ursilay. Mny 50, I02rt. uieer s eve lass Service Palrnnlsinsr Ihe Optome- twunn iiacuiK uic IKK . lit .Infne Hi.. . , il,... I.. liiu - ' ' ' 'mi ji.rn ill lip rare of one who has illllllP a SClCUtiflC Nrflltly of 'tie eye. . ,, , '" ,vs,,,e mini n course, al ..,-. rgoes a ovcrtimi'iil n'ulhnrlllps ,. be-i i . . p lie gpts hU Heencp. We gunraiitpo with our unbilled experience to glvr vou satisfaction. We aro always lipro to T!iiii,p a iy forced ion. John Bulger Ltd. Opticians and Jeweller Summer Excursions EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATE8 T irKel s on sale Dally from May 22nd nUn to Same nunc imlli dirce- I" or one way via Van- pp Tuk"'s on sale iv nth Return limit October 31. 1920 full lofoi ma ion Ity Ticket Office, Prince Rupert. Phone 2C0. I au sage si ire Pork Sausage, per tb, 30o fit ami I'mi'k Sausage, prr ;lb 25c lontnlo Sauaagp, ppr lb. 25c resh Homo made IIp.uI ICIippsc. per th 25c fpf Dripping, ppf lb.. . 10o kilatoes, per saPk . . $3.60 ealy 8 Doodson Sixth Street lone 455. We Deliver. 'ur Coats & Jacquettes In requisite Slock of Fur trimmings at low price !. C. FUR Co. leit Q.W.V.A. Third Ave UGBOATS ay Phones 423, 639, I Green 238, Black 736. light Phones 687,. 539, ;Qreen 238, Blaok 735. UPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. -O. Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. 'r. E. S. Tail DENTIST 'Igerson Block, Prince . Rupert. B.O. Office Hours 9 lo 6. X-Ray Service Phone 886. en Tuesday and Thursday .. Kvpnlnim pnturjgya 9 t0 t2 'noon Mining Report for Year Shows Increase in Production- oB. Mines Except in Few; Instances VJ1JTOIIIA, Mny 20. Tin in Hiilisli Columbia in JuiTj csinlilMieil a im'w Jiigji, mark Ju Hie iilslory of Hit province willi a total mifmii or misi ciiniiir-u wnn tin, on.mi . I limn I ' I kt7 -Oil ...... -',...,. ill 'I.,- ii;i I , Mm final ami revised figure. for IU2; r now availabfe. intl Hie annual report covering l.lie v)ml mining, Miiialiou j'n Hie louvincc, and selling forth Ihe rciiiarkal.lo , progWfHH. progress. ! hping irttr maile, will shortly be, issued Commenting upon II,.- allowing , ,iab linn. William Slnafi. pp.- vwwni-i.ii strreinrv nini iiimi.ior in . . . mines, expressed liU utmost sal- isfucllim at the- rapid advance made to the industry, which, In 1925, prodil I an output, thn greatest in Hip history of milling in Hip province Mr. Sloan point-, Pil lo the Manufactory increases which have Iippii made yparly in the lant tpn yparx, ami PXpr("Pd'o,a( IIIU tf in" vipw inai i up prptpui rain (joke, Ioim or ii-ri" I lie valup of l.(l,'n' tulupral proiliii'linii will shorlly! touch lh; hundred million mark. ';, ,1,1, placer nz,v;.. Direction of Galloway The annual report of the department wtll prm of exception- II I III I nrUki I 41 iiiifrnrrn.! i it iho industry which in at present allracliug ,o much allcntion. nol:"l alone in the proUncc hut Ihrouph- out thn country, and abroad. The report hu iieen compileil under Ihu direction of John I). Galloway, provinciaf minvralogi), ;nid .i-oie Wilkluoon, chief liixpce- r or minen. According to the revised and dticKil fitriireit the quantity and Milne of tin mineral production NOTICE TO CRCDITOIIS. In IIm- Matter or llw Kuttlii of Jt-Uii Dlgml, i vm mil Mi I H I. i b-rrlijr rlrn Hal all ir-.ii. luiint