page two Ash for and Insist upon ii SALADA a miunie large aiTeh I v TEA ii Tia It is worth a few cents m6re. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per irionlh 11.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year 30.00 To nil other countries, in advance, per year '. . . . $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tuesday. February 2, 1920. Prince Albert To Have A Contest. 11 has been suggested that the Conservatives all the lime knew there was goiug lo bo a coolest in Prince Albttrt and that lhey took all Ihe credit for allowing the Premier lo go in by acclamation while quietly ;ictiiociiig in Ihe noaiiuution of an Independent. This is hardly, fair lo the. Conservatives. There is miner loo much of a tendency to believe anything Lad of the enemy. The old time Tory cannot see that anything Liberal is ever any good and -o Ihe Liberal looks upon the Tory. Sometimes this idea is carried even into social and business tile. Let us rather take it for granted that the Conservatives were big hearted and .that lhey courteously stepped aside to allow Right lion. W. L. Mackenzie King lo get the seal ami that now lhey are double crossed just a much as are the Liberal.- of Prince Albert. Possibly even, some of the Conserva lives of that district will be found on Ihe slump, asking that Ihe Premier be ejected. Let us at ny rale- wail and see what happens before passing judgment. Game Preservation In This Province. The Oaily Star of Vancouver outlines very plainly how Ihe case stands for the preservation of grume under the new regulations. It -ays: , That large section. of the public, which is not interested in game preservation in, Ihjs jjinjyiuee basjfjio conception of Ihe cross-currents of Vipin ion -iunP t ht? illff icitlireswlin-h face Ihe department of the provincial, government which deals wilh Ibis inaller. Rearing this in mind, Ihe government is lo be congratulated upon Ihe scheme, just announced, which Ihe Allorney-(ienenil's department has formulated lo deal wilh this important natural asset. That this, scheme will nol meet wilh criei-cism, or that it will please everyone, is inconceivable. At Ihe same lime it is a comprehensive attempt to meet a problem which, by reason of the configuration and sparsely settled na-lnre of the province, presents unusual difficulties. Briefly, it is proposed' to divide the province, into game districts corresjiTHiding to the fice police areas and lo station in each district a gamevwarden. who ;will direct Ihe work of the other game wardens, in that district. All tliese wardens wiltl lie under Llnef dame Inspector, MoiilagiJe l erber. but Ihe whole administration will have a its head Col. Mc.Miillin, who is'in charge of the provincial police, and Ihe provincial police will ne ullizeu to assist in the game preservalon. Conflicting Views On This Subject. British Columbia is one. of -the few las great game pre-: serves on the continent and it ism-gued by enthusiastic game, preservationist! that a greatly increased expenditure, is justified in maintaining this preserve as a very important asset. Home, indeed, would -hut their eyes to many other aclivilje and -make of Ihe province little but a greM game preserve. These eiithii.-iasts would like lo see a fianre Commission with supreme power? and .entirely separate from the provincial police. Tiiev argue hat the police are not Jrain'ed lo this work and that theirJ umivi.iiiiu wan i l is iieinmeuiai 10 tne emeient working or I he-game laws. , ( ..' TfiereWire, howevery fwV;n.rfriiuieiils against thi point of view. -In the first place Ihe ne$- arrangement will prevent Ihe possibility of a Game Preservation Commission ove r-pre-emng game at the cxjense or farming and other provincial activities, and. in Ihe second, though Ihe head or the provincial police a man of high reputation will be the final aulhorilv. the individual members of Ihe force will. only ad as supplementary to the official game wardens, while'thcir emplovment in this'ad-dihonal capacity will .preclude 'Me expenditure of a large sum Of limney upon a numerous slnfr of. wardens winilil ouierwise ue ueces-ary on area. in patrolling so extensive and difficult FREDGILHULY ISFAREWEllED Members of Elks Lodge Pay