I 'lion steamer Cardena. CaplJ V K. Iickin, celuriied al 1 ( I Memorial and eal (ke school Speeial nwtinif of I he Ladies' llii-pital Auxiliary. Ootinril Chaiu- ber. t:ily Hall. Wednesday. 3 dock. Ladies are uracil to in tcre-t itieniseixi-- in tins worii Hint to be presenl ul the meet int.. 27 The ra-c of . Mistter, charget! Willi it statutory olfence, was ciiiiil ana in m me cuy police conn I In morning hut, owtng V, (-imo'-tion of cae before Mag- i-iratc McClyinont was further adjourned until Friday. J. A. Carl how, who has he -n roiinecletl wllli MeOutoheon's tlrii store statf here for noinc motiih. and Mr. Carlhew will sail tin- aflcrnoon mi lite t'.ar-dfiia for Vancouver. Mr. Ca'-thew s health bas made a cliangi peeessary. Jmlyiueut for I lie plainlilT we Riven by Judee Young yesterday Arthur ii- ' lotk (Uio OKtrniiiK frm .SU?w- i Interest fart. Any ox and Ahoe Ann and will -ail at ft Hii evening for Vancouver and waj ports. '-tmir ImokeiJ lo sail Hii afici iiniiii on the Cardena fori Vancouver inriude Freil liilluily. I'. S. lionncy. Mr. H. K. Wear mouth and sou. Alex lludema and Mr. ami Mr. J. A. Cartbew. Members of the school board paid visits of inHdion IIik nioniinti to Ibe Itorden Street and King Ktfward ScbiHils and, ot ThurMav. trlrl Visit lloollt I February 2, 1020. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Y ree Lessons! IES. Learn to make the latest yet in home decorations Crystaline amp Shades We will show you how absolutely without charge ongoleum Specials REMEMBER I'.,.. I, f.oupidc um Hug Mild Ii n ri.r-ii a Si .i guarantee satisfaction or tir money x X 5 7.90 H I it'll $13.75 0.70 txlJ 15.75 11.70 '.'virtu 17.55 ' xl $18.00 ARRIE'S Home Furnishings 111 !.' i .M nf I P u! r - I II I i. . Avenue Phono 123 rench Ivory 20 per cent reduction on All Ivory Goods for One Week Only IWARD PENS it-Kill ,i I si. .Mi. tin ! Ihi vv i .. $2.25 and $2.75 Ormes Limited Tit' IW'vtll Sinn- ' rd Avenue and Gth Street. PlOII' ' ' llllggll Phones 82 and 200 H a.'" ! U p.m. Sunday- ,iinl 1 1 I t.i I ' In i. and J lo 0 p in. he SCENERY IS BEAUTIFUL --but can you see it? I.lh' i lltg lllill oIlMIIIC- till- Illlld.VlipC, lllf oll'Uin H HI lour Wasll-lll I llilll's I III' heitutv of life. In-lead or il limn- nf Ici-iite, I he witslt-tilli lirinu- backache , (ii'i w, nines mlis you of the el fttr Ining. It i- -i. fn-v In ln away wilh sitih Uil'iiiin' driidgcn j. ;ilniin iinl ironing. Ltd in lake lhoe lak away I'mui home i lux week. , Snil Finish Service will nit'H 1miI.Ii your iicl and l 'i ixij'ki llMiiik. J 1 1 I phone lit lotluy hikI (ell us when lu . mi (n vuur ImiikIU'. :anadian steam laundry Phone 8 The Savage Washer and Dryer At Hit' lnl Oiieluv Exhibition repealed il siicccs oi pervitin your, hy again vi ng l(li' liuld Medal Willi tlis- liiu'liiiii over nil' oilier maker of American ami Canadian Washer. Cash Price $185.00 Also sold tin easy lorin. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal J'hone 1.",. p.It. Coal Co. tf Arthur Taxi, l'houe 078. tf B.C. Undertake. Phone 41. , i '-j " " , i Cameron's lianee Orchestra. I'hone 17. If Large safe -for sale, cheap Max Heilbrorier. tf Arthur Cigar SI. mi', Sixth Street. Phone 078. tl II. I'. (ilassey i on a bunnies Hip I In-, week to HtuMart. Two curs at yutir service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf Ali'.v lludcma will Kail this afternoon on i ln Cardena for Van- COUMT. Concert in aid of Hie Organ Fund, Anglican Church Hall, February I, 28 James KillsiM i nn a JiuiHC.4 !np this Week In Premier Where In' conducts a store. Moo itMlallalion 'of officer's edncsday. Friend nf iih'iii her, invited U o clock. Mis Kilty Noclte, afli-r having i"'itt ccral weeks vUiting i'l Hi"- wily. ha rcltirne'l to Slewae! Xpw liiiineiit nf l.ailn.'