I Striped Broadcloth In useful cplgr combinations, ;A, -jsplemlid flual- ity for Shmiso or pjcnie dresses, thirty six inches wide, 60c PEP. YARD WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 B0URJ0IS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant Three Odors ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL Per cake .35c 3 cakes for $1.00 ltox of 0 cakes $1.75 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phono 94. We deliver. Further : Reduction in Strawberries 2 boxes for 25c Per crate $2.85 GOOSEBERRIES Per basket 10c LOGANBERRIES Per crate $2.75 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East Bargains in Summer Coats "Demers" Wo aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Itelgerson Clock, Prince Rupert, B.C. Orrite Hours V to 6. X-Ray Ssrvloe Phone 6S6. Op.n Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturday 9 to 12 noon LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone it. Uitag, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. I'oal. Sand and Gravel We Speclallx In Piano and Furniture Coving. PROGRAM FOR DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Big List or Events for Entertainment of Community on Canada's Birthday a The olllcial program for lh celebration of Dominion Day on, Thursday. July 1 has been ar ranged by, the Native Sons of Canada and' is as follows: Program ,,4).30 a.m. Flag parade led by I Hoys Hand, leaves old government buildings for -recreation grounds. 10 .am. Distribution of Can dies to children at recreation grounds. Children's sports immediately aftr the distribution of candy 1 1 a.m. Junior football match 1.3u p.m. Daseball, Ketchikan vs. I'ritice Jluperl. 3.15 p.m. High school girls drill. 3.30 p.m. Dominion Day foot ball final. C.30 .m. Haseball, Prince Kupert vs. Kelclpkan. 9 p.m. (irand Hall, in Kxhlbi tion building.i. , 1 Detter prizes are being offered lor sporting events than eer before. ' v Hoys band in attendance at all functions. Three U.S. .Naval planes will tlso be in attendance, undei command of Lieut Wyatt. I'ln is Canada's Day. Ole- brate it fittingly. All sporliiu events are of the highest order and a s?ood-liine is assured to all. II. II. Love, chairman. Harry Hiven, secretary, eelebrution ommittet. Advcrti in the Uailv .w LAND ACT. Notice of IMantlon to Apply to Laa LanJ in Land Kerurdinr umriri nr eriucv luiperi, amt muaie it brad nf Skill In leL Moresby Hind, yueen Charlotte UP-UD. TAKE SOTICE thai The Canadian Flail tnr ornpiny. LlntllfKl. tit Vanrourer. or-rupation Salmon tanners. Intends to apply for i lease of tbe rollowlni decritH-l lnd: cmnif n-lnt it a pot planted at tval if skaat Inlet. iSThaln north or on-named oreelt; thenre west JO chain: thenre south to rtMln; thenre eal chain., mure i r In-, n- shore line; tlieun northerly fnllowtnr shore line In I'.o.t and cwiiaimnr mo arte, more nr less. THE CA.VtDIA nHHG OIMPAT. LIMITED. Appllrant. Ttr William Alfred Bower tint ttth April. Ifltn LAND ACT. CasMar Land DIMrlrt. Land Recnrdlnt DUtrtrt nr 1'rlnre Rupert, and alUiate n Atlln lake ab-rfit 3 miles uutbet Ot Atlln Tnnlle. take notice that Edwin Juie Earert. 