PAC1E FOUR THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMatJ A Good m YOO LOOK feMi-M t bMO THM SOUR WIFE lOt-WHACT't) THE. THKTtj RICH- Mf WIFE. WUZ JEAUOUs OF UJ0 Cook lOEAv? VESf JEALOUS VJiE. to Fails r.i ?j JEALOOt IOFME- 1 OOQ - HACW HANV - HAW A young- matron whose name we sliall nol mention spent the week-end with friends Tin lady has a reputation for bak- iiiff and was asked to bake a cake and she did. No Pacific. Milk was availaide and she herself thought it would make little difference hut the cake wis a failure wnrso than that, she says. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. A few SILK Sweaters at remarkably cheap prices for n few days only. Mrs. W. I. Wi Third. Avenue P.O. Box - - 989 l'hone Green 389 TWICE WEEKLY We have arriving FnESH KILLED HEEF, VLAL and POIIK. We also carry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and Salted Fish. Sealu a Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce. Ilranch from Smilhers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. ! Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar f. Frill load . . . ... $6.50 Half Load . . . .. $3.50 Large saeks . . ..50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone E80 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S 'Cartage and Storage Phone 61. fCtrtage, Warehousing and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel VJt Specialize In Piano and . Furniture Roving. Fur Coatsf'& Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. MOOSE SMOKER GREAT AFFAIR Two Hundred Members of Lodge and Their Friends Enjoyed Festivities Last Evening The first annual banquet and smoking concert held in the Met-ropole Hall last night by the Loyal Order of Moose was a marked success. reflecting great success n Hie organization ar a' whole. Somo 200 members of the1 lodge and their guests sat down lo a sumptuous spread at 8.3(1,' wo sittings being; necessary lo! accommodate all those present. At the conclusion of the ba-v!" . quet, the gathering repaire to; . . the outer hall where pipes, to-1 a oiiceo. cigars and cigarettes were i- ..-i..a .!:. i " " niit-i roeiint inim ami iti. ..V-i u.i.o,... r,.ii.. uin'wK 'wre Mr. ami Mrs. A hit iiki. - i " . iiiiii iiiinmiii, i,j,u iiilnii.apuAil ...... -itli u .. ifciii-nttrni-l 1. 1. ...-,..- j., addresses Jiy Past Dictator Oillis Hover, Mayor Xewlon, Past Dictator Fred Scadden, Past Dictator IJ. M. Simpson, Dr. II, E. Tre-nuiyne, i. W. N'ickerson, AM. M. M. Stephens and Principal J. C. ilrady. U.J. JJacmi aclivl as chairman. The program comprised the following numbers: Selection y mouth organ baod--oennrganl, Louis and llariy Aslori. Satn Ilaudenschild and Dert Hoskins. J Selections by orchestra Me-s. Ilammon. Webb and llyan. Sonp Joe Slaggard. Cornet solo W. Ilance. Hecila'tion lt. I'hillips. Hand "My Wild Irish Hose." Violin solo F. Cameron, Euphonium solo F. Derry. Mouth irgan solo 1L- ,stria. Recitation A. MaolbfinTi'L J' March L'y Orchestra. Song Itob James. Monologue Fred Seadden. Instrumental !ucl J. (5aw- 1 borne and Have Eastman. Orchestra "Marching Tbronsli fJeorgia." , . The committee responsible for the success of the evening comprised H. J. Jtaeon, chairman: A. Ohnessarg. II. Jackson, P. Cam eron. Sam Ilaudenschild -and IL Squarechuk. T. lUliott, ' O. ltoer. Y. Scaiblen and S. Anlus. VV. Vguglian Davies acted as accomjianist. FINE CONCERT AT GYMNASIUM New Bulldlnn Being Utilized Already and Large Crowd Present Over 250 people crowded into Hie new I Hiled Church gymnasium Hall at Seal Cove last evening for the firsl cflterlaiiiment t.. be given Mi we. following I lie official opening on Sunday, and it most enjoyable lime was fpen:. Dr. W. T. Kergin presided and a short address was also tjVen b.v Mayor Newton. The elocutionist 'nr the evening were Mrs. A Mackie and ). C Ilrady. Among the musical numbers was a stringed trio by