rUunt HIM-I II li John I'IuikI. wit., itmt tl llr l.lly nf TtlHi luiiwri. in Umi itvuimi" ut umuk il-hhii. m liif fill of luwtrj. III. Ml lu iim ml ami iwrHial rlal-l-Urr. r4ial f inmnl Us lb iu-rrnw i imrl itt Hriilili ouumlxa in April II. In J-Jm Oybluvn a,r I'rinro mi ti. n r., ai rrqneHMl to mh tijr rrl-li-mt awi irriaKt, or drllvrr in llx uikkr.ifiml full rllrulan In wiitmi ' lir rlaini ami latrmmM f ihrir ar-nnl', and Ipr nlun thm,t, aM lie rriiiilli ilf lay twM by llwiu, dul) tciiiml by liiulnry iWliritkdi. AihI lak inilirv ibal arirr llvn fnd day .r iunr, ivt.i. nv rimiinr will iiriM-mi In di.lrlbiilr Ibr ur r IIm ilrrritNl iii'tir IIm ixnn mililnl Ibfrriu, hatlnv rrtanl iml In ih rUlin nf wlHl aii airniKii nlMH Ibm 1itt bait Iwiilrr. ItaiMl M ! day of Mar. !!. '! or inini 'MurMi, iirfyafi. MINERAL ACT. Notka of A.pllcatloa for Oarllfkata at liapratamaaia. Mitural Ilill iiruuti. roii.i.tlnr of Mln rial Hill I. Minrral lllll No. t. tin rrat lllll .u. S. ami Buliinill Mllirral taiiu. lium in iih rkrrtia Miiwna urn -li Hi ..f ,& I ni.lnrl i4i Im noulb-t-atlrrn mi oi iniu Muuniain, kilinul Villry. latlll b.ihW. V. I. IkaalMln. f'm VHH-r'a irtiriral u. Hour, rinrlr. I.' Mnitr. Fir- MlK-ra lr1 If Ira la yn, aitjr. TAIK Milirr. Itul I, CliarJra . Mmtrr, ltr Ulhrr'a Oftlflralr So. IITC. IimI fur lh owiM-tn. inirml al IIm- rod of uiy day frmn itio dl lirrrnf, la I'l'ij iu i in Min'ni iirnirtHT mr a,iru rtralc of llaur.HMiM.nl. fur lb liurfmv of ..liUuunr i:mmn ijrani u( Mm ati rlalina. iikI rurlhrr laa. nollro thai action iin- ilrr jlrrlliKi nf m Mlitcral Art niul at ruiiuwnrrii ixTiirr lit lnuapre of Hirn irrtiriralr r imprnifnwtit. naim i ih i jiii iar nr anrn, ivi. . . . 1 " 1 111 1 i I l i i I , LANO ACT. Nolkaof Intanllon U AppI, ULaaaaland,1,,,,,,,.,.,,!, Mm pro,ur,,, an,t in In land llrrurdlnr lil'trlri nf I'rlncr llii-rl. anil alluato al brail if Skill In- in. Mnreliy lUnd, tjurnt Uiarlmie ... Ml. TAkK MHICK that The Canadian Fluh-itia .iinpan.r. Miiillrd. of Vancouver, itf-i iipalinn alnMHi i:annrr. Inicmli to apply fur a lea. uf llw followini dcurribml land: ijjiuucjiclni at a pol planmt at brad nf kaal Inlri, 1 rhalna iwirih or tin-laifirrt i.rrck; tlM-nrn wet TO rhaln; Ihrni-' wmlti fn cliaim; Ihcnc ct t i nam, liHirr nr li. la hIhmt tine; thrnre uorlhrrly fMlnninir -ihnrr. Un to p.o.c, and i-nntalnlHl lu arrr. mnrr nr TMK C,NMIA HIIHtr COMrAMV, IIMITKI), Applirani. Prr Wllluni Alfrcil IdiWfr. nmod i lib aiiHl m "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnca Ruparl Elacteral OlatrlcU Mackanila Elacteral Olatrltl. .IDTIi K ta brrrby mvm mat I shall, on Monday. I lie 1 7 III day nr May. tm, al I lie hour nf la u'rlnrk In llu forenoon, it IIm- omirt Mor, Prlnrr Unpen, hold lionr nf Ihe C.utm of llfllon for Hie piirsi!"r nf rvlln Iho list of nirr for DM aain ricrinrai uiMriri. aim ui iir.riua and determining any and all objerllnn lo I tie rrientiiai nf any name, on the aaid lint, or tn the reilrllon aa a voter r any applleanl for trrulritlnn; and fur the nlher iurMie ael forth In Ihe "Pro-viiinal Elerllona Art." Oaleil at I'rlnrn nuperl. B.C.. Ihll Kill day of. April. ! ...,. . liwiini.,i n. itai i) firrlMrar of Volera ror the Prince Hnerl and Mackentie Klecloril DHIrliU IN PROBATE. In lha luprama Court of Brlllah