't Atlm. to Hie l'plnre of BnU.h Coiam-tua. rMTupatlim iifxritlnr I0UH4I launrb. intend to apply fur pennlHm to imr--hae the following defrrlbed landf! C.-ninien-lnr at a rnl planted at In.-viiilheaH rtinter of Qlarler Bar. In Atlln lake, situated a above: th-n-e fnlk-wini i lie nr line wet o rhatn: thenre nuth IO rbaln: thenre ea.t til rhln. thenre nrih to rnalna. to point of -ornmenceroent EOWT.N Jt'LES EGCEIIT. Appllranl. Dated Mar 10. Itt Semi-Annual STOCKTAKING SALE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Only Oreat West. Tudor or Empress Tea. 2 lbs. tor ". S1.35 Malkins Hest Jelly Powders, 15 pkgs. tor 95c Matches, large packages, reg. 45c, 3 pkgs. for 95c Classic White Laundry Soap, 1S bars ror ....... , 95c 19 rolls Toilet Paper 95o 7 tins Quaker Corn 95o i 7 large tins Tomatoes 95c Knipress orMalkitis Hest Slraw-l berry Jam, lb. tin S5o t lbs. Fresh Olujfer Snaps . . 95c j Heady cut Macaroni, In bulk. 3 lbs. Tor 35c Seedless Haislns, in bulk, 5 lbs. for 70o 10 lbs. Hest Jap Mice 95o 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar . . 95o St. Charles and Pacific Milk, per case , t tins Libby's Crushed Pineapple $1.00 Hest Houhv Cured Dacou; by the elab. per Ibj ..... . . 47c Don't delay getting your Terrace Ifmdttbcst-for cleanliness Pont ttll th plimWr when Uie (Ink rain U tMt4. A Htlle Glltrtt'a Lytvill prebakly lr It. In a frw tntnatae. tc9rm t ath.r m$f mul ta aaitarjr hoaa. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE PARTY OF BOYS WILL lll 1 JULl 1J THE DAILY NEWS STORK DEFENDS i LOCAL ELEVATOR Replies to Conservative Attack Again'. Construction of Grain Plant. I The Prince Hnperl elevator neer was a political elevator, 'declared Fred Stork, M.P. for skeena, In the eourse of the do 'bate at Ottawa on June 18. when I the building or the f;rain plant 1 here Was again attacked by leading Conservative!1, including Hon. It. H. Dennett and Sir Henry Drayton. "Hon. gentlemen opposite al-Jways insist that this elevator was t built for the purpose of Influent-- jin the elections ami winning thej seat. Let me repeal what I have, 'said several times already in lln House, that we neer required limy such subsidy in order to ear- I rr tin. ulnxlinn j it I II I ? l.llAII III!! .... .m. ... , !..'.. ;. tjl . . . 1 . ., i Ml i line i.ircm'ns in ' . . i .... t ... - r r.. .1.- .1... i i. uicit riTV iiff v in 1 v wa ,u i"v nefilof hon genllemen oppositf. I On Ihe contrary, the people of Coo. E. Buchanan, Detroit Fuel Skeena stood solidly behind Sir Merchant, Bringing Group or Wiirrid Laurier's policy or devel-71 to Alaska and Yukon. loping the country to b' served by - jthe Orand Trunk Pacific Hailwiiy. Anolher parly or boys, under And in 1917, without the subsidy George li. Huehanan, the lelroil' that elevator, thry ca!t their ruel merchant, will pass through votes in ravor tir the Liberal can-Prince ltuperl on July It) on their didate, and again in U)Sl and in way to Alaska. The group this l'J25. year will consist or 71 boys who.' "In connection with the con- trter making the trip Into the slruclion or this elevator at Hie Yukon, will visit Seattle and Port- end or the Orand Trunk Paeirie' , . i- . .. .11 I . . 