25 tin. Ml fc I onpa TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Siana noyai nuvoi. ara hvi, and 6th St, MATT VIDECK, Prop. FINDS A FLAW !l ZJ CRIMINAL LAW I J - . . I I Improperly Appointed and Lets Criminals Free col Vl.lt. Feb. 2. -On (he Hi tiai J'iiIkc Helen Mc-V"-' Iih.i lif ii properly ap- ii a j hi; of Uie jusije. PAW ITCKI T. Mas.. Feb. 2 Armed robhet'H who raided the real mi puxt office early yester day serured 2oO.(lOO worth nf stamps. This I said lo be the boxesi robbery ever suffered by 'he postal department m New I UHlainl. STEAMER REACHES PORT, AFTER BEING rrinrn Trv nr I act! rCrllXLli 1U DC LUDl i nun tm-riitiii v..i ii iM... ' I 'I .1.1 II I ., 1 I'll, ' I IIUl Rnlish sleumcr llyburn, which, II vvu feared had been los,i feaclied nnrl Mil iniirnlnc fmnil H er.iuin '0 Jay, overdue t liier Ju-liie Hunter iiMluy m. Mar.,,, .grd 32 ,,.. SNOWING AT TERRACE: . ittiK x Mum . reieaea ironi II: i a 1 1 it where Miry, were ii'. it nii for ciiiilribuliiiK il' luniueliey of B seveilleetl :t "I't airl. : t -1 -i. nf Mr. M.i'Oill a '( I null jllilki- 'liiriMU 1 1"' m i in- vi'iii' ari ilhK"L '- r. ii' u '" mii- t.nii-i Jlilirr I ifineil dial I '"dcral I .( .t.,irr,iity a lllUl Mike .ii'lMii oii; .telnil : BASEBALL WAS PLAYED JUNEAU First Midwinter Came Ever Pull ed orf In Alaska Took Place Yesterday Jl M AI. Feb. Willi the warm mh sluiium. Hie first mulw inter baseball game ever pl i'd in Alaskit took plate yes-ton I ay. There i bardly any siirtw In I Ins ilisii id. Hie lawns are isreen. Iihiehrrry and nalnionbeiry In -Uv are buililiiiH and slraw-lieri are reiioried to be in i. ! in al Sitka. " $260,000 IN STAMPS STOLEN Armed Robbers Raided Central Post Office at Pawluckot and Qot Away peralure, 10. mm l ollowiiiK i Hie Terrace Snuwing. lemiwrature. 30. Any ox '4oudy, etilui alum, 31V. . S levari -Cloudy, calm; pnraliire, 31. Hate Itou Cloudy, calm ; peralure, 2K. Trhfiraph Creek 4.Utlnt; tempcr- lein- lent- Smillieis Calm; temperature. i 28. Itiiru Lake Calm; te.mpera-Itire, 22. Whilehorse - Cloudy, calm: y.ern. pawnon- -Cloudy, caltn; 3 below. Averaire of Yukon Cloudy, calm; temperature. 5 below. VANCOUVER EXCilANGE Hid. Askct Wheal 1 .03 4 I I.C. Silver 1 .01 1.08 Dunwell I.3U 1.15 ConsoliilaliHl 210.00 i iladsloiie 3S .30 V I.. , 1 13 W .15 Murui.il '0 .10 Premier 2,1 U 2.2a Purler Idaho OWfJ .I0V Silvercie! lOVi ,a Surf Inlet -OH Mrs. II. F. Weariiioulh and smr are sailiiiw this afternoon by tin Canletiii br Vancouver. SAN I HANCISCO. Feb. EIGHTY MILE GALE OFF SAN FRANCISCO IS BLOWING TODAY '. point lleyt'.H reporlcd an eighty mile gale tins iihiiiuuk on the coast hero and a slnrm wanuiiK was issued today In shipping all alotiK Hi'' coasl. , , S iul in Daily News AI.ICi: AII.M. Feh. 2. -Tht) hesl nown llial the camp hit had for' umc luiii' vm Hie wonl hroiivht down frin I he La Uoe properly I III! week llial the ore "limit had hoeii ulnii k al depth. And when it i roiKidcivil Unit Ihix break-ina into the ore Rive a utopinK culled iipiiiiidlnUuiee of 1 to fei-l to Hie ore rexrel llinr i-H'ii'i exmiii in t lie sunn, aim from which ore liool a hipiiient tif ten Ion stae mneller return of 335 oi. filver. il rim he ien Iiml Ihi clrike i of no mean importance to the camp. I III KelliiiK the ore at depth on the 1 44 Ito.e pron'rly i naturally er plealiijr to the niall-apuiiieiit, whoe faith and efforts have been rewarded. . Work on the m Koe larted lat July. liiee which time Mime ix liun-Iril fwH of tunnelliiiK tia been lone. II i Hh nileiitioii of the management in tend a raie fol In wiiKr Ho- ore body Ihroiih li ! nHrfaee. rhe lwt; Jfle ptiipirrLv 'lir "hiWw1leV frniM tlU' wnler. ajul thBti fotirlh Uiile rrom the i.y raflrortih- If it tiek rtoopuny Cllll 7CDI1 IM VIlK flM with it head office and prniei- JIILli LUiW 111 1UUU11 pal . Hie weather repirl i.ti imI liNUy b Dnmoiiini (ki ruiiirnl ipli'Krapti "tale 'hat il is .vi.iwiiiK al J i i I an- and