Professo' Pryce. A. J. lmcastcr, and David Heimetl; a mandolin trio by A ; Mar: mi and Hie Itudenirh brothers; an instrumental due: by Jinwiic and Wisner Hryatit : and a violin sold by David Iten- Hell. Vocal solos were well rendered by Mis. William Millar. Mrs. J P. McMillan, A. Clapperton. and jllrure Stevens. An exhibition of sea servici .cutlas drill by cliier petty officer 1 Kinrh jiroved very altraclivn U jibe young folk. I A sketch by four high school I ) QSO 126 ar Iinys, Albert Anderson, W. Pat mure, lioli Irvine, and llrun Steven was well performed. Tin' accompanists for tin evening were Mrs. Itolph Walkor Mis. Elkiiik Tonight Hie Id'.vs wdl have hv gym and tomorrow ni$lit tlio girls will use il. QUIET WEDDING LAST EVENING AT UNITED CHURCH PARSONAGE Karl Sederstrom and Mrs. Bard , Married by Rev. G. G. Hacker ' ' and w::i Reside Here A wedding look place last even- ' "f ""J P"""", . Hi..-., ... mrrii ng, o ri.N . . I. l- i i : ! t. ..i ' I . wurii nan ui m. .-u.-i local painter, was quietly mar ried to Mis. .Magnolia . J t....i it.; ity. llev. (J L. 1(KIS; Mr. and Mrs. Sederstrom wul live in I lie city. RUN OF HERRING ON VANCOUVER ISLAND IS PHENOMENALTHIS YEAR VANCt)l Villi, Feh. 2. Duo to phenomenal runs un the east coast of Vancouver Island from Salt Sprins: Island to Nanooe lay the herriiw: catch for the pnivitice is ruiiniiii; far aloe average repni'ts today said. The catch up to January 2M was more IIihii half ngaiu the figures up to January 24, Last year's catch was :!0.353 tons. To January 23 of this year Hie catch was d(i.719 Ions. 'lUiVflUller fin lire is made .un of 0,18 tons from the east shore and 15.291 from the west coast or the island. MAKING COURSES FOR GOLF IN SMALL CITIES Example of Swift Current Is Being Followed In United States CHICAGO, III.. Feb. 2 Golfer of the I'nited Slates are vorkia night and day to provide facilities for IIh tremendous inereai of players y'f all ages, and the ex ample of Swift CurrenL Sask, ini l-iilbling an iMgbteen-hnlc course' is cited as an example of how the dearth of golf links in small towns can be overcome. 'Flie Associated Press In a re cent dispalrh has this to say about Swift Current golf course: "Three citizens, who roI :a taste of golf while abroad as soldiers, obtained permission to use a piece of prairie, invested five dollars in shovels and picks. donned overalls and begnn lo dig out a link for tjicmsolves. They made three hole and induced some fellow townsmen to try their Inr I: oer the rugged fairways frum 'he earthen tee KIT&night 111 ton and trtnfttwn U trttm of ditloi and elimination, improva apaatlla, ttep tick haatfachaa, ralitva bll-ixjtnttt, oorrat CMdiaalion. Thay act aromatly, a'aaaantly, aaildljr, ft taaraMfMy, Tomorrow Alright Get a Yatir 29c. Bex DruMlal .- , 11 v . TltTlvaC SCMTC f" to the sanded greens. "Xo western boom was eei greater than that of the Swir 'uncut Golf Club, for within u few weflks there were a hundred oiomlier. all willing workers They kept dehing in the virgin prairie until eighteen holes wer ronipleil. and then thy chipped in and lunisht (he land, some Mm acre. I'sing a farm hnuc fm it club honc they Itegan In Improve lh links with bunkers, a waleriicr idanl ami a rustic irate. .w - Municipal . , link L and fe courses hnve partly made a plao for the golfer of modest means but the demand has nwt been half supplied. Another aim is to get the price of golfing purapherna a lnwn f( UlTnin f)rie There is slilll, degHI. of pnlf , jnk, jn ,m ,hH ,. -...i.iU- .11 in. courses. CJolf is particularly cheap in several cities, because land can lie olitained for a smal sum. Iranspurtalion is without cost and there is no social side l require large funds. BY CANADIANS Honors in Several Lines of Sport go to Athletes from this Country .NEW YOHK. Feb. 2. The in viision of I lie I niled Slnles l Cunadian athletes continues at rvorl