-' Sbocri in Hie famous lindluli "Cable" make, with lri-led Soles. Mc-Ailhur' Shoe Store. tf lic Nw-holN of Ihr Ir! SimpKoii ll'pilal imrmng staff ih a patnt(r aboard llii Carden:. I Unlay hound for Mh llnlla. Harry Hornlman, widl knowi. SN'wnrl mining man, U a a--en-trr (roiny Ihroiwii on the Cardena today bound for Victoria. F.'W. Dolo'ily. formerly Infill manaiter or I toe Royal Hank and now inanaf-r at FjIimoiiIihi. ii. turned to I he prairie city on Ja-t iiitfht'f. tram. m Alter the Game hot "Oxo" rebuilds tired muscles warms the body through and through, and wards oil the alter-chill of violent exercise. Famous athletes, airmen, explorers depend on "Oxo" Cubes for the sustaining drink in times of strain and stress. The rich beef nutriment in "Oxo" Cubes renews the wasted tissues and promotes endurance. Make a habit of having a cup of hot"Oxo"afttr being out in the cold. In tin of 4 cubes 10 - nri'iir.-.! ra. Miiiii'iiKraihiiig Mix Jtihnloui . 15c . 30c 'CUBES tuc cheat nixr ECONOMY Cil'i U 1 : t Phoiii :ik: SELF IS OUT i s tf elc. . tf T. A. Clurk'$ atlaii' di-lri.-! fort"l'r. Iff! by Hi'.' departmental gusrlmal Lillian l. yesterday m. a week's lour to the MMilhern port of the diMrirl. P. S. Botiney, iitrM l foresler. leave llii week for Vielnri;. wlire he will attend a ennferertee of district foreaW'rst fr-Mii all part nf Hie prnvinee. OF THEATRE Hi ii Self has sold out hi per cent interest in' the forty r- !:,,,,,,r LEONARD EONARD WAIDE WAIDE WHC WHO IS nun"" 111 hiiivii mi- sum 01 Ml.TTi was eliiiuieil 'fm' room rent. S. W. Taylor 'apjieawd for I he olaiiilitT and W. o. Fulton for the defendant. ! mantiNvr 01 Hie luleruaiioiial F.leelrii' Co., nrrixed in the eil from Stewart on Hie t.Hideua thM ANNOUNCEMENTS C.N.n. Finiiloye ieond annual bull in Audiioriuni Friday, February 12. CLEMENCY IS REFUSED DOING TIME AT OXALLA Word has been rt etl in the city that Leonard W aide, local .. ... , , , ! laiior agiriitor, who was roaded into Ja... Subscribe lo Hie l.'ail Jsews. THOMSON HEAD OF CLUB AGAIN Annual Meeting of Prince Rupert Club Held Last Evening The annual inculiiig , ol .the l'rinri' llupert Club look place lunt nipht, iffk'r being elected for 1SI2G a- follows: I'rejiidfiil David Tliunxoii. Vine - preaifleiil John Dyli-liavti. S ri' I a r y Walli-r 1 1 u me. HiiTcloi i i. II. Arnold, , W I. Fulton, I). I', stork, J. A. Smith, i. I'. Tinker. F. K. Ilob-i rUmi ami A. I.. Hnllhy. J'hr imial annual ri'ports were pretiMit.etl. CUSTOMS REVENUE SHOWS INCREASE Collections for Month of January Totalled $62,149.98 According to Statement issued toDay I'nliiiii and exciKi- rnvi'Min af tin' port nf Print't' llup'rl for thf nmiilh of January uialh'd ?(-',- 1 ill. 08. awonliu lo a report mailt' at lite euitom lionet Hti mioiiiii Tin i a 'oii.