that en wealhei- (nlinuc" in the Yiikim. altl ch il i "liiiliHy war r nW'liei perl. Wmm liM uleil hi I'coice Itll- BUILD TANKER AT VANCOUVER Mllttll VA.NCOLVKIl. Feb. 2- Ctuulruclioii will Ihvsiu imme dilIy at the Hurraiil Drydock Al I he fourth meet inn of H foiiKifaalioii of I he First Pres- l.yleriiin Church called last nigh fur Hie nuriiose of eMc mluu n Call ftfill Ihc vacancy ca(nscd by llnf dcparluiiv of Hev. Dr. II. 11. tirnnl, again no projtros was ijjadtr,. lyu vole of 01 lo 30, the proposal in exieuu a can in a I'nileil Church minister located on Hie prairies wa rejected. There will likely be another con greualioiial meet Hip In two week' time. Thomas McClymont presided al last uiitlil's meeting. CHARLES STREET DIED IN HOSPITAL The death occurred this morn lug in Hie hospital uf Charles SI reel of this oily. Mr. Street was 03 years of ape, born In Ort'Kon. Ry profession he was a miner and by religion a Raptist. He had been in the hospital since .November JO. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper General Jail Delivery to Follow Hunter Judgment on Judge McGill's Cases Spenal lo Daily News YANCOl'YKR, Feb. 2.- A jail tlelivery of an unknown unrulier uf jiriout'r.i in Okalln iriou ruuool he aveileil, Tlii- wti- inliiiilleil (mlay ly Hon. A. M. MaiiMm. AHorney Cenernl of Rrili-h Columbia, refurriiiK lo a .Suprerne Cotirl jiulgmeiil Iifif e(ertJay which ilcclamj that jiiveuife jinljfe llefeii (iregory Mcliill' eiileiitt, iJuring her entire term of office were will tout force. II i revenJed Hiat when the wouiaii judfre wns tip-Minieil by Uie H.C. (ioveriiuienl Hie officinN negle'rlql lo get the official affirmnlive of the Canadian jrnvcriuiieiil n Ottawa. Velenlay 4amt' Sliim. who wa riven eighteen tuoiilb for tin offence aaiu! a girl. eciirt'il hi freedom on a liabii rorpo ap'diejitiou. I'twyers for olhrr orfender airaiul iuvniiile behind the bar. are iireiaring lo -ecure Hie rOeni of Iheir client. The AHorney fieuertil ha wired Otlawti lo.gel Jinlge M'fiill' iitipniiiltiieiil ralifieil. Imi Hie :iiliiilnieiil will uol legalize I lie rnuviclion already made by her. Consolidated Exporters Fined $2,500 Today for Illegal Sale of Liquor Magistrate McClymont finds defendant guiltyl and prosecuting counsel asks for extreme penalty of $4,000 this morning Finding llial Hie .de ol liquor lo K. Autiahl on November Ml. around which the cae was cenlretl. hail not been made in windy;! Burrard Drydock Company s good faith in Hit; knowledge that Audahl was an American ami Plant Has Contract for New ut (a. j,mr wa for export, Magilrale McClytnont in Hie Vessel I -ity Police court Ibis niorniutr convicted (he Cou-olidalt'il Expor ter. Corporation Ltd. on a charge of unlawfully selling intoxi cating liipior in violuliou of Hie (loverumenl l.iiiior Act and inineil a fine or s2.rUO. I litis was tliipo-eil of Hie first of a series of charges nguiiisl Hie Cou-olidaled Company. There is lOonHWtiy s plant here of a tanker ,. further charge of unlawful tein-j for III Imperial Oil Company, .cllliiit and eeral involvin? al which i especteil will be uscil I loznl falsifiriiliou of reetuil-. on the Tnriima kaj:way run. neeordiio: ! I he aniiounceineul of Clarence Wallace today. The m-pI will prolmlily tie com pleted in lour and a half mouth and Hie rust will tie yHO.OOQ. NO PASTOR f YET APPOINTED esbyterlan Congregation Fall to Choose Successor to Rev. Dr. H. R. Grant The second of i procei'iliiiR bavin? been the selling ear? thi. afleriioo' culled at :':3(. . In aiiiinunciiiK his decision thi liiorninp. MaKilrate MrlMymoul slated that, after hearing the evidence as ! the facts, he found continued from page five; High Price Obtained for Prince Rupert City, Bonds when Tenders were Opened Yesterday Afternoon The filv" credit ha improved considerably during the past year it was indicated al llic special meeting oi uie council yesterday afternoon when seven lenders were