1... ..... II..., I I , When it was taken over and ad ministered by the Maokeiuie ami Mann people, who were the na tural enemies of the lira ml Trunk ARK nFAn AT MAVn J'acific, it was natural that it William K. Currle, Former Mem bcr of Territorial Council, Succumbs to Pneumonia WRIST RADIOLITE New Model IlliuOatlooi ent txi o lh w tonnra. itup J.-irt4l W'rfet Watih. Tbfy cin i T P ! II how ttKKUC actrt f lh V alp, nof hw lh waKk an J Una ikaf OvnucWMlali fUonOxwriit, Will itan4 th oumpa of ouMonf km prttff than blahupktJ, Vlkait wanltn. T(Ua Lies Flat on Wrlit No Strap Beneath LOCAL NEWS NOTES , M.isi.ts William ami liobert I'obey, sunt or Mr. and Mrs. . II. ToU-y. left on this inoriiing's train for Hill 1 arm. Terrace, to speiwl the sumincr holidays. ian, taier proceeumg 10, uoie- "". i'""" "i i;.x.u. uti-aim-r Prince John, man, .uont.. wuere Uiey will al- pt-opitr oi uunaua uap a trciiicu-... .... fri . ..-. .Mid a round-up berore returning Iou9 investment in that rai by 'MWIjnB eiUXi.r al S:l5 ,u,t anU io their honn's in the east. YUKON OLD TIMERS Tbe charge nguinsl lloe llotT-nian, of doing grievous bodilj tiirin to i.mar Aiiuerson. wn dismissed by Judge Young In the Provincial pulice court this morning. , swileii ai iiiidiiigh! for Vancou- vr ia ttie ontitliern -ctto Nland should ralMn'lo disuse, and unless PUPILS OF NATIVE tlie people on-anada are prepareu to spend a little more money at( the end of the Orand Trunk Pa- leific and ilcvelon some traffi-i oer that line, it will always show: DAWSON, June 2l. William art.at dericit. This Mvernment SCHOOL UNDER MISS ROOD MAKEPROGRESS POUT KSSIXUTON. June iV. i. ourne, turmer memoer 01 me decided that the piece or railway: Closing exercue look place at ukon Council, is dead at Mayo was worth salvaging .that it was the lor.il naltte school on M-m-from pneumonia. He served lour worth spending mow money on, J day morning. Srleriliil progress ear overseas in the (ircat War. and in' order to Induce IrafHc over was made dunug the year by the John Adair and ,Sblney Tour- the line they decided to construct iymnursters under Miss Hood, the pin, old tuners ot the Yukon, are nti elevator in Prie llupert. The; able tesrher. the wurk deinons- aUo dead al Mays. construction ot that elevator will jtrate.l ein iint iual to that bring this rail a trenieiulou Ion-i in any of the while scRo! dr mi an area .ilualetl uu Uie Weal eid HUperi nagc over that line. The trade! Drawing and writing, which will JJrT, I with the Orient Is developing ami iiibirasinjj an iuc iiiur, aiiu 1 lutcc DtPARTUENTor land jlluperl is the logical ort. Timbte sal X2693 I Vancouver and Prince Rupert Sealed tenders wTlftie reeelirU ly tin ''Stress is laid upon the lll-iliiiioier of Land at Mrturia nut later treatment i.dinnni oi nf Yanemiier tdnrouer n liv the tlie Hmn imhi ,mi tne slh dar ,.r jhiv im-n or I lie pairrliaae if Llrenrc 10 rut placing 01 tne ei rnree u, year win be allowed ror tiori oi Vancouver w lien tne wheat miwval 11I tuutier. , , , InrUier i-arlirulan. 1 tlie Chief Kmea- movement was Oil. Illlltdreds ill ler, t M-ioria. 