-iii'rahlt iticrfasi' "M-r tit- rcventif for lanti.uy iyjr. TWO HOCKEY GAMES Vancouver Tied With Portland and Calgary Beat Saskatoon Four to Two VANI-tirVFJl. Feb. J. The i line key game lien- ) a -1 infill hi which I lie locals met Pnrtlaiid. : ended in a tin each team gelling lour Ifnal. Last uiglil another hoekey gami' in lite Wfsiern i.e;iiiue was played al I ialgary. the Imme learn winning apainst Saskatoon Uy ftoir goals In two. COURTS OF REVISION Prince Rupert Assessment Dis .Nona, is thai a '.hi i il in P.R. Amusement Col Appeal under Purchased by Alvaioff and McMordle trict UIIIIF.HY lilVF.N if tli'M-iiiii and Hie provisiiins ot Ho "Taxation Acl" and Anieml-mi'iit- thi'renf and "Public SchiMtN Acl" resiecting the as- si-smenl roll- for the Prince llupert Assessnient Ilrslrict for 1 nil'-1 ii... ....... in.,.: ...;n i... .., i. .. . . jtm iri.w mil IF.7 lllill U till lllllieil AmiifHiiiil 1. ii iiMr:il mir .. ... .. ' ... ., . , ' "1 rrtivnieiai Assessors Assessor's Offici Office ill ! v-s,.i,oic anu r.iiiires. ,,,.. ,.,. (,,. Theatres in tin-. eiy. lo l'aui ... .' ., ' iiiiuiiii ai.ii -Jin. r;. r. .ic.uroo' Col. MeMordie will eoutiiiue in his capacity as manager. Paul Aiv.-toff. who ha been here for I be past week in con-ii'Tlion with tbn ileal, will it-Inn. lo Vaf'ouver on the Canleita thin ar(eri.,on. CARLOAD OF TELKWA ' COAL IS ORDERED BY SCHOOL BOARD TODAY the . honl Ii. si :, m! a eciai meeting this iiioiuin- acceple'i Ibe prife of Jln a ton presented by the Prince llupert Feed Co. ft.; a carload of Telkwa coal for Hit. Borden Street School. The various bids were, as follows: Prince llupert Coal Co I.U'lysitiil h-Wellinglon inino run. ? 10.5. Consumer C"nl Co. Telkwa. I0.I5. Hunter- -dliyay. m (ft Albert' A MeCalTery .uuaiiim- Welllligton. fhl.tiu. Prince Itup.-rt l'e"l Co.- Kd-soii. I n.iui; Telkwa MO. NOTICE. Prince hm-1. H.r... on Monday. Hie 22nd day of February. it2i, at j 10 o'clock in I lie forenoon. j I luted al Prince llupert. H.i'.., February ll, 1P2C. i JOHN DVHHAVN. IllUge or tile laoirl or llevisioli and Appeal. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Central F. F. Lan-down. Winnipeg. TAkK MiTIi K Out rii r iiibliraiii.ii tit till- olirr lur fmir tkerko -Ivill ai'li'y ' In 1 lie lii'rlirar nf Jimiii stork t:isn- limili -. Virmrli. H.i... t-i i lwiim- Im- nan, lit Itle t.isniXIIO In ttMl nr "Jnllll llultiri l.lllllh it ' j ipl 11 I'rttii-? ItuiM-ri. II. 1:.. on imf Ita.v ul Krhrinr). V.H. Iii). I M'l.OIR 1 WIHliiX IIMITIO LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Lot Land. In I'rttM RuiM-rt 1.111,1 Iierorriinr till inn or Prltic lliiixn, tml '.luutc l sliftnmm Uiy, oiiwn Charlotte llaiul. TAKE XOTU E lluit 0r Vlllerd LliMllt'd. nr Vanrtii;pr. B.C.. Inlrtul l lily rr ot the rilkitn (Icsrnbril iflim-: - fomiiwm'liiir at a p pianint about It haliK. nsitv nr h. e rnun norih-i't rwrnr of I.11I IM (T.I.. 8J3SI'): tlw-nif north ri: itwirf snulh ,. wr V00 rrl. mori- nr l: tlx hit nouth 400 reel to the hlrh water I limn, in a nortn-easirriy dlrerOnn 900 ,tt.. ,n , .,, ,, nir 111111 111 nmi- nmirrmrDu ana rnnuininir fix () arr. ni-irr ur irn. OOSSE-MILLF.KD. LIMITED. Applicant. Per Win. 0. Mlti-ML Aeri LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply For L 01 kana. trt the I'rlnrr nuni-rl laml Rnnritiinr liuiitri ami slumta on an uiiinuifil 1U 1 . i fnniilna ih' or hf ar rruiip of lleii In lliitl.vin Hay l'aarr npimnlle Oor! Ljnutiui I'ulnl. Illuo I'rliu ll.M. 14. TAKE NOTICE thai HarH krr or Prlocr Kllll, ' ""i?"' JHin 1'iaiuici, llliriHIS III 1 --. 111x7 lui.vvniiK ; 11. . .)i.- iioision. Kit'tvnri eu -i. 1. ...... 1 . 111...11.. 1.. .1. ...ii.iii i.h.i lor and broker, and l'.rnei 1.iik. ,.11iw;11 l,.,.. 