Columbia. In ihe Mailer or Dm AdinlnlMratmn Art: In the. Mailer of Ihe folate of Allien. lo lea, ne-ai'il; InleHale. TAkK .MITIC.K llial lV order nf Ills. Ilntmr. K. Mrll. Virtink, I lie 1 Vlh Hay or April. A.n. !. I waa appolnled Aihiiln-IMralor of the elale of Albert llowlea, dereied, and all parliea liavln rlsliii. aratnU Ihe aald estale are, heieliy reiinlr ed lo fiimUh sail"1, pmnerly verlMeil to ... . .11 liernre the Kith day of MV. .i. ISIS, and all tuirllea indebted In tliej Male are required lo par the "''" nf their Indebleilnea tn me forthwith, J .MOIIMVN A, WATT. 1 orriclal AdminUlrainr, ; Prince- Uujiert, H.C.i Hated ihe inni day or Aprn. t.n. mm. LAND ACT. Notka of Intanllon io Apply to Laaaa Land In Prince Unpen Land neconlinr -. trlct of Ohm llanae I, and alinile on .North Itarhael laland. TAKK MiTICK that VUre.il Svanon, of Prlnre nuperl, orrnpallnn ,M"r'n7:,,'!!' lend tn apply for a lca?e or the rollnw r ittp ilenrrlucil lands: , . Conunenrlnr at l P animt at the nuth end of Norlh llarliael Wand; th re anuiml tlui UUnd. l hlsli wati' "'' ami ami rontalninr cmiainiiir 61) ou acre, more or c, ALFnE SWanson. Applicant Dated April 17, tm. . value .(if till1 iiiini':it rii-iiHiiltiiti m 1021. an incMMiM. ,,r ' ',: I'll I. M&ip ' of Hip pWyiiicc tr l!i.', compared Willi Dial of lii;i wn-'.ux follow' I12I Quantity. old, Plappr. oz '2l,n:i; Lliold, lode, nr..,. 2t7,7lfi Silver, ox. ... . . H, .'J ii,7HH CopJMT. In lS,Hiri,3SI3 I.'eaij, Ut. .. i;0'IKi,l8) Zinc, lli;!. ;t,iho,v7.o i,:iy,52i; Wi. Value. (illl.l, .III 1m, . 5,120,535 ilpr. m. ... 5,2Ui',IHl Uipper, Hit. K,U-;i I.cad Dm. l2,il5,UI7 V-iuc, Hm I. i'lifi,;!! y,r.'j;,f.3ii ki; loan Jluilduu; inalerial.4 and iiiiu'cllarieoii inliieraU 2,833.072 Total lH,7l),r.0l 1925 Quantity. Hold, I'lacer, nr.. Ifi,7fi tiold, I.ihIp, oz. . . 2ili,7iy Silver, oz. 7,(151,811 .upper, lit 72.3(1(1,132 Lead. Ih 237,'jy,iy9 Zinc, lbi. . . i , ' y,257,oyo Coal, loiu 2,32H,522 Coke, Ion . . . . 75.IH5 1925 Value. fSnld, I'lacer, OZ. . . 280,092 liold, l.ode, oz. . , . . l,335,rt2JI 8iler, oz. ... 5,2S5,8t lopper, lh Kl,l53,2rt9 Lead, lh. . . ,C. I8.7U.329 .inc. l 7.751,150 .Coal, ton ll,rtl2,i5IO Coke, ton 52rt,2M5 Iluildittir malerlul ' ami mWrcllnnehu mineral . . 2,I3,M0 Total .. rtlkiy2,212 Mr. Sloan poinU out that quan lily lncrae of prodnclion were made in 1925 in the metal. Con ner, lead ami zinn and in roaT Land coke. Hacer-Kold, lod- gidd and iUer showed flight de- i'reae in the ipianlitie pro duced. The value of building materials shows a. alight de- rrene. while that of micellane- us minerals show a consider-,ihle increike. The greater pro dnclion value iu 1125 va In lar?e part' due to sreatcr quan-titie. of, the various metal and part, caiied hy IiLtsher metal prices. Increase In. Value 'Hip total value of thn nietalli-fernti production that is the. metal pold ; including pi ace r-aolil , siler, copper, lead, and zlno--,wa lil,18l,227, which was IO,52l,230 Rreafrr llia'n the 192.1 output or-.a'n, Jntrp.a.se, or 29.3 per cViil. -tile' vWitttllift crpap in niPtal production wn iu lead followed liy zino and tlipn eopppr. The largo Incrrnsp in lpad and zinc production were due to the increased output of ,the smelter and refinery of the Consolidated, Mining and inciting Company of Canada, al