Trl-bue to Departing Member and Make Presentation Under ho auspices of Prim---Rupert Lodge No. 16, Benevolent and Protective Order of Liks. if which tiit- how red uos I was a chartered member and for several years an active officer, a farewell hanqiiel whs hclil las' evening in the SI. HepU Gate lor ... . . , .' depend upon Ihe personality and ability of Chief flame fflRNFR fNIR HFAR """ LUD nnrtl0 lnsi.eetor Montague Fcrber and. ;,s he w.w nuru,; I... ii... 1,1 s the nominee or the various game organizations SHAKESPEAR RECITAL of the 1 lXinU Pl'ov.nre. the game pre-ervalionists niuv he said lo have . , been given a verv square deal. - ... Rey. Dr. Cameron Entertained Off for school full of pep SHREDDED WHEAT the perfect food for children Members Last Evening at Regular Meeting in Church Parlors The Corner Club at its regular meeting in the Parlors of I he Baptist Church last evening I listened wilh great pleasure ( a ,nioel delightful lecture and re-leilalon Shakespeare' immortal play Hamlet by Br, Ceiintron, wli s filling the pulpit ol. First Presbyterian Church. The story or the play was explained and I ho rendition or some or the parlj proved most instructive. fn addition to Iho lecture there was a piano duel by Misse. Alelta JfcKuiley and (Hive Oor-don. Ilefci'shmen: s wore served and a pleasant half hour spent, tb daily news V Ml r reu uiiiimy, wan lias n i ii ii , TT IT business in the cily and wil- IMS LaSSIC flaS IieT leave for . Vancouver this after-! noou. Some fifty member. of the Indue 'were in iittenil.-inre and was generally expres-d al Mr. (.lilhuly's ih?parture and many tributes or esleem were paid. Community singing was led iiy A. Mabourin who also sang a solo. The orchestra consist inj, of Kenny Hood, (ieorge Horie. j. and Miss Irene Morrison doiial.'.l its services. A pleasing feature nf the even ing was the presentation to M. (lilliuly on behalf of tin- lodc ! a fomilam pea and pencil su.t-ably engraved. Mr. (iillndy re plied suitably. The affair was in pngre-from 7 lo 9, and closed with musical honors for the true-., the festivities beins conl iuiie.l a! the Mooe smoker. LADY HEAD OF LIBRARY BOARD Mrs. Klrkpatrlck Chosen Chairman for Year and G. V. Wilkinson Secretary At the first meeting of the Prince Ilupert Public Library Hoard held last night ..Mr. Kfc patrick was chosen as chairman for the surreal, year. In accept -inf.- IJie position she thanked the members for the honor done her. Also she welcomed W. .1. lireer. the new meniber of the Hoard, statins- that in (lie iasl all business of the Board had been conducted most harmoniously anil she .expected Ihe same would continue. (. V. Wilkinson wan re-elceted secretary. The incut inv was called to order by the retiring chairman. II. F. Pullen, who announce,) that, the "first business was the ap-ioiutnieii of some -member to lake his place as presiilinii of- Ificer; The Librarian reported a very busy month. Then- bad been a total circulation of 3.1M? volumes Of whieb 2,r2'.i was fiction, 514 tion-ficliou and 87 1 juvenile. Tb Colds "Rubbed Away" Kxalted Ituler L. Murray Fuller ..TheOCTofth,jattracliveUUleprU 1',,t;V"e,J- N.E., lAomw LalYaine, Man, is one I hero were speeches by Ron cf uw many Caradjin mothers who are Seir, Waller Vance. lave Balfour. enthusiastic about the vaporizing salve, ii m ... i. ,i -:n: I Wlrs VanoRubu for treating children i ,:., .,.., . moiim- 'J cblds. M Enin write Tkly little rriuiK i nun ami tuners, net; re daily average was 103.2. There were 82 new borrowers of whom! 25 were juvenile. Three, had cancelled their cards, leaving a tola!' pn the list or During Ihe monih HO, book bad been .added Id the WhehB iM three by gift aud H'i by purchase. The number ,dlseardl was 2, 'ayjnvrtnow otrthe sbVlvc or In circulation i,725 xolmru''. i.nrs. Kirkpairu-K aiiomien - book committee for the year composed of II. 1-. Pollen, Hcv. 6. (I. Hacker and 1". J. 1 -oiler. Owing to the change in Ihe time of meeting of the city eaun- cll it was derided lo hold regular meetings of the Library Hoard Ihe lirsi Monday of eudi iimntli The government ha- listened to both sides and has lakeiif"! ,J o dock. 1.lln course ............ 1l - .. .