e Beautiful ired irellas, $5.00 l - nrriwd fmm i tin maker PECIAL All Wool Flannel Shirts m $1.95 each CME Importers Third Avenue 31 u .- fi' i' ailvnnce S)NYX Ladies' Shoes d 'er make. Ihe I v ii-'' ill'1 popular i i K ' ! I Willi illl'll lil lis ii1 "I point i n 1 the i ii--- lire nice pattern i The top come i I nrppn. Iniiwit anil T fi1 ai'p nSwul Same moIiI l:if year fur o tij Ktinw lurtv price v mi'iijiPii. in Bulger Ltd. Jeweller S fj, I'Vu'e right. lily Shoe Store ions 357. Third Avenue. Lilk and Wool I Balbriggan A t-rtr .f warm, knit - id Sink and Yool Fabric Itress''. ltlnic, Ilaib-Sint. Children s Car-1 - . ( Mine In rne, liiiwn ntauxo nnd )r n .T . te Ilcgiilar H'.on fill ne. SicriaJ, per yard $150 Phe West of England Store rhlrd Avenue Phone 753 E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Service Phone 686. f'pPti Tuesduy und Thursday JvenliiKS Saturdays 0 to 12 noon CONSOLIDATED EXPORTERS I rinLu l,VU. TODAY FOR ILLEGAL 8ALE OF LIQUOR. (continued from page 1) Unit lli- sale to Audahl lui.l not 'been made in good faith ami. therefore. Iip found I In- acrued j Willy, j I,. W. Palmore, proseeulio'i , 'counvel, nked Id ! heard on Ihe (mailer of a penally, lie read Ihe lart providing for a minitmim rin.i i.r it i twin n.i ..,..i..,,.. i - - . -f .,.-.' .11,. ,l. A I l .1 of tlilOli in ili.i ,.. .r r,..t "" I"'-1 ,.H,W.l11ir.,. . it.!, ...... ...!.. ..., .i i i inn nti" i ug ii ii'ii. Notorious Company "I uk I hat ynii submit I lie extreme penally of S,000,' uh-mitlcd Mr. Paliqore. "You liav I In' right In inquire into Hie record nf this company ami ascertain Hm rerun) Jul a a judge would iln in enrenring a eriui-inal. II mils! lie known to Your Worship Hint thi corporation itia been notnrbwi in the way it lia carried on Die smuggling of liquor into the United State. Ill hum been continually before I he hiiiIk in he I'niletl Slates, ii -hip have been seized, il offi-'i judirtcd ami even Mr. Ites- uei ha nol the right In enter the fulled Stale. The activities of Iln romp.iny have ma)e the fun- name i( Canada stench in Hie ear of the decent people i Hie I Mind Stale. In fuel. Do -iliiatioii liei-Hiue o tmil dial a i lie I nitN Slate. 1'mW theeir-i'uuilMHee. it i tuy C4in lent ion liul you would not le doing your duly if you did not iiiipe the vlretne penally." In meellnp Mr. Pal more eon 'eiire, jioiiiled oil I that this wa. Hie lirl offence reconliNl attain tj Ho eiMiipany and there wa n i-vHh'ive nf any oloer criiiiinal otTeiire in, ilaHada. Ilier wn no law, a far a Canada wa eoncernel. in prevent Ihe hip ping of liquor into the t'nitfltl Stale. It made no .litTereiHse Mint the Unileil Slate might or might nol have done a far a Ibi company wa conrocl. I: wa up to the Tniled Stntc an-l Hot to Canada to adininiler Ike law of Ihe Tniled Stale. Speaking of lite treaty referred lo by .Mr. Patmnre. Mr. tioniale declared IImiI te federal gov- irrnmenl did not attempt to ay iliai liquor could not lie cold I the I nileil State. All the federal goernmeTil had dnne wa 1 give! the 1'tiMiil Slate' acre lo the record. There wa no evblence before Uie rourl of a liad record a far m the Coii-oli.l.ilcd -parter Cnrponillon wa con cerned. The only evidence wa what might have been een in the newspaper. Tliere was nn evi dence bul ll'al Ibi wa the fir-t violation and, therefore, there wa no reason bul for the im position of a minimum fine. Not Influenced Palng the penally. Magi LAND ACT Nolle f lalMillM to aplr ta UlM Ltnt 1 In ltx Oaxrn Oirlnttf IUik1 Mtrirt. r,,l iiMNdYliur Itisirlfl nf Crinrr llnprrL and luul- ifli lt I'oreshore of Yetitlfii , lnv. Mrti niM'i. TUT. XOTICK llMI futTiKie II. Slropnn, I ,f mmH, JMi iiiln i-miimm-- nuurrr, ; liirriid l ly tut a J ut Itie ulluw-" lit rtnarrlluNi Until: - i r(UiinMnrliir al I Mxl pUnlfd on ttM turn tratrr mars ihhh o rnm .w Tiiaa Itw lirtln-l rurnri of Ixil 1610; ihvnn norm son fil Ki In' alr mart: llM'iire nirth'rlrrly loo lel mnr or Ir!.; Ihrnrr IBS fl lo llw IMirtn ri ciiriwr of K H. Slnlpn apj)ira Iliai In ie: tlw-nr olllllMlrrly rol l,.in i(m ttlsh yMrr mark m ttw poim iif nimiiK-nninriit, and mmaltilng lo arrra, more or !. KIIOENF. H. SIMPSON, Arpllcaat. Pur Fred. naan. Ato. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICt OP APPLICATION FOR BEEN NOTICE IS IIEBl.BV GIVEN ttiat OU tlw tud day . February iwU Hi iiiiderwfiMil lnli-nd lo apply W le i-iquor vomrui it.r.i r,.p m iipur in rpMwrt In pre iiiIiwk iM-ma iarl i.r Um Imildinr kmmii a , .r, i. i H..IM ' titualr at lite roini'r if' First Arinif and Elrlilh ijtrrrl, C.UV TiiitHturtiKniiiiuimninn ttmitrnwoi imimmHitiffimitifmts ;u.i " should be'separateiy' ac i n sit. suae to ac f$f$$l?A I JUDGMENT tw 'Hi is advertisement s nol puhliflied dixjiiayed ny Hie Liquor Control Hoard or by the Ooveitimenl nf llrilisli Columbia. treaiy wilt nilereil lliln Itel ween I TT- ll.e Inited Stale, ami Canada ,., C," , on er l uppre mgglin ami nijrh, r ,i.ht put down the e.B of liquor it.L. ... . , , .... , . . such a manner to the cilii.cn of...... ...... ;,.-.. ..... Ill II. tilling III fill MUM Hirr MIIT eae lliat wa itefnre Ihe court. "W'haf miglil have been done in oilier eounlrie lias nothing to d- Iwilti me and I would like In make ii clear to all that no oulide re- Defsnse Plea I....-,. i... i..i ..... n i.. h. wild the deriion now made. I: Ittwition a In ienHMy. Milton . ..... 5...... .... . . ij. ii. .1 in. tiai.il id ii.ii . i iit- i 'ihhii,-. nTn n T-i itr inr ijr- full Pennine in the case of fir: offence. Nether do 1 pmiMtsc lo impose the minimum in litis ea. 1 fine ihe accused 2,500." Court then adjourned until 2.34 ttii afternoon, after counsel had agreed to proceed with the sec ond selling charge which ii to be tried separately ami in wliiMi evidence of a similar nature to thai hi the firt case will lie of fereil anew hy Ihe crown. Me. Conaale otferenl to ftccejit tho evidence of the first eae for the second hut Mr. I'atnvore felt it would be advisable lo proceed epurately. Yesterday's Evidence The firi witness at Ihe afternoon esiii eiM yesterday wa V. i. Pyle who was re called by Mr. Pa I more. He said thai il had not been Usual for him to fill order a tbe fiher-nien seneraHy came ih lale in Ihe afternoon after he had left Ihe place. If Ihey came in the morning, however, he sometime a- isiel the warehouseman. An swering a quest km by Mr. Con rate. Mr. Pyle said he bail turn ed oer to the Liquor Hoard of ficer all Ihe book of Ihe com pany relating lo import ami export ttf liquor. Besrrer on Stand Olier Hesn-er. manager of the Consolidated Kxorl t.orKrjtion Lid- wa then called I.Ctbe stand, Jle iiwiufirineil Mr. Pyle's evhience n to the svstem of handllngfl'"'"! liquor at the establishments lif ferenl government rniiK' hispoctor had Uen aware Vif Vif the cutm ofl luniting onler under one invoiced which had been followed for Ibrei1 or four year. Tlie re- coed had always been placed on THE DAILY. NEWS " counted for. Cross Examination t'nder cross examination, Mr. Ilesner wan nkeii Jy Mr. Pal -more linw long 11 wan since he f Ilesner) had received legal ad vice from liim (Palmore, . Mr. Ili'xner replied four or five year ago. Mr. Keener slaied lhat lie did not know thai the presenf regulation had only lieen fram ed Iwo year aucf; since .vr. Manjon na neen laltorney general "jruve I ever ad- viei ym on 'any iibjeel" aKttJ Mr. Pat more. "No." answered Mr. lener Mr. PatinoriV aked Mr. lleswr if he belleed an American tniir- il could come off. .a boat here and buy liquor from him. Mr. Hener replied. filiate be believeil lir. ftmill nnivii'ffir.''Ylie luial jl-u 4 j" 'fjf -f-.tv rr' ; timlling out for ait American por. It wa brought mil in eidenre that Mr. Heftier had hailed Au-dahl nut of Mil nflcr he bad been arreed. Mr. ltener agreed thai the timu-hing in the Invnii-i and re- iiurn 10 tlie governmenl was i imilake nllbouglr.it did not ne-ti'eHrilv follow that Ihe intention wa thereby (ft decehe the grrv- rnment. , ' Selllnn In Town "When you make a sale to some one living In town, how woiibl jrou oovr it up in the record?" aked Mr. Patmore Tliere wa nme ohjection lo Ibi question both by Mr. lte.sner anY hi counsel but it wa finally answered by Mr. Itesner Matin? lhat he no longer ?otd liquor to lieople in tlie city, having discOn- Imiifd tiiat praclifte some two year ago. - li wnreuousemen were instructed not to e Hqtio.