1,, i.n., . ; r,;"","n,'nr .' " nor ' . .', . . .. . '"' uppiying iiipmr to Indian. , tho i-a-i unto or in aimve iif.rribfj ism., been denied 11 nai'iilt? hv II10 nnruiri: on-nre s.otnii npi,ii oeiimi u . I' d) inc fl,r, ,,rlhoasl; Ihrme jt.oon rl ult- Hlnimil ftf Itil lit.. .... .llt- tlM.li.... -t )., rt ...inhu.., , . nui .l,. n'll, l Mi,. -.111.. IIIS, ltl ......... .., .... o...tnir. iu l,m . Point "t conmicncftiienl, roiilalnlnr (in; ..ii ..:.. i ,, 1 . .plication 10 till ellcel ns re -1 arre. mam or Irsa. 1 mori.ii.K ami will rvmnin here rnr-;Jpclp. nJ. , ,,,,,,.., mn1 XvtU.ut 1 wr.'K .., .siere, a. . :,,.,, ,.,, ,.aS(. ,,, , wnp. Pru.ee Ituper) Hotel. They Vlll js ,., ,.,... NX :1,,( '" Anv,,x wxl xv,'k' lo:w.H prison, bav.i.u larle,l hi. , v v 4)torm lliei e in tiei'dicr. At I Ii 1 ili.. ,.r 1.;. ,., . .i. ..HIT II,- , -.I., i. .ii.i, I UUL - ineiitly pioii'vi . il r "being rail uvnitis KCRIl. ' hl' ni. Jonpb S, nor.i ri.i-t iw.mii.. 40, ifa I W if lIU..kto liW CATARRH , k oi th BLADDER SJa,SMihl TachCinitule uinvt Itnmrtifountrrfill) COLD BLOODED TRUTH! LIQUIDATION PRICES SUITS Here is a wonderful bartrain 11 only, Suit in Tweedi. The newext young men' shapes and Hie color. are lijriif grey ami fawn. The regular value i.i tJ2.50, but you can have one and your choice of any cu in Ibe sloro Tor only $14.95 8 only. MenV Hlue Irinh SerRe. A wonder Value and u free cap. Save about 'J(l.OO here hecaue they are marked at only $14.95 In I hi lot there are about 22 Soils by Campbell, Waller. Illne and Halehelnr, yduiK men's style.- as well as mure conservative rondel, serees. (weed, etc.. in freeni, browns ami fawns regular 35.o0 value lo go at half price $17.95 SOX 1) doen Sox, in blaek ami brown. This is a regular 35e sock lo go al 5 pair for . . 93c Heavy grey ribbed Wool Socks wilh green heel and toe. A repru-lar 15e vitlue for 3 pairs for $1.00 Urnces in a ilk elastic, worth 5e pair. Adjuster's price 49c Hiismess is a eold blooded propositionand iu lliesijislocks. nothing matters but 4jiclion. I came here, found I had. to raise 9HMioo.(Mi in a very short lime and that regardless of personalities, reputations or any other iiiiiileralioii. This- explains Ihese sensational values and f lronsjfly urge you lo gel your laro. GEO. A. WOOD, Stock' Adjuster. CAPS Hero is a bargain. Dozens of .Men's fine quality Cttps in tweed and broadcloth. All (he newest shape and colors. All size and values to $3.50. lo go at . . 95c AiMjIher hit of Men's Caps of Hie. ery finest make and nialeri- ,,'als. Itivular up lo M.00. Take them for $1.45 SHIRTS 8 dozen Men's Broadcloth Shirts, in fancy' stripes with detachable collars hi match. A reil 3.25 value for $1.95 11 dozen I'iipie Shirts mad byr, Tooke in the season's newest ' stripe effects. 3.00 would be gooil value the adjuster says $1.45 Look for the Cross Road Sign at Thor or Johns joonsons 720 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert DEMAND "Rupert Brand" K. ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. WE SELL ONLY ONE COAL The Best! NANAIMO-WELLINGTON (Deep Seam) has made good wherever used. Our double M-eeeued coal ensures heat uud is most ecouonin nl. Our Nanainio-Wellington Nut Uoul is the best Kitchen Range fuel obtainable. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117 standard c Mtntj for over 1 60 years tfh&Ginyouwill ask tor again umoxmf th bottle I Jl I'lus aUvcrtisenient is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coulrol Board or by Ihe Goverutueut of Drilijli Columbia hi