- ... ' "i -iici r-s ur 1 ft ire or Ihe scheme xv rirl had eroun at niirht orettv badly and Vkks did her a lot of rood. I have also used it with very satisfactory results for head and chest colds." Yicks is just "rubbed on for sore throat, tonsiliUs, bronchitis, croup or deep chest colds. When so applied. Vicks has a double direct action: tttr-nail it medicated vapors are inhaled while, at the same time, ixttnallg, it is absorbed through and stimulates the ikia. VICKS Vapo Rub 0m 21 Million Jars Usid YiMLr after OVei-. I'. I. in "THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: SOMKONK wauU lo know wliv Ui Hli ulu.Vt l:i'.UltlU Eftiiallll tllfc lUJiMl liKin iti I It a niOAn kii.i iovhii 'ilmi i il... ,.i.i ii... K-i.lHllhbflUk III' pn I I I III III' fll. I answers wfenhhiwaiitolmtnvfor? IT'S nearly week since, Un? aurora boreal is distitrird 1et-graphie eonimnuicHiion in Can-ml.i and not anque-tiori has been uskeil in pMrltaiiient abiMrt it yet. TJIL modem venston suys ' a fool and lus .bujicy m soon parted;1 1 1 , .IK.MIMA says she does not cure whether spring comes t hi 4 year or not. She is sure ghj' Will not have enoHfh intm)' fori new spring IkH anyway. MACKKN.IR King in ant going lo fiiilit Hie- roiwliUiency of Prince Albert after all. He is just soinu to don a uair of! BOYS should be happy in Prince Ilupert. They seldom haveJ lo shovel sim.w otf Ihe walks. f OXfcK knew al a man,. my Tl'i STATION fSpi y path and I just hate, t a detour BURNS LAKE n that! K. II. Buckingham of Calgary, Dominion seed inspector, was a visitor here last week supervis ing the cleaning and grading of seed in Hie new plant recently, installed by tin. provincial ov-eminent, lie poke highly of Ihe, Neglected w Coughs Often lead to aerlout troubla Art quickly relieved by Dr, Chatt't Syrup of Llntd and Turpentine. Many, people regard a cold a a simple incident. Hut Coughs ami Coldn when neglected lead on to pneumonia snd consumption the most dreaded disease! common to this Northern tempersture. Dr. Chaw's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is well-known as a meat effective treatment for coughs, colds bronchitis, croup and asthma. For many years It has held Its plsre in the homes of Canada as alisolutely dependable and was never so popular as it is today. Compnwd of simple and yet powerfully effertive Inrrrdieots it is suitable for cliildrru and adults sJike and is found coimtariily in mnt homes for use in cane of einrrgf ncy J'rompt treatment is half the LatUs wuea fightiuf cold. oDiiriQurriTTTMR m - w a r , The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals as follows: -Placer fluid, $77.nsi.Oo;; Lode fi. IX 173,100; Silver, S,8S4.57i Lead, J70.548.57H; Copper, lS7.i8!),a7S; V. - ? 171,407; Miscellaneous Minerals, $l,JSi.34i); Cool and Coke, $200,880,048 Ib iMin. Slone, Rrick, Cenienl, etc., $12,225,814 ; making iln Mineral Produclion lo I he f.j 1024 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than t!iu ? c, any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Umpire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fee h. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties. Hi security of win h ;-gtiaranteed by Crown Cirauts. Full information together wilh Mining Hcpcri aud Mapi, may be obtained gr;l - .v addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.B. Practically all Rrilish Coltinibin Mineral Properlie- ihhiii whii li de c -M work has been done are described in some one of ihe AniniAl Reporls of the M : of Mines. Those considering mining iiivcslinonl.i -honhl refer lo -m-li reior T are available without chnrge on npplicnlion lo Ihe lleparlmenl of Mines. ,, p, Report- of Ihe (leological Suncy of Cnnndn. Piieifir Building. Vnnroiivrr. are : memled a valuable sources of informnlion.- Hpialiiy of t mini by seed produce, 'here. ! The ele,'lion held last week , ! for I in puriHise of ehooing the j I !;(! village coiiiniiftsioncrn re-: iiiltrd as follows: P. llriinn.'il 1 I.U.; V. Sehjel.leriip. 32; . . jliivwn, 2; !. II. Ilotb. 