PAGE SIX ft Normal Fool Flat Foot Something New Dr. Scholl's Pedo-graph A photograph of your foot! A wonderful invention by Dr.Wm. M. Scholl, the noted foot authority. In a moment without removing hosiery we can make an exact impression of your feet, so clear and simple that you can see for yourself their true condition. It's a pleasure for us to render you this exceptional service absolutely free. Our Foot Comfort Expert will explain to you why you have foot trouble and the best method of quickly and permanently eliminating it. Come In without fail and test out this aew Pedo-jraph service. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Another Reduction HEINZ Goods fork uiul Heans, small, 5 fur 65o Medium 20c Large 30c Spaghetti, small, for 35c Medium 25c Catsup, large, 2 for 65c Olive Oil, small 35c Medium 50c Tomato Sunn, small, 5 for .. 65c Medium . 20c J'ickles, sweet 45c Snir 40c Chow , 40c Sweet Mustard 45c Olierklns ... ... .... 45c Midnels 60c Worcester SNiuce, 5 oz 35c I" o.. 50c hili Sauce 35c Oliiitney 35c ItclisH .. 40o Vinegar, White, Malt, Cider 32 oz 50c 10 oz ... 30c Heef Steak Sauce 35c Horse Itadioh 25c Cream Salad 40c l'repareil Musla-il 25c A new shipment of Peak Frean Biscuits lia just arrived direct from the Old Country. Excellent stock iin display in our window. Fresh Whipping Cream dally B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading hall of lln; city, situated on lots v and 10, block 19, section 5. Ituilding is 50 feet by 100; 10 foot ceiliiw?; 7 foot balcony all around building: newly plastered; No. 1 maple floor. Dining room and eipiipmenl and sealing capacity for 10(1 persons, i'iano and Wurlilzer military band organ, style 125; 200 pairs Ilichardson ballbearing skates. Thoroughly equipped throughout for both dancing 'and skating. With theatre eipiipmenl can be used as such. Also for sale, lots 8 and '.. block 15. section 0. Clear lilies to properly. For further information, apply lo L. J. Marren, P.O. Box 146, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST CHARGES WOMAN I STOLEHUSBAND1 Ketchikan Case Before Courts of Alienation of Affection Brought by Wife KKTCIIIKAX, l ei). 2. - Said lo he the first suit of its kind eve to he recorded in the euurlM o' I he Terrilqry, Mrs. Imogeno Levy filed a complaint against Ircno l.anahan alleging alienation o -j atreclions. The plaint i IT alleges that the ilereiidant lias wilfully I wickislly and maliciously inducer.! W. I. Levy to leave tier, ami has caused her damage of iiody. miml and estate in the amount of SJ0. 000. Married 18 Years In her complaint, Mrs. Levy al- leges "that she lias for IK years been the lawful wife of V. II Levy; that on or about Hie mon o of .June IU2.J, !aml prior to lia tale, while she, .Mrs. linottene, Levy, was absent friuii her res i lence in Kelrhikan and visit. n..-' in l'asadena, California. hen I fattier, and enjoying I lie suppur' I pent eel inn. affeetion and respee' of W. I. Levy, Irene Lannhaii w knowing W. I. Levy was Hie litis I hand of the plaintiff and wtoiih-I 'llllv Inliiliililir. 1 1 it.,,.... . I. ' -...J I,.,,,,,. ... Illjttll- Till" plaintiff and deprive tier of lierj husband's society, pi-'ilertiiin. a..l; and support, wilfully, wickedly j and maliciously rained his af-Ij,,, reel ion and induced Is t tit to havej carnal intercourse and did enlic l JVMKS ZMIKI.I.I. A'iiain am) Ti-anfiTw. We are Sole Agents for RochoiVs Chocolates $1.00 per lb. ROCHON'S FAMOUS ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. RuperL Pharmacy I'rescrijilton Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Corsettes onie u and lei us HI you with one or these. I Xpert corseliere in H. S.Wallace Co. Ld. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15c for Hair I'iiil. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 slsWrtO p !!. ' hi -p'afV and at am. us inn s oiiW'en ! lie mouth r .1 1 . ni 111'", -tiit tfirMt.ipt 'n him. hy .offer r money au.lj, ,)-.. . dl.rt.1H,al ,. Iim;.,j 7'", i,lu,"- unlwriil and wrongful inter im wKiioui support ana go lo San Hietro. Oiliuu nia. and othei GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS IIKIUBV lilVKX Hull, nil lite ittU day r rYbi'uarv iieu. tlH- umler-iiwiI inli-iiiN in ip,y ,, hh- Liquor Umi iml Hiiard fur rmisi-iit In traii.ter ir Bei-r t.lienre liml-r :isi, and In e-ft i.f prelude lieinr pin ur i.liulhl-nr kiHiun a T h- lloyal Hotel, sliiiale al llie turner nf r.ih sirret sn1 :ird .Menu-. In llie aiy iif I'rlm-e llni-ert. H.i:.. tlie land desiTiWd a lot eleven (it I a nil I wetve 1 1 i V ill. Hum iw ii (ii . Mai mm' liiiiwlnd ami lnu-rwv three jli, I'rtnif ltiiwrt I a in I lii'Biitlralloii IHntrlrt. n llif enitlniT r Brlilh Ciiluinbia. rrmt Jalhi'H I'ikIoIii, In Jiine Za-elll, uf I'rliirc IIUIMTI. HrilUh l.iillllllllla. I 111- tranarrrw course with W. I. Levy ami on or ithoul June IX, IH25. induced and unlawfully and maliciously cu-liced W. I. Levy In desert Mrs. Imogene Levy and leave her without means of support and thl go to. San Diego. California, auil other places with him, reluming finally to Ketehikau: and that Irene Laiiahau and W. I. Levy now continue In live unlawfully as man and wife where Hie defendant harbors and detains W. 1. Levy against lhe will of Hi:; plaiutilf and has wilfully de tiv aJ'r 1 j',.nai!!"''. ,V",H rf "'-'ifhed him; and Mrs. Imogen Levy further declares' that lir husband had become est range.! from her and that she has been 'deprived of the society, prolec ' '"it, ciimrort, happiness and iiciiefiis W. 1. Levy previous!; "jslemled to her, and that she has ii tiered distress of body, mind and estate to her damace in the amount or :tO,O00 and jiidgiiien' against Irene Lanalian in th.-sum of 930.(100 and lhe costs of tin- suit are demanded. lU'ltlrfi Cnlimilila LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply lo Pvrchatt Land. In Uiul liemrdiiiir lilnrut ur ITIdit Iuim rt. and Mluate on Hie Suulli Slmm or Cai.uin fj,e, fltt Island. I'rovlnce of THE1 DAILY NEWS Tuesday Fthra NEW FISH HOUSE IS TO BE BUILT Provincial Department of Public works About to Call for Tenders for Structure ; The provincial depart men t of public works is about lo call for 1 1 lenders for a two-slorey 10 by 30 foot warehouse which will In erected on lhe government dock alongside Hie biological sialiini. The building, which will be similar (o thai of lhe Alliu fisheries, will be used by the Macon Fisheries for i lit purpose of curing and packing fish and cannon; shrimps, COUTYCOURT IN MONTHLY SESSION Few New Cases on February List Before Judge Young One Naturalization Approved Cuunly Court was in regular monthly session yesterday before Judge f. McJl. Young. (ne new case, that of l'eter l.y vs. pole llroral, a daniuge action In which a claim or 1 77.- is involved, was set Tor hear iik on the afternoon ot l uhruary i - N . L. Fisher has the ease Tor the plainlirf' with Williams, Maiiiou A Uonzales for the de fendant. The following eaes from the previous mouth are to be heard In February,, with definite lnle yel lo bts fixed: I. sliiiuvillc vs. William Fraser, J?I IH.07. Williams. Man. son (ionzales for lhe plaintiff and I'alinore V Fulton fur the defendant. Spahlinss or Canada vs. Silas -Mnxwell, 80.7U. WiUon iV. Insl (Vancouver Tor lhe ulainliff and defendant In person. Spaldijigs of Canada vs. II. J. lUrlon. ni;i(, Wilson A lrol ror lhe plaintiff and defendant in person."j , A. Itrunlell s. W. L. Slewart. 