PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternocn, nxcept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Manuring Editor. ' ;rAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery,, by mail or carrier, per month By to at) parts of the British Empire and the United 75 States, In advance, per year $5.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7,50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations, Monday, Nov. 28, 1927 THE NATURAL POUT An article in the Peace River Record speaks of Prince Rupert as the "natural port of the Peace River country" with an option port at Stewart. This is the opinion that prevails here. We are not asking for a diversion of business from some other point but simply that the business which is naturally ours shall come this way. We suggest that, no matter what is done to the P.G.E., the first railway extension to be built in British Columbia shall be that connecting the Peace River with the Canadian National, so that the farmers of the country shall get the. quickest possible relief. If the railway is built through British Columbia to Fort Fraser, as is suggested by many, it will open, up good land and good timber as well as give an opportunity to develop the rich mines of that part of the country. This is in addition to the development of the Peace River country which it is designed to serve. DISSENSIONS INDICATE WEAKNESS There have been many indications of disenion in the Conservative party, particularly at Victoria, where the late leader does not eeem to have been playing the game. While this i often denied and Conservatives often state that there is no dissension except that which originates in the minds of Liberals, there is no doubt but that it exists. Why should the Victoria Conservative organ continually urge unity if there were no cause for Buch advice. Conservatives who have visited Victoria of late say there would . have hwrt nn trn.1I.l0 if Dr Thlmia hnrl fh i-li'n.t r., Anta. - - - - mm v . w..a.. MM V I V . u 1 IllOL VSDIUIC UUkC tried-to secure a seat in the Legislature and take h"is rightful place as JeaderU They say the Bowser group object to the policy of directing from the outside. They claim that it is the larger salary of the Federal House which is attractive, and that It was only the assur- flrlPP thill thnro urai n rt-omiarBlim in mlU 4Yn irwi..,1 4UA V.- ...... J'l VIlitViBlHJ' Mil Dlftilt. fcllUfe IIIUUICU illC JUClMUCi iur-iiuoria 10 give up me iosuion oi conservative organizer lor tne ' Dominion and accept the provincial leadership. Todays report of Saturday's meeting indicates that the trouble has not yet ended. Liberals are still accused of causing trouble within the Conservative ranks. We suggest that if the party expects to win elections it must take the advice of Dr. Tolmie antfget rid of dissension in their own ranks. Victory can hardly come to a party divided against itself. BRITISH SETTLERS .(Edmonton Journal) . Mr. Forke's announcement to the provincial premiers that during the comjng year his department would give first attention to increasing, the flow of British settlers haa given great satisfaction. The decision is applauded by practically every newspaper that has commented upon it and the hope is expressed that no halfway measures will bV adopted. "irhas been suggested every now and then that British immigration has hot been more actively sought because of the opposition of Quebec. No evidence has been brought forward in support of this-vie.w and now one of the members of the government of that province is out with a statement that is absolutely to the contrary. The minister of colonization, Hon. J. E. Perrault, declared on his return from the Ottawa conference that "Quebec is well pleased with the decision taken and is strongly in favor of the majority of the immigrant to this country being of British stock." At the same time pd expressed his -gratification that an extensive campaign for ,the repetriation of Canadians who had gone to the United States . was in prospect. Along both these lines much more can be accomplished than . in the recent past. There is apparently no intention of overlooking opportunities of securing the right kind of new citizens elsewhere. JIr' rJlPiStated tnat every encouragement would be offered to the people M the Scandinavian and other northwestern countries of Europe to come to Canada, and the other fields cannot be neglected. But the first need undoubtedly is a more extended effort in the lirJtish Isles. Children are always eager for They never skimp the Quaker Oats breakfast .TThey love the flavour. It sustains them right through till noon. Wrapped, scaled, dustproof packages. 177 THE DAILY NEWS I LOVE STORY TOLD .?r ? , I A I w I a bd sr IN SPOOKY SCENES hi:kk MMIHlUt at thbatkc THEY'RE fWLMr-'' IU Ramanee llelarew -Baay WrtNa-Oamtiy Anna ). NUwi a ltd Kenneth lUr-I "buck Oat " laaallMlluital Maw. '. Ult AW. Uh M)lery t Anna vl UBLaWHusf '"ti duguiae u worn only In the Iirat -queoe. Xtanrth Harlan play- oppestte Mia Mtaaot. m "Easy Picking." and belaeeai them a very claarmlng love tory la d: veloprd But primarily tbe plot la of the tene mystery variety, "spooky" but -ll knit and logical It aa adapted by Lottta Stefan fracn the stage play and screen aaoty of the same tlti by William A. Bnrtaa and Paul Croaar. "MOTHER" IS SHOWING HERE ON TUESDAY nay ind Pr4 ITmi Ttiratre With rximrthlaf fa Think hnut vwr i iuMi naturally tun- ny anyhow. Orre htm aueh a role as Eddie, the letter carrier, and then let him wori out his own Idea, and be la riot. The interesting thing about him, though, la tbe fact that you always Hnd younteir laughing with and not at him. That la eseentially Cantor. No matter how funny he is. bt always enlist your s)mpathy for the character be portrays. From the very moment that yon flnt see him as the mls-flt mall clerk you cant help feeling i bit sorry for him while at the same time you can't help laughing at the situation and nre- dlcaments he geta into; and he gets into plenty. "Special Delivery' la a picture that you will want to see. It Is Cantor at hi best and If he follows through in his future pictures along the lines establish ed in this one the screen has found a new type ol comedy and a new type of comedian JOHN BARRYMORE AT WEEK-END HERE IN 'THE BELOVED ROGUE" With three screen appearances on Broadway. John Barrymore is on the way of establishing a record which other atari will find difficulty In duplicating. He has been setting a rather dizzv Date what with two successes already scored. Tbe new film, "The Beloved Rogue." is a costume drama . which coes back to the days of the swaggering, roysterlng vuion those days of the fifteenth cen tury -for Its story. And In all falmew this, plot Is not SO much. It Is nmrli staged, but It la a alow-moving affair carrying more incident than it does a compact yarn. It affords Barry mor with ontMrtu. nltle to run the scale of emotion from pathos to comedy and what not. The highbrows may take exception to such a screen metamorphosis as color the vagabond who would be king for a day ine star certainly cuta up capers but 4. at ml u. MffMW WTOWaWM. inn ui nr.: iyaaj jjjj3Er- u much- inrti mMuirzaanif- fix N.lo:. Ian, alter Ftar her Ua a Oe-trouaervd rjja tn 'Pecjoia" and U . j d) were clainortg tor an- c;.ir n-.t :.i !iieh her n j per beauty tmpcrar.i at leaU dlagli'if In X. Thut an. !; her beet :n strictly :eauiim- rcatumc boawar will not be .Kiuppulii'ed when they see "Easy Pick ing 5h ha an elaborate and pleas ingly aKorti wardrobe, and the male Turttlay BtH Boeu in ifiar.-Obnaiay "listao ja - -HMf rde triiK-Mii and Thwday Conter in llMataary.'' "Saty Carvea." rim Krita and t unity John Sawrymotc la- Tna Hague. CTMnjaqj rrtli for Two." i l ha doaant aatnict much tun from his rrolleaome monvnu He atitoaw that Hi buk : ( make-up and Uut ne ncadn't xh,. Irnim I run Mix and Patrbanka in r. -:-u::i .1 damael tn d.