27; M. 1 Noiir-e. 20. The first named three ww Hurled. lr. Latere of fraocois Lak.' whs loarri'il here hist week loj Mi--, s. MolTitt or Itadwny Onlre. Alberta, lte. .1. II. Kwr ofrioial-; mg. Dr. ih.I .Mrs. lerre lime! uii their r,l.lenee t' iiar.l of iiiaitagemefil : Mrs. it. II. Itobb, Mr. M. F. Nourse, Mrs. P. Crr. Mrs. J. (aark, P. ltninelL P. Cnrr. i. II. hbb, M. F. .Vinirs and X. Matter. Miss Flna Orr of Palling U n patieiil in the Burn Utke llo-pilal stitferins from a dilwateil jaw sustained by fallHtg from her horse. Wont has lien received of Hie Death at Melforl. Sak Of Mrs McLean, mother of Mrs. I. M tiemw. Mrs. McLean was well: Jviiown in this dislrH't having re idel here iiileriiiiltenily ilnring Walkover sImws and then retirei""' la-t several years to Ottawa. Oil. woman, if you foisrn wouli; please Foiwet to worry and to teaso And now and then, you might he guile Your weary tfusb.ind with a ' jnile. At the annual omx'Uhc of K Paul's l;oioH tyuireli la-t week. the filliwiM weri" wbtfled lo lliffl Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert February 2, 191G. Ihe steamer Prinrers Maipiiuna, southbound from Prince Huperl lo Vancouver, in (ashore on Maud Island in Sey- moor Narrows and the salvagi boats Sahor and Xilinal are go ing (o her asilancc. fd u opy fW ftjpet. Al(f,ll The financial reporl pww,.0ie, wuiun uiar oi a woman,-niaKing 4aiai l,14l.lrimfiltAV monkey i,f of t. the annual meeting of (he Hospital Association last nurtd showed a deficit-of '.$jr,5 for Hit crOssel,,.j,r min. Morrow. W. lo makeap, ,jneJi, oiler Be.ner. .1. II Tliompson and M. M. Stephens were elected directors in addition lo Aid. MeClymont and Aid Casey, city council rcprcen Ihe Drum Liimmon Copper Mines Ltd. tins peen incorporated around a group of claims on Miskallah Bay down Ihe coast. VV. Porleoii Sloan is the managing direolnr. TIMBER SALE X7809. SpuIpiI Tenders uill Im rerclvei) liy lli Pl'lrlrt Komier lint later llwit m.n .hi ll. Olh day at KrljiiMrY gf,, rr lln iurrlise r l.lfciioe NJsn. Mamie NIjikI. sklilrt-me Intel, y.ll.l,. In em ,(,. mill Irrl iMiiiril lun.un. of Splure, llfiiil.Mk. iihI i:nlr Xaliir. Two it run win tut allowed for r-linoal of tlhihcr. 1'iirlli.T iarilrular of ihe Clit.'f "ir-enler. Virions, r llir lii.irkl lorraOtr. ITIm-e Ituprrl. D,C, LAND ACT. Notice of InUntlon to Apply to Ltatt una. In Hie I'rliire HumtI llrror.lina rumrlri ml taualii nn an uiiiiiiiin'iI llrt In lite tatlrrn rtilrau.e lo Ilii.Uoti Hy I'mnifft .iirar limi'lai llnd. liinr I'liiii H.M. 14. TAkK StlTICE thai Grorirff fiord.. n lluh-i Iiy i.r mure Hiirl, B.C.. Manurai'lurer,! inifiwlH to apply for a lrae of Hie fo.i nln tlerritM'il land C.iiiiiiiFiwiiiir al a t.ot Hluat on a farily aiiluiirrrnl reef of roek railluilur front name in prarilrallr a lirrlo, havltir a raillna or about t,&ni fert and run. talnlnr I0i arre, iimtn or Itma. GfcOltDK SU8I1BY. UMd UaceaUicr 41U, twll. I BONDS NY- Oltei Von Guaranteed First Mortgage 10-Year Bonds Of The International Electric Co. Paying 10 per cent per annum This Compaii) i- supplviug Light ami IWei i" S ami llt-lriel i well managed and effteieiiU" YOUR INVESTMENT IN THIS IS AMPLY PROTECTED Co in ui re tin- uilere-l nn ottr inuiiev with 'b uii are gelling now Are you getting 10 percent on your invested money? If not, here is your opportunity Viile. or cull ami -c of Ibis lioml. whn h ennrc ;ii ni e lor lh ! Safety with Profit H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. General Brokers Stewart, B.C. II. W. M. Ilolston. ol It. il-Ion cv (.. nmt Kmc ' I of Slewarl. B.C.. will be at Die Brim c ltiiteri II t Ihe week ciunmeuciiiK IVIiruar) 'i, l'Jt. and m :r Anyox. IcanadianJ mrct .taiieiti Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert rr tnuitii, wuxau. jumc, uacwat ,ok :i, jWt h s far UNCOL'VtJt, naOlli ail UAffU IW-W II. Un I, B. Si. miwuj muict or Buttdalt. Swan ton Baf, taal Bella lalta, Ocean rIU, Name, Atari ! Ottnpbell Mlftr, and Vaeooefte eiar, (alwrday 11 a.m. Aaen (f all leemahlt Unte. full lelermttlea lr- W. 0. ORCHARD Oanaral Aaent. Otrnar of 40l Slrttl end Sfd Aieeut, Prince Rupert, S.O. I MiBHTnffalWrz rr 4 mr to. night" GRANT'S Best Procurable i .ft .A (TIIC OR1CINAU Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BetlJ (1.4 n,fl4 k WJlwM Cml A Sot UaulW CM,U.I a BImm.CI1ii Outi&arM. IMI. tm4AHK, ScMUad. Job This advertisement Is not published or displayed by l"e r ' I ........ n i ii i i ., n . m .(. mi ouiiiioi uuaiu ur uy uie uovornmeni 01 uriuib Columbia.