, il was reported at noon, was on his way to Ihe home of Wallace Gaines,, father of Sylvia (iaines, who was murdered on June 16, with a warrant for his arrest on a charge of murdering his daughter. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Washington 2, Boston G, New York I, Philadelphia 7. Cleveland 8, Detroit I. St. Louis 0 .Chicago 7. National League . Boston 2j Ntwv York 3. Pitburg. I, Cincinnati's, ' Philadelphia 9, Brooklyn 4. Chicago 1 1, Detroit 3VN Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best, for the least. Phone 467. PRICK FIVE CENTS. WED MRS MAKE SWEEP IN ALBERTA iRTHUR MEIGHEN SWORN IN AS NEW PREMIER OF CANADA THIS MORNING overnment of Prairie Province is Sustained with Greater Majority rly standing of parties today gave U.F.A. 42 seats out of 60 Liberals second -.EDMONTON. June W. Premier J. K. Hrownlee, figliimg first campaign us leader of I lie fulled Farmers r Alberta, re turned to power yesterday in Hie general provincial clcc- is wilii mi increased mtijority. Early in Die evening il became rent that the ejectors hail endorsed the, record of the United mer government during it- fir.t term of office and had given mandate for uuother five years. Throughout the night, a in i straggled in. the advuiitnge of the government was iu- ied, I In' iiukuown quantity in the-election virtually nar- - rowed down early today to the if, a 2 SALMON RUN IS LITTLE BETTER- High Boat on Skeena Took Fish. Naas and Queen Charlotte a. TO CONTINUE 54 According to the latest reports, the 'run of sockeye salmon on the ifkeenil Iliver for thvpasl week 1 about much the same as last year and not quite so poo as two year aiio. The run has continued lo iniproxe during the week, but the improvement has been V ht. The 'hiKbest boat took i sockeye. j The run on Hie Naas Iliver for 'the past week is slightlyMess than i last year, but has improved over ('be previous week. The run of salmon' on the west coasi of the Queen Charlotte Is lands continues to improve. District Prlcea A readjustment of prices has been carried out this year in No. 2 district of It. C, the fishermen usiny cannery gear, gettitg 35c apitce for sockeyes, 20c for co-ho?s and steelheads, 2,Hc for p'nks and fc for chums, The independent fishermen, who own lbir own. boats, and sear, get 52 H for sockeyes, 30c for coboes and steelheads, 3V4c fpr pinks aiiif 6o for btfumr.riiese prices are in excess of last year's averages. POLAR QUEST General Noblle, pilot of Norge, Plans Further Exploration Work. SEATTLE, June 29. General Umberlo Nobile, pllol'of the Norge expedition over the ,North Pole, declared yesterday that ''when I return to Italy I expec(o submit to Premier Mussolini plans I have made tentatively for subsequent polar expeditious. Our flight. was simply a beginning and. there is much more Ural must be done ami, musl be continued by future vcherations. JOSEPH HEARST GETSTYEARS Former Head of Musto Publishing Firm Convicted of Theft of $385,000. WINNIPEG, June 2J-Josenh Hearst, former president of the Hearst Music Publishing Co., was enlenced this movning to seven years in the peuitentiary follow ing his conviction yesterday on a charge, of theft (ot( f.385,000 through making use of' fonged locuments ami false pmlences, SMITH NAMED LOCAUGENT. Purser of Cardena Will Succeed Jack Barnsley as RepresenUtlve of Union Steamship Go. Harojd llrowrij general manager of the Lnion Steamship Co., Lid., or British Cdiumbia. an. nounces that JtUiiseJI M, Smith, at present purser of the sleamvr Cardena, will takelip ihe position as agent for the rompatiy in Prince Ilupert about. July 15 In succession lo Jak JJarnsley who. after eigbl years - as, agent here. Iras resigned andJ,wilt'nir.i waif-- .a. 3m i It, if 3. I r. 13.1 ! I I 3 il it i