9270, Williams. Munson A (ionzales ror the plaintiff and W. K. Fisher for lhe defendant. (ieorge A.,, llesl vs. Skeena Lumber (Vi. J.ld.. .1fir.J8. Pai-morc & Fulton tnr plalnlifr and W. K. Fisher for defendant, in piix-ess or scltlcment. One application ror naturalization, that or Herman Carl Win-(er, was approved. PATTULLO STRONG FOR PROTECTION OF FORESTS OF PROVINCE V.VNCOl Villi. Feb. Uritish ClllllllllllllS lit I il,,lllu(V TKK .NOTICE that William JoMI-b, i... .1 .. : , ', V irrrcrsoit i,r rnnre iukmti, b.c.. s-iniia ',,inlH""lf must be pruleotiMl. lli.n ijniiwrj inaii, inu-ml. i afply rnr and refiire.l.illini nnt.l I... ,. ' ' rl '"UII IIIUM tie etl- iwrn n to porrhase llie foil...lur do- itrrllml !!id I "lircil. Cen Ibnlluli siieli oiiniK-ru-liiK at a iust (ilanleil on the .,in i. , a-.ulh m ar lln- Iwad of CaMam' CUtall Linger expi'ndiluie of i.ove rill Ijlaml. Itainrc 4, Oml ULlrlrt. niOIlCV raiseil'bv t:iViiliiin rriiUme -------- of --. Hrlll.h Columbia; , tlieiirel iiiniiri ., ' linsiuoj l.ixaiioil, sain, aotitti Ittentv rhalns ; llienre west twriiiyl lloil uiii-. iin-iirr uoriu iweniv rnaiiH. more or less, to hlrti water mark; tlwnre eat-erly alonr Mrh water mark In point of nifimiriirriiifnt. and runtalnlnir forty acres, inore or !. jostrii jEnFnsof. Applicant Per W. J. Thomas AKent. ntii ncn.h mil ig?n LAND ACT. Notice of i. i. I'alltillo. .Minl-ler of Lands, speaking at the dinner or! lhe Hon lloo Club if. the Ambas-i sador Cafe. If was such an occasion as the lino Hons might have held years' ago when the lumbermen fraternal organization was in its Nolle of Intantlcn to Appy to Ltaae Land, rirsl prime. e bftmpie Was In llie Land Herordinx Dutrlrl or Pnnru ... , . , ' ' llnpert. and Ulnale on llw mhiIIi ahore orl lolloweil by datlClllg and Troill toneThSr 'M,,,eU ln"', gueen ch,r l'I.P inii.!f or the lumbermairs TAKE NOTICE that I, llury lloblinmnl Frnt. J Metl, 11.0.. iM-ruiiatlun Elsnj LAND ACT. rurer. Intend lo apply foe a iea of the rollowlhK dewrlhed lands: Notice of InUntlon la Apply to Lama O'liimenrlnif at a im.i vltualed at lhe Land, oiilliwei'l rorner of l.ol I5IS (T.L. - 55f ,: tliinre eact 10 chain; thence In ITInre liuis-rt Und llecordinr Ola north to r!uln. more or Icm, Hi hi Hi trlrt of Prime lluperi, and muaie on water mark: llienre soiilhweal II chalnr.i inirlh allure of Shannon liar. Uneen more or ie. rollowlntr lhe tilth water mark to point of roiiimeneement, and 'uMiinlnrf t acrei. more or leas. Mt;ett. B.C. i 'Wf.h at MEAT Prices Veal Steak, per lb. . . . 25o Veal Chops, per lb. . . . 25c Shoulder Veal, pen lb. '15o Slewing Veal, per lb. 12'o lloiiml Steak, - lbs. for 35c Kiiiuiit Steak, per lb I'ork Chops, per lb. . . Lamb Chops, per lb. . Leg of Lamb. p;r lb. . Shoulder Lamb, per Sausage, 2' lbs. for . lb. 25c 30o 35o 35c 30c 35c ONE DAY SPECIAL Swift's Premium Hacon, per lb 45o Taken by the side. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Charlotte Mlam.'a. B.C. TAkt; .NOTICE that Jamra Eleldlna Sirana- and lloheri C. (loe, of Vaiirouver, II. C wrupallon ramierymeii, luirnda to apply for a leave or lhe following de-M-rlhed forenhore at phamion Hay. Ouein Charlotte Inland: Coiniiieiieiiif at a mii planted on the hore of Shannon Hay about Mm feel In a aouiuweaieriy dlrertioii rrotn Winth-wft corner m' IM it, palil poil Iw-lna northeal corner of an application In pur- cnam by Jan. flelrtinif Strain-: thence i ixiuthwetlerly folli.ttlnr hlfrti waler mark or snannon Kay about 700 feel to a pout lC9 reel aoulli and 7T reel went of fouth-. we.l corner of I ni tlik- iin.n.i u.i !lf,5 feet to tho hldi water mark or an i iiaim lienor an application lo h ae by i floberl C. Unne: Ihenre norllierlv. ue.l erly and soiilliwculcrly follnwlnir 'lhe titsrlt naier mark or aald Kianil to a point tlliW feet roiilh and I It3 fret weat of aomh- wet corner isiki ilienie ueni 111 11 reel! thence north (o feel, more or lean; thence rati vo irei, more or leas, id me point or coniiiienceiiient, and conlalninf 8 acre, 0101 r ur lena. WORT. C. floE and JA8. HEI.DI0 STIlA!n, Per" Wm. ft. Mitchell naien novrmiier inin. urn LAND ACT. Intantlen to Apply Land. Applicant, I, A If fill to Laaaa . In the Prince luiperl IjiihI liecordltnr murici ami aUuate on Vhlleaand Mia nil near milium niand. Hiue Print it.M, ti. TAKE MOTICE that Joneph St'naon hoirera uf Prince lluperi. B.C., Seerelary. uiriini, in apniy roc a icaae 01 ine lol-lowlnr deacrihed land: Cohuiienrina; al a pout mi the ahnre on the Kat aide or Whlleaand Inland: thence 3.000 feet iinrthwrali theme 3,000 reel eaaii Ihenre S.Olin feet eoulh; thence a.uou reel went to the point of corn iiivnccliient. JOSEPH 8TIXSOX IIOOERS. DltuJ beuibvr ttU. tJSJ. She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad ifn. I. it. Parka, Connttnn, Ont., wriloa: "I hud heart anil nerv trouble, ami lrania o abort of breath I rouhl hardly do my dally houoework, ami mi o nrrvoua I could not think of ataying alone, aa every little aouucl I heard ftlt lika ahock to me. I Saw recommended, an I tried a hoi, and after taking th aecond one I am now feeling like a different woman." Thla preparation haa been on tho market for th pnat 32 rear and haa achieved a wonderful reputation for the relief of all heart and nerve tronblea. Tut on only by The T. illJburn Co., LiwltoJ, Toronto, OaU anthem," Alouetle, uitlil the toe of the affair al midnight brilliancy marked the proceedings. " OPEN BARGAINING FOR PROGRESSIVE AND LABOR SUPPORT Caiulldlls Ollawa Press ,Iery rciri-cspuiidcut M .New Oiitbiok. intnuliieiiig Ins weekl '.review or llic inilitieal situation says in pari: "There lni neti a good deal ot hysterical writing 1n some ol the political papers about what 's deserilMsl as an 'oray' of bargaining between the groups in lhe House or Commons. Xow there is no douhl whatever thai there has been mid it Is likelv jlo cunt tune to l n great dea !nf harvainiiig between lhe iwi old jtortie ainj (he iudeHMident !nU-s. (ir the fart there i. nt dispute. Hut it is quite auollio iuelion as to whellier it i 'necessary 'o gel hysterical uIhmiI il ant! talk or write as ir there ahd never been such a thing in the political lire of the dominion (before. The invocations Ihai .Uuv Imh carried on since par-Jliameiii began Ittive been, per- iiap. mitre njn and bImiv board or more Iiraion and tin-iili.inied. arcitrijfng lo one's point f view (ban they have been al oilier I Hikes. )l is at !eal an open iueiuui whether this lia not been an improvement rather I ban I be cunlrai v.'