Mibniitled tor an issue ol N0,030 worlh of per cent ten year local improve ment debentures. The highest offer, l7.M from A. E. Allies c. Co. of Victoria through Col. .1. Y. Nicholls, the company's local iigenl, wa accepted. This figure was alnrost a high as was made a few tiitnilli ago by Hie Royal Financial Corporation of viincouver in buying an issue of six tier cent bond. The tenders ,'ollows: C. II. Purge H5.il. received wen; as Co., Toronto, Chrislle & Co., Victoria, 110.25. lilllespie, Hart it Todd, Viv-oria, D0.20. Iteid & Co., Winnipeg. "0.20. I Ames it Co., Victoria, 07.51. Itoyal Financial' Corporation, Vancouver, 01.20.' Pctnberlon & 5jon, Vancouver. J0.202. Those present 'at the meeting of the council were Mayor New ton, Aid. Casey. Aid. Jos. Oreer. Aid. McKeehnle, Aid. l.arsen Aid. W. .1. (lifer and Col. J. W Nicholls Acceptance of the Aptes' offer was moved by Aid. Casey and seconded by Aid. Jos. Oreer. II was reported by tin- mayor lion the Ceinelery Itoad 918.500 iue at Hie rale offered last year. The concern had previously bid on litis, and would have had il last year bad il mil been for a technicality which mane a re vole at the last election neces ?ury. there was some discus sion as lo whether this lower rale would prejudice the issue now being sold lo Ames &, Co but F.ol. Nicholls felt that, since the sale had been subseipieutly agreed lo, nothing could be done aboul il. If the Itoyal Financial Corporation wauled the bond still, the city would have lo take the loss. If il so happened, how ever, that the cily should decide not lo lake lite Itoyal Financial figure he fell that Ames & Co. thai the cily had agreed lo sell' would be ready lo lake that issue to the Itoyal Financial Corpora-! u well ttl the ffcguvc now quotud. Premier Maeketuie King al a Iui cTipiih Tiere lysTfeYilay-; irtias .looij for Hie "deire to unile tie lifferi'ti' element and brintr bu-elher all different parts of our country under policies which will make for unity, harmony, advancement and pro?ress." The fact thai he, a man from the East was a.-ked to seek elee-tiun for a seat in Hie House oT Commons in Prince Albert, said the Premier, wa beeaue the electors errterlained first and foremost the i.leajof a strong, united Cjmada. 'Declaring that he si ill believes reciprocity to he a jrooil thing for C-anada. Mr. Mackenzie Kintr said: if we wish to build up our home markets we must seek to further the interests of the asri cultural element in our country. seek to develop this great Cana it l H it wel." NEGRO TO HANG Troops Guard Court es Man Convicted In Sixteen Minutes Is I.FXINtSTON. Ky.. Feti. ? -Ed Harris, a negro, who pleaded guilty to attacking a woman vm niu'iilering her husband and tw.i children, was convieled in Mxteci minutes this morning and will hana: on March 5. A IliotisamJ state troopers guarded the court., BIRTH. A daughter was born on Janu ary ".', lo .mi unu .urs. it. o tirecn at Iheir residence l.olbiniere Street. NOTICE. To the Public of Prince Itupert: Having transferred my interest in, the, Prince Itupert Amusement Com- panv to Paul AivazulT and S. P. McMordie.T will not be tf sponsible) : for the actions of or 'anx- debts incurred by the Company in the future.; I wih to lake this op- liorliinilv of Ihankfug the public for their patronage in the past. R. S. SELF. Boston Grill Large t pstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor (or hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the lea8t. Phone 457. VOl XVI, NO 27 ' 'Jjiiy Ywu-nU) umiUtion, Hi: str-M 8,1m soi PRICE FIVR CENTS. PRINCE PRINCE IU IU'PERT. PERT, H.G H.C. Tl TL ESUAY. KSHAY. FEHRL'ARY FEHRL'ARY 2. 2, 1020. 