- 1 The pteture ni aaaM norl netting of UM toenafy beuag truly fan- taalac Anal true of It variety of rrmt It will pleane wort every type of eudlenrc Man in the Moon M mm - , , , a Vta u. aWo .4 CTTtj wM9 VI a cn aire -fui'r''ll UUV I U Its weary sei probtns worked f WOLVES are aM to be aanree la Al-jm ate aereen. Mr a bM at aceetaele ' hrt uu - mn n i . and get bMed more ar Jew by a trained ettefe anres'a clo thing t go aioawU remedy. J And every once tn ao often ome pra BAIX1ER8 are aald to bt not taw ductr aenaea tnat feetiBf a tht pari j piearUfnl at tnaiiinliiii I wtah tnay of the prabTIe and jrodueeai a real hit- 1 arete ner here aaan atary, eaaUy uoderataitdable and whorly taajteal. with clearlttne pwtom- NEW aotn are being taanwl in og-tnatlng and with toe aase of aendlng '. Tnat's n good Wnat I want I people train a theatre wrtl something; we more coin eomlaf In ay dnee- ,.. thick ki..v - v... .. - fcaon tu about, with a new angle on Jorr.e certain phates el. life real life. Sueb a prodncUon la "MMUr," alar- ring Bell Bennett, and to be aeen here ! Tuesday. "tnthr' 1 ana I il Im. V . tkLn I Nam' story of the Mine name skilfully nn ny Mat do more and artntlcaJly directed by J. Lao Met- i tnn f"r order. nan. who nac to ma credit the vlauall eatton for tha acretn of the famous Oene 8 tratton-Porter atoriea. lnelading Uddle." -Kteuet of tb Bees." and The Magic Garden." The atory uka a modern American family, constating of father, mother, son and daughter, and you are. In fancy. taaen ngnt Into their bietteW audi made acquainted with their family ae-i creta. Bella -Bennett in the title rotasur-jti pas-ie any previous effort of beta, even I that lu "Stella Dallas." and the cast lr iupport la faultless. RIOT OF COMEDY IS "SPECIAL DELIVERY" MOST Una cn be forgtren a nun If he doe not run for ofSet. - POOTBALL Is dOterant froai war. A IHE aiianeut aaan I the one who U nraraya poking fun at hi wife ualng fannat and then cannot dteaa for a party wttbatn aweaklnf aome of h4a wtfa'a. ' Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert NOVBMIIF.K IS, I91J. Prad Stork. Liberal candidate for this riding in the forthcoming federal eiee taon. addraued tee Tradea & Lahnr Oouncil last night, tbe Carpenter' HaH cetag rilled to capacity for the oo oaslen. 8. O. Maeeteseld. nresidenx of IB council whJeh ha anuhmarf saw. i:Wie Canfor. the N-rren Humorist, I Liberal candidate, was in the iJi-enllally Himself In This t'omrdy Uproarious comedy with a strong Ha- Tto Poner and Canadian Laundries vor of melodrama, blended with a touch lnnou' that, owing to Increaaea cost . . . . t1 ItVm, mnt ' .l i m . . . pauws ana a xeen sense or human nre auuaa psychology. These are the Ingredients : w nrcr to make general advanres that Eddie Cantor ha used In the ere. !,n charg'' elective December 1. tlon of "Special Delivery" bla second ttarrlng vehicle for Paramount which la to be shown here Wednesday and Tnuraday. W. Wilson. It. Shrubsall and George Abbott returned from the War by tbe Q.T.P. steamer thla morning. The 8t. In fuU sinarew s society will be e out om Funnier than the stage play wa. hlt'"""7. .T'xly ao ln" ecreen version of "Kid Boot." but fun-1 "" I tat romanr nnrl ttvrinM nt hmwi. aaiavuJH alinillU CONNECTION WITH - OLD COUNTRY SAILINGS The Canadian National Hallways have made arranyemenU to operate snalal trains with slfeping oars .through to ship's side at Montreal and Halifax. In connection with Old Country amn during November and December. Secure full Information regarding rates, reservation, passports, etc.. from City Ticket Offlc. 