Trail; the hulk of Hip production came from the roinnany's fa- mnus, Sullivan niine, at Kimlier JJ' ,L I J , ' I . ' i ' ' I'M Uf NcrvM, Wirt "All, IttfctM W She, CouM H9 SJmii Ufa. David Oslloug-W, V, Lnd kurat Av., Hajnlltop, Out, wriiesi "My'iifrvi wer M hrokaa. n and I eould. Dot Jeep at alfkt, aa.d X would. Vave to Rtt up out of b4,aal walk; la floor, for houra st a tUa., After Using a, lex r WN T W Much tttw,, aitd si Ur itaiag s. fpw4 bkore, Bgusa, I eould, sujor aajr resliMiWoll aa eve U. N. PUls have baia t tk wKe! ff. the. paat- M; yakow ym, aMMt- dni(it aU, Utaa; uf n JytTkt.T. lUiUia Cav, UavlWaV 'v- TOTv PAILT; JHWfl ley, and the remainder from Ihft! trealmpht of customs ores, and crjncenfralp. The increased pro-j ilucHon or copper, was. due lo in-cifases front, the ,iranty Company', minp. nil It. and smeller, at Anyox, and the Hrilannia Corn-j pany Copper- minis al llrilan-nin Heacli, anditn the commence.-j nnl of. operalions- in August at: the Allenlry. Copper Company's' mine and mflK near i'rincelon. (Kfctlina these Increases, there I was a decrease in copper imlpul, I r in in (he. Ilosslauu fiiines iflhe iConsolida(P(i Cyinpany, i AO! v In i Uioemn Iteferring, to 'the iold niilpiil, t Mr Sloan- ininjs. out IJial while. , the prodnclion of; placergold in ,19.25 wa less fhan in 1921,. the jp-ar was a, ypry ucU. one- in jdfW' doe.fipiueiit apd, lejp1 of low-grade deposit of gravel. An inlprpsllng fpalure of (he year' placer mining was the. sncceseful oirratipu of- tjie Kar! file Copper Hevplopmeni Com-, pany's dredge ne.nn Harke ryille.j "in the Cariboo, district, which1 4nade an ouiput of gold valued' a I ?95.0r(0. I Code'-gold . . . shows n1 4 ilftcrease of 7)5,2rfi, as compared with ll21'. This i acconnt-cil for hy tlie decreased production from the Itnsslaml mines, which wer non-iroduclie inr-nig iiMit of (he year. Coal! Increase Net coal- production for 1925, Mr. Sloan point out, showed a siiliatanlial increase over 1921, on iucreae niivuunliiiK lo 3HK,-9fi lunar ton. T he inereae in .output was from the Crow's .Nest district, when) over three times as much coal was produced a in the preceding year. The. mines! in this district were closed dur-: iug a Jargji part-of IU21 owing lo labor troubles and the output, was very much less than normal: I. Aiiiicatihvarrungemejils' have now hee.n nvadn miIIi labor, lost niar-Lnliv have lieen rexaimvl, and Ihe Indtislry is iu a. healthy condition u the Cniw'n -Vesl district. The I92& prductiou of. coke showed the. considerable increase of 11,-57.M tons as compared Avitb the .1921 output. A decrease, in pro duction occurred in 1925 in the Aicola-l'rinclon dislricl and a very -slight ilPcrease in the Van couver Island coal prnduciitg lilrift. Competition froov for: eigti crudo ojl is stilj keenly fell fry the Vancouver Isliunl mines, A, sligjilly lecieaej, output of building materials was made in 1925. as compared wjtli Ihe preceding year, but it h believed that there was nearly as much biijUing. and construction as in 11121.. utPnicea. Higher metal prre. Jiud a, most important teariii on the valuo yf the. mineral 'production of H.;. in li25. slalcni Mr. Sloajv., TJi prices were higher in i 925 or silver, copper and, zinc than ill Hip prwvlim; year, but slight. Jy. lower for load; the decrease inj Ilia utuftia In... ...... I ..,... . u ' .