- RADIO ASSOCIATION FORMENN TORONTO Officers of Broadcasting Organization Elected at Meeting Yesterday ! TdllO.NTO, leb. I. AH radio stations in Canada were, represented here yesterday when (he Canadian Association of liroadeusters came formerly into existence. The organization having obtained a charter under the Cotiiiaiiicft Ad the necessary formalities were concluded at this meeting, following which lhe directors met and elected lhe rollowing officers: J. X. Culler. CKAC, .Montreal, president; Main Johnson, CrCA, Toronto, vice-president: A. Ii. McKwen, Canadian .National Hallways radio department, secretary treasurer; (i. M. Hell, CIIKC, Hrgina. and I'. S. Comb. CHXC, Toronto, directors. The purpose or lhe ansocia-lion is in further llie inleresl of the members In improve Hi standard or hroatleaslliiig. in promote the lnleres or lhe owners or receiviiitf sels ami lo spread by means nf. radio a wider knowledge or Canada, lis advantages and opportunities. FICKLE. " When llerberl Siencer wan p, this coiinlrv. a great dinner wa given him In Xcw York, at which .many signiricanl speeches were made, junl (he nmsi signiricanl ami eloijnenl or all was by Hpnrj Ward Jteecher. Arierward a pompous ami enormously conceited physician rnn up to lleecher with this exciainiilinii "lleecher you are Iho nian in lhe viirld," lo which! lleecher replied with biting sHr easm, 'M' dear doctor, vim Imvi for lhe nionienl, rorgollen yourself Longer dresses mil ravored In1 lloslon," says a news item. ltos.I Ion hnnhands would be Mill iMfind with longer wear ror short ilrcs-i I I ft 1.. in LADIES' HAND-BKS Suit Cases and Club-bags High grade Leather (Sotuls al big red week only. Hce our window display. A MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This ilcp.iiiiiienl ufftirtlv a ver , -iiju 1 iiinilcrn jirices. Free tiiiisulliiiion. 1 MAX HHLBRONER 527-020 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE 1 uniun 1 uiiLi a i ana u HOOT GIBSON "The Arizona Sweepstakes jj Tlir' l rro-- 1 1 1 1 1 1' ul ill. . narrtiw ei-.ipc. dr.iMi ieling jump- elbow lightning I'ke siii renni .1 the wild im--speed into u galloping. Ii.ur-rai-ing Itin-h I powercil art, nil -li.rv thai gie- llnul (iili.... verbal Ham h llidei- llieir iim-l i ilmg .,., spei liii iiliir riding. Ami wltal n weel In . till Hint race. Superb veerii ieeei. Si Hoot Glbion, Helen Lynch, Phllo McCuIloch, Emran King, George Ovey, Kate Price and other. COMEDY LARRY SEMON IN "KID SPEED." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10 Reduction SALE 50 . DISCOUNT mi .ill N nit 1 .ti, I S n' 33 and 1-3 DISCOUNT on IhuI. Siik I if . I.irgr me.. imii-ii lln-ter 25'. DISCOUNT oil Underwear. Kintled Smi., Sw ili-r-. 1.: llreMVit, rikirl. Hhiih d.iI.. Slu ker. ire'- 1 20 , DISCOUNT Oil Silk )rcr-. Silk Sr.ire.. Sill, j "DEMERS" Phone 27. p.o. dm m Steamship and Train Service t.i. pitiNcc rtupcftT iii te pninci kupcrt' ' vancouit1 VICTORIA, (IATTLC aiKl mleriiH iliate in ti rftlDAV at .m . fRINCI BUPfRT fi.t ITCWART ami ANOI, WIDNKlDAr, II It. PRINCC .'OHM fi.rlmilillj f..r VANCOUVIR la 0UIIN CMAAtOtTl lLAH0a, 1 eAtltNOtR TRAIN! LCAVC fRINCt RUflRT IWIRT .VONOAV, WCDNttOAV ami (ATUR0AV ai Mil r. r fRINCI OlOMt EDMONTON, WINNIPtO, all ...-n. la-teru i:anad, I u i AOINCV ALL OCEAN CTIAMIHIP LINES. Cll, Ticket Ofllct, t2i Thlri Ata,' Print Ryp.rL UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD- samnaa now print Huperl. 'Of VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, (ase 0,, an- Alari Tviai r VANCOUVER. VIOTORIA, Al.rt ae i,.on , ,turar. fee ANVOX. PORT IMPI0N and Naa Rltae Cnnrlaa, Thuratfa, M. Per PORT A:paon. aravnn 11 ir il. . ... Ill In4 Aaaai. 4. Pn.i,,, fnt Prim nv- TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Qr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Nig"1 phon 65' MS Gr. 23 Black 73S LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building neil door lo Frizzell lltilclier f)hu'. rr""' from tho Kmpress Motel Wo carry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL DOOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll proprietor