- lo peiqde in the city and he could wear that he know ( no sucl. ale in the U-l year. Mr. Hcs-ner admitted, however, that il would be easy to cover up illegal sale by bunching tlie individual transact ion in life report. Answering anolherHuelinn by Mr. Connate. Mr. ile4ner ahl he' would not permit sal, kimwiii that the iiq uor wnsi'il detinel for oulsMe Ibe province. I loth Constable Crant and ilarri'on were rillel in relnil tal and il developed ljal Uiey bad arlually ucewmjiantetl one ship men! from Hie warehouse lo th cho4iner Kanaga. J'lu. hipuient hail tallied with Ihe inviiie aul goernuient return but a curious lioint wa ilruwn oul in Uiul Ihe hipmenl had lieen et'ilt to the, iKial C.O.I, alter one Xe had already paid fr it at the -Mare-bouse jn Ihe presence of the detective. Mr. Pyle, again call' d in this connection, said lhat an error had been made In endin- it to Ihe boat C.O.I). This coni-plelfil Ihe evidence. Argument of Counsel Mr. Comales submitted that decision in the ease, could depend on only one point whether or nol the defendant in making IIk sale Ut Au.lalil bad ijcJed in good failli in selling for export. Il it was decided that Mr. Pyle had been deliberately attempting to ib-ceive then "I am licked before 1 elart,' Mr. Coiuales conceded If il wa decided lhat .Mr. Pyle bad acted in ?ood faith then there remained nolliing but tbe law. Mr. !oniale, llierefjire, akii the magistrate ttir .1 1 fndinr iia fact. , .IJecauiT American 'weitli ti -be( wr- liouse and were nhle to gel a bot tle, the impression had pnn abroad that there was protection "A far a we are concerned," tbe table for the inspector. YVil-'a'l -Mr. i.niuates. tin i a iei ne sid ttiat he wa nreenl a', case." lie asked lhat the issue the lime of Hie itarttcular sale to he not beclouded with Mr. Pal Audahl. II was ruMomary for mnreV charges of irregularities, hi finn lo ascertain that t.iei'1'he defence might have to admit cutomers were really, Amerieanbtunders in that conneclion but and to warn them thai the liquor if return had been made care- wa not to be consumed wi(hin the province. The ale bad been made in good failli. II wasl known that Audahl wa an Ainer-' ican and would be leaving on llu?! Ilesolute, an American boat. II was Ibe custom for the company. '.1 KiriHSSS ns"f TtwiTiMa send tho orders lo Ihe boat Man Ml. rrln-e Ktiperl land liralMrstlun lilArn-l. in Um" Provttirr or Brmm u.iuin-tla. fnr Hi ale of beer by Ibe ! r, by Hie open I.!!! for nuixnnpUoii on th ''"Titled"'!"! Firth day or January. IMS. ItoNAIJi aniwfw McLF.nn Mvnnv J. vvMn or.l(-ani , . . n,,m nlanted at Ihf went end oT Small Hay olie liimdrsd yard nam or mouth of limiied uream: wni-e aoulli five rhalnn: ibeiire fhHin: llienee norili lo fliore line; theiire liieneeiiieiil. ail ri.nlalnln seven tn tlirei-nirer aere. "'-. 1 BC FISIIIN0 K PVCkINO CO, LTD. Applleanl. Per M. M, En tilth. Stud Otcember TU. MM. a a precaution ami to fasililalo the deliveries. I Mr. Hesner said be ntwnys believed that il was permissible tii conduct the business in that way. Mr. Palmore, when he wns hi L"LD.5T lawyer, had told him so. .ii.. . i . . .ni (mm ta iidI t Lsaaa Land "Tlml In I mu riti n I inn I flimV" L,r"i,,l?T"ir.nmoripr.n'eu1 in". Mr. Palmore interjeclod. "1 wr.s Viir.rd t.av VKdeitiis Tiiiei. - never asked for my opinion on tut. jniTicK thai B.c Fishinr i fai'tf- that question in iny life and it Is luraraKrlCn use mining into court and ''Vwi I 5.-- saying such slulf a timl now. The defence placed ill cvidencu a lelter from Oeorge Miller, chief Liquor Hoard lionnl inspector, tnspecinr, dated ilaten iK'CCtlllier : Eczema Was So lad Could Hardly Sleep f Mra.( O. Jones, Kitaeoty, Alta writea: "I lad etrema on my left band, and my first fl tiger wu to rwoJ-lei, sura and itthy X ould hard aleep at night. 