pace. Tnc dominion step ped off on her right find at the opening of the winter spurt sea "ii hy iuttoritieiiig professional hockey in Nw York nml Pitts hurg Itnston was a nu'iiitier l lie National Hockey League h" 1 ; next eame an army o( ,mck chasers from the senior in ereollegiale league for a series f games with the leading east ; n universities of I be I niteu Slates; Charles Gorman. the Sanl John, .VII., spend skater, has made bis fletuit in quel of more laurels; Canadian students have gWeti a favorable ac count of themselves in skiing awl snow shfM meets; and now conies word of an invasion of track men from Canada who in land to compete in the indoor meM hi Ibis ilislrirl in Hie near future, ajinliijisf Ric lot-wolcherl nf Ihe I hlted KUiles, OITbert Jlotlaiid, a big nnlpred boy wliofijiiis een jwrtjirinrt the olors of the V.M.C.A. al llamil Ion, Ontario, checked into New York the nlher day and announe ed his intention of competing in many of the Metropolitan games Holland is a six-footer, built along (tie line of Hob Simpson Ihe I diversity of Missouri atb iete who was the first limn In heal 15 seconds for the 120-yard high hurdles. The Hamilton "lirntier-lopper" loo, has been credited willi-ilie time of I t I- for flint 'event and track follow rs are looking for Ihe kefmsl of kill and, speed from Ihe Cmiuek when be runs jiexl month. The colored flyer has already filed entries for Ihe Wileo Albletic As isocialKiu and llu Crescent Alb I Iff ir dub track 'frame to lie held in tins cily ami lie will then have a if Opportunily n compel against ..such well known liurd lers as Carl Chrisliernseu, ller hie Myers and Hay Wolf. The DoinluIoiV wtUailso liavi! represent alive at the MHIrosH A.C. nieel in' Ibis cliy. Allen T 'Christie. Ihe Universcily of To ronlo midilleidislntice star is to come Hown for those famous games. Clirlslle is expccle.1 In start in a special 50n year event a feature of Jh games, while be will also have a" place on the Canadian team that will compete in the international one mite r-lay racf. Wanted'; For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2cper word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WARTXe WANTED. One reliable man in every town, merchants preferred, to take orders for bent custom-made clothe in Canada. Highest cummitsioiM. Ilex Tailoring Co.. Ltd., Toronto. - WAXTKH. - Plain dr.-niakMifc nd sewing: renioletling. repairing, knitting, etc. Phne OreiMi . WANTED Cnnaing salesman 1 for city; experience necery. O. V. Hriue. uurtiKiieer. 29 1 MONEY WANTED. I wanted on first mort I gage, inTerew! per cent. For farther particulars, call at I Walker's Muie Siore. I FOR SALE NAP. For aale, tel One pool I Itooin ami huddings. mrludinj t four poid tables, cigar stand, fixtures, four room in rar I besides a cabin. Apd in Mr. liayakawa. owner. r premises. OH SALE. New and used machinery. lont ami -iigine. piston rings -Hid irpelli-rs Northern Eicluniaje. 2L Hec4in4 Avenue. Phone ;'.(. if "flit SALE. - llal.liuia eug. HhiHle Uland K-1 mki-ihI win ler layers; also goose eg-. Sutherland. Mc If ride Street. FOIl SAI.E. 4Ja. launch "Nancy in first clasH eondit'on; sine 2R fool by H. (iray engtn 10-it. G. ttone. Ptiona 387. IDISON phonograph for ale cheap. Phone. Illack .133. 2d TO RENT IIOOMR TO ItENT. leam heat e, hoi and cold water. 22! Second Avyiue. half block le low Totem Pole. Phone 747. FOn ItENT. Modern four room ed flat with Monarch range Clapp llloek. Weslenhaver Hros. if FOIl HUNT. PUno. player nlanos. nlionOBranbs and sew ing machine. walker" Music Store. if VOW ItENT. Tailor-shop ; lam business moms below, twb living rooms above. Westen haver Krns. tl FOIl ItENT.