- .ui.t) up ill' i ll. -,l ,...!.; , "l'.'J wlh W I"" London pric lieing used instead . ., . . . ... . "i i no .w i.or. imce, wnii'.ii was taken, iu 1321, Copper Higher The prices, of silver, lead and zinc are now excellent and it is expected that the present aver-agtv level of prices will lie wdl maintained in thn future. I luring I ty?5. Hie. average Jirici u! .. . i7..:. . . ...... .- . - - ropper ws a. iinje more inan- a cpn mind nigfe'ijrlj.than 'J ft?i. .e'p?. se'nt 1 l-ifortl le.vii for eopppr is expected to. be maintained, and. I ljs pj-jpe is pood enpugii to griiluall stimulate-copper production in Ilritiv Columbia. Costs .of. mining, in cluding wage. and supplies, have been preliy well stabilized dur ing Hie la!, twu, .vears, so dial with good, metal prices and, rea sonable? costs the future for, melal mining i 11 Hritish, Coluni, : Ida is- most favorable and, the industry undoubtedly have a piAispurous. year in J92C. said llnuoralde Mr,Sloan. It is inteistiug lo, note, we.nl, on the Minister of Mines, IhnL the mining industry, of Jt.C. has steadily increased wjlh bujl few yearly simuupa. imrty ye,trs ago (in 1,895 j the prnvinco proi-dlicinj n,ilnr;vls. to, the value of 5,0in,0l2, and le,n. ago (Ju, IJ915) Hip production, wu-le,s tjian, half that nf. 1925, being 2.9( 1)7,508. Wvldends Pt z,Tln following table sliows the iiivjueuus iieciareu oy. unmnanlusi eiigaed; in; the mining industry iu, lilt' prjovinnv during 192,5 Con.so'jidaldl Mining and; IsJiiell.- Co. of' Cujiuda, UiJi.3,238,054 i'lemler. flnld' Mining Company, 1,00,0.375 llnwo Souivd.CopporCo., 107.J 89 SilvwsinUiii ,Vions,.Ljd,. 25,opp Wallace. Mountain Minis, Ltd 59,400 11 I..XJ .... . . .. ...i,.,.. I ,v, J i ... ..I.U.X.. .1, Winchester X. 1 ... 2l.ooojof Hell 88,000 1 Uelnuml-Surf Injet ... 3 1 2,500 1 Crows' Nest I'ass Coal Co 372,fiM Coast Quarries 1(1,000 Cilley llro 0,000 inayhurn, Co 20,000 Tolal for year i5,3iy,80ci Good Reserves The abovp amount J?(i,3l9,K0S shown as distributed in 1925 li no ;ueans represents Hie loliil of net prnfil earned during that yean. 'In nearly all cases sub-" slanliai sum are set aside from profits lo Hie credit of surplus and reserve accounts. In the case nf Hie ..Consolidated, Mining and Gruelling Oimpany and the Premier Cold. Mining Companv, ilet profits were very largely In excess of ilividend requirements. The first-named Company's net profits in 1985 aggregating after payment of 2.I71,7C9 in tnxef . 1 0.780,(137. Prom accruing to private companies mid individual liiitiliit? pn lirtirin iiu n rutu no pubIlci,y a, ,UM,ie,us. as is the caP with the large companies, . so that no record of ll,,tfo rvx.rii.. ,.l.;l. i ll. " ."-, III.- u- trei.ff.iln nr. i...,wi.l..n..1.l is ' Vihi., iiiii.;. R0RV1K PLANT IS DOING WELL Has Contracted- at Good Prices . for. Output of Fish Oil and Other Products ViCTOniA, May 19- The Marino Products Uil. manufacturers i. t j . j . Write The Borden Co. Limited,. Vancouver for this helpful book showing how to prepare appetizing, nourishing dishes. Ninny, nev. recipes. Especially valuable to mothers of. under-nourished, children. ot Ht,Ue. ones who are. har4 tp please at meal-timcs. Jf MM, Wmk& r(h oils, meal and-fertilizer, owned and controlled: chiefly Peter Ilorvjk and Ceorge Moii- donald, bftlh fnrmeriy of Princu IluperJ, announce that they have contracted al good prices for tin: ryilire ouiput of their plant al Toquarl on the west coast of Vancouver Island. They have in stalled a .)0,000. plapl to handle pilchard and dngfjsh and have made provision lo handle l,nfl tons of pilchard, and 3,000 tons of dogfish, which will keep Hie plant running until March 1. The oil i shipped lo tjic Iniled Stales and Ihe bellpr grade of me.al is. put .up, in sroall packages apd sold as edible fooil, Hie bulk going lo China a(id I a pan. Capl. Horvik rejiorls that sal niort fishing ha been very poor there this year so far. Hie, price running around 12 Jind I t cehU THE MAM IN THE MOON; ays: -Ml Till? is, the time of, year whea the neighbor with hens is, a.t enemy. IT seems a; Inns lime agii when IlobeH Louis; ttw hi'love.i wrole: "And all aroundj. lieard yoti pas Like ladies' skirts across tlui grass.". IK you. feel pugtlistin and.ntn not want to hav somebody, strike bad, just rf Irike im attitude. ' TH K most ilnlikeable.; person- Is wlex. - - I, AX eloquent editor' in tho berry belt pays lite following glowing1 tribute lo .the strawlterry shori-cakp: "Made, by a woman wjio knows how, baked n a golden shade and, svvniriped wifli crus.hpfl bprries,. the light and flaky cake becomes- isveriluble, ist.md of do-light, a little continent' nf bliss surrounded hy a sea, of pink i deliciousness sppnled. with an! aroma the gods provide." TLN'KI.K. linkle, litilo hell There's Hie telephone, rth hell, Wonder who is ringing now-Making such, a wretched, row? There it's, ringing louder sllll llel it's someone wauls his bill, "Hello, vylm the deuce are you?"; Mamie, oh yes, how d'you do'' ThougJHs yon W4re tho grocer niilrii 4 i ? k ,r . Come and eo. nVeif m 'you1 iran " " SOMH people, aro. successful iM'causje their- friends in the. Old Country persislently refuse to sondi them money. , WOMKX are to blame when a couple do ,nlj ab along wel!. What could have: been expected, when they agreed' to marry sucn a. man? . Subscribe to the Dally evji.. IJi.'IHL-ll. 1 U .' i . -. . Cfgareffe Dry Cleaning and Pressing Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed S2.00 Men's Suis, sponged and pressed ... . . ... $1.00 .Men's Pants, cleaned and pressed $t.00 Men's Pantssponged. and pressed 50o Men'jfc Overcoats, cleaned and pressed, irorh.. 2.0b Men's Overcoats, sponged and pressed ...... 81.00 Ladlee' List Indies Suits, dark colors 82.00 Ladies' Suils, light colors k.. 82,50 Ladies' Skirts, dart. colors .- ,. ...... CiiOO Ladies' Skirls, light colors .... .. .... ... $K25 Jjidies'-Skirts, pleated and cleaned, .... $il5t LjbIIpV Skirts, pressed only -", ,; IJeQ-ft Ladies Skirts pleated 81.00 Hoffman Vacuum Press! Is Best cjnuDiMi mm t BUY CLEANERS Phone ST " je lJ MILK PRICE Reduced Commencing Mky; 1 CASH PRICES 7 Quart Tickets .... $1.00 12 Pint Tickets ... .. S1.00 Table Cream, pint .. 15o ' Whipping Cream, S pint ... ... ... .. 25o Dally Tr.iln Serviqi? JcpmV- '" niencea. May 1. : Phone your, order to 6S7. Valentin: Dairy Crystal Firelighters 48 iwes fee-fl.00 No "more chopping of kindling. Safe, simple and economical. Manufactured, by II I HI Hydemnst er MbV S0)d AsMIMa how NO Night or Py ' Wl MIV MTTLIt.