11. I'rinre liu,-ertv II he exhibited al Ihe Prince llupert Kxhtbilion in September, was FISH ARRIVALS levator in Prinre i " " For the last two years jThroo Boats Sold 40,500 Pound rialllffw(m", l,,ere bii been '"8etion in the) at Exchange Thl morning. or uwtnrt irraier, thousands or cars, sprinkled alljdian lHat sold a total of DCPARTMZNT OF LAND Tlmbar (al X7M9 til lhenre . I & rh.m.. n..... t . -.' One Ameriran and two t"ina. aloiv the way from :he p. iric: pounds of halibut on the r ish to VanctMiver hae been held up! Exchange this morning. Of this because of congestion at Vuneou-j total the American boat landed sraied tender win ie rereived by tho er; liecausc at that port thedCSOU pounds and the Canadians ban ii.iin '-.'fh'iiVh JM'jbW AST could not handle the tralfic ofrer ' .r. If;, pVJ!;r, 21. L!7i,7u rely it is a dog in the n an area aimaied am purium r manger iKilicy ur Vancouver and r i- :mi. sii and SI6. ort ' ;i. '.?-iar oiriri. t irttier rarllruiar of tlie iZhler rre-t. r. i.-i.rfa. II. i: or Klilrlri torealer, rni--e llupert, B. C LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laa Fortthor In, Oueen (Hiarlolle hlamli Und lie-enrilmr blalrirt ut ennr iiurn lluted XH mile weal or AllHord Bar. Skifleraie Inlet, and rruntlnit on Lot l. Oueen r.harluile liiitrlrl. TAKE MITH.E thai Ihe BX. rithini 4 I'trklnt "jm.pany. Ltd.. nf Vanruutrr. B.C.. orrupallon Salmon (Unner. Intend hi acply ror a tea.e of Ibe Xollowlnt de-arrlbed rorenhore:- cninmenrtbjr at a p.t punted at the Mtuiliwert r.irner of lot III; thenre nor-Ibertjr and ra.lrrlr fullowin; Ibe line nf blgli water mark. II rhaina, more or lea. " iih: iKiriuwrvi nimer lr 1JA r the Vancouver supporters who sit Hirer ': year will be atkiwrd for on II. ..M.a .t.i. ..r II. ir,.,.. i .. t tlmlr I ..i- wii.vi ffi-ic ui iiiq iiuurc iu claim that even though Vancouver is congested with wheat, even thoivgh they are unable to take Care of the wheul that is routed there, no other port should get the traffic. I Roam Foe Turn Pnet "There is rooni on the Pacific Coast for two ports. Prince P.u-pert has many natural advantages as a port and we have great aspirations for its future in that regard. Adjacent a it Is to th line of the tirand Trunk Pacific and wet-ri.v. rnikiwinr ime parallel tc vast wheat (.towing area which "irlhT'i Vba'Vo C0Ul(1 '' C sCHCd by tl. OOI1- iv !i'"'r , '" ,M ""'nin Kiriiciion or tins elevator. 17 acre, .,.-l more or lea. i t BMTisii coirueu iisiiiw) a.M im.ai.vi umrAII LTU. ........ ''rr " Sherwood, ' ",,:u'- Arent. tlaled lllh April. I ttf.. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Appli to Laa Land In Prinre iiujhti land Iieeordloi ln-jJaVaett Hi Haper, .'lu"' TAkl! YiTir.K that ruaene II. Sliiip-n of Maoaelt. nerupatlnn rainier, Jn-lend ,i apply rnr leae f the foMdw-Ibr derrued lands:-- Oinimenrln al a p-.l planted at the mirlheaat rmner nf Blnrlc - 10. Maaartl Tnlle- then, eatlerlr lid feel: tlienre aoijtlierly 1,000 feel: tlience we-terlv ISO feet; IIm-im'O norlherlr l.ourt : Kfl ' irr. 1 P""" "f ""b'lnenrenieM, and ton-b.&U, ulnlrnr -re. ii.,re .ir e. M;'il..-E 1L SIMI'SOif. ' if... . .... Applicant. MINERAL ACT. CXRTIFICATK Of IMPROVCMCNTS t Hla-K smltk Mliieril Claim. -Mtujte'. In i Strawberries for preservin this I w, ta '"V Irt. "on iiXS'VJLV 'week. Price will be. iter crate ' ,,r."'