528 Third Avenue-. Phone 2&j. 218 : - - HOTEL .tnniv.i.s Prince' Itnpert C. R McMillan. E. W. Hard. Edward O. Brown and H. C. Dauglas. Vancouver; Joseph s Rogers, city; Duke Har-rt. Haeelton: James Donaldson. Ptort Esslngton: James H. Blake. Victoria. Central A. Iamb and Bert Johnson, city; Harry Anderson. Prince Ofrnvr- n Robertson. Bmltberat C. A. Smith. OJiJi.; E Hunter. Vancouver: Leo Weaver. Butedale. fnvoy A. (McKenrte, Harry Btouth. E. Cle ment. G Praiwr. J. If Smith an1 f Jfea&ache : i Pa tot Review ; and they Barns. oUy; Mr. and Mrs J. McKenle fart Edward; T. O McManamon. Telegraph Point; Oeorge Phllllpson. North aalfJc Cannery: H. Hauber. J. K Pyne and R. Braun. Kltlmaat. K. Oaatonguay, prominent Juneau mining man, was a paaseneer on tbe Princess Mary Saturday afternoon returning north following a business trip to Seattle and other point in the couth. (JOVEHN'MENT LIQUOIt ACT" N0T1CK OK A ri'M CATION TOK BEKR LICKNX'K NOTICE IS HEREBY rtivrv fh.t n the 3rd day of December next, 'the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premise being part of the building known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate at tl TMto nf Drlh.. D .. . . the Province of BrltUh Columbia." upon of Waterfront Block "I," Bay of Prinre Rurjert. r.ltv of Prinxa tnnt t... mf x.w a.uas-t , ( iUVIUl, ; I of Brlttoh ColumbU. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration DUtrlct. and being more particularly described aa follows: "Commenflnff at rwin ht.k n.. In a straight line of bearing north 69dei 28' 8" East a distance of 77 5n f.t. f, tbe centre of elrrl .hnm Plan 823. Section 7, thence south 6de " etui, a utaiaiicc OI lu xeet to a point, thence north 83deg. 24" 35" East a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north Bdef av 9V urf ------ ----- " " m uhhucc m 60 feet to a rjolnt. then nnum - ?' " West a dUtance of 100 feet to unu, ui commencement" for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on tbe premtsea. DATED this 4th day of Nevember, 127 , H. A. DODD. i2 . Applicant. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue nf a XrllTT.". of Title for thVMt Si, Lorirar viauic.. saia to contain 32c acres, more or less Satisfactory nrnnf nt k .. Certificate of TUlV togt I land baring been produced to m it , " ne ?onth trn the first ! publication hereof, a Provisional Certi. tlcat of Title to the above uS5 , xhl name of MADELINE MINTON Th otli-Ina) Certificate of Title U dated tK,, OtSeptember. 1913 "a'ndu nberea Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert 17th October 1927. 1 H P MacLEOD, Registrar of Title. OUTWEA at rm mtmm 1 any tire chains you ever had OILENT tire chains V ' TV T a bang on the fender ThotrVa fin, mo tTrn -aaaar - atrV 0 i. W J alba.. of Goodyear Rubber. A sensation! And no wonder! All the benefits tire chains ever gave PLUS the silence of rubber; the tire-protection of rubber; 'the grip of the All-Weather Tread design; long, long life out-wearing several sets of other chains; the convenience of being able to leave them on all the time. Goodyear Selected Dealers sell them to fit all tires. Made by the Makers of Goodyear Tires Canadian National an w Q7it: Largcft Railway Syflcm in Americn STEAMSHIP AMI. THA IV SERVICE Sailings from i'KIXCK 1UTKKT for VANCOl'VEU. VirtORIA, SETTI1 and intermediate points, ixb rKlliW. 9 00 a n; For STEWAUT and AXVOX, each WKIOEMllAY. 10 Q P "PfT VOIfTII anil UtM-Ttl ni'fl-V a a a. e t-r-ri' tail IVtm ... nun nvinii r.r..1 t ll.tllMII II .-.'" PASSENOER TKAINS ,KVE PKIXCE Kl'PEKT Each MOXDAV, WEIIXEftllAV and RATI RHAY at 11 30 i : flnOROE, EDMONTON, n i.NXIIT.O, all point Eastern C States. i CANADIAN. VPACIFICj v. Ve OinadUn National Exprtfe for Money rtlert Foreign Ch1 " rMi vA VIII flUrila. - CITV TICKET OFFICE. SZ8 Tllllin VE.. PRINCE Rt'PERT rtmnt Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, tfrangell, Juneau and skagway Novemlirr 1 "ff'"1 ber 17, 31. M n. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle November t, 16. J! and January 4. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, East Bella Bella. Ocean Falls, Naino, Alert Campbell River, anil Vancouver every ' natnrdaj. 11 ajn. . m- 41 mw all a a ... inffirmalloD mu oirain.nip Line.. u.a I w. v.. oitcilAltn. nenerar rtnt. s Corner of 4th Street and 3rd.Avenwe. lTlnce-Kupert.UX. r- UNDEIt NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home'' 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Co-4 Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room f Phone 51. L. Martin, ManaCtr