1020. "V 'ft. -r fl . . v- .. t r OVERNMtNT SUSTAINED BY 10 MAJORITY RINCE RUPERT CITY BONDS FETCHED GOOD PRICE WHEN SOLD YESTERDAY iberal Government is Sustained by Majority of 10 in Second Vote OTTANN . Fell. 2. Ry a majority of Un Hit lloue of i-l night defeated (lie Coiiervnlive amendment lo llii i t niuit'ul motion imi Ihf address in reply In (In1 speech from Ii throne, wlm li followed wrly line mi lir u- l lit; Conserva-iv. i mill Liberals were concerned unit in which Hit government , i)Ki 'ed by nil Ihc iiicmhr rs. tif 111 Progre-ivc, Labor and 'Hie oiniMi'lmctil uhmillctl liy lion. Arthur .Meighen. winch in lie nature hi .i waul tif confidence motion : : : the Holme lo eviirc HIFF lH.TlfR J, AIMA W W W m W mm ; (lie eerh from I In- limine nive no indication of n m1 i-- ilt-Mgn-ed in enlarge tin' volumv of em- 'pInymciH iiml particularly In give In producer of fMrm production, coal Mini primary product llic advantage lliey are. under I present world condition, i-ulirlej I.. . Hi., murtiul. i.C I tltt III Qlll' , r. ... . count nr. The debate hiled I wo weeks, j Ronald Sutherland, Ciiierva- live, )ih tlo' adjournment" of Ithe debate h he wauled to wiy a few word ou Hie main motion. II In understood he will move ait- Other HIIO'llllllKMll advocating) prilled i"it fr On- dairy industry. ORE STRIKE AT LA ROSE MINE Striking of Shoot Gives Stoping Distance of 14C Feet of Rich Sliver Monied Interests of East are Trying to Control Government States Premier Mackenzie King Liberal Party Stands for Unity of all Canadians Declares Leader at Luncheon In His Honor at Prince Albert PRINCE ALRERT, Feb. 2. -Premier Mackenzie King opened hi luiiipuigii here lat night wilh a speech in whieli he ibarged thai the iiiomeii inltresls oi Eastern Canada were en-tleavoriug: lo gel coutroi of Hie (lovenirneiil of the country. Re iiefenetl (o Mr. Meigben's tariff policy, saying: "Hark of (his i piolectioui-l tlioiighi lie? the tle.siie oi a lew men of great wealth to get political control of Hie rouulrv. Thai the lopic ir real 'iileresl in Cauaila Itnluy wa whether a tew men who 'are tery wealthy and who have certain established privilege. I who reside for the must pari in t Kaslem Cauaihi and in Montreal niore than anywhere else. . whether lhv.se lew' men are jjoing lo succeed in yetlin? jioliticalj control in this country so thatj ! they can make the policies of! anada tiver to their monied interests and -their M-lfish purposes." .Mr. King.. further declared that in the last election the country was "face to face wilh as great a conspiracy as any country ever faced." I Desire For Unity If the Liberal Party ha stood for one thins aboCe another, said ' PREMIER MINE LOSES APPEAL Coastwise Steamship Company Not Liable for Loss of Cargo of Ore OTTAWA. Feb. 2. - The su preme court thi morning dis missed with costs the appeal of the Premier (Sold Mining Company against , the C6alwi?e steamship Company. The iiues- '.yhaVllrtJlpMISVJs steamship company for the loss of the cargo of ore which involved a sum of 17,5(. 18 .I. 4 llic 'rial jtnlge held that the lo was due lo peril al sea and tin view wu upheld by the H.C. l ourt of Appeal. fopSmF died at home m - Was Charged With Theft and Forgery and Trial to Take Place Tomorrow TOItoMO. Feb. 2. J. A. M. .Armstrong, former member of Parliament for North York, who wa await iiiR trial on ''several changes of ttiefl and forgery and obtaining money under fale pretence, ilie.l al 'his home in Lloydtowii this morning, llo was out on bail for $30,000 after the cae had been remanded until BOYS WINNER AT BILLIARDS Gets Step Nearer Championship by Defeating Manitoba Player Yesterday WINXIPKfi. Feb. 2 --Sid Roys of Vancouver won the western Canada English billiard I Hie. defeating Tom Rrownlic, he Man itoba rhampion. in the final playoff by i.Oilil to 3.500 points. Roys next week meets the eastern eliampion for the Canadian title. ELEVATOR FOR WHEAT POOL Structure to be Erected at Van couver It Is Expected will bo Announced WINNIPEG, Feh. 2. The wheal pool directors expect (o announce thi aflerno'on the construction of a new elevator following a favorable report of the commit tee that surveyed the sit- Muaiion at Vancouver