."Ur''. "f '""rih nf jmy creek! ! S2.75 and S3.00 on "' "iiitirriy idr , r TAKK SOTIiT. that I. Peter n.brln, I a iiiniir .in. 4Vntnt in 1" 1 1 ; !''"" .",v A ,rum H hereof. Br . I Kllffhiar and " li Mining- nemrder f.r i UUltHCIO X11U I rrilf(alr of luiprovrmenu, for Hie pur- Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 pi.e of i.tptalnipit I Crown Orant of the iki. r riaim. Anil flirllij-e l.bj. .mil tta under Serllyn 37. luual be ronunenred bi-rore tlie lue nr siirh rj-niru-.i. ImpriWelnenli. ' baled tlile ihi iUy nf June, A ll. 118. Hail way, it will meet the needs or i.asi year i was up on the shores or Francois Lake and I saw growliur there a erop or wheal the ciina! of any wheat grown in Canada. There are over a million acres of wheat land adjacent to the line or the Orand Trunk Pacitie HalJwiay which could use this elevator. Its construction is designed to create traffic over the Orand Trunk Pacific line of railway and to open uji and develop a wheat country which otherwise would bi; WEATHER REPORT. Oovernrrimif Teieoraph 8 am. Hazellon: Cloudy, calm, temp. (50. .Telegraph Oreek: Cloudv Calm, tcniti, 00, ; - fiinllhers: Pari? "cloudy, calm, temp -fi2. ltuns ;Lake: . Cloudy, calm, teiiip.tCO, igpns$ llupert: Part cloudy. 34.000, American fih averaged around 17' and I Or,, while Can a d l.i n fish averaged I Co and 9c . ArrnaU follow: American B.( Alki, 0.S00 pounds, to Canadian FUli & Cold Storage Co. Canadian jonanna. la.otio pounds, to nootli Fisheries. Seamaiil, ?l.ooo pounds, to Canadian Frlsh .v ijuUl Storage Co. i r. aoiii.1, rarkHlf Clallipaijr rrnpaoa LAND A 01 , NoUt of InUfllkm U Apple t Lata Lao In Krar litttri Und Kerurdini iim ,r.Mil..r "V"? "!'. lJ ! IO the r.T"' . '. urtfam l.laiMl. for a lea mi of Uv landa: l.'MiUetf. nf Vlrtorla. raiwr. inarnaa to IIM riaHuwloir detcrlb'd . i!!lm;,,rn PJbleo1 al tne nortojMct r-intei' m im . ui; jumre ere Mm rjara; nenr In a Witt eaaterlj itirerlNai tt) mile; ibenr ..ui eatierij two rbtiMa: lhenre aHilhwet-ih iw ) nnw tt lmlpi of emuoeiweniii mtut Lruntamttir if iiw, more nr let. ul-MtaitA riSIIIXl PACKINO I'O. i.tn. rer E. II. Situpn, a trot. Apphtanl. Hated , ,, MINIRAL ACT, ccn-riricATC or improvkmsnt Blr CaiiMtn Mineral Claim, aiiuaie In Irln. Where Inrnted. ear :rater Creek fid adie-lnlnf fl nurtheait of tbe Ills ViTfiV" Ktlew.".! Muieral LUlio (Ul TAv'k -Milice that I John 'Molloy. Iree Jlliter iVrlifiraie Nn. 707ia. In tend, altuc day fr-n tlie date fiere,f. . ..IT'. ". -smuia nrrnnier tor rllfletle f liiurotrrnenl. fur tlie mir Pjiw. or Milalninir cruwu (Jr.nl A tbe jaeeva- tuu. And further lVe nollre thai Irtmn tinner aeetion a7. humI I c4Mmrnred Iforis lh 4u of auih Ctf (tflralf of iii iTHiriirrin a Paled thl tit dijr nf Jn. A.P. lt. . Mr. rnAstn. T "),'' rtnt. oovernmCnt liquor act." Pl'tatlen roe ae Lie". Ni.tlre I hereby riven thai. i.n Ihe h day :t lurui neil , the nnderaitiied intend li apjiiv to the l.liiti'.r o.nlml HiM for I lleeme In re.pert .,f prrinl.e belnc pari nf the bulldinr knnwn a Orrn lain I olel. annate mi Front street. Town nf Ofean I alia. iim Ihe land rteen)d a