--Two room furnish ed apartments by the day, wees or month. Phone Ited (107. If SIX lloomed-Fiiinished House for rent, opposite Hospital, ,ippl Government Agent. .1 FOIl HENT. Furnished hous newly decorated. J. V. Mr Kintey. " i FOIl HEN I . Furnished suite Mussnllem Aparlmenl.s. I 'lion 18. tf MODEHN FLAT for ftent. Apply Max lleilhroner. FURNITURE AND RANGES FUllNITlJltE and Ilanges bought, sold nnd exchanged. New fur nilure and ranges eiehangeil for your old ones. Itedroom living room and dining room furniture always in stock. A! ways watch my window. II changed daily. A. Mackenzie FM-i't- WE8THOLME ROOMS occona nvenue I I nilCI niter v M Mun . ivi inent. i Sleaill Heated. I). u n Cold Water Ilooms from tJ.OO Weekly, up. . i DRY WOOD. Split to any length in ! blocks, per load JC.CO. . HALT IIKHHING. 4 A. ISAACSON, Seal Coe. Phon lilack inl I CARS FOR SALE. 1022 Oldsniobile 1. S passenger touring ItfOO.OO 1920, Nash & passenger touring IH30.00 lt.M Ovarium! Mknn . f 700 .(Ml 1919 lleo sevea passenger louring I700.ha IttXS Ford Coupe, balloon tires ear like new IfiSo.fie ltS Fun! Twdar tedaa, - m&.pn I03S Ford Coupe t3&0 00 1921 Ford one ton Iruck. pane! body mm Ford Hgbt delivery ahnssls. rbutU 1 76.00 All ears guars ull la good uieohanleal comlitkin. term ean be arranged. KAIEN, GARAQE ,. . Ford and Chevrolet Service Sta tion. Agents for MeLaihWi Oakland. Oldsmol.ile aaJ Chv-rolet cars, Iteo. U.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WHECKLVG SKHVICE DAY AND NIGHT. BOARD AND ROOM. 1tH.l and t.Mri. atn.lM weekly. Every home ronifrt. Appl) Itox .'91 Daily News Office. ItOAHD The Inlander. 830 Seeond Avenue. Phi- 137 FOUND HiUND, Pair men's brown lined gUves, Apply Dally News of-Ttre. tt AUCTIONEER. Plto.MPT attention in arranging auction on commission ials, or will buy oulrigbt for cash. Just arrived, ll2o patterns of all kinds of Carpa' Hug. Gald Seal Congoteiim. Domin-iofrlianteum, ijuara or by the vf4J Orders tnken for de livery from the wholesales o Ihe consiimer. Private sales daily. Ming 771 for information. ,o. F. Urine, Auctioneer. PhonourHph racords exchanged. TAXI Phone 67 Tax (Call George, Paul or (lust) Mix- and seven-passenger Slude bakers at yur disposal any tim- for 50c Service ROSS fiROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel FURNITURE. New and 8ecouilhand Fumi lure store. We lluy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand (ioods. GEO, PAPADOPULOS 83? Third Avf fhne CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone u. PRINCE RUPERT MUSI0 STORE, j 3nt TMrA (unna ROTH WELL'S TFU Coal - Wo Furniture 0,t.f llKu Standrl.ttft. s . lie. TRAPPERS! NEED to... prices p .; ll ytMir buy theoi W. GOLOBLOO Th II- OUT-acikt. rar U CmI 1 9ll939sVJI'9f ' la Vatavar Muaai ( sMatsayt S.Mij--1 it . Ta Afi, aii Arm. f-r IS fMS . Ta , rft S..t?c3 a: - "'reisla Tkrar Ta AU raiau- tm. ti. ti Ta QM CharlalU k"; J el Jaa s. n l1-COIS4. ffm th (att l Fram VMie weaarMiai. Tharaau Ma . ft frn Ai, All Am rrvtx fm Aafai, rort t 7' m Rtr alt. Stt)rUr Tram AlMli Palata- Ja i. t rram Oua Clurlatit telw '"i iaa. . box coufTr:: Q-thim ft Allin ll . A U) - f.lh A P..I. siti ' K Tli i , II A -I., ranaik' ' II ! codra.i a u , iur f ill r.,i. . Ih , i.l' :.lh K I'm. re. a. nn. wh r c.T.r vfcif r. T.P. si, ii,, tni fun Sr1 Av- A rill i H Ar. ft fill - far vncur Tltoadijr- i a ' ("rHIo . I'rm" KtaiHg m " M. I'rlnrrM It. . Jan. to I'm. from Vtncawitrw stiiMtiy hi. i. 'MniUj , rr.i Tlmrdjr ' Raitmlay tnw af fori Slmpaon "M Tlmrxtiy sue 'I From fort Slmpaon ana am Saturday i m.n For Alatka Jn .11 . Prui"' Jan. ti I'r1 From Alka Jan it rmi" lun BD..U lrli',. For Stawart, Anyai asd Aim , sumlav- ranletia Wertnesfla-- I'rin"' f- ' Fram Stawart, Aar Mt' Tifanay ijtron.a ,a Frlrtays IVIive n "i Far nai Tlnirtty- . C4lt Fram Anyoi ISalorrtays in CatnU ...... rn. rAi..i.i. . ,J. r....irnay s... ui .uiuiiiuin iiri;iirus ror Quaafl Char ottt laiano- V reniiln i.- . .,... inh: ' Phonoirrnrilia llieveloa II i- Jan St ss Prlnre .. " ' J ' " r. ..Af .acquets and Musica In. ,rm """ trumenU of all kind,. I IJZXm