1 got a prescription from my doctor, bat it did mo no good, so I iaally beean to take 1 After I aad taken three bottles I wma eomptetely relieved of aiy eczema, and would adriae any one lutferisv from hj umM r tw wow w u b.b.c 2, U-T, poinllng out Mit'lirorthitapricemsnytuneaoTer." that in future more than one; T consignment should not bo il put Up only by Tho T. Uilboia Co, eluded in a single invoice bull liaiiud, Teroato, Oat J. PAGE FTV2 The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to mafe your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you in-jormation about a thousand and one things lhat are useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every mem- ber of the household who shares the responsibility for the family s welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisenuats in order to buy wisely lesslj-, it wa because Mr. Pyl.'! had bfi'ii n shown by Mr. Walsh, the government inspector. Then' il was only a technical violation; committed in good faith and one; thousand such irregularities would nol affect the case of sell.. ing. These irrcgularilie werej being drawn as a ret herring' across the trail by Mr. Pat more whereas, Mr. tlomale eontendetl. in nme inslances they only served to further establish th' good faith of Ihe defenilant company and its officials. There wa no justification for a conclusion pint any al tempt had', been made ln'lecetvej -Ttie'i 1 jipio r0. I toant had always been ttiven all Ihe information il required from t!i" company, ami it was always aware of what wa going on and the system lhat had been fol lowed. Ridicules Evidence After pointing out that il was unusual Jo first ask for a finding of fact in a police court case. Mr. Palmore. paid his respects 'o the evidence of Mr. Valh, Ihe inspector, who bad "outpilcd Pyle" and had gone so far as to say that ho bad told Mr. Pyle that be could even bunch shipments to various boats in the government returns. Could one believe the evidence of an ex-in speclor who hud so flouted tbe tawt Would not such a check as Mr. Walsh bud accepted offer "a liemiumi way to carry on bliiid-plgiting?" Mr. Palmore suhmiltesl that the magistrate would be justified in ilisbelieving every tlilntf -Mr. Walsh said. The riHNtrds went Ih show, Mr. Palmore argued, that a certain routine had been followed in ronnection with the making of sales and deliveries. Shipments had usually been given tu the .Hyde. Transfer for delivery but not so in this case. Mr. Palmore suggested that the taxi driven had been paid ?l the next day in this transaction to as to male H .' V i Canadian National Railways i Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANDU SHIPYARD Opraitlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engl near a, Machlnitta, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Foundars, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELD I NO. Our plant is equipped to handle all kiuds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 appear in conform to the usual routine. The fact that the tax. driver had been paid for a de- livery he did not inakt. that Hesner hud gone Ibe bail of Audahl, that Pyle and Walsh had contradicted each other and that Mr. Pyle had udmilled so many mistakes were not indicative of good faith. If the company had been acting in good failli it would never have sold a lo!lle over ll.e counter, as it admitted it did, bul would see that il was delivered lo the boat In the usual way. Mr. Palmore. submitted that liquor could nol be sold wilhln the pro vinec even If It wa for consumption outside and that a resident of the United States had no right to come into llrilisli Columbia nnd purchase liquor in this manner. . Court adjourned about 1:20, the magistrate announcing thai he. would i;ive bis decision tliU morning. CANADIAN Steam R LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Semloe, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, lo take your instructions, lo take personal cbargo of your Laundry and Dry ('.leaning,