V.' M''ilS,..r'"r,,:", n'Mrlri. Map I. neai.irallnn lilitrirl. In i llw l-rinlnee nf Pettish Ci.l.imbla. for Hie aato of beer br the aiaaa, nr hi the mbiea rMwuinpiloti m lh pr- lialf1 tlm Tlh day nf June. IMS. rA-rtnft mills uviTtt). Pr C t Barker, Trwrr. A Word to the WiSP Although with u butlneu has alwav h good, thero nro tlmos when we aro rL .n led to moot nnv nelrn ..ui- . compel. " -""'"a in our lln. OUR MERCHANDISE IS ALL BOUGHT FOR ,? Otip motto has always been to give vou T CA$H goods at an honest price all the yeaJ rS There are many grades of merchandl.n the Jewelry line. e , ln You only fool yourself when you think . nro getting something for nothing yu BUT WE WILL MEET ANY CUT PRICE OFFrne. IN OUR CITY AT ALL TIMES Ono of tho finest stocks In the whole ' r Canada to choose from. of VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE Max Heilbroner 527-523 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE . Allflsja aeXaia TONIOHT ONLY at 7 and 8 T1M MIX andJ'Tony" "THE LUCKY KORS Tout as Hie daring lion Juan ! Did S.,nn liiaiisitt, thrill-, nitiiati' e. pep uod gm lteiit- lh it make Ihi- ii great tu ltre. t gO Ut -peeI Willi Peilli. '!:: ; , , ie uixl Olie lllillllred riie-:!!!ier j. . .Strong rat. Tom Mix, Bltllo Dove, Malcolm Walte, J, Farretl MacDonatd, J. Gunnls Davis, Ann Pennlnjun, Clarissa Selwynne and others. Comedyt "CUPID A LA CARTE" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 3Scindl0c i ESeOEl Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Bottt. ROYAL Horn Phono 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. bimnion Steel Ied. Sprnigv aitd tresses in every mom. f.2 Itoonu, Hot ami IUM Water. Haiti - a Strum Heated, HIerlrir l.iglil. Corner of Third Ave and Slith SU PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE LAST Wffl Monday, June 28th, till Saturday, Jul 3rd THIS 13 THE LAST WEEK OF OUR Clearance Sale V, Hut h& Ihe len-l, Iij any tiieuitv a- Ae u - hest Imrgii.:- tu Hint v'ck. Remember the DateJune 28th till July th 3fd DOMINION DAY SPECIALS Hoys' White Itutinuif .Shoes, during Ihi- ' nl 25'i Discount. Thi- i Ihe lrget di ' .... I. 1. . ou ih) s iiiiuiiiiig OlllM's. p;t aicii s Hiiiiniiig Mme, any color, mi v-er Hoys' Hrovvn Hiiiiniiig ijlioe. tliia week iil 15 Lmlies' ltiiMiiiug hhoi's anil Mtuart Slep 1 'Ies 15 Ladies' While Hnt k l.etilher So! Sm. T nn.J f,.no. Unring (his veek Ut rlw al Men'i Hlits I.ihcrlj- mtike, valitf U $W.5" ' 1 Chiiilren nuiining .Shoes, ruliher sole on! Cliildren's Hamlnls, umwn only, i clear . !.adie' I'aiiiuun.lluleji, suilahle (W lircwc ' Lailies While Piciue Skirl, Tor pieim -. near ai , Tho following extra specials are for thU e . only, and an) abolutely for eaiht Ladies (Hiaiiihrny House l)i'fse tor - Ladies' Cauvus Shoes, Willi Idillior M- advertisetl licforc ut )I.U.", iintf' Voiles, reg. 05c-l.l0( iluriyg till wi'K onl Wnshvo ningham, p'K. W.AnvU wide i""1 " now 3 jiirdji for , . IJoltiiH Uropc, ryhrtis ror All lliese rednrlioiis are tnmlc before yon holi.lnys. Take nilvniilage 'or our offer and - w mid Ihe rJnidreii wild shoes at these price v Jabour Bros., Phone 645 Corner Disccu i $2J5 tit 75c 95c 0 Ltd. 3